Free the FLDS Children - AKA The Freedom Liberty Defenders Society
Defending Due Process, Religious Liberty, Human Rights, Constitutional Rights, and Freedom for the FLDS Community and All Of Us!
June 1, 2010 – 12:36 pm
The members of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform have encountered the child welfare system in their professional capacities. Through NCCPR, we work to make that system better serve America’s most vulnerable children by trying to change policies concerning child abuse, foster care and family preservation.
To the child care industry in this Country and Canada, these are some mighty powerful fighting words. To even mention the word "Change" is a direct attack upon them. To them, it is obvious this group wants to rock the boat and disturb the cash flow. Like big tobacco, big oil and the industrial war machine, they have a pretty cozy thing going with the Fed’s and don’t want some snoop wrecking the gravy train.
As most thinking people know, and even some folks in the child "Care" business, Richard Wexler is to an honest child care system what Martin Luther Ling was to the Civil Rights movement. For CPS and CASA, that makes him as dangerous to them as Senator Nancy Schaefer. They know that he has access to the media, and that, even worse, he is respected and considered an authority on CPS, CASA, and the broken business of child "Protection" He not only exposes the myth’s, but he can do it in prime time.
Unlike folks like me who detest the harm and hurt that the business of CPS inflicts upon innocent children and families, Richard can tell his story without either puking in their faces or laying the Kings English all over them. On a personal level, if I could not vent my anger and hatred for the hurt they create for children and their parents in the name of the Allmighty dollar, I would be back in prison in a heartbeat.
Demonizing your enemy is the oldest trick in the book, and CPS is the master at it. If they want your kid to sell, you become a child molester. If you defend the parents, you yourself are a child molester. Naturally, to them, I’m a child molester since I admitted I kissed a retarded child in my care. (I wonder how many Special needs children these people have ever come into contact with? If they ever bother to visit a Special class or facility, they are going to be shocked at how many staff, by virtue of being kissed by a retarded child, are in truth really closet pedophiles.)
To this day they try to demonize me for being a convicted felon, but I don’t play their game. Like folks on their child abuse registry, the scarlet letter has become meaningless, trivial and irrelevant.They made it that way by putting 8 and 10 year olds on the registry for playing house or taking a picture of themselves (Naked bodies scare the living hell out of these folks). It reminds me of their homophobic counterparts in LE who have never forgiven themselves for their "Sins" when they were children. (Let it go boys, wanking didn’t make you a fag.)
With Richard now in their bullseye, they have embarked on a plan to demonize him. He opposes one of the largest child buying and selling businesses in the Country and it’s extremly well paid founder. Children’s Rights have become one of the most prolific baby sellers for CPS. This makes them the favored darling of the "Opposition" to CPS and CASA.
Officailly, Children’s Rights brings CPS to Court to "Force" them into changing the way they do business for the betterment of the child. Who’s kidding who? CPS and Children’s Rights are tighter than Liberace and his lawn boy, J. Edgar and Clyde, and Halliburton and the Pentagon.The latest is the Class Action Lawsuit that will do NOTHING to return children to their parents, even when no abuse or neglect is proven. CPS will offer token resitance, but that Lawsuit couldn’t be better for business for them and Children’s Rights, Inc. than if they wrote the complain themselves.
Since Richard recognizes this little bit of smoke and mirrors and realizes he’s looking at a sweetheart deal for everybody but the children and their parents, they have opened a brand new site and ghost written the "Complaint’s" against him.
This is the same thing done by the LDS against the Mormons, and the same done against us by Texas LE claiming to be just a bunch of good old boys trying to protect little girls. (Into their beds rather than some filthy Mormons).
Take a look at Richards site and you will see why he is under attack by CPS. Just as I do not advertise the LE kiddie porn site they have put out there, I don’t name or promote the oppositions site against Richard.
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
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Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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