Austin Ricardo Gamez-Knightly, formerly of Nashua, NH before his illegal kidnapping by Nashua, NH DCYF. Austin's father, Ricardo Gamez of Honduras, was never notified by the State of NH that his son was in state custody, even though ALL information was given to Nashua DCYF, which included his birthday, social security number and address. Austin's mother's caseworker told her ad's were placed in the Mexico newspaper's, not Honduras, even though they were well aware of his address.
Austin's mother was given paperwork from the Hillsborough County Probate Court, stating Austin's father's rights were being terminated. After reading over the paperwork, Austin's mother and myself noticed the year of birth on the paperwork for Austin's father was NOT the year of Austin's father's birthday. His father was born in 1969. The false father's birthday is in 1980 and lives in Nashua. We immediately told the caseworker they had the wrong man. Her response, "Oh well. No big deal. It doesn't matter." It certainly DOES matter and it IS a big deal. A fictitious man's rights were terminated to a child he never fathered. Austin's REAL father should have rights to his son. The Hillsborough County Probate Court Judge is right up there with DCYF when it comes to FRAUD. This isn't the first time the Judge has been made aware that father's whose rights are being terminated, are NOT the REAL father's, yet he still goes ahead and terminates the rights and then grants adoption of these children, ILLEGALLY! Therefore the adoption of Austin is ILLEGAL! His name change before he was adopted, was also ILLEGAL! Is there anything DCYF and this Judge do that IS legal, or is that all they know is to practice FRAUD!
Austin need's to come home and the fraudulent adoption need's to be reversed by the NH Supreme Court. If Austin can't be with his parent's, he belongs with his grandparent's. The people he loves most in this world. The NH Supreme Court need's to get it's act together and stop the fraud practiced in the NH Court's. They need to stop coetowing to DCYF and the AG.s office. Families are being destroyed instead of preserved and the NH Supreme Court is of NO help to the falsely accused. Children are being needlessly traumatized and fed psychiatric medication to stop them from fighting back. If DCYF had their way, they'd probably be drugging the parent's also to keep them from fighting this fraudulent system.
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