Isabella Brooke Knightly, formerly of Nashua, NH's father's right's were never terminated either. The caseworker in my daughter's case gave the court a fictitious mans name instead of Isabella's father's name. The only reason I can think of why DCYF would do anything so underhanded is because their too lazy and greedy to take the time to find the REAL father, which means they can terminate the mother's rights quicker.
If DCYF and the Court's made it a practice of actually reading the court-ordered medical files, they would have seen the caseworker gave the wrong name of Isabella's father.
When Isabella's mother was made aware that the wrong man's right's were terminated to a daughter he never fathered, she filed an affidavit with the Hillsborough County Probate Court. The Judge denied ever receiving the affidavit and granted the ILLEGAL adoption of Isabella just a few day's later. The affidavit was in an objection brief filed by the NH Attorney General's Office, to a brief I filed with the Supreme Court in this never ending fight for my granddaughter. If the Probate Judge never received the affidavit, then how did it get in an objection brief filed by the AG's office? More FRAUD! So in all actuality the adoption of Isabella is also an ILLEGAL adoption which should be reversed by the NH Supreme Court. Maybe when Hell freezes over!
Isabella's REAL father filed for custody and a paternity test twice. The same Probate Judge denied him his rights to his daughter. The same Judge who has been denying us our grandchildren all along.The one who keep's claiming we have no standing. Sorry Judge, We actually do have standing! He'd better start reading up on the Law.
Isabella belongs with her family. The family who made sure she was born healthy. The family who took care of her mother night and day, because her prenatal Doctor's didn't bother to treat her for any of the complications she suffered. Why did we even bother to take such good care of an unborn child only to have DCYF and the state of NH steal her and benefit from her Illegal removal and ILLEGAL adoption? Because we're family. Something DCYF and the NH Court's know nothing about!
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