By unhappygrammie-Dot Knightly
Another Father's Day is near
Another sad day
Another sad year
It's been three and a half years
Since they stole you from us
The fight we are fighting
Is an inevitable must
We always treated you like our own little boy
From the day you were born
You were alway's such a joy
The visits to the park
The outings at Canobie Lake
The big smile upon your face
Was happiness no-one could mistake
The fun we alway's had
And the grandparent's you called "your Mom and Dad"
The good times we spent together
Makes every new day sad
We know your as unhappy as we are
Will the pain ever go away?
When will the courts get it right
And bring you home to stay?
The fight goes on for your return
When will our Government ever learn?
Why should Grandparent's be treated so unfairly?
When DCYF knows we love you dearly
You begged and you pleaded
For your grandparents you so desperately needed
But DCYF didn't care
Your requests went unheeded
They've traumatized you
They've put you on drugs
They feel no compassion
These Government thugs
They slandered us with all their lies
And placed you with stranger's who hold you hostage for money
They'll never take our place
You'll always be our "Buddy"
DCYF's fraud will come to end
Soon there will be no-one to defend
Their illegal practices and the Judges they own
The sooner the better
And then you'll come home
We love you
We miss you
We think about you night and day
We worry about you
While your away
We won't give up
Until your home to stay!
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