:OFFICIAL COMPLAINT AGAINST Johnson County DCS, and numerous other individuals including Staff at Governor Mitch Daniels' Office, Judges, Prosecutors, Policy Directors, Regional Managers and all others listed below;
FCM Erin Henderson (Marion Co)
FCM Teddi Adams
FCM Joe Erickson
FCM (Stupidvisor) Gayle Green
Regional Director Laura Gentry
Receptionist Mike at DCS Office
Judge K. Mark LLoyd, Johnson County Circuit Court
Clerk of Johnson Co. Circuit Court, Maureen Bray
Attorney Carrie Miles
Attorney Elizabeth Gamboa
Attorney Michael T. Bohn
Attorney Dan Vandiver
Attorney Anne K. McGuinness
CASA/GAL Tammi Fearin-Hickman
Foster Monster Jodi (Marijo) Checkeye and her husband Gary and their Sons
Mental Health Counselling Agency Adult and Child, Amanda (Deffner) Stropes
Judge Cynthia Emkes, Johnson County Superior Court (Abuse Of Judicial Discretion/Power)
Johnson County Prosecutor's Office
Family Interventions Counsellor Jennifer Hammons
Governor Mitch Daniels and his office staff, Kristen Caine (sp),
Senior Policy Director For DCS Lawren MIlls, and her assistant Stephanie
Stephanie Gengrich, Governor Daniels' Office
Deputy Chief of Staff for Lt. Governor Skillman, Danielle Krissler (?)
Jamie McNichols, Constituent Services
Kim Koomler, Liaison for DCS/Governor Daniels' Office
Melissa Norman, DCS Executive Director
Angel Owens, Admin Assistant to James Payne
Anne Houseworth, DCS Executive Offices
Susan Hoppe, Ombudsman
LaVenia Haskett, Indiana State Personnel
Paula Wright, DCS Main office
Leslie Rogers-Dunn, CASA/GAL office
Katherine Dolan, CASA/GAL Office
We (as consumers) have a responsibility to name names, Judges, Attorneys, Prosecutors, CASA - these humans are performing a SERVICE for the STATE. They are paid by the STATE.
IF they are not performing their jobs for the clients they are paid to serve - i.e:
fairness, judgment, integrity, ethics, honesty, wisdom, free from prejudice and greed, or influences from outside interests and parties, ITIS OUR DUTY to expose them for investigation and correction, or termination. They must be responsive to those individuals/groups that they are paid (in good faith) to
represent; WHICH Is US.
Since they have been caught, using state resources for their own benefit - they must be outed. IT is our duty to our STATE and to each other.
For too long this country, as well as the State of Indiana, we have turned a blind eye and been Bamboozled by the Child Protection Agencies into believing that it is an agency that protects children from harm.
Thousands upon thousands of documented cases prove that time and time again, children suffer at the hands of despicably unfit foster parents, and when said abuse is reported to DCS or any other child protection agency, nothing is done. Furthermore, on numerous occasions when reporting known abuse, the children are left with their abusive parents, with horrific consequences. Very often children die in state custody, while DCS and every other child protection agency plays the role of innocence, as though ignoring policies, procedures and protocol is the order of the day, as it has been for more than 30 years.
The Indiana Department of Child services commits abuse on children when it needlessly and unnecessarily removes them from their parents on flimsy allegations and very often on personal bias against the parent. Not only is this unconstitutional, it is against Indiana Law, and the Department's own policies and procedures. But just TRY bringing this to the attention of ANY Senator, Congressman, or Governor, and you will be ignored, laughed at or even possibly thrown in jail for having the unmitigated gall to speak out against this child-abusing agency.
They then continue this emotional abuse of children by keeping them separated from their parents for extended periods of time, placing the children on numerous drugs due to the emotional issues they are suffering as a direct result of DCS treating parents like garbage!!
The Indiana Department of Child Services only focuses on the child, and ignores the parents. NO SERVICES ARE EVER Genuinely or legitimately put into place to assist families to be re-unified, to get Mom off crack or to get Dad clean and sober!! That would mean that they actually CARE ABOUT FAMILIES!! It is clearly obvious from abundant evidence THAT THEY DO NOT!! The ONLY thing DCS or any other child welfare agency cares about IS THE MONEY it receives from taking children from parents, PERIOD!!
My name is Sherri D and this is what happened;
The information above outlines alot of things that happened in the case of my son, T.F.D.
He was taken from his very loving mother who ended up in a mess for a minute, needed help and instead, became victimized by DCS. The Judge, K. Mark Lloyd automatically GRANTED their every motion, while court-appointed counsel stood there at the bench as though he had just woken up, and never discussed my case with me or ways i could effectively get my son returned to me. DCS played on this lack of knowledge TO THE SERIOUS DETRIMENT of the well-being of my son, while i was mercilessly thrown in jail by the foster mother who was also greedily seeking the $95./day she was receiving to keep a child away from a mother, during which time he suffered break down after break down, being put in mental hospitals for his serious emotional issues that DCS refused to attribute to the fact that were directly related to his forced separation from his mother and the intentional refusal of ALL PARTIES involved in this ABUSE OF PROCESS, at the expense of the well-being of a child!! The point is is that MY SON HAS RIGHTS, AND DCS doesn't seem to care that he has the RIGHT TO BE FREE From abuse and cruelty, which is EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS!! My son has the RIGHT to have a relationship with a mother who loves him very much,
DCS stupid visors, Judges, Attorneys, prosecutors, foster parents, CASA,
Mental health counselling places and all others listed above were committing
Violation of Indiana Law
Violation of Indiana parenting time guidelines
IGNORING DCS policies and procedures, with direct connection to Indiana
law that REQUIRES THEM to do certain things, that they intentionally DID
Instructing service providers to with hold services
Ineffective assistance of counsel, deliberate and intentional
Fraud ; Fraud upon the court by OFFICERS of the court;
Tampering with and withholding evidence;
Perjury, and suborning Perjury
FAilure to State a claim or PROVE a case existed in the first place!!
Intentional infliction of emotional distress upon a minor child;
Judicial misconduct
Official Misconduct by agency case wreckers and stupid visors;
Malicious Prosecution
Abuse of Process
Kangaroo Courts, with CAPTAIN KANGAROO, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, bozo the
clown; Daffy Duck and various other cartoon characters, along with a
plethora of other issues that could go on for DAYS!!
If you think this is the ranting of someone who is just upset over the fact that the agency took a child from his mother, THINK AGAIN!!
There exist ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NO Charges of child abuse or neglect against me, NOR am i strung out on drugs or alcohol or seeking revenge against the Department. What the purpose of this is is to EXPOSE THE FACT that i, along with countless other individuals are mercilessly victimized by this Department, with NO COMPASSION to the effect that this may be having on both mother and son, FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING BONUS MONIES AND FEDERAL GRANTS. "Best interest of the Child" is nothing more than a Marketing phrase, and one person had the insight to ask "if this is in the "Best interest" of the child, then why are there such large financial incentives?"
My Case plans ALWAYS called for reunification, but were intentionally fraught with services that required attending things that directly interfered with my ability to earn a living. I have since learned that this is par for the course. Reunification plans are SET UP TO FAIL!! This is nothing short of disgusting!!
I was NEVER GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY to participate in the creation of the 'Case Plan" because case wrecker Erin Henderson WOULD NOT EVEN TALK TO ME, and then repeatedly told me to "Call me if you have any quuestions"!! HOW IDIOTIC IS THIS STRATEGY, that has done nothing but inflict emotional abuse upon a minor child who was experincing TERRIBLE AND TREMENDOUS EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS as a direct result of not being able to have any kind of meaningful relationship with his LOVING AND FIT MOTHER????
This is called Parental alienation and IS A REAL FORM OF CHILD ABUSE!!
And then, they have the UNMITIGATED GALL To "Terminate" my parental rights?? THIS IS NOTHING SHORT OF DISGUSTING, Because a child has the RIGHT TO be FREE from this kind of emotional cruelty and MY SON is NO exception to this right!! :
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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Very interesting. I could have written this blog. We are getting the exact same treatment. Someone needs to wake up. These are our children. Same people are involved in my Case. Their mission is NOT, NOT, NOT to reunite the children with their family. They don't give a you not what about the needs, rights or wants of the children.
ReplyDeleteThe courts lied. I've tryed to get my life back . They granted me my day back in court. Then slammed the door in my face. No attorney. I never took a plea nor did I plead guilty. Carry Miles was a public defender. She did everything the prosecutors told her to do. The gave me a bogus lie detector test. The stopped half way threw gave me mountain due and cigarettes. Then screamed and spit in my face. I took another three years later in Florida. I passed it. He said the first test they were not saposed to stop at any time. It was all a trap. To screw the out of towner. The victim I'm my case stays with me every summer sense it all happened. I want my life back. Robert j Kanady. Thank you.
ReplyDelete...We are living this nightmare as well...reunification with parents is a joke...so many hoops to jump thru, classes & therapy to attend...you can't keep a job & of course keeping a job is required by the court! No Grandparent Rights in Indiana sucks...haven't seen my g-baby in 4 months!! Kokomo, In
ReplyDeleteSame county. Some of the same individuals involved. I am preparing a formal complaint to the American Civil Liberties Union. Would help a lot if other families would contact me to join the fight. We need to show a pattern of denial of Constitutional rights by these officials. Even my neighbor has been put though a similar scenario. There must be many more of us out there.
ReplyDeleteI just need to know why. What put you there in the first place? Your behavior? Or were you just picked for no reason? Something brought you to their attention. But I do agree the system is designed to fail those it is suppose to protect, and help.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter was in a pregnant woman's methadone program. The Counselor tried to take her under her wing. My daughter was the youngest mother to be in the program with many complications throughout her pregnancy. The Counselor told my daughter confidential info about the other women and expected her to do the same. When she wouldn't, she turned against my daughter and slandered our entire family, perjuring herself in Court, to DCYF and to the Hospital Social Worker. I fought back and have been fighting ever since. If you don't kiss their butt's, all bet's are off. I refuse to kiss ANYONE'S butt!
DeleteDcs..has put me through pure hell my daughter lost her kids but dcs refuses to give them to me funny thing is they have nothing against me they won't give me reasons why no criminal history no drug history I make plenty of money and my home is nice clean and safe they are about to adopt my grandbabies out to the paternal grandmother who wasn't in their life much before all this my husband and I practically raised these babies I've done every thing asked of me hired attorney and all I've been made fun of and treated like a pos ...how do these people live with themselves
ReplyDeleteI ask myself the same question every day. They kept my grandchildren from my husband and I also. No criminal history, nothing. They adopted them out to strangers.
ReplyDeleteWe are a growing group networking to gather groups, organizations, volunteers, advocates, activists and hopefully attorneys to help with this crime. We are gathering cases for review to bring to the attention of officials. I do live interviews with one of Senator Nancy Schaefer's friends and a longtime activist against this since 2000. Please come join us as a much larger group and growing. We have Guardian Angles with us and grow every day. We are trying to bring the small spots of groups and individuals all over the U.S. to one large group. I am doing case reviews and case building to bring them all repeatedly to DC and officials. We will continue to add to these cases and bring them. We are networking to find attorneys ready to get on board with helping in these cases. We will not stop until these cases have been investigated and resolved. I have a grandmother in the same situation as you on our team as well as a mother and grandfather. I also have an adult survivor of many foster homes and the abuse that came with it. Join our team with us to bring awareness to this as a much larger group across the nation. We have a case with Indiana as well. We are doing our searches on Indiana now and that is how I found you. Contact me at youforonechild@gmail.com so I can tell you more about our growth, goals and plans. Join us to be larger and louder. We have pages dedicated to the true stories of foster kids. Pages for true stories of families that are victims and resource pages to bring awareness. We also have a store that we recently set up for shopping thru our site at top merchants for top brands to bring funding to try to help the children abducted by CPS. I hope to hear from you. Grandma Jackie (fighting to get mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, siblings back together the way CPS was supposed to do!) Child and family first! Only 11% of children taken in 2015 were of physical or sexual abuse. 93% were subjective allegations! Whites are twice as popular as black and hispanic #3. I have facts and statistics. CPS has managed to increase the children they take by precisely 1% every year. How can they control this to 1% every year over something that is not controlled. You mean you can say that exactly 1% more children need taken every year? I also have a previous RN that was on the judge appointed foster review board and want to tell you of our hopes with this (which is new & big). Grammy - join us! Fight with us! Our team is serious about saving these children! We will stop at nothing to get this investigated!