The Abuse in Child Protective Services
There is an epidemic which is not viral or bacterial. That epidemic is known as Child Protective Services who legally kidnap and sell our children for profit.
Alice Samantha Thomason with her girls who have been stolen by Jackson County
PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 28, 2010 – There is an epidemic in our country one that is not airborne or viral. This epidemic is so rampant that it has affected even our elected officials.
The epidemic was created and signed by Jimmy Carter in 1976 under the Adoption and Safe Families Act and revised under Bill Clinton in 1996 when he added Title IV Funding.
This epidemic allowed Child Protective Services under the guise of “Best Interest of the Child” to legally kidnap and sell our children. Under Title IV-E Funding caseworkers are allowed to snatch children under “reasonable suspicion”. Once this happens and the child is placed with a foster care provider the county office makes money as much as $6,000.00. The foster care provider is paid a monthly check for the “care” of that child. However, it gets better, the foster care provider can earn more than the “monthly” check if the child has siblings or is considered “special needs”. A foster care provider can make as little as $2,000.00 per year and over $20,000.00 per year and all of this is non- taxable under Title IV-E Funding. If a child is considered special needs the foster care provider is paid additional monies for things they do for that child ie combing hair, dressing, giving medication, cooking for that child, birthday and Christmas gifts, driving that child to appointments. All this adds up in a month.
The wealth is spread around to the juvenile courts when a parent’s rights are terminated. They receive up to $6.000.00 per child for every child their tear away from the parents. The local CPS office also receives a bonus for every child that is taken from their parents under the termination of rights after their monthly goal is met. The caseworker earns a bonus for every child who is adopted out: ...
In Georgia alone in 2009 there were over one half million children stolen from their parents by Child Protective Services. The standard “charge” deprivation” which is listed in the Ga. criminal statutes as a felony under Ga. Criminal Code 16-5-70. However, they are not criminally charged, the reason, no evidence.
Child Protective Services operate under the guise of secrecy, threats and intimidation. They convince the parent they have no rights. This is in direct violation of the 1st,4th,6th,and 14th amendment rights under the Constitution of the United States. These parents are not allowed due process, not allowed access to any discovery and are not allowed to question their accuser or witnesses. They are not allowed to have their own witnesses in fact in most courts it is considered closed.
The 13th amendment is violated in that the children are used as cash cows for income for foster care provider and adoptive parents who also earn a monthly check for that child under Title IV-E Funding until that child is eighteen years old. The child is also covered under Medicare until they turn eighteen. When the adoptive family adopts a foster child they are allowed to claim up to $15,000.00 in adoption fees on that year’s taxes.
Once these children enter the system several things can and do happen. They are abused in foster care and or adoptive care. They are used as income and they more likely than not enter the criminal justice system as an adult. 95% of all kids in out of home care end up in prison.
We are losing our children to abuse, greed and corruption by Child Protective Services. No one is watching the watchers. No one is holding them accountable for their actions. As the economy spirals downward there will be more children stolen and sold for the revenue dollars they generate for the coffers of Child Protective Services and the courts. Governors, state representatives and other elected officials turn a blind eye to this abuse. They know it is happening but they refuse to fix it.
As I researched this abuse, the more corruption, greed and abuse I uncovered. The more horror stories of families torn apart and children killed and abused in foster care and adoptive homes came to light.
The more research I did the more I found collusion between the attorneys for Child Protective Services, juvenile courts and Child Protective Services especially in Jackson County, Georgia. They all three operate under the same manual. The caseworkers are taught in workshops how to force the parent to sign away their rights – how to falsify records, how to get around “reasonable efforts” to help reunify families.
All of these manuals and acts can be found on my site:
This is first in a series of articles I will be writing and posting.
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Yvonne Mason, Published Author Bounty Hunter and Motovational Speaker
Author of Stan's Story, A Touch of Love, Tangled Minds, Brilliant Insanity and soon to be released true crime Silent scream
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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