I received a very disturbing e-mail this morning from another Grandmother screwed over by the State of NH, who asked me to post her letter to my blog. Another grandmother not allowed to raise her grandson, because the State of NH is so greedy and inhumane. I find we have a lot in common when it comes to DCYF. I was told by Maggie Bishop that I chose my dying daughter over my grandson. My daughter who was arrested for something stupid she did AFTER DCYF stole her child. Maggie Bishop told me I should have left my daughter in jail to die. When I asked her if it were her child, is that what she would do, she said yes, thats exactly what she would do. Then she asked why my daughter isn't dead.
This grandmother was told she chose her daughter and unborn grandchild over her grandson, because she put up the money for a REAL Lawyer. This is one crude excuse for a human being. I doubt she even has any kids, as most of the worker's who try to tell parents how to raise their children, don't even have any of their own. Isn't it time DCYF came up with some new excuses? Since when is it a crime to try to help ALL your children and grandchildren? DCYF and the courts order psychological evaluations of parent's? Maybe is time DCYF worker's were ordered these evaluations before being placed in jobs that are SUPPOSED to "Preserve Families". When will OUR Government ever get it right? When will Families be allowed to raise their own families, without Government interference? Some children ARE abused and neglected. These are the children DCYF is supposed to be protecting, but their not. Their too busy raking in the money off of children stolen ILLEGALLY!
Here is the letter I received about another so-called DCYF protected child, ruined for life by DCYF:
Today is one of the saddest days of my life, today my daughter is surrendering her rights to her 9 year old son. DCYF has won!!!! They have beaten her down and punished her far beyond what any prison can do. It has been 2 years since she has seen or even spoken to her Son, would it have been to much to ask that she have one last chance to hug him and try to explain what is happening? My grandsons father is dead, so now he has no parents. DCYF believes placing him in a Poly amorous, dirty ( the foster parents believe personal hygiene is a choice). I can say with 100% certainty that 99% of the population would not want sit next to the foster father on a hot day. I have unfortunately. I also am not going to be able to be as much of an advocate for my grandson as DCYF is paying his foster father approx $10,000 to adopt him. My grandson receives Soc Sec of about $700.00 per month. do you think that $ is a motivating factor here, I do. Once the adoption is done then the foster father can go back to the life style he loves, having random people staying in his home, paying him, to pay his mortgage. No back ground checks, people he has met off the Internet. Is this an open invitation for a child molester to come and stay with them and have a ready victim? I think so. Shelley Randell ( Att. for DCYF), Amy Ousterhout (CPSW for DCYF) , Tom Hebert (CASA GAL), Judge Gordon of the Franklin Family court you should all be ashamed of your selves. I dare say if this were your grandchild you would not want this kind of placement for them. DCYF has trashed me for standing by my daughter and fighting for my grandson, Maggie Bishop told me that if I really loved my grandson I would have turned my back on my daughter and her unborn baby. This would have given them another blond, blue eyed, baby boy to sell. It sickens me that the people charged with protecting children are the most corrupt I have ever seen. I never knew how bad the system is, I wouldn't have believed in our country these things could happen. Yet now i know they happen all the time, the victim are just silent, scared little kids. Where is the outrage? what do I do next as a grandmother? Wait for my grandson to be the victim of the next monster to enter his life, sit back quietly and wait to try to pick up the pieces of a broken life? I'm at a loss. Lea VanTassel
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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