Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Open Message to Supervisor Tracy Gubbins Nashua, NH DCYF

I know you and your moles are quite interested in my grandparents blog and what I have to say. Therefore I know you will get my messages. You must realize by now that I will NEVER give up on my grandchildren, which I know you were the one that commandeered their illegal kidnappings and also commandeered their illegal adoption's. I'm sure you are aware that Austin's father's rights were NOT terminated and neither were Isabella's father's rights terminated. After all, you were the one in charge of terminating two fictitious mens rights! You are the one who caused Nashua DCYF to be put on the map of corrupt DCYF offices in this state.
I just thought you'd like to know I spoke to another of your former DCYF worker's. A person who admitted to me that Brenda was advocating for Austin to be placed with us. Where better could he be placed than with his grandparents who basically raised him from the day of his birth? Is money all that important to you than placing a child with the grandparents he loves more than anyone else? The grandparents he begged to be with and subsequently tried to hang himself, because you denied him the right to be with them?
I was also told that you were aware that I knew you were the person who made sure we didn't get custody of Austin. Do you feel ANY guilt at all as to the lies you wrote in our incomplete Home Study? Does it give you pleasure to count every dime you get from ALL the kidnapped children in Nashua? For all the children you have traumatized and brainwashed and put on psychiatric medication because these children fight back for their families they long to be with? Do the drugs make these children stop fighting back, so their easier to auction off? Since when is a Home Study done to show a family WHY a child can't be placed with them? We were told by the two caseworkers who met with us to do the Home Study not to worry, that Austin WOULD be placed with us. They knew Austin wanted to be with us as much as we wanted him. They knew we were the best placement option for Austin. When the Home Study was finally finished, (incomplete on the part of DCYF) ten months after it was started and we were finally given a copy and read all the lies, I knew you were the one that wrote them. Both caseworker's denied writing them. Why would they write them when they wanted Austin placed with us? You signed off. You thought you would be allowed at our meeting at the DCYF office when I specifically told Lorraine Bartlett you were NOT welcome to sit in. Well I got my way didn't I? I don't get along with liars. I consider them to be nothing but scum!
Then we were denied an Administrative Appeals Hearing. Only because the Administrative appeals unit is part of DHHS. How could anyone be treated fairly when all of you work together? The same goes for Judges and Lawyer's. They take care of their own.
Isn't it also illegal to change a child's name before he is adopted? Why did Lorraine Bartlett write this in an e-mail to the Administrative appeals unit? If the appeals unit wasn't tied in with DCYF, justice would have been served. The corruption within the Nashua office is just too big.
I hope your happy about all the trouble you've caused the Nashua office. I really thought Geraldo was going to put an end to your fraud. I believe he is a good person, but he needs to stand up to you. It's too bad your whole office has to suffer because of you! I told you I would never give up on my grandchildren. Thats a promise. Once you and your administrator are out of a job, hopefully DCYF will then be able to the job their supposed to do. To "Preserve Families." Not to rip them apart with fraud and slander! Have fun in the unemployment line!

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