Child Abuse and CPS Part II "You Have No Idea"75
By FrankiesGirl6Yr
Child Abuse and Child Protective Services Part I
Did you miss Part I? Click above.
DSS and Child Protective Services
Part II
DSS has taken their already damaged reputation to the next level. But this time it goes much high then DSS’s carless social workers, lack of intervention, and staled procedures. It has become an organized business that brings in millions a years at the cost of human lives. Before I get into that let me step back to the lower men and women in this organization that are all too willing to follow sick demands and request of their superiors. I want start by informing you on who some of these people are (case / social workers), that are in charge of such fragile lives are.
Take a Moment to Remember All of these Precious Children who Felt Forgotten In Life
Long List of Unqualified Caseworkers
To narrow down a long laundry list of misfit and unfit employees that work for CPS, I will recognize 1 out of our 50 states. Texas, why this state? It honestly was a random pick, maybe because I lived here at one time, but there is no one reason; I could provide a laundry list of names for almost all fifty states.
It was reported that at least 370 of Texas caseworkers have been convicted of felonies. To a few that have earned the acknowledgements:
Cordellia Jones – Drug possession
Richard Landon – Prostitution and Indecent Exposure
Romanus Ike – Indecent Exposure in a public park, including a prior
David Mendonza – (Supervisor) Assault with intent of bodily harm, Violating a restraining order.
Some of the case workers are abusers themselves:
Alvita Johnson, 50, A Nacogdoches, Texas CPS caseworker, was arrested for abusing three
foster children in her care. Charges against Johnson included; injury to a child
and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The children involved were ages
10, 12, and 15 at the time.
Most of the caseworkers have been employed with CPS for over a decade. Also, most were charged for their crime during their employment and are still employed by CPS today.
These People Make the Decisions
There is no reason to continue listing names; all hold serious felonies close to the nature of the ones listed. Please understand that these men and women are in charge of making decisions such as placement of children and the evaluation, as well as approval of foster families. They testify in court, decide who is being abused, who has their children taken, if the abuse is severe enough to remove a child from biological parents or foster care, they decide when to place a child back with the abusive family Quick Note: (Rarely does an incident of child abuse happen in isolation.) and they are the only ones that have direct contact with families and foster care in between court hearing. These are the only people children can rely on to interfere with their abuse.
Are You Really Aware of the Number of Children Dying in CPS Care?
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying all convicted felons are repeat offenders, only 70%. Obviously these caseworkers have made repeated mistakes and displayed poor judgment, their record proves this. So how is it that they are give full authority and rule over so many families and fragile children?
Is this why 1,000 children a year die in the care of Child Protective Services?
When I say under the care this means;
· Placed back with their bio. parents, but are still under the care of CPS.
· Placed in foster care or a group home.
· Placed with unfit family members.
I am going to concentrate on foster care, due to there are 6X more children that die in this placement, than any other. When I say under the care of CPS, I mean the caseworkers decision to place a child back or into harm’s way.
Most of these children were taken out of a bad situation by CPS and placed in a worse environment where they were sentences to death. The leading cause of death in these situations are through physical abuse and neglect. To put this issue bluntly and bring the realization of the severity,
In 1 year, 1,000 American Children (almost all healthy upon arriving in CPS care) were either;
· Strangled by hands and belts
· Suffocated by plastic bags and pillows
· Drowned in urine and tub water
· Burned
· Kicked with steal toe boots
· Punched
· Beaton with objects; broom sticks, leather belts, cast iron pans, brass knuckles
· Starved
· Locked in a small closet for weeks
· Dehydration
About Each Story Below and CPS
There are 4 video's below. They take the flashing faces from above and put a story with them. If you are easily disturbed, I would limit the view to only 1 video, if any at all.Although these videos are not visualy graphic, they summarize the short lives of these children and what they had to endure. The abuse was all committed by biological parents or step-parents. It is almost never publisised if a child dies in foster care, expecially if there are no concerned biological parents.
CPS went to baby Peter's House 30x and never took him. Baby Kelsey was still under protection of CPS although living with her mother. Little Sarah's father asked if she could stay with him for a little while, he wouldn't bring her back and CPS saw no reason for her to be removed. Baby Riley, although she had disapered and CPS was called by neighbors, they never responded.
Baby Kelsey's Story.....*Warning* these are True Stories and my be considered to graphic and shocking for some...
Baby Riley's Story........*Warning* this is a True Story and my be considered to graphic and shocking for some...
Summer Phelps Story....*Warning* this is a True Story and my be considered to graphic and shocking for some...
Baby Peters Story.............*Warning* this is a True Story and my be considered to graphic and shocking for some...
Their Autopsy's Reveal the Worst
Autopsy’s of some of these children
· Revealed their teeth in their abdomen
· Fractured skulls
· Spine split in two
· Several broken ribs
· 102 prior and current broken bones
· Children with cigarette burns, looking to be used as ash trays.
The reports go on and on to the point a sane mind can barely handle it. Please understand that 1,000 children have been reported. It does not include the other large numbers of children that have turned up missing under the care of Child Protective Services.
More Stats.
· A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds.
· Almost five children die every day as a result of child abuse. More than three out of four are under the age of 4.
It is estimated that between 60-85% of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded as such on death certificates.
90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way; 68% are abused by family members.
Learn about child abuse. Educate yourself by taking the Myths and Realities About Child Abuse Quiz
So why aren’t any of these social workers penalized for the deaths of these children due to there decision?
How is it that most Americans are unaware of thousands of missing and dying children in CPS care?
Why are laws that are capable of resolving this problem being shot down?
Why are there thousands of capable non-abusive parents having their children taken away and placed in danger?
Be continued in part III
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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The US Gov has sunk to killing off our American children. When is Obama going to have it all stop? Parents need to Unite and save our children. I think it has gone on the way it has been for so long that even the gov and Obama can't get a grip on how to stop the monster that was let out in the first place. They may need the help of United American Parents.