Dear Judge Kelly, I decided to write to you after reading a letter you wrote back to Paula Werme in response to her letter, written to you in regards to an excerpt taken out of the NH DCYF Court and Legal Handbook.
Paula's letter and your response:
September 8, 1999
The Honorable Edwin Kelly
Administrative Office of the Courts
PO Box 389
Concord, NH 03302-0389
Re: RSA 91-A Right to Know Request
Dear Judge Kelly,
I am enclosing for your review a copy of my web page, which quotes DCYF Policy Directive 86-26, and a copy of Rogers Lang's answer to my 1987 Right to Know regarding that policy.
Specifically, I would like to refer you to the last two paragraphs quoted from pp. 9 - 10 of the Court and legal handbook (copies of the actual handbook included for reference). Regarding DCYF's policies on district offices of meeting with judges "to become familiar with each other" and meetings "to discuss mutual concerns or resolve any problems which may arise," please answer the following questions:
Have you personally ever met with people from DCYF privately outside the courtroom for any reason, or to "to discuss mutual concerns or resolve any problems which may arise?"
If the answer to the above question is "yes," please, to the best of your ability, and using any calendars that the Court keeps for your business schedule, list the dates and times of said meetings, the names of the people involved in such meetings, and the subject matter discussed in such meetings.
Have you ever attended a meeting with than one judge (i.e. "as a group") with any DCYF personnel for purposes of advising judges on changes in the law that affect the Division, for statistical review of the Division's manpower and caseload, to discuss various differences between the courts, for purposes of standardizing those differences or to discuss any other issues?
If so, please to the best of your ability, and using any calendars that the Court keeps for your business schedule, list the dates and times of said meetings, the names of the people involved in such meetings, and the subject matter discussed in such meetings.
Do you know of any other judges in the District courts who have had individual meetings with DCYF personnel or supervisors "to discuss mutual concerns" or meetings "as a group" for purposes listed in question #3?
If the answer to question # 3 is "yes," please indicate all of the judges you personally know of who have had these types of meetings with DCYF personnel, the dates of such meetings, the names of the people who attended such meetings, and to the best of your ability and knowledge, the substance of said meetings.
For any meetings previously requested, if an itinerary or notes or minutes of said meetings were kept, please forward those itineraries or notes or minutes to me as well.
I thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Paula J. Werme, Esq.
Cc: File
Ned Gordon, Chair Person
DCYF Field Practices Study Committee
NH Senate Judiciary Committee
I numbered the requests above because that makes it harder for a request to be missed. Nevertheless, the reply I received completely ignores most of the above:
September 16, 1999
Dear Attorney Werme,
I have received your letter dated September 8, 1999.
It is our general policy in the District Court System to encourage judges and clerks to meet regularly with a wide variety of users of the judicial system. Meetings occur with representatives of the Division for Children, Youth, and Families, as well as with the law enforcement community, the defense and civil bar, and others. These meetings are designed to encourage the more effective administration of justice. Topics such as caseflow management and other general administrative issues are routine, while discussions about pending matters are forbidden.
Very truly yours,
Edwin W. Kelly
Administrative Judge
Even though you answered Paula's letter in a round about way, your answer showed that the courts are indeed bias. Judges meet with representatives of DCYF as well as with law enforcement the defense, civil bar and other's. I am quite sure the OTHER's are not parents and relatives of children removed by DCYF. Do you really expect anyone to believe this protocol is fair to parents and relatives? DCYF worker's have stated to me in the past, the Judges only listen to them. Is this because you meet with them on a regular basis? Because you and DCYF discuss these cases beforehand? Are you all that sure that you can trust these people? What about these families that you know nothing about? Why do the Judges only listen to them? Why do parents not even get the chance to speak up in court when they are being downgraded by DCYF? Why are they subjected to a courtroom filled with hateful accuser's,with accusations being thrown at them from every side, with no-one there for moral support? Why are they given court-appointed Lawyer's, who admit the Court is their boss, when the Lawyer is asked why he wouldn't stand by or fight for his client? Does this sound like a fair justice system to you? How would this kind of courtroom antics make you feel if you weren't a Judge? If you had to sit and listen to a courtroom filled with people berating you, with no-one to stand by you to stick up for your rights, with no-one there to tell the TRUTH? Would you stand by and put up with the lies? How would you feel if your child was taken due to Perjury committed by a DCYF Lawyer, without the need to show any proof of the false allegation? Would you care if your family were slandered to make sure they weren't allowed custody of your child? How would you feel if all your records were not received by the court? Records that weren't even court-ordered that prove your innocence? Records that finally turn up, but are still NOT admitted into evidence? Would it matter to you at all if you saw all the lies in your files after your child was stolen, without an investigation? What would you do if this happened to you?
For your information, DCYF does not walk on water and they are no better than the rest of us. In fact, they are worse. They have NO conscience and feel NO compassion or remorse. All they feel is a sense of power, because our government has made them accountable to no-one. Not even Judges. Are you aware that parents are told it's up to them if their child is returned, not the Judge? Are you aware that parent's are told the Judge has no say? That parent's are told their rights WILL be terminated, even at the beginning of a case? That criminal charges are dropped, when the parent has been found to not be at fault, yet the children are still never returned, because the family system shows less regard for the law than the rights afforded a criminal. Criminals have more rights than accused parents.
Are you aware that Nashua caseworker's state TPR's are always lost by parents in NH? Are you also aware that these caseworker's state TPR's are never reversed by the NH Supreme Court? Are you aware that Probate Judges write the opposite of testimony and proof when terminating a parents rights in NH?
Is money all that important? Is it worth causing a child and his falsely accused family, a lifetime full of pain? Is it a good enough reason to make a child try to commit suicide and be put on mind altering drugs?
Judge Kelly, you have the power to change the way DCYF works. You know first hand what they are capable of. Will you ever do anything to stop it?
Please see attached picture of my grandson Austin Knightly-doped up by Nashua DCYF.
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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Don't let cold hard cash be your God. Try to remember children belong with their parents for a reason. Do unto others as you would have done unto you is how the saying goes.
ReplyDeleteThe state of NH. Has destroyed my life,and has greatly added to the destruction of my son. Casey family services were in conspiracy with the state sponcerd kidnappings of my 2 children. They alienated our affections,now at age 29 my son christopher Worrell has stalked me down to where I live now in AZ and he has beaten me up he was arrested and convicted. He has robbed a prostitute in Indiana,he has severely harassed a woman in Massachusetts and convicted. He has abused his daughters mother,Alex Rose in Indiana, and he has dropped his young daughter on her head and she fears him. Although dcf was aware that termination of our rights would greatly harm my son,they did it anyway. My son now hates and abuses any woman in his path,here in AZ while my son was living in moutian view Rv park my son had a woman in so much fear of a rape apon her she was frightened to leave her camper,and sought the managers help.another woman at the rv park moved in fear of my son. I am in fear for my life from a monster who came to get me. And will not leave,I rarely can sleep at night wondering when he will slip into my home and kill me......the state of NH destroyed our lives. And I'm am in fear of my life....Lesley Worrell
ReplyDeleteThey don't care who they harm. So many of our children are so traumatized, they can't grow up to be normal human beings.
DeleteI would like to follow up with the adults my children were forsed to become through terrile upraising through the DCF sate sponcerd kidnapping of my children Christopher worrell, Ashley worrell, ,AND THREW JUDGE KELLY (Nashua NH court)Not only has my 28 year old now son Christopher become a abusive to women and who in fact has several criminal convictions of abuse to women,including a conviction for beating his mother up,Ashley Worrell in 2017 has lost her children,Ashley is now living homeless in Manchester NH,Ashley. She has become a mean,cold woman who has no compassion or kindness to anyone in life,and I find that very sad,I wanted to become her friend in life,however Ashley is not capable of good relationships (nor does Ashley have any good relationships ) So in life 3 people's life has basically become destroyed lives. A son who is a monster,A daughter who is without her children,homeless, and promiscuous.And a Mother who has been put through the equivalent of the death penalty if this were to be a criminal conviction upon my life
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry. They have ruined way too many families. They should be the ones being charged with child abuse!
ReplyDeleteThey should be sued the same way anyone can sue if a doctor or a hospital made a terrible decision destroying a person's life. The state is immune from destroying people's lives forever I am still in horrible pain seeing the way my children have become raised by the state I'm seeing the kind of adults they have become in life. I feel the state has committed a horrendous crime in which I have no Legal recourse in which the state of New Hampshire has caused me immense pain and suffering I will never recover from
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ReplyDeletePeter Lindblad,A Honerably discharged Marine, who was Ashley worrells biological Father fought so hard for so many years to get custody of his daughter and his step son Christopher Worrell has Passed away in 2013 with the knowledge that his daughter and son were horribly destroyed as human beings. Ashley Worrell even grew up to steal (Rob)her own father,Peter. When I asked Peter why he even bothered any kind of a relationship with someone who disrespected him as much as Ashley had on several occasions Peter answered me simply in saying that he didn't blame his daughters criminal acts apon him. Peter said he knew the state of NH raised her to become a lier,and a thief,Peter held no hatrid and made sure his biological grandchildren had nice Christmas gifts every year until his death.Peter was a decent,kind man who loved both Ashley,and Christopher very much. Peter put his life on the line for his Country, and his Country rewarded Peter by denying him of his own children, whom he had never been accused of abuse or neglect to either one of them. Peter Lindblad was a man of Honor,Peter had no felonies and always respected the Law. Peter also worked hard every day of his life to put food on the table,and Peter never took a hand out for help with food,clothing or rent. Peter had Pride and Peter would have been a Wonderful father to his own children in life.However instead the State of NH felt they had the right to Play God, But in all honesty the state only Played the Devil.I miss Peter so much. Peter was the most Honest,Decent,Caring Man I have ever met in my life,the State of NH had no right at all Slandering Peters Competency as a Parent.It was the State of NH who was the Unfit Parent. My children would have grown up to be caring,and kind,and they would have been given good work Ethics in life by their father, Certainly in anyone's doubt to that fact will have to admit that No body certainly could have done a worse job than the State to what these children have become as Adults. God Bless you Peter, I'm so sorry for the way you were treated as a human being by NH.