Friday, May 14, 2010
formaldehyde from aspartame causes fetal alcohol syndrome, autism, multiple sclerosis, lupus: WC Monte [reposted]
first posted, Wednesday, December 26, 2007
formaldehyde from aspartame causes fetal alcohol syndrome, autism, multiple sclerosis, lupus, teen suicide: WC Monte
role of formaldehyde, made by body from methanol from foods and
aspartame, in steep increases in fetal alcohol syndrome, autism,
multiple sclerosis, lupus, teen suicide, breast cancer, Nutrition Prof.
Woodrow C. Monte, retired, Arizona State U., two reviews, 190 references
supplied, Fitness Life, New Zealand 2007 Nov, Dec: Murray 2007.12.26
Wednesday, December 26 2007
posted again,
Friday, May 14, 2010
[ Rich Murray comments: Woody Monte sent me the URLs to these wonderful
reviews on Christmas Eve -- a wonderful present for this medical layman,
who has similarly reviewed many areas of mainstream medical research
since January, 1999 as a volunteer information activist on the Net for
quality, civil, balanced, detailed research on aspartame toxicity and
related issues.
His opus makes the essential, central point that aspartame toxicity
research intimately involves methanol, formaldehyde, and formic acid, as
well as co-factors like alcohol and folic acid that can mitigate the
toxicity of methanol.
Striking evidence is given to support bold claims that methanol is a
major cause of fetal alcohol syndrome, autism, multiple sclerosis,
lupus, teen suicide, and breast cancer.
It is easy to suggest: obesity, diabetes, depression, seizures,
Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, infertility,
impaired pregnancies, birth defects, ADHD, accidents, and violent crimes.
Indeed, we have here "Right To Life" issues comparable to the millions
of deaths worldwide from war, murder, suicide, modern urban diet,
vehicle accidents, air and water pollution, tobacco, alcohol, sugar,
salt, toxic metals, fluoride, and a variety of illegal addictive drugs, including heroin, cocaine, and meth. There is much to be done, and quickly.
Despite the urgency and huge scale of these problems, the toxicity of
methanol and its products in humans is a remarkably undeveloped field of
research and therapeutic practice.
So far, most evidence is available mainly from alcohol hangover studies,
and it may still be true that these teams are largely unaware that
aspartame is an ubiquitous, potent methanol source that impinges all
medical research and practice.
Woodrow C. Monte has set a powerful precedent for effective, efficient
scientific communication in today's Internet age, by putting full texts
of over 190 references on the Net at no cost, expediting the process of
assessing his interpretations and quickly developing a working paradigm
among competent researchers, not controlled by various vested interests,
for the necessary immediate next steps in focused research, as well as
raising an urgently needed warning alert that reaches all levels of world society.
Following the lead of all the major supermarket chains in the United Kingdom, producers, distributors, advertisers, media, medicine, education, service organizaions, governments at all levels, and corporate users should act immediately to protect the public, including their own staff and clients.
I welcome civil comments, feedback, and papers, based on reason and
evidence, to, while of course the increasing
network of concerned, competent citizens will doubtless form many such
networks of frank, rapid collaboration, both privately and publicly.
In recent years, without editing the text, I change the format to single lines with single spaces, in order to improve the readability of dense scientific prose, as with electronic media there is no need to conserve paper costs. Changing the format to plain text allows texts to be easily searched and combined on any computer in the world. ]
While applauding the caution suggested by the Listener article on the
dangers of Aspartame, I am disappointed that it did not more fully
explain the biochemical processes by which Aspartame causes harm.
The dangerous “poison” produced by consumption of this sweetener is wood
alcohol (methanol)(1).
Methanol is a poison that cannot legally be added to food in any
civilized country in the world.
All of John’s and Abby Cormack’s symptoms were the classic symptoms of
chronic methanol poisoning...all.(12,13)
Unlike the species of lab animals employed in most studies of Aspartame
safety, humans lack enzymes which prevent methanol from metabolizing
into formaldehyde.
Consequently, when consumed by human beings, methanol enters the body’s
cells and is converted to formaldehyde (7).
This extremely dangerous chemical has been relegated to the highest
level of cancer causing agent, Group I, by the IARC the International
Agency for Research on Cancer. Lyon. France.(11)
The NZFSA is seriously challenged by the methanol issue.
Using the industry’s standard response, they indicate that some methanol
is consumed as a part of our normal diets so what harm a little more?(19)
They also cite unusually high levels of methanol in black currant and
tomato juice to support the premise that methanol is not an uncommon
component in our diets (1).
However, when asked about the amount of methanol consumed in the typical
Kiwi diet, sans Aspartame, they offer no reply.
In the absence of unbiased baseline data on consumption, how can the
NZFPA reach an informed decision or propose reasoned policy?
The rate of consumption of a poison in a large population cannot be
increased without consequence.
The toxicological concept of LD01 refers to the amount of a poison that,
when fed acutely to a population, will kill on average, one percent of
that population.
The level that causes symptoms is always much lower than the LD01.
Is the NZFPA aware that the LD01 is not known for methanol in humans nor
can it be extrapolated from animal testing since there are no animals
that are as sensitive to methanol as humans?
Aspartame is not safe enough to mandate its consumption in Schools.
Woodrow C. Monte Ph.D. plain text
Review 1 - Published November 2007
Monte WC. 2007, Is your Diet Sweetener killing you?
Fitness Life Nov. 33: 31-33
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Abby Cormack is a young lady from Wellington who recently made headlines
because of serious adverse reactions her physician attributed to her use
of the artificial sweetener aspartame.
She sent me an email to ask for help.
I was happy to assist since I have seen hundreds of similar complaints (1).
Aspartame contains methanol(14, 48, 5). [ 50?]
Methanol is a dangerous poison that, over time, is known to remove the
insulation from nerve axons(18, 53), producing symptoms identical to
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)(2).
In fact, in the German scientific literature, Swiss physician, Dr Hugo
Henzi, argued eloquently, that naturally occurring methanol was the
cause of Multiple Sclerosis(5, 6, 8, 9, 10).
[ Med Hypotheses. 1984 Jan; 13(1): 63-75.
Chronic methanol poisoning with the clinical and pathologic-anatomical
features of multiple sclerosis.
Henzi H.
The details of two cases of chronic methanol poisoning are presented.
Both patients initially developed clinical symptoms of multiple
sclerosis: visual disturbances, intention tremor, reduced abdominal
reflexes, impaired coordination and difficulties with walking.
After the exposure to methanol had ceased the multiple sclerosis
symptoms persisted in patient 1 but disappeared gradually in patient 2
(patient 2 had a history of excessive alcohol consumption, which is a
critical fact in this discussion).
Ultimately autopsies confirmed this picture: histological examination of
patient 1 revealed plaques in the spinal cord, in the stem and in the
proximity of the lower horn of one lateral ventricle, whereas no
localized demyelination could be found in patient 2.
The results are discussed in connection with the theory ("Methanol
Hypothesis") that under certain circumstances multiple sclerosis itself
is induced by formaldehyde stemming from the metabolism of methanol.
PMID: 6708848 ]
My name is Dr. Woodrow Monte.
My 26 year career as Professor at Arizona State University was devoted
to research and teaching of the composition and safety of foods.
For 25 years I have had serious concerns about the consequences of the
consumption of Aspartame.
In 1983, I filed the first petition to the US Food and Drug
Administration seeking Aspartame’s removal from foods(39).
My 287 page petition, containing copious documentation of published
research, was denied without explanation.
In 1984, I wrote the first scientific article warning of the methanol
produced when Aspartame is consumed(1).
This issue of aspartame safety is embedded in a quagmire of politics(39).
Aspartame’s approval by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
was championed, by the former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
At the time of Aspartame’s FDA approval, he was president of the company
that invented it and which stood to make considerable financial gain
from its manufacture and sales(39, 56).
NZFAS Public Relations for the Beverage Industry The New Zealand Food
Safety Authority (NZFSA) has endorsed Aspartame safety in all of their
handouts, for the most part paraphrasing the claims of the sweetener
industry(39, 56).
The New Zealand government currently is considering a measure which
endorses diet sweeteners as replacement for sugar sweetened beverages in
Inexpensively produced aspartame from China is the product most likely
to be selected to replace sugar.
Fizzy drink beverage manufacturers stand to reap a substantial profit
from the money saved substituting aspartame for sugar.
But at what cost to the public health?
Despite vigorous protest, the NZFSA has maintained a pro-aspartame stance.
They have chosen not to allocate resources for study of the many
hundreds of scientific works that comprise just the methanol toxicity
I have studied this scientific literature and, in the remainder of this
article, will present to you what I have learned, and why I believe, it
is so important to reject this proposed measure.
The Science: Aspartame tastes sweet because, attached to it, is a
molecule of methanol (wood alcohol).
The methanol is very loosely bound and will fly off with the slightest
heating or when consumed(20, 51).
Because methanol’s toxicity is well known, millions of dollars were
invested by Aspartame’s inventors in an attempt to attach some other
“safer” substance, but this attempt was not successful.
With the approval of Aspartame, a new source of methanol was added to
what is a very short list of methanol containing foods.
Methanol -- Trojan Horse: Why is methanol dangerous?
Inside cells, methanol is converted to formaldehyde(30), an undetectable
toxin and recognized cancer causing agent of the highest order (Group
Even when formaldehyde is injected directly into a living human, it
turns into formal hydrate(4, 27), a very aggressive molecule that
instantly attaches to any protein molecule which it makes contact.
The formaldehyde molecule then completely disappears within the cover of
the much larger protein(31, 32).
No diagnostic procedures, can detect a protein molecule so changed, yet
the damaged molecule, loses function.
Damaged protein molecules are not tolerated by the immune system.
Specific detection sites for “formaldehyde modified protein” are found
on white blood cells called macrophages(23, 24).
Macrophages seek out and destroy these proteins at a rate 100 times
faster than proteins not treated with formaldehyde(25).
Upon autopsy, macrophages are found in the damaged areas of the brains
of those who have died with MS(42, 44).
Pharmaceutical companies use formaldehyde treatment of viral proteins to
greatly enhance antibody production during the manufacture of vaccines(26).
However, the effect of formaldehyde (resulting from methanol poisoning)
on human proteins, has not been examined as a cause of autoimmunity.
A Question Never Answered: In response to these concerns, spokespersons
for the soft drink beverage industry and for NZFSA claim that there is a
large amount of methanol consumed in the normal diet and that a “little”
more from aspartame will do no harm.
This is their only justification for allowing more of this toxin to be
introduced into foods.
No estimate has been publicly presented by these spokespersons regarding
the amount of methanol consumed per person, per day in the average diet.
Consistent with the data in my published research(1), I believe that the
amount of methanol in the typical diet without artificial sweeteners
would be less than 8 milligrams per day.
One can of aspartame sweetened diet cola yields 16 milligrams of
methanol(47), more than twice the amount of methanol from other sources
in a typical diet.
Fresh fruits and vegetables contain small traces of methanol(28, 29) but
their consumption is not problematic, in that, during fermentation in
the gut, they produce a natural substance that stops the conversion of
methanol to formaldehyde(35, 36).
In fact, before Aspartame, methanol in the normal human diet came
primarily from heat processed plant foods such as canned fruit and
vegetables and their juices(33).
To read the entire article, pleas go to:
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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Woodrow C Monte, PhD, Emiritus Prof. Nutrition gives many PDFs of reseach --
ReplyDeletemethanol (11% of aspartame) puts formaldehyde into brain and body --
multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, cancers, birth defects, headaches: Rich
Murray 2010.05.13
Thursday, May 13, 2010
[ Other formaldehyde sources include alcohol drinks and
tobacco and wood smoke.
Adequate folic acid levels protect most people from some
harm, but not for the brain and retinas. ]
As well as extensive free websites with full texts and videos,
he offers a $24 145' DVD of a lively talk at the Southland MS
Society of New Zealand, March 29-30, 2009, and soon his
new book, "While Science Sleeps".
$24 145' Format NTSC DVD ASIN: B003L783I0
Curriculum Vitae, publications, photos
589 references
[ German and Dutch also available ]
223 references with abstracts or full and partial texts
Methanol: Where Is It Found? How Can It Be Avoided?
AVOID the following, ranked in order of greatest danger:
1. Cigarettes.
2. Diet foods and drinks with aspartame.
3. Fruit and vegetable products and their juices in bottles,
cans, or pouches.
4. Jellies, jams, and marmalades not made fresh and kept
5. Black currant and tomato juice products, fresh or
6. Tomato sauces, unless first simmered at least 3 hours
with an open lid.
7. Smoked food of any kind, particularly fish and meat.
8. Sugar-free chewing gum.
9. Slivovitz: You can consume one alcoholic drink a day
on this diet -- no more! [ no fruit brandies ]
10. Overly ripe or near rotting fruits or vegetables.