Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Friday, May 14, 2010

Missouri Courts Motivated By Adoption Bonuses & Rewards to Terminate Parental Rights Courts Procedures (Sounds just like NH!)

Perşembe, Mayıs 13, 2010

Missouri Courts Motivated By Adoption Bonuses & Rewards to Terminate Parental Rights
Courts Procedures

See Petition www.thepetitionsite.com State of Missouri Leaves out the Timeline to the case that shows how they set the child up for adoption by using their own first hand knowledge. State officials on the case, left out information in order to obtain an unlawful termination. Time line shows their knowledge of their own actions and predated intentions to procure an unlawful adoption. Timeline was never allowed or used during court procedures that would show the judges deliberate ignorance and intentions to hide their own acts of child endangerment and fraud to obtain an unlawful adoption. Courts Rule on Parental Bonding To Separate Mother& Daughter while collecting federal funds, bonuses and rewards. Missouri state officials have taken the right to claim that a parent or child has no bond between them in order to establish a termination of parental rights act of law. See petition, Child Abduction By The State www.thepetitionsite.com What Would Our Lifes Be Like Today, If We Could Have Been Together?www.thepetitionsite.com The state of Missouri makes devastating rulings based on parental bonding, while collecting their bonuses and rewards for children. Missouri state policians continue to ignore allow for the family courts to take authority over parental bonding giving them the right to create and make false claims regarding a parental bonds worth in order to terminate parental rights in the state of Missouri.
My Links : Shop Primark http://pozdravlenyja.ru/kellibrace/ http://annemariespang.blogspot.ro/ http://helsinky.org/nildabolenbaugh/
See Petition www.thepetitionsite.com State of Missouri Leaves out the Timeline to the case that shows how they set the child up for adoption by using their own first hand knowledge. State officials on the case, left out information in order to obtain an unlawful termination. Time line shows their knowledge of their own actions and predated intentions to procure an unlawful adoption. Timeline was never allowed or used during court procedures that would show the judges deliberate ignorance and intentions to hide their own acts of child endangerment and fraud to obtain an unlawful adoption. Courts Rule on Parental Bonding To Separate Mother& Daughter while collecting federal funds, bonuses and rewards. Missouri state officials have taken the right to claim that a parent or child has no bond between them in order to establish a termination of parental rights act of law. See petition, Child Abduction By The State www.thepetitionsite.com What Would Our Lifes Be Like Today, If We Could Have Been Together?www.thepetitionsite.com The state of Missouri makes devastating rulings based on parental bonding, while collecting their bonuses and rewards for children. Missouri state policians continue to ignore allow for the family courts to take authority over parental bonding giving them the right to create and make false claims regarding a parental bonds worth in order to terminate parental rights in the state of Missouri.
My Links : Shop Primark http://pozdravlenyja.ru/kellibrace/ http://annemariespang.blogspot.ro/ http://helsinky.org/nildabolenbaugh/


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