Abortion Business in Kentucky Hides Potential Sexual Abuse in Undercover Video
by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
April 21, 2010
Louisville, KY (LifeNews.com) -- Another abortion business has been caught on tape attempting to cover up a potential case of sexual abuse of a minor girl. A Louisville, Kentucky abortion center is the latest caught on an undercover videotape ignoring sexual abuse of a child and giving misleading abortion counseling.
Live Action, a pro-life group led by college students, released another in a long line of videos showing problems at Planned Parenthood and other abortion centers nationwide.
The new footage today comes from EMW Women's Surgical Center and has Lila Rose and actor Jackie Stollar, who posed undercover as a minor with Rose telling the staff that she was 14-years-old and impregnated by her 31-year-old "boyfriend".
In the video, an EMW Women's Surgical Center named Wendy determines that Rose is "14 to 15-weeks pregnant" and that an abortion at that point in pregnancy would cost over $1,000.
Rose tells the abortion counselor she wants to keep the situation secret from her parents.
Though Rose gave no indication she would face abusive parents if she informed them of her pregnancy, the abortion center directs Rose to call Louisville attorney Mickey Adams so she can obtain a judicial bypass around Kentucky's parental consent law.
"The only way you can get away without having a parent with you, is, there is an attorney here in town. Her name is Mickey Adams. And she would take you in front of a judge for you to obtain a judicial bypass," Wendy says.
Judicial bypass provisions are meant to allow teenagers in potentially abusive situations to get out of the parental involvement-before-abortion law but abortion centers routinely employ pro-abortion attorneys to get teens around the requirement.
The video shows that, even though the counselor later calls Adams on the phone, the abortion center failed to ask the questions necessary to file a child sexual abuse report and did not communicate to Rose about the illegal or dangerous nature of her sexual relationship.
The abortion counselor tells the supposed minor that it won't be a "big deal" to get the judicial bypass.
Kentucky state law also indicates sex between a 14-year-old and a 31-year-old is rape in the third degree. Rose said the state law reveals such sexual activity would reasonably be considered sexual abuse of a child which must be reported to law enforcement immediately.
Rose said she is disappointed by the actions of the EMW Women's Surgical Center abortion counselor.
"In abortion clinics across the country, our undercover videos document the widespread cover up of sexual abuse. Abortion clinics like EMW in Louisville center attempt to fast track underage abortions on vulnerable girls, shut out parents, and blatantly ignore their legal obligation to report the sex predator to police," she told LifeNews.com.
Live Action has previously released videos of statutory rape cover-up at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in various cities in Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, California, Arizona and Wisconsin.
Responding to the concerns in Alabama, the Alabama Health Department placed the Birmingham clinic on probation after conducting its own investigation and finding further violations. Rose urges officials in Kentucky to follow suit.
"State authorities need to investigate this Louisville abortion clinic and hold them accountable to the law," Rose insists. "Until they do, young girls will be put at risk of continued sexual abuse."
A similar video released in December from an Appleton, Wisconsin abortion center prompted state senator Glenn Grothman to call for an investigation of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.
Also, two embryologists denounced Planned Parenthood's counseling, calling it "absurd and scientifically erroneous."
Live Action also released a video last February catching Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin failing to comply with mandatory reporting laws for the sexual abuse of a 14 year old girl.
Live Action previously highlighted problems at Planned Parenthoods in California, Indiana, Arizona, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Related web sites:
New undercover video - http://liveaction.org/index.php/projects/monalisa/142
Learn about Live Action - http://liveaction.org
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