Written by Beverly Tran
Most people have heard of medicaid fraud and they campaign to stop that but what do you know about medicaid fraud and child welfare?
Medicaid fraud and child welfare, what's that?
Contrary to popular beliefs, the largest federal funding source in foster
care is not tile four E nor is it title four A, which is for emergency assistance, it's not even title 20 of the federal social security act.
Well what is it then? The largest funding stream in foster care is title 19 or medicaid.
Targeted case management is considered a pay as you go program, this means that when ever there is a bill in child welfare, it will be paid in full by the feds, unlike medicaid federal financial participation targeted case management in foster care and in adoption is 100% covered, which means the states do not pay any portion. Then a portion of these funds are set sided to suspend the regulation, that are called the monitorial on targeted case management. So now we have a basic formula for child welfare fraud 100% FFP monitorial equals targeted case revenue maximization scheme, it becomes financially beneficial for the state to place and keep children in the foster care than to provide community base services because there is no regulation, of legitimacy of targeted case management cost. So what does exactly does case management fund? Well is exactly of what it says the management from cases from targeted population. Targeted population of target populations of children who are considered at risk, this means the likelihood of them being in need of child welfare services is substantial because they meet the following criteria, they could be at or below the federal poverty level. The parents can be minorities. They can be from single parent homes, they can be groups of siblings or the parents can be unemployed, there perhaps the family can be even living in a low income neighborhood. The family can also be homeless. Let's not forget the special needs children, the disabled or parents with lack of medical coverage. Medicaid fraud can only be examined after the billing has submitted and the cost reimbursed. But let me show you what the US Justice Department identifies revenue maximizing fraud scheme.
1. A single parent goes and applies for food assistant program and medical. (Strike) one
2. Child is in need of medical resources and receives social supplemental income(ssi) (Strike) two
3. Single parent has more than one child, (Strike) Three removal, Strike three your out.
These are only the base factors that qualify the child for immediate and unnecessary and improper removal, but they are the first
stages of the targeted case management fraud scheme. It all plays out like this; the child is placed in foster home and not with relatives. The child is sent to unnecessary medical and psychology services. The child is sent to medical and psychology services where the physician has a financial state in the child placing agency. The shrink for child placement agency recommends termination of parental rights to the court. The judge has financial interest in the child placing agency. Parental rights are terminated and the child is adopted.
The state continues to receive the childs monthly ssi payment during targeted case management payment period, once the child is adopted the child is issued a new social security number along with a new name and the state continue to receive the ssi funding under the old social security number. And you think they get away with this all the time>the complexly of (TCM) targeted case management of child care welfare fraud varies from state to state and from child placing agency to child placing agency. The exist in multitude of shapes and forms. Concerns of the per abrasiveness of the maximizing scheme have been federally expressed but ignored by congress. If you know or suspect of Medicaid fraud in child welfare report it.
Here is the address information for you to submit your sworn affidavit to fax in, to report your case for child welfare fraud and
child trafficking and Medicaid fraud. Make sure you put the names and social security numbers of your children or grandchildren, for the national data registry. Also on the last page of your sworn affidavit, have it notarized. Fax it in, and then send a copy by mail.
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Patrick Henry Building, Room 5028
Special Litigation Section
Washington, D.C. 20530
Phone # 877-218-5228
FAX #202-514-0212 (Correct FAX #)
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
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Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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Thank you for all your work! Here is the direct link to the original article and video:
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Beverly Tran
An Original Source
Thank you Beverly. You are doing an awesome job!