Parents Guide to Psychiatric Medications
Posted by Helping Psychology in Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX on Sep 28, 2010
Should psychiatric medication be prescribed for a child? Only a parent, in consultation with a doctor, can make that choice. Parents should be fully aware of the conditions that call for such medication and the appropriate drug used for treatment. Though a medication treatment plan for a child may not completely remove all symptoms of a disorder, at the very least, the child will experience a definite improvement in his or her day-to-day life. Long-term problems are minimal when compared to the continuation of a mental disorder.
Always get a doctor's opinion first before providing a child with any medication, over-the-counter or otherwise.
Read the entire article at:
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Thursday, September 30, 2010
FAMILY PRESERVATION ADVOCACY: Sensible Legislation Recognizes Sibling Rights...o...
FAMILY PRESERVATION ADVOCACY: Sensible Legislation Recognizes Sibling Rights...o...: "ADOPTIVE PARENTS CAN'T SUMMARILY DENY SIBLINGS' VISITATION RIGHTS, COURT SAYS Adoptive parents cannot ignore blood bonds between siblings a..."
Foster Families; Did you know? All parents alert.
Foster Families; Did you know? All parents alert.
September 30th, 2010 5:09 pm ET
Do you like this story?
Marilyn Harrison
Foster Families Examine
It is easy to allow ourselves become complacent as to rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Please allow me to expound on a threat to every parent in America. Alerting you of an entity that has no boundaries, no accountability, no checks and balances answering to no one within the government structure.
What was your question? What organization has that kind of power?
This entity can and does remove children from your home on a rumor, a hearsay report that you are abusing them, a rumor in the form of an anonymous report to the Child Abuse Hotline. Your teenager can report you, a teen surprised when the result is their one-way ticket into the Foster Care System. Anyone is a potential reporter; your neighbor, an in-law seeking revenge on parents who believe in discipline, a divorcing spouse, a doctor, nurse, school janitor all mandatory reporters
Think this is only happening to a few bad parents, think again;
Biological parents; placing a child in time out for too long a period, of course this entity decides how long is too long. Removing a cell phone from a texting teen, a child disciplined by her mother who spanked her on the buttocks with an open hand, a teens mouth slapped for cursing her mother, teen grounded from a dance for staying out past curfew. Unexplained bruising, not looking for a medical problem but declaring itabuse and reason enough to remove your children. Loosing your job unable to pay your rent, evicted, this is no longer due to the economy but child abuse. Children removed by an entity specifically funded to assist families who are in need, offered no assistance to secure an apartment, employment, or food stamps. Feeding fast food to often, guess who decides too often?
Note; from your Foster Families Examiner, educate yoursel read our articles,know your righfs, learn more about the entity we are talking about? Get involved, subcribe to our page spread the word where to obtain truth on Listen to the short video from U-tube. , be aware of what is going on in your country.
September 30th, 2010 5:09 pm ET
Do you like this story?
Marilyn Harrison
Foster Families Examine
It is easy to allow ourselves become complacent as to rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Please allow me to expound on a threat to every parent in America. Alerting you of an entity that has no boundaries, no accountability, no checks and balances answering to no one within the government structure.
What was your question? What organization has that kind of power?
This entity can and does remove children from your home on a rumor, a hearsay report that you are abusing them, a rumor in the form of an anonymous report to the Child Abuse Hotline. Your teenager can report you, a teen surprised when the result is their one-way ticket into the Foster Care System. Anyone is a potential reporter; your neighbor, an in-law seeking revenge on parents who believe in discipline, a divorcing spouse, a doctor, nurse, school janitor all mandatory reporters
Think this is only happening to a few bad parents, think again;
Biological parents; placing a child in time out for too long a period, of course this entity decides how long is too long. Removing a cell phone from a texting teen, a child disciplined by her mother who spanked her on the buttocks with an open hand, a teens mouth slapped for cursing her mother, teen grounded from a dance for staying out past curfew. Unexplained bruising, not looking for a medical problem but declaring itabuse and reason enough to remove your children. Loosing your job unable to pay your rent, evicted, this is no longer due to the economy but child abuse. Children removed by an entity specifically funded to assist families who are in need, offered no assistance to secure an apartment, employment, or food stamps. Feeding fast food to often, guess who decides too often?
Note; from your Foster Families Examiner, educate yoursel read our articles,know your righfs, learn more about the entity we are talking about? Get involved, subcribe to our page spread the word where to obtain truth on Listen to the short video from U-tube. , be aware of what is going on in your country.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Written by Beverly Tran
Most people have heard of medicaid fraud and they campaign to stop that but what do you know about medicaid fraud and child welfare?
Medicaid fraud and child welfare, what's that?
Contrary to popular beliefs, the largest federal funding source in foster
care is not tile four E nor is it title four A, which is for emergency assistance, it's not even title 20 of the federal social security act.
Well what is it then? The largest funding stream in foster care is title 19 or medicaid.
Targeted case management is considered a pay as you go program, this means that when ever there is a bill in child welfare, it will be paid in full by the feds, unlike medicaid federal financial participation targeted case management in foster care and in adoption is 100% covered, which means the states do not pay any portion. Then a portion of these funds are set sided to suspend the regulation, that are called the monitorial on targeted case management. So now we have a basic formula for child welfare fraud 100% FFP monitorial equals targeted case revenue maximization scheme, it becomes financially beneficial for the state to place and keep children in the foster care than to provide community base services because there is no regulation, of legitimacy of targeted case management cost. So what does exactly does case management fund? Well is exactly of what it says the management from cases from targeted population. Targeted population of target populations of children who are considered at risk, this means the likelihood of them being in need of child welfare services is substantial because they meet the following criteria, they could be at or below the federal poverty level. The parents can be minorities. They can be from single parent homes, they can be groups of siblings or the parents can be unemployed, there perhaps the family can be even living in a low income neighborhood. The family can also be homeless. Let's not forget the special needs children, the disabled or parents with lack of medical coverage. Medicaid fraud can only be examined after the billing has submitted and the cost reimbursed. But let me show you what the US Justice Department identifies revenue maximizing fraud scheme.
1. A single parent goes and applies for food assistant program and medical. (Strike) one
2. Child is in need of medical resources and receives social supplemental income(ssi) (Strike) two
3. Single parent has more than one child, (Strike) Three removal, Strike three your out.
These are only the base factors that qualify the child for immediate and unnecessary and improper removal, but they are the first
stages of the targeted case management fraud scheme. It all plays out like this; the child is placed in foster home and not with relatives. The child is sent to unnecessary medical and psychology services. The child is sent to medical and psychology services where the physician has a financial state in the child placing agency. The shrink for child placement agency recommends termination of parental rights to the court. The judge has financial interest in the child placing agency. Parental rights are terminated and the child is adopted.
The state continues to receive the childs monthly ssi payment during targeted case management payment period, once the child is adopted the child is issued a new social security number along with a new name and the state continue to receive the ssi funding under the old social security number. And you think they get away with this all the time>the complexly of (TCM) targeted case management of child care welfare fraud varies from state to state and from child placing agency to child placing agency. The exist in multitude of shapes and forms. Concerns of the per abrasiveness of the maximizing scheme have been federally expressed but ignored by congress. If you know or suspect of Medicaid fraud in child welfare report it.
Here is the address information for you to submit your sworn affidavit to fax in, to report your case for child welfare fraud and
child trafficking and Medicaid fraud. Make sure you put the names and social security numbers of your children or grandchildren, for the national data registry. Also on the last page of your sworn affidavit, have it notarized. Fax it in, and then send a copy by mail.
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Patrick Henry Building, Room 5028
Special Litigation Section
Washington, D.C. 20530
Phone # 877-218-5228
FAX #202-514-0212 (Correct FAX #)
Written by Beverly Tran
Most people have heard of medicaid fraud and they campaign to stop that but what do you know about medicaid fraud and child welfare?
Medicaid fraud and child welfare, what's that?
Contrary to popular beliefs, the largest federal funding source in foster
care is not tile four E nor is it title four A, which is for emergency assistance, it's not even title 20 of the federal social security act.
Well what is it then? The largest funding stream in foster care is title 19 or medicaid.
Targeted case management is considered a pay as you go program, this means that when ever there is a bill in child welfare, it will be paid in full by the feds, unlike medicaid federal financial participation targeted case management in foster care and in adoption is 100% covered, which means the states do not pay any portion. Then a portion of these funds are set sided to suspend the regulation, that are called the monitorial on targeted case management. So now we have a basic formula for child welfare fraud 100% FFP monitorial equals targeted case revenue maximization scheme, it becomes financially beneficial for the state to place and keep children in the foster care than to provide community base services because there is no regulation, of legitimacy of targeted case management cost. So what does exactly does case management fund? Well is exactly of what it says the management from cases from targeted population. Targeted population of target populations of children who are considered at risk, this means the likelihood of them being in need of child welfare services is substantial because they meet the following criteria, they could be at or below the federal poverty level. The parents can be minorities. They can be from single parent homes, they can be groups of siblings or the parents can be unemployed, there perhaps the family can be even living in a low income neighborhood. The family can also be homeless. Let's not forget the special needs children, the disabled or parents with lack of medical coverage. Medicaid fraud can only be examined after the billing has submitted and the cost reimbursed. But let me show you what the US Justice Department identifies revenue maximizing fraud scheme.
1. A single parent goes and applies for food assistant program and medical. (Strike) one
2. Child is in need of medical resources and receives social supplemental income(ssi) (Strike) two
3. Single parent has more than one child, (Strike) Three removal, Strike three your out.
These are only the base factors that qualify the child for immediate and unnecessary and improper removal, but they are the first
stages of the targeted case management fraud scheme. It all plays out like this; the child is placed in foster home and not with relatives. The child is sent to unnecessary medical and psychology services. The child is sent to medical and psychology services where the physician has a financial state in the child placing agency. The shrink for child placement agency recommends termination of parental rights to the court. The judge has financial interest in the child placing agency. Parental rights are terminated and the child is adopted.
The state continues to receive the childs monthly ssi payment during targeted case management payment period, once the child is adopted the child is issued a new social security number along with a new name and the state continue to receive the ssi funding under the old social security number. And you think they get away with this all the time>the complexly of (TCM) targeted case management of child care welfare fraud varies from state to state and from child placing agency to child placing agency. The exist in multitude of shapes and forms. Concerns of the per abrasiveness of the maximizing scheme have been federally expressed but ignored by congress. If you know or suspect of Medicaid fraud in child welfare report it.
Here is the address information for you to submit your sworn affidavit to fax in, to report your case for child welfare fraud and
child trafficking and Medicaid fraud. Make sure you put the names and social security numbers of your children or grandchildren, for the national data registry. Also on the last page of your sworn affidavit, have it notarized. Fax it in, and then send a copy by mail.
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Patrick Henry Building, Room 5028
Special Litigation Section
Washington, D.C. 20530
Phone # 877-218-5228
FAX #202-514-0212 (Correct FAX #)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Helping bad parents learn to be better
LYONS: Helping bad parents learn to be better
By Tom Lyons
Published: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Monday, September 27, 2010 at 8:40 p.m.
News that so pleased Richard Wexler went almost unnoticed by most people, and sounds like bureaucratic trivia.
The federal Department of Health and Human Services has granted Florida a 10-month extension -- and it could soon become five years -- on a waiver from foster-care funding rules.
That means federal dollars that in other states can only be spent to hire foster parents can be used here for alternatives, like helping troubled families keep their children and do a better job caring for them.
Read the entire article at:
By Tom Lyons
Published: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Monday, September 27, 2010 at 8:40 p.m.
News that so pleased Richard Wexler went almost unnoticed by most people, and sounds like bureaucratic trivia.
The federal Department of Health and Human Services has granted Florida a 10-month extension -- and it could soon become five years -- on a waiver from foster-care funding rules.
That means federal dollars that in other states can only be spent to hire foster parents can be used here for alternatives, like helping troubled families keep their children and do a better job caring for them.
Read the entire article at:
Special Need's Children and NH DCYF
As many of you may, or may not know, the month of September included special education week, for all the special needs children out there. This includes the many children without issues until DCYF/CPS got their clutches into them and these same children are now considered special needs kids. Many of whom are now being fed psychotropic medication for their newfound behaviors resulting from DCYF involvement.
There are also many children out there whom DCYF denies as having problems and there are reports of DCYF accepting social security check's for these children, while still claiming that the child/children are normal. And my story today mentions one of those children!
I am aware of an adopted child who tried several times to harm and kill his adoptive family and tried to burn their house down. The adoptive mother already could see that the child had special needs as he had difficulty learning colors, difficulty with buttons, zippers, getting dressed, task follow through, etc, and with behaviors. This same child also reported experiencing hallucinations which called him and his family members and told him to hurt others. The mother took him to outpatient providers who stated that the child had RAD and PTSD and other diagnoses and although he received outpatient help, he continued to show aggressive behaviors. The outpatient providers advised her to take him to a local emergency room when he reported the hallucinations. The mother brought her child to a local emergency room where the child was admitted to a NH state child psychiatric hospital, who kept this child inpatient for 4 months, while stating that the child was perfectly normal (what's interesting is that this hospital is supposed to be a short stay only hospital). The mother was concerned that the child was behaving aggressively to his family during phonecalls and visits and the hospital allowed the 5 yr old child to refuse visits and phonecalls. The child continued to talk about making fires and drew pictures on his tee-shirts of a person's head on fire. The hospital said that all of this was just normal behavior. The child reported that he was allowed to room with teenage children and have later bedtimes during this hospital stay. The mother knew her child needed psychiatric help, and this mother wrote a letter stating that there should be a safe discharge plan, as the outpatient providers had recommended a placement outside of the home until the child could learn to behave safely at home and the hospital was in process of sending the child home despite the recommendations of the outpatient providers. The mother did write the letter stating that a safe discharge plan was needed and the result was that NH DCYF took the child into custody from the hospital, via an ex-parte hearing on the day of his hospital discharge. NH DCYF stated to the court that there was nothing wrong with this child, although he had a repeated history of agressive behavior, including trying to strangle his sibling and attempting to jump out of their car enroute to trips/errands.
DCYF took the mother to court and claimed that her child was perfectly normal, and they placed him in a foster home and filed for the Social Security benefits for the child (these social security benefits had begun during the child's inpatient hospital stay, as the government declared that this child was mentally disabled/mentally ill.) DCYF stated to social security that the mother nor any family member's wanted this child, which wasn't true and NH DCYF didn't contact immediate family to even ask if the child could stay with them. DCYF and the foster families collected and cashed the child's social security check's for months, still claiming there was nothing wrong with the child. The mother was alleged of having Munchausen's, which was very quickly proven false. The child's hospital records from the state run child psychiatric hospital showed that the child sexually assaulted another child at the hospital among other incidences of aggressive behavior, but God only know's if this child's parent's were ever told. The psychiatric hospital didn't tell the offender's mother. She only found out about this incident after she was able to read the hospital files, approximately a year later. And DCYF also claimed that the child was at or above grade level and not in need of an IEP. When the mother went to the state run psychiatric hospital to obtain this child's hospital school records a few months after his hospital discharge, she was informed that his school files were destroyed, but she was informed by the hospital staff that the child got all 100's on his school work. And the child harmed the foster family because his aggressive behaviors continued.
The mother fought DCYF for a year and finally won. The neglect charges were dropped and her son was returned, but he had not received the medical help he needed for the past year and his behaviors had become even worse. And even when her child was returned, our own court system refused to recognize this child as a child in need of services. Instead he was denied services and was referred to as a juvenile delinquent!
The mother moved out of state, after losing everything due to DCYF's unwanted involvement. Her child was placed in a facility in the state she now resided in. The facility did testing on the child, something NH DCYF failed to do. The child was found to have RAD, PTSD and FAS amongst several other mental issues, and was also found to be educationally handicapped which resulted in him receiving the title 1 reading, title 1 math, one on one help with schoolwork and smaller group settings that he needed all along, and there has been no time when this child got all 100's, even with all of the help he's received. And the child has been recognized as a mentally ill child and a child in need of services! The mother was told that since the child could not display safe behaviors, he should not go home.
So this is the life of a child from NH, who was not given the psychiatric help his mother pleaded for, which could have made a big difference in the life of this child, had he gotten the treatment he needed year's earlier. He is not the only special needs child in NH being denied his constitutional rights by the state to receive the care he needed to live a normal life. There are many others like this child. There are also many other parents like the parent I've told you about. Parents should be in charge of the wellbeing, health, medical and education of the child instead of the state of NH being in charge. With the state being in charge of our kids' health/wellbeing/education instead of the parents, the parents may be charged with neglect if they fight for the rights of their children. Then there are normal children, illegally taken from their families, who end up severely traumatized and medicated because DCYF doesn't have a clue as to the needs of a child. They medicate them instead, because they don't know how to a handle a child that they've torn from their families, illegally. If they don't understand the mind of a child, they shouldn't be drugging them to calm them down. But then how would they be reeling in so much federal money if they didn't incapacitate normal, sometimes hyperactive children?
ALL children are special gifts from God and should all be treated equally and they shouldn't be denied their rights because they have been taken into "the NH DCYF system". Their lives are just as important as anyone else's and they deserve to have an education, and prompt medical treatment. And of course, they have the right to be with their families and shouldn't lose that right because of NH DCYF or anyone else!
There are also many children out there whom DCYF denies as having problems and there are reports of DCYF accepting social security check's for these children, while still claiming that the child/children are normal. And my story today mentions one of those children!
I am aware of an adopted child who tried several times to harm and kill his adoptive family and tried to burn their house down. The adoptive mother already could see that the child had special needs as he had difficulty learning colors, difficulty with buttons, zippers, getting dressed, task follow through, etc, and with behaviors. This same child also reported experiencing hallucinations which called him and his family members and told him to hurt others. The mother took him to outpatient providers who stated that the child had RAD and PTSD and other diagnoses and although he received outpatient help, he continued to show aggressive behaviors. The outpatient providers advised her to take him to a local emergency room when he reported the hallucinations. The mother brought her child to a local emergency room where the child was admitted to a NH state child psychiatric hospital, who kept this child inpatient for 4 months, while stating that the child was perfectly normal (what's interesting is that this hospital is supposed to be a short stay only hospital). The mother was concerned that the child was behaving aggressively to his family during phonecalls and visits and the hospital allowed the 5 yr old child to refuse visits and phonecalls. The child continued to talk about making fires and drew pictures on his tee-shirts of a person's head on fire. The hospital said that all of this was just normal behavior. The child reported that he was allowed to room with teenage children and have later bedtimes during this hospital stay. The mother knew her child needed psychiatric help, and this mother wrote a letter stating that there should be a safe discharge plan, as the outpatient providers had recommended a placement outside of the home until the child could learn to behave safely at home and the hospital was in process of sending the child home despite the recommendations of the outpatient providers. The mother did write the letter stating that a safe discharge plan was needed and the result was that NH DCYF took the child into custody from the hospital, via an ex-parte hearing on the day of his hospital discharge. NH DCYF stated to the court that there was nothing wrong with this child, although he had a repeated history of agressive behavior, including trying to strangle his sibling and attempting to jump out of their car enroute to trips/errands.
DCYF took the mother to court and claimed that her child was perfectly normal, and they placed him in a foster home and filed for the Social Security benefits for the child (these social security benefits had begun during the child's inpatient hospital stay, as the government declared that this child was mentally disabled/mentally ill.) DCYF stated to social security that the mother nor any family member's wanted this child, which wasn't true and NH DCYF didn't contact immediate family to even ask if the child could stay with them. DCYF and the foster families collected and cashed the child's social security check's for months, still claiming there was nothing wrong with the child. The mother was alleged of having Munchausen's, which was very quickly proven false. The child's hospital records from the state run child psychiatric hospital showed that the child sexually assaulted another child at the hospital among other incidences of aggressive behavior, but God only know's if this child's parent's were ever told. The psychiatric hospital didn't tell the offender's mother. She only found out about this incident after she was able to read the hospital files, approximately a year later. And DCYF also claimed that the child was at or above grade level and not in need of an IEP. When the mother went to the state run psychiatric hospital to obtain this child's hospital school records a few months after his hospital discharge, she was informed that his school files were destroyed, but she was informed by the hospital staff that the child got all 100's on his school work. And the child harmed the foster family because his aggressive behaviors continued.
The mother fought DCYF for a year and finally won. The neglect charges were dropped and her son was returned, but he had not received the medical help he needed for the past year and his behaviors had become even worse. And even when her child was returned, our own court system refused to recognize this child as a child in need of services. Instead he was denied services and was referred to as a juvenile delinquent!
The mother moved out of state, after losing everything due to DCYF's unwanted involvement. Her child was placed in a facility in the state she now resided in. The facility did testing on the child, something NH DCYF failed to do. The child was found to have RAD, PTSD and FAS amongst several other mental issues, and was also found to be educationally handicapped which resulted in him receiving the title 1 reading, title 1 math, one on one help with schoolwork and smaller group settings that he needed all along, and there has been no time when this child got all 100's, even with all of the help he's received. And the child has been recognized as a mentally ill child and a child in need of services! The mother was told that since the child could not display safe behaviors, he should not go home.
So this is the life of a child from NH, who was not given the psychiatric help his mother pleaded for, which could have made a big difference in the life of this child, had he gotten the treatment he needed year's earlier. He is not the only special needs child in NH being denied his constitutional rights by the state to receive the care he needed to live a normal life. There are many others like this child. There are also many other parents like the parent I've told you about. Parents should be in charge of the wellbeing, health, medical and education of the child instead of the state of NH being in charge. With the state being in charge of our kids' health/wellbeing/education instead of the parents, the parents may be charged with neglect if they fight for the rights of their children. Then there are normal children, illegally taken from their families, who end up severely traumatized and medicated because DCYF doesn't have a clue as to the needs of a child. They medicate them instead, because they don't know how to a handle a child that they've torn from their families, illegally. If they don't understand the mind of a child, they shouldn't be drugging them to calm them down. But then how would they be reeling in so much federal money if they didn't incapacitate normal, sometimes hyperactive children?
ALL children are special gifts from God and should all be treated equally and they shouldn't be denied their rights because they have been taken into "the NH DCYF system". Their lives are just as important as anyone else's and they deserve to have an education, and prompt medical treatment. And of course, they have the right to be with their families and shouldn't lose that right because of NH DCYF or anyone else!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Child Protective Services’ Criminals Get What’s Coming to Them
The truth will out, it always does. This is just the beginning. What is to come will make Nuremberg look like Romper Room. =============================== Under RICO, a person who is a member of an enterprise that has committed any two of 35 crimes—27 federal crimes and 8 state crimes—within a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering. Those found guilty of racketeering can be fined up to $25000 and/or sentenced to 20 years in prison per racketeering count. In addition, the racketeer must forfeit all ill-gotten gains and interest in any business gained through a pattern of “racketeering activity.” RICO also permits a private individual harmed by the actions of such an enterprise to file a civil suit; if successful, the individual can collect treble damages. When the US Attorney decides to indict someone under RICO, he or she has the option of seeking a pre-trial restraining order or injunction to temporarily seize a defendant’s assets and prevent the transfer of potentially forfeitable property, as well as require the defendant to put up a performance bond. This provision was placed in the law because the owners of Mafia-related shell corporations often absconded with the assets. An injunction and/or performance bond ensures that there is something to seize in the event of a guilty verdict. CONSPIRACY – 18 USC 371 makes it a separate Federal crime or offense for anyone to conspire or agree with someone else to do something which, if actually carried out, would …
Agency Admits Fault in Death of Child
Agency Admits Fault in Death of Child
Published: September 24, 2010
A supervisor and a caseworker for New York City’s child welfare agency have been suspended without pay for failing to adequately oversee the case of a bruised and emaciated 4-year-old girl who was found dead in her mother’s apartment in Brooklyn this month, the agency said Friday.
Admitting for the first time that there had been internal breakdowns in the case, the agency, the Administration for Children’s Services, said in a brief statement that there had been “lapses in frontline protective practice.”
Published: September 24, 2010
A supervisor and a caseworker for New York City’s child welfare agency have been suspended without pay for failing to adequately oversee the case of a bruised and emaciated 4-year-old girl who was found dead in her mother’s apartment in Brooklyn this month, the agency said Friday.
Admitting for the first time that there had been internal breakdowns in the case, the agency, the Administration for Children’s Services, said in a brief statement that there had been “lapses in frontline protective practice.”
Baby LK Report For September 26th 2010 - National Failure To Protect Week Special
Drug Laws Violated for Foster Kids, Part Two : Deeper Concerns

Drug Laws Violated for Foster Kids, Part Two : Deeper Concerns
by Kieron McFadden
In the wake of a little boy's suicide and the admission by child welfare chiefs
that they violated a 2005 law aimed at protecting kids from psychiatric-drug use, some Florida lawmakers suggest the death may be a symptom of deeper problems.
The 2005 law came about when Florida lawmakers became concerned that kids in foster care were being needlessly medicated to control "difficult" behavior.
On April 27, Sen. Ronda Storms, who chairs the Children, Families and Elder Affairs Committee, wrote to DCF Secretary George Sheldon, ''This case raises serious concerns which demand attention and answers,'' Among the questions, she asked was, ``To what degree, if any, has the [department] ignored or circumvented . . . the 2005 law which curbed the use of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of our children in department care?''
A former lawmaker who authored the 2005 legislation, Walter G. ''Skip'' Campbell, who also chaired the children's committee, accused the DCF of ''cooking the numbers'' so as to make it look as if had curbed the use of mental health drugs to "manage" the behavior of unruly children.
In a report last September to the Florida Senate, the DCF claimed that less than 7percent (2,307!) foster kids were on such drugs. It also claimed that in almost all cases the agency had "received proper consent". But that report was based on figures from the DCF's internal database (known as the Florida Safe Families Network, or FSFN) long acknowledged by administrators to be unreliable.
In a memo as long ago as September 2006, the DCF's then-director of family safety, Patricia Badland, said DCF's computer system recorded that only 4 percent of children in the state's care were being given psychotropic drugs -- while a separate system kept by Medicaid said nearly 12 percent - three times as many - of foster children were on psychotropic medications.
''This discrepancy would . . . indicate there is under-reporting of children being prescribed psychotherapeutic medications,'' Badland wrote. "It is critical that the . . . database be accurate and up-to-date to assure that we are able to monitor all children taking these medications.''
Eight months later, DCF did report to the Senate that 11.3 percent of children in its care from September through November 2006 had been prescribed mind-altering drugs.
Concerns over the drugging of children were raised as long ago as 2001, when The Miami Herald reported that child welfare administrators were relying on powerful mind-altering drugs to manage the behavior of unruly foster kids, and that those children sometimes suffered dangerous side-effects. Advocates accused the department of using such drugs as ''chemical restraints'' and this concern eventually led to the 2005 law.
Dr. Ewald Horwath, interim chairman of the University of Miami Medical School's psychiatry and behavioral sciences department, said, ''What use can one have for an anti-psychotic drug, other than a psychiatric one?''
He also said, ''It seems to me you would want parental consent before prescribing. You would want someone exercising judgment in place of the child, who cannot make decisions on whether benefits outweigh risks.''
It appears that in Florida children were illegally denied that basic right.
Tell Senator Chris Dodd to Leave our Children Alone!!!

S. 3817:
A bill to amend the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, the Family Violence Prevention and...
Primary Source
See S. 3817 on THOMAS for the official source of information on this bill or resolution.
A bill to amend the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Adoption Reform Act of 1978, and the Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of 1988 to reauthorize the Acts, and for other purposes.
National Stolen Child Day-November 20th

November 20th is National Stolen Child Day.
We can no longer sit back and let our children be stolen from us under the false pretenses of DCYF/CPS and the Judges who let this rogue agency pull their string's.
It's time to fight back! Our children are NOT being saved by this un-honorable bunch of thief's. They are traumatizing our children by the thousand's, holding them hostage, while they wait for their federal government payoff.
The foster stranger's who kiss their butt's are no better. There are a few who really care, but for the most part, there are many just in it for the money. They listen and believe the lies of the great and powerful DCYF/CPS.
We must show our government we won't take this abuse any longer. We need to stand up and fight back for our children. They need to know we do care. They need to know who the enemy is and that it isn't their families. It's the people who have dragged them out of their homes, brainwashed them and drugged them. All for the almighty dollar.
We will NOT be celebrating the kidnapping of our children. We will be fighting for their return and fighting for the abolishment of this rogue agency they call "child protective services", the Destroyer's of children, youth and families!
Number of kids taken by DCS is up again
Number of kids taken by DCS is up again
Written by
Tim Evans
Indiana continues to increase the number of children it is taking away from families -- a fact that bucks the national trend and concerns both state child welfare officials and national experts.
The new federal statistics revealing that trend are especially disturbing because they suggest that either the state's Department of Child Services is not doing enough to keep families together or that Indiana has a disproportionately high rate of bad parents.|topnews|text|
Written by
Tim Evans
Indiana continues to increase the number of children it is taking away from families -- a fact that bucks the national trend and concerns both state child welfare officials and national experts.
The new federal statistics revealing that trend are especially disturbing because they suggest that either the state's Department of Child Services is not doing enough to keep families together or that Indiana has a disproportionately high rate of bad parents.|topnews|text|
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A Message to NH Parent's, Grandparent's,Foster Parent's Abused by NH DCYF and the NH Judicial System
To all in NH who have suffered the abuses of NH DCYF and the NH judicial system: I have been requested to share your horrendous stories on my blog, if you would be kind enough to send them to me. Your names will be kept anonymous, so you won't be retaliated against by the state. I need ALL stories. Open cases, closed cases, old cases and new cases. Even former foster children"s stories will be told. We need to win this fight. We have gotten our States attention and we must move on this request, ASAP.
Please don't hesitate to contact me. We Will Win This Fight! Our children NEED to come home!!!
Please don't hesitate to contact me. We Will Win This Fight! Our children NEED to come home!!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Stop Child Abuse For Profit-March on Washington
CALL TO ACTION: March on Washington D.C. 10-30-2010 Create media Attention.
CREATE MEDIA ATTENTION! March on Washington D.C. 10-30-2010 These Rallies provide large National media exposure make big signs and bring them. Please make signs that expose the issues. We can educate and recruit many people to our efforts at these events. Please use light material and PVC pipe to hold the signs high.
CREATE MEDIA ATTENTION! March on Washington D.C. 10-30-2010 These Rallies provide large National media exposure make big signs and bring them. Please make signs that expose the issues. We can educate and recruit many people to our efforts at these events. Please use light material and PVC pipe to hold the signs high.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Study Questions Child Welfare Systems' Drug Policies
Study Questions Child Welfare Systems' Drug Policies
(September 23, 2010)
by John Kelly
More than two-thirds of state child welfare systems employ health professionals that handle the use of psychotropic drugs, but far fewer have mental health or medical directors to review usage, according to a study released today.
Read the Article at:
(September 23, 2010)
by John Kelly
More than two-thirds of state child welfare systems employ health professionals that handle the use of psychotropic drugs, but far fewer have mental health or medical directors to review usage, according to a study released today.
Read the Article at:
Candidates agree DCF needs overhaul
Candidates agree DCF needs overhaul
September 24, 2010
By Jacqueline Rabe
Three Connecticut governors have failed to reform the state's child welfare agency enough to end 19 years of federal supervision. Now it's up to whoever takes over for Gov. M. Jodi Rell to reshape the $865 million bureaucracy.
Read the article at:
September 24, 2010
By Jacqueline Rabe
Three Connecticut governors have failed to reform the state's child welfare agency enough to end 19 years of federal supervision. Now it's up to whoever takes over for Gov. M. Jodi Rell to reshape the $865 million bureaucracy.
Read the article at:
Psychotropic Medication and Youth in Foster Care Report
Psychotropic Medication and Youth in Foster Care Report
Released: 9/23/2010
Source: Tufts University
Newswise — The Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) today issued a landmark report from a multi-state study on psychotropic medication oversight in foster care.
Over the past decade, psychotropic medication use in the general youth population has more than doubled. Estimated rates of psychotropic medication use in foster care youth, however, are much higher (ranging from 13-52%) than those in the general youth population (4%).
Read the entire article at :
Released: 9/23/2010
Source: Tufts University
Newswise — The Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) today issued a landmark report from a multi-state study on psychotropic medication oversight in foster care.
Over the past decade, psychotropic medication use in the general youth population has more than doubled. Estimated rates of psychotropic medication use in foster care youth, however, are much higher (ranging from 13-52%) than those in the general youth population (4%).
Read the entire article at :
parents get ready to protest cps ,court fathers 4 justice nyc!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Mommy-A message from my Daughter
My daughter's message:
Found this on a website, I didn't write it but its true 4 me so I figured I'd send it 2 ya.....
Mother you have been my rock since I was a baby, you been there for me.
You stood beside me. Through the good and bad moments.
Thank you for being there.
Even at times I make you angry, but
you never given up on me,
Even when I've made the worst mistakes,
But I tried my hardest to improve,
you never neglected me.
I appreciate you so much and your advice.
Even though it doesn't always show,
I love you so much mamma.
I know at times I say hurtful things,
that makes you upset
But now I just want you to know,
I'll always be there for you.
Thank you for the things you say,
And do,
Though we may not say it,
Without you we couldn't live,
Because you are everything we have,
I know everyone says it,
But you truly are the greatest mum ever.
I'm glad I have a beautiful and wonderful mother like you,
To me your the best gift ever.
You catch me whenever I fall,
You'd never let me hit the ground,
Whenever I’m weak you make me strong,
Whenever I’m upset you wipe off my tears.
Thank you mamma for being the greatest part of ME.
Your my best friend mum,
And My Guardian Angel too
I love you mummy.
Found this on a website, I didn't write it but its true 4 me so I figured I'd send it 2 ya.....
Mother you have been my rock since I was a baby, you been there for me.
You stood beside me. Through the good and bad moments.
Thank you for being there.
Even at times I make you angry, but
you never given up on me,
Even when I've made the worst mistakes,
But I tried my hardest to improve,
you never neglected me.
I appreciate you so much and your advice.
Even though it doesn't always show,
I love you so much mamma.
I know at times I say hurtful things,
that makes you upset
But now I just want you to know,
I'll always be there for you.
Thank you for the things you say,
And do,
Though we may not say it,
Without you we couldn't live,
Because you are everything we have,
I know everyone says it,
But you truly are the greatest mum ever.
I'm glad I have a beautiful and wonderful mother like you,
To me your the best gift ever.
You catch me whenever I fall,
You'd never let me hit the ground,
Whenever I’m weak you make me strong,
Whenever I’m upset you wipe off my tears.
Thank you mamma for being the greatest part of ME.
Your my best friend mum,
And My Guardian Angel too
I love you mummy.
SPLC Sues Mississippi Authorities, Hospital for Illegally Taking Immigrant's Newborn-Sound's like a case in NH, where the baby was stolen illegally
SPLC Sues Mississippi Authorities, Hospital for Illegally Taking Immigrant's Newborn
The Southern Poverty Law Center today filed a federal lawsuit against Mississippi authorities who took a newborn baby from a Mexican immigrant mother and placed the child with a white couple. The SPLC also has appealed an earlier gag order that prohibited the mother and her lawyers from speaking publicly about her family’s ordeal despite the mother’s request to waive confidentiality rules of the youth court.
The lawsuit charges that the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS), two of its employees and an employee of Singing River Hospital in Pascagoula, Miss., violated the constitutional rights of Cirila Baltazar Cruz and her daughter by separating them based on false allegations that MDHS officials failed to properly investigate.
"Mississippi officials and hospital workers conspired to steal Cirila Baltazar Cruz's baby by inventing false charges against her – allegations she couldn't refute because she doesn't speak the right language – and then told her she couldn't talk about it," said SPLC Legal Director Mary Bauer. "This was an outrageous violation of her most fundamental rights, and we're deeply concerned that other mothers in Mississippi might be subjected to the same treatment."
Two days after Baltazar Cruz gave birth to her daughter at Singing River Hospital in November 2008, the child was taken from her amid allegations provided by a hospital employee. The employee spoke only Spanish to the mother, who speaks limited Spanish and virtually no English. (She speaks Chatino, an indigenous language in Mexico.) In addition, the officials would not allow Baltazar Cruz's cousin to serve as an interpreter despite his offer to do so. Instead, the child was placed in the custody of two Gulf Coast lawyers who frequently practiced law before the youth court judge who approved the removal of the child.
Even after the allegations were found to be false, the MDHS employees named in the lawsuit perpetuated the separation, violating the mother's due process and equal protection rights.
"It was a very painful experience for me and for my baby," Baltazar Cruz said. "This is why I want other people to know, because I don't want anyone else to go through the same experience."
Baltazar Cruz was reunited with her daughter in November 2009 shortly after an investigation by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's (HHS) Office for Civil Rights and Administration for Children and Families. A letter from the HHS to the executive director of the Mississippi DHS noted that the state failed to comply with several requirements under federal law and regulations. Among the failures cited by HHS are that reasonable efforts were not made to prevent the child's removal or to place the child with relatives. The agency also found that the MDHS "failed to take reasonable steps to ensure effective communication" with Baltazar Cruz.
The letter concluded that the federal agency has "grave concerns" about the case, saying, "The MDHS staff interviewed did not see these issues as problematic. This leads us to conclude that this may be how business is conducted and that this is not an isolated incident."
As a result of the earlier gag order, the lawsuit was filed under seal in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, Jackson Division.
The SPLC is asking the federal court to allow the suit to be made public in its entirety and has also appealed the youth court's gag order to the Mississippi Supreme Court.
"This lawsuit is about ensuring the law is enforced equally in Mississippi and that the rights of the most vulnerable are protected," said SPLC attorney Michelle Lapointe. "That didn't happen in this case, and as a result this young mother suffered the traumatic separation from her child for the baby's entire first year."
The SPLC lawsuit names as defendants the Mississippi DHS, the Singing River Health System, MDHS employee Vicki Hayes, MDHS supervisor Ralph "Matt" Mathews and Singing River Hospital employee Abigail Medina.
SPLC Sues Mississippi Authorities, Hospital for Illegally Taking Immigrant's Newborn
The Southern Poverty Law Center today filed a federal lawsuit against Mississippi authorities who took a newborn baby from a Mexican immigrant mother and placed the child with a white couple. The SPLC also has appealed an earlier gag order that prohibited the mother and her lawyers from speaking publicly about her family’s ordeal despite the mother’s request to waive confidentiality rules of the youth court.
The lawsuit charges that the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS), two of its employees and an employee of Singing River Hospital in Pascagoula, Miss., violated the constitutional rights of Cirila Baltazar Cruz and her daughter by separating them based on false allegations that MDHS officials failed to properly investigate.
"Mississippi officials and hospital workers conspired to steal Cirila Baltazar Cruz's baby by inventing false charges against her – allegations she couldn't refute because she doesn't speak the right language – and then told her she couldn't talk about it," said SPLC Legal Director Mary Bauer. "This was an outrageous violation of her most fundamental rights, and we're deeply concerned that other mothers in Mississippi might be subjected to the same treatment."
Two days after Baltazar Cruz gave birth to her daughter at Singing River Hospital in November 2008, the child was taken from her amid allegations provided by a hospital employee. The employee spoke only Spanish to the mother, who speaks limited Spanish and virtually no English. (She speaks Chatino, an indigenous language in Mexico.) In addition, the officials would not allow Baltazar Cruz's cousin to serve as an interpreter despite his offer to do so. Instead, the child was placed in the custody of two Gulf Coast lawyers who frequently practiced law before the youth court judge who approved the removal of the child.
Even after the allegations were found to be false, the MDHS employees named in the lawsuit perpetuated the separation, violating the mother's due process and equal protection rights.
"It was a very painful experience for me and for my baby," Baltazar Cruz said. "This is why I want other people to know, because I don't want anyone else to go through the same experience."
Baltazar Cruz was reunited with her daughter in November 2009 shortly after an investigation by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's (HHS) Office for Civil Rights and Administration for Children and Families. A letter from the HHS to the executive director of the Mississippi DHS noted that the state failed to comply with several requirements under federal law and regulations. Among the failures cited by HHS are that reasonable efforts were not made to prevent the child's removal or to place the child with relatives. The agency also found that the MDHS "failed to take reasonable steps to ensure effective communication" with Baltazar Cruz.
The letter concluded that the federal agency has "grave concerns" about the case, saying, "The MDHS staff interviewed did not see these issues as problematic. This leads us to conclude that this may be how business is conducted and that this is not an isolated incident."
As a result of the earlier gag order, the lawsuit was filed under seal in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, Jackson Division.
The SPLC is asking the federal court to allow the suit to be made public in its entirety and has also appealed the youth court's gag order to the Mississippi Supreme Court.
"This lawsuit is about ensuring the law is enforced equally in Mississippi and that the rights of the most vulnerable are protected," said SPLC attorney Michelle Lapointe. "That didn't happen in this case, and as a result this young mother suffered the traumatic separation from her child for the baby's entire first year."
The SPLC lawsuit names as defendants the Mississippi DHS, the Singing River Health System, MDHS employee Vicki Hayes, MDHS supervisor Ralph "Matt" Mathews and Singing River Hospital employee Abigail Medina.
For the Love of Money-Dedicated to DCYF/CPS and the Corrupt Judges
Child Protective Services Auctions Off Children!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Baby LK Report for September 19th 2010 - There's something a little fishy going on around here!
$1,000 a Pop: How Forest Labs Bribed Doctors to Prescribe Antidepressants to Kids
$1,000 a Pop: How Forest Labs Bribed Doctors to Prescribe Antidepressants to Kids
By Jim Edwards | September 15, 2010 6 Comments
Placebo Effect
Jim Edwards
Forest Labs (FRX) appears to have initially underestimated how much it needed to pay the feds to go away: In 2009, the company said it had set aside $170 million in case it needed to settle a Department of Justice investigation of the kickbacks it paid in its marketing of Celexa and Lexapro, two antidepressants. Today, the company paid $313 million to wrap up the probes.
Forest’s management is used to lavish spending, however, as the whistleblower complaints behind the settlement allege.
The meat of Forest’s wrongdoing is that the company promoted Celexa for children even though the FDA had specifically rejected the drug for kids, and even though European data showed it was not useful in youths. The company did something similar with Lexapro — one pharmaceutical sales rep recommended crushing up Lexapro into apple sauce in order to make it more palatable to children.
Forest overcame resistance to the pediatric use of its antidepressants by bribing doctors with cash and gifts, the lawsuits alleged.
Read the entire article at:
By Jim Edwards | September 15, 2010 6 Comments
Placebo Effect
Jim Edwards
Forest Labs (FRX) appears to have initially underestimated how much it needed to pay the feds to go away: In 2009, the company said it had set aside $170 million in case it needed to settle a Department of Justice investigation of the kickbacks it paid in its marketing of Celexa and Lexapro, two antidepressants. Today, the company paid $313 million to wrap up the probes.
Forest’s management is used to lavish spending, however, as the whistleblower complaints behind the settlement allege.
The meat of Forest’s wrongdoing is that the company promoted Celexa for children even though the FDA had specifically rejected the drug for kids, and even though European data showed it was not useful in youths. The company did something similar with Lexapro — one pharmaceutical sales rep recommended crushing up Lexapro into apple sauce in order to make it more palatable to children.
Forest overcame resistance to the pediatric use of its antidepressants by bribing doctors with cash and gifts, the lawsuits alleged.
Read the entire article at:
Common Drugs for Adhd May Cause Hallucinations- the Latest Fda Warning
Common Drugs for Adhd May Cause Hallucinations- the Latest Fda Warning
by (aka Brent)
Common Drugs for Adhd May Cause Hallucinations- the Latest Fda Warning
Let us have a look at the latest offering from the FDA on common drugs for ADHD. First what are the drugs for ADHD? Dexadrine, Strattera, Ritalin, Adderall XR and Metadate, just to name a few. And the latest news is that the FDA has now warned that children on these ADHD drugs may have hallucinations about insects, snakes and worms crawling all over them! They found 850 cases of this latest horror in the ADHD drugs saga – actually that represents about 2% of the children taking these drugs. These are rather coyly referred to as hallucinations and ‘psychotic episodes’. One little girl actually fell down because she was convinced she had run into a brick wall. She had taken a 18 milligrams dose of one of the above drugs.
You can find this report in the ‘Pediatrics’ journal. As if that was not enough, there are reports of children on Strattera (one of the drugs incriminated above) having suicidal thoughts. Not surprising if they think worms are crawling all over them ! Now, when we realize that there are now millions of children in the USA alone on these drugs, about 8% on the latest count, then there is a case for a high alert to be issued. Especially when you add in the other side effects of these common drugs for ADHD, you begin to wonder what on earth are we doing to our children?
Read the entire article at:
by (aka Brent)
Common Drugs for Adhd May Cause Hallucinations- the Latest Fda Warning
Let us have a look at the latest offering from the FDA on common drugs for ADHD. First what are the drugs for ADHD? Dexadrine, Strattera, Ritalin, Adderall XR and Metadate, just to name a few. And the latest news is that the FDA has now warned that children on these ADHD drugs may have hallucinations about insects, snakes and worms crawling all over them! They found 850 cases of this latest horror in the ADHD drugs saga – actually that represents about 2% of the children taking these drugs. These are rather coyly referred to as hallucinations and ‘psychotic episodes’. One little girl actually fell down because she was convinced she had run into a brick wall. She had taken a 18 milligrams dose of one of the above drugs.
You can find this report in the ‘Pediatrics’ journal. As if that was not enough, there are reports of children on Strattera (one of the drugs incriminated above) having suicidal thoughts. Not surprising if they think worms are crawling all over them ! Now, when we realize that there are now millions of children in the USA alone on these drugs, about 8% on the latest count, then there is a case for a high alert to be issued. Especially when you add in the other side effects of these common drugs for ADHD, you begin to wonder what on earth are we doing to our children?
Read the entire article at:
HOUSE BILL 1536-FN AN ACT relative to administering psychotropic drugs to children in court ordered placements.
2010 SESSION September 21, 2010 at 10:30 AM Room 207 in the Legislative office Building in Concord. The Public is welcome.
AN ACT relative to administering psychotropic drugs to children in court ordered placements.
SPONSORS: Rep. B. Richardson, Ches 5; Rep. Gile, Merr 10; Rep. Gargasz, Hills 5; Rep.�Julie�Brown, Straf 1; Rep. Ford, Graf 3
COMMITTEE: Children and Family Law
This bill requires the department of health and human services to obtain parental consent or a court order, supported by a medical diagnosis and treatment recommendation, prior to administering psychotropic medications to children in court ordered placements.
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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Ten
AN ACT relative to administering psychotropic drugs to children in court ordered placements.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 New Subdivision; Court Ordered Placements; Medical and Psychological Care of Children in Court Ordered Placements. Amend RSA 169-F by inserting after section 4 the following new subdivision:
Medical and Psychological Care of Children in Court Ordered Placements
169-F:5 Definitions. In this chapter:
I. “Department” means the department of health and human services.
II. “Physician” shall mean a pediatric child psychiatrist licensed to practice in New�Hampshire.
III. “Psychotropic medication” means those medications the prescribed intention of which is to alter mental activity or mental state, including but not limited to, antipsychotic, antidepressant, and anxiolytic medications, and behavior-altering medications.
169-F:6 Parental Consent for Administration of Psychotropic Medication.
I. Except as otherwise provided in 169-F:7 or RSA 169-F:10, before the department provides psychotropic medications to a child in its custody, the prescribing physician shall attempt to obtain express and informed consent from the child’s parent or legal guardian. The department shall take steps necessary to facilitate the inclusion of the parent in the child’s consultation with the physician. However, if the parental rights of the parent have been terminated, the parent’s location or identity is unknown or cannot reasonably be ascertained, or the parent declines to give express and informed consent, the department may, after consultation with the prescribing physician, seek court authorization to provide the psychotropic medications to the child. Unless parental rights have been terminated and if it is possible to do so, the department shall continue to involve the parent in the decision-making process regarding the provision of psychotropic medications. If, at any time, a parent whose parental rights have not been terminated provides express and informed consent to the provision of a psychotropic medication, the requirements of this subdivision that the department seek court authorization do not apply to that medication until such time as the parent no longer consents.
II. Any time the department seeks a medical evaluation to determine the need to initiate or continue a psychotropic medication for a child, the department shall provide to the evaluating physician all pertinent medical information known to the department concerning that child.
169-F:7 Limited Exceptions to Parental Consent.
I. If a child is removed from the home under RSA 169-B, 169-C, or 169-D and is receiving prescribed psychotropic medication at the time of removal and parental authorization to continue providing the medication cannot be obtained, the department may take possession of the remaining medication and may continue to provide the medication as prescribed until the preliminary hearing, if it is determined that the medication is a current prescription for that child, the medication has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for children of that age, and the medication is in its original container.
II. If the department continues to provide the psychotropic medication to a child when parental authorization cannot be obtained, the department shall notify the parent or legal guardian as soon as possible that the medication is being provided to the child as provided in paragraph I. The department’s case record shall include the reason parental authorization was not initially obtained and an explanation of why the medication is necessary for the child’s well-being.
III. If the department is advised by a licensed physician that the child should continue the psychotropic medication and parental authorization has not been obtained, the department shall request authorization at the preliminary hearing to continue to provide the psychotropic medication and shall provide to the court any information in its possession in support of the request. Any authorization granted at the hearing may extend only until the adjudicatory or dispositional hearing.
169-F:8 Court Authorization and Medical Report Required. Except as provided in RSA 169-F:7 or RSA 169-F:10, the department shall file a motion seeking the court’s authorization to initially provide or continue to provide psychotropic medication to a child in its legal custody. The motion shall be supported by a written report prepared by the department which describes the efforts made to enable the prescribing physician to obtain express and informed consent from the parent and other treatments considered or recommended for the child. In addition, the motion shall be supported by the prescribing physician’s signed medical report providing:
I. The name of the child, the name and range of the dosage of the psychotropic medication, and that there is a need to prescribe psychotropic medication to the child based upon a diagnosed condition for which such medication is being prescribed.
II. A statement indicating that the physician has reviewed all medical information concerning the child which has been provided.
III. A statement indicating that the psychotropic medication has been approved by the FDA for children of that age and, at its prescribed dosage, is appropriate for treating the child’s diagnosed medical condition, as well as the behaviors and symptoms the medication, at its prescribed dosage, is expected to address.
IV. An explanation of the nature and purpose of the treatment; the recognized side effects, risks, and contraindications of the medication; drug-interaction precautions; the possible effects of stopping the medication; and how the treatment will be monitored, followed by a statement indicating that this explanation was provided to the child if age appropriate and to the child’s caregiver.
V. Documentation addressing whether the psychotropic medication will replace or supplement any other currently prescribed medications or treatments; the length of time the child is expected to be taking the medication; and any additional medical, mental health, behavioral, counseling, or other services that the prescribing physician recommends.
169-F:9 Notice and Hearing Regarding Treatment.
I. If any party objects to a motion filed under RSA 169-F:8, that party shall file the objection within 2 working days after being notified of the department’s motion. If any party files an objection, the court shall hold a hearing as soon as possible before authorizing the department to initially provide or to continue providing psychotropic medication to a child in the legal custody of the department. At such hearing, the medical report described in RSA 169-F:8 is admissible in evidence. The prescribing physician need not attend the hearing or testify unless the court specifically orders such attendance or testimony, or a party subpoenas the physician to attend the hearing or provide testimony. If, after considering any testimony received, the court finds that the department’s motion and the physician’s medical report meet the requirements of RSA 169-F:8 and that it is in the child’s best interests, the court may order that the department provide or continue to provide the psychotropic medication to the child without additional testimony or evidence. At any hearing held under this paragraph, the court shall further inquire of the department as to whether additional medical, mental health, behavioral, counseling, or other services are being provided to the child by the department which the prescribing physician considers to be necessary or beneficial in treating the child’s medical condition and which the physician recommends or expects to provide to the child in concert with the medication. The court may order additional medical consultation or require the department to obtain a second opinion within a reasonable timeframe as established by the court, not to exceed 21 calendar days, after such order based upon consideration of the best interests of the child. The department shall make a referral for an appointment for a second opinion with a physician within one working day. The court may not order the discontinuation of prescribed psychotropic medication if such order is contrary to the decision of the prescribing physician unless the court first obtains an opinion from a licensed physician stating that more likely than not, discontinuing the medication would not cause significant harm to the child. The court may also order the discontinuation of prescribed psychotropic medication if a child’s treating physician states that continuing the prescribed psychotropic medication would cause significant harm to the child due to a diagnosed, non-psychiatric medical condition.
II. The burden of proof at any hearing held under this paragraph shall be by a preponderance of the evidence.
169-F:10 Emergency Authorization.
I. If the child’s prescribing physician certifies in the signed medical report required in RSA�169-F:8 that delay in providing a prescribed psychotropic medication would more likely than not cause significant harm to the child, the medication may be provided in advance of the issuance of a court order. In such event, the medical report shall provide the specific reasons why the child may experience significant harm and the nature and the extent of the potential harm. The department shall submit a motion seeking continuation of the medication and the physician’s medical report to the court, the child’s guardian ad litem, and all other parties within 3 working days after the department commences providing the medication to the child. The department shall seek the order at the next regularly scheduled court hearing or within 30 days after the date of the prescription, whichever occurs sooner. If any party objects to the department’s motion, the court shall hold a hearing within 7 days.
II. Psychotropic medications may be administered in advance of a court order in children’s hospitals and inpatient psychiatric programs specializing in mental health care for children and adolescents. Within 3 working days after the medication is begun, the department shall seek court authorization as described in RSA 169-F:8.
169-F:11 Status Report; Court Authorization to Continue Treatment.
I. The department shall fully inform the court of the child’s medical and behavioral status as part of the social services report prepared for each review hearing held for a child for whom psychotropic medication has been prescribed or provided under this subdivision. As a part of the information provided to the court, the department shall furnish copies of all pertinent medical records concerning the child which have been generated since the previous hearing.
II. The court may, in the best interests of the child, order the department to obtain a medical opinion addressing whether the continued use of the medication under the circumstances is safe and medically appropriate.
III. The court shall not authorize a psychotropic medication for a child if the medication has not been approved by the FDA for children of that age.
169-F:12 Rulemaking. The department shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A to ensure that children receive timely access to clinically appropriate psychotropic medications. These rules shall include, but need not be limited to:
I. The process for determining which adjunctive services are needed.
II. The uniform process for facilitating the prescribing physician’s ability to obtain the express and informed consent of a child’s parent or guardian.
III. The procedures for obtaining court authorization for the provision of a psychotropic medication.
IV. The frequency of medical monitoring and reporting on the status of the child to the court.
V. How the child’s parents will be involved in the treatment-planning process if their parental rights have not been terminated.
VI. How caretakers are to be provided information contained in the physician’s signed medical report.
VII. Uniform forms to be used in requesting court authorization for the use of a psychotropic medication and provide for the integration of each child’s treatment plan and case plan.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2011.
AN ACT relative to administering psychotropic drugs to children in court ordered placements.
The Department of Health and Human Services states this bill may increase state expenditures by an indeterminable amount in FY 2011 and each year thereafter. This bill will have no fiscal impact on state, county and local revenue, or county and local expenditures.
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) states this bill provides for a number of motions, evaluations, reports and hearings that would be required at various states of the process whenever psychotropic medications are to be provided for a child that is in the Department’s legal custody. The Department states while it is likely the bill would increase the number of motions and hearings in these cases and that it would increase provider costs by prescribing the type, number and timing of evaluations, given the number of variables in the bill, DHHS is unable to estimate what the increase in costs or the Federal and State share of such costs. Although an exact fiscal impact cannot be determined at this time, the Department has analyzed the potential impact as it relates to the population at the Sununu Youth Services Center (SYSC). The Department states after extensive conversation with the staff psychiatrist at the SYSC, there could be additional costs of approximately $1,087.50 per case. Such costs would include psychiatrist report writing; copying of youth medical files; transcription of reports, and review and correction by psychiatrist; psychiatrist meetings with Division of Juvenile Justice Services staff attorney; and psychiatrist court time. DHHS projects the number of SYSC cases impacted would total 13 in FY 2011, 14 in FY 2012, and 15 in FY 2013 and each year thereafter, which would result in additional costs of approximately $14,138 in FY 2011, $15,225 in FY 2012, and $16,313 in FY 2013 and beyond. All such costs would be from the state general fund since youth in placement at SYSC are not eligible for federal reimbursement (Title IV-E).
2010 SESSION September 21, 2010 at 10:30 AM Room 207 in the Legislative office Building in Concord. The Public is welcome.
AN ACT relative to administering psychotropic drugs to children in court ordered placements.
SPONSORS: Rep. B. Richardson, Ches 5; Rep. Gile, Merr 10; Rep. Gargasz, Hills 5; Rep.�Julie�Brown, Straf 1; Rep. Ford, Graf 3
COMMITTEE: Children and Family Law
This bill requires the department of health and human services to obtain parental consent or a court order, supported by a medical diagnosis and treatment recommendation, prior to administering psychotropic medications to children in court ordered placements.
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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Ten
AN ACT relative to administering psychotropic drugs to children in court ordered placements.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 New Subdivision; Court Ordered Placements; Medical and Psychological Care of Children in Court Ordered Placements. Amend RSA 169-F by inserting after section 4 the following new subdivision:
Medical and Psychological Care of Children in Court Ordered Placements
169-F:5 Definitions. In this chapter:
I. “Department” means the department of health and human services.
II. “Physician” shall mean a pediatric child psychiatrist licensed to practice in New�Hampshire.
III. “Psychotropic medication” means those medications the prescribed intention of which is to alter mental activity or mental state, including but not limited to, antipsychotic, antidepressant, and anxiolytic medications, and behavior-altering medications.
169-F:6 Parental Consent for Administration of Psychotropic Medication.
I. Except as otherwise provided in 169-F:7 or RSA 169-F:10, before the department provides psychotropic medications to a child in its custody, the prescribing physician shall attempt to obtain express and informed consent from the child’s parent or legal guardian. The department shall take steps necessary to facilitate the inclusion of the parent in the child’s consultation with the physician. However, if the parental rights of the parent have been terminated, the parent’s location or identity is unknown or cannot reasonably be ascertained, or the parent declines to give express and informed consent, the department may, after consultation with the prescribing physician, seek court authorization to provide the psychotropic medications to the child. Unless parental rights have been terminated and if it is possible to do so, the department shall continue to involve the parent in the decision-making process regarding the provision of psychotropic medications. If, at any time, a parent whose parental rights have not been terminated provides express and informed consent to the provision of a psychotropic medication, the requirements of this subdivision that the department seek court authorization do not apply to that medication until such time as the parent no longer consents.
II. Any time the department seeks a medical evaluation to determine the need to initiate or continue a psychotropic medication for a child, the department shall provide to the evaluating physician all pertinent medical information known to the department concerning that child.
169-F:7 Limited Exceptions to Parental Consent.
I. If a child is removed from the home under RSA 169-B, 169-C, or 169-D and is receiving prescribed psychotropic medication at the time of removal and parental authorization to continue providing the medication cannot be obtained, the department may take possession of the remaining medication and may continue to provide the medication as prescribed until the preliminary hearing, if it is determined that the medication is a current prescription for that child, the medication has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for children of that age, and the medication is in its original container.
II. If the department continues to provide the psychotropic medication to a child when parental authorization cannot be obtained, the department shall notify the parent or legal guardian as soon as possible that the medication is being provided to the child as provided in paragraph I. The department’s case record shall include the reason parental authorization was not initially obtained and an explanation of why the medication is necessary for the child’s well-being.
III. If the department is advised by a licensed physician that the child should continue the psychotropic medication and parental authorization has not been obtained, the department shall request authorization at the preliminary hearing to continue to provide the psychotropic medication and shall provide to the court any information in its possession in support of the request. Any authorization granted at the hearing may extend only until the adjudicatory or dispositional hearing.
169-F:8 Court Authorization and Medical Report Required. Except as provided in RSA 169-F:7 or RSA 169-F:10, the department shall file a motion seeking the court’s authorization to initially provide or continue to provide psychotropic medication to a child in its legal custody. The motion shall be supported by a written report prepared by the department which describes the efforts made to enable the prescribing physician to obtain express and informed consent from the parent and other treatments considered or recommended for the child. In addition, the motion shall be supported by the prescribing physician’s signed medical report providing:
I. The name of the child, the name and range of the dosage of the psychotropic medication, and that there is a need to prescribe psychotropic medication to the child based upon a diagnosed condition for which such medication is being prescribed.
II. A statement indicating that the physician has reviewed all medical information concerning the child which has been provided.
III. A statement indicating that the psychotropic medication has been approved by the FDA for children of that age and, at its prescribed dosage, is appropriate for treating the child’s diagnosed medical condition, as well as the behaviors and symptoms the medication, at its prescribed dosage, is expected to address.
IV. An explanation of the nature and purpose of the treatment; the recognized side effects, risks, and contraindications of the medication; drug-interaction precautions; the possible effects of stopping the medication; and how the treatment will be monitored, followed by a statement indicating that this explanation was provided to the child if age appropriate and to the child’s caregiver.
V. Documentation addressing whether the psychotropic medication will replace or supplement any other currently prescribed medications or treatments; the length of time the child is expected to be taking the medication; and any additional medical, mental health, behavioral, counseling, or other services that the prescribing physician recommends.
169-F:9 Notice and Hearing Regarding Treatment.
I. If any party objects to a motion filed under RSA 169-F:8, that party shall file the objection within 2 working days after being notified of the department’s motion. If any party files an objection, the court shall hold a hearing as soon as possible before authorizing the department to initially provide or to continue providing psychotropic medication to a child in the legal custody of the department. At such hearing, the medical report described in RSA 169-F:8 is admissible in evidence. The prescribing physician need not attend the hearing or testify unless the court specifically orders such attendance or testimony, or a party subpoenas the physician to attend the hearing or provide testimony. If, after considering any testimony received, the court finds that the department’s motion and the physician’s medical report meet the requirements of RSA 169-F:8 and that it is in the child’s best interests, the court may order that the department provide or continue to provide the psychotropic medication to the child without additional testimony or evidence. At any hearing held under this paragraph, the court shall further inquire of the department as to whether additional medical, mental health, behavioral, counseling, or other services are being provided to the child by the department which the prescribing physician considers to be necessary or beneficial in treating the child’s medical condition and which the physician recommends or expects to provide to the child in concert with the medication. The court may order additional medical consultation or require the department to obtain a second opinion within a reasonable timeframe as established by the court, not to exceed 21 calendar days, after such order based upon consideration of the best interests of the child. The department shall make a referral for an appointment for a second opinion with a physician within one working day. The court may not order the discontinuation of prescribed psychotropic medication if such order is contrary to the decision of the prescribing physician unless the court first obtains an opinion from a licensed physician stating that more likely than not, discontinuing the medication would not cause significant harm to the child. The court may also order the discontinuation of prescribed psychotropic medication if a child’s treating physician states that continuing the prescribed psychotropic medication would cause significant harm to the child due to a diagnosed, non-psychiatric medical condition.
II. The burden of proof at any hearing held under this paragraph shall be by a preponderance of the evidence.
169-F:10 Emergency Authorization.
I. If the child’s prescribing physician certifies in the signed medical report required in RSA�169-F:8 that delay in providing a prescribed psychotropic medication would more likely than not cause significant harm to the child, the medication may be provided in advance of the issuance of a court order. In such event, the medical report shall provide the specific reasons why the child may experience significant harm and the nature and the extent of the potential harm. The department shall submit a motion seeking continuation of the medication and the physician’s medical report to the court, the child’s guardian ad litem, and all other parties within 3 working days after the department commences providing the medication to the child. The department shall seek the order at the next regularly scheduled court hearing or within 30 days after the date of the prescription, whichever occurs sooner. If any party objects to the department’s motion, the court shall hold a hearing within 7 days.
II. Psychotropic medications may be administered in advance of a court order in children’s hospitals and inpatient psychiatric programs specializing in mental health care for children and adolescents. Within 3 working days after the medication is begun, the department shall seek court authorization as described in RSA 169-F:8.
169-F:11 Status Report; Court Authorization to Continue Treatment.
I. The department shall fully inform the court of the child’s medical and behavioral status as part of the social services report prepared for each review hearing held for a child for whom psychotropic medication has been prescribed or provided under this subdivision. As a part of the information provided to the court, the department shall furnish copies of all pertinent medical records concerning the child which have been generated since the previous hearing.
II. The court may, in the best interests of the child, order the department to obtain a medical opinion addressing whether the continued use of the medication under the circumstances is safe and medically appropriate.
III. The court shall not authorize a psychotropic medication for a child if the medication has not been approved by the FDA for children of that age.
169-F:12 Rulemaking. The department shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A to ensure that children receive timely access to clinically appropriate psychotropic medications. These rules shall include, but need not be limited to:
I. The process for determining which adjunctive services are needed.
II. The uniform process for facilitating the prescribing physician’s ability to obtain the express and informed consent of a child’s parent or guardian.
III. The procedures for obtaining court authorization for the provision of a psychotropic medication.
IV. The frequency of medical monitoring and reporting on the status of the child to the court.
V. How the child’s parents will be involved in the treatment-planning process if their parental rights have not been terminated.
VI. How caretakers are to be provided information contained in the physician’s signed medical report.
VII. Uniform forms to be used in requesting court authorization for the use of a psychotropic medication and provide for the integration of each child’s treatment plan and case plan.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2011.
AN ACT relative to administering psychotropic drugs to children in court ordered placements.
The Department of Health and Human Services states this bill may increase state expenditures by an indeterminable amount in FY 2011 and each year thereafter. This bill will have no fiscal impact on state, county and local revenue, or county and local expenditures.
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) states this bill provides for a number of motions, evaluations, reports and hearings that would be required at various states of the process whenever psychotropic medications are to be provided for a child that is in the Department’s legal custody. The Department states while it is likely the bill would increase the number of motions and hearings in these cases and that it would increase provider costs by prescribing the type, number and timing of evaluations, given the number of variables in the bill, DHHS is unable to estimate what the increase in costs or the Federal and State share of such costs. Although an exact fiscal impact cannot be determined at this time, the Department has analyzed the potential impact as it relates to the population at the Sununu Youth Services Center (SYSC). The Department states after extensive conversation with the staff psychiatrist at the SYSC, there could be additional costs of approximately $1,087.50 per case. Such costs would include psychiatrist report writing; copying of youth medical files; transcription of reports, and review and correction by psychiatrist; psychiatrist meetings with Division of Juvenile Justice Services staff attorney; and psychiatrist court time. DHHS projects the number of SYSC cases impacted would total 13 in FY 2011, 14 in FY 2012, and 15 in FY 2013 and each year thereafter, which would result in additional costs of approximately $14,138 in FY 2011, $15,225 in FY 2012, and $16,313 in FY 2013 and beyond. All such costs would be from the state general fund since youth in placement at SYSC are not eligible for federal reimbursement (Title IV-E).
The drugging of our children!!
The drugging of our children!!
Jane Boyer
show details 3:59 PM (12 minutes ago)
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors do exactly that: Inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, thus leaving excess serotonin which allows this stimulation to continue. It has long been known that inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin will produce depression, suicide, violence, psychosis, mania, cravings for alcohol and other drugs, reckless driving, etc. The most popular drugs that produce this reuptake of serotonin are: SSRI Antidepressants: Prozac, Serafem, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa, Lexapro SNRI Antidepressants: Effexor, Remeron, Serzone, Cymbalta Atypical Antipsychotics: Zyprexa, Geodon, Abilify, Seroquel, Risperdal Weight Loss Medications: Fen-Phen, Redux, Meridia Pain Killers: (Any opium or heroin derivative) Morphine, OxyContin, Ultram, Tramadol, Percocet, Percodan, Lortab, Demerol, Darvon or Darvocet, Codeine, Buprenex, Dilaudid, Talwin, Stadol, Vicodin, Duragesic Patches, Fentanyl Transdermal, Methadone, Dextromethorphan (commonly used in cough syrups), etc. * * * WARNING * * * Dropping "cold turkey" off any of these medications can be more dangerous than staying on the drugs. Tapering off very, very, very slowly has proven the safest and most effective method of withdrawal. -------------------------------------- This torrent consists of two .mp3 files: Dr. Ann Blake Tracy - Help! I Can't Get Off My Antidepressant!.mp3 (1:19:00, 64kbps, 36.1mb); Dr. Fred Bell & Dr. Ann Blake Tracy - The Shocking Truth About SSRIs.mp3 (0:58:51, 32kbps, 13.4mb) The uploader and internet personality known as "geogaddi00" has instructed me in uploading this very important torrent and brings the news that it has been worked out directly with Dr. Ann Blake Tracy that the copyright for the "Help! I Can't Get Off My Antidepressant!" file has been ignored for the encouragement of podcasters, internet multimedia archivists, radio hosts etc. etc. to broadcast, host and share this file as far and wide as possible. It is very necessary to start getting this information out now a.s.a.p. for many complicated reasons which are brought up within the data in this torrent as well as other online sources. ** (possible collapse of US Banking system in 2008) - (possible implentation of the "Codex Alimentarius" bill which jeopardizes our ability to purchase natural medicine) ** SHARE, SEED, SPREAD, SAVE!!! -------------------------------------- "I am alarmed at the monster that Johns Hopkins neuroscientist Solomon Snyder and I created when we discovered the simple binding assay for drug receptors 25 years ago. Prozac and other antidepressant serotonin-receptor-active compounds may also cause cardiovascular problems in some susceptible people after long-term use, which has become common practice despite the lack of safety studies. "The public is being misinformed about the precision of these selective serotonin-uptake inhibitors when the medical profession oversimplifies their action in the brain and ignores the body as if it exists merely to carry the head around! In short, these molecules of emotion regulate every aspect of our physiology. A new paradigm has evolved, with implications that life-style changes such as diet and exercise can offer profound, safe and natural mood elevation." Candace B. Pert, Research Professor, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington; Letter to the Editor of TIME Magazine, October 20, 1997, page 8. -------------------------------------- Drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor, Serzone, Anafranil, etc. are some of the biggest money makers ever for the pharmaceutical companies. Yet are you aware that the use of Prozac among children from ages 6-12 went from 41,000 in 1995 to 203,000 in 1996. The number of new prescriptions written increased almost 400% in just one year?!! This is a very powerful mind-altering drug that has not been approved for use in children and yet our children are popping it like candy! Just Prozac's affect upon cortisol levels alone should frighten parents to death. One 30mg dose has been shown to clearly double the level of cortisol! (PROZAC PANACEA OR PANDORA?, p. 168) Increased cortisol impairs the development and regeneration of the liver, kidneys and muscles. It also retards linear growth. How many parents are given that information? How many doctors are aware of it themselves? The study being used to gain FDA approval of this medication demonstrates that the rate of mania (a terrible form of insanity including symptoms of sexual compulsions, criminal behavior, alcohol cravings, rages leading to domestic violence, delusions of grandeur - often mistaken for increased self confidence, wild spending and varied types of criminal behavior) among children taking Prozac was three times higher than it is for adults. Three out of 100 had to drop out of the study due to this devastating complication which developed within a short eight week trial! The most logical question to ask is "Why do this to our children when there are many safer natural options that work as well without serious side effects?" -------------------------------------- International Coalition For Drug Awareness Database of SSRI Cases of Suicide and Violence (includes high-profile cases such as the Virgina Tech school shooting, the Columbine school shooting, the Phil Hartman murder/suicide and the Andrea Yeates tragedy etc etc etc) Michael Moore obtained a copy of Dr. Tracy's book, "Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? - Our Serotonin Nightamre," at the premier of Bowling For Columbine in Denver, CO. After learning more about these drugs, see his statement from the movie he recently appeared in with Dr. Tracy, Mark Taylor, Neal Bush, and others in the Gary Null production "The Drugging of our Children": Subscribe for a free newsletter: -------------------------------------- PROZAC: PANACEA OR PANDORA? by ANN BLAKE TRACY, PhD NO OTHER BOOK ON THE MARKET EVEN BEGINS TO COMPARE!!! AVAILABLE ONLY BY DIRECT ORDER NOT AVAILABLE IN BOOKSTORES THE REST OF THE STORY ON THE NEW SSRI ANTIDEPRESSANTS PROZAC: PANACEA OR PANDORA? is the product of five years of intensive research, and the cases of approximately 1000 patients on a long-term basis. The author, Ann Blake Tracy holds a Doctorate in Health Sciences with the emphasis on Psychology, and is the director of the International Coalition for Drug Awareness. She has specialized in adverse reactions to serotonergic medications (such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa, Effexor, Serzone, Anafranil, Buspar, Fen-Phen, and Redux to name a few) and has testified before the FDA and congressional subcommittee members on Prozac. She has testified since 1992 as an expert witness in Prozac and other SSRI related court cases around the world. Her first book on the issue was published in 1991. During the last nine years she has participated in innumerable radio, television, newspaper and magazine interviews. We know of no one with such extensive experience and expertise on all of these issues surrounding the SSRI antidepressants as Ann Blake Tracy. LEARN MORE THAN PROFESSIONALS ABOUT THE SSRI ANTIDEPRESSANTS . . . SAFE METHODS TO GET OFF DRUGS, STAY OFF, AND TAKE CONTROL OF LIFE . . . IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE ON PROZAC, ZOLOFT, PAXIL, LUVOX, SERZONE, EFFEXOR, ANAFRANIL, FENFLURAMINE (Fen-Phen and Redux), DESERYL, MERIDIA, OR ANY OTHER DRUG DESIGNED TO INCREASE SEROTONIN, YOU AND THEY BOTH NEED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS BOOK. -------------------------------------- Taper off very, very slowly. Dropping "cold turkey" off any medication, most especially mind altering medications, can often be MORE DANGEROUS than staying on the drugs. The most dangerous and most common mistake someone coming off the SSRI antidepressants makes is coming off these drugs too rapidly. Tapering off very, very, VERY SLOWLY--OVER MONTHS (and for long-term users�a year or more), NOT JUST WEEKS!�has proven the safest and most effective method of withdrawal from this type of medication. Thus the body is given the time it needs to readjust its own chemical levels. Patients must be warned to come very slowly off these drugs by shaving minuscule amounts off their pills each day, as opposed to cutting them in half or taking a pill every other day. This cannot be stressed strongly enough! This information on EXTREMELY gradual withdrawal is the most critical piece of information that someone facing withdrawal from these drugs needs to have. A REMINDER: IT IS EASIER TO GET DOWN OFF A MOUNTAINTOP ONE GUARDED STEP AT A TIME THAN TO JUMP FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM. No matter how few or how many side effects you have had on these antidepressants, withdrawal is a whole new world. The worst part of rapid withdrawal does not hit for several months AFTER you quit. So even if you think you are doing okay you quickly find that it becomes much worse. If you do not come off correctly and rebuild your body as you do, you risk: - Creating bouts of overwhelming depression - Producing a MUCH longer withdrawal and recovery period than if you had come off slowly - Overwhelming fatigue causing you to be unable to continue daily tasks or costing your job - Having a psychotic break brought on by the terrible insomnia from the rapid withdrawal, and then being locked in a psychiatric ward - Ending up going back on the drugs (each period on the drugs tends to be more dangerous and problematic than the previous time you were on the drugs) and having more drugs added to calm the withdrawal effects - Seizures and other life threatening physical reactions - Violent outbursts or rages Although the book contains massive amounts of information you can find nowhere else on these drugs, it does not have the extensive amount of information contained in the tape on withdrawal. The tape contains newer and updated information on safe withdrawal from these drugs. The tape details over an hour and a half the safest ways found over the last ten years to withdraw from antidepressants. It also lists many alternative treatments that can assist you in getting though the withdrawal. And it contains information on how to rebuild your health after you have had it destroyed by the drugs so that you never end up on these drugs again. The tape is very inexpensive and will save you thousands in medical bills which you will spend trying to do it on your own. Many have lamented that they wished they would have had the information on this tape before attempting withdrawal. This is a tape doctors can also benefit from when attempting to withdraw their patients from these drugs that the World Health Organization has now told us are addictive and produce withdrawal. ** To get this on CD, or to buy Dr. Ann Blake Tracy's book, go here: (PayPal supported) To hear the mp3 of this tape/CD and to share it with others, download this torrent! ** -------------------------------------- - Come visit us at
Jane Boyer
show details 3:59 PM (12 minutes ago)
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors do exactly that: Inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, thus leaving excess serotonin which allows this stimulation to continue. It has long been known that inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin will produce depression, suicide, violence, psychosis, mania, cravings for alcohol and other drugs, reckless driving, etc. The most popular drugs that produce this reuptake of serotonin are: SSRI Antidepressants: Prozac, Serafem, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa, Lexapro SNRI Antidepressants: Effexor, Remeron, Serzone, Cymbalta Atypical Antipsychotics: Zyprexa, Geodon, Abilify, Seroquel, Risperdal Weight Loss Medications: Fen-Phen, Redux, Meridia Pain Killers: (Any opium or heroin derivative) Morphine, OxyContin, Ultram, Tramadol, Percocet, Percodan, Lortab, Demerol, Darvon or Darvocet, Codeine, Buprenex, Dilaudid, Talwin, Stadol, Vicodin, Duragesic Patches, Fentanyl Transdermal, Methadone, Dextromethorphan (commonly used in cough syrups), etc. * * * WARNING * * * Dropping "cold turkey" off any of these medications can be more dangerous than staying on the drugs. Tapering off very, very, very slowly has proven the safest and most effective method of withdrawal. -------------------------------------- This torrent consists of two .mp3 files: Dr. Ann Blake Tracy - Help! I Can't Get Off My Antidepressant!.mp3 (1:19:00, 64kbps, 36.1mb); Dr. Fred Bell & Dr. Ann Blake Tracy - The Shocking Truth About SSRIs.mp3 (0:58:51, 32kbps, 13.4mb) The uploader and internet personality known as "geogaddi00" has instructed me in uploading this very important torrent and brings the news that it has been worked out directly with Dr. Ann Blake Tracy that the copyright for the "Help! I Can't Get Off My Antidepressant!" file has been ignored for the encouragement of podcasters, internet multimedia archivists, radio hosts etc. etc. to broadcast, host and share this file as far and wide as possible. It is very necessary to start getting this information out now a.s.a.p. for many complicated reasons which are brought up within the data in this torrent as well as other online sources. ** (possible collapse of US Banking system in 2008) - (possible implentation of the "Codex Alimentarius" bill which jeopardizes our ability to purchase natural medicine) ** SHARE, SEED, SPREAD, SAVE!!! -------------------------------------- "I am alarmed at the monster that Johns Hopkins neuroscientist Solomon Snyder and I created when we discovered the simple binding assay for drug receptors 25 years ago. Prozac and other antidepressant serotonin-receptor-active compounds may also cause cardiovascular problems in some susceptible people after long-term use, which has become common practice despite the lack of safety studies. "The public is being misinformed about the precision of these selective serotonin-uptake inhibitors when the medical profession oversimplifies their action in the brain and ignores the body as if it exists merely to carry the head around! In short, these molecules of emotion regulate every aspect of our physiology. A new paradigm has evolved, with implications that life-style changes such as diet and exercise can offer profound, safe and natural mood elevation." Candace B. Pert, Research Professor, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington; Letter to the Editor of TIME Magazine, October 20, 1997, page 8. -------------------------------------- Drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor, Serzone, Anafranil, etc. are some of the biggest money makers ever for the pharmaceutical companies. Yet are you aware that the use of Prozac among children from ages 6-12 went from 41,000 in 1995 to 203,000 in 1996. The number of new prescriptions written increased almost 400% in just one year?!! This is a very powerful mind-altering drug that has not been approved for use in children and yet our children are popping it like candy! Just Prozac's affect upon cortisol levels alone should frighten parents to death. One 30mg dose has been shown to clearly double the level of cortisol! (PROZAC PANACEA OR PANDORA?, p. 168) Increased cortisol impairs the development and regeneration of the liver, kidneys and muscles. It also retards linear growth. How many parents are given that information? How many doctors are aware of it themselves? The study being used to gain FDA approval of this medication demonstrates that the rate of mania (a terrible form of insanity including symptoms of sexual compulsions, criminal behavior, alcohol cravings, rages leading to domestic violence, delusions of grandeur - often mistaken for increased self confidence, wild spending and varied types of criminal behavior) among children taking Prozac was three times higher than it is for adults. Three out of 100 had to drop out of the study due to this devastating complication which developed within a short eight week trial! The most logical question to ask is "Why do this to our children when there are many safer natural options that work as well without serious side effects?" -------------------------------------- International Coalition For Drug Awareness Database of SSRI Cases of Suicide and Violence (includes high-profile cases such as the Virgina Tech school shooting, the Columbine school shooting, the Phil Hartman murder/suicide and the Andrea Yeates tragedy etc etc etc) Michael Moore obtained a copy of Dr. Tracy's book, "Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? - Our Serotonin Nightamre," at the premier of Bowling For Columbine in Denver, CO. After learning more about these drugs, see his statement from the movie he recently appeared in with Dr. Tracy, Mark Taylor, Neal Bush, and others in the Gary Null production "The Drugging of our Children": Subscribe for a free newsletter: -------------------------------------- PROZAC: PANACEA OR PANDORA? by ANN BLAKE TRACY, PhD NO OTHER BOOK ON THE MARKET EVEN BEGINS TO COMPARE!!! AVAILABLE ONLY BY DIRECT ORDER NOT AVAILABLE IN BOOKSTORES THE REST OF THE STORY ON THE NEW SSRI ANTIDEPRESSANTS PROZAC: PANACEA OR PANDORA? is the product of five years of intensive research, and the cases of approximately 1000 patients on a long-term basis. The author, Ann Blake Tracy holds a Doctorate in Health Sciences with the emphasis on Psychology, and is the director of the International Coalition for Drug Awareness. She has specialized in adverse reactions to serotonergic medications (such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa, Effexor, Serzone, Anafranil, Buspar, Fen-Phen, and Redux to name a few) and has testified before the FDA and congressional subcommittee members on Prozac. She has testified since 1992 as an expert witness in Prozac and other SSRI related court cases around the world. Her first book on the issue was published in 1991. During the last nine years she has participated in innumerable radio, television, newspaper and magazine interviews. We know of no one with such extensive experience and expertise on all of these issues surrounding the SSRI antidepressants as Ann Blake Tracy. LEARN MORE THAN PROFESSIONALS ABOUT THE SSRI ANTIDEPRESSANTS . . . SAFE METHODS TO GET OFF DRUGS, STAY OFF, AND TAKE CONTROL OF LIFE . . . IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE ON PROZAC, ZOLOFT, PAXIL, LUVOX, SERZONE, EFFEXOR, ANAFRANIL, FENFLURAMINE (Fen-Phen and Redux), DESERYL, MERIDIA, OR ANY OTHER DRUG DESIGNED TO INCREASE SEROTONIN, YOU AND THEY BOTH NEED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS BOOK. -------------------------------------- Taper off very, very slowly. Dropping "cold turkey" off any medication, most especially mind altering medications, can often be MORE DANGEROUS than staying on the drugs. The most dangerous and most common mistake someone coming off the SSRI antidepressants makes is coming off these drugs too rapidly. Tapering off very, very, VERY SLOWLY--OVER MONTHS (and for long-term users�a year or more), NOT JUST WEEKS!�has proven the safest and most effective method of withdrawal from this type of medication. Thus the body is given the time it needs to readjust its own chemical levels. Patients must be warned to come very slowly off these drugs by shaving minuscule amounts off their pills each day, as opposed to cutting them in half or taking a pill every other day. This cannot be stressed strongly enough! This information on EXTREMELY gradual withdrawal is the most critical piece of information that someone facing withdrawal from these drugs needs to have. A REMINDER: IT IS EASIER TO GET DOWN OFF A MOUNTAINTOP ONE GUARDED STEP AT A TIME THAN TO JUMP FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM. No matter how few or how many side effects you have had on these antidepressants, withdrawal is a whole new world. The worst part of rapid withdrawal does not hit for several months AFTER you quit. So even if you think you are doing okay you quickly find that it becomes much worse. If you do not come off correctly and rebuild your body as you do, you risk: - Creating bouts of overwhelming depression - Producing a MUCH longer withdrawal and recovery period than if you had come off slowly - Overwhelming fatigue causing you to be unable to continue daily tasks or costing your job - Having a psychotic break brought on by the terrible insomnia from the rapid withdrawal, and then being locked in a psychiatric ward - Ending up going back on the drugs (each period on the drugs tends to be more dangerous and problematic than the previous time you were on the drugs) and having more drugs added to calm the withdrawal effects - Seizures and other life threatening physical reactions - Violent outbursts or rages Although the book contains massive amounts of information you can find nowhere else on these drugs, it does not have the extensive amount of information contained in the tape on withdrawal. The tape contains newer and updated information on safe withdrawal from these drugs. The tape details over an hour and a half the safest ways found over the last ten years to withdraw from antidepressants. It also lists many alternative treatments that can assist you in getting though the withdrawal. And it contains information on how to rebuild your health after you have had it destroyed by the drugs so that you never end up on these drugs again. The tape is very inexpensive and will save you thousands in medical bills which you will spend trying to do it on your own. Many have lamented that they wished they would have had the information on this tape before attempting withdrawal. This is a tape doctors can also benefit from when attempting to withdraw their patients from these drugs that the World Health Organization has now told us are addictive and produce withdrawal. ** To get this on CD, or to buy Dr. Ann Blake Tracy's book, go here: (PayPal supported) To hear the mp3 of this tape/CD and to share it with others, download this torrent! ** -------------------------------------- - Come visit us at
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
California Court of Appeal Affirms Mom's $4.9 Million Award Against Social Services Agency
California Court of Appeal Affirms Mom's $4.9 Million Award Against Social Services Agency
RE: Fogarty-Hardwick v. County of Orange, et al. Superior Court of California, County of Orange Case No. 01CC02379 (Trial before Hon. Ronald L. Bauer, Dept. CX103) In 2007 an Orange County jury returned a $4.9 million verdict in favor of Deanna Fogarty-Hardwick finding that county social workers had lied to the juvenile court in order to cause the removal of Fogarty-Hardwick's young children - 6 and 9 years old at the time. In a unanimous scathing opinion issued Monday, June 14, 2010, Division Three of the Fourth District Court of Appeal noted that the evidence presented at trial led both the judge and jury to conclude that "something seriously wrong had been done to Fogarty-Hardwick" and that the conduct of the social workers was not "an isolated incident." The Court of Appeal went on to chastise the County saying "This conclusion is something that should be taken very seriously.
Read the entire article at:
RE: Fogarty-Hardwick v. County of Orange, et al. Superior Court of California, County of Orange Case No. 01CC02379 (Trial before Hon. Ronald L. Bauer, Dept. CX103) In 2007 an Orange County jury returned a $4.9 million verdict in favor of Deanna Fogarty-Hardwick finding that county social workers had lied to the juvenile court in order to cause the removal of Fogarty-Hardwick's young children - 6 and 9 years old at the time. In a unanimous scathing opinion issued Monday, June 14, 2010, Division Three of the Fourth District Court of Appeal noted that the evidence presented at trial led both the judge and jury to conclude that "something seriously wrong had been done to Fogarty-Hardwick" and that the conduct of the social workers was not "an isolated incident." The Court of Appeal went on to chastise the County saying "This conclusion is something that should be taken very seriously.
Read the entire article at:
Friday, September 17, 2010
Abandoned to the State?
Abandoned to the State?
In 2006, parent David Parker insisted he would not leave his son’s elementary school until someone spoke to him about opting his kindergarten son out of offensive sexual material. Parker was arrested for trespassing and spent the night in jail. Further, the school refused to excuse his son from the class. The case of Parker v. Hurley ensued.
The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts in that case held that “Parents do have a fundamental right to raise their children. They are not required to abandon that responsibility to the state. [They] may send their children to a private school…. They may also educate their children at home.” In other words, the court outlined three options for parents: send your child to private school, teach them at home, or “abandon [your] responsibility to the state.”
The court further held that allowing students to opt out of offensive materials “might also undermine the [school’s] efforts to educate the remaining other students to understand” the subject being taught.
In 2008, the Supreme Court refused to grant review to this case, leaving the District Court’s decision to stand as precedent nationwide. Parents who believe they have a right to opt a child out of offensive material in the public school, therefore, should think again; the courts have already decided otherwise. (Read more on this case here.)
The proposed Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution will restore the responsibility of all government institutions (including public schools) to treat parental rights as a fundamental right. As a result, these rights will have to be respected even inside the school, and not evaporate at the front door.
Take action now to restore this and other reasonable rights of parents by signing the petition to support the Parental Rights Amendment.
Please Pass this along!
In 2006, parent David Parker insisted he would not leave his son’s elementary school until someone spoke to him about opting his kindergarten son out of offensive sexual material. Parker was arrested for trespassing and spent the night in jail. Further, the school refused to excuse his son from the class. The case of Parker v. Hurley ensued.
The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts in that case held that “Parents do have a fundamental right to raise their children. They are not required to abandon that responsibility to the state. [They] may send their children to a private school…. They may also educate their children at home.” In other words, the court outlined three options for parents: send your child to private school, teach them at home, or “abandon [your] responsibility to the state.”
The court further held that allowing students to opt out of offensive materials “might also undermine the [school’s] efforts to educate the remaining other students to understand” the subject being taught.
In 2008, the Supreme Court refused to grant review to this case, leaving the District Court’s decision to stand as precedent nationwide. Parents who believe they have a right to opt a child out of offensive material in the public school, therefore, should think again; the courts have already decided otherwise. (Read more on this case here.)
The proposed Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution will restore the responsibility of all government institutions (including public schools) to treat parental rights as a fundamental right. As a result, these rights will have to be respected even inside the school, and not evaporate at the front door.
Take action now to restore this and other reasonable rights of parents by signing the petition to support the Parental Rights Amendment.
Please Pass this along!
10:00 a.m. Interim study subcommittee work session on HB 139, relative to the determination of parental rights and responsibilities.
The House Children and Family Law Committee, in partnership with state child protection and child support agencies, hopes to learn from the public how the resources available are being utilized to result in the most positive outcomes for children and their families in New Hampshire.
Sessions will be held: Tuesday, September 28 in Rochester from 4 – 6 pm at the Rochester Community Center; Tuesday, October 5 in Nashua from 4 – 6 pm at the Family Resource Center for Greater Nashua (located at the Boys and Girls Club for Greater Nashua-Grand Ave, Nashua); and Thursday, October 7 in Concord from 4 – 6 pm in Room 206 of the Legislative Office Building.
The primary purpose of these public listening sessions is to provide an opportunity for the public to participate in the Legislative process, in particular that of the Children and Family Law Committee of the NHHouse of Representatives. Information gathered at these meetings may be used to develop future legislation intended to improve our state’s services to children and their families.
Rep. Mary Stuart Gile
The HB 139 Meeting is on Wed. Oct. 6th , not Oct. 3rd!
From: Eileen Cipnick
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 8:28:39 AM
Good Morning. There are a couple of very important Legislative Meetings scheduled for October (see below for specific dates). HB 139 is the bill relating to parental rights and responsibilities stating there should be comparable rights and responsibilities for both parents as the starting point, when determining parenting rights and responsibilities. This bill went to interim study and will be meeting to determine IF the bill can move forward and be made into law. It's very important that if you can attend the meeting on October 3rd, you do so. If you would like to send testimony, you can send it to the Child and Family law Committee at:
Additionally, more of the listening groups have been added (see below). If you are able to go to these sessions, it's very important that your voice is heard........
Hope you are all doing well.
10:00 a.m. Interim study subcommittee work session on HB 139, relative to the determination of parental rights and responsibilities.
The House Children and Family Law Committee, in partnership with state child protection and child support agencies, hopes to learn from the public how the resources available are being utilized to result in the most positive outcomes for children and their families in New Hampshire.
Sessions will be held: Tuesday, September 28 in Rochester from 4 – 6 pm at the Rochester Community Center; Tuesday, October 5 in Nashua from 4 – 6 pm at the Family Resource Center for Greater Nashua (located at the Boys and Girls Club for Greater Nashua-Grand Ave, Nashua); and Thursday, October 7 in Concord from 4 – 6 pm in Room 206 of the Legislative Office Building.
The primary purpose of these public listening sessions is to provide an opportunity for the public to participate in the Legislative process, in particular that of the Children and Family Law Committee of the NH House of Representatives. Information gathered at these meetings may be used to develop future legislation intended to improve our state’s services to children and their families.
Rep. Mary Stuart Gile
Eileen Cipnick, EJD, NCPM
10:00 a.m. Interim study subcommittee work session on HB 139, relative to the determination of parental rights and responsibilities.
The House Children and Family Law Committee, in partnership with state child protection and child support agencies, hopes to learn from the public how the resources available are being utilized to result in the most positive outcomes for children and their families in New Hampshire.
Sessions will be held: Tuesday, September 28 in Rochester from 4 – 6 pm at the Rochester Community Center; Tuesday, October 5 in Nashua from 4 – 6 pm at the Family Resource Center for Greater Nashua (located at the Boys and Girls Club for Greater Nashua-Grand Ave, Nashua); and Thursday, October 7 in Concord from 4 – 6 pm in Room 206 of the Legislative Office Building.
The primary purpose of these public listening sessions is to provide an opportunity for the public to participate in the Legislative process, in particular that of the Children and Family Law Committee of the NHHouse of Representatives. Information gathered at these meetings may be used to develop future legislation intended to improve our state’s services to children and their families.
Rep. Mary Stuart Gile
The HB 139 Meeting is on Wed. Oct. 6th , not Oct. 3rd!
From: Eileen Cipnick
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 8:28:39 AM
Good Morning. There are a couple of very important Legislative Meetings scheduled for October (see below for specific dates). HB 139 is the bill relating to parental rights and responsibilities stating there should be comparable rights and responsibilities for both parents as the starting point, when determining parenting rights and responsibilities. This bill went to interim study and will be meeting to determine IF the bill can move forward and be made into law. It's very important that if you can attend the meeting on October 3rd, you do so. If you would like to send testimony, you can send it to the Child and Family law Committee at:
Additionally, more of the listening groups have been added (see below). If you are able to go to these sessions, it's very important that your voice is heard........
Hope you are all doing well.
10:00 a.m. Interim study subcommittee work session on HB 139, relative to the determination of parental rights and responsibilities.
The House Children and Family Law Committee, in partnership with state child protection and child support agencies, hopes to learn from the public how the resources available are being utilized to result in the most positive outcomes for children and their families in New Hampshire.
Sessions will be held: Tuesday, September 28 in Rochester from 4 – 6 pm at the Rochester Community Center; Tuesday, October 5 in Nashua from 4 – 6 pm at the Family Resource Center for Greater Nashua (located at the Boys and Girls Club for Greater Nashua-Grand Ave, Nashua); and Thursday, October 7 in Concord from 4 – 6 pm in Room 206 of the Legislative Office Building.
The primary purpose of these public listening sessions is to provide an opportunity for the public to participate in the Legislative process, in particular that of the Children and Family Law Committee of the NH House of Representatives. Information gathered at these meetings may be used to develop future legislation intended to improve our state’s services to children and their families.
Rep. Mary Stuart Gile
Eileen Cipnick, EJD, NCPM
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Jane Boyer
This was a response to a via e-mail submission for the GAO FraudNet, although it was a individual filing the claim for alleging the wrongful removals of children from a home because they could not investigate the case as a individual claim, unless it was a legislative committee member or Governor, or some one like the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Social Services, a Mayor, or a Senator a DA or Attorney General. Let's put this response to the test and flood the DHHS in Washington to see what response we get back. Everyone call the
1-800-447-8477 to complain about what's going on in your state.
A response to anonymous submission claim:
This responds to your Internet submission to the GAO FraudNET alleging the wrongful removal of children from a home by the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services and the Kaw Valley Center in Kansas. We have assigned this matter control number and request that you cite this number in any future contact with our office.
We reviewed your information and found that the situation you describe is not within the scope of any on-going GAO work. Therefore in accordance with GAO FraudNET policy to forward instances of wrongdoing to executive agencies for appropriate action, we have referred your concerns to the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General (DHHS/OIG) for their review and whatever action they deem appropriate. The DHHS/OIG can be contacted at 1-800-447-8477, via email at or in writing at: DHHS/OIG; 330 Independence Avenue, S.W.; Washington, D.C. 20201.
For your information, GAO is responsible for assisting the Congress in carrying out its oversight responsibilities pertaining to government programs, activities and functions. Generally, this involves examining the programs and operations of federal departments and agencies, rather than reviewing singular allegations of wrongdoing or poor performance in connection with specific matters.
Thank you for your interest.
Jane Boyer
This was a response to a via e-mail submission for the GAO FraudNet, although it was a individual filing the claim for alleging the wrongful removals of children from a home because they could not investigate the case as a individual claim, unless it was a legislative committee member or Governor, or some one like the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Social Services, a Mayor, or a Senator a DA or Attorney General. Let's put this response to the test and flood the DHHS in Washington to see what response we get back. Everyone call the
1-800-447-8477 to complain about what's going on in your state.
A response to anonymous submission claim:
This responds to your Internet submission to the GAO FraudNET alleging the wrongful removal of children from a home by the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services and the Kaw Valley Center in Kansas. We have assigned this matter control number and request that you cite this number in any future contact with our office.
We reviewed your information and found that the situation you describe is not within the scope of any on-going GAO work. Therefore in accordance with GAO FraudNET policy to forward instances of wrongdoing to executive agencies for appropriate action, we have referred your concerns to the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General (DHHS/OIG) for their review and whatever action they deem appropriate. The DHHS/OIG can be contacted at 1-800-447-8477, via email at or in writing at: DHHS/OIG; 330 Independence Avenue, S.W.; Washington, D.C. 20201.
For your information, GAO is responsible for assisting the Congress in carrying out its oversight responsibilities pertaining to government programs, activities and functions. Generally, this involves examining the programs and operations of federal departments and agencies, rather than reviewing singular allegations of wrongdoing or poor performance in connection with specific matters.
Thank you for your interest.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Family says boy hiding from foster care
Family says boy hiding from foster care
Police say the search for Jaymie Fisher will continue until he is returned to his guardian.
VIDEO: Police probe mother on missing Hobart boy (7pm TV News TAS)
MAP: Glenorchy 7010
RELATED STORY: Police urge mum to tell them missing son's whereabouts
The grandfather of a boy reported missing last Friday has criticised police for insisting on seeing the boy after his mother claimed he had called her twice and he is safe.
Jaymie Fisher was dropped off at his mother's Glenorchy home on Friday for a weekly visit and reported missing on the same day.
Police have scoured nearby bushland for the boy who has twice phoned his mother Rachel Fisher.
But her father Brian Fisher believes his grandson will not say where he is hiding because he does not want to return to foster care.
"He's had a gutful of it, you know. He wants to go home, he wants to live his life properly," he said
Mr Fisher says police threatened his daughter when they spoke to her last night and she is frightened.
Police say Mr Fisher should lodge a formal complaint if he has concerns.
They say the investigation will continue until Jaymie is returned to his legal guardian.
Police say the search for Jaymie Fisher will continue until he is returned to his guardian.
VIDEO: Police probe mother on missing Hobart boy (7pm TV News TAS)
MAP: Glenorchy 7010
RELATED STORY: Police urge mum to tell them missing son's whereabouts
The grandfather of a boy reported missing last Friday has criticised police for insisting on seeing the boy after his mother claimed he had called her twice and he is safe.
Jaymie Fisher was dropped off at his mother's Glenorchy home on Friday for a weekly visit and reported missing on the same day.
Police have scoured nearby bushland for the boy who has twice phoned his mother Rachel Fisher.
But her father Brian Fisher believes his grandson will not say where he is hiding because he does not want to return to foster care.
"He's had a gutful of it, you know. He wants to go home, he wants to live his life properly," he said
Mr Fisher says police threatened his daughter when they spoke to her last night and she is frightened.
Police say Mr Fisher should lodge a formal complaint if he has concerns.
They say the investigation will continue until Jaymie is returned to his legal guardian.
Seclusion And Restraint In Child And Adolescent Mental Health Care
Seclusion And Restraint In Child And Adolescent Mental Health Care
Seclusion And Restraint In Child And Adolescent Mental Health Care
Mental health care settings present a series of challenges, more so when patients are children and adolescents. One of these controversial issues is the use of seclusion and restraint. Many nursing practitioners find that it is extremely difficult trying to balance between the civil rights of the child or adolescent patient and the needs of the patient as a health care consumer. When most people think about seclusion and restraint, they imagine that it is a form of punishment, neglect, institutional abuse or custodial care. However, certain instances necessitate its use and if used in the right manner, it may even be regarded as a form of therapeutic treatment.
Seclusion And Restraint In Child And Adolescent Mental Health Care
Mental health care settings present a series of challenges, more so when patients are children and adolescents. One of these controversial issues is the use of seclusion and restraint. Many nursing practitioners find that it is extremely difficult trying to balance between the civil rights of the child or adolescent patient and the needs of the patient as a health care consumer. When most people think about seclusion and restraint, they imagine that it is a form of punishment, neglect, institutional abuse or custodial care. However, certain instances necessitate its use and if used in the right manner, it may even be regarded as a form of therapeutic treatment.
Suicide Among Youth Within Residential Group Facilities and Single Family Foster Homes
Suicide Among Youth Within Residential Group Facilities and Single Family Foster Homes
Recent years, researchers admit high rates of suicides among youth within the foster care system. Researchers explain that suicides are caused by social and emotional conditions rather than a mental disease. Furthermore, it is often associated with hundreds of suicides and suicide attempts. “Researchers discovered attention problems and aggressive or delinquent behavior in 40 per cent of children aged five to 17 who were in home-based foster care, up to eight times more than in the general school-age population” (Gough 2007). Though the statistics vary extensively, it is generally believed that some 18 percent of patients with psychological problems finally do kill themselves, and illnesses may be associated with approximately 50 percent of all suicides (Youth Suicide Fact Sheet 2009). The data show, that miserable youth teenagers do not always kill themselves. Symptoms of psychological distress serve as a strong warning signal. They are a good indicator that someone is a potential suicide, especially if he or she has tried suicide before, and it is important to know about psychological distress if researchers are to understand suicidal behavior.
Recent years, researchers admit high rates of suicides among youth within the foster care system. Researchers explain that suicides are caused by social and emotional conditions rather than a mental disease. Furthermore, it is often associated with hundreds of suicides and suicide attempts. “Researchers discovered attention problems and aggressive or delinquent behavior in 40 per cent of children aged five to 17 who were in home-based foster care, up to eight times more than in the general school-age population” (Gough 2007). Though the statistics vary extensively, it is generally believed that some 18 percent of patients with psychological problems finally do kill themselves, and illnesses may be associated with approximately 50 percent of all suicides (Youth Suicide Fact Sheet 2009). The data show, that miserable youth teenagers do not always kill themselves. Symptoms of psychological distress serve as a strong warning signal. They are a good indicator that someone is a potential suicide, especially if he or she has tried suicide before, and it is important to know about psychological distress if researchers are to understand suicidal behavior.
Open Child Neglect Hearings To Public
Open Child Neglect Hearings To Public
September 14, 2010
There is only one thing worse than a child welfare agency stonewalling after it botches a case: a legislator grandstanding about problems he and his colleagues could have fixed long ago.
So state Sen. Ed Meyer, D-Guilford, stalked out of a recent hearing called in response to a child neglect case in Torrington shocked — shocked! — that the Department of Children and Families won't discuss the case at hand.
But who, exactly, made the absurd confidentiality laws that prevent DCF from talking? The General Assembly. That's why they're called lawmakers.
Several states have laws allowing their child welfare agencies to comment on cases if they've already become public. DCF claims it has unsuccessfully tried to get Connecticut to pass a similar law.
[Sample Our Free Breaking News Alert And 3 P.M. News Newsletters]
We'd all know far more about what goes on not just in the egregious cases, but the everyday cases, if all court hearings in child welfare cases were open. But the legislature has refused to join at least 15 other states with fully open courts, approving only a pilot project in one court.
But worst of all, such grandstanding encourages the kind of response to high-profile cases that always makes everything worse — a foster care panic.
Compare the number of children torn from their parents to the number of impoverished children in each state, and Connecticut already takes away children at a rate well above the national average, and more than double the rate of states widely regarded as, relatively speaking, models for keeping children safe.
This high rate of removal has plagued Connecticut for decades. But that didn't prevent the death of Baby Emily in 1995 or Al-Lex Daniels in 2003, and many others.
With workers terrified of having the next such incident on their caseloads, the number of children torn from everyone they know and love is likely to soar, exactly as it did after the deaths of Emily and Al-Lex. And that is a disaster for vulnerable children.
The trauma of removal is, itself, so devastating that two landmark studies of more than 15,000 typical cases found that children left in their own homes typically fared better even than comparably maltreated children placed in foster care.
Worst of all, foster care panics overload caseworkers, so they have even less time to investigate any case thoroughly — so more children in real danger are missed.
Connecticut's high rate of removal and, in particular, its overuse of what is both the worst and the most expensive form of care — institutionalization — also explain why the state spends so much on child welfare, and gets so little protection for children in return.
DCF's handling of the Torrington case was idiotic. DCF concluded in May that the danger to the children required taking them from the home, yet also felt the removal could wait for two months.
What DCF should have done in May was try Intensive Family Preservation Services. Under this program, a worker with a caseload of no more than three families is in the home several days a week, sometimes for several hours at a time — for no more than six weeks. This kind of intervention costs less than foster care and has a better track record for safety.
After six weeks, either the family is linked up to less intensive help — or the worker concludes the family really is hopeless and recommends removal. Either way, odds are there would have been no crisis in July requiring police to intervene.
The reason to try it is because, as in the overwhelming majority of cases, family preservation is, in the words of the late Yale University child welfare scholars Albert Solnit and Joseph Goldstein, the least detrimental alternative.
Yes, the response of DCF in the Torrington case was idiotic. But the solution to the problems of idiocy is not more idiocy.
Richard Wexler is executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, a nonprofit child advocacy organization based in Alexandria, Va.,0,5748613.story
September 14, 2010
There is only one thing worse than a child welfare agency stonewalling after it botches a case: a legislator grandstanding about problems he and his colleagues could have fixed long ago.
So state Sen. Ed Meyer, D-Guilford, stalked out of a recent hearing called in response to a child neglect case in Torrington shocked — shocked! — that the Department of Children and Families won't discuss the case at hand.
But who, exactly, made the absurd confidentiality laws that prevent DCF from talking? The General Assembly. That's why they're called lawmakers.
Several states have laws allowing their child welfare agencies to comment on cases if they've already become public. DCF claims it has unsuccessfully tried to get Connecticut to pass a similar law.
[Sample Our Free Breaking News Alert And 3 P.M. News Newsletters]
We'd all know far more about what goes on not just in the egregious cases, but the everyday cases, if all court hearings in child welfare cases were open. But the legislature has refused to join at least 15 other states with fully open courts, approving only a pilot project in one court.
But worst of all, such grandstanding encourages the kind of response to high-profile cases that always makes everything worse — a foster care panic.
Compare the number of children torn from their parents to the number of impoverished children in each state, and Connecticut already takes away children at a rate well above the national average, and more than double the rate of states widely regarded as, relatively speaking, models for keeping children safe.
This high rate of removal has plagued Connecticut for decades. But that didn't prevent the death of Baby Emily in 1995 or Al-Lex Daniels in 2003, and many others.
With workers terrified of having the next such incident on their caseloads, the number of children torn from everyone they know and love is likely to soar, exactly as it did after the deaths of Emily and Al-Lex. And that is a disaster for vulnerable children.
The trauma of removal is, itself, so devastating that two landmark studies of more than 15,000 typical cases found that children left in their own homes typically fared better even than comparably maltreated children placed in foster care.
Worst of all, foster care panics overload caseworkers, so they have even less time to investigate any case thoroughly — so more children in real danger are missed.
Connecticut's high rate of removal and, in particular, its overuse of what is both the worst and the most expensive form of care — institutionalization — also explain why the state spends so much on child welfare, and gets so little protection for children in return.
DCF's handling of the Torrington case was idiotic. DCF concluded in May that the danger to the children required taking them from the home, yet also felt the removal could wait for two months.
What DCF should have done in May was try Intensive Family Preservation Services. Under this program, a worker with a caseload of no more than three families is in the home several days a week, sometimes for several hours at a time — for no more than six weeks. This kind of intervention costs less than foster care and has a better track record for safety.
After six weeks, either the family is linked up to less intensive help — or the worker concludes the family really is hopeless and recommends removal. Either way, odds are there would have been no crisis in July requiring police to intervene.
The reason to try it is because, as in the overwhelming majority of cases, family preservation is, in the words of the late Yale University child welfare scholars Albert Solnit and Joseph Goldstein, the least detrimental alternative.
Yes, the response of DCF in the Torrington case was idiotic. But the solution to the problems of idiocy is not more idiocy.
Richard Wexler is executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, a nonprofit child advocacy organization based in Alexandria, Va.,0,5748613.story
New Hampshire Creates Ombuds Office for Health & Human Service Issues
New Hampshire Creates Ombuds Office for Health & Human Service Issues
The state agency has unveiled a website for a new Ombuds program for clients, employees, and members of the general public. Although it does not explicitly adopt IOA standards of practice, the New Hampshire DHHS Ombuds is confidential, unbiased and informal.
The new program most closely resembles the Organizational Ombuds model, despite the fact that it serves internal and external stakeholders. Moreover, its methods of complaint resolution are strikingly familiar and include the option of upward feedback:
The Office of the Ombudsman responds to complaints and requests for assistance from clients, employees, and members of the general public to resolve disagreements in matters that involve DHHS. The Office of the Ombudsman is dedicated to maintaining an environment that supports the civil rights of all served.
The state agency has unveiled a website for a new Ombuds program for clients, employees, and members of the general public. Although it does not explicitly adopt IOA standards of practice, the New Hampshire DHHS Ombuds is confidential, unbiased and informal.
The new program most closely resembles the Organizational Ombuds model, despite the fact that it serves internal and external stakeholders. Moreover, its methods of complaint resolution are strikingly familiar and include the option of upward feedback:
The Office of the Ombudsman responds to complaints and requests for assistance from clients, employees, and members of the general public to resolve disagreements in matters that involve DHHS. The Office of the Ombudsman is dedicated to maintaining an environment that supports the civil rights of all served.
'I Do' To Divorce Insurance
'I Do' To Divorce Insurance
By Angela Kennecke
Published: September 13, 2010, 9:50 PM
SIOUX FALLS, SD - You buy car insurance, home insurance and life insurance. Do you need to insure you marriage?
A North Carolina insurance company is selling the "first" divorce insurance, designed to cover the costs of divorce if your marriage doesn't work out.
Nobody wants to think their marriage will end in divorce, but the fact is some 40 to 50 percent of marriages do.
That's where WedLock divorce insurance comes in. If you get divorced and the policy has matured, you send the company proof and you get cash to cover your legal and housing expenses.
"It's a novel idea. I don't propose it for my clients," Family Law Attorney Jim Billion said.
By Angela Kennecke
Published: September 13, 2010, 9:50 PM
SIOUX FALLS, SD - You buy car insurance, home insurance and life insurance. Do you need to insure you marriage?
A North Carolina insurance company is selling the "first" divorce insurance, designed to cover the costs of divorce if your marriage doesn't work out.
Nobody wants to think their marriage will end in divorce, but the fact is some 40 to 50 percent of marriages do.
That's where WedLock divorce insurance comes in. If you get divorced and the policy has matured, you send the company proof and you get cash to cover your legal and housing expenses.
"It's a novel idea. I don't propose it for my clients," Family Law Attorney Jim Billion said.
Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
Posted by Sharyl Attkisson
Nine-year-old Hannah Poling is shown. (AP Photo/Atlanta Journal-Constitution, John Spink) The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
Hannah was described as normal, happy and precocious in her first 18 months.
Then, in July 2000, she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor's visit: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae.
Posted by Sharyl Attkisson
Nine-year-old Hannah Poling is shown. (AP Photo/Atlanta Journal-Constitution, John Spink) The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
Hannah was described as normal, happy and precocious in her first 18 months.
Then, in July 2000, she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor's visit: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae.
Foster mom pleads guilty to having sex with teen
Foster mom pleads guilty to having sex with teen
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 09:59 AM
The Columbus Dispatch
A Licking County woman pleaded guilty this morning to sexual contact with a 16-year-old foster child in her care and was sentenced to 15 months in prison.
Marcina Samberson, 50, of St. Louisville, was charged Dec. 18 with sexual battery after a teenage boy who had lived with her as a foster child reported he had been sexually abused by her last summer.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 09:59 AM
The Columbus Dispatch
A Licking County woman pleaded guilty this morning to sexual contact with a 16-year-old foster child in her care and was sentenced to 15 months in prison.
Marcina Samberson, 50, of St. Louisville, was charged Dec. 18 with sexual battery after a teenage boy who had lived with her as a foster child reported he had been sexually abused by her last summer.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Heaven, friend covered old abuse Foster Mom investigated by CPS 2 months before Emily died
Source:Heaven, friend covered old abuse
The woman accused of killing a 5-year-old foster child in July …
Source:Heaven, friend covered old abuse
Mom investigated by CPS 2 months before Emily died
Updated: Monday, 13 Sep 2010, 7:25 PM EDT
Published : Monday, 13 Sep 2010, 4:16 PM EDT
By Ken Kolker
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - The woman accused of killing a 5-year-old foster child in July was investigated two months earlier by Child Protective Services after bruises were found on the girl, a source close to the investigation told 24 Hour News 8.
But CPS closed the investigation against Joy Heaven after she and a friend said Emily Meno was hurt in an accident on a farm, the source said Monday.
Read the entire article at:
The woman accused of killing a 5-year-old foster child in July …
Source:Heaven, friend covered old abuse
Mom investigated by CPS 2 months before Emily died
Updated: Monday, 13 Sep 2010, 7:25 PM EDT
Published : Monday, 13 Sep 2010, 4:16 PM EDT
By Ken Kolker
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - The woman accused of killing a 5-year-old foster child in July was investigated two months earlier by Child Protective Services after bruises were found on the girl, a source close to the investigation told 24 Hour News 8.
But CPS closed the investigation against Joy Heaven after she and a friend said Emily Meno was hurt in an accident on a farm, the source said Monday.
Read the entire article at:
New study finds children labeled as ADHD may not be
Read the article at:
Confessions of a Child Protective Service Headhunter-Part 3
Confessions of a Child Protective Service Headhunter
August 29th, 2010 8:30 pm ET
transcribed exclusive interview part 3 of 3
The following is a transcription of an audio tape from a former Child Protective Service Headhunter. Exclusive interview provided to journalist Georgie Hampton…..part 3 of 3.
Recruiting drive for headhunters in progress.
Hi, this is Black Michael. Since I last talked with Georgie, the department of child services has put the word out they are looking for 500 new headhunter recruits to train with old timers and learn the ropes, as to how to steal children from loving parents. This word has come down the grape vine to all existing headhunters who in turn recommended new recruits to the department.
Of course, child welfare doesn’t put ads in the local employment agency, but relies on those already out in the field to find replacements and bring in new hunting blood on the team.
The word circulating is that the ante has gone up. Due to financial pressures this years quota of children has been doubled. Meaning they are seeking an additional 50,000 additional souls. Children to be torn from loving families to make their financial quota balance this physical year.
I am hearing many things through my old workers that are very disturbing. We are not only to target low income, mentally impaired, or low educated parents, but also struggling middle income families who are on the verge of losing their homes, properties or even for bankruptcy.
Headhunters are also being given a less hidden aggressive appearance. They are to mingle with this class of people, pretending to be one of them. Actually befriend them and then bring their children into care on false allegations. Think of this as the set-up of all ages. Like a man who isn’t responsible for murder, being set-up to look guilty of the horrendous crime and having no defense or funds to fight such allegations .
We will be given jobs in community that lend some respect. We will be invited to your PTA, family weddings, gatherings, picnics, bowling teams. Whatever it takes to make contact with the children and families and mingle within their ranks.
Judges are now demanding due to public pressure, a link to families that is at least a few months in length. This allowing in many cases, random allegations from moving forward. This is a ploy to circumvent these new criteria from campaigning against someone who has not only befriended a family, but who has sat in their homes eating dinner with them, played games with their children as people who most likely be making false allegations to fit quotas.
I have to give credit to groups on the internet who are rallying parents to demand transparency and to know who their Nemesis is who is ripping their family apart and making these false claims. Once they learn it is someone they have trusted, who they allowed into their family circle, they will be unable to claim possible interference and fake claims.
These new headhunters will blend, will become part of your list of friends you want to invite over. Who will love your children on their knees, who will be able to take pictures of parents upset with their child. Punishments in action, arguments, raised hands, even if checked will become evidence in court against you.
Before, headhunters watched from a relatively anonymous distance, now they are coming right into your groups of friends. Brought in by friends of friends. No one is safe now. No economical class, no educational class, no money or any group, no educational flaw. It has now become an equal opportunity invasion of your home, your privacy, your anonymity, your trust and your children’s safety.
No one is immune. Imagine going to your daughter’s brownie camp and finding yourself surrounded by other parents and friends of parents. And then finding yourself fighting for your children because the Smith family brought their new friend Emily who happens to be a new generation headhunter who befriended you at the camp and has now observed you and your children in your home habitat and now has inside and very personal information that has been twisted beyond recognition into your worst nightmare.
I am sorry for what I did, but this new generation of headhunters are not hiding, looking through fence with binoculars as my group did. But, is now sitting at your supper table, setting you and your children up for the fight of your lives and perhaps the long term loss of your children and maybe even child abuse, the death of your child in care, as thousands can already attest to. And your family will never be the same and you’ve done nothing wrong. NOTHING!
This is Black Michael issuing a warning to parents throughout North America, Australia and Western Europe where already several hundred thousand new headhunters are perhaps even now sitting at your kitchen table drinking coffee and shooting the breeze. While figuring out how to best remove your children so you’ll never see them again. Be very careful who you let into your family circle. These headhunters could be your child’s athletic coach, bowling pal, crib partner or new neighbor. Trust me, they can’t afford to lose.
This is Black Michael saying stay safe, be smart, your family is counting on you to keep them where they belong. AT HOME!
August 29th, 2010 8:30 pm ET
transcribed exclusive interview part 3 of 3
The following is a transcription of an audio tape from a former Child Protective Service Headhunter. Exclusive interview provided to journalist Georgie Hampton…..part 3 of 3.
Recruiting drive for headhunters in progress.
Hi, this is Black Michael. Since I last talked with Georgie, the department of child services has put the word out they are looking for 500 new headhunter recruits to train with old timers and learn the ropes, as to how to steal children from loving parents. This word has come down the grape vine to all existing headhunters who in turn recommended new recruits to the department.
Of course, child welfare doesn’t put ads in the local employment agency, but relies on those already out in the field to find replacements and bring in new hunting blood on the team.
The word circulating is that the ante has gone up. Due to financial pressures this years quota of children has been doubled. Meaning they are seeking an additional 50,000 additional souls. Children to be torn from loving families to make their financial quota balance this physical year.
I am hearing many things through my old workers that are very disturbing. We are not only to target low income, mentally impaired, or low educated parents, but also struggling middle income families who are on the verge of losing their homes, properties or even for bankruptcy.
Headhunters are also being given a less hidden aggressive appearance. They are to mingle with this class of people, pretending to be one of them. Actually befriend them and then bring their children into care on false allegations. Think of this as the set-up of all ages. Like a man who isn’t responsible for murder, being set-up to look guilty of the horrendous crime and having no defense or funds to fight such allegations .
We will be given jobs in community that lend some respect. We will be invited to your PTA, family weddings, gatherings, picnics, bowling teams. Whatever it takes to make contact with the children and families and mingle within their ranks.
Judges are now demanding due to public pressure, a link to families that is at least a few months in length. This allowing in many cases, random allegations from moving forward. This is a ploy to circumvent these new criteria from campaigning against someone who has not only befriended a family, but who has sat in their homes eating dinner with them, played games with their children as people who most likely be making false allegations to fit quotas.
I have to give credit to groups on the internet who are rallying parents to demand transparency and to know who their Nemesis is who is ripping their family apart and making these false claims. Once they learn it is someone they have trusted, who they allowed into their family circle, they will be unable to claim possible interference and fake claims.
These new headhunters will blend, will become part of your list of friends you want to invite over. Who will love your children on their knees, who will be able to take pictures of parents upset with their child. Punishments in action, arguments, raised hands, even if checked will become evidence in court against you.
Before, headhunters watched from a relatively anonymous distance, now they are coming right into your groups of friends. Brought in by friends of friends. No one is safe now. No economical class, no educational class, no money or any group, no educational flaw. It has now become an equal opportunity invasion of your home, your privacy, your anonymity, your trust and your children’s safety.
No one is immune. Imagine going to your daughter’s brownie camp and finding yourself surrounded by other parents and friends of parents. And then finding yourself fighting for your children because the Smith family brought their new friend Emily who happens to be a new generation headhunter who befriended you at the camp and has now observed you and your children in your home habitat and now has inside and very personal information that has been twisted beyond recognition into your worst nightmare.
I am sorry for what I did, but this new generation of headhunters are not hiding, looking through fence with binoculars as my group did. But, is now sitting at your supper table, setting you and your children up for the fight of your lives and perhaps the long term loss of your children and maybe even child abuse, the death of your child in care, as thousands can already attest to. And your family will never be the same and you’ve done nothing wrong. NOTHING!
This is Black Michael issuing a warning to parents throughout North America, Australia and Western Europe where already several hundred thousand new headhunters are perhaps even now sitting at your kitchen table drinking coffee and shooting the breeze. While figuring out how to best remove your children so you’ll never see them again. Be very careful who you let into your family circle. These headhunters could be your child’s athletic coach, bowling pal, crib partner or new neighbor. Trust me, they can’t afford to lose.
This is Black Michael saying stay safe, be smart, your family is counting on you to keep them where they belong. AT HOME!
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