Italian Doctor Shocked The World: Cancer Is A Fungus That Can Be Treated With Baking Soda |
Dr. Tulio Simoncini-
Cancer is a Fungus-Sodium Bicarbonate
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Today is the Eight Month Anniversary of the Murder of My Husband William Knightly by Circle of Life (ILLEGAL) Palliative Care in Nashua, NH
Today is the Eight Month Anniversary of the Murder of My Husband William Knightly by Circle of Life (ILLEGAL) Palliative Care in Nashua, NH
Today is the eight month Anniversary of my loving husbands Murder by ILLEGAL, unknowingly FORCED Palliative Care at a Hospital in Nashua that we trusted with his life. The Hospital we always trusted with our lives, our children's lives and our grandchildren's lives.
Admitted for weakness and a short stay according to the Oncologist, just to get his strength back. He was instead overdosed with Morphine by a Palliative Care Dr. We were never told who he was. My husband never walked again and never got his strength back.Though the Hospital records show a Hospitalist sent a Palliative Care Dr. in to treat my husband, I was told recently it was the Oncologist himself. The Oncologist who offered Hospice to my husband which he refused, as a woman looked on and also heard my husband and I both refuse. A woman, which I found out after my husbands death was in fact a Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner. Never hired by us and we were never consulted or told who she was. Little did we know, she was sent in to kill my husband. She didn't want him on an IV, even though he was dehydrated.She wanted him on a morphine drip to just die, which we refused and after the ER Doctor put him on antibiotics for an infection, which I found out from the Undertaker was SEPSIS, but of course I was never told, SHE took the antibiotics away and denied she did. SHE is responsible for the death of my husband.
For people who want to live, steer clear of the Nashua Hospital that has the Circle of Life Palliative Care Program, because whether you elect Hospice/Palliative Care or you don't,you have no say at this Hospital! My husband was ILLEGALLY put on Hospice/Palliative Care which is a Federal offense! Palliative Care which ultimately KILLED him.
And no, life isn't any easier. It gets harder and harder every day. I just can't fathom how Dr.s who took an oath to save lives are no longer saving lives but killing their patients instead. Stealth Euthanasia????? Depopulation???? Is that what this is all about?
My husband IS the Love of My Life and he will NEVER be forgotten and I WILL make sure these Murderers NEVER forget his name or the wife they never should have screwed over.
To you six Death Mongers, I hope you New Year SUCKS. KARMA!
Extremely Pissed off Wife of William Knightly Jr.
I Love you my Knight and always will,
Until we meet again XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Admitted for weakness and a short stay according to the Oncologist, just to get his strength back. He was instead overdosed with Morphine by a Palliative Care Dr. We were never told who he was. My husband never walked again and never got his strength back.Though the Hospital records show a Hospitalist sent a Palliative Care Dr. in to treat my husband, I was told recently it was the Oncologist himself. The Oncologist who offered Hospice to my husband which he refused, as a woman looked on and also heard my husband and I both refuse. A woman, which I found out after my husbands death was in fact a Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner. Never hired by us and we were never consulted or told who she was. Little did we know, she was sent in to kill my husband. She didn't want him on an IV, even though he was dehydrated.She wanted him on a morphine drip to just die, which we refused and after the ER Doctor put him on antibiotics for an infection, which I found out from the Undertaker was SEPSIS, but of course I was never told, SHE took the antibiotics away and denied she did. SHE is responsible for the death of my husband.
For people who want to live, steer clear of the Nashua Hospital that has the Circle of Life Palliative Care Program, because whether you elect Hospice/Palliative Care or you don't,you have no say at this Hospital! My husband was ILLEGALLY put on Hospice/Palliative Care which is a Federal offense! Palliative Care which ultimately KILLED him.
And no, life isn't any easier. It gets harder and harder every day. I just can't fathom how Dr.s who took an oath to save lives are no longer saving lives but killing their patients instead. Stealth Euthanasia????? Depopulation???? Is that what this is all about?
My husband IS the Love of My Life and he will NEVER be forgotten and I WILL make sure these Murderers NEVER forget his name or the wife they never should have screwed over.
To you six Death Mongers, I hope you New Year SUCKS. KARMA!
Extremely Pissed off Wife of William Knightly Jr.
I Love you my Knight and always will,
Until we meet again XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Monday, December 25, 2017
Hoping Everyone, Except The 4 "So-called" Dr.s and 2 Palliative Care APRN's From Nashua Had a Nice Christmas
I'm hoping everyone, EXCEPT the 4 Dr.s and 2 Palliative Care APRN's responsible for my husbands death had a nice Christmas. For the six of you I wish nothing but heartache and pain.
My husband went to the Hospital we always trusted for help. Instead of help, he was murdered. Do Law's mean anything to any of you? Evidently not, or you wouldn't have broken FEDERAL LAW and ILLEGALLY put him on Hospice/Palliative Care when he told ALL of you he wanted treatment for his weakness. Instead of treating him, Dr. Death overdosed him with Morphine and treated him for absolutely NOTHING.
So I hope your Christmas SUCKED and I hope your New Year Sucks as well. How would you like to live knowing your LOVED one was murdered and and the scum that did it weren't being held accountable? What happened to the Hippocratic oath Doctors used pledge? Is that just something of the past that isn't included in licensure any more? Whats your new oath? Only money matters so kill off the patient?You six give Doctors and Nurses a bad name. Who in the world would ever trust a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner again knowing you kill your patients?
I hope you suffer the way I've been suffering. You took my soulmate from me. We trusted you, something I'll never do again. When you killed him, you killed me also. Two lives for the price of one. Your Hospital sucks even worse than the other one in Nashua. You need to be shut down and Palliative/Hospice Care need to be abolished. All they are is Population Control and your Ethics Committee is nothing but a Death Panel, run ILLEGALLY! So sucky New Year to all of you. If I have to live in pain, so should you!
Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly
So I hope your Christmas SUCKED and I hope your New Year Sucks as well. How would you like to live knowing your LOVED one was murdered and and the scum that did it weren't being held accountable? What happened to the Hippocratic oath Doctors used pledge? Is that just something of the past that isn't included in licensure any more? Whats your new oath? Only money matters so kill off the patient?You six give Doctors and Nurses a bad name. Who in the world would ever trust a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner again knowing you kill your patients?
I hope you suffer the way I've been suffering. You took my soulmate from me. We trusted you, something I'll never do again. When you killed him, you killed me also. Two lives for the price of one. Your Hospital sucks even worse than the other one in Nashua. You need to be shut down and Palliative/Hospice Care need to be abolished. All they are is Population Control and your Ethics Committee is nothing but a Death Panel, run ILLEGALLY! So sucky New Year to all of you. If I have to live in pain, so should you!
Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Twas the Night Before Christmas-2017 version
Twas the Night before Christmas,
Only sadness abound,
No sign of my husband,
Nowhere to be found.
The stockings aren’t hung by the chimney this year,
No reason to celebrate,
My Knight is no longer here.
His life was taken from us,
By ILLEGAL Hospice/Palliative Care.
No decorations as in previous years,
Who feels like decorating,
Trying to hold back tears.
My husband always decorated as his smile lit up the room,
Now all I feel, is sadness, anger and gloom.
My husband always loved Christmas,
The Grandchildren gave him such joy.
He loved to watch them open,
Each and every toy.
So Christmas won’t be celebrated in our house anymore,
Not without my husband,
The man that I adore.
The happiness he gave me,
The good times we shared,
The Love of my life,
The only person that cared.
I’m so lost without him,
How do I go on,
I think about him every day,
From dusk until dawn.
So no more Christmases for me,
No Holiday cheer,
Not until I’m back,
With the man I hold dear.
I Love and Miss you My Knight and always will,
I can’t wait to be with you again.
Love always, Dot
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Photos from federal audit show unsafe conditions at Massachusetts group foster homes |
Photos from federal audit show unsafe conditions at Massachusetts group foster homes |
Multiple group homes for foster children in Massachusetts have broken furniture, overflowing trash cans, foul-smelling bedding and a lack of windows, according to a federal audit released Monday that identified numerous health and safety violations at the homes.
Multiple group homes for foster children in Massachusetts have broken furniture, overflowing trash cans, foul-smelling bedding and a lack of windows, according to a federal audit released Monday that identified numerous health and safety violations at the homes.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Message to The So-called Dr's. and APRN's Responsible for My Husband's Murder
Too the so-called Drs. and APRN's responsible for the Murder of My Husband, I hope your Christmas and New Year SUCKS!
Monday, December 18, 2017
56 Year Old Man Enters Hospital with Shoulder Pain – Dies 6 Weeks Later After Developing Infection in Hospital
56 Year Old Man Enters Hospital with Shoulder Pain – Dies 6 Weeks Later After Developing Infection in Hospital:
The following is a true story that is, unfortunately, typical of the dangers in being admitted into hospitals today in the U.S.
The identity and location of the victim, as well as the hospital and medical personnel, are being withheld for now.
Medical records show that hospital errors today are the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S., just after heart disease and cancer. See:
Hospital Errors are the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
My husband also died 6 weeks after being admitted into the Hospital of SEPSIS!!! He had just turned 66 years old!
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Why is Medicare Paying For ILLEGAL Hospice/Palliative Care?????
My big question is WHY is Medicare Paying for ILLEGAL Hospice/Palliative Care?
My Knight, whom I will fight for til the day I die
My husband was just one patient out of thousands I'm told, that refused Hospice/Palliative Care, but were unknowingly forced onto it anyway without their or their families knowledge or consent. No consultation and no plans of treatment, even though it's a fact my husband TOLD them he wanted treatment. He was overdosed on Morphine instead by a man in a wheelchair that he wasn't even told who he was. When I asked I was told his name. Nothing else.
My husband was being woken every four hours, more morphine pushed into him, until he finally refused, telling me, "I have to get out of here. They're trying to kill me." He was right and unfortunately they DID kill him.
I want to know WHY Medicare is paying these Death mongers to kill off our loved ones? Loved ones who NEVER consented to be put to death. Death mongers whose secret was kept as to who they really are, never letting on our loved ones weren't being treated for their illnesses. All we were told is he's dying of cancer. Cancer never proven. Illnesses that cause the same symptoms as the ones he had. Infections from biopsy's NEVER treated. Only overdosed with morphine so he could never walk again. Too weak to do anything including eating. Only sleeping. What kind of quality of life is that? He walked in to the Hospital and then never walked again. We were never told anything. The morphine was pushed down his throat along with laxatives. Laxatives they kept pushing on him even while he had diarrhea, which we put a stop to. Diarrhea is one of the first signs of Sepsis, which he died of because a Palliative Care APRN walked to to the ER and took it upon herself to stop the antibiotics he was just put on. A woman who we were never told who she was. A Palliative Care APRN who lied in the Medical file and said I and my family didn't want treatment. I have another thing coming for that Death Monger. I have all the proof I need which proves we DID want treatment, we never told them to stop and that we REFUSED Hospice/Palliative Care. My husbands own Primary Care Dr. wasn't even contacted. Now she doesn't want to get involved with the illegal practices used against my husband and I surmise the reason is Dr. Death's wife works in her facility as an RN. She know's I'm fighting and I won't stop. My husband was MURDERED by Hospice/Palliative Care, just as so many other's are. I want Medicare to wake up and stop paying these Murderers!!! Hospice/Palliative Care is LEGALIZED Euthanasia. It's time to put an end to the Murder of our loved ones!!!!!
Unhappy Grammy
AKA Extremely Pissed off Wife of William F. Knightly Jr.
My Knight, whom I will fight for til the day I die
My husband was just one patient out of thousands I'm told, that refused Hospice/Palliative Care, but were unknowingly forced onto it anyway without their or their families knowledge or consent. No consultation and no plans of treatment, even though it's a fact my husband TOLD them he wanted treatment. He was overdosed on Morphine instead by a man in a wheelchair that he wasn't even told who he was. When I asked I was told his name. Nothing else.
My husband was being woken every four hours, more morphine pushed into him, until he finally refused, telling me, "I have to get out of here. They're trying to kill me." He was right and unfortunately they DID kill him.
I want to know WHY Medicare is paying these Death mongers to kill off our loved ones? Loved ones who NEVER consented to be put to death. Death mongers whose secret was kept as to who they really are, never letting on our loved ones weren't being treated for their illnesses. All we were told is he's dying of cancer. Cancer never proven. Illnesses that cause the same symptoms as the ones he had. Infections from biopsy's NEVER treated. Only overdosed with morphine so he could never walk again. Too weak to do anything including eating. Only sleeping. What kind of quality of life is that? He walked in to the Hospital and then never walked again. We were never told anything. The morphine was pushed down his throat along with laxatives. Laxatives they kept pushing on him even while he had diarrhea, which we put a stop to. Diarrhea is one of the first signs of Sepsis, which he died of because a Palliative Care APRN walked to to the ER and took it upon herself to stop the antibiotics he was just put on. A woman who we were never told who she was. A Palliative Care APRN who lied in the Medical file and said I and my family didn't want treatment. I have another thing coming for that Death Monger. I have all the proof I need which proves we DID want treatment, we never told them to stop and that we REFUSED Hospice/Palliative Care. My husbands own Primary Care Dr. wasn't even contacted. Now she doesn't want to get involved with the illegal practices used against my husband and I surmise the reason is Dr. Death's wife works in her facility as an RN. She know's I'm fighting and I won't stop. My husband was MURDERED by Hospice/Palliative Care, just as so many other's are. I want Medicare to wake up and stop paying these Murderers!!! Hospice/Palliative Care is LEGALIZED Euthanasia. It's time to put an end to the Murder of our loved ones!!!!!
Unhappy Grammy
AKA Extremely Pissed off Wife of William F. Knightly Jr.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
App Review: Sepsis App a Must-Have for Medical Professionals-Take heed St. Joesephs
App Review: Sepsis App a Must-Have for Medical Professionals - iMedicalApps:
This sepsis app is an invaluable tool for doctors who want to track patient information and keep up with guidelines.
Sepsis remains the ninth leading cause of disease-related death and the primary cause of infection-related death in the ICU. It’s a devastating disease that results in over 250,000 deaths and 1.3 million hospitalizations per year.
Monday, December 11, 2017
My name is Luciana Constantino. I represent the National Coalition for Family Court and CPS Reform and Punished 4 Protecting.
January 3, 2018 is GLOBAL CITIZENS ARREST DAY. We are being joined by countries everywhere! On this day we need everyone to seize the spending of any money whatsoever. No buying gas on that day, no shopping, no Starbucks etc. We are putting a STOP to our nation as we know it, for this ONE day! Our intent is to draw awareness to the corruption in family courts and cps and apply public pressure to those in charge, to do something to stop this.
Children are being taken from fit parents and sent of to abusive homes where they suffer. Families are going bankrupt trying to afford to go through the legal process of getting their children back. There are parents and children committing suicide over this and these corrupt judges, guardian ad litems and cps workers are all of a part of this money-making kids-for-cash business that is wrecking our families and destroying our children, the future of this country.
Once the event has captured the attention of those in higher power, we will proceed to file and request that our government begin the arrest and prosecution of all the judges, guardian ad litems and CPS workers, who are proven to have been a part of this money-making racket and have been the ones to put these innocent children in the homes of abusers and destroyed so many families.
This has gone on for way too long, as you know. The only way a change will be made, will be to apply public pressure and that is what we intend to do on January 3, 2018.
Hospice facility to prohibit assistance in dying
Hospice facility to prohibit assistance in dying | The Kingston Whig-Standard:
Way to go Canada!!
Way to go Canada!!
Advocates for medical assistance in dying are taking aim at a policy that would prohibit the practice at the coming Hospice Kingston.The hospice, which is currently about halfway into a $7.8-million fundraising campaign to build a new 10-bed facility, has declared that when the new palliative care facility is opened, it will not permit medical assistance in death in the facility.
The position of the Canadian Association of Palliative Care and Hospice Palliative Care Ontario is to neither hasten or postpone death.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Arizona DCS disbands citizen-review panels, brings oversight in-house
Arizona DCS disbands citizen-review panels, brings oversight in-house:
The state’s child-welfare agency is disbanding citizen panels intended to bring an outside view on its work and is moving the effort in-house.Critics, surprised by the Nov. 21 notification from Department of Child Safety Director Greg McKay, say they fear the move will further insulate DCS from outside oversight on its operations.
The state’s child-welfare agency is disbanding citizen panels intended to bring an outside view on its work and is moving the effort in-house.Critics, surprised by the Nov. 21 notification from Department of Child Safety Director Greg McKay, say they fear the move will further insulate DCS from outside oversight on its operations.
Bereaved Alberta mother fights for resurrection of Serenity's Law
Bereaved Alberta mother fights for resurrection of Serenity's Law - Edmonton - CBC News:
The mother of Serenity, a four-year-old girl who died of horrific injuries after being placed in kinship care on a central Alberta reserve, hopes her daughter's death ushers in new protections for vulnerable children.
The mother of Serenity, a four-year-old girl who died of horrific injuries after being placed in kinship care on a central Alberta reserve, hopes her daughter's death ushers in new protections for vulnerable children.
Lawsuit filed in shooting death of 14-year-old boy who ran from DCS custody
Lawsuit filed in shooting death of 14-year-old boy who ran from DCS custody:
The family of a 14-year-old boy killed after he ran away from a foster home has filed a lawsuit against the head of the Department of Children's Services and three of its employees.
The family of a 14-year-old boy killed after he ran away from a foster home has filed a lawsuit against the head of the Department of Children's Services and three of its employees.
Ten new charges in foster child death case specify dates, injuries | News |
Ten new charges in foster child death case specify dates, injuries | News |
McDONOUGH — Special prosecutors have added 10 charges to the 39 leveled against Jennifer and Joseph Rosenbaum in the death of a 2-year-old foster child in their care, bringing the total criminal charges to 49.
McDONOUGH — Special prosecutors have added 10 charges to the 39 leveled against Jennifer and Joseph Rosenbaum in the death of a 2-year-old foster child in their care, bringing the total criminal charges to 49.
Opioid Epidemic Burdening Grandparents, Foster Homes
Opioid Epidemic Burdening Grandparents, Foster Homes:
As the opioid epidemic pushes children out of their parents’ custody, grandparents and other relatives are forced to step up.
As the opioid epidemic pushes children out of their parents’ custody, grandparents and other relatives are forced to step up.
The stealthy killer that nobody has heard of
The stealthy killer that nobody has heard of | Opinion |
What causes an American to die every two minutes? What’s the third leading killer of people in the United States? What’s the #1 killer of children in the world? It’s the same answer for each question: Sepsis. Sepsis is the disease that 45 percent of Americans have never heard of, yet it’s killing more of us than breast cancer, prostate cancer and AIDS combined. The most shocking fact is that 80 percent of these sepsis deaths were preventable if the victims had the proper information about this stealthy killer.
What causes an American to die every two minutes? What’s the third leading killer of people in the United States? What’s the #1 killer of children in the world? It’s the same answer for each question: Sepsis. Sepsis is the disease that 45 percent of Americans have never heard of, yet it’s killing more of us than breast cancer, prostate cancer and AIDS combined. The most shocking fact is that 80 percent of these sepsis deaths were preventable if the victims had the proper information about this stealthy killer.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Two more needless Sepsis Deaths,Two routine operations, in two days, left two dead at South Buffalo Mercy
Two routine operations, in two days, left two dead at South Buffalo Mercy - The Buffalo News:
Both died within about 45 hours of each other in South Buffalo Mercy Hospital after surgery performed by different doctors on Dec. 14 and 16. Both suffered perforated bowels during operations considered routine and minor. And both died from the sepsis that resulted, the lawsuits allege.
Both died within about 45 hours of each other in South Buffalo Mercy Hospital after surgery performed by different doctors on Dec. 14 and 16. Both suffered perforated bowels during operations considered routine and minor. And both died from the sepsis that resulted, the lawsuits allege.
Monday, November 20, 2017
A Norfolk doctor found a treatment for sepsis. Now he's trying to get the ICU world to listen
A Norfolk doctor found a treatment for sepsis. Now he's trying to get the ICU world to listen. | Health & Medicine |
St. Josephs Hospital in Nashua, NH COULD have done this and saved my husband. Instead they denied him treatment altogether and just let him die! So much for the hippocratic oath!
A Norfolk doctor publicized a treatment for sepsis that includes infusions of Vitamin C, steroids and Vitamin B in March, and Greek researchers say they want to do a randomized controlled trial of it.
St. Josephs Hospital in Nashua, NH COULD have done this and saved my husband. Instead they denied him treatment altogether and just let him die! So much for the hippocratic oath!
A Norfolk doctor publicized a treatment for sepsis that includes infusions of Vitamin C, steroids and Vitamin B in March, and Greek researchers say they want to do a randomized controlled trial of it.
Friday, November 17, 2017
'Help Me! Help Me! I Can't Breathe!': Newly Uncovered Video Shows Nurses Laugh as Dying WWII Vet Desperately Calls for Help
'Help Me! Help Me! I Can't Breathe!': Newly Uncovered Video Shows Nurses Laugh as Dying WWII Vet Desperately Calls for Help | Restoring Liberty:
/by Dan Andros
Fair warning, this is one of the hardest videos you will ever watch.
Fair warning, this is one of the hardest videos you will ever watch.
The video, which was only recently released, shows an alarming lack of regard for human life, especially in a healthcare setting specifically tasked with helping preserve it. “In 43 years in nursing, I have never seen such disregard for human life in a healthcare setting, is what I witnessed,” retired nursing professor Elaine Harris told reporters. after watching the video.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Free clinic helps families care for children of addicted parents
Free clinic helps families care for children of addicted parents - WCPO Cincinnati, OH:
CINCINNATI -- Moving through the courts can be tricky, especially for someone trying to care for children of addicted parents.
CINCINNATI -- Moving through the courts can be tricky, especially for someone trying to care for children of addicted parents.
Murder warrants issued in death of Columbus foster girl who disappeared from hotel
Murder warrants issued in death of Columbus foster girl who disappeared from hotel | Columbus Ledger-Enquirer:
Atlanta police have secured warrants for two suspects in the murder case of 17-year-old Dennetta Franks, a foster care girl who was found fatally shot in Atlanta after running away from a hotel in Columbus two months ago.
Atlanta police have secured warrants for two suspects in the murder case of 17-year-old Dennetta Franks, a foster care girl who was found fatally shot in Atlanta after running away from a hotel in Columbus two months ago.
‘Secrecy is killing children’: Kansas child welfare system refuses to unseal records on abused, deceased kids: Report
‘Secrecy is killing children’: Kansas child welfare system refuses to unseal records on abused, deceased kids: Report – Crime Online:
Kansas police say that since 2014, at least 81 children who were supposed to be monitored by the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) died from abuse and neglect. The public is now fighting back in record numbers and demanding a change to help stop further preventable deaths, according to The Kansas City Star.
Kansas police say that since 2014, at least 81 children who were supposed to be monitored by the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) died from abuse and neglect. The public is now fighting back in record numbers and demanding a change to help stop further preventable deaths, according to The Kansas City Star.
Seven weeks after breach, state tells 2,100 foster parents that personal data went online
Seven weeks after breach, state tells 2,100 foster parents that personal data went online - Portland Press Herald:
The names, addresses and Social Security numbers of roughly 2,100 Mainers who receive foster care benefits were accidentally posted to a public website in September, the Maine Office of Information Technology said Monday.
The names, addresses and Social Security numbers of roughly 2,100 Mainers who receive foster care benefits were accidentally posted to a public website in September, the Maine Office of Information Technology said Monday.
Cruel foster mum 'starved orphan boy, 11, for eight years so she could spend sickness benefits on luxuries’
Cruel foster mum 'starved orphan boy, 11, for eight years so she could spend sickness benefits on luxuries’:
A WICKED foster mother faces ten years behind bars after allegedly starving and “torturing” a little orphan boy so she could claim sickness benefits.
A WICKED foster mother faces ten years behind bars after allegedly starving and “torturing” a little orphan boy so she could claim sickness benefits.
Girl rescued from horrific conditions awarded $4 million settlement from state
Girl rescued from horrific conditions awarded $4 million settlement from state | WGME:
LAKE STEVENS, Wash. (KOMO) - A young girl rescued from horrific conditions will now receive $4 million from the state. The Department of Social and Health Services settled a lawsuit today, after the girl's family accused the agency of ignoring repeated warnings about her health and safety.
LAKE STEVENS, Wash. (KOMO) - A young girl rescued from horrific conditions will now receive $4 million from the state. The Department of Social and Health Services settled a lawsuit today, after the girl's family accused the agency of ignoring repeated warnings about her health and safety.
Neighbors blame DCF for death of 3-year-old Okaloosa County girl
Neighbors blame DCF for death of 3-year-old Okaloosa County girl | WEAR:
WEAR is learning more about the family and the death of three-year-old Adelynn Merrell in eastern Okaloosa County.
Two Kansas judges bring gavel down on DCF, contractors’ handling of foster children
Two Kansas judges bring gavel down on DCF, contractors’ handling of foster children | The Topeka Capital-Journal:
A pair of Kansas judges peppered a legislative task force Tuesday with concerns about staffing, bureaucratic and communication shortcomings of state government and private contractors responsible for care of children subjected to abuse or neglect.
A pair of Kansas judges peppered a legislative task force Tuesday with concerns about staffing, bureaucratic and communication shortcomings of state government and private contractors responsible for care of children subjected to abuse or neglect.
Award-winning sepsis project gets $13M and a shot at reopening an R&D avenue as FDA pitches out old gold standard
Award-winning sepsis project gets $13M and a shot at reopening an R&D avenue as FDA pitches out old gold standard – ENDPOINTS NEWS:
As chair of the British Heart Foundation’s translational awards committee, David Grainger was powerfully attracted to some research that Glasgow University professor James Leiper was doing on a common symptom of septic shock, a major killer that is responsible for more than a quarter million deaths in the US each year.
As chair of the British Heart Foundation’s translational awards committee, David Grainger was powerfully attracted to some research that Glasgow University professor James Leiper was doing on a common symptom of septic shock, a major killer that is responsible for more than a quarter million deaths in the US each year.
As chair of the British Heart Foundation’s translational awards committee, David Grainger was powerfully attracted to some research that Glasgow University professor James Leiper was doing on a common symptom of septic shock, a major killer that is responsible for more than a quarter million deaths in the US each year.
As chair of the British Heart Foundation’s translational awards committee, David Grainger was powerfully attracted to some research that Glasgow University professor James Leiper was doing on a common symptom of septic shock, a major killer that is responsible for more than a quarter million deaths in the US each year.
As chair of the British Heart Foundation’s translational awards committee, David Grainger was powerfully attracted to some research that Glasgow University professor James Leiper was doing on a common symptom of septic shock, a major killer that is responsible for more than a quarter million deaths in the US each year.
As chair of the British Heart Foundation’s translational awards committee, David Grainger was powerfully attracted to some research that Glasgow University professor James Leiper was doing on a common symptom of septic shock, a major killer that is responsible for more than a quarter million deaths in the US each year.
As chair of the British Heart Foundation’s translational awards committee, David Grainger was powerfully attracted to some research that Glasgow University professor James Leiper was doing on a common symptom of septic shock, a major killer that is responsible for more than a quarter million deaths in the US each year.
As chair of the British Heart Foundation’s translational awards committee, David Grainger was powerfully attracted to some research that Glasgow University professor James Leiper was doing on a common symptom of septic shock, a major killer that is responsible for more than a quarter million deaths in the US each year.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Missing meningitis: why is the second biggest infectious killer of children under five absent from global health priorities?
Missing meningitis: why is the second biggest infectious killer of children under five absent from global health priorities? | HuffPost:
Meningitis and sepsis is missing from this priority list despite this being the second biggest infectious killer of children aged under five. Why? I believe there are three main reasons.
Meningitis and sepsis is missing from this priority list despite this being the second biggest infectious killer of children aged under five. Why? I believe there are three main reasons.
Breakthrough in battle against sepsis
Breakthrough in battle against sepsis:
Australian researchers have discovered a molecule that could be used to treat sepsis, potentially saving millions of lives each year.
Sepsis occurs when the body's immune response to an infection starts to damage its own tissues and organs. It causes between six and nine million deaths worldwide each year.
Australian researchers have discovered a molecule that could be used to treat sepsis, potentially saving millions of lives each year.
Sepsis occurs when the body's immune response to an infection starts to damage its own tissues and organs. It causes between six and nine million deaths worldwide each year.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Sheriff: 16-year-old suspect arrested for triple-murder of foster family in Roseburg
Sheriff: 16-year-old suspect arrested for triple-murder of foste - KPTV - FOX 12:
A 16-year-old boy is facing charges of aggravated murder in connection with the deaths of three members of his foster family in Roseburg.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Thursday, October 26, 2017
My Knight
My Knight
It’s been six months since you left me,
Alone and feeling blue,
The thought of never seeing you again,
Is something I can’t do,
Your loss has clearly shaken me,
My life is so unclear,
My Knight who always loved me,
My Knight I hold so dear,
The times we spent together,
We never were apart,
The day you were taken from me,
Was the day you broke my heart,
I’m not the same person I used to be,
While you were by my side,
I feel an emptiness inside me,
And pain that won’t subside,
The pain grows worse each and every day,
The nights are even worse,
I pray to God to bring you back to stay,
And make this nightmare end,
I need your arms around me,
I need to see your smile,
I don’t know how much longer I can do this,
I feel so alone,
I will love you for all eternity,
I hope you wait for me,
Life just isn’t the same without you,
And it never will be,
Please be waiting for me,
I’ll meet you at Heaven’s Gate,
Our love will last forever,
How much longer must I wait,
I can’t wait to be together again,
And my heart will finally heal,
We won’t be torn apart again,
Our love is just too strong,
I can’t wait to see you,
It’s been way too long,
So far now please don’t forget me,
Remember the Love we share,
Our Love will last forever,
You are my Knight that I hold most dear.
I’ll Love you Forever and Always, Dot xoxoxoxo
It’s been six months since you left me,
Alone and feeling blue,
The thought of never seeing you again,
Is something I can’t do,
Your loss has clearly shaken me,
My life is so unclear,
My Knight who always loved me,
My Knight I hold so dear,
The times we spent together,
We never were apart,
The day you were taken from me,
Was the day you broke my heart,
I’m not the same person I used to be,
While you were by my side,
I feel an emptiness inside me,
And pain that won’t subside,
The pain grows worse each and every day,
The nights are even worse,
I pray to God to bring you back to stay,
And make this nightmare end,
I need your arms around me,
I need to see your smile,
I don’t know how much longer I can do this,
I feel so alone,
I will love you for all eternity,
I hope you wait for me,
Life just isn’t the same without you,
And it never will be,
Please be waiting for me,
I’ll meet you at Heaven’s Gate,
Our love will last forever,
How much longer must I wait,
I can’t wait to be together again,
And my heart will finally heal,
We won’t be torn apart again,
Our love is just too strong,
I can’t wait to see you,
It’s been way too long,
So far now please don’t forget me,
Remember the Love we share,
Our Love will last forever,
You are my Knight that I hold most dear.
I’ll Love you Forever and Always, Dot xoxoxoxo
Today is the 6 month Anniversary of my Husband's SENSELESS Death, Murdered by UNWANTED, UNKNOWINGLY FORCED Palliative Care
Today is the 6 month Anniversary of my husband's death. Murdered by UNWANTED, UNKNOWINGLY FORCED Palliative Care by a Hospital in Nashua, NH where my husband died of UNTREATED SEPSIS which he contracted there. He was treated for absolutely NOTHING, yet blood tests were done almost daily which show he had an infection and other illnesses that SHOULD have been treated. Medicare FRAUD?????And
they never told us anything. I didn't even know he had SEPSIS. The Undertaker told me. I was shocked just as I was when I went through his Medical file. I couldn't and still can't believe what I found. He adamantly stated he wanted treatment and did NOT want to die. So why are these people getting away with ILLEGALLY putting him on Palliative Care and killing him?
Whoever said life get's easier as time goes on is full of it. When a husband and wife are inseparable for over 42 years, life never gets easier. It get's worse. I am no longer a whole person. He IS the Love of My Life and always will be. He always loved me unconditionally. I always came first. He gave me the love I never got growing up. From the time we started dating, we were inseparable. Always together. We knew right away we were meant to be together forever. We did everything together. Yardwork, housework, cooking,working on the cars, EVERYTHING! I am so lost without him. I can't stop crying. I just can't fathom how the Hospital we always trusted with our lives could do such a thing. I'm praying this is all a nightmare and my husband will wake up beside me each morning.
I know he was ILLEGALLY put on Palliative Care without our consent. We weren't even told. When it was offered, we refused. It's all in his Medical file, but the Medical board claims they did nothing wrong. We were never told who theses Doctor's and APRN's were. It was all a big secret. What I don't understand is how the State of NH will not press charges against the people responsible for murdering my husband. The County Attorney told me to go to the Police Station to press charges. The cop I had to speak to was extremely rude and thought it was a big joke. He told me private citizens can't press charges, that the State has to. So what are they waiting for? Criminal charges need to be brought against these death mongers! Euthanasia is "supposed" to be ILLEGAL in NH, but you can't prove it by me. My husband was MURDERED and I won't stop until he gets the Justice he deserves!
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
A Palliative Care APRN Murdered My Husband at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Me and My Knight 9/28/74
I had no clue who ILLEGALLY put my husband on Palliative Care until after his death when I read through his Medical file. An extremely insensitive Hospitalist, who stated "If your heart stops, you don't won't to be resuscitated do you? I don't see any sense." My husband responded with, "Of course I do. I don't want to die." This unethical so called Doctor was responsible for putting my husband on the Unwanted Palliative Care which he refused.
The second day he was there a Doctor came in and took over his medication. He proceeded to overdose him with morphine, so the only thing he was able to do was sleep. Nobody told us this so-called Doctor was Palliative care.
After three weeks of being overdosed and my husbands refusal many times to take more morphine, because he said they were trying to kill him, a different Hospitalist came in to see him and saw that he was overdosed. He took over my husband's medication and the Palliative care Doctor left never to be seen again. My husband was discharged that day. It's just too bad we were never told about the illnesses that were found in the daily blood tests he was having, nor were ANY of the illnesses ever treated.
A woman came in to my husbands room before he was discharged and tried to coerce my husband into Hospice Care coming to our home. We refused again. We opted for the AIM Program. We did NOT want Hospice or Palliative Care and the booklets we received don't state any Palliative Care APRN's would be visiting our home, but guess what? Someone sent a Palliative Care APRN from Home Health and Hospice to my home. Again we weren't told she was Palliative Care. The third time she came, she taunted by husband with death rants and brought up the Doctors name that overdosed him in the Hospital. He threw up his arms and tried to scream. He had a heart attack thanks to her verbal abuse, but of course we weren't told. I found that in his Medical file also. She walked out and left him unresponsive. I reported all this to the NH Board of Nursing who couldn't care less. They found nothing wrong with what this Death monger did. No-one is safe anymore with people like this "Supposedly" caring for patients.
My husband ended up back in the same Hospital. If I had known what was going on there, he never would have went back there. He would have gone elsewhere, to a REAL Hospital where he would have gotten the treatment he deserved.
The ER Doctor told us he had an infection, but he didn't know what it was or where it was. He put him on antibiotics and an IV. The woman from the Oncology Doctors office came in. We thought she wa there for support. We were never told she was a Palliative Care APRN. Nobody told us she was now calling the shots, nor did we give permission. Nor did we ever consent to Hospice or Palliative Care. She was in the room when my husband refused, so why did she step in? My husband's own Primary Care Doctor was never even contacted or consulted.
The antibiotics were discontinued that night after he was put in ICU. No-one gave us a reason why, so we thought they caught the infection. Then he was put in a regular room that day. We thought he was getting better, but he started doing worse. He died a week later, from SEPSIS. UNTREATED SEPSIS. The Palliative Care APRN is responsible for the death of my husband. She took it upon herself to discontinue the antibiotics and all treated, which she had no business doing. She was NOT his Doctor and all family member's stated we wanted him saved and on whatever medication he needed to live. Again, I found out in the Medical file that she was the one calling the shots. I spoke to her on the phone and she denied everything. I told her she better read his file because her name is all over it.Again, I filed a complaint with the NH Board of Nursing. They found nothing wrong with her unethical practices either. Total Bullshit. She MURDERED my husband and gets away with it!What is the world coming to?
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Lung Institute | The Dangers of Painkillers and COPD
Lung Institute | The Dangers of Painkillers and COPD:
Painkillers have their place in society, but at what cost?
Simply put, opioids are painkillers. And throughout the early 2000’s they were prescribed heavily for the treatment of chronic pain. For those suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), opioids are used to alleviate chronic muscle pain, insomnia, and reduce refractory shortness of breath and cough. Despite the positives opioids present, they come with a variety of negative side effects that can directly challenge the benefits, particularly in their susceptibility for addiction and overdose.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Allowing PRN Orders for Morphine May Result in Untimely Death For COPD Patients
Hospice Patients Alliance:
Patients in hospice who have diseases without severe pain may not need morphine for comfort. Some take other analgesics and some take none. But patients who have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or "COPD" may especially be sensitive to the adverse effects of morphine. COPD patients have breathing difficulties and anxiety which can sometimes be lessened by very small dosages of a sedative and/or a very small dosage of morphine. However, given in too high a dose, morphine can seriously interfere with a patient's ability to breathe. In fact, anyone who is given a dosage of morphine which is much higher than they are accustomed to, may stop breathing.
One of morphine's main adverse effects is slowing down the respiratory rate, i.e., respiratory depression. If the dosage of morphine is too high for what the patient is accustomed to, the respiratory depression can become severe and actually stop the breathing periodically for a few seconds or many seconds. This pattern of breathing where the patient stops breathing (skipping breaths) and then starts breathing again is termed "apnea." Apnea commonly occurs as a result of the terminal illness and the dying process, when certain metabolic changes occur in the patient's body. If the breathing is stopped completely without restarting, the patient dies. Because COPD patients have compromised breathing already, ... very inefficient breathing, overly high doses of morphine can quickly cause these patients to stop breathing.
Patients in hospice who have diseases without severe pain may not need morphine for comfort. Some take other analgesics and some take none. But patients who have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or "COPD" may especially be sensitive to the adverse effects of morphine. COPD patients have breathing difficulties and anxiety which can sometimes be lessened by very small dosages of a sedative and/or a very small dosage of morphine. However, given in too high a dose, morphine can seriously interfere with a patient's ability to breathe. In fact, anyone who is given a dosage of morphine which is much higher than they are accustomed to, may stop breathing.
One of morphine's main adverse effects is slowing down the respiratory rate, i.e., respiratory depression. If the dosage of morphine is too high for what the patient is accustomed to, the respiratory depression can become severe and actually stop the breathing periodically for a few seconds or many seconds. This pattern of breathing where the patient stops breathing (skipping breaths) and then starts breathing again is termed "apnea." Apnea commonly occurs as a result of the terminal illness and the dying process, when certain metabolic changes occur in the patient's body. If the breathing is stopped completely without restarting, the patient dies. Because COPD patients have compromised breathing already, ... very inefficient breathing, overly high doses of morphine can quickly cause these patients to stop breathing.
Case Three: Mother Killed by Hospice With Morphine Overdose
Case Three: Mother Killed by Hospice With Morphine Overdose:
Note: the following is the account given by a daughter showing how her mother was medically killed by a hospice, its medical director and its nurses: involuntary euthanasia. Names have been withheld to maintain confidentiality.
My mother was recently a hospice patient in _________. She had chronic lung disease (C.O.P.D.) which we all expected would eventually take her life. However, while under hospice care she died of "acute morphine intoxication." This has been confirmed by an autopsy by the coroner's office, and now is being investigated by the county D.A.
Sound Familiar?????
Note: the following is the account given by a daughter showing how her mother was medically killed by a hospice, its medical director and its nurses: involuntary euthanasia. Names have been withheld to maintain confidentiality.
My mother was recently a hospice patient in _________. She had chronic lung disease (C.O.P.D.) which we all expected would eventually take her life. However, while under hospice care she died of "acute morphine intoxication." This has been confirmed by an autopsy by the coroner's office, and now is being investigated by the county D.A.
Sound Familiar?????
Always Care, Never Kill: How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality
Always Care, Never Kill: How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality | The Heritage Foundation:
Allowing physician-assisted suicide would be a grave mistake for four reasons. First, it would endanger the weak and vulnerable. Second, it would corrupt the practice of medicine and the doctor–patient relationship. Third, it would compromise the family and intergenerational commitments. And fourth, it would betray human dignity and equality before the law. Instead of helping people to kill themselves, we should offer them appropriate medical care and human presence. We should respond to suffering with true compassion and solidarity. Doctors should help their patients to die a dignified death of natural causes, not assist in killing. Physicians are always to care, never to kill.
The Hippocratic Oath proclaims: “I will keep [the sick] from harm and injustice. I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.”[1] This is an essential precept for a flourishing civil society. No one, especially a doctor, should be permitted to kill intentionally, or assist in killing intentionally, an innocent neighbor.
Allowing physician-assisted suicide would be a grave mistake for four reasons. First, it would endanger the weak and vulnerable. Second, it would corrupt the practice of medicine and the doctor–patient relationship. Third, it would compromise the family and intergenerational commitments. And fourth, it would betray human dignity and equality before the law. Instead of helping people to kill themselves, we should offer them appropriate medical care and human presence. We should respond to suffering with true compassion and solidarity. Doctors should help their patients to die a dignified death of natural causes, not assist in killing. Physicians are always to care, never to kill.
The Hippocratic Oath proclaims: “I will keep [the sick] from harm and injustice. I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.”[1] This is an essential precept for a flourishing civil society. No one, especially a doctor, should be permitted to kill intentionally, or assist in killing intentionally, an innocent neighbor.
86 Children Died in This Foster Company's Care Over the Course of a Decade
86 Children Died in This Foster Company's Care Over the Course of a Decade | Teen Vogue:
An investigation by the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance revealed that at least 86 children died over a 10-year period while in the care of the for-profit foster company The Mentor Network, the largest for-profit foster care company in the United States.
An investigation by the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance revealed that at least 86 children died over a 10-year period while in the care of the for-profit foster company The Mentor Network, the largest for-profit foster care company in the United States.
Police agencies in Oakland County among those involved in busting child sex trafficking ring, 84 kids recovered
Police agencies in Oakland County among those involved in busting child sex trafficking ring, 84 kids recovered:
Law enforcement agencies in Oakland County are among those credited with partnering with the FBI in busting a child sex trafficking, resulting in the recovery of 84 minors and the arrest of 120 alleged traffickers.
Law enforcement agencies in Oakland County are among those credited with partnering with the FBI in busting a child sex trafficking, resulting in the recovery of 84 minors and the arrest of 120 alleged traffickers.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
What to Know About Managing COPD
VoteItUp - What to Know About Managing COPD:
Chronic lung diseases cause a great deal of inconvenient and distress for sufferers and their families. According to the National Emphysema Foundation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of disability and mortality in the U.S. About 30 million Americans are affected across all 50 states.
Chronic lung diseases cause a great deal of inconvenient and distress for sufferers and their families. According to the National Emphysema Foundation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of disability and mortality in the U.S. About 30 million Americans are affected across all 50 states.
The Hidden Faces of Sepsis, What do They Tell Us? Focal Points for Improving Patient Outcome
The Hidden Faces of Sepsis, What do They Tell Us? Focal Points for Improving Patient Outcome. — GSA:
Idelette Nutma published by: ICU Management & Practice. 2017;17(3):182-4.
Based on the patients’ perspective Nutma sheds light on the hidden faces of sepsis, calling for more expertise on sepsis sequelae. She also offers recommendations to improve recovery and outcome.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
FYI-The Nashua Hospital responsible for my husbands death
FYI-The Nashua Hospital responsible for my husbands death misdiagnosed an aquaintance around the same time my husband was sick. He had all the same symptoms as my husband, weight loss, weakness etc. This Hospital ALSO told this man he was dying of lung cancer. Lucky for him he went to a Hospital in Manchester, NH. Guess what! He had an infection, NOT lung cancer, was treated and is very much alive and recovered! This Nashua Hospital is Sepsis central. If you cherish your life, steer clear!
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Family Caregiver’s Guide to Hospice and Palliative Care
Family Caregiver’s Guide toHospice and Palliative Care
Who decides about hospice care?
As the family caregiver, you and your family member are the ones
to decide about seeking hospice care. Many people find that it
helps to make this choice only after talking with other family
members, doctors, and caregivers. You must freely make the
choice – meaning that no one can force you to accept hospice
At one Nashua, NH Hospital you are unknowingly, illegally forced into Hospice/Palliative Care even though you refuse. Consent forms are "Supposed" to be signed. Not at this Hospital. You have no say!
Who decides about hospice care?
As the family caregiver, you and your family member are the ones
to decide about seeking hospice care. Many people find that it
helps to make this choice only after talking with other family
members, doctors, and caregivers. You must freely make the
choice – meaning that no one can force you to accept hospice
At one Nashua, NH Hospital you are unknowingly, illegally forced into Hospice/Palliative Care even though you refuse. Consent forms are "Supposed" to be signed. Not at this Hospital. You have no say!
Killing the Pain Not the Patient: Palliative Care vs Assisted Suicide
Killing the Pain Not the Patient: Palliative Care vs Assisted Suicide:
Some time ago an ad appeared in a medical journal promoting a new pain-killing drug. To emphasize that this new product could relieve pain without sleepiness or other side-effects, the ad began with a slogan: "Stop the pain. Not the patient."
"Let's be honest. Doctors commonly practice euthanasia now, under the guise of pain control. They give dying patients massive doses of morphine to suppress their breathing, and then call their death a mere 'side-effect.' They justify this hypocrisy by invoking an invention of Medieval theologians called 'the principle of double effect.' Sometimes they even sedate these patients into unconsciousness so they can starve them to death. This 'terminal sedation' is really slow euthanasia. It would be far more candid, as well as more humane, to practice euthanasia openly."
Some time ago an ad appeared in a medical journal promoting a new pain-killing drug. To emphasize that this new product could relieve pain without sleepiness or other side-effects, the ad began with a slogan: "Stop the pain. Not the patient."
"Let's be honest. Doctors commonly practice euthanasia now, under the guise of pain control. They give dying patients massive doses of morphine to suppress their breathing, and then call their death a mere 'side-effect.' They justify this hypocrisy by invoking an invention of Medieval theologians called 'the principle of double effect.' Sometimes they even sedate these patients into unconsciousness so they can starve them to death. This 'terminal sedation' is really slow euthanasia. It would be far more candid, as well as more humane, to practice euthanasia openly."
‘No place to put that baby.’ State takes more kids away from parents than it can handle
‘No place to put that baby.’ State takes more kids away from parents than it can handle. | AP /KPNS | Kentucky New Era:
FRANKFORT - Nearly all of the state’s child-welfare caseworkers say their workload is unmanageable — on average, it’s twice the recommended standard — even as the state of Kentucky removes more children from their parents every year because of abuse and neglect, according to a report released Thursday.
FRANKFORT - Nearly all of the state’s child-welfare caseworkers say their workload is unmanageable — on average, it’s twice the recommended standard — even as the state of Kentucky removes more children from their parents every year because of abuse and neglect, according to a report released Thursday.
Petition · The American Patient Defense Union - A Union Of The Patient, By The Patient and For The Patient. ·
Petition · The American Patient Defense Union - A Union Of The Patient, By The Patient and For The Patient. ·
"Unions empower individual Americans - isn't it time for the American patient to be empowered?"
This petition is your call to arms as a citizen or resident of the United States to build a union in defense of every patient in America - because that patient is, or could be, you or someone you love.
"Unions empower individual Americans - isn't it time for the American patient to be empowered?"
This petition is your call to arms as a citizen or resident of the United States to build a union in defense of every patient in America - because that patient is, or could be, you or someone you love.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Happy Anniversary to the Love of My Life
Me and My Knight September 28th, 1974
Happy Anniversary to the Love of My Life
Forty three years ago today I married the Love of my Life, My Knight,
But this year I no longer have a reason to celebrate the life we made together,
You were taken from me too soon, no more happy memories to make, only the memories from the past that we shared,
All the things we did together to make this house you loved so much a home,
The family we raised, the grandchildren we cherish,
We laughed together, we cried together through the good times and the bad, supporting each other in everything we did,
The only person I could ever count on, the only person I ever will,
We loved each other unconditionally, no matter what life threw at us,
We were always each other’s rock, I’ll never have that again,
I am so lost without you, we did everything together, I feel so alone and unhappy,
Our Love will last FOREVER, even in death,
I long to hear your voice and see your smiling face, the happiness in your eyes,
My heart will never mend until I’m in your arms again,
I’m no longer the strong person I used to be, I’m half a person without you, my heart is broken in two,
Marriage vows say until death do we part, but our marriage will not end at death,
We will be married forever, husband and wife throughout eternity,
Praying that we will be reunited again when my time on earth is over,
The sooner the better, again we will be one,
Happy Anniversary to you my Knight and please never leave my side,
I can’t bare the thought of not feeling you close to me, please don’t ever go.
I Love you my Knight and I always will. I will never let you go.
Love Always and Forever, Dot xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Happy Anniversary to the Love of My Life
Forty three years ago today I married the Love of my Life, My Knight,
But this year I no longer have a reason to celebrate the life we made together,
You were taken from me too soon, no more happy memories to make, only the memories from the past that we shared,
All the things we did together to make this house you loved so much a home,
The family we raised, the grandchildren we cherish,
We laughed together, we cried together through the good times and the bad, supporting each other in everything we did,
The only person I could ever count on, the only person I ever will,
We loved each other unconditionally, no matter what life threw at us,
We were always each other’s rock, I’ll never have that again,
I am so lost without you, we did everything together, I feel so alone and unhappy,
Our Love will last FOREVER, even in death,
I long to hear your voice and see your smiling face, the happiness in your eyes,
My heart will never mend until I’m in your arms again,
I’m no longer the strong person I used to be, I’m half a person without you, my heart is broken in two,
Marriage vows say until death do we part, but our marriage will not end at death,
We will be married forever, husband and wife throughout eternity,
Praying that we will be reunited again when my time on earth is over,
The sooner the better, again we will be one,
Happy Anniversary to you my Knight and please never leave my side,
I can’t bare the thought of not feeling you close to me, please don’t ever go.
I Love you my Knight and I always will. I will never let you go.
Love Always and Forever, Dot xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Today is the 5 Month Anniversary of the Death of my Loving Husband Murdered by UNWANTED Palliative Care

My Knight, before he was Murdered by the Hospital and Palliative Care

Summer 2016

12/2016 Playing in the snow with Trin and Tio
Today is not a day to celebrate. No day is anymore, not for me. This is the 5 month Anniversary of the death of the love my life. There is no reason to ever celebrate again. While the scum bag Palliative Care Doctor and Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner's hired by the Nashua, NH Hospital celebrate their lives and families lives, I'm left with nothing but anger and hate toward the scumbags that purposefully murdered my husband. I pray for their demise. Karma WILL catch up to them. The sooner the better. I hope they ALL lose their license to practice Medicine.
Palliative Care that we refused. Palliative Care that was forced on my husband unknowingly, ILLEGALLY. Palliative care identification kept secret from us in order to kill my husband.
The Palliative Care Dr. has a private practice in Nashua. I've heard from other's how much the pill seeker's love him because he prescribes huge amounts of opiates very freely. These people love being over drugged into oblivion. That wasn't what my husband wanted. He wanted to know what was really wrong with him and treated for the illnesses. He got neither. He was instead overdosed with 225 mgs. of morphine daily, by Dr. Death, the name given to him by one of my children. The only words out of Dr. Deaths mouth were Cancer. Your dying from Cancer. So how is it you have Cancer when a lung biopsy (which gave you an infection) shows NO malignant cells? Crock of shit!
Then you have the Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner who came to the house and didn't tell us she was Palliative Care. We chose the AIM Program, not Palliative Care or Hospice Care. She is a death monger and spewed her death rants all three times she came to my house. I WILL find out who sent her to my house ILLEGALLY. The third time she came, she agitated my husband so badly he had a Heart attack. I had no clue. The dirty bitch walked out and left him unresponsive. He was no longer talking, joking or moving or anything else. He had been talking to our son until she came in and started her death rants. I can't wait for Karma to get that drunk either. Yes, I said drunk. I've heard much about this unethical bitch! All bad! I pray she loses her Medical license!
Then we have the Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner that works with Oncology at the Hospital. We met her at my husband's Doctor's appointment on March 16th, the day he was admitted for WEAKNESS. We didn't know who she was. I just thought she was a nice lady that worked with him. That couldn't have been further from the truth. Another Murderer. That death monger was witness to my husband's refusal of Palliative/Hospice Care and still stepped in uninvited to handle his care, or shall I say the care that he never got. He said it right in front of her, that he didn't want to die and he wanted treatment. She even asked what the most important thing was in his life. He answered, "My family." She's the bitch that discontinued the antibiotics that the ER Dr. put him on and requested NO TREATMENT behind our backs and to this day denies it. We had no idea. We thought she came in to see us to be supportive, not to kill my husband. Yes, SHE killed my husband. The Medical file even states she gave the orders. It also states the ER Doctor stated we wanted antibiotics and everything possible doe to say my husband's life. Imagine that, someone who isn't even his Doctor stepped in and took over without consulting his Primary Care Dr. or his Family. Extremely sad these days how Hospital's get away with Murdering patients. I hope she loses her Medical license also and also the Hospitalist responsible for ILLEGALLY sending in Palliative Care! Euthanasia is alive in NH and Murder IS legal in NH!!!
I Love you My Knight and always will! I promise your death will not be in vein. You will get Justice!
Forever and always, the Love of Your Life.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
September is Sepsis Awareness Month-Please Beware!
My poor Husband, my Knight, dying from UNTREATED Sepsis at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Please research Sepsis before admitting your loved ones into the hospital. Know the symptoms. Watch the monitor's. When the Nurses tell you not to watch the monitors, that they don't mean anything, they're lying. Do your homework. Learn everything you can about Sepsis. The Doctor's nor the Nurses will offer you any information. When you ask question's, they'll lie to you. They don't want their dirty little secret coming out, especially when you want your loved one transferred to a better hospital. A hospital more capable of caring for your loved ones needs. Can you even imagine how much trouble the hospital would be in if they transferred your loved one with UNtreated Sepsis and to top it all off, never even told you or your loved one that they even had Sepsis?
My own loving husband, the love of my life was just one of many denied life saving antibiotics for Sepsis that he contracted at a Nashua, NH Hospital. The only hospital in Nashua that my family and I entrusted with our lives MURDERED my husband of 42 years. He told them he wanted treatment. He told them he didn't want to die. He refused Palliative/Hospice care, but a Hospitalist went behind our backs and put him on Palliative Care, ILLEGALLY Never consulting us. Never telling us these Doctors were Palliative Care. Never telling us almost daily lab tests and cat scans showed he had other illnesses. Illnesses he was NEVER treated for. Admitted in the first place for weakness. Told his Hospital stay would be very short. Just to strengthen him. How could anyone become stronger when Dr. Death comes in and overdoses your loved one with Morphine? Morphine that weakens your loved one so all they do is sleep.
A Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner from this same Hospital stepped in and stopped ALL medication and treatment for my husband. A Nurse Practitioner who had no business making any such orders and then denied she had anything to do with my husband's death. This woman was NOT my husbands Doctor and had I known she was a Nurse Practitioner AND Palliative Care she would have been thrown out of my husbands room. This Nashua Hospital never even contacted or consulted my husbands Primary Care Doctor. The only time they called her is after he died at the hands of UNWANTED, UNKNOWINGLY FORCED Palliative Care!
Please beware, before admitting your loved ones to any Hospital, know the signs of Sepsis and if the Hospital refuses the transfer you've set up, call the Police and have your loved one removed from that Hospital. Holding the patient against his will is also ILLEGAL.
Don't wait until it's too late. Don't lose your loved one like I did because I knew nothing about Sepsis. When lab reports are generated, get them right away and research all of the findings so you know exactly what you aren't being told. The life you save may be the Love of Your Life!
Now who want's to tell be Death Panels don't exist in America! They sure do exist in Nashua, NH!
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Nashua, NH Hospital Puts Patient's on Hospice/Palliative Care ILLEGALLY
This is how it's "Supposed" to work, but at this one Nashua Hospital be forewarned. It Doesn't!
This is how it's "Supposed" to work, but at this one Nashua Hospital be forewarned. It Doesn't!
You can get hospice care if you have Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) AND meet all of these conditions:
- Your hospice doctor and your regular doctor or nurse practitioner (if you have one) certify that you’re terminally ill (you're expected to live 6 months or less).
- You accept palliative care (for comfort) instead of care to cure your illness.
- You sign a statement choosing hospice care instead of other Medicare-covered treatments for your terminal illness and related conditions.
Only your hospice doctor and your regular doctor or nurse practitioner (if you have one) can certify that you’re terminally ill and have a life expectancy of 6 months or less.
This is the scenario I witnessed:
First and foremost, you REFUSE Hospice/Palliative Care when it's offered.You don't sign ANY contracts. Even when coerced, you and your loved ones adamantly REFUSE. The patient states he doesn't want to die. He states he wants treatment. Well guess what? He's put on Palliative Care any way. He and his family never told. A man in a wheelchair comes to visit the patient in his Hospital room, never telling the patient who he is. His spouse ask's the Nurses who this man is. They state he's a Doctor, never bothering to mention that he's a Palliative Care Doctor.
This Doctor start's visiting almost daily, jacking up the morphine dosage. Pretty soon the patient only sleeps. Every time he wakes up, he's given more morphine until the dosage hit's 225 mgs and the patient doesn't even know whether he's in pain or not. This Hospital has one GOOD Hospitalist who came in to see the patient and practically threw the Palliative Care Dr. out when he realized the patient was overdosed. He threw the Palliative Care Dr. off the case and took over himself.
Secondly, your own Doctor is never even contacted or consulted, so how can she certify you only have 6 month's or less to live? Even the Oncology Dr. gave him one year or more, not 6 months.
This same Hospital performed daily lab tests, but never said a word on what they found. Never giving treatment or antibiotics for anything. If the patients family never obtained his Medical file, they never would have known that he had other illnesses which caused all the symptoms he had, but he was never treated for any of them. Hospice/Palliative Care only want to drug the patient with Morphine and let them die. This man stressed the fact he wanted treatment and didn't want to die. He was UNKNOWINGLY, ILLEGALLY forced into Palliative Care against his and his family's will.
The year or more to live that he was given in January 2017, ended up being less than three months because he contracted Sepsis in the Hospital. Sepsis that a Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner denied him antibiotics to treat. A Nurse Practitioner who had no business in the patients care, or should I say the care he never got? He had pressure sores on his back, along with never being treated with antibiotics for an infection he got after a bronchoscopy/biopsy at the same Hospital.
Palliative Care is for people who are dying and want to die. This patient was the love of my life, my Husband. He was NOT dying and he wanted to live and was denied life saving treatment by this Nashua Hospital. He would be alive today if Palliative Care wasn't ILLEGALLY thrown at him without his and his familiy's knowledge and acceptance!!!
Monday, September 4, 2017
Forcing Unknowing Patients into Palliative Care Against Their Will Causes Unwanted, Untimely Deaths! Negligent Homicide???
Palliative Care is for people who WANT to die. Not people who don't. When a patient refuses Palliative care, shouldn't he be allowed his say? From all the research I've been doing, I've found that Doctor's can NOT force patients into Palliative care or Hospice. So why are they getting away with it? Why is this the norm at a local Nashua Hospital? A patient refuses Palliative Care because in his heart, he knows he is NOT dying. And IF he were treated for the illnesses he had, he wouldn't have died!
How about the patient who is admitted for weakness? The Oncologist states he will be admitted for a short time to regain his strength to get Cancer treatment, (for UNPROVEN Cancer). So how in the world can a patient regain his strength when a different Doctor, a Hospitalist recruits Palliative Care to the unknowing patient? No-one ever letting on that this Doctor is Palliative Care. The Palliative Care Doctor overdoses the patient with morphine so the patient can no longer do anything but sleep.
Lab tests are a daily routine and other illnesses are recognized, but the patient nor the family are ever told. No treatment ever given for any of the illnesses, yet Palliative Care Doctor's are "Supposed" to treat with medication and antibiotics. Not just morphine! Medication and antibiotics that WOULD have helped the patient regain his strength. The illnesses recognized, had anyone been reading the lab reports cause weakness, fatigue, chest pains and loss of appetite and breathing difficulty.
The Palliative Care idiots refuse feeding tubes and are aware of medications to get patients eating regularly, but they just don't bother trying to help the patient who they "Think" may have Cancer. The family members plead for their loved ones to be treated, but the Palliative Care idiots just want to kill them off.
Instead of more testing, other than Pet Scans which do NOT clearly show Cancer, but only show that it might be or it might not be Cancer. Pet Scans are many times false, due to infections, inflammation, diabetes and many other reasons. Just as the Police focus in on one person when a crime is committed, Doctors do the same thing. They don't bother checking in to all other reasons for the patients symptoms. Then why do lab tests daily if they aren't even going to treat what they find? MEDICARE FRAUD!
When a patient and his family REFUSE Palliative Care, but Palliative Care is unknowingly forced on them, they SHOULD be charged with Negligent Homicide! How many more patients and families are they doing this to? How many are contracting infections at these Hospitals and being denied lifesaving antibiotics? Who gave Palliative Care the right to say who lives or dies? Palliative Care is LEGAL Euthanasia and is killing off our loved ones senselessly, needlessly! It's time to hold these Doctor's of Death accountable!
How about the patient who is admitted for weakness? The Oncologist states he will be admitted for a short time to regain his strength to get Cancer treatment, (for UNPROVEN Cancer). So how in the world can a patient regain his strength when a different Doctor, a Hospitalist recruits Palliative Care to the unknowing patient? No-one ever letting on that this Doctor is Palliative Care. The Palliative Care Doctor overdoses the patient with morphine so the patient can no longer do anything but sleep.
Lab tests are a daily routine and other illnesses are recognized, but the patient nor the family are ever told. No treatment ever given for any of the illnesses, yet Palliative Care Doctor's are "Supposed" to treat with medication and antibiotics. Not just morphine! Medication and antibiotics that WOULD have helped the patient regain his strength. The illnesses recognized, had anyone been reading the lab reports cause weakness, fatigue, chest pains and loss of appetite and breathing difficulty.
The Palliative Care idiots refuse feeding tubes and are aware of medications to get patients eating regularly, but they just don't bother trying to help the patient who they "Think" may have Cancer. The family members plead for their loved ones to be treated, but the Palliative Care idiots just want to kill them off.
Instead of more testing, other than Pet Scans which do NOT clearly show Cancer, but only show that it might be or it might not be Cancer. Pet Scans are many times false, due to infections, inflammation, diabetes and many other reasons. Just as the Police focus in on one person when a crime is committed, Doctors do the same thing. They don't bother checking in to all other reasons for the patients symptoms. Then why do lab tests daily if they aren't even going to treat what they find? MEDICARE FRAUD!
When a patient and his family REFUSE Palliative Care, but Palliative Care is unknowingly forced on them, they SHOULD be charged with Negligent Homicide! How many more patients and families are they doing this to? How many are contracting infections at these Hospitals and being denied lifesaving antibiotics? Who gave Palliative Care the right to say who lives or dies? Palliative Care is LEGAL Euthanasia and is killing off our loved ones senselessly, needlessly! It's time to hold these Doctor's of Death accountable!
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