Sources: Washington Department of Social and Health Services; Washington Department of Enterprise Services (Reporting by Will Drabold / The Seattle Times; Graphic by Mark Nowlin / The Seattle Times)
Health Impact News Editor Comments
When it comes to Child Welfare and Child Protection Service (CPS) agencies across the U.S., the public is fed a very one-sided view that justifies these massive federal programs funded by American taxpayers. The view is that there are vast numbers of children being abused in their homes by their families that need rescuing by these CPS agencies. The failures of these agencies to themselves protect the children they take out of homes and put into foster care are brushed aside under the umbrella excuse that they are under-staffed with not enough funding to properly take care of all these supposedly abused children.
The truth, however, is far different than this picture being painted before the public. Studies clearly show that children left in their homes with their parents, even when they are left in troubled homes, are far better off than they would be in foster care away from their family. (See: Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes.) Children in foster care are routinely abused physically and sexually, given psychotic drugs they would not normally be on if they had remained with their families, and far more likely to die before reaching adulthood.
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