A warning to the Families of NH
Are you aware that each and every false report that is called in against you to NH DCYF is kept on file and used against you should the time ever arise when you are dragged into Court accused of abuse and neglect?
Are you aware that every unfounded report of abuse and neglect is also kept in a file by DCYF and is used against you should the time ever arise when you are dragged into Court?
All unfounded and false report's are relayed to the Court, while the parents stand there forbidden to open their mouths and stand up for their right's they believed they were supposed to have, but now find out they don't have any.
Is this DCYF's way of building a case against you? Why are false report's and unfounded report's relayed to the Court's, as if they were true and then go against you? Is this DCYF's way of saying the parent's should lose their children because of the false report's that are called in? If DCYF used their head's, the only thing these false report's should tell them is the false report's were made due to retaliation against the parent's.
False Report's and Unfounded Report's are just that. The parent's did nothing wrong and it has already been proven, so why aren't the false and unfounded report's stricken from the record and thrown out?
Are you aware sealed record's of juveniles are being opened and go against the man/woman when they are no longer a juvenile? I've seen it in a family member's case when the family member had the unfortunate experience of dealing with the Family Court's.
What about dropped and dismissed charges? Should they go against anyone? NO! But they do. It's strange but a person can be found innocent and it still goes against them later on if they are ever accused of any wrongdoing.
And what about HIPPA in NH? Many of the Counselor's in NH don't adhere to HIPPA and filing a complaint against HIPPA violations is about as useless as trying to be heard in Family Court.
Are you aware that Counselor's in NH can and do open all your confidential record's in Court when you are accused of anything? Now I understand why there are so many people in NH suffering inside, who won't tell Counselor's anything, who no longer trust anyone. I can't say that I blame them. How can these people ever heal when they can't trust the people they are supposed to be able to open up to? A trusted Counselor? Few and far between in NH. Now I know why there are so many people on Psyche medication. They're being pushed over the edge by Counselor's who throw HIPPA out the window just like the Family Court's throw our Constitution out the window.
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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Interesting. With regard to DCYF's record management, "The department shall retain an unfounded report for 3 years from the date that the department determined the case to be unfounded, after which time the department shall delete or destroy all electronic and paper records of the report." -NH Title XII Public Safety and Welfare, Child Protection Act, Section 169-C:a
ReplyDelete(But the dirty little trick is, DCYF won't always send the accused an "unfounded" report, thereby allowing unfounded accusations to sit in the accused person's file indefinitely.)