Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The War on Families, Thank's to The Adoption Promotion Act

The War on  Families is finally coming out into the open. It's been a long, hard fight for many of us, still fighting for the return of our illegally stolen children. A fight parent's and families didn't start, but intend to stop before biological families are extinct!

After all these year's, fighting DCYF and the Family Court's, detoured and denied at every turn. In NH we finally have the Redress Grievance Committee, resurrected by NH Speaker Bill O'Brien, giving us back our Right of Redress, which is a very important part of the New Hampshire Constitution. Bill O'Brien and the Redress Grievance Committee have given us back our Constitutional Rights. Right's that should have never have been taken away.

Attorney General Michael Delaney has accused the Committee of intimidating and harassing NH DCYF, which isn't true in the least. The Committee want's answer's. Answer's DCYF are afraid to give. Answer's pertaining to the Protocol's DCYF is SUPPOSED to follow, but in too many cases don't. Answer's to practices used against parent's and families, railroaded by DCYF and the Family Court's,which aren't even in their Protocols or Administrative Rules. Neither, followed by NH DCYF.

The Petitioner's haven't come forward with mere accusation's. They have come before the Committee with REAL proof. In many cases, documentation by DCYF itself. Documentation which show's Protocol's weren't followed. Documentation which show's lies and contradiction. Document's which prove Hearsay without evidence was used in the removal of our children. Document's which prove SLANDER was used against parent's and family member's in order to place a child in foster care, in order to obtain Title IV federal funding.

Why would a Government agency use such deceitful practices against it's own citizen's? Why does DCYF have the right to play God with our families lives? Why do they have the right to pick and choose parent's for our children, taking away our God given right's, placing our children with stranger's, whom they believe will be better parent's than we are? Stranger's, who God left unable to have children of their own in many cases. Did DCYF ever stop and think maybe God had a reason to deny these people children? What gives DCYF the right  to overrule God? What gives them the right to use our children as pawn's? To alienate one parent against the other? To alienate children against their parent's? To split up husband's and wives and traumatize our innocent children?

The answer that come's to my mind, is The Adoption Promotion Act. VP Mondale made the statement that the ACT in itself could be turned around and NOT used as it was intended. He was right. That is exactly what has happened. There is NO preservation of families, as Federally mandated. DCYF/CPS all over our great country have used the Adoption Promotion Act to make money off of our ILLEGALLY stolen children. Federal mandates are NOT followed. NH DCYF alone has failed miserably in their Statewide Assessment's. They have been in non-compliance for almost twenty year's. So why does the Federal Government still keep rewarding them with incentive money for children who should never have been removed from their homes?

Why hasn't an investigation ensued? Aren't families the cornerstone of our great country? Why are families being treated with such disrespect? With such low disregard? Treated worse than convicted criminal's? Why are our children and grandchildren being needlessly traumatized and drugged? Torn from the families they know and love? Children removed from innocent parent's? Innocent family member's?
This is America! Is Money more important than Families? Families that have all worked together to make our Country the greatest Country in the world?

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