Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

NH Child Protection Act Section 169-C:3 Definition of IMMINENT Danger

Section 169-C:3 Definitions.:

XV. "Imminent danger'' means circumstances or surroundings causing immediate peril or risk to a child's health or life. 

What IS Imminent Danger?

Is a newborn in Imminent Danger when the newborn is born with Morphine in his/her system? Morphine given to the mother in labor? Which inadvertently spill's into the newborn during the course of labor?
Is the newborn in Imminent Danger on the say so of a DCYF Assessment worker, who NEVER investigated and admitted she had NO clue the Mother was given Morphine in labor?
Is a newborn in Imminent Danger when a PROVEN false report, made by an anonymous caller, is called in against an estranged family member who has no involvement in the household where the baby will reside?
If the baby IS considered to be in Imminent Danger, why would DCYF take custody of the baby, but leave the baby in the care of his/her mother for eight more day's? If the baby was in Imminent Danger, why wasn't the baby taken the day custody was handed over to DCYF?
Does it sound like this baby was in Imminent Danger?  NO!

Is a child placed with Grandparent's in Imminent Danger because his/her Aunt with an open DCYF case, lives in the same household? An Aunt gravely ill, in need of emergency medical care? An Aunt randomly drug tested by her own caseworker,  yet accused of using illegal drug's by an over zealous DCYF Lawyer? The DCYF Lawyer who opposes the Judges decision to place the child with the grandparent's? The DCYF Lawyer who Judge shop's to overturn the decision of the first Judge?
The DCYF Lawyer who get's a Judge to sign an Ex-parte order for modification, stating contact between the Aunt and the grandchild is not recommended and proceed's to send two DCYF caseworker's and four Police Officer's to the Grandparent's home, within fifteen minutes of the signing of the Ex-parte Motion and drag the grandchild from the home kicking and screaming? Never allowing the the gravely ill Aunt to seek other accommodation's? The DCYF Lawyer who then get's a Judge to sign another Ex-parte order, without notifying the Grandparent's, stating the child WILL be removed from the home? The Ex-parte order hidden from all involved?
Does it sound like this child was in Imminent Danger? NO!

So What is Imminent Danger?
People of normal brain capacity would never consider a child to be in Imminent Danger for these idiotic reason's. Imminent Danger is a child covered in bruises. A child with broken extremities. A tortured child. A child being sexually abused in his/her home. A child who is physically or mentally harmed and "anticipated Neglect in the Future" IS NOT Child abuse or Neglect. It's a ploy by DCYF to steal more children from innocent parent's. A child is NOT in Imminent Danger because DCYF's false Psychic's see "Neglect in the Future"!

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