Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Sunday, January 15, 2012
The Proven DCYF False Report That Stole Our Granddaughter Isabella From Us
The Document above is a false report called in to Nashua, NH DCYF on September 14,2005 against my daughter and her estranged husband.The names of family member's are blacked out due to their innocence.
My granddaughter Isabella, niece of the family in the false report was born on August 31, 2005 in Nashua. On Sept. 14, 2005, a disgruntled so-called friend asked my daughter to drive her to Kohl's Department Store in Nashua to shoplift. My daughter refused. That same day DCYF worker Tracy Roukie came knocking at my door, where my daughter and her two children were staying temporarily.
Roukie explained the report to my daughter, never stating the report was called in against her estranged husband or WHERE the supposed abuse took place. As you can see, the document doesn't say WHERE it supposedly took place either.
My daughter and I were enraged, thinking anyone could do anything so horrendous to the children and also couldn't figure out when or where it could have happened. We immediately took the children to the hospital and had them thoroughly examined. The Doctor found NO evidence of ANY kind of abuse.
By the time we were done at the Hospital, Tracy Roukie couldn't be reached so my daughter left her a voicemail and delivered the paperwork the next morning. Tracy told her the case was being closed as unfounded. My estranged son-in-law was never questioned and there was NO investigation. We THOUGHT everything was all set.
A report had been called in to DCYF on September 2,2005 against my daughter who had just given birth to Isabella, by Hospital Social Worker Kathy Lizotte, at the recommendation of Janice Watson from Healthy Steps Methadone Program for Pregnant Women. Janice also got the SW to have Isabella admitted into NICU for withdrawl symptoms at 10 PM the evening of 9/1/05, after Isabella had already been signed off for discharge on 9/2/05, by the SW and three Nurses, who stated there was nothing wrong with the baby. Janice also led us to believe the baby was suffering from Methadone withdrawls, as she had told us MOST baby's do. She also said Methadone withdrawls are much worse than other drug withdrawls.
The SW told DCYF there were drug's in the baby, due to the lies Janice Watson told her, even though the toxicology reports for Isabella didn't come back until 9/4/05 and 9/6/05. So of course, DCYF worker Melissa Deane showed up at the Hospital. The same caseworker who testified in court that she was unaware my daughter was given Morphine in labor.
When the toxicology report came back, it showed morphine in the baby. The morphine IV given to her mother in labor for 19 hours due to the baby being placenta previa at birth and my daughter being forced to give birth naturally.
After my daughter being told the case was being closed as unfounded, the Police came to the door on 9/21/05 with a Petition for abuse and neglect against the new mother. The Preliminary Hearing was scheduled for 9/26/05. We couldn't understand why this was happening. My daughter was in a legal methadone program and was given morphine in labor. Not because of anything she did.
My family and I met DCYF worker Melissa Deane and DCYF Lawyer Kate McClure in the courthouse lobby before the hearing. I asked for custody of Isabella if she were taken from my daughter. Kate McClure responded with, "There's no way you're taking that baby with sexual molestation going on in YOUR house." I asked her, "What are you talking about? There is NO sexual molestation going on at my house." She stated, "Yes there is and it will be proven in court." I told her ,"No there isn't and it won't be proven in court because it never happened. The report was already proven false by Tracy Roukie."
My daughter went into the courtroom, by herself, with no-one allowed in for support. Kate McClure relayed the PROVEN false report to Judge Leary and told him the abuse happened at my house. My daughter was furious and yelled out it didn't happen at our house, so Judge Leary asked Kate McClure, "It happened at her house?" She answered, "Yes, at her house." My husband and I were never even allowed to stand up to the accusation. There was no evidence substantiating the false report. Nothing. All it took was Hearsay without proof. A lie by a DCYF Lawyer to keep our granddaughter from us for the past six year's. The document CLEARLY shows it was NOT stated where the SUPPOSED abuse took place. It does NOT say the abuse took place at my house as stated by Kate McClure, the DCYF Lawyer who also ordered me to drop my complaint against her with the Attorney Discipline Office, which of course I didn't.
Another little piece of information; Since the KIDNAPPING of my granddaughter, my daughter and I have filed SEVERAL motions with the court for the CD from the Preliminary hearing, along with two other's, which prove perjury by three State witnesses. ALL have been denied which shows me the Family Courts definitely go along with DCYF's deceitful practices, keeping their dirty little secret's hidden. It's definitely time to OPEN ALL the "Secret Courts". Do you think maybe this would make DCYF and the Family Court's held accountable? I believe it would.
We were clearly slandered and have been treated like dirt ever since. Grandparent's who have always protected our children and grandchildren. Children we would die for. No criminal or even driving record, slandered by DCYF liar's who are protected by the court system.
The problem in abuse and neglect cases is "Preponderance of Evidence", which means, it COULD have happened, but NO proof is needed that it IN DEED happened. The Law's MUST change! As in Criminal Court, where the "Burden of Proof" MUST be met, Civil Court MUST have the same rules. Why should convicted criminal's be given more rights than Parent's? They shouldn't be.
As for Hearsay and the court's NOT allowing evidence proving innocence admitted into Family Court:
Rule 1.2 waver of rules allows the court to throw out all evidence.
The second part of article 73a,The last sentence was added
to this Amendment , which gives the judiciary legislative power to to create Rules which in affect nullify what the House passes. Rule 1.2 waver of rules. In other words the court makes up its own rules and if it wants to throw out any evidence for any or no reason at all it can and can use hearsay to reach a conclusion. This need's to change .
Oh and by the way, the False Reporter was NEVER arrested or charged, even though I reported it to the Police. She still shoplifts and does God only knows what else. She got away with tearing apart MY family, along with wasting tax dollar's furthering her sick agenda.
One last point I would like to make. After searching for a NH Lawyer to take my case of Slander and Defamation against NH DCYF, no-one would take it. I was told by a well-known Lawyer that no Lawyer in NH would take my case, even with my proof, because they're all afraid of being disbarred, because that's what happens in NH when a Lawyer fights DCYF. So who are they accountable to? NO-ONE!!! Like a former caseworker told my husband and I, "DCYF can do whatever they want because OUR Government gave them the power to do so." It's time to remove that POWER!
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