Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Government Abuse IS Child Abuse U.S.A. PROTEST 8/12/2011

Government Abuse IS Child Abuse U.S.A. PROTEST 8/12/2011

OFFICIAL Children / Families Against Government Abuse Protest Group.
PLC's needed: (protest location coordinators) Government doesn't believe we are demanding
changes until 'We The People' UNITE in PROTEST 8/12/11
WEBSITE: www.govabuse.org
Government Abuse IS Child Abuse U.S.A. PROTEST 8/12/2011
Organizations - Advocacy Organizations
Save children / families from system abuse, child abuse for profit, abuse of tax payer dollars and more.

PROTESTING NATION WIDE to force changes in our family court system including but not limited to;
*Children's Rights
*Parental right's.
*Grandparents Right's
*Abuse Title IV funds
*Child Protective Services (aka; CPS, DSS, SS,DCFS).
*1997 Children / Safe Families Act
*Foster care
*Wrongful Termination of Parental Rights
*False Child Abuse Allegations/reports
*Wrongful denial of child / parent time
*Court appointed evaluators /Psychologist's
*Assigned Judges
*Court appointed guardian-ad-litem (GAL)
*Parental Alienation (actions executed to alienate a
parent are a crime-must be held accountable)
*Child Support
*Secret Family Courts / wrongful gag orders
*Abuse of emergency ex parte court orders
*Denial of trials, appointed counsel, transcripts (read less)
Save children / families from system abuse, child abuse for profit, abuse of tax payer dollars and more.

PROTESTING NATION WIDE to force changes in our family court system including but not limited to;
*Children's Rights
*Parental right's.
*Grandparents Right's
*Abuse Title IV funds
*Child Protective Services (aka; CPS, DSS, SS,DCFS).
*1997 Children / Safe Families Act
*Foster care
*Wrongful Termination of Parental Rights
*False Child Abuse Allegations/reports
*Wrongful denial of child /parent time
*Court appointed evaluators /Psychologist'
*Assigned Judges
*Court appointed guardian-ad-litem (GAL)
*Parental Alienation (actions executed to alienate a
*parent are a crime-must be held accountable)
*Child Support
*Secret Family Courts / wrongful gag orders
*Abuse of emergency ex parte court orders
*Denial of trials, appointed counsel, transcripts

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Open: All content is public.



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