Italian Doctor Shocked The World: Cancer Is A Fungus That Can Be Treated With Baking Soda |
Dr. Tulio Simoncini-
Cancer is a Fungus-Sodium Bicarbonate
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Today is the Eight Month Anniversary of the Murder of My Husband William Knightly by Circle of Life (ILLEGAL) Palliative Care in Nashua, NH
Today is the Eight Month Anniversary of the Murder of My Husband William Knightly by Circle of Life (ILLEGAL) Palliative Care in Nashua, NH
Today is the eight month Anniversary of my loving husbands Murder by ILLEGAL, unknowingly FORCED Palliative Care at a Hospital in Nashua that we trusted with his life. The Hospital we always trusted with our lives, our children's lives and our grandchildren's lives.
Admitted for weakness and a short stay according to the Oncologist, just to get his strength back. He was instead overdosed with Morphine by a Palliative Care Dr. We were never told who he was. My husband never walked again and never got his strength back.Though the Hospital records show a Hospitalist sent a Palliative Care Dr. in to treat my husband, I was told recently it was the Oncologist himself. The Oncologist who offered Hospice to my husband which he refused, as a woman looked on and also heard my husband and I both refuse. A woman, which I found out after my husbands death was in fact a Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner. Never hired by us and we were never consulted or told who she was. Little did we know, she was sent in to kill my husband. She didn't want him on an IV, even though he was dehydrated.She wanted him on a morphine drip to just die, which we refused and after the ER Doctor put him on antibiotics for an infection, which I found out from the Undertaker was SEPSIS, but of course I was never told, SHE took the antibiotics away and denied she did. SHE is responsible for the death of my husband.
For people who want to live, steer clear of the Nashua Hospital that has the Circle of Life Palliative Care Program, because whether you elect Hospice/Palliative Care or you don't,you have no say at this Hospital! My husband was ILLEGALLY put on Hospice/Palliative Care which is a Federal offense! Palliative Care which ultimately KILLED him.
And no, life isn't any easier. It gets harder and harder every day. I just can't fathom how Dr.s who took an oath to save lives are no longer saving lives but killing their patients instead. Stealth Euthanasia????? Depopulation???? Is that what this is all about?
My husband IS the Love of My Life and he will NEVER be forgotten and I WILL make sure these Murderers NEVER forget his name or the wife they never should have screwed over.
To you six Death Mongers, I hope you New Year SUCKS. KARMA!
Extremely Pissed off Wife of William Knightly Jr.
I Love you my Knight and always will,
Until we meet again XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Admitted for weakness and a short stay according to the Oncologist, just to get his strength back. He was instead overdosed with Morphine by a Palliative Care Dr. We were never told who he was. My husband never walked again and never got his strength back.Though the Hospital records show a Hospitalist sent a Palliative Care Dr. in to treat my husband, I was told recently it was the Oncologist himself. The Oncologist who offered Hospice to my husband which he refused, as a woman looked on and also heard my husband and I both refuse. A woman, which I found out after my husbands death was in fact a Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner. Never hired by us and we were never consulted or told who she was. Little did we know, she was sent in to kill my husband. She didn't want him on an IV, even though he was dehydrated.She wanted him on a morphine drip to just die, which we refused and after the ER Doctor put him on antibiotics for an infection, which I found out from the Undertaker was SEPSIS, but of course I was never told, SHE took the antibiotics away and denied she did. SHE is responsible for the death of my husband.
For people who want to live, steer clear of the Nashua Hospital that has the Circle of Life Palliative Care Program, because whether you elect Hospice/Palliative Care or you don't,you have no say at this Hospital! My husband was ILLEGALLY put on Hospice/Palliative Care which is a Federal offense! Palliative Care which ultimately KILLED him.
And no, life isn't any easier. It gets harder and harder every day. I just can't fathom how Dr.s who took an oath to save lives are no longer saving lives but killing their patients instead. Stealth Euthanasia????? Depopulation???? Is that what this is all about?
My husband IS the Love of My Life and he will NEVER be forgotten and I WILL make sure these Murderers NEVER forget his name or the wife they never should have screwed over.
To you six Death Mongers, I hope you New Year SUCKS. KARMA!
Extremely Pissed off Wife of William Knightly Jr.
I Love you my Knight and always will,
Until we meet again XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Monday, December 25, 2017
Hoping Everyone, Except The 4 "So-called" Dr.s and 2 Palliative Care APRN's From Nashua Had a Nice Christmas
I'm hoping everyone, EXCEPT the 4 Dr.s and 2 Palliative Care APRN's responsible for my husbands death had a nice Christmas. For the six of you I wish nothing but heartache and pain.
My husband went to the Hospital we always trusted for help. Instead of help, he was murdered. Do Law's mean anything to any of you? Evidently not, or you wouldn't have broken FEDERAL LAW and ILLEGALLY put him on Hospice/Palliative Care when he told ALL of you he wanted treatment for his weakness. Instead of treating him, Dr. Death overdosed him with Morphine and treated him for absolutely NOTHING.
So I hope your Christmas SUCKED and I hope your New Year Sucks as well. How would you like to live knowing your LOVED one was murdered and and the scum that did it weren't being held accountable? What happened to the Hippocratic oath Doctors used pledge? Is that just something of the past that isn't included in licensure any more? Whats your new oath? Only money matters so kill off the patient?You six give Doctors and Nurses a bad name. Who in the world would ever trust a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner again knowing you kill your patients?
I hope you suffer the way I've been suffering. You took my soulmate from me. We trusted you, something I'll never do again. When you killed him, you killed me also. Two lives for the price of one. Your Hospital sucks even worse than the other one in Nashua. You need to be shut down and Palliative/Hospice Care need to be abolished. All they are is Population Control and your Ethics Committee is nothing but a Death Panel, run ILLEGALLY! So sucky New Year to all of you. If I have to live in pain, so should you!
Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly
So I hope your Christmas SUCKED and I hope your New Year Sucks as well. How would you like to live knowing your LOVED one was murdered and and the scum that did it weren't being held accountable? What happened to the Hippocratic oath Doctors used pledge? Is that just something of the past that isn't included in licensure any more? Whats your new oath? Only money matters so kill off the patient?You six give Doctors and Nurses a bad name. Who in the world would ever trust a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner again knowing you kill your patients?
I hope you suffer the way I've been suffering. You took my soulmate from me. We trusted you, something I'll never do again. When you killed him, you killed me also. Two lives for the price of one. Your Hospital sucks even worse than the other one in Nashua. You need to be shut down and Palliative/Hospice Care need to be abolished. All they are is Population Control and your Ethics Committee is nothing but a Death Panel, run ILLEGALLY! So sucky New Year to all of you. If I have to live in pain, so should you!
Extremely Pissed Off Wife of Bill Knightly
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Twas the Night Before Christmas-2017 version
Twas the Night before Christmas,
Only sadness abound,
No sign of my husband,
Nowhere to be found.
The stockings aren’t hung by the chimney this year,
No reason to celebrate,
My Knight is no longer here.
His life was taken from us,
By ILLEGAL Hospice/Palliative Care.
No decorations as in previous years,
Who feels like decorating,
Trying to hold back tears.
My husband always decorated as his smile lit up the room,
Now all I feel, is sadness, anger and gloom.
My husband always loved Christmas,
The Grandchildren gave him such joy.
He loved to watch them open,
Each and every toy.
So Christmas won’t be celebrated in our house anymore,
Not without my husband,
The man that I adore.
The happiness he gave me,
The good times we shared,
The Love of my life,
The only person that cared.
I’m so lost without him,
How do I go on,
I think about him every day,
From dusk until dawn.
So no more Christmases for me,
No Holiday cheer,
Not until I’m back,
With the man I hold dear.
I Love and Miss you My Knight and always will,
I can’t wait to be with you again.
Love always, Dot
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Photos from federal audit show unsafe conditions at Massachusetts group foster homes |
Photos from federal audit show unsafe conditions at Massachusetts group foster homes |
Multiple group homes for foster children in Massachusetts have broken furniture, overflowing trash cans, foul-smelling bedding and a lack of windows, according to a federal audit released Monday that identified numerous health and safety violations at the homes.
Multiple group homes for foster children in Massachusetts have broken furniture, overflowing trash cans, foul-smelling bedding and a lack of windows, according to a federal audit released Monday that identified numerous health and safety violations at the homes.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Message to The So-called Dr's. and APRN's Responsible for My Husband's Murder
Too the so-called Drs. and APRN's responsible for the Murder of My Husband, I hope your Christmas and New Year SUCKS!
Monday, December 18, 2017
56 Year Old Man Enters Hospital with Shoulder Pain – Dies 6 Weeks Later After Developing Infection in Hospital
56 Year Old Man Enters Hospital with Shoulder Pain – Dies 6 Weeks Later After Developing Infection in Hospital:
The following is a true story that is, unfortunately, typical of the dangers in being admitted into hospitals today in the U.S.
The identity and location of the victim, as well as the hospital and medical personnel, are being withheld for now.
Medical records show that hospital errors today are the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S., just after heart disease and cancer. See:
Hospital Errors are the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
My husband also died 6 weeks after being admitted into the Hospital of SEPSIS!!! He had just turned 66 years old!
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Why is Medicare Paying For ILLEGAL Hospice/Palliative Care?????
My big question is WHY is Medicare Paying for ILLEGAL Hospice/Palliative Care?
My Knight, whom I will fight for til the day I die
My husband was just one patient out of thousands I'm told, that refused Hospice/Palliative Care, but were unknowingly forced onto it anyway without their or their families knowledge or consent. No consultation and no plans of treatment, even though it's a fact my husband TOLD them he wanted treatment. He was overdosed on Morphine instead by a man in a wheelchair that he wasn't even told who he was. When I asked I was told his name. Nothing else.
My husband was being woken every four hours, more morphine pushed into him, until he finally refused, telling me, "I have to get out of here. They're trying to kill me." He was right and unfortunately they DID kill him.
I want to know WHY Medicare is paying these Death mongers to kill off our loved ones? Loved ones who NEVER consented to be put to death. Death mongers whose secret was kept as to who they really are, never letting on our loved ones weren't being treated for their illnesses. All we were told is he's dying of cancer. Cancer never proven. Illnesses that cause the same symptoms as the ones he had. Infections from biopsy's NEVER treated. Only overdosed with morphine so he could never walk again. Too weak to do anything including eating. Only sleeping. What kind of quality of life is that? He walked in to the Hospital and then never walked again. We were never told anything. The morphine was pushed down his throat along with laxatives. Laxatives they kept pushing on him even while he had diarrhea, which we put a stop to. Diarrhea is one of the first signs of Sepsis, which he died of because a Palliative Care APRN walked to to the ER and took it upon herself to stop the antibiotics he was just put on. A woman who we were never told who she was. A Palliative Care APRN who lied in the Medical file and said I and my family didn't want treatment. I have another thing coming for that Death Monger. I have all the proof I need which proves we DID want treatment, we never told them to stop and that we REFUSED Hospice/Palliative Care. My husbands own Primary Care Dr. wasn't even contacted. Now she doesn't want to get involved with the illegal practices used against my husband and I surmise the reason is Dr. Death's wife works in her facility as an RN. She know's I'm fighting and I won't stop. My husband was MURDERED by Hospice/Palliative Care, just as so many other's are. I want Medicare to wake up and stop paying these Murderers!!! Hospice/Palliative Care is LEGALIZED Euthanasia. It's time to put an end to the Murder of our loved ones!!!!!
Unhappy Grammy
AKA Extremely Pissed off Wife of William F. Knightly Jr.
My Knight, whom I will fight for til the day I die
My husband was just one patient out of thousands I'm told, that refused Hospice/Palliative Care, but were unknowingly forced onto it anyway without their or their families knowledge or consent. No consultation and no plans of treatment, even though it's a fact my husband TOLD them he wanted treatment. He was overdosed on Morphine instead by a man in a wheelchair that he wasn't even told who he was. When I asked I was told his name. Nothing else.
My husband was being woken every four hours, more morphine pushed into him, until he finally refused, telling me, "I have to get out of here. They're trying to kill me." He was right and unfortunately they DID kill him.
I want to know WHY Medicare is paying these Death mongers to kill off our loved ones? Loved ones who NEVER consented to be put to death. Death mongers whose secret was kept as to who they really are, never letting on our loved ones weren't being treated for their illnesses. All we were told is he's dying of cancer. Cancer never proven. Illnesses that cause the same symptoms as the ones he had. Infections from biopsy's NEVER treated. Only overdosed with morphine so he could never walk again. Too weak to do anything including eating. Only sleeping. What kind of quality of life is that? He walked in to the Hospital and then never walked again. We were never told anything. The morphine was pushed down his throat along with laxatives. Laxatives they kept pushing on him even while he had diarrhea, which we put a stop to. Diarrhea is one of the first signs of Sepsis, which he died of because a Palliative Care APRN walked to to the ER and took it upon herself to stop the antibiotics he was just put on. A woman who we were never told who she was. A Palliative Care APRN who lied in the Medical file and said I and my family didn't want treatment. I have another thing coming for that Death Monger. I have all the proof I need which proves we DID want treatment, we never told them to stop and that we REFUSED Hospice/Palliative Care. My husbands own Primary Care Dr. wasn't even contacted. Now she doesn't want to get involved with the illegal practices used against my husband and I surmise the reason is Dr. Death's wife works in her facility as an RN. She know's I'm fighting and I won't stop. My husband was MURDERED by Hospice/Palliative Care, just as so many other's are. I want Medicare to wake up and stop paying these Murderers!!! Hospice/Palliative Care is LEGALIZED Euthanasia. It's time to put an end to the Murder of our loved ones!!!!!
Unhappy Grammy
AKA Extremely Pissed off Wife of William F. Knightly Jr.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
App Review: Sepsis App a Must-Have for Medical Professionals-Take heed St. Joesephs
App Review: Sepsis App a Must-Have for Medical Professionals - iMedicalApps:
This sepsis app is an invaluable tool for doctors who want to track patient information and keep up with guidelines.
Sepsis remains the ninth leading cause of disease-related death and the primary cause of infection-related death in the ICU. It’s a devastating disease that results in over 250,000 deaths and 1.3 million hospitalizations per year.
Monday, December 11, 2017
My name is Luciana Constantino. I represent the National Coalition for Family Court and CPS Reform and Punished 4 Protecting.
January 3, 2018 is GLOBAL CITIZENS ARREST DAY. We are being joined by countries everywhere! On this day we need everyone to seize the spending of any money whatsoever. No buying gas on that day, no shopping, no Starbucks etc. We are putting a STOP to our nation as we know it, for this ONE day! Our intent is to draw awareness to the corruption in family courts and cps and apply public pressure to those in charge, to do something to stop this.
Children are being taken from fit parents and sent of to abusive homes where they suffer. Families are going bankrupt trying to afford to go through the legal process of getting their children back. There are parents and children committing suicide over this and these corrupt judges, guardian ad litems and cps workers are all of a part of this money-making kids-for-cash business that is wrecking our families and destroying our children, the future of this country.
Once the event has captured the attention of those in higher power, we will proceed to file and request that our government begin the arrest and prosecution of all the judges, guardian ad litems and CPS workers, who are proven to have been a part of this money-making racket and have been the ones to put these innocent children in the homes of abusers and destroyed so many families.
This has gone on for way too long, as you know. The only way a change will be made, will be to apply public pressure and that is what we intend to do on January 3, 2018.
Hospice facility to prohibit assistance in dying
Hospice facility to prohibit assistance in dying | The Kingston Whig-Standard:
Way to go Canada!!
Way to go Canada!!
Advocates for medical assistance in dying are taking aim at a policy that would prohibit the practice at the coming Hospice Kingston.The hospice, which is currently about halfway into a $7.8-million fundraising campaign to build a new 10-bed facility, has declared that when the new palliative care facility is opened, it will not permit medical assistance in death in the facility.
The position of the Canadian Association of Palliative Care and Hospice Palliative Care Ontario is to neither hasten or postpone death.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Arizona DCS disbands citizen-review panels, brings oversight in-house
Arizona DCS disbands citizen-review panels, brings oversight in-house:
The state’s child-welfare agency is disbanding citizen panels intended to bring an outside view on its work and is moving the effort in-house.Critics, surprised by the Nov. 21 notification from Department of Child Safety Director Greg McKay, say they fear the move will further insulate DCS from outside oversight on its operations.
The state’s child-welfare agency is disbanding citizen panels intended to bring an outside view on its work and is moving the effort in-house.Critics, surprised by the Nov. 21 notification from Department of Child Safety Director Greg McKay, say they fear the move will further insulate DCS from outside oversight on its operations.
Bereaved Alberta mother fights for resurrection of Serenity's Law
Bereaved Alberta mother fights for resurrection of Serenity's Law - Edmonton - CBC News:
The mother of Serenity, a four-year-old girl who died of horrific injuries after being placed in kinship care on a central Alberta reserve, hopes her daughter's death ushers in new protections for vulnerable children.
The mother of Serenity, a four-year-old girl who died of horrific injuries after being placed in kinship care on a central Alberta reserve, hopes her daughter's death ushers in new protections for vulnerable children.
Lawsuit filed in shooting death of 14-year-old boy who ran from DCS custody
Lawsuit filed in shooting death of 14-year-old boy who ran from DCS custody:
The family of a 14-year-old boy killed after he ran away from a foster home has filed a lawsuit against the head of the Department of Children's Services and three of its employees.
The family of a 14-year-old boy killed after he ran away from a foster home has filed a lawsuit against the head of the Department of Children's Services and three of its employees.
Ten new charges in foster child death case specify dates, injuries | News |
Ten new charges in foster child death case specify dates, injuries | News |
McDONOUGH — Special prosecutors have added 10 charges to the 39 leveled against Jennifer and Joseph Rosenbaum in the death of a 2-year-old foster child in their care, bringing the total criminal charges to 49.
McDONOUGH — Special prosecutors have added 10 charges to the 39 leveled against Jennifer and Joseph Rosenbaum in the death of a 2-year-old foster child in their care, bringing the total criminal charges to 49.
Opioid Epidemic Burdening Grandparents, Foster Homes
Opioid Epidemic Burdening Grandparents, Foster Homes:
As the opioid epidemic pushes children out of their parents’ custody, grandparents and other relatives are forced to step up.
As the opioid epidemic pushes children out of their parents’ custody, grandparents and other relatives are forced to step up.
The stealthy killer that nobody has heard of
The stealthy killer that nobody has heard of | Opinion |
What causes an American to die every two minutes? What’s the third leading killer of people in the United States? What’s the #1 killer of children in the world? It’s the same answer for each question: Sepsis. Sepsis is the disease that 45 percent of Americans have never heard of, yet it’s killing more of us than breast cancer, prostate cancer and AIDS combined. The most shocking fact is that 80 percent of these sepsis deaths were preventable if the victims had the proper information about this stealthy killer.
What causes an American to die every two minutes? What’s the third leading killer of people in the United States? What’s the #1 killer of children in the world? It’s the same answer for each question: Sepsis. Sepsis is the disease that 45 percent of Americans have never heard of, yet it’s killing more of us than breast cancer, prostate cancer and AIDS combined. The most shocking fact is that 80 percent of these sepsis deaths were preventable if the victims had the proper information about this stealthy killer.
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