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Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Today is The 7 Year Anniversary of The Kidnapping of Isabella Brooke Knightly

Today is the 7 year anniversary of the ILLEGAL Kidnapping of our precious granddaughter Isabella. A day burnt in my memory forever. How could I even try to forget that day? My birthday of all day's. A birthday not worth celebrating for the rest of my life. Why would I want to celebrate the worst day of my life?
 The loss of our tiny little granddaughter I helped bring into this world, only to have her stolen and auctioned off by a rogue government agency, known in NH as DCYF. An agency which hides it's corruption from the public eye. An agency most believe helps children and families, when in all reality they are the "Destroyers of Children, Youth and Families", stealing our children and grandchildren to fill their greedy pockets. Many times placing our gifts from God with stranger's who will never love them or treat them as their own. Many times placing them with stranger's looking for an easy way to make money, such as Isabella was. Where greed means more than the best interests of a child. Something DCYF, the Family Court's and many of the Foster stranger's are guilty of. Placing our children in worse situations than they came from, as was  in Isabella's case.
I am just a Grandmother. I am guilty of nothing but loving, cherishing and protecting my entire family. Isn't that what Grandmother's do? Is it abnormal to fight for the family I love? Is it abnormal to fight for my right's?  My family's rights? After all, would Isabella even have been born without my help? No, she wouldn't have.
My husband and I took care of Isabella's mother during her pregnancy. Something the health center and the hospital failed to do. I believe the plan was to just let my daughter die. Maybe the plan was the same for Isabella. How were we to know Isabella's life was being saved only to have her stolen and auctioned off? Even if I knew this was the plan, I still would have done everything in my power to save her life. But what kind of life does she have now? Does she have her own room, like she would have had with us? Is she aware that she was adopted? Does she have all the food and nice clothes we would have given her? Is she being abused? Is she loved? Is she healthy? Is she in danger? Is she aware that we are fighting for her to come home? Does she realize yet that the stranger's are NOT her REAL family? I pray for our little Isabella every day. We will never forget her or the time we've lost with her and I'll make sure she know's the truth. I will never stop letting the world know how corrupt DCYF and the Family Court's are. Isabella's story will go on forever.
Isabella was stolen from the people who saved her and her mother's life. Grandparent's who never hurt anyone. Grandparents guilty of nothing but taking care of their family. Grandparent's slandered by a DCYF Lawyer without any proof of wrongdoing. Stolen due to an already PROVEN false report.Grandparent's denied the rights of their granddaughter by a Judge who let DCYF pull his strings. A granddaughter stolen from her family because she was worth more to DCYF in Foster care than with family. Where Federal mandates mean nothing. Where money is all that matter's. Children are nothing  but chattel to DCYF and the Family Court's.
Every birthday spent without Isabella will always be etched in my memory. The time lost can never be replaced. I will continue to fight for her return and she WILL know that the stranger's she call's mommy and daddy are just DCYF and Family Court pawns, holding her hostage and receiving blood money to keep her from her REAL Family!
We love and miss you Isabella and will never stop fighting for your return. God Bless You and may God watch over you and keep you safe. You WILL come home to us, your REAL Family!
Love forever and always, Grammy, Grampie, Mommy, Daddy and ALL of your REAL Family.

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