Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Police had no right to take woman's daughter, lawyers claim
Metro and State | Police had no right to take woman's daughter, lawyers claim | The Detroit News
Detroit —Lawyers today attacked the validity of a court order used by Detroit Police to forcibly enter a woman's home in March and take her daughter on claims of medical neglect.
Detroit —Lawyers today attacked the validity of a court order used by Detroit Police to forcibly enter a woman's home in March and take her daughter on claims of medical neglect.
Foster Care Abuse Lawsuit Seeks Damages From Placement Agency
Foster Care Abuse Lawsuit Seeks Damages From Placement Agency : Child Injury Laws : Jonathan Rosenfeld : Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers : Medical Malpractice, Cerebral Palsy & Personal Injury Lawyer
Three young men who allege to have been sexually abused by their foster care father have filed civil lawsuits against both the individual and the foster care placement company.
Three young men who allege to have been sexually abused by their foster care father have filed civil lawsuits against both the individual and the foster care placement company.
Do You Want Your 10 Year Old to Have Sexual & Reproductive Rights?
Do You Want Your 10 Year Old to Have Sexual & Reproductive Rights? | Vision to America
The United Nations is once again trying to underscore Christian and American principles by pushing for worldwide sexual and reproductive rights for youth.
The United Nations Youth Conference taking place this week in New York has set the stage for the Y-PEER statement on sexual rights of youth. Y-PEER, a United Nations Population Fund initiative announced that youth need to have more sexual and reproductive rights including the right to chose (aka – abortion). While the statement does not define or specify an age limit for youth, the standard used by the United Nations in all of its dealings defines them as ages 10-24.
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The United Nations is once again trying to underscore Christian and American principles by pushing for worldwide sexual and reproductive rights for youth.
The United Nations Youth Conference taking place this week in New York has set the stage for the Y-PEER statement on sexual rights of youth. Y-PEER, a United Nations Population Fund initiative announced that youth need to have more sexual and reproductive rights including the right to chose (aka – abortion). While the statement does not define or specify an age limit for youth, the standard used by the United Nations in all of its dealings defines them as ages 10-24.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
New Jersey School District OKs Random Drug Testing for Middle School Students
New Jersey School District OKs Random Drug Testing for Middle School Students | Conservative Byte
Now here's a sure way to lose your child's trust! School's are to teach your children. Not to drug test them!
A New Jersey school district has signed off on a new policy to allow random drug testing for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students.
The new Belvidere School District program will begin in the fall, with parents choosing whether or not they want their child to participate.
Testing will take place in the nurse’s office, and students who test positive would not be punished or turned over to the police — instead, their parents would be notified and they would be required to attend an early intervention program. Parents would pay for the cost of treatment.
Now here's a sure way to lose your child's trust! School's are to teach your children. Not to drug test them!
A New Jersey school district has signed off on a new policy to allow random drug testing for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students.
The new Belvidere School District program will begin in the fall, with parents choosing whether or not they want their child to participate.
Testing will take place in the nurse’s office, and students who test positive would not be punished or turned over to the police — instead, their parents would be notified and they would be required to attend an early intervention program. Parents would pay for the cost of treatment.
Do Grandparents Have the Rights They Should?
Grandparents Rights and Grandparent Visitation Rights
The experts report on the state of grandparent rights in the U.S. today
by John Bringardner
Richard Kent, a family lawyer at Fairfield, Conn.-based Meyers Breiner & Kent, frequently goes to courtroom battle for grandparents seeking visitation with, or custody of, grandchildren.
"The state of grandparents' rights is terrible," says Kent. Under the current laws, if a couple's adult daughter dies, he says, those grandparents could be denied visitation with their grandchild by the child's father.
Even if they had what most people would consider a classic grandparent-grandchild relationship and, let's say, saw their grandchild every Sunday afternoon. But in the eyes of Connecticut law, says Kent, unless grandparents have functioned as de facto parents — meaning they lived with their grandchildren or took care of them while the parents were at work — they are treated no differently than strangers.
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The experts report on the state of grandparent rights in the U.S. today
by John Bringardner
Richard Kent, a family lawyer at Fairfield, Conn.-based Meyers Breiner & Kent, frequently goes to courtroom battle for grandparents seeking visitation with, or custody of, grandchildren.
"The state of grandparents' rights is terrible," says Kent. Under the current laws, if a couple's adult daughter dies, he says, those grandparents could be denied visitation with their grandchild by the child's father.
Even if they had what most people would consider a classic grandparent-grandchild relationship and, let's say, saw their grandchild every Sunday afternoon. But in the eyes of Connecticut law, says Kent, unless grandparents have functioned as de facto parents — meaning they lived with their grandchildren or took care of them while the parents were at work — they are treated no differently than strangers.
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Undocumented grandparents fight for custody of grandchildren
Undocumented grandparents fight for custody of grandchildren - Fox News Latino
Chicago – Though they are undocumented immigrants with little money, two Mexican grandparents are fighting in Chicago for legal custody of their five young U.S.-born grandchildren whose mother died of cancer and whose father was deported for domestic violence.
"For them we have always been Mom and Dad, never the grandparents," Maria Martinez said in an interview with Efe.
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Chicago – Though they are undocumented immigrants with little money, two Mexican grandparents are fighting in Chicago for legal custody of their five young U.S.-born grandchildren whose mother died of cancer and whose father was deported for domestic violence.
"For them we have always been Mom and Dad, never the grandparents," Maria Martinez said in an interview with Efe.
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The other Supreme Court decision: It’s a slippery slope from provider to deadbeat
The other Supreme Court decision: It’s a slippery slope from provider to deadbeat - On Parenting - The Washington Post
Many readers weighed in on the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on violent video games this week. The controversial ruling that California’s attempt to prohibit renting or selling violent games to minors violated free speech has inspired a spirited debate about parental and industry responsibility.
But the court also issued another ruling this term that will affect millions of families, even if it has received less public attention.
The case is officially called Turner v. Rogers. Unofficially, it was known as the “deadbeat dad” case.
The justices ruled in a 5 to 4 decision (PDF) to uphold the appeal of Michael Turner, a father who had been jailed for a year because he did not — he said could not — pay the nearly $6,000 in child support payments he owed.
The court decided that Turner’s incarceration violated the due process clause because he had not been told that his ability to pay was crucial to the case and the court never determined whether Turner could, in fact, make his child support obligations.
Read More at the above link:
Many readers weighed in on the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on violent video games this week. The controversial ruling that California’s attempt to prohibit renting or selling violent games to minors violated free speech has inspired a spirited debate about parental and industry responsibility.
But the court also issued another ruling this term that will affect millions of families, even if it has received less public attention.
The case is officially called Turner v. Rogers. Unofficially, it was known as the “deadbeat dad” case.
The justices ruled in a 5 to 4 decision (PDF) to uphold the appeal of Michael Turner, a father who had been jailed for a year because he did not — he said could not — pay the nearly $6,000 in child support payments he owed.
The court decided that Turner’s incarceration violated the due process clause because he had not been told that his ability to pay was crucial to the case and the court never determined whether Turner could, in fact, make his child support obligations.
Read More at the above link:
Fathers’ rights get in the spotlight
Fathers’ rights get in the spotlight - On Parenting - The Washington Post
There are few issues more contentious and heart-wrenching in a broken family than what happens to the children. On a personal level as well as a public policy level, parity in child support and custody is elusive.
There are few issues more contentious and heart-wrenching in a broken family than what happens to the children. On a personal level as well as a public policy level, parity in child support and custody is elusive.
Antipsychotic Drugs Can Harm Kids with Bipolar Disorder
Antipsychotic Drugs Can Harm Kids with Bipolar Disorder
The number of American children diagnosed with bipolar disorder increased 40-fold over the past decade. But now many psychiatrists are backing away from the diagnosis.
Many are worried that thousands of children may have been mistakenly diagnosed with the disorder. Overzealous doctors, quirks in the health insurance system and aggressive marketing by drug companies all contributed to the explosion of bipolar diagnoses.
According to the Star Tribune:
"The profession's about-face could help the next generation of troubled children, but it also raises questions about the harm done to children who shouldn't have received either the diagnosis or the potent drugs used to treat it."
Children in Long-Term Foster Care Suffer High Rates of Behavioral, Emotional Problems
Children in Long-Term Foster Care Suffer High Rates of Behavioral, Emotional Problems
Newswise — DURHAM, N.H. – Children who live in long-term foster care experience higher rates of behavioral and emotional problems compared with their peers who are reunited with their families or adopted, according to new research from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire.
Newswise — DURHAM, N.H. – Children who live in long-term foster care experience higher rates of behavioral and emotional problems compared with their peers who are reunited with their families or adopted, according to new research from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire.
Holland trial: Suspected abuse reported when Ricky was in first grade
Holland trial: Suspected abuse reported when Ricky was in first grade | Lansing State Journal | lansingstatejournal.com
A nurse at Ricky Holland's elementary school in Jackson testified this morning that she reported suspected abuse to Child Protective Services at least twice.
Carol Coxon, testifying in the murder trial of Ricky's adoptive mother, Lisa Holland, said she reported one incident during Ricky's first grade year when he showed up in her office with more than 10 small coin-shaped bruises across his upper back and chest.
A nurse at Ricky Holland's elementary school in Jackson testified this morning that she reported suspected abuse to Child Protective Services at least twice.
Carol Coxon, testifying in the murder trial of Ricky's adoptive mother, Lisa Holland, said she reported one incident during Ricky's first grade year when he showed up in her office with more than 10 small coin-shaped bruises across his upper back and chest.
Holland trial: Suspected abuse reported when Ricky was in first grade
Holland trial: Suspected abuse reported when Ricky was in first grade | Lansing State Journal | lansingstatejournal.com
A nurse at Ricky Holland's elementary school in Jackson testified this morning that she reported suspected abuse to Child Protective Services at least twice.
Carol Coxon, testifying in the murder trial of Ricky's adoptive mother, Lisa Holland, said she reported one incident during Ricky's first grade year when he showed up in her office with more than 10 small coin-shaped bruises across his upper back and chest.
A nurse at Ricky Holland's elementary school in Jackson testified this morning that she reported suspected abuse to Child Protective Services at least twice.
Carol Coxon, testifying in the murder trial of Ricky's adoptive mother, Lisa Holland, said she reported one incident during Ricky's first grade year when he showed up in her office with more than 10 small coin-shaped bruises across his upper back and chest.
Sect leader warns of 'death' to 'those who prosecute the church'
Sect leader warns of 'death' to 'those who prosecute the church'
San Angelo, Texas (CNN)
-- A Texas judge warned Warren Jeffs against calling "for the jury's destruction" shortly after the polygamous sect leader said Friday during his sexual assault trial that those who prosecuted his church would face "sickness and death."
San Angelo, Texas (CNN)
-- A Texas judge warned Warren Jeffs against calling "for the jury's destruction" shortly after the polygamous sect leader said Friday during his sexual assault trial that those who prosecuted his church would face "sickness and death."
Woman who killed kids at center of custody fight
SEATTLE | Woman who killed kids at center of custody fight | The Herald - Rock Hill, SC
Trisha Conlon's motherly instinct seems reasonable: She doesn't want her teenage boys living with a woman who shot and killed her own daughters in their sleep 20 years ago.
But that will happen on Sunday thanks to a bizarre and convoluted custody dispute with her ex-husband, retired Marine fighter pilot Lt. Col. John P. Cushing Jr.
Read more:
Trisha Conlon's motherly instinct seems reasonable: She doesn't want her teenage boys living with a woman who shot and killed her own daughters in their sleep 20 years ago.
But that will happen on Sunday thanks to a bizarre and convoluted custody dispute with her ex-husband, retired Marine fighter pilot Lt. Col. John P. Cushing Jr.
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Join the Nation wide protest against Government Abuse IS Child Abuse, August 12th, 2011…
Join the Nation wide protest against Government Abuse IS Child Abuse, August 12th, 2011… | Carver County Corruption
Govabuse Nationwide Protest
Government Abuse is Child Abuse
Fighting corruption in National Family Courts/CPS & Foster care systems
“Government Abuse IS Child Abuse for Profit”
When: Friday, August 12, 2011
Where: See State/PLC tab for your area
Who: United States- Child/Family Rights Groups
Why:“We the People” are no longer tolerating;
Unjust Laws
TAXPAYER dollars (billions) used to separate, and financially demolish families.
We the People” demand reformation of:
Assigned Judges- (must be abolished)
Court Appointed Guardian-ad-litem
(must be abolished-severely limited at a minimum)
Family courts / records must be made public
Court Gag orders are a violation of 1stamendment
Adoption incentive payments (must be abolished)
Re; Adoption / Safe Families Act 1997
Every effort must be made for children to stay with Grandparents / family members instead of foster care.
Grandparents / family must have visitation rights without current criminal treatment
Families must be given assistance instead of removing their
Children example; removal due to gas shut-off
Parents must be restored freedoms to raise their children
Immediate access in all cases for children’s records
Option to have a Jury, when requested in family courts
We the People” demand reformation of:
Assigned Judges- must be abolished
We are stripped of our right to elect public servants (judges)
Assigned judges cannot be voted out of office as they are ‘assigned’ to hear cases after pretending to retire.
They have zero incentive to administer justice or follow law or legal procedures because they cannot be voted out of office after they ‘retire’ THEREFORE, we have been stripped of our legal right to elect (vote) for our judges
Assigned judges are ‘DOUBLE-DIPPING’. Pretend to ‘retire’
but are assigned to family court cases, collecting approx; $485.00 per ‘day’ while collecting their retirement pay- all paid by taxpayers
Court appointed guardian-ad-litem / advocate for child / lawyer for child
Child Protective Services aka; CPS/ DHS / DFS/DSS/Foster Care and Adoption ServicesBrittney McElman-official govabuse protest graphics designer
Manchester: DCF Group Home Subject Of Complaints
Manchester: DCF Group Home Subject Of Complaints - Courant.com
— Local and state officials say they are working to address residents' concerns about safety and a frequent police presence in what had been a quiet neighborhood.
The focus of the concerns is a home for abused and neglected teenage boys run by a contractor for the state Department of Children and Families. Town board of directors member Jay Moran, who lives near the raised ranch at 89 Nutmeg Drive, said residents want some assurance of safety.
— Local and state officials say they are working to address residents' concerns about safety and a frequent police presence in what had been a quiet neighborhood.
The focus of the concerns is a home for abused and neglected teenage boys run by a contractor for the state Department of Children and Families. Town board of directors member Jay Moran, who lives near the raised ranch at 89 Nutmeg Drive, said residents want some assurance of safety.
Court workers investigated for lying, misuse of vehicles thank's to GPS unit's
Court workers investigated for lying, misuse of vehicles | wzzm13.com
MUSKEGON, Mich. (WZZM) -- Prosecutors say a criminal investigation is underway against juvenile court workers accused of misusing county vehicles and taking part in recreational activities when they were supposed to be working.
New Hampshire should invest in GPS units for DCYF worker's. It would be nice to see them finally get caught visiting friends and God only know's who else when they're supposed to be investigating report's of abuse and neglect! And how about the caseworker's who sit around after railroading a parent at a TPR, who state, "It's too early to go back to work, so I'll just sit around here and pass the time." One would wonder why the State budget is in shambles!
MUSKEGON, Mich. (WZZM) -- Prosecutors say a criminal investigation is underway against juvenile court workers accused of misusing county vehicles and taking part in recreational activities when they were supposed to be working.
New Hampshire should invest in GPS units for DCYF worker's. It would be nice to see them finally get caught visiting friends and God only know's who else when they're supposed to be investigating report's of abuse and neglect! And how about the caseworker's who sit around after railroading a parent at a TPR, who state, "It's too early to go back to work, so I'll just sit around here and pass the time." One would wonder why the State budget is in shambles!
Teenage mother found hanged days after discovering her baby had been adopted
AFRA Front Page News: Teenage mother found hanged days after discovering her baby had been adopted
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:24 PM on 1st June 2011
Tragic: Annabelle Lee Morris hanged herself when she found out that her son (face blanked) had been adopted A tragic teenage mother's body was found hanged days after she discovered her baby had been adopted by another family.
Annabelle Lee Morris, 19, could not cope with her son being taken into care and then put up for adoption.
Her father, Thomas James Morris, found her in her bedroom on March 18 last year - nine days after she found out that her son had new adoptive parents, York Coroner's Court was told.
The authorities had intervened as she was struggling to look after him herself.
Speaking after the inquest, her cousin, Lorna Dawber, said: 'She adored her son and had she accepted the help when it was there her future would have been completely different. In time she would have got there.
'That was the one thing in life that was hers, she absolutely worshipped him.'
She said Annabelle would not have put her family through that deliberately.
'She was a good soul and she had a good heart,' she said.
The inquest heard that the child was taken into foster care when he was less than a year old.
Annabelle, from York, was still allowed to see him a few times a week, but when a psychologist raised further serious concerns, steps were taken to have the baby adopted.
Although it was arranged for Annabelle to meet mental health workers in 2009, she did not attend an appointment.
She saw her son, then 15 months old, for the final time in January 2010. At the time of her death she was on a doctor's waiting list to see a counsellor.
Prior to the adoption, her social worker, John Corden, said Annabelle was 'ambivalent' about accepting the support offered to her as this would involve 'putting boundaries around her lifestyle'.
But he said that he and other colleagues had been impressed by the 'high quality of interaction' between mother and child and that she had been 'dignified and honest' in her work with social services.
Mr Corden said 'I had frequent discussions with Annabelle about the way the case was going. She never suggested to me that if adoption were the outcome she would harm herself.
'Annabelle was blessed with a warm and benign personality. She could present herself as a well functioning and capable young lady.
'In the fullness of time, that may have been a considerable asset to her.'
Coroner Donald Coverdale recorded an open verdict and said the cause of her death was asphyxia due to hanging.
Noting that she had strong support from a loving family and from social services, he said: 'Miss Morris was a 19-year-old with a number of problems relating back to childhood.
'In recent times she had gone through the trauma of having her child adopted.
'The final meeting with her child had been in January and that time must have been the most difficult of all.
'It seems to me that she had time to reflect on the unhappy course of events culminating in the adoption. My best guess is that what has happened was an impulsive act, it could be described as a cry for help.'
Mail Online UK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1393059/Teenager-mother-hanged-just-days-discovering-baby-adopted.html
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:24 PM on 1st June 2011
Tragic: Annabelle Lee Morris hanged herself when she found out that her son (face blanked) had been adopted A tragic teenage mother's body was found hanged days after she discovered her baby had been adopted by another family.
Annabelle Lee Morris, 19, could not cope with her son being taken into care and then put up for adoption.
Her father, Thomas James Morris, found her in her bedroom on March 18 last year - nine days after she found out that her son had new adoptive parents, York Coroner's Court was told.
The authorities had intervened as she was struggling to look after him herself.
Speaking after the inquest, her cousin, Lorna Dawber, said: 'She adored her son and had she accepted the help when it was there her future would have been completely different. In time she would have got there.
'That was the one thing in life that was hers, she absolutely worshipped him.'
She said Annabelle would not have put her family through that deliberately.
'She was a good soul and she had a good heart,' she said.
The inquest heard that the child was taken into foster care when he was less than a year old.
Annabelle, from York, was still allowed to see him a few times a week, but when a psychologist raised further serious concerns, steps were taken to have the baby adopted.
Although it was arranged for Annabelle to meet mental health workers in 2009, she did not attend an appointment.
She saw her son, then 15 months old, for the final time in January 2010. At the time of her death she was on a doctor's waiting list to see a counsellor.
Prior to the adoption, her social worker, John Corden, said Annabelle was 'ambivalent' about accepting the support offered to her as this would involve 'putting boundaries around her lifestyle'.
But he said that he and other colleagues had been impressed by the 'high quality of interaction' between mother and child and that she had been 'dignified and honest' in her work with social services.
Mr Corden said 'I had frequent discussions with Annabelle about the way the case was going. She never suggested to me that if adoption were the outcome she would harm herself.
'Annabelle was blessed with a warm and benign personality. She could present herself as a well functioning and capable young lady.
'In the fullness of time, that may have been a considerable asset to her.'
Coroner Donald Coverdale recorded an open verdict and said the cause of her death was asphyxia due to hanging.
Noting that she had strong support from a loving family and from social services, he said: 'Miss Morris was a 19-year-old with a number of problems relating back to childhood.
'In recent times she had gone through the trauma of having her child adopted.
'The final meeting with her child had been in January and that time must have been the most difficult of all.
'It seems to me that she had time to reflect on the unhappy course of events culminating in the adoption. My best guess is that what has happened was an impulsive act, it could be described as a cry for help.'
Mail Online UK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1393059/Teenager-mother-hanged-just-days-discovering-baby-adopted.html
Ame Deal, 10, Killed for Taking Popsicle; 4 Family Members Charged
Ame Deal, 10, Killed for Taking Popsicle; 4 Family Members Charged
A disturbing story out of Phoenix, where four people are now charged for the death of their 10-year-old family member. They are accused of locking her in a storage container for the crime of taking a Popsicle.
A disturbing story out of Phoenix, where four people are now charged for the death of their 10-year-old family member. They are accused of locking her in a storage container for the crime of taking a Popsicle.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Militants Kidnap and Hang 8-Year-Old Son of Afghan Policeman
This is SICK!!!
Militants Kidnap and Hang 8-Year-Old Son of Afghan Policeman | Care2 Causes
When Mohammad Daoud, an Afghan police officer, received a phone call demanding that he give his police truck to anonymous militants, he didn’t take it very seriously. After all, members of Afghan security forces like Daoud who have access to official vehicles are often the targets of these kinds of threats. When the callers said that they had kidnapped Daoud’s son, he dismissed them as irritating pranksters. Little did he know that his son was indeed missing, and that in retaliation, the militants would strangle the young boy.
“I became angry,” Daoud said, recounting the conversation with the militants. “I used bad words and told him, ‘cut off his head.’ I didn’t think that they would kill my son,” he added. “They claim that they are religious people and wage jihad against evildoers.”
Read More:
Militants Kidnap and Hang 8-Year-Old Son of Afghan Policeman | Care2 Causes
When Mohammad Daoud, an Afghan police officer, received a phone call demanding that he give his police truck to anonymous militants, he didn’t take it very seriously. After all, members of Afghan security forces like Daoud who have access to official vehicles are often the targets of these kinds of threats. When the callers said that they had kidnapped Daoud’s son, he dismissed them as irritating pranksters. Little did he know that his son was indeed missing, and that in retaliation, the militants would strangle the young boy.
“I became angry,” Daoud said, recounting the conversation with the militants. “I used bad words and told him, ‘cut off his head.’ I didn’t think that they would kill my son,” he added. “They claim that they are religious people and wage jihad against evildoers.”
Read More:
Guidance on Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008
AFRA Front Page News: Guidance on Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008
Program Instruction
To: State, Tribal and Territorial Agencies Administering or Supervising the Administration of Title IV-E of the Social Security Act, Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations and Tribal Consortia (Tribes)
Subject: Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-351) Comprehensive Guidance, Titles IV-B and IV-E Plan Requirements, Title IV-E Plan Amendment – Definition of "Child", Extension of Title IV-E Assistance, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law (P.L.) 111-148)
Legal and Related References: Titles IV-B and IV-E of the Social Security Act (the Act); P.L. 110-351; P.L. 111-148
Purpose: The purpose of this Program Instruction (PI) is to provide title IV-E agencies comprehensive information on the provisions of titles IV-B and IV-E as a result of the amendments made by the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, P.L. 110-351. In addition to providing new guidance on the option for a title IV-E agency to extend assistance for the foster care maintenance, adoption assistance, and/or kinship guardianship programs to an eligible youth age 18 and older up to age 21, this instruction provides additional guidance on the other provisions of P.L. 110-351 and the flexibilities afforded to a title IV-E agency in complying with the law. We are also providing instruction on changes to the titles IV-B/IV-E plan requirements as a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148).
Read more at the above link.
Program Instruction
To: State, Tribal and Territorial Agencies Administering or Supervising the Administration of Title IV-E of the Social Security Act, Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations and Tribal Consortia (Tribes)
Subject: Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-351) Comprehensive Guidance, Titles IV-B and IV-E Plan Requirements, Title IV-E Plan Amendment – Definition of "Child", Extension of Title IV-E Assistance, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law (P.L.) 111-148)
Legal and Related References: Titles IV-B and IV-E of the Social Security Act (the Act); P.L. 110-351; P.L. 111-148
Purpose: The purpose of this Program Instruction (PI) is to provide title IV-E agencies comprehensive information on the provisions of titles IV-B and IV-E as a result of the amendments made by the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, P.L. 110-351. In addition to providing new guidance on the option for a title IV-E agency to extend assistance for the foster care maintenance, adoption assistance, and/or kinship guardianship programs to an eligible youth age 18 and older up to age 21, this instruction provides additional guidance on the other provisions of P.L. 110-351 and the flexibilities afforded to a title IV-E agency in complying with the law. We are also providing instruction on changes to the titles IV-B/IV-E plan requirements as a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148).
Read more at the above link.
Boy in Foster care wrecks stolen van, dies in E. Ill. - Lincoln, IL - Lincoln Courier
Boy wrecks stolen van, dies in E. Ill. - Lincoln, IL - Lincoln Courier
A 12-year-old eastern Illinois boy who died while driving a stolen minivan was a foster child who escaped from a hospital emergency room after recently running away from the home he’d recently been assigned to, officials said.
A 12-year-old eastern Illinois boy who died while driving a stolen minivan was a foster child who escaped from a hospital emergency room after recently running away from the home he’d recently been assigned to, officials said.
Fathers Claim NH Courts Biased Against Them - New Hampshire News Story
Fathers Claim NH Courts Biased Against Them - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR New Hampshire
CONCORD, N.H. -- It has been an allegation about the family court system for years -- that fathers don't get the same treatment as mothers when it comes to custody cases. But whether that's true depends on who you ask.
Note: I and so many other's waited close to a month for this segment of WMUR to air. Had the real story with interviews been shown, without the threats of WMUR being sued, everyone would have seen just how bias the NH court's really are.
The segment aired by WMUR tried to put the blame on father's.
Father's and mother's alike are getting the shaft, while the court's sit by and make a killing off a families pain, playing one parent against the other.
In many cases the court's are bias against father's. In many cases they're also bias against mother's. Even grandparent's. It seem's to me, whichever parent run's to the court first with tales of abuse, wind's up with custody of the children, whether the report is true or false.
I know of one father who abused his wife after she found out he was cheating on her, after finding another woman's undergarment's under her bed. She confronted him and he punched her in the face, with witnesses watching. The mother was arrested and charged with domestic violence. The father has custody of their child and has never been held in contempt for refusing to let the mother see her child.
Another mother, beaten by her admittedly abusive husband, the husband wind's up with custody after filing a false report with DCYF. I know many other mother's alienated by both DCYF and our illustrous NH judicial system, with the father's never even given the right of custody to their children.
I know of three father's whose right's were never terminated in Nashua, after DCYF took their children from the mother's. Two of the mother's were falsely accused by DCYF and the NH court's, which was proven. The father's of all three of these children were never contacted, while two of the Probate Court Judges both lied in their decision's. All three children have been illegally adopted, after fictitious mens right's were terminated. DCYF and the court's were well aware they weren't the children's father's. But DCYF and the court's figured it was no big deal.
So yes, many of the men in NH are getting the shaft in NH and many women are also. Many of the custody order's made by the NH court's are very unfair.
The entire justice system in NH is nothing but a greedy money making machine. Money made off the pain and suffering of families.
This News segment was nothing worth waiting to see. It was a total flop, full of bias. The NH judicial system's failure will one day be out in the open. With or without the help of WMUR.
Read more of this bias article at the above link:
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Transcript | Failure To Protect:The Caseworker Files
Transcript | Failure To Protect | FRONTLINE | PBS
Failure to Protect:
The Caseworker Files
Produced by
Barak Goodman
Rachel Dretzin
Muriel Soenens
Written by
Barak Goodman
ANNOUNCER: Last week on FRONTLINE, the story of the death of a little girl while in the custody of the state of Maine.
NEWSCASTER: Five-year old Logan was killed after her foster mother allegedly tied her to a high chair and put duct tape over her nose and mouth.
ANNOUNCER: The death of Logan Marr focused outrage on a normally secretive child protective system.
MAN AT HEARING: Who holds these people accountable? The answer is nobody.
Read more:
Failure to Protect:
The Caseworker Files
Produced by
Barak Goodman
Rachel Dretzin
Muriel Soenens
Written by
Barak Goodman
ANNOUNCER: Last week on FRONTLINE, the story of the death of a little girl while in the custody of the state of Maine.
NEWSCASTER: Five-year old Logan was killed after her foster mother allegedly tied her to a high chair and put duct tape over her nose and mouth.
ANNOUNCER: The death of Logan Marr focused outrage on a normally secretive child protective system.
MAN AT HEARING: Who holds these people accountable? The answer is nobody.
Read more:
Forced adoptions may spark class action
Forced adoptions may spark class action - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
A Newcastle solicitor is investigating the possibility of a class action on behalf of several Hunter Valley women who say their babies were adopted against their will.
A Newcastle solicitor is investigating the possibility of a class action on behalf of several Hunter Valley women who say their babies were adopted against their will.
False Allegations of Child Abuse
False Allegations of Child Abuse
Sometimes allegations of abuse are true. When they are not, disproving false allegations of child abuse is one of the most difficult issues to overcome. Disproving becomes the method of how to overcome false child abuse allegations. This is why it is critical to act fast and have a strategy. Having an attorney represent and advise you during this process is generally recommended.
Sometimes allegations of abuse are true. When they are not, disproving false allegations of child abuse is one of the most difficult issues to overcome. Disproving becomes the method of how to overcome false child abuse allegations. This is why it is critical to act fast and have a strategy. Having an attorney represent and advise you during this process is generally recommended.
NZ Adoption Laws Breach Anti-Discrimination Laws | Scoop News
NZ Adoption Laws Breach Anti-Discrimination Laws | Scoop News
Note: New Hampshire is NO different just like many of the other states, but the Lawyer's are too chicken to do anything about it.
Claim Filed With Human Rights Tribunal: NZ Adoption Laws Breach Anti-Discrimination Laws
Adoption Action has filed a claim with the Human Rights Review Tribunal complaining that the Adoption Act 1955 and other adoption laws and practice notes are inconsistent with the anti-discrimination provisions of the Human Rights Act 1993 and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 in 15 different respects AND are inconsistent with fundamental rights and freedoms of the persons affected.
Note: New Hampshire is NO different just like many of the other states, but the Lawyer's are too chicken to do anything about it.
Claim Filed With Human Rights Tribunal: NZ Adoption Laws Breach Anti-Discrimination Laws
Adoption Action has filed a claim with the Human Rights Review Tribunal complaining that the Adoption Act 1955 and other adoption laws and practice notes are inconsistent with the anti-discrimination provisions of the Human Rights Act 1993 and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 in 15 different respects AND are inconsistent with fundamental rights and freedoms of the persons affected.
Babies Born Alive in Toilets at Abortion Center, Left to Die
Babies Born Alive in Toilets at Abortion Center, Left to Die | LifeNews.com
On July 21, 2011, a jury of six found that the notorious late-term abortionist James Scott Pendergraft IV was liable for injuries sustained by a pre-born baby during a failed abortion ten years ago. The jury stunned eye-witnesses in the courtroom by ordering Pendergraft to pay $36,737,660.16 in compensatory and punitive damages.
The case is number 2004-CA-001202 captioned C. H. et al. v. James Scott Pendergraft IV, et al.
On July 21, 2011, a jury of six found that the notorious late-term abortionist James Scott Pendergraft IV was liable for injuries sustained by a pre-born baby during a failed abortion ten years ago. The jury stunned eye-witnesses in the courtroom by ordering Pendergraft to pay $36,737,660.16 in compensatory and punitive damages.
The case is number 2004-CA-001202 captioned C. H. et al. v. James Scott Pendergraft IV, et al.
Mother Says Child Welfare System Failed Her Daughter
Mother Says Child Welfare System Failed Her Daughter - MyStateLine.com
(Springfield) -- An Illinois mother says the system failed her 14-year old daughter Chloe.
Shelley Faulkner says Chloe was placed in DCFS custody but when she returned home a year later, she was pregnant.
And on top of that, Chloe said she had been raped several times.
(Springfield) -- An Illinois mother says the system failed her 14-year old daughter Chloe.
Shelley Faulkner says Chloe was placed in DCFS custody but when she returned home a year later, she was pregnant.
And on top of that, Chloe said she had been raped several times.
Vulnerable Missing: Jesse McCarthy, 15 from Manchester, NH
Vulnerable Missing: Jesse McCarthy, 15 from Manchester, NH – Londonderry News
Jesse McCarthy, 15 is missing. He went missing from the Zachary Rd. area in Manchester, NH on June 26, 2011 at around 4pm. He is considered vulnerable.
It is possible that Jesse may be with a friend, or a group of friends – both male or female – in the Manchester, NH or possibly in the Concord, NH area.
Jesse has very short brown hair, brown eyes and a fair complexion. He is approximately 5′ 9″ and weighs around 130 lbs.
His left arm bears 4 or 5 circular scars that resemble cigarette burn marks and one of his elbows has two visible warts that are close together that is noticeable. He also has a 1″ scar underneath his chin should his head be tilted upwards.
His family is very worried for his safety and well being and ask if anyone has information to please contact authorities.
If info, please contact the Manchester, NH police at (603) 668-8711, or the Concord Police at (603) 225-0860, or your local police.
Note: IF you are an adult and allowing a minor child to stay at your residence without parental permission, you can be charged and prosecuted. If you are holding a child against their wishes, you will be prosecuted.
LostNMissing, Inc. is a state and federally recognized 501c(3) Non-Profit charitable organization to assist law enforcement and the families of missing.
Parents Looking For Missing 14-Year-Old In Manchester, NH
Parents Looking For Missing 14-Year-Old In Manchester, NH « CBS Boston
Marissa is 5’2″ and 135 pounds with black hair and brown eyes.
MANCHESTER, NH (CBS) – Marissa Russo just turned 14 and her parents haven’t seen her since July 14th.
Marissa told her mother she was headed to a friend’s house but she never arrived. After questioning friends and searching her Facebook page, Susan Russo now believes her daughter ran away with a 17-year-old boy she was talking to online. The scary part for Marissa’s parents is that 17-year-old has been a runaway for more than a year.
Marissa is 5’2″ and 135 pounds with black hair and brown eyes.
MANCHESTER, NH (CBS) – Marissa Russo just turned 14 and her parents haven’t seen her since July 14th.
Marissa told her mother she was headed to a friend’s house but she never arrived. After questioning friends and searching her Facebook page, Susan Russo now believes her daughter ran away with a 17-year-old boy she was talking to online. The scary part for Marissa’s parents is that 17-year-old has been a runaway for more than a year.
FBI Deploys Special Team In Search For Missing Girl - New Hampshire
FBI Deploys Special Team In Search For Missing Girl - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR New Hampshire
WEST STEWARTSTOWN, N.H. -- Officials with the Attorney General's Office and the FBI spoke in a news conference Wednesday night about missing 11-year-old Celina Cass.
Senior Assistant Attorney General Jane Young said the office is trying to bring Celina home safely, and they're treating this as a missing persons case.
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Child Protective Services SUED… Four workers plead guilty to child abuse
Child Protective Services SUED… Four workers plead guilty to child abuse | Carver County Corruption
SACRAMENTO (AP) — A lawyer for a teenager who was held captive and abused inside a Central California home for a year has filed a claim against the county for allegedly failing to protect him.
Attorney John Demas filed the claim Wednesday against Sacramento County’s Child Protective Services on behalf of Kyle Ramirez. It accuses CPS workers of ignoring signs of abuse for seven years.
SACRAMENTO (AP) — A lawyer for a teenager who was held captive and abused inside a Central California home for a year has filed a claim against the county for allegedly failing to protect him.
Attorney John Demas filed the claim Wednesday against Sacramento County’s Child Protective Services on behalf of Kyle Ramirez. It accuses CPS workers of ignoring signs of abuse for seven years.
Fighting For Fairness in the New Hampshire Court's
Fighting For Fairness - Video - WMUR New Hampshire
June 28th, Thursday on WMUR at 11PM.
Is there a bias against mothers or fathers? News nine takes a look at New Hampshire's child custody cases. The factors that determine who is granted custody and who is more likely to win. Thursday at 11PM.
When DCYF is involved, the New Hampshire Court's are bias against BOTH mother's and father's AND grandparent's for that matter.
June 28th, Thursday on WMUR at 11PM.
Is there a bias against mothers or fathers? News nine takes a look at New Hampshire's child custody cases. The factors that determine who is granted custody and who is more likely to win. Thursday at 11PM.
When DCYF is involved, the New Hampshire Court's are bias against BOTH mother's and father's AND grandparent's for that matter.
Stabbing stuns Franklin:Adopted boy stab's brother
Stabbing stuns Franklin: ‘That doesn’t happen here’ - BostonHerald.com
Franklin is one of the last places in the world you would expect to find a 12-year-old boy accused of repeatedly stabbing his 9-year-old brother.
Franklin is one of the last places in the world you would expect to find a 12-year-old boy accused of repeatedly stabbing his 9-year-old brother.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
89 kidnapped infants rescued in China
89 kidnapped infants rescued in China - World news - Asia-Pacific - China - msnbc.com
BEIJING — Chinese police rescued 89 infants kidnapped for sale and arrested 369 people they said were linked to two human trafficking rings this month, state media reported on Wednesday.
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
BEIJING — Chinese police rescued 89 infants kidnapped for sale and arrested 369 people they said were linked to two human trafficking rings this month, state media reported on Wednesday.
Holstein Meets with Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson; Johnson Condemns Family Court ‘Injustices’
NH Attorney Jaye Rancourt an Unethical Attorney: Holstein Meets with Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson; Johnson Condemns Family Court ‘Injustices’ - From The Website Of Fathers And Families
F & F Board Chairman Ned Holstein, MD, MS meets with presidential candidate Gary Johnson in Manchester, NH. Johnson told Holstein “Family court injustices are one of the great injustices of our time.”
Gary Johnson, a former two-term Republican Governor of New Mexico and current presidential candidate, met with Fathers and Families Board Chairman Ned Holstein, MD, MS in Manchester, New Hampshire on Thursday, July 21.
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F & F Board Chairman Ned Holstein, MD, MS meets with presidential candidate Gary Johnson in Manchester, NH. Johnson told Holstein “Family court injustices are one of the great injustices of our time.”
Gary Johnson, a former two-term Republican Governor of New Mexico and current presidential candidate, met with Fathers and Families Board Chairman Ned Holstein, MD, MS in Manchester, New Hampshire on Thursday, July 21.
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DCF complies with court settlement on children's mental health
DCF complies with court settlement on children's mental health | The Connecticut Mirror
Four years after settling a class-action lawsuit over its care for children with mental health needs, the state Department of Children and Families has revised its procedures to keep hundreds of children from being shunted into institutions, jail or hospital emergency rooms, officials and advocates say.
Four years after settling a class-action lawsuit over its care for children with mental health needs, the state Department of Children and Families has revised its procedures to keep hundreds of children from being shunted into institutions, jail or hospital emergency rooms, officials and advocates say.
Grow-op kids shouldn't be in foster homes: Study
Grow-op kids shouldn't be in foster homes: Study | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
TORONTO - Children living in grow-op homes are healthier living with their parents rather than being placed into foster homes, a study shows.
The study — published in The Journal of Pediatrics — found the majority of children removed from drug-producing homes after their parents were charged, were healthy, drug free and attended school.
TORONTO - Children living in grow-op homes are healthier living with their parents rather than being placed into foster homes, a study shows.
The study — published in The Journal of Pediatrics — found the majority of children removed from drug-producing homes after their parents were charged, were healthy, drug free and attended school.
Grandparent caregivers relievers of the foster care system
Grandparent caregivers relievers of the foster care system - El Nuevo Sol
SAN GABRIEL – An accident landed seven of Rosie Cardenas’ grandchildren on her doorstep and she hasn’t looked back since.
SAN GABRIEL – An accident landed seven of Rosie Cardenas’ grandchildren on her doorstep and she hasn’t looked back since.
Report: Child welfare workers too trusting - UPI.com
Report: Child welfare workers too trusting - UPI.com
MIAMI, July 26 (UPI) -- Florida child welfare workers did nothing to Jorge and Carmen Barahona when allegations of possible child abuse and neglect were made, a grand jury report said.
Who are they trying to kid? Child Welfare Worker's are the one's who can't be trusted. Just watch all the negative and horrendous stories coming on caseworker's.
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MIAMI, July 26 (UPI) -- Florida child welfare workers did nothing to Jorge and Carmen Barahona when allegations of possible child abuse and neglect were made, a grand jury report said.
Who are they trying to kid? Child Welfare Worker's are the one's who can't be trusted. Just watch all the negative and horrendous stories coming on caseworker's.
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Foster parent convicted of sexual battery
Foster parent convicted of sexual battery - WLOX-TV and WLOX.com - The News for South Mississippi
A man is behind bars after being accused of molesting his foster children.
A man is behind bars after being accused of molesting his foster children.
Father Accused of caging adopted son
Father Accused of caging adopted son | TBO.com
When Michael Wells rented his house to a family of five last month, he thought he was doing a good deed for a set of morally courageous parents.
Ronald White and his wife had three adopted teenagers. The couple also told Wells they moved to the area from Georgia hoping for a fresh start, he said.
When Michael Wells rented his house to a family of five last month, he thought he was doing a good deed for a set of morally courageous parents.
Ronald White and his wife had three adopted teenagers. The couple also told Wells they moved to the area from Georgia hoping for a fresh start, he said.
SHOCKING NEW DETAILS EMERGE IN GODBOLDO POLICE STAND-OFF CASE | VOICE OF DETROIT: The city's independent newspaper, unbossed and unbought
CPS worker said child needed cage
Detroit cop admits lack of authority
DETROIT — New and shocking details of the encounter between a lone mother and child, Child Protective Services (CPS), and a Detroit police “Special Response Team” replete with tanks, assault guns, and helicopters in March emerged in the first part of Maryanne Godboldo’s preliminary exam July 25.
CPS worker said child needed cage
Detroit cop admits lack of authority
DETROIT — New and shocking details of the encounter between a lone mother and child, Child Protective Services (CPS), and a Detroit police “Special Response Team” replete with tanks, assault guns, and helicopters in March emerged in the first part of Maryanne Godboldo’s preliminary exam July 25.
Grandfamilies State Law and Policy Resource Center
NEW JUDICIAL RESOURCE - Judicial Guide to Implementing Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008
Generations United 16th International Conference: Rethinking and Revitalizing Intergenerational Connections (July 26-29)
Register for the Conference
The Grandfamilies State Law and Policy Resource Center is a collaboration between Casey Family Programs, the American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law and Generations United.
NEW JUDICIAL RESOURCE - Judicial Guide to Implementing Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008
Generations United 16th International Conference: Rethinking and Revitalizing Intergenerational Connections (July 26-29)
Register for the Conference
The Grandfamilies State Law and Policy Resource Center is a collaboration between Casey Family Programs, the American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law and Generations United.
Ex-caseworker pleads guilty in neglect case
Ex-caseworker pleads guilty in neglect case - Times Union
SCHENECTADY -- A former caseworker with the county has pleaded guilty to a felony in a child-neglect case where an infant boy with a digestive disorder nearly died last year, according to the prosecutor who handled the case.
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SCHENECTADY -- A former caseworker with the county has pleaded guilty to a felony in a child-neglect case where an infant boy with a digestive disorder nearly died last year, according to the prosecutor who handled the case.
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Another Tale of Our Anti-Parent DCFS Establishment
Another Tale of Our Anti-Parent DCFS Establishment : Stop The ACLU: "It is a sad truth that from coast to coast our departments of children and family service (DCFS) agencies are in disarray. All too often they ill serve the children they are supposed to be helping and they almost always step on the rights of parents without much bothering to give a good reading of the situation before action is taken. The travails of 13-year-old Chloe Faulkner is another such story. Taken from her parents, isolated in a world of faceless bureaucrats, used as a cash cow for state aide, abused, repeatedly raped, and eventually impregnated without her loving parents being given a chance to be heard, this tale is another DCFS/State intervention horror story."
Adopted girl aids murder of foster mother
Adopted girl aids murder of foster mother | Provincial
Boy friend, an army deserter arrested for the killing
An army deserter and a young woman were arrested by the Welimada police in connection with the killing of a 78- year- old woman of Bogahakumbura in Welimada. She had been hacked to death and her jewellery taken away. The victim, K A Karunawathie was a retired principal of a government school in Welimada living alone in her house. Her children were married and living separately.
Boy friend, an army deserter arrested for the killing
An army deserter and a young woman were arrested by the Welimada police in connection with the killing of a 78- year- old woman of Bogahakumbura in Welimada. She had been hacked to death and her jewellery taken away. The victim, K A Karunawathie was a retired principal of a government school in Welimada living alone in her house. Her children were married and living separately.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Foster care in Los Angeles: NOW he tells us: The frustrating, mundane causes of DCFS failure
NCCPR Child Welfare Blog: Foster care in Los Angeles: NOW he tells us: The frustrating, mundane causes of DCFS failure
fter years of trying to whip Southern California into a frenzy about some kind of Vast Family Preservation Conspiracy, after a failed effort to scapegoat a waiver from federal funding restrictions and, of course, after doing enormous harm to children by setting off a foster-care panic, Los Angeles Times reporter Garrett Therolf finally noticed: According to a Therolf story published on July 18 about an investigation commissioned by the county Board of Supervisors, the real reasons children “known to the system” sometimes die typically are things like buying the wrong computers so workers can’t get the information they need, or not being able to get the best people to work the toughest jobs.
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fter years of trying to whip Southern California into a frenzy about some kind of Vast Family Preservation Conspiracy, after a failed effort to scapegoat a waiver from federal funding restrictions and, of course, after doing enormous harm to children by setting off a foster-care panic, Los Angeles Times reporter Garrett Therolf finally noticed: According to a Therolf story published on July 18 about an investigation commissioned by the county Board of Supervisors, the real reasons children “known to the system” sometimes die typically are things like buying the wrong computers so workers can’t get the information they need, or not being able to get the best people to work the toughest jobs.
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Study Finds New Guidelines Help Judges Better Serve Abused and Neglected Children...
Study Finds New Guidelines Help Judges Better Serve Abused and Neglected Children... -- RENO, Nev., July 26, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --
More children are able to return home safely or live with extended family
RENO, Nev., July 26, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Children who are removed from their parents for abuse or neglect allegations experience better outcomes when judges follow a set of decision-making guidelines during the initial removal hearing, according to a study released today by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). Development of a benchcard containing the guidelines grew out of a national NCJFCJ initiative, Courts Catalyzing Change: Achieving Equity and Fairness in Foster Care (CCC). In partnership with Casey Family Programs and the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, NCJFCJ member judges throughout the country are working to reduce the overrepresentation of children of color in the foster care system along with the disparate outcomes they and their families experience.
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More children are able to return home safely or live with extended family
RENO, Nev., July 26, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Children who are removed from their parents for abuse or neglect allegations experience better outcomes when judges follow a set of decision-making guidelines during the initial removal hearing, according to a study released today by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). Development of a benchcard containing the guidelines grew out of a national NCJFCJ initiative, Courts Catalyzing Change: Achieving Equity and Fairness in Foster Care (CCC). In partnership with Casey Family Programs and the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, NCJFCJ member judges throughout the country are working to reduce the overrepresentation of children of color in the foster care system along with the disparate outcomes they and their families experience.
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UPDATE: Baby dies after bathtub incident
UPDATE: Baby dies after bathtub incident - ABC 4.com - Salt Lake City, Utah News
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - A 7-month-old baby who was rushed to the hospital after being left alone in a bathtub has died.
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - A 7-month-old baby who was rushed to the hospital after being left alone in a bathtub has died.
Hartwig Child Accuses DHS of Unfair Treatment
Hartwig Child Accuses DHS of Unfair Treatment | KEZI
I guess they took lesson's from Nashua, NH DCYF!
EUGENE, Ore. -- An adult son of the Blachly couple convicted of abusing their nine-year-old son is speaking out against the Department of Human Services.
Skylar Hartwig says DHS is treating his family differently than any of their other cases.
After Alona and Rodger Hartwig were arrested and later convicted of child abuse, six of their ten children -- the ones younger than 18 -- were placed in child protective custody.
Skylar says the four older children have been trying to adopt the younger siblings to keep the family together, but DHS won't even let them fill out adoption paperwork.
I guess they took lesson's from Nashua, NH DCYF!
EUGENE, Ore. -- An adult son of the Blachly couple convicted of abusing their nine-year-old son is speaking out against the Department of Human Services.
Skylar Hartwig says DHS is treating his family differently than any of their other cases.
After Alona and Rodger Hartwig were arrested and later convicted of child abuse, six of their ten children -- the ones younger than 18 -- were placed in child protective custody.
Skylar says the four older children have been trying to adopt the younger siblings to keep the family together, but DHS won't even let them fill out adoption paperwork.
DCF, teen in fight over out-of-state treatment
DCF, teen in fight over out-of-state treatment - Courant.com
New Commissioner Of Department Of Children And Families Is Challenging A Long-Standing Policy Of Sending Juvenile Offenders Outside The State For Rehabilitation
New Commissioner Of Department Of Children And Families Is Challenging A Long-Standing Policy Of Sending Juvenile Offenders Outside The State For Rehabilitation
Baby Hailey viciously stolen from her loving, biological father via DHS for illegal private adoption
jurney1: iReporter User Profile - CNN iReport
DHS nationwide keep stealing children from Biological father's. New Hampshire included!
Baby Hailey was viciously stolen from her loving, biological father via DHS for illegal private adoption. · From front to back this case has been stacked against us. · Baby Hailey was stolen from me at birth by the prospective adoptive parents and with permission from DHS and the family courts. · Now my ‘parental rights’ have been terminated on fraudulent information deeming me unfit so the adoption can go through. What would you do if they stole your baby from you??? · It happens every day in America in corrupted family courts via corrupted DHS and CPS agencies for federal fund$. · Families all over the country are tricked, lied to, intimidated, and humiliated by undereducated ‘social workers’ with the power to remove your children from your home without cause or care for their safety. They can adopt or lease them out to less than qualified, sometimes even dangerous ‘foster families,’ some with violent criminal or sexual histories, for millions in federal fund$! · This is a PROVEN FACT yet no one seems to be able to STOP them until now! Please look into the real FACTS and fight back because this could happen to you and your children!! My story is just one story! There are thousands of stories if you care to look. Please donate a few bucks for my Hailey’s lawyer in the appellate courts. Our lawyers say this case should have never made it this far and we have a great chance at winning! Please help us win against this legal kidnapping of America’s children. Baby Hailey deserves her real father who loves her and has fought for her from the very beginning~ not a drug addicted adoptive mother who refuses to see the truth and is keeping her from her real family. THIS IS A CRIME! Please help us stop this by helping us win in court, otherwise baby Hailey will grow up missing her true family and with a hole in her heart thinking her father didn’t love her when her really did. http://afathersfightforhisdaughter.weebly.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AFathersFightForHisDaughter Winning this case isn’t just for Baby Hailey and her father. It is for all babies who are stolen at birth for fraudulent reasons. Please help us win!
DHS nationwide keep stealing children from Biological father's. New Hampshire included!
Baby Hailey was viciously stolen from her loving, biological father via DHS for illegal private adoption. · From front to back this case has been stacked against us. · Baby Hailey was stolen from me at birth by the prospective adoptive parents and with permission from DHS and the family courts. · Now my ‘parental rights’ have been terminated on fraudulent information deeming me unfit so the adoption can go through. What would you do if they stole your baby from you??? · It happens every day in America in corrupted family courts via corrupted DHS and CPS agencies for federal fund$. · Families all over the country are tricked, lied to, intimidated, and humiliated by undereducated ‘social workers’ with the power to remove your children from your home without cause or care for their safety. They can adopt or lease them out to less than qualified, sometimes even dangerous ‘foster families,’ some with violent criminal or sexual histories, for millions in federal fund$! · This is a PROVEN FACT yet no one seems to be able to STOP them until now! Please look into the real FACTS and fight back because this could happen to you and your children!! My story is just one story! There are thousands of stories if you care to look. Please donate a few bucks for my Hailey’s lawyer in the appellate courts. Our lawyers say this case should have never made it this far and we have a great chance at winning! Please help us win against this legal kidnapping of America’s children. Baby Hailey deserves her real father who loves her and has fought for her from the very beginning~ not a drug addicted adoptive mother who refuses to see the truth and is keeping her from her real family. THIS IS A CRIME! Please help us stop this by helping us win in court, otherwise baby Hailey will grow up missing her true family and with a hole in her heart thinking her father didn’t love her when her really did. http://afathersfightforhisdaughter.weebly.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AFathersFightForHisDaughter Winning this case isn’t just for Baby Hailey and her father. It is for all babies who are stolen at birth for fraudulent reasons. Please help us win!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Neo-Nazi children could be taken into care as German authorities bid to beat rise in Hitler worship
Neo-Nazi children could be taken into care as German authorities bid to beat rise in Hitler worship | Mail Online
The children of German neo-Nazis could soon be removed from their families and taken into care - in a bid to beat a rise in the glorification of Hitler and the Third Reich.
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The children of German neo-Nazis could soon be removed from their families and taken into care - in a bid to beat a rise in the glorification of Hitler and the Third Reich.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Infant kidnapped, tortured by Missouri state officials
Infant kidnapped, tortured by Missouri state officials
Kansas City - Mid-April - It began as a routine check-up. New parents Calob and Ashly had taken their 2.5-month old baby, Caden, to a weight specialist because he was slightly underweight. As far as they knew, they were doing a great job with Caden, feeding him everything he needed and performing the duties of responsible parents. They had gone along with their pediatrician's recommendation to see the specialist because they wanted to be certain nothing was wrong.
Learn more:
Kansas City - Mid-April - It began as a routine check-up. New parents Calob and Ashly had taken their 2.5-month old baby, Caden, to a weight specialist because he was slightly underweight. As far as they knew, they were doing a great job with Caden, feeding him everything he needed and performing the duties of responsible parents. They had gone along with their pediatrician's recommendation to see the specialist because they wanted to be certain nothing was wrong.
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Judge: Adoptive Couple guilty of chaining child to retain parental rights
Judge: Couple guilty of chaining child to retain parental rights - Post Bulletin
Brian and Charity Miller, the rural Dexter couple convicted of chaining at least one of their children to a bed and withholding food from the other, will retain their parental rights.
Brian and Charity Miller, the rural Dexter couple convicted of chaining at least one of their children to a bed and withholding food from the other, will retain their parental rights.
Homeschool, Anti-vaccine Family Ripped Apart by CPS: Chronology of a Kidnapping
Activist Post: Homeschool, Anti-vaccine Family Ripped Apart by CPS: Chronology of a Kidnapping
PASADENA, CA - The case of Jeffrey and Erica Henderson provides a continuation of the critical examination of Child Protective Services in the United States, as well as the legal framework in which CPS operates.
The Hendersons were investigated at their home following an anonymous tip that Mr. Henderson had slapped his daughter. Jeffrey Henderson was arrested on the scene, and their 6 children subsequently put into foster homes. The Hendersons speculate that the call was placed by their landlord, whom they had reported to the Health Department for having dangerous mold issues in their rental. Regardless of who placed the call, it is instructive to look at the chronology of how the system of "protecting children" has responded to this perceived threat to the welfare of six children ranging in age from 10 months to 8 years, all based on one phone call. This story might prove to be a similar cautionary tale as that of citizen spy programs in tyrannical regimes. The Hendersons' story, as well as the wider story of CPS abuse, reveals American society and its values, while questioning whose interests are really being served by removing children from the custody of their own parents.
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PASADENA, CA - The case of Jeffrey and Erica Henderson provides a continuation of the critical examination of Child Protective Services in the United States, as well as the legal framework in which CPS operates.
The Hendersons were investigated at their home following an anonymous tip that Mr. Henderson had slapped his daughter. Jeffrey Henderson was arrested on the scene, and their 6 children subsequently put into foster homes. The Hendersons speculate that the call was placed by their landlord, whom they had reported to the Health Department for having dangerous mold issues in their rental. Regardless of who placed the call, it is instructive to look at the chronology of how the system of "protecting children" has responded to this perceived threat to the welfare of six children ranging in age from 10 months to 8 years, all based on one phone call. This story might prove to be a similar cautionary tale as that of citizen spy programs in tyrannical regimes. The Hendersons' story, as well as the wider story of CPS abuse, reveals American society and its values, while questioning whose interests are really being served by removing children from the custody of their own parents.
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
Men Should Be Allowed to Veto Abortions
Men Should Be Allowed to Veto Abortions - FoxNews.com
The abortion debate has left one issue largely off the table: The proper rights of men to prevent the abortion of their children.
I believe that in those cases in which a man can make a credible claim that he is the father of a developing child in utero, in which he could be a proper custodian of that child, and in which he is willing to take full custody of that child upon its delivery, that the pregnant woman involved should not have the option to abort and should be civilly liable, and possibly criminally liable, for psychological suffering and wrongful death should she proceed to do so.
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The abortion debate has left one issue largely off the table: The proper rights of men to prevent the abortion of their children.
I believe that in those cases in which a man can make a credible claim that he is the father of a developing child in utero, in which he could be a proper custodian of that child, and in which he is willing to take full custody of that child upon its delivery, that the pregnant woman involved should not have the option to abort and should be civilly liable, and possibly criminally liable, for psychological suffering and wrongful death should she proceed to do so.
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Rick Perry Pardons CPS Kidnapping
Rick Perry Pardons CPS Kidnapping - Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Texas Governor Rick Perry has opined on the CPS YFZ disaster. What would Mr. Perry have to say to the hundreds of children who were wrongfully taken from their parents?
If responsibility needs to be taken for [court edicts] saying that we stepped across some legal line, I'll certainly take that responsibility," Mr. Perry said. “I am substantially less interested in these fine legal lines that we're discussing than I am about these children's welfare, that's where my focus is. That's where CPS' focus is."
That fine line is the Constitution!
Texas Governor Rick Perry has opined on the CPS YFZ disaster. What would Mr. Perry have to say to the hundreds of children who were wrongfully taken from their parents?
If responsibility needs to be taken for [court edicts] saying that we stepped across some legal line, I'll certainly take that responsibility," Mr. Perry said. “I am substantially less interested in these fine legal lines that we're discussing than I am about these children's welfare, that's where my focus is. That's where CPS' focus is."
That fine line is the Constitution!
More Grandparents Seeking Custody Rights
More Grandparents Seeking Custody Rights | TheLedger.com
Coordinator helps speed up, simplify the complicated, paper-heavy process.
LAKELAND | Despite her massive workload, Dorene Yates keeps a pristine desk.
A lone force in Central Florida, Yates works as the region's only coordinator for connecting people who need legal help with pro bono lawyers .
Coordinator helps speed up, simplify the complicated, paper-heavy process.
LAKELAND | Despite her massive workload, Dorene Yates keeps a pristine desk.
A lone force in Central Florida, Yates works as the region's only coordinator for connecting people who need legal help with pro bono lawyers .
The Real Biederman Scandal
Alliance for Human Research Protection - The Real Biederman Scandal
"One million children have been diagnosed with this new and controversial diagnosis – “childhood bipolar.” And one million children are being treated for “childhood bipolar” disorder and more and more at younger and younger ages."
After the AHRP Infomail about the ever so gentle rebuke meted out to Drs. Joseph Biederman, Thomas Spencer and Timothy Wilens by Harvard University-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, we received an essay (posted below) from Jacob Azerrad, PhD, a clinical psychologist.
Dr. Azerrad notes--and we wholeheartedly agree:
" The real scandal perpetrated by Biederman has nothing to do with his consulting fee shenanigans and everything to do with the real life (and death) consequences of the methods now used by modern pediatric psychiatry to tag normal childhood behaviors with diagnoses – like “childhood bipolar” -- and the pediatric medical profession’s complicit acquiescence to such malarkey. It has been nothing short an epic assault on our children by those who prescribe antipsychotic medications as an antidote to normal childhood behavior."
Read More;
"One million children have been diagnosed with this new and controversial diagnosis – “childhood bipolar.” And one million children are being treated for “childhood bipolar” disorder and more and more at younger and younger ages."
After the AHRP Infomail about the ever so gentle rebuke meted out to Drs. Joseph Biederman, Thomas Spencer and Timothy Wilens by Harvard University-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, we received an essay (posted below) from Jacob Azerrad, PhD, a clinical psychologist.
Dr. Azerrad notes--and we wholeheartedly agree:
" The real scandal perpetrated by Biederman has nothing to do with his consulting fee shenanigans and everything to do with the real life (and death) consequences of the methods now used by modern pediatric psychiatry to tag normal childhood behaviors with diagnoses – like “childhood bipolar” -- and the pediatric medical profession’s complicit acquiescence to such malarkey. It has been nothing short an epic assault on our children by those who prescribe antipsychotic medications as an antidote to normal childhood behavior."
Read More;
Amy Winehouse Dead: Singer Found Dead At London Home
Amy Winehouse Dead: Singer Found Dead At London Home
Troubled, Grammy-winning singer Amy Winehouse has been found dead in her North London home, Sky News is reporting. The Daily Mail reports that police have confirmed the passing.
Troubled, Grammy-winning singer Amy Winehouse has been found dead in her North London home, Sky News is reporting. The Daily Mail reports that police have confirmed the passing.
Kentucky woman faces abuse charges regarding adopted kids
Kentucky woman faces abuse charges regarding adopted kids - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee
A Lexington woman faces abuse and other charges for allegations that she attempted to suffocate her children and made them jump off a roof. She also is accused of locking one of them in a dog cage.
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A Lexington woman faces abuse and other charges for allegations that she attempted to suffocate her children and made them jump off a roof. She also is accused of locking one of them in a dog cage.
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Santa Rosa man who attacked foster father with knife sent to state hospital
Santa Rosa man who attacked foster father with knife sent to state hospital | PressDemocrat.com
Mitch Davis held back tears Friday as the paranoid schizophrenic former foster son who attacked him with a butcher knife three months ago was committed to Atascadero State Hospital.
Mitch Davis held back tears Friday as the paranoid schizophrenic former foster son who attacked him with a butcher knife three months ago was committed to Atascadero State Hospital.
Friday, July 22, 2011
My Mummy's A Criminal-CPS in New Zealand
AFRA Front Page News: My Mummy's A Criminal
A high quality video about CPS in New Zealand. CPS is doing the same thing in every westernized country
A high quality video about CPS in New Zealand. CPS is doing the same thing in every westernized country
Foster Care Stakeholders Confront a Lingering Problem in New York City
Foster Care Stakeholders Confront a Lingering Problem in New York City — Children’s Rights
Two years after The Long Road Home, new data reveal that kids are still getting stuck in New York City foster care, Children’s Rights challenges the city to take immediate and effective action.
Two years after The Long Road Home, new data reveal that kids are still getting stuck in New York City foster care, Children’s Rights challenges the city to take immediate and effective action.
DHS makes progress on foster care
DHS makes progress on foster care | The Times Herald | thetimesherald.com
Foster care is and should be a last resort. It is an option used only after a child's biological parents cannot properly care for him or her and adult relatives are unavailable.
Note:Who are they trying to kid? Foster care is the first and ONLY resort in today's world. CPS wouldn't have it any other way.They depend too much on the Federal $$$$$$ for every child they steal!
Foster care is and should be a last resort. It is an option used only after a child's biological parents cannot properly care for him or her and adult relatives are unavailable.
Note:Who are they trying to kid? Foster care is the first and ONLY resort in today's world. CPS wouldn't have it any other way.They depend too much on the Federal $$$$$$ for every child they steal!
New Hampshire Adoption-The Rights of Unmarried Fathers (Not Adhered to by NH DCYF OR NH Court's)
New Hampshire Adoption
The Rights of Unmarried Fathers
To better understand this issue and to view it across States, download the PDF (626 KB) of this publication.
Legal Definition of 'Father'
Rev. Stat. § 170-B:2
The term 'birth father' means a person or persons other than a legal father who has been named, pursuant to § 170-B:6, as the father of the child, or who is the subject of a pending paternity action, or who has filed an unrevoked notice of intent to claim paternity of the child pursuant to § 170-B:6.
The term 'legal father' means:
The person designated as the father pursuant to § 5-C:24 on that child's birth certificate
The person designated as the father pursuant to a court order resulting from a paternity action
The person designated as the father upon legitimation pursuant to § 457:42
The person who was determined by the court to be married to the birth mother at the time of conception, birth, or any time between conception and birth
Paternity Registry
Rev. Stat. § 170-B:6
A person who claims to be the father and who has registered his claim of paternity with the Office of Child Support Services in what shall be known as the New Hampshire Putative Father Registry or in the putative father registry of the State where the child was born shall be given notice by the court of an adoption and shall have the right to request a hearing to prove paternity.
The registration form filed with the appropriate putative father registry may be filed prior to the birth of the child but shall be filed prior to the birth mother's parental rights being surrendered or involuntarily terminated. Failure to register with the appropriate putative father registry prior to this time shall bar the alleged father from thereafter bringing an action to establish his paternity of the child and shall constitute an abandonment of said child and a waiver of any right to a notice of hearing in any adoption proceeding concerning the child.
Any person entitled to notice from the court shall have 30 days from the date of the court's notice to request a hearing at which he shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that he is the legal or birth father of the child. The failure to request such hearing within 30 days from the date of the court's notice shall result in a forfeiture of all parental rights and any right to notice by the court of any adoption proceedings concerning the child.
Note: And what happen's when the father is NEVER notified? Don't think it doesn't happen, because it definitely DOES happen in New Hampshire! New Hampshire Court's are known for terminating fictitious mens right's to make adoption that much quicker, even when ALL paperwork has been filed by the father on the day of his child's birth. New Hampshire DCYF and the Court's Never bother to even try to contact the REAL father. They just terminate someones right's with the same name or a fake name! Then comes the ILLEGAL adoption! Be warned. NH DCYF and the court's believe they have the Power of God!
Alternate Means to Establish Paternity
Rev. Stat. §§ 168-A:2; 5-C:24
Paternity shall be established upon the filing of:
A petition to the superior court by the mother, putative father, child, or public authority chargeable by law with the support of the child and the granting of such petition by the court
An affidavit of paternity with the clerk of the town where the birth of the child occurred. The affidavit of paternity shall have the legal effect of establishing paternity without requiring further action pursuant to this chapter, unless rescinded pursuant to § 5-C:28.
In the case of a child born in the State of New Hampshire whose paternity has not been established by means of an affidavit of paternity, the mother or the natural father may initiate a request for an acknowledgment of paternity.
When an unwed mother applies to the clerk of a town or city wishing to add the name of a father to her child's birth record the following shall apply:
The affidavit of paternity shall be executed prior to the child's 18th birthday.
The natural father to be named shall personally sign the affidavit.
If signed separately, each signature shall be separately notarized.
Required Information
Rev. Stat. § 5-C:25
Parents shall include the following information when completing an affidavit of paternity:
Information about the child, including:
The child's first, middle, and last names
The child's city or town and State of birth
The child's date of birth
The child's name as it appears on the birth record
The child's Social Security number, if known
Whether the child is living
The child's date and place of death, if applicable
Information about, and signature of, the child's natural father, including:
His full name and date of birth
His State of birth, Social Security number, and address
His signature and date signed, unless the natural father is a minor, in which case his parent or guardian's signature
Information about, and signature of, the child's mother, including:
Her maiden name
Her Social Security number
Her address
If the mother is a minor, her parent or guardian's signature
The date signed
When the mother's husband agrees that he is not the child's natural father, the following information, and signature of, the mother's husband, including:
The husband's name
His Social Security number
His address
His signature and date signed, unless the husband is a minor, in which case his parent or guardian's signature shall be obtained
The notarized signatures of the child's natural father, mother, and, if he is not the child's father, her husband, including the date signed and the date the notary's commission expires
Certification of the hospital or birthing center, including the name and signature of the preparer and date signed, and the name and the address of the hospital or birthing facility
Revocation of Claim to Paternity
Rev. Stat. § 5-C:28
A parent or legal guardian may request to rescind an affidavit of paternity from the clerk of the city or town where the birth occurred within 60 days of the filing of an affidavit of paternity unless an administrative or judicial proceeding related to the child results in an earlier date.
Once the completed rescission of paternity form is filed, the clerk of the town or city shall remove the name of the father from the birth record and insert 'not stated' in the space provided for the father's name or, if the original birth record was filed prior to the completion of an affidavit of paternity, change the child's name on the birth record back to the name stated on the original record before the affidavit of paternity was filed.
After the 60-day rescission period has passed, any challenge to the affidavit shall be decided only by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Access to Information
Rev. Stat. § 5-C:28
The clerk of the city or town where the birth occurred shall distribute the rescission of paternity to:
The birth mother
The father named on the affidavit of paternity
The parent or legal guardian of the minor signatory as stated on the affidavit of paternity
The division
The Department of Health and Human Services
The husband, if a three-party affidavit of paternity was completed
The hospital that was the originator of the affidavit of paternity, if applicable
The Rights of Unmarried Fathers
To better understand this issue and to view it across States, download the PDF (626 KB) of this publication.
Legal Definition of 'Father'
Rev. Stat. § 170-B:2
The term 'birth father' means a person or persons other than a legal father who has been named, pursuant to § 170-B:6, as the father of the child, or who is the subject of a pending paternity action, or who has filed an unrevoked notice of intent to claim paternity of the child pursuant to § 170-B:6.
The term 'legal father' means:
The person designated as the father pursuant to § 5-C:24 on that child's birth certificate
The person designated as the father pursuant to a court order resulting from a paternity action
The person designated as the father upon legitimation pursuant to § 457:42
The person who was determined by the court to be married to the birth mother at the time of conception, birth, or any time between conception and birth
Paternity Registry
Rev. Stat. § 170-B:6
A person who claims to be the father and who has registered his claim of paternity with the Office of Child Support Services in what shall be known as the New Hampshire Putative Father Registry or in the putative father registry of the State where the child was born shall be given notice by the court of an adoption and shall have the right to request a hearing to prove paternity.
The registration form filed with the appropriate putative father registry may be filed prior to the birth of the child but shall be filed prior to the birth mother's parental rights being surrendered or involuntarily terminated. Failure to register with the appropriate putative father registry prior to this time shall bar the alleged father from thereafter bringing an action to establish his paternity of the child and shall constitute an abandonment of said child and a waiver of any right to a notice of hearing in any adoption proceeding concerning the child.
Any person entitled to notice from the court shall have 30 days from the date of the court's notice to request a hearing at which he shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that he is the legal or birth father of the child. The failure to request such hearing within 30 days from the date of the court's notice shall result in a forfeiture of all parental rights and any right to notice by the court of any adoption proceedings concerning the child.
Note: And what happen's when the father is NEVER notified? Don't think it doesn't happen, because it definitely DOES happen in New Hampshire! New Hampshire Court's are known for terminating fictitious mens right's to make adoption that much quicker, even when ALL paperwork has been filed by the father on the day of his child's birth. New Hampshire DCYF and the Court's Never bother to even try to contact the REAL father. They just terminate someones right's with the same name or a fake name! Then comes the ILLEGAL adoption! Be warned. NH DCYF and the court's believe they have the Power of God!
Alternate Means to Establish Paternity
Rev. Stat. §§ 168-A:2; 5-C:24
Paternity shall be established upon the filing of:
A petition to the superior court by the mother, putative father, child, or public authority chargeable by law with the support of the child and the granting of such petition by the court
An affidavit of paternity with the clerk of the town where the birth of the child occurred. The affidavit of paternity shall have the legal effect of establishing paternity without requiring further action pursuant to this chapter, unless rescinded pursuant to § 5-C:28.
In the case of a child born in the State of New Hampshire whose paternity has not been established by means of an affidavit of paternity, the mother or the natural father may initiate a request for an acknowledgment of paternity.
When an unwed mother applies to the clerk of a town or city wishing to add the name of a father to her child's birth record the following shall apply:
The affidavit of paternity shall be executed prior to the child's 18th birthday.
The natural father to be named shall personally sign the affidavit.
If signed separately, each signature shall be separately notarized.
Required Information
Rev. Stat. § 5-C:25
Parents shall include the following information when completing an affidavit of paternity:
Information about the child, including:
The child's first, middle, and last names
The child's city or town and State of birth
The child's date of birth
The child's name as it appears on the birth record
The child's Social Security number, if known
Whether the child is living
The child's date and place of death, if applicable
Information about, and signature of, the child's natural father, including:
His full name and date of birth
His State of birth, Social Security number, and address
His signature and date signed, unless the natural father is a minor, in which case his parent or guardian's signature
Information about, and signature of, the child's mother, including:
Her maiden name
Her Social Security number
Her address
If the mother is a minor, her parent or guardian's signature
The date signed
When the mother's husband agrees that he is not the child's natural father, the following information, and signature of, the mother's husband, including:
The husband's name
His Social Security number
His address
His signature and date signed, unless the husband is a minor, in which case his parent or guardian's signature shall be obtained
The notarized signatures of the child's natural father, mother, and, if he is not the child's father, her husband, including the date signed and the date the notary's commission expires
Certification of the hospital or birthing center, including the name and signature of the preparer and date signed, and the name and the address of the hospital or birthing facility
Revocation of Claim to Paternity
Rev. Stat. § 5-C:28
A parent or legal guardian may request to rescind an affidavit of paternity from the clerk of the city or town where the birth occurred within 60 days of the filing of an affidavit of paternity unless an administrative or judicial proceeding related to the child results in an earlier date.
Once the completed rescission of paternity form is filed, the clerk of the town or city shall remove the name of the father from the birth record and insert 'not stated' in the space provided for the father's name or, if the original birth record was filed prior to the completion of an affidavit of paternity, change the child's name on the birth record back to the name stated on the original record before the affidavit of paternity was filed.
After the 60-day rescission period has passed, any challenge to the affidavit shall be decided only by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Access to Information
Rev. Stat. § 5-C:28
The clerk of the city or town where the birth occurred shall distribute the rescission of paternity to:
The birth mother
The father named on the affidavit of paternity
The parent or legal guardian of the minor signatory as stated on the affidavit of paternity
The division
The Department of Health and Human Services
The husband, if a three-party affidavit of paternity was completed
The hospital that was the originator of the affidavit of paternity, if applicable
Texas (M.D. v. Gov. Rick Perry) — Children’s Rights
Texas (M.D. v. Perry) — Children’s Rights
Citing longstanding and pervasive issues that have caused thousands of children in Texas foster care to spend their childhoods in poorly supervised institutions and repeatedly move from one far-flung place to another, Children’s Rights has joined the prominent Texas law firms Haynes and Boone LLP, Yetter Coleman, and Canales & Simonson in filing a class action in federal court seeking widespread reform on behalf of approximately 12,000 abused and neglected children in long-term foster care statewide.
The lawsuit (PDF), known as M.D. v. Perry, charges Texas’s Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) with violating the constitutional rights of children who have been in foster care for at least a year by routinely failing to either return them safely to their families or find them safe, appropriate, and permanent new families — and therefore failing to meet its legal obligation to ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being of all children in its custody.
Citing longstanding and pervasive issues that have caused thousands of children in Texas foster care to spend their childhoods in poorly supervised institutions and repeatedly move from one far-flung place to another, Children’s Rights has joined the prominent Texas law firms Haynes and Boone LLP, Yetter Coleman, and Canales & Simonson in filing a class action in federal court seeking widespread reform on behalf of approximately 12,000 abused and neglected children in long-term foster care statewide.
The lawsuit (PDF), known as M.D. v. Perry, charges Texas’s Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) with violating the constitutional rights of children who have been in foster care for at least a year by routinely failing to either return them safely to their families or find them safe, appropriate, and permanent new families — and therefore failing to meet its legal obligation to ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being of all children in its custody.
The mass overmedication of foster children with psychiatric drugs
The mass overmedication of foster children with psychiatric drugs
(NaturalNews) For a long list of reasons, the day-to-day life of a child in foster care can be challenging. Foster parents are often stretched thin and overburdened, foster children often wrestle with emotional issues that can go misdiagnosed, unrecognized or misunderstood, and qualified medical care for this vulnerable population is constantly in short supply.
Learn more:
(NaturalNews) For a long list of reasons, the day-to-day life of a child in foster care can be challenging. Foster parents are often stretched thin and overburdened, foster children often wrestle with emotional issues that can go misdiagnosed, unrecognized or misunderstood, and qualified medical care for this vulnerable population is constantly in short supply.
Learn more:
State taking your kids... Too much power? Definitely!
State taking your kids... Too much power?
(WXYZ) - All parents make mistakes, but in Michigan, one mistake could cost you your child. Critics say it’s happening all too often because we have one of the worst laws in the country when it comes to how and when the state can take your children.
Note: It's the same way in New Hampshire. A parent doesn't even have the right to prove their innocence. The child is stolen anyway. In NH's case, it doesn't even take a mistake to have a child stolen! False allegation's without proof is ALL it takes!
(WXYZ) - All parents make mistakes, but in Michigan, one mistake could cost you your child. Critics say it’s happening all too often because we have one of the worst laws in the country when it comes to how and when the state can take your children.
Note: It's the same way in New Hampshire. A parent doesn't even have the right to prove their innocence. The child is stolen anyway. In NH's case, it doesn't even take a mistake to have a child stolen! False allegation's without proof is ALL it takes!
Texas Governor Rick Perry Signs "Who's The Daddy?" Bill Into Law
Texas Governor Rick Perry Signs "Who's The Daddy?" Bill Into Law - U.S. Politics Today - News Media Monitoring
Texas fathers who suspect they may not be the biological parent of their child have a new option: they can now petition the family law court to challenge paternity and request a DNA test to determine if they are, in fact, the biological father. Learn more about this new law and how it may affect new fathers.
Texas fathers who suspect they may not be the biological parent of their child have a new option: they can now petition the family law court to challenge paternity and request a DNA test to determine if they are, in fact, the biological father. Learn more about this new law and how it may affect new fathers.
Foster Care for Fat Children? Gastric-Bypass Surgery? Two Wrongs Call for a Fight
Foster Care for Fat Children? Gastric-Bypass Surgery? Two Wrongs Call for a Fight - San Francisco Art - The Exhibitionist
Last week, major news outlets seemed pleased to report that a Harvard public health expert wants Child Protective Services officials to take fat children from their families.
Last week, major news outlets seemed pleased to report that a Harvard public health expert wants Child Protective Services officials to take fat children from their families.
Support needed to ensure kids’ access to grandparents
Support needed to ensure kids’ access to grandparents - Local News - News - General - Armidale Express
More support is needed to prevent children from suffering the loss of access to their grandparents because of family disputes, according to a researcher at the University of New England.
More support is needed to prevent children from suffering the loss of access to their grandparents because of family disputes, according to a researcher at the University of New England.
Dad accused of slamming baby on sidewalk
Dad accused of slamming baby on sidewalk - BostonHerald.com
A 33-year-old Melrose man is accused of slamming his 7-week-old baby on the sidewalk during an argument with the baby’s mother yesterday afternoon, police said.
The baby was rushed to the Massachusetts General Hospital and was in the pediatric intensive care unit last night, police said.
A 33-year-old Melrose man is accused of slamming his 7-week-old baby on the sidewalk during an argument with the baby’s mother yesterday afternoon, police said.
The baby was rushed to the Massachusetts General Hospital and was in the pediatric intensive care unit last night, police said.
Mother recalls horror of 7-week-old’s beating
Mother recalls horror of 7-week-old’s beating - BostonHerald.com
As Crystle Sears rode in the ambulance Wednesday afternoon, she prayed that God would spare her tiny son — now fighting for his precious life in a Boston hospital after his little body was slammed down on concrete, allegedly by his own father’s hands.
As Crystle Sears rode in the ambulance Wednesday afternoon, she prayed that God would spare her tiny son — now fighting for his precious life in a Boston hospital after his little body was slammed down on concrete, allegedly by his own father’s hands.
Harvard Psychiatrists Disciplined for Conflicts of Interest
Harvard Psychiatrists Disciplined for Conflicts of Interest « Fight Corrupted Family Courts and CPS
The primary promoters–inventors, one might say– of diagnosing children with “bipolar” disorder, who for over a decade, aggressively promoted the biopolar diagnosis and use of antipsychotics in children, were disciplined by Harvard University and its affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.
An investigation, prompted by Sen. Charles Grassely, was conducted by Harvard University-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. It concluded (earlier this month) that psychiatrist Joseph Biederman and two of his proteges, Thomas Spencer and Timothy Wilens -each of who failed to disclose millions of dollars they had each received from the makers of antipsychotics, the drugs they promoted for the treatment of bipolar in children–had indeed violated the University’s/ and hospital’s conflict of interest reporting standards.
The primary promoters–inventors, one might say– of diagnosing children with “bipolar” disorder, who for over a decade, aggressively promoted the biopolar diagnosis and use of antipsychotics in children, were disciplined by Harvard University and its affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.
An investigation, prompted by Sen. Charles Grassely, was conducted by Harvard University-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. It concluded (earlier this month) that psychiatrist Joseph Biederman and two of his proteges, Thomas Spencer and Timothy Wilens -each of who failed to disclose millions of dollars they had each received from the makers of antipsychotics, the drugs they promoted for the treatment of bipolar in children–had indeed violated the University’s/ and hospital’s conflict of interest reporting standards.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Federal judge rules that watchdog suit over state's foster care system may go ahead
Federal judge rules that watchdog suit over state's foster care system may go ahead
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A lawsuit alleging that foster children in Rhode Island are routinely neglected and at risk of harm while in state custody may go forward, a federal judge has ruled.
The class-action lawsuit filed by the national watchdog group Children's Rights says the state's foster care system is plagued by widespread, systemic problems that leave children's needs unmet and put youth at risk of emotional and physical harm.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A lawsuit alleging that foster children in Rhode Island are routinely neglected and at risk of harm while in state custody may go forward, a federal judge has ruled.
The class-action lawsuit filed by the national watchdog group Children's Rights says the state's foster care system is plagued by widespread, systemic problems that leave children's needs unmet and put youth at risk of emotional and physical harm.
Public Law 105-89-TITLE I--REASONABLE EFFORTS-Do Not Exist In New Hampshire!
Public Law 105-89
(a) In General.--Section 471(a)(15) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 671(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows:
"(15) provides that--
"(A) in determining reasonable efforts to be made with respect to a child, as described in this paragraph, and in making such reasonable efforts, the child's health and safety shall be the paramount concern; "(B) except as provided in subparagraph (D), reasonable efforts shall be made to preserve and reunify families--
"(i) prior to the placement of a child in foster care, to prevent or eliminate the need for removing the child from the child's home; and "(ii) to make it possible for a child to safely return to the child's home;
This section is a joke in itself. When are children ever left in their homes with services? NEVER! Family Preservation is non-existent in NH!
"(C) if continuation of reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B) is determined to be inconsistent with the permanency plan for the child, reasonable efforts shall be made to place the child in a timely manner in accordance with the permanency plan, and to complete whatever steps are necessary to finalize the permanent placement of the child; "(D) reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B) shall not be required to be made with respect to a parent of a child if a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that--
"(i) the parent has subjected the child to aggravated circumstances (as defined in State law, which definition may include but need not be limited to abandonment, torture, chronic abuse, and sexual abuse); "(ii) the parent has--
"(I) committed murder (which would have been an offense under section 1111(a) of title 18, United States Code, if the offense had occurred in the special maritime or territorial jurisdiction of the United States) of another child of the parent; "(II) committed voluntary manslaughter (which would have been an offense under section 1112(a) of title 18, United States Code, if the offense had occurred in the special maritime or territorial jurisdiction of the United States) of another child of the parent; "(III) aided or abetted, attempted, conspired, or solicited to commit such a murder or such a voluntary manslaughter; or "(IV) committed a felony assault that results in serious bodily injury to the child or another child of the parent; or
"(iii) the parental rights of the parent to a sibling have been terminated involuntarily;
"(E) if reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B) are not made with respect to a child as a result of a determination made by a court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with subparagraph (D)--
"(i) a permanency hearing (as described in section 475(5)(C)) shall be held for the child within 30 days after the determination; and "(ii) reasonable efforts shall be made to place the child in a timely manner in accordance with the permanency plan, and to complete whatever steps are necessary to finalize the permanent placement of the child; and
"(F) reasonable efforts to place a child for adoption or with a legal guardian may be made concurrently with reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B);".
(b) Definition of Legal Guardianship.--Section 475 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 675) is amended by adding at the end the following:
"(7) The term 'legal guardianship' means a judicially created relationship between child and caretaker which is intended to be permanent and self-sustaining as evidenced by the transfer to the caretaker of the following parental rights with respect to the child: protection, education, care and control of the person, custody of the person, and decisionmaking. The term 'legal guardian' means the caretaker in such a relationship.".
(c) Conforming Amendment.--Section 472(a)(1) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 672(a)(1)) is amended by inserting "for a child" before "have been made". (d) Rule of Construction.--Part E of title IV of such Act (42 U.S.C. 670-679) is amended by inserting after section 477 the following:
42 USC 678
"Nothing in this part shall be construed as precluding State courts from exercising their discretion to protect the health and safety of children in individual cases, including cases other than those described in section 471(a)(15)(D).".
(a) In General.--Section 471(a)(15) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 671(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows:
"(15) provides that--
"(A) in determining reasonable efforts to be made with respect to a child, as described in this paragraph, and in making such reasonable efforts, the child's health and safety shall be the paramount concern; "(B) except as provided in subparagraph (D), reasonable efforts shall be made to preserve and reunify families--
"(i) prior to the placement of a child in foster care, to prevent or eliminate the need for removing the child from the child's home; and "(ii) to make it possible for a child to safely return to the child's home;
This section is a joke in itself. When are children ever left in their homes with services? NEVER! Family Preservation is non-existent in NH!
"(C) if continuation of reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B) is determined to be inconsistent with the permanency plan for the child, reasonable efforts shall be made to place the child in a timely manner in accordance with the permanency plan, and to complete whatever steps are necessary to finalize the permanent placement of the child; "(D) reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B) shall not be required to be made with respect to a parent of a child if a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that--
"(i) the parent has subjected the child to aggravated circumstances (as defined in State law, which definition may include but need not be limited to abandonment, torture, chronic abuse, and sexual abuse); "(ii) the parent has--
"(I) committed murder (which would have been an offense under section 1111(a) of title 18, United States Code, if the offense had occurred in the special maritime or territorial jurisdiction of the United States) of another child of the parent; "(II) committed voluntary manslaughter (which would have been an offense under section 1112(a) of title 18, United States Code, if the offense had occurred in the special maritime or territorial jurisdiction of the United States) of another child of the parent; "(III) aided or abetted, attempted, conspired, or solicited to commit such a murder or such a voluntary manslaughter; or "(IV) committed a felony assault that results in serious bodily injury to the child or another child of the parent; or
"(iii) the parental rights of the parent to a sibling have been terminated involuntarily;
"(E) if reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B) are not made with respect to a child as a result of a determination made by a court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with subparagraph (D)--
"(i) a permanency hearing (as described in section 475(5)(C)) shall be held for the child within 30 days after the determination; and "(ii) reasonable efforts shall be made to place the child in a timely manner in accordance with the permanency plan, and to complete whatever steps are necessary to finalize the permanent placement of the child; and
"(F) reasonable efforts to place a child for adoption or with a legal guardian may be made concurrently with reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B);".
(b) Definition of Legal Guardianship.--Section 475 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 675) is amended by adding at the end the following:
"(7) The term 'legal guardianship' means a judicially created relationship between child and caretaker which is intended to be permanent and self-sustaining as evidenced by the transfer to the caretaker of the following parental rights with respect to the child: protection, education, care and control of the person, custody of the person, and decisionmaking. The term 'legal guardian' means the caretaker in such a relationship.".
(c) Conforming Amendment.--Section 472(a)(1) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 672(a)(1)) is amended by inserting "for a child" before "have been made". (d) Rule of Construction.--Part E of title IV of such Act (42 U.S.C. 670-679) is amended by inserting after section 477 the following:
42 USC 678
"Nothing in this part shall be construed as precluding State courts from exercising their discretion to protect the health and safety of children in individual cases, including cases other than those described in section 471(a)(15)(D).".
Now Kid's are Retaliating!-Child Protection Service Employee Assaulted by Youths
Iceland Review Online: Daily News from Iceland, Current Affairs, Business, Politics, Sports, Culture
An employee of the Icelandic Child Protection Services was assaulted in a treatment center in Skagafjördur fjord on Monday night; the director of Child Protection Services says employees are never to be left alone while on duty.
An employee of the Icelandic Child Protection Services was assaulted in a treatment center in Skagafjördur fjord on Monday night; the director of Child Protection Services says employees are never to be left alone while on duty.
Current Judges And Marital Masters Being Surveyed In The State Of NH
NH Attorney Jaye Rancourt an Unethical Attorney: Current Judges And Marital Masters Being Surveyed In The State Of NH
Current Judges And Marital Masters Being Surveyed In The State Of NH
Here is a list of Judges and Marital Masters currently being evaluated in the State of NH. If you have had dealings with these people or been an observer of them in court, please visit the states website and evaluate them. There is only a short window of opportunity to do this so act quickly before the deadline.
Click on the above link and fill out the survey!!!
Current Judges And Marital Masters Being Surveyed In The State Of NH
Here is a list of Judges and Marital Masters currently being evaluated in the State of NH. If you have had dealings with these people or been an observer of them in court, please visit the states website and evaluate them. There is only a short window of opportunity to do this so act quickly before the deadline.
Click on the above link and fill out the survey!!!
Cosleeping Is Fine For A Child's Development and Behavior
Cosleeping Is Fine For A Child's Development and Behavior | Care2 Causes
It can be a very emotional issue if you choose to debate it: Whether to go to sleep with your children in your bed or whether to make them sleep in their own rooms. You’ll find plenty of parents on both sides of the argument, and plenty of parents on both sides of the sleep situation — and the bed — whether they planned to be in that situation or not (case in point: I coslept with my daughter for over a year until she simply started sleeping through the night in her crib). For those who are against cosleeping, it seemed for years that there was plenty of evidence on their side to back up their claims that it was harmful: Bad for sleep habits, bad for the child’s emotional development, just plain bad.
Read more:
It can be a very emotional issue if you choose to debate it: Whether to go to sleep with your children in your bed or whether to make them sleep in their own rooms. You’ll find plenty of parents on both sides of the argument, and plenty of parents on both sides of the sleep situation — and the bed — whether they planned to be in that situation or not (case in point: I coslept with my daughter for over a year until she simply started sleeping through the night in her crib). For those who are against cosleeping, it seemed for years that there was plenty of evidence on their side to back up their claims that it was harmful: Bad for sleep habits, bad for the child’s emotional development, just plain bad.
Read more:
National Coalition for Child Protection Reform / 53 Skyhill Road (Suite 202) / Alexandria, Virginia, 22314
(703) 212-2006 / www.nccpr.org / nccpr@nccpr.org
By Richard Wexler, NCCPR Executive Director
Released April 26, 2011
The chart on page 4 shows the extent to which the outcry over the Barahona case has terrified
Florida DCF workers into tearing apart more families and throwing far more children into foster
It is, of course, a foster/adoptive parent who is accused of killing Nubia Barahona and almost
killing her brother. By placing more children at risk of abuse in foster care itself, and by
overloading the system so more children in real danger are more likely to be missed, the
response to the death of Nubia Barahona is making the next such death more likely.
(703) 212-2006 / www.nccpr.org / nccpr@nccpr.org
By Richard Wexler, NCCPR Executive Director
Released April 26, 2011
The chart on page 4 shows the extent to which the outcry over the Barahona case has terrified
Florida DCF workers into tearing apart more families and throwing far more children into foster
It is, of course, a foster/adoptive parent who is accused of killing Nubia Barahona and almost
killing her brother. By placing more children at risk of abuse in foster care itself, and by
overloading the system so more children in real danger are more likely to be missed, the
response to the death of Nubia Barahona is making the next such death more likely.
Teen who committed suicide had been in 22 foster homes
HeraldNet.com - Local news: Teen who committed suicide had been in 22 foster homes
The 14-year-old Yakama tribal dependent had been in 22 foster homes before jumping from an overpass onto I-5.
By Rikki King, Herald Writer
LYNNWOOD -- A boy who jumped to his death from a Lynnwood overpass in January had been on a waiting list for a bed at a state-run psychiatric hospital. He had been in 22 different foster homes since 1998.
The 14-year-old Yakama tribal dependent had been in 22 foster homes before jumping from an overpass onto I-5.
By Rikki King, Herald Writer
LYNNWOOD -- A boy who jumped to his death from a Lynnwood overpass in January had been on a waiting list for a bed at a state-run psychiatric hospital. He had been in 22 different foster homes since 1998.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Civil court: Adoptive father 'aided and abetted' child's 2006 suffocation
Civil court: Adoptive father 'aided and abetted' child's 2006 suffocation :: WRAL.com:
SMITHFIELD, N.C. — A civil court in Johnston County found in favor of five children Tuesday in a case against their adoptive father. According to the court, Johnny Paddock "aided and abetted" his wife, Lynn Paddock, who was convicted in the 2006 death of their adopted son, Sean Paddock, then 4.
SMITHFIELD, N.C. — A civil court in Johnston County found in favor of five children Tuesday in a case against their adoptive father. According to the court, Johnny Paddock "aided and abetted" his wife, Lynn Paddock, who was convicted in the 2006 death of their adopted son, Sean Paddock, then 4.
Foster care fails to solve child obesity problem
Column: Foster care fails to solve child obesity problem | UWIRE:
"Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic. Despite some improvements, the numbers are still high. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17 percent of American children are obese. This is triple the rate from one generation ago. Experts have been coming up with new and different ways to fight childhood obesity for years."
"Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic. Despite some improvements, the numbers are still high. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17 percent of American children are obese. This is triple the rate from one generation ago. Experts have been coming up with new and different ways to fight childhood obesity for years."
Ohio's Medicaid Investigated After Undercover Video Released Online
Ohio's Medicaid Investigated After Undercover Video Released Online | WBNS-10TV, Central Ohio News: "COLUMBUS, Ohio — A Franklin County Jobs and Family Service worker was placed on paid administrative leave and at least one other person was out of work after an undercover video was released online showing workers how to receive inappropriate health care benefits."
Edited-NHFAPA.org Shut Down it's New Hampshire Web-site-It's back up!
Last night, while doing more research, I found NHFAPA.org no longer has their web-site. At first I figured they just didn't pay to keep it going. After thinking about it a little longer, I have come to the conclusion that NH DCYF shut it down due to my post last month which can be seen HERE .I surmise they didn't like me alerting everyone as to the illegal adoption's of their stolen children and who the highest bidder's were! As DCYF would say, "Oh well. No big deal." I guess my tenacity is getting to them! Oh well! There's more where that came from!
The NHFAPA.org web-site is back up
I guess they were too busy stealing kids and forget to pay their bill!
The NHFAPA.org web-site is back up
I guess they were too busy stealing kids and forget to pay their bill!
United We Stand
Rise Magazine - By and For Parents in the Child Welfare System
United We Stand
A newspaper by Chicago public housing residents helps reverse unpopular policies.
In 2010, the Chicago Housing Authority tried to require residents to turn over their kids’ report cards as a condition of tenancy, saying they were doing it to assess for “potential need for services.” Then in 2011, the Chicago Housing Authority wanted to require that all residents, including thousands of seniors, undergo drug testing as a way to fight crime in public housing. If anyone in the household tested positive, the Housing Authority could begin eviction proceedings. Luckily, residents of public housing in Chicago have a voice through Residents' Journal, a publication written by and for residents of the Chicago Housing Authority as well as low-income residents of the city of Chicago at large. Ultimately, residents were successful in having those policies thrown out.
United We Stand
A newspaper by Chicago public housing residents helps reverse unpopular policies.
In 2010, the Chicago Housing Authority tried to require residents to turn over their kids’ report cards as a condition of tenancy, saying they were doing it to assess for “potential need for services.” Then in 2011, the Chicago Housing Authority wanted to require that all residents, including thousands of seniors, undergo drug testing as a way to fight crime in public housing. If anyone in the household tested positive, the Housing Authority could begin eviction proceedings. Luckily, residents of public housing in Chicago have a voice through Residents' Journal, a publication written by and for residents of the Chicago Housing Authority as well as low-income residents of the city of Chicago at large. Ultimately, residents were successful in having those policies thrown out.
Improperly used Medicaid Funds - No surprise here.
The Truth Bites "NH"
On May 16, 2011; you were forwarned about the corruption in New Hamsphire's choices of commissioners and the fact that a federal audit showed medicaid funds were improperly used in 2004; the truth does bite ... but the current commissioner Toumpas is glazing it over, so I guess if you live in NH you can just look at it as .... a 7 year interest free loan for what exactly Toumpas probably knows since he was under Stephens when he did it.
How much will DHHS lay on the tax payers when the federal audits catch up with them on the fraud in the division of Children, Youth and Families. Records and NH RSA 169:C show that the Childrens Trust Fund set up for children in the foster care system at age 18; is now a non-profit with diverse interests and money layering.
Funding for state aid to children is being redirected and not one child since 1986 who has left the foster care system has received the stipend due them when they turn 18 to help them get on with their lives...
Just look at it as another interest free loan I guess and oh those state taxes are coming closer and closer ........
On May 16, 2011; you were forwarned about the corruption in New Hamsphire's choices of commissioners and the fact that a federal audit showed medicaid funds were improperly used in 2004; the truth does bite ... but the current commissioner Toumpas is glazing it over, so I guess if you live in NH you can just look at it as .... a 7 year interest free loan for what exactly Toumpas probably knows since he was under Stephens when he did it.
How much will DHHS lay on the tax payers when the federal audits catch up with them on the fraud in the division of Children, Youth and Families. Records and NH RSA 169:C show that the Childrens Trust Fund set up for children in the foster care system at age 18; is now a non-profit with diverse interests and money layering.
Funding for state aid to children is being redirected and not one child since 1986 who has left the foster care system has received the stipend due them when they turn 18 to help them get on with their lives...
Just look at it as another interest free loan I guess and oh those state taxes are coming closer and closer ........
Boy accused of setting foster child on fire
Boy accused of setting foster child on fire - ABC-7.com WZVN News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida
A 13-year-old boy was arrested Tuesday after he reportedly lit another boy on fire inside a Port Charlotte home.
A 13-year-old boy was arrested Tuesday after he reportedly lit another boy on fire inside a Port Charlotte home.
NH Police Investigating Death Of 7-Month-Old In Hudson, NH
NH Police Investigating Death Of 7-Month-Old « CBS Boston
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) – New Hampshire police are investigating the sudden death of a 7-month-old baby in Hudson.
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) – New Hampshire police are investigating the sudden death of a 7-month-old baby in Hudson.
Family petitions for custody of slain woman's kids
Family petitions for custody of slain woman's kids | ajc.com
The family of a slain Gwinnett County mother is asking that custody of the woman's young daughters be granted to a grandparent, rather than the children remaining with a murder suspect.
The family of a slain Gwinnett County mother is asking that custody of the woman's young daughters be granted to a grandparent, rather than the children remaining with a murder suspect.
Priests will to go to jail rather than break the seal of the confessional
Priests will to go to jail rather than break the seal of the confessional
Say seal of confession means they cannot disclose wrongdoings.
A founding member of the Association of Catholic Priests has said he would he would rather choose to serve time in prison rather than break the seal of confession.
In God We Trust!
Say seal of confession means they cannot disclose wrongdoings.
A founding member of the Association of Catholic Priests has said he would he would rather choose to serve time in prison rather than break the seal of confession.
In God We Trust!
Improperly used Medicaid funds to cost NH $35 million
Improperly used Medicaid funds to cost NH $35 million | New Hampshire NEWS06
Federal officials have decided that New Hampshire must repay $35 million in Medicaid funds that were improperly used in 2004, state health officials said yesterday.
Health and Human Services Commissioner Nicholas Toumpas said the state will ask for reconsideration of the decision, but in the meantime he will work with the Legislature and prepare a contingency plan.
If the Fed's dig a little deeper, 35 million in payback for New Hampshire will just be a drop in the bucket!
Note: Isn't it also Medicaid fraud when a hospital keep's a newborn in the hospital for a month and feed's the baby morphine when the baby doesn't have withdrawl symptom's? After the baby has already been evaluated to be discharged with a clean bill of health? Only in NH!
Federal officials have decided that New Hampshire must repay $35 million in Medicaid funds that were improperly used in 2004, state health officials said yesterday.
Health and Human Services Commissioner Nicholas Toumpas said the state will ask for reconsideration of the decision, but in the meantime he will work with the Legislature and prepare a contingency plan.
If the Fed's dig a little deeper, 35 million in payback for New Hampshire will just be a drop in the bucket!
Note: Isn't it also Medicaid fraud when a hospital keep's a newborn in the hospital for a month and feed's the baby morphine when the baby doesn't have withdrawl symptom's? After the baby has already been evaluated to be discharged with a clean bill of health? Only in NH!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Virginia father loses bid to overturn his daughter’s Utah adoption-New Hampshire is No Better!
Virginia father loses bid to overturn his daughter’s Utah adoption | The Salt Lake Tribune
The Utah Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a Virginia father’s appeal to overturn the adoption of his daughter, a child known as “Baby Emma,” finding he did not meet required deadlines for asserting his parental rights.
Note:All states are the same. New Hampshire terminates fictitious men's right's and when the father's finally find out their children are in state custody, their told they have no standing and are denied paternity testing. Even father's on the children's birth certificates get screwed over. The court's never contact them and illegally adopt out the children!
The Utah Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a Virginia father’s appeal to overturn the adoption of his daughter, a child known as “Baby Emma,” finding he did not meet required deadlines for asserting his parental rights.
Note:All states are the same. New Hampshire terminates fictitious men's right's and when the father's finally find out their children are in state custody, their told they have no standing and are denied paternity testing. Even father's on the children's birth certificates get screwed over. The court's never contact them and illegally adopt out the children!
Shock video: Medicaid caught encouraging fraud
Shock video: Medicaid caught encouraging fraud
Prostitution? Drugs? Staffer plugs ears, suggests 'dealers' call it 'babysitting'
Undercover citizen journalist James O'Keefe is at it again, this time capturing on video an Ohio government worker helping a "drug dealer" commit Medicaid fraud.
Posing as Russian drug smugglers who drive an exotic, $800,000 sports car and hire out their underage sister as a prostitute, O'Keefe's operatives reportedly applied for Medicaid assistance for their father with the Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services, where government employee Traci Daniels told the applicants to omit listing their expensive car as an asset and report their line of work as "babysitting."
Ohio Medicaid Russian Drug Smuggling Investigation
Note: Isn't it also Medicaid fraud when a hospital keep's a newborn in the hospital for a month and feed's the baby morphine when the baby doesn't have withdrawl symptom's? After the baby has already been evaluated to be discharged with a clean bill of health? Only in New Hampshire!
Read more:
Prostitution? Drugs? Staffer plugs ears, suggests 'dealers' call it 'babysitting'
Undercover citizen journalist James O'Keefe is at it again, this time capturing on video an Ohio government worker helping a "drug dealer" commit Medicaid fraud.
Posing as Russian drug smugglers who drive an exotic, $800,000 sports car and hire out their underage sister as a prostitute, O'Keefe's operatives reportedly applied for Medicaid assistance for their father with the Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services, where government employee Traci Daniels told the applicants to omit listing their expensive car as an asset and report their line of work as "babysitting."
Ohio Medicaid Russian Drug Smuggling Investigation
Note: Isn't it also Medicaid fraud when a hospital keep's a newborn in the hospital for a month and feed's the baby morphine when the baby doesn't have withdrawl symptom's? After the baby has already been evaluated to be discharged with a clean bill of health? Only in New Hampshire!
Read more:
Parental Rights- Take It to the Streets
AFRA Front Page News: Parental Rights- Take It to the Streets
Take It to the Streets!
No, we’re not talking about staging a protest over the state of parental rights. But we do want to take news of the Parental Rights Amendment to the streets and businesses where you live. So this week is the Summer of 76 Community Canvassing Week, leading up to Parents’ Day this weekend. That means it’s time to warm up those printers, fill those staplers, and spread the news that America needs the Parental Rights Amendment.
Take It to the Streets!
No, we’re not talking about staging a protest over the state of parental rights. But we do want to take news of the Parental Rights Amendment to the streets and businesses where you live. So this week is the Summer of 76 Community Canvassing Week, leading up to Parents’ Day this weekend. That means it’s time to warm up those printers, fill those staplers, and spread the news that America needs the Parental Rights Amendment.
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