Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American Children? 3/7

Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American Children? 3/7 - National Foster Families | Examiner.com

We are researching a dangerous situation in America regarding innocent children removed from their homes and placed in the Foster Care System. Babies, toddlers and children being diagnosed with disorders at an alarming rate prescribed dangerous, mind-altering psychotropic drugs.

Legal & Illegal Drugs; What is the difference in the meanings of legal and illegal drugs; illegal drugs are drugs people are not allowed to have, and if a person in possession of illegal drugs is caught they are punished. If a foster parent, a caregiver, put in charge of the psychotropic drugs they are required to distribute to the children in their care although these dangerous drugs are classified as illegal drugs, become acceptable as prescribe medication to give to the children. Have we grasped the meaning?

Continue reading on Examiner.com Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American Children? 3/7 - National Foster Families | Examiner.com

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