Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Big Ma Ma Gonna Be Crying
Would Foster Stranger's REALLY love these children if they weren't being paid blood money to hold them hostage for CPS/DCYF?
Will they feel the same way when the money run's out?
Will they let these children stay in their homes once they turn eighteen? No way! Only REAL biological families will let their child stay and NEVER throw them out! REAL parent's are NOT in it for the MONEY like MOST Foster Stranger's are!
Wouldn't services to at risk families be much cheaper?
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Actually, you are way off base. Foster parents receive only a few dollars per day and MANY children ARE adopted, this receive NO compensation yet still love the children FOREVER... well beyond the age of 18. You should really try to educate yourself on the majority rather than the minority since you claim to be a "fair" person.
ReplyDeleteA few dollars a day? No, I don't think so. Many receive over six-hundred dollars per month, per child. They are also given a stipend when they ILLEGALLY adopt them. If the child is special need's or turned into a special need's child, compliments of DCYF, the stranger's get even more money. When tax time rolls along,even more money.I have educated myself about a totally corrupt system. A system I THOUGHT was fair and inhumane. Nobody realizes what's really going on behind the secret court door's until it happens to them.
ReplyDeleteAnd Yes, I am a very fair person. I look at both sides and am not quick to judge. When I see something that is wrong, I work to fix it. This is a Nationwide problem. The MAJORITY of children stolen from their families, were removed ILLEGALLY. I have had more than six year's to educate myself on the corrupt CPS/DCYF and the court's and have met many innocent parents along the way. Innocence is proven by evidence. Evidence that Judges don't allow admitted into court!
I know personally of young children abused sexually. CPS/DCYF yanks the child from the home, the parents take parenting classes, then the child is given back. The parents haven't changed, but CPS/DCYF thinks they have because of a parenting class. This cycle continues all because they think a child is better off with their parents, causing the child to become hurt, leaving them with behavior issues. I am 30yrs old, full time mom to 2 children, 1 with special needs, a wife and a full time student. Once I become a teacher, I want to also become a foster parent. This is not because of the money, it is because I want to help children overcome situations like this. If a child lives in our home, he/she is family to us. There are foster parents out there for the right reasons but could not do this without the Government's help, and most of them are teachers with little income. In our situation, $600.00 is nothing. It would help provide a bigger house, so the child/children can have their own space. Just for a 3 bedroom house, rent averages around $1000.00 or more, depending on location. We can't own a house due to personal situations. Second, the money helps provide for food, clothing, school, and other necessities he/she may need. What ever money that is not used would be set aside for them when he/she may need it. Anymore, $600.00 is nothing, so to say foster parents are in it for the money, alot of them are not. Infact, some foster parents spend the Government's money plus their own on the child. All I want in life is to help children. I would never treat a foster child any different from my own children. In fact, the children who I want to foster, are children who are in situations where they are better off away from their family, so I can show them how they should be treated and give them a better life. I do not see a foster child as profit. I see a child in need, and once they enter our home, they become family. Yes, there are situations where CPS/DCYF do have huge flaws in their system, but please do not think all foster parents are in it for the wrong reasons.
ReplyDeleteThere are SOME good foster stranger's out there, but I haven't met many. I don't know what State you're in, but in NH, once a child is taken, the by DCYF, the child isn't returned, even after the parent jumps through every hoop ordered. Foster's are brainwashed into thinking EVERY parent is a bad parent. Nothing is ever mentioned of the falsely accused parent. The Foster's are told NOT to get friendly with parent's, they're angry. Duh! I wonder why. When Foster's DO get friendly with parent's, the children are removed and placed elsewhere. With Foster's who kiss DCYF's Butt.
ReplyDeleteMany children are removed from their parent's under false pretenses. NH has a knack for leaving truly abused children in their homes, suffering abuse, neglect and sometimes even death. They're too busy railroading innocent families to even investigate the REAL report's of abuse.
As for paying the Foster's, some aren't in it for the money, but most are. In NH any way. Why should the govt. give money to the foster's to take these children when they won't even give the parent's ANY services to keep the children in their own homes? DCYF in Nashua, NH have stated to family member's,"Relative placement is NOT an option", yet this is a govt. mandate. My own granddaughter was placed with a foster couple who did NOT meet NH residence requirement's and whose first question when my newborn granddaughter was dropped off at their house, "When will we be financially supplemented?". Does that sound like foster's who were only in it for the money? You're dam right it does!
You sound like a very caring person and I wish you the best and I'm sure you aren't from NH, otherwise you would be very aware of the corruption here.
I cannot deny that DCYF is broken, but you are factually wrong about so many things you write here. Foster parents get paid shit money in NH, not even enough to cover the expenses of an extra mouth to feed. $15 per day. That is ALL we get paid. None of us are in it for the money and the proof of this is the fact that there IS no money.
DeleteFamily members are preferred placements, sometimes ever if they are drug addled trash. We are encouraged and practically required to 'mentor' the bio parents. Under the current system, the often abusive parents have all of the rights. Do you have a right to be angry that your grandchildren were taken? Of course. I don't think you are telling the whole story here, just the part you want to tell.
Foster stranger's get paid as a stand in parent, along with so many other perk's. If the State wanted to save money, they would provide services to the families they accuse. As it stand's, the accused families get nothing but lied about. If the child isn't placed in foster care, the State isn't rewarded with Federal funding, so why place with family?
DeleteThings have changed somewhat throughout the division in the past six years thank's to people like me fighting the injustices bestowed upon innocent families by DCYF. Law's are changing. DCYF is finally in the limelight, being watched. Someday soon their administrative rules, which they state they don't have to follow because they are not laws, will BE laws and they WILL have to abide by them.
Under the current system, the parent's and families still have NO rights. As a foster stranger have you sat in the courtroom while a bio parent is raked over the coals? Have you been there when DCYF has perjured itself and contradicted itself? Were you there when the Judges ruled on hearsay without proof of guilt, or when the Judge refused to fire the court-appointed puppet who refused to file ALL motions and appeals and refused to subpoena witnesses on the parent's behalf? Did you wonder why the parent was NEVER allowed to speak? Didn't you think it was odd that other family member's weren't allowed in the courtroom, even after they were accused, never allowed to stand up for themselves or to face their accuser?
There are some good foster stranger's out there. You may be one of them, but I don't know you any more than you know me. Foster stranger's are told not to have anything to do with the bio family because they're angry. I wonder why. Would n't you be angry if you were lied about and deceived and were never allowed to clear your name? There are many foster stranger's being screwed over by the state also. Not just bio families.If you bow down to DCYF, you're all set. If not, you're treated just as badly as the bio's and the children are removed.
And yes, some Foster stranger's are just in it for the money. When my granddaughter was first placed in foster care, the foster stranger's first question to DCYF worker Melissa Deane was,"When will we be financially supplemented?" I am in possession of of the contact log. After reading this, what would you think?
And yes, I am definitely telling the whole story. If I were lying, don't you think DCYF would have tried to stop me? If you take the time to look, I have posted a few of the documents and contact logs on my blog. There are many more. Unlike DCYF, I take pride in telling the truth. They make money off their lies. You have been forewarned. Step softly.