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Mosquito Report Parent’s Information Report
In the interest of public integrity of the judicial branch of the United States of America Mosquito Report Updated: March 3, 2010
Wise Old American Indian saying: Be like the mosquito small, fast, annoying, persistent, inflects pain, and swarms. Join us in building a swarm to bring back integrity and accountability to our justice system. Forward this report to everybody you know. Pick up your phone and pen and call your legislators. Let’s stop CHILD ABUSE FOR PROFIT.
James Madison Quote President of the United States (1809–1817)
"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny" (James Madison, Federalist No. 48, Feb. 1, 1788).
What this means: Stop voting for attorneys entering legislative service. Our constitution clearly state a separation of power must be maintained with the executive, legislative and judicial branches. It is professional misconduct for practicing judicial members to seek legislative office. Look at the campaign funding and you will find a large portion coming from other legal professionals, this is called self promotion. To stop corruption of our laws by profit seeking self interests of judicial members the public must enforce the separation of power laws and impeach or have judicial members resign from the judicial branch. (This is the root cause of corruption.)
Thomas Paine video: (Tea parties/public outcry!)
The Mosquito report represents the struggle and achievements of thousands of parents and organizations that have paved the way for changes in our family law system across the United States. Sadly many parents have taken their own lives for having no place to turn for help. We want to express our deepest regret to their families and friends for their loss. In addition our country has turned its back on our armed service personnel and their special needs at a stressful time. We pray that this report will aid in preventing this from happening in the future. The Mosquito report has been assembled to provide the resources needed to provide hope and support and gain access to children.
We thank each and every parent and organization for their input to this public effort. We thank everyone for the fight and sacrifices they have made. We want to show our armed service personal that we hear them. We want to give them our highest praise for protecting our way of life and our children’s rights to access both parents. We want to thank all parents for exposing Judicial Misconduct and Professional Misconduct of attorneys profiting and preying on parents struggle to access their children. We want to thank every citizen for taking the time to help make legislative changes that parents need. We want to thank each and every person who will join us making calls and writing letters for legislative change, you are not alone with your struggle, and here is the information parents need. Let us protect the future of our children and the American Family and STOPCHILD ABUSE FOR PROFIT. We seek to correct this wrong.
We want everybody to know how our government is allowing military personnel to return from deployment with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) without providing treatment. They have served our country with honor and many are returning to face family law issues. Studies are showing a high rate of suicides with our returning military personnel we seek to correct this wrong. It is time to put our troop’s needs first over money and profit. No child benefits when a parent takes their own life.
Table of Contents (in progress)
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Mosquito Report Objective …………………………….………………….………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Separation of Power “The Problem” and how it relates to family law ……………….……………………………………………….…. 4
Your Children’s Rights and Presumption of Shared Parenting ….………………………………………………….……………………….. 5
Parental access to children (Your constitutional rights).…………….…..………………..…….…………………………………………..... 6
Economic Impact of joint custody ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
COURT TIMEFRAMES AND SUA SPONTE MOTIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) “Flight or Fight”………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) and Frye test ……………………….………………………………………………………. 9
Violence Against Woman Act (VAWA)……………………………………….................................................................................. 12
Bradley Amendment……………………......………………..…………………………………………………………………………..…………………….. 12
Federal Racketeering Violations being covered up………………….……………………………………………………………………………… 13
Demand a Trial by Jury……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….. 13
Tape or Record All Hearings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
SAMPLE MOTION TO RECORD ALL HEARINGS (Modify to fit your case and if you use an attorney remove #1.)……… 14
Access to Justice……………………………….………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Family Court Abuses of the Public …................................................................................................................................ 15
Know the “Enemy”……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..... 16
Document Racketeering…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Sample Affidavit………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………........ 17
The Bigger Issue …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Domestic Violence and Escalation of your conflict………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
Divorce information and Internet Links………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Supporting Reference Statutes Presumption of Shared Parenting…(Section break at page 21 number reset)………... 20
Parental rights a fundamental right………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2?
Case law …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2?
Reference Studies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2?
Mosquito Report Objective
The objective of this report is to educate the public about peaceful alternatives to litigation and the traps set by profit seeking legal professionals. We seek to make fundamental legislative changes to our family law system across the United States. We seek both parties to control their anger towards the other parent and come to a reasonable settlement and preserve assets to benefit their children. The information in this report will help to avoid escalation of your issues by the legal profession. Remember the legal profession is a business and seeks to profit from your conflict. Let us state this again the legal profession is a business and seeks to profit from your conflict. Did you get the point they want your assets (money). We have assembled important information, case laws, and statutes and provided legal forms within this report. Our objective is to take the profit out of conflicts and aid the cost effective resolution of your dispute. We seek to preserve family assets for the benefit of your children. The Best Interest of your children is not to pay attorneys and experts seeking to profit from your conflict. We seek to expose the organized pattern of child abuse for profit with parental alienation tactics.
The negative economic (loss of money) impact to yourself and family assets will be great if you enter litigation. Avoid this at all costs your children need your assets not the legal profession. One of the largest causes for foreclosure and bankruptcy is divorce. You will be told by attorneys that you can sell everything you own to pay legal expenses to continue the conflict. Remember you have a choice to escalate the conflict or find a cost effective settlement path. Think of the needs of your children. How would your paying attorneys, court appointed experts, social workers benefit your children. We want to make this clear IT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY BENEFIT YOUR CHILDREN. Science has proven absent neglect, abuse, abandonment children need both parents. Do not allow attorneys to twist normal conflicts into domestic violence or abuse. We seek to expose these attorneys and organizations extortion of the public, bring witnesses to meetings.
An attorney or organization might “suggest” the use of domestic violence as a tactic. Do not fall into this trap. They are creating a self servicing need for their services a “high conflict divorce or High conflict child custody battle” is the result. Abraham Lincoln Quoted: “Never stir up litigation. A worse man can scarcely be found than one who does this.” (Abraham Lincoln, 16th President from 1861 until his assassination in April 1865) Attorneys will routinely not tell you that this tactic blocks mediation. Attorneys will not inform you that the use of this tactic will affect the earning potential of the accused for the rest of their lives. This tactic stops parties from talking creating a need for the additional services from the legal profession. This is a form of extortion under US Code. Make no mistake attorneys routinely plan to extort your assets with this tactic. The routine miss use of domestic violence funding by this tactic reduces resources needed for true victims of violence. Remember if you use this tactic for a divorce you are taking these resources away from these victims. Attorney’s business objective is to create a conflict from “custody battles”. Your focus must be to resolve your conflict with your opponent and not involve the children. Keep the children out of the conflict and provide the best possible solution you can that meets the needs of both parties. We seek to expose these organized extortion tactics to the United States Senate Judiciary Oversight committee for large scale investigation of abuses of the public interests. We seek to have Federal legislation past to Stop Child Abuse for Profit with a rebuttable presumption of shared parenting.
Child abuse comes in many forms and what the legal profession is fighting to conceal is Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). This form of child abuse exposes the legal system to huge liabilities. The simple fact is the legal profession routinely uses this tactic to start a child custody battle between parents to serve the self interest of the legal profession for profit. Fact the legal system’s pattern to prey on the basic instincts of parents to protect their children is exploited for profit. The legal system is preying on the parent child relationship to serve their interest of profit. Remember this you and your children are the prey of the legal profession. Without your conflict they make no money or have a job. We seek to expose how the legal profession singles out and suppresses Parental Alienation Syndrome target parents with the use of Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP). We seek to expose how attorneys routinely make it too expensive to fight this tactic. We seek to establish a rebuttable presumption of shared parenting in the best interest of the children’s right to access both parents.
Stress and the child custody battle, the loss of a child is the most traumatic event any parent can experience. When judges routinely strip access of parents to children without due cause, it causes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Judges and lawyers that knowingly and willfully do this to promote the self interest of the legal profession are directly responsible for countless suicides and violent acts. Human basic instincts kick in when parents are denied access to their children. On one hand some people become violent and misplace their anger toward the other parent or children these acts serves the interest of the legal system. The fact is the judge and the lawyers are responsible. On the other hand The Center for Disease Control (CDC) studies has shown that parents and military service personnel are committing suicides at an increasing rate. These suicides do not serve the purpose of the court and create a huge liability to the courts for the neglect of the public interests. The best interest of the child is not served with the loss of a parent. We seek to require stress management counseling during family law matters and return of deployed troops.
Remember someone always gets hurt in a divorce or custody battle. Know if you are hurt or mad and seek revenge against your opponent do not involve the children. Do not drain financial resources to the legal profession that could be used to benefit yourself and your children. Think of the children and remember you once loved your opponent to the point of having a child in the first place. Any issues can be resolved without the involvement of litigation. Seek to preserve your assets from profit seeking legal professionals and protect your children’s rights to both parents. Know if you are fighting or fleeing (fight or flight). Calm down and take a breath. We seek to demand state provide mediation services outside the predatory practices of the legal profession.
Separation of power “ The Problem” and how it relates to family law
Stop voting for Attorneys to enter public office. Take a look at their campaign funding and you will find the legal profession self promote each other into office. The campaign funding trail demonstrates how this takes place it is available to the public (online) ask where in your state. Key committees on the state and federal level are controlled by judicial members (lawyers) effectively placing one class of Americans in control of our society. As of this date the Unite States Senate Judiciary oversight committee is made up of 19 members 13 are lawyers. Our form of government (federal and state levels) has three branches each service a control purpose. They are the executive branch (president’s and governor’s veto power), the legislative branch (Senate, House creates laws), judicial branch (enforcement of laws). Fact the Constitution of the United States clearly demands a separation of power. Many state’s Constitutions also demand a separation of power. The purpose was to provide a balance to the people. As we elect more members of the Judicial branch into the legislative branch the basic balance of our society becomes imbalanced. With no balances, corruption expands for lack of controls and oversight. It is common knowledge that attorneys do not prosecute each other for misconduct. Remember it is misconduct for an attorney not to report misconduct. The public has no resources to file proper successful grievances against attorneys and they know this. As misconduct rules become overlooked and the duty of the legal profession for self enforcement is neglected corruption expands. No self enforcement of judicial members truly exists to protect the public’s interests. The public must demand public oversight of the Attorney Grievance system with public workshops and clinics.
The above might sound like no big deal on the first glance but think about how it affects every aspect of our lives. We will focus on family laws. As an example in the state of Maryland we have a “gatekeeper” she is a delegate that practices family law and has become the “go to” person with family law matters in the general assembly. She also sits on the attorney grievance commission and has sat on listening events for the access to justice hearing events. She has presented Bills for the determination of child custody in Maryland. What she doesn’t want the public to know is that her co-counsel on a case has defended a child pornography defendant. This is a true conflict of interests first she makes her living from laws she is creating, second she associates with defenders of child pornography, third she accepted input to her Bill from the defender of child pornography, forth the Bill presented are not in the best interest of the public, third she is promoting the profit seeking interests of her profession over the public’s. During the access to justice hearings she listens to public outcry for mediation and to remove children from custody issues.
The impact of a single “gatekeeper” can block the interest of the public. As the example above shows a gatekeeper can also be anybody who “trashes” important information and prevents the decision maker from making a proper judgment on the issue. A simple way to test for gatekeepers is to send letters to your legislators, after a few days call the legislator to see if the letters have been received and presented to your legislator. If no letters have been received, you have a gatekeeper problem.
The enforcement of professional misconduct is the duty of the judicial branch. However it is a known fact that attorneys will not report misconduct on another attorney. The way to expose this is to simply bring two collaborating witnesses to an attorney’s office and inform the attorney of misconduct or a criminal act of another attorney. You must meet the threshold of “Probable Cause” with your information and documents. Remember it is the responsibility of the profession to enforce the rules of professional misconduct. Read your states rules of professional misconduct and document and expose it in the public’s interests. We are seeking public oversight of the Attorney Grievance process for the neglect of the professions responsibility to enforce misconduct.
Learn about free legal clinics, pro se projects and you law libraries in your state. Learn how to represent yourself in order to avoid litigation. Always interview attorneys for free do not pay a fee for the interview. The “right to counsel” is your right under the sixth and fourteenth amendment. If you cannot afford an attorney ask for accommodations and have one appointed. What you need to know is that you have the right to timely hearings (To be heard) so get to know the assignment office of the court. Attorneys will delay and schedule hearings so you have to pay additional fees. Keep your hearings within your needs not the needs of the attorney or courts profit seeking objective. Know the basic appeal period for your area.
If you enter litigation demand a trial by jury first thing and remember attorneys provide a service to you they work for you. Yes they have to make a living but do not sign retainers that allow them to charge for large blocks of time. Review the fee structure be carefully and negotiate items to make them reasonable. Most attorneys charge their hourly rate when they make copies; travel time, phone calls and research etc. document your dealings with them to protect yourself. Always provide a 1099 to them for tax purposes and get receipts for each payment you make. Read the rules of professional misconduct and expose any violations. A common tactic used to protect the legal profession is to discredit parents and suppress opposition with expensive litigation. Their objective is to get a list of assets quickly so they know how much they can strip with legal fees and associated experts. The pattern is to single out a parent and discredit them the main tool they use is your children. What I mean by this is the legal profession does not produce a product they provide a service. They provide a service that in many cases for something they have created. This is the very definition of extortion used to create a conflict for the increased fees for their services. We need to have more citizen based oversight of the judiciary branch and its members. Less than 1% of attorney grievances are prosecuted and a recent study shows that if a citizen files a law suit against a state or the government most are not even heard a violation of the victims civil rights.
Your Children’s Rights and Presumption of Shared Parenting
The most important issue is the Children. The children have a fundamental right to see both parents. The court uses the term “in the best interest of the children” as a smoke screen to promote parental alienation tactics to strip parents access to children. Protect your children from the legal system. Parental alienation will damage the children for the rest of their lives. We need every parent to keep the children out of their fight. What is said and what is practiced by the legal system are two separate things. It is becoming routine for facts about normal parental relationships to be twisted into domestic violence, spousal abuse, and child abuse these false accusations must be documented. Early statistics are showing that 80% of accusations are unfounded, or worse, planned and executed. The country of India has taken measures to remove domestic violence due to the fact of high level of abuses. “Never stir up litigation. A worse man can scarcely be found than one who does this.” (Abraham Lincoln, 16th President) When a false accusation plan is executed the sole purpose is to circumvent due process of law and gain control of custody of children and assets. This creates an unfair advantage, a violation of Rules of professional misconduct by the party that executed the plan. Courts will routinely overlook this misconduct due to the “political nature” of these cases. What happens in these cases is a parent is stripped of their access to their children (Parental Alienation Syndrome and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Please seek to modify the determination of child custody and support a presumption of shared parenting in your state. Let’s keep our children away from the lawyers and legal system. Stop Child Abuse for Profit. President Abraham Lincoln warned of this in his quote:
"Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser -- in fees, expenses and waste of time. As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough." (Abraham Lincoln, 16th President)
Reasons for Support a Presumption of Shared Parenting
1. A custody decision should focus upon the U.S. constitutional custody rights and responsibilities of parents first and the unfitness of parents afterwards. The "Best interests of children" are typically served by encouraging and facilitating maximum involvement among both parents and children. Absent abuse neglect and abandonment the children deserve access to both parents.
2. Since courts currently award joint custody as it relates to the decision-making abilities of parents, the courts are rarely presented with a true and accurate picture due the contentiousness of divorces, the adversarial climate of family courts, and their historically biased custody rulings favoring a single parent (mothers) in 88% of cases.
3. Current law requires trial courts to make findings on requests for joint custody. Instead there should be a statutory presumption of joint physical custody. Trial courts should make findings on reasons for not awarding joint physical custody.
4. Where trial courts must determine custody under existing child custody factors, mothers receive sole physical custody in the overwhelming majority of cases. Fathers are required to separate motion separately for visitation (parenting time) in order to exercise their parental responsibilities.
5. Joint custody awards should not necessarily reflect the voluntary distribution of parental involvement in an intact household prior to divorce. The environment of a two-household, non-intact family will place new demands upon parents and children alike.
6. A joint physical custody award will practically guarantee a greater involvement of both parents in the lives and activities of their children. Typical visitation (parenting time) awards hamper the involvement of both parents in their child's development post divorce. Custody awards to unmarried mothers seldom involve adequate child visitation of fathers.
7. The definition of an unfit parent is easily defined by the U.S. constitution and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. This definition is limited to physical, psychological, or child abuse. If parental unfitness were to be defined by current Maryland domestic violence statutes, it would be so broad that few parents (married or otherwise) would be deemed fit to parent.
8. There are indeed times when joint physical/legal custody is not in the best interest of the children, but these times are the exceptions and involve actual physical, psychological, or child abuse.
9. These changes will dramatically reduce the documented bias of custody awards by state trial courts. Further it will reduce litigation and its associated costs. Further it will preserve the marital assets for the minor children.
10. These changes will encourage both parents to remain accessible to their children. Court discretion can be utilized to determine specific physical custody durations based upon circumstances. Presumption of 50/50 for physical custody.
11. MARYLAND CASE LAW: In Maryland there is case law already established Kimberly Boswell v. Robert G. Boswell (Boswell v. Boswell, 352 Md. 204, 721 A.2d 662(1998)) quoted from court clarifying the best interest standard:(b) in making a determination of legal and physical custody under this subtitle, the court shall give primary consideration to the best interest of the child. Reasonable maximum exposure to each parent is presumed to be in the best interest of the child. The Maryland Court of Appeals overruled this decision and stated as part of their decision, “We seek to clarify that only one standard is used in determining whether to restrict parental visitation in the presence of non-marital partners, bests interests of the child, but we also want to emphasize that when a court is engaging in a best interests analysis, reasonable maximum exposure to each parent is presumed to be in the best interests of the child.” (352 Md. 204, at 214.) This language was important as it was the first time a Maryland state court has mentioned any presumption towards both parents, at least in any published opinion.
Some have claimed that Boswell was really a case about gay rights, and only nominally discussed this issue of a presumption towards maximum reasonable exposure. For a time, it seemed that the courts were also treating Boswell in such a manner. However, we have recently found a 2007 Court of Special Appeals case applying Boswell. In Gordon v. Gordon (174 Md.App. 583, 923 A.2d 149 (Md.App., 2007).), the Court of Special Appeals took up the case of a father who was attempting to modify a custody order to have the time split 50-50. While the court ruled that 50-50 was not the meaning of maximum reasonable exposure, the court did report favorably on the presumption first articulated is Boswell and did not rule that this presumption was just dicta. Furthermore, the court noted that the custody arrangement currently in place for the Gordons afforded Mr. Gordon every other weekend from Thursday night through Monday morning and Wednesday morning through Thursday morning on alternate weeks. It should not go without noting that the one published case citing Boswell’s presumption language had a custody arrangement that was much more equitable than most.
Parental Access to Children
Listed below is a section of case law that has been established in support of constitutional right to have access to your children. These cases have established parental rights from a constitutional stand point. However be aware that state appointed judges will violate your rights to add expense to your conflict and meet their funding requirements. The family court system is basically a divorce industry that preys on one parent’s anger for profit. The objective of the court is to strip one parent’s access to their children. Remember this fact a system has been developed to exploit your parental instincts and take your money.
Do not fall into the trap of allowing legal professionals to exploit your parental instincts to protect and nurture your children. Both parties have these instincts. The best way for both parties to win is to allow equal access to children when possible. Absent abuse neglect and abandonment this should be in the form of joint physical and legal custody. It has been proven that parents that pay child support that have access continue to pay. Use mediators to establish fair child support payments for both parents using you state’s child support guidelines. Again do not allow legal professionals to exploit your parental instincts to protect and nurture your children. Fight for the presumption of shared parenting and seek the best interest of your children is to have access to both parents and preserve family assets.
We seek to expose how the legal profession uses parental access to promote the need for their services. When a judge demonstrates their prejudice and strips a parent of access with no cause, it is judicial misconduct. When a judge abuses their discretion and strips a parent of access to their children, it is judicial misconduct. What these court actions do is promote the need for legal services. The judges are aiding attorneys to collect fees for their services. What needs to be proven is simply that two or more judges or attorneys are involved and you have a racketeering charge which is a US Code violation. To establish this show how the courts striped you of your access to your children without any proof being presented. Demonstrate how you informed your attorney. Lastly demonstrate how the courts routinely have ex parti communications with attorneys without your presence.
The simple fact is judges will abuse their discretion and demonstrate prejudice to obtain their objectives. Their first objective is to extract the maximum assets from the at risk family. The second objective is to obtain child support enforcement funding. This latter objective requires that one party is subjected to child support. This is accomplished by creating a conflict over your children. The conflict as outlined earlier creates a need for legal services. What happens is one parent is given control of the assets and the sense that they are in control. The fact is the courts have control and are aiding lawyers to extort funds from your family. The other parent is at a disadvantage because they need access to assets to obtain adequate legal representation. This tactic is the routine pattern. The system will isolate and suppress one parent that does not have the means to obtain legal representation. Do not make this mistake this is vengeful and in no way benefits your children. Remember this simple fact you loved the person to the point of having a child with them they deserve to see the child. The support they can provide to you and aid the child cannot be measured in dollars. Do not make this mistake. Attorneys and judges will tell you we can get this or that but in the end it is your children that have lost. Your children need the support of both loving parents willing to protect them from the legal system.
Economic Impact of joint custody
Many Studies have been conducted on the positive economic benefits to the child of joint custody and we ask you to research this subject on the World Wide Web and not depend on individuals who make their living from Family law. We ask that you review the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the Fatherhood Initiative programs and the various foundations that are now funding and promoting the strong positive impact of fathers in the best interest of the children of America. We need to stress that both parents are needed to help the children develop. These programs express the need to help low income families and father to obtain the training they need to be the best parents they can be. We have attached two reprinted articles that outline the truth about economic impact of custody. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL article included below “The Myth of Deadbeat Dads” outlines percentages of mothers and fathers payments of child support. The Washington Times article “Child-support-law amendment comes to attention of Hill” outlines how custody becomes an incentive to pay child support. This article also shows the negative economic impact of driving child support payers into the underground economy. Reports of statistics of parents with joint custody pay their child support obligations at a much higher rate providing a reduction in Child-support enforcement.
Keep in mind that both parents should provide for the children. However the legal system destroys the earning potential with the systematic abuse of domestic violence laws. This abuse of domestic violence laws is called “abuse excuse” this is a legal trap to create high conflict child custody and divorce cases. The minute one party accuses the other party the long term earning potentials will be damages to the accused party. In no way can this be “in the best interest of the children”. Long term income damage will have long term impact on your family. Do not allow abused person programs or attorneys to suggest the use of the “abuse excuse” tactic for a divorce absent abuse, neglect and abandonment. Keep your divorce simple and low conflict to save money for your children. Keep your hurt and anger under control to keep the assets in the family.
To expand on the negative economic impact you just need to look deeply at how the justice system of the United States has removed resource from our productive citizens. The negative economic impact to the dysfunctional family with child custody and divorce conflicts is common knowledge. Everybody has heard the stories how the attorneys strip all the assets including housing from parents. Remember your attorney has NO financial obligation to you. They just want to make profit from your conflict. We call any service industry that doesn’t produce anything a parasitic industry. Any service industry that creates a demand for their services is in violation of federal racketeering laws defined under US. Code Title 18 Part I Chapter 96§ 1961. Do not allow attorneys off the record suggestions to increase their fees. Document their off record suggestions with videos, collaborating witnesses or detailed letters. As these parasitic industries grow our society will not be able to support their greed.
The most important thing to know is the timeframe for filing court documents. The court will hold to these technical timeframes to meet the needs of the courts business. KNOW THE TIMEFRAMES REQUIRED BY COURT RULES. The bad news is the court will allow lawyer’s to violate time frames with Sua Sponte motions to meet the needs of the courts business. These motions are used to protect the interest of the courts over the interest of the public. The courts have the power to conceal information with sealed records as a tactic to protect the business of the courts. So remember just because you filed something in a timely manner does not mean the court will accept it or act on it they might even seal it. You need to get you side on court record in a timely manner is the bottom line. What the courts do with the information is another issue. Objecting to information entered into record is very important and you attorney must do this in a timely manner. Expose the candor and lies quickly.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) “Flight or Fight”
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can be triggered by the loss of access to your children. Please learn about this disorder at This can be a life threatening disorder and can affect people in various ways.
The legal system has developed a system that preys on your basic parenting instincts. What they do is exploit a parent’s anger toward the other parent. This takes the form of a custody battle over the children. No consideration is given to the rights of the children to see both parents. Absent abuse, neglect and abandonment every child deserves both parents. As a parent we have all heard the stories of parents going “nuts” and killing their children and families. These are the stories that the media love to report on and are relatively very few. These cases serve the interest of the court to create a bias. These violent cases with media exposure create the fear and ultimately the bias the courts exploit for profit. This is one form of the “fight” we ask that if you intend to fight expose the injustice of the predatory practices of the judicial system. Hold the judges and lawyers accountable for their criminal actions by documenting them and filing proper criminal charges.
It is normal to get angry or depressed when you are removed from your children. Parental Alienation is one of the most traumatic experiences any person can endure. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects many parents at this point. As parents become depressed several things can happen. First when good parents are backed up against a wall some fight back with force. There is a book called “Kill the Attorneys” and a sad fact is many people are turning their anger towards biased judges. This has become a problem for this movement because judges are being targeted and killed. What seems to be happening is people are starting to take the time to plan military style assaults with diversions and escape routes to execute their violent plans. These tactics take time to plan and this level of anger is a direct result of parents having no place to turn for justice. Depressed parents are targeting and holding judges and attorneys accountable with violent actions. Sadly these violent acts service the interest of the courts with negative media coverage. These violent acts are due to legal professionals ignoring civil rights of parents in the first place.
As harsh legislation against parent’s rights is starting to be passed into law many parents are holding attorneys and judges accountable. The attorneys and judges motive is simple protect their profit making industry and cover up their wrong doing. These sworn legal professionals strip families of resources and place financial burdens on parents to meet federal funding requirements. We need to get to the root of the problem and use the pen and change legislation to take the profit out of these predatory practices. The issue is committees of the legislative bodies of our government are controlled by attorneys this is a true conflict of interest. This conflict of interest is not enforced to protect the interest of the public but neglected by the judicial branch. Judicial neglect to enforce conflict of interest laws to preserve the self interest of profit. Remember they are exploiting your parent child relationship for their profit.
The Second PTSD issue that doesn’t get the media’s attention is how many parents use “flight” to escape these legal attacks for profit. The CDC studies show how parents are committing suicide at an alarming rate. The studies show men have a higher success rate at committing suicide. These suicides are a direct result of predatory practices and place a negative economic impact on our society. The justice system has built in controls to protect them from being accused. These controls take the form of publicly funded social programs or crisis centers. Depression is a very powerful emotion and victims sometimes seek help from these programs. The truth is parents seeking help from social programs for their depression are labeled. They later find the very organization they went for help from are used against them in a court of law. This sometimes triggers a negative response and the person now feels they have no place to turn and they commit suicide. The legal system always terms their victims as unstable or mentally unstable for the media. These simple examples outline how when parents have no place to turn for justice their emotions kick in and becomes basic instincts of fight or flight. The trigger the legal profession doesn’t what you to know about is the following section. Parental alienation is currently being suppressed in legislation by legal professionals and abused person funded organizations.
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) and Frye test
Avoid this behavior the long term damage to your children cannot be repaired. The basic trust between child and parents should remain intact for both parents. It is the child’s right to have this trust of both parents. Use the Frye test information below to get your state to establish case law for PAS. Stop this form of child abuse.
What is Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)? This is the definition of PAS as described by R.A. Gardner: "The parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is a disorder that arises primarily in the context of child-custody disputes. Its primary manifestation is the child's campaign of denigration against a parent, a campaign that has no justification. It results from the combination of a programming (brainwashing) parent's indoctrinations and the child's own contributions to the vilification of the target parent." (Excerpted from: Gardner, R.A. (1998) The Parental Alienation Syndrome, Second Edition, Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics, Inc.)
Be aware that the legal profession is trying to discredit this syndrome so they can continue to profit from your children. The best interest of your children is to have access to both parents. The courts and associated experts and social workers are defending their interests of profiting from your conflict. Their past actions expose them to huge liabilities for this form of child abuse. Make no mistake the judicial system will retaliate to defend against this liability. Get involved and use the Frye test to defeat the legal profession to protect your children and future children. In Maryland our Maryland law has only marginally addressed the issue in the case of Barton v. Hirshberg 137 Md.App. 1, 767 A.2d 874 Md.App., 2001. Courts outside of Maryland have reviewed the issue in greater detail and case law established listed below. The following websites will provide some insight to this complex issue:
Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts (Part 1)
Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts (Part 2)
Jayne A. Major, Ph.D., Executive Director Telephone: (310) 823-7846
Stop Parental Alienation of Children Fax: (310) 388-0700
Breakthrough Parenting Services, Inc. Email:
12405 Venice Boulevard, #172, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (Map)
Court Frye test Rulings Relevant to Parental Alienation for the UNITED STATES (2 States)
The Frye Test is the standard by which a court can determine whether a scientific contribution has gained enough general acceptances in the scientific community to be admissible in a court of law. The Frye Test criteria for admissibility were applied to The Parental Alienation Syndrome in the following cases:
· Kilgore v. Boyd, 13th Circuit Court, Hillsborough County, FL., Case No. 94-7573, 733 So. 2d 546 (Fla. 2d DCA 2000) Jan 30, 2001.
o Boyd v. Kilgore, 773 So. 2d 546 (Fla. 3d DCA 2000) (Prohibition Denied)
o Court ruling that the Parental Alienation Syndrome has gained general acceptance in the scientific community and thereby satisfies Frye Test criteria for admissibility.
· Bates v. Bates 18th Judicial Circuit, Dupage County, IL Case No. 99D958, Jan 17, 2002.
o Court ruling that the Parental Alienation Syndrome has gained general acceptance in the scientific community and thereby satisfies Frye Test criteria for admissibility.[excerpt]
Court Rulings relevant to Parental Alienation (22 States)
· Berry v. Berry, Circuit Court of Tuscaloosa County, AL, Case No. DR-96-761.01. Jan 06, 2001
· Pearson v. Pearson, Sup Ct. of AK., No. S-8973, No. 5297, 5 P.3d 239; 2000 Alas. Lexis 69. July 7, 2000.
· Chambers v. Chambers, Ct of App of AR, Div 2; 2000 Ark App. LEXIS 476, June 21, 2000.
· Coursey v. Superior Court (Coursey), 194 Cal.App.3d 147,239 Cal.Rptr. 365 (Cal.App. 3 Dist., Aug 18, 1987.
· John W. v. Phillip W., 41 Cal.App.4th 961, 48 Cal.Rptr.2d 899; 1996.
· Valerie Edlund v. Gregory Hales, 66 Cal. App 4th 1454; 78 Cal. Rptr. 2d 671.
· Oosterhaus v. Short, District Court, County of Boulder (CO), Case No. 85DR1737-Div III.
· Case v. Richardson, 1996 WL 434281 (Conn. Super.,Jul 16, 1996).
· Metza v. Metza, Sup. Court of Connecticut, Jud. Dist. of Fairfield, at Bridgeport,
1998 Conn. Super. Lexis 2727 (1998).
· Schutz v. Schutz, 522 So. 2d 874 (Fla. 3rd Dist. Ct. App. 1988).
· Blosser v. Blosser, 707 So. 2d 778; 1998 Fla. App. Case No. 96-03534.
· Tucker v. Greenberg, 674 So. 2d 807 (Fla. 5th DCA 1996).
· Berg-Perlow v. Perlow, 15th Circuit Court, Palm Beach County, Fl.,Case no. CD98-1285-FC. Mar 15, 2000.
o An exceptionally strong family court decision in which five experts testified to the diagnosis of PAS.
· Loten v. Ryan, 15th Circuit Court, Palm Beach County, FL., Case No. CD 93-6567 FA. Dec 11,2000.
· Kilgore v. Boyd, 13th Circuit Court, Hillsborough County, FL., Case No. 94-7573, 733 So. 2d 546 (Fla. 2d DCA 2000) Jan 30, 2001.
o Boyd v. Kilgore, 773 So. 2d 546 (Fla. 3d DCA 2000) (Prohibition Denied)
o Court ruling that the Parental Alienation Syndrome has gained general acceptance in the scientific community and thereby satisfies Frye Test criteria for admissibility.
· McDonald v. McDonald, 9th Judicial Circuit Court, Orange County, FL. Case No. D-R90-11079, Feb 20, 1001.
· Blackshear v. Blackshear, Hillsborough County, FL 13th Jud. Circuit: 95-08436.
· In re Violetta 210 III.App.3d 521, 568 N.E2d 1345, 154 III.Dec. 896(Ill.App. I Dist Mar 07, 1991).
· In re Marriage of Divelbiss v. Divelbiss, No. 2-98-0999 2nd District, Ill.(Appeal from Circ Crt of Du Page Cty No. 93-D-559) Oct 22, 1999.
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