Today is the four year anniversary of the illegal kidnapping of my precious granddaughter Isabella. Stolen by Nashua, NH DCYF. A day my family and I will never forget. My birthday. A day not worth celebrating. That day still so fresh in my mind, like it happened yesterday.
The DCYF assessment worker was there, at Nashua's cohort hospital. The hospital where everyone is reported to DCYF. The hospital that lied and stated my daughter was given morphine for drug withdrawl. They never mentioned she was given morphine for nineteen hours because the baby was placenta-previa and should have been born by C-Section, yet my daughter was never told and didn't find out until six months later due to the disappearance of her medical file. How convenient! A parent only has thirty day's to appeal and prove their innocence. That is if they have a Lawyer working for them and not against them, which was the case of my daughter's court-appointed puppet who stated, "The court is my boss."
The hospital and Doctors made my daughter suffer for nineteen hours in labor, where both she and her baby could have died, which I'm sure this is what they were hoping for. Truly a miracle they both survived, only to be seperated by the lies of so many people. If they had died, the almighty DCYF would have lost money. The same hospital that held Isabella hostage and threatened the arrest of her mother if she tried to transfer her to St. Joseph's hospital. The caring and compassionate hospital in Nashua.
The Assessment worker was just out of school. Bragging she was the youngest worker. What did she want, a medal? Truly something not worth bragging about. She should have been hiding her head in shame. After all, was it right to steal a newborn baby from her mother because the morphine given to her mother in labor spilled into the baby? Isn't this what normally happens? If the Assessment worker had investigated, like she get's paid to do, she would have known the mother was given morphine in labor. She even admitted in Probate Court she had no idea, yet the very bias Judge still terminated my daughter's rights of Isabella. He even wrote the opposite of all proof given in his bias decision.Isn't that Judicial misconduct? He didn't even have a clue morphine given to the mother in labor spills into the baby.
The hospital social worker was also at the illegal kidnapping, where she apologized to my daughter for reporting her to DCYF, stating she was wrong and should have gotten to know my daughter first. She also stated she should never have listened to the lonely old bag that pushed her into the report. These are the two people my daughter trusted.Two people not worthy of trust by anybody.
As my daughter sat holding Isabella, crying, she asked the social worker to take back her report. She stated she couldn't. It was too late. These people and I use that term loosely, will surely not make it to Heaven. I doubt the Devil even want's them!
Isabella was stolen and placed in a foster strangers home. The fosters first question was, "When will we be financially supplemented?" Nice first question don't you think? Nice place to place a newborn. A premature newborn, where the fosters have never had kids of their own, nor foster children. A home with a couple in their mid fourties, who didn't even comply with the foster care regulations residence requirement's, which state the foster's have to be living in the same home for two years before a child can be placed with them. They moved from Massachusetts less than two years earlier.
I asked for placement of my granddaughter, but that didn't happen. She was worth more to the state of NH in non-relative foster placement. The DCYF Lawyer lied to the Judge at the Preliminary hearing and related a proven false report about my other daughter and her two children who were temporarily staying with us. The report had been proven false two week's before the hearing. Isn't perjury illegal? Not in NH.
When the time is right, Isabella will be made aware of everything. She will know her mother and the rest of her family did not give her up. She'll know she was stolen by the corrupt DCYF and the bias judicial system. She'll know she was sold for blood money.
This fight for Isabella will never end and she will know she was stolen from her family due to fraud! Isabella, we love you and always will! You will alway's be in our hearts and prayers and we will be re-united.
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