Austin's stepfather was told Austin is now in a foster stranger's home and Nashua, NH DCYF plan on letting the foster strangers adopt him immediately, which of course is illegal. But when does Nashua DCYF ever follow the law? They don't and the corruption and fraud keeps money in their pocket's, which is all they care about.
NH state law states a child has to be in the foster home six months before the foster strangers can adopt. But not in Nashua, because Nashua DCYF is "above the law." I'm sure they'll just get another pat on the back for not following the law, seeing as the state need's Austin's blood money that badly.
They didn't follow the law when they placed Austin's cousin Isabella in Hudson, NH either, with the foster strangers who moved hear from Massachusetts and were living in their home less than the two year minimum as stated in the foster care regulations under residence requirement's. It really astounds me how DCYF get's away with all of their deceitful practices and are never held accountable. How is it they have their own rules to follow, yet they are not mandated to do so? Is our federal goverment that blind that they can't see when their being screwed over by DCYF? Why don't they do anything to stop it? If our country is so broke, where is all this blood money coming from? Why are they giving money to DCYF when they aren't even doing their job's? They have to be falsifying the paperwork given to the federal government. How else are they getting away with stealing all these children and not giving services first? And what about relative placement before foster care, which isn't even an option in Nashua, yet it's mandated by the state and federal government?
Austin's stepfather told us Austin is close by in the foster stranger's home. I just pray he isn't in the home with the foster stranger's he was first placed with. The foster stranger's who starved Austin and his sister, where he and his sister lost three clothes sizes while there, in less than a year and his sister was severely underweight when they were placed in the orphanage. These people should have lost all their foster children and charges should have been brought against them. But when DCYF hand picks fosters for kids, they can do no wrong. This is the same foster home where Austin tried to hang himself and was then put on psychiatric medication for his violent behavior, not ADHD as DCYF now claims. It doesn't seem right that the children would have been removed by DCYF from their bio families homes for starving them, but not a foster home. Have you seen the commercial where it's stated foster parent's don't have to be perfect? Then why do bio families have to be? Is this a catch 22? This is a system out of control and our government doesn't care and our state doesn't care either, because all these stolen kids keep the federal money rolling in!!!!
ReplyDeleteI posted the first paragraph on my blog (cps - a system out of control) with a link back to this article directly. We need to raise awareness of how corrupt and out of control social service agencies have become. It is all about money and nothing else. They don't care one bit how badly a foster child is being treated while in foster care. If you try to point out abuses or neglects, they punish you, the biological parent, and do absolutely nothing to the foster a$$. Thank you for the work you do here.
Brenda, thank you for posting our story. I am trying in every way possible to bring Austin home and to make other's aware of the illegal practices of DCYF/CPS. Too many families and their children are suffering needlessly at the hands of those tyrants. This need's to stop. Your welcome. I have no grandchildren to keep me busy. They are my life. While I fight for them, I fight for all children and their families also.Some day DCYF/CPS will be brought to it's knees. I hope I am able to do my part to achieve this. I'm sure the work you are doing is helping many people also. As we all unite, DCYF will fall! Thank's again, Dot