Happy 13th Birthday Isabella! We Love you and always will!!!!
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Friday, August 31, 2018
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Babies for Cash – How the State Abuses Infants by Destroying the Mother-Child Bond in CPS Abductions
Babies for Cash – How the State Abuses Infants by Destroying the Mother-Child Bond in CPS Abductions
A baby’s first year is crucial to a baby’s emotional and cognitive development. It is in the earliest months of life that the foundations for basic trust, security, and relationships are laid. The parent-child relationship is the environment in which that is designed to happen.Yet the majority of children who enter foster care are taken within their first year of life, depriving them of critical bonding time and causing permanent trauma and damage to the babies’ ability to trust. More children in this age group are not returned home and are later adopted out than any other age group.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Please Follow my blog for my Medically Murdered Husband Bill Knightly Jr.
I started a blog in honor of my medically Murdered husband in December of 2017:
And on Facebook:In Memory of Bill Knightly, Murdered by Illegal Palliative/Hospice Care"
Please pass it along, share and follow. Our loved ones are being Murdered by Hospice/Palliative Care, even when refused which was my husband's case. He refused and very adamantly told the Dr. he wanted treatment and did NOT want to die. He got NO Treatment. He was instead MURDERED. ILLEGAL Euthanasia is being practiced under the guise of Hospice/Palliative Care and NO-ONE is being held accountable. We MUST put an end to these Medical Murder's. Any one of us could be next. Well I know it won't be me, because I would rather die on my own, at home than be murdered by the Death Monger's that call themselves Doctors. No Hospitals for me! Please spread the word!
And on Facebook:In Memory of Bill Knightly, Murdered by Illegal Palliative/Hospice Care"
Please pass it along, share and follow. Our loved ones are being Murdered by Hospice/Palliative Care, even when refused which was my husband's case. He refused and very adamantly told the Dr. he wanted treatment and did NOT want to die. He got NO Treatment. He was instead MURDERED. ILLEGAL Euthanasia is being practiced under the guise of Hospice/Palliative Care and NO-ONE is being held accountable. We MUST put an end to these Medical Murder's. Any one of us could be next. Well I know it won't be me, because I would rather die on my own, at home than be murdered by the Death Monger's that call themselves Doctors. No Hospitals for me! Please spread the word!
Saturday, August 18, 2018
NH child protection services get failing grades in federal review
NH child protection services get failing grades in federal review
CONCORD — A review of New Hampshire’s child protective services conducted by federal officials concludes the state still has a long way to go in protecting children from abuse.
After reviewing 65 cases in process at Manchester, Concord and Seacoast offices of the Division for Children, Youth and Families in April, officials from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services say the state is failing in all seven outcomes considered essential to an effective child welfare system.
After reviewing 65 cases in process at Manchester, Concord and Seacoast offices of the Division for Children, Youth and Families in April, officials from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services say the state is failing in all seven outcomes considered essential to an effective child welfare system.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Father of Toddler Killed in 2015 Sues N.H. DCYF
Father of Toddler Killed in 2015 Sues N.H. DCYF
The father of a toddler who was killed by the child’s mother is suing the N.H. Division of Children, Youth and Families for negligence.
In a suit filed on Monday in Superior Court, Christopher Willott alleges the state failed protect his daughter from “foreseeable risks of harm.” Twenty-one-month-old Sadee Willott was killed in September, 2015, after sustaining injuries in the bathtub. The child’s mother Kaitlin Paquette is serving a 21-42 year prison sentence after pleading guilty in 2017.
Exposing How Child Abuse Pediatricians Medically Kidnap Children: A Guide for Parents
Exposing How Child Abuse Pediatricians Medically Kidnap Children: A Guide for Parents
It happens every day in America. Loving parents take their children to the emergency room for accidents, injuries, and illness.
Sometimes the child appears to be fine, but “to be on the safe side,” parents just want to get their child checked out.
Other times, the parents don’t know what’s wrong, but they look to the “experts” to figure out what is going on. They are worried about their child.
The last thing on their mind is that someone could come in and take their child away from them, accusing them of child abuse.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Medicare's most despicable, indefensible fraud hotspot: Hospice care
Medicare's most despicable, indefensible fraud hotspot: Hospice care
- The number of hospices in the US increased by 43 percent between 2006 and 2016, but with the boom in end-of-life services, Medicare fraud also has risen.
- Medicare fraud and inaccurate billing costs the federal government health care program as much as $60 billion annually.
- The amount of Medicare beneficiaries receiving hospice care increased by about 53 percent between 2006 and 2016, with 1.4 million Medicare beneficiaries receiving hospice care in 2016. Spending increased by 81 percent to a level of $16.7 billion in 2016, according to a new report from the Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services.
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