Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I have been doing a little more research pertaining to NH DCYF and the NH Court's and just for the heck of it decided to read through the Protocols Relative to Abuse and Neglect. Under Protocol 7 ISSUES FOR THE COURT TO CONSIDER AT THE ADOPTION HEARING,
No.2, I read the Judge has to ascertain that the appeal process has expired. I know in my granddaughter Isabella's case, there was a pending appeal when the Judge granted her adoption to the stranger's.
No.4, the Judge is supposed to review the applicability of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). There is no way of my family knowing if he did. I'm sure Nashua DCYF kept it a secret that both Isabella and Austin are part Indian. EX CPSW Anna the Homewrecker was well aware of our Indian heritage, yet the Indian Council was NEVER notified. Just a little more deceit used against our family by the almighty DCYF.
No. 5, confirm that the adoptive parents have been advised of Medical background's on the child's parent's, Religion and Ethnicity. Put it this way, they don't have a clue. DCYF didn't even know half of my daughter's medical condition's. Hence, there was NO investigation before Isabella was stolen. For that matter, they have NO clue as to ALL the medical conditions of our family and past generation's. Isabella's Ethnic background has been denied since the beginning. The Ex CPSW told my daughter NOT to tell anyone that Isabella is half Dominican. Hmm, I wonder why. I'm sure the strangers know by now. Why should Isabella be denied the right to know her true ethnicity? I'm sure she isn't being raised Catholic either. The ex CPSW was well aware from the start my daughter wanted Isabella baptized Catholic, but refused to let us get her baptized.
No. 6, ensure that adoptive parents understand that adoption is permanent and irreversible. Sorry to have to inform you, but this isn't true. An adoption CAN be reversed due to fraud, in which there was plenty of fraud in Both Austin's and Isabella's cases, and extraordinary circumstances. I take that to mean any one of the many deceitful practices used to steal my grandchildren.
No.7, any other information the court deems necessary. I wonder if DCYF told the Judge everything about the stranger's before granting adoption of Isabella and her recently adopted half sister's. I doubt it, but then again, the Judge is just as deceitful as DCYF.
Revised April 2003
At the adoption hearing, the judge shall review the petition and all documents and should:
(1) confirm that the court has proper jurisdiction;
(2) ascertain that parental rights have been voluntarily relinquished or that parental rights have been terminated and that the appeal process for the latter has expired;
(3) ensure that any consents to adoption are provided, pursuant to RSA 170-B:5, including the consent of the person to be adopted when that person is twelve (12) years of age or older;
(4) review the applicability of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA);
(5) confirm that the adoptive parents have been advised, pursuant to RSA 170-B:15,III-b, based on information that is reasonably available at the time, of information on the age, medical and personal backgrounds of the birth parents and the child to be adopted. Such information may include, but is not limited to, the ethnic and religious background, as is reasonably known;
(6) ensure that adoptive parents understand that adoption is permanent and irreversible; and
(7) any other information the court deems necessary.
CT DCF Worker Breaks Down Wakes Up Comes Forward
CT DCF Worker Breaks Down Wakes Up Comes Forward | Corrupt CT:
Posted by rBg on Aug 29th, 2011 in DCF or CPS,
In a surprising turn of events CorruptCT.com has been approached by an active DCF worker that says she can no longer sleep soundly with what she knows and is asked to do. As promised we have guaranteed that no matter what her name and location will not be disclosed to anybody and in return we have been promised a 1 on 1 interview with her.
She has promised with the information that she knows the State of CT will no longer be able to turn a blind eye on the actions of the Department of Children and Families. Keep in mind, this is not just things she has done but things management has forced her to do, tactics they are taught and trained to use on a daily basis to disarm and take advantage of lower class and income families. The families that have no means to fight back, and then how to move forward for the kill and how to strip the family of all their civil rights and community support while stealing the children.
She was very hesitant to speak over the phone so we have a meeting setup for later on this week where CorruptCT.com has been promised first hand experiences of the corruption behind the DCF. This includes but is not limited to classified documents the public is never supposed to see, the truth behind a higher profile case that took place last year that she was part of and the real leaders of this disgusting child kidnapping ring, how they have blackmailed families into giving up their children and why the government wants these children so bad.
All I can say is that I am so excited I will probably not sleep. This meeting is going to be a stepping stone towards bringing down the corruption within the CT DCF / CPS offices we have been waiting for. All I can hope is that other workers who like her can no longer live with the guilt and shame of what they are asked to do and will follow her lead and step forward. We are here for you and we promise the same anonymity, no one will ever find out who spoke to who, but the time is now, DCF will be no longer once the truth starts to leak out continue with their dirty and illegal tactics. The day is upon us and I am more then proud to say God bless us all and as for her bravery I will forever be indebted to her as will most of CT.
Posted by rBg on Aug 29th, 2011 in DCF or CPS,
In a surprising turn of events CorruptCT.com has been approached by an active DCF worker that says she can no longer sleep soundly with what she knows and is asked to do. As promised we have guaranteed that no matter what her name and location will not be disclosed to anybody and in return we have been promised a 1 on 1 interview with her.
She has promised with the information that she knows the State of CT will no longer be able to turn a blind eye on the actions of the Department of Children and Families. Keep in mind, this is not just things she has done but things management has forced her to do, tactics they are taught and trained to use on a daily basis to disarm and take advantage of lower class and income families. The families that have no means to fight back, and then how to move forward for the kill and how to strip the family of all their civil rights and community support while stealing the children.
She was very hesitant to speak over the phone so we have a meeting setup for later on this week where CorruptCT.com has been promised first hand experiences of the corruption behind the DCF. This includes but is not limited to classified documents the public is never supposed to see, the truth behind a higher profile case that took place last year that she was part of and the real leaders of this disgusting child kidnapping ring, how they have blackmailed families into giving up their children and why the government wants these children so bad.
All I can say is that I am so excited I will probably not sleep. This meeting is going to be a stepping stone towards bringing down the corruption within the CT DCF / CPS offices we have been waiting for. All I can hope is that other workers who like her can no longer live with the guilt and shame of what they are asked to do and will follow her lead and step forward. We are here for you and we promise the same anonymity, no one will ever find out who spoke to who, but the time is now, DCF will be no longer once the truth starts to leak out continue with their dirty and illegal tactics. The day is upon us and I am more then proud to say God bless us all and as for her bravery I will forever be indebted to her as will most of CT.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Happy Sixth Birthday to OUR Stolen Granddaughter Isabella Brooke Knightly
Your Birthday August 31, 2005
Happy sixth birthday little Princess. Another sad birthday without you. Another birthday in a houseful of stranger's, pretending to be your family. Another birthday your REAL family will celebrate your life without you by our side. We're still fighting for your return and will never stop. We didn't help bring you into this world to have you stolen and raised by stranger's. No matter what they tell you, your Mommy and Daddy and Grampie and I and ALL the rest of your REAL family always wanted you and always will. We did not let you go willingly. We've been fighting for you this whole time.
Some day you will know the truth. The truth about the stranger's raising you and your two adopted sister's. The stranger's chosen by a deceitful government agency. The stranger's who weren't blessed with their own children, so they worked with the state to take you from us. If you're as smart as your Mommy, you'll be reading all about yourself sooner than the stranger's expect. You'll be asking why you and your two sister's look nothing like the stranger's. You'll have many question's. Question's that the stranger's won't know how to answer, or you'll be told lies about your REAL family. I can't wait for the day to come when you realize you're nothing like them. If you have your Mommy's attitude, as we were told you did when you were just a baby, you'll be asking question's sooner than they think. The stranger's will have their hands full, but then again, maybe they already do. Your Mommy got her attitude early and I'm sure you're just like her.
So Happy Birthday little Princess. We will always be here for you and don't plan on going anywhere until you and your cousin Austin come home. I've posted a few pictures of you so when you find my blog, you'll know YOU are our little Isabella. We love and miss you and will never give up this fight for your return!
Love always, Grammy, Grampie, Mommy, Daddy and ALL of your REAL family xxxxxxxooooooooo
Happy sixth birthday little Princess. Another sad birthday without you. Another birthday in a houseful of stranger's, pretending to be your family. Another birthday your REAL family will celebrate your life without you by our side. We're still fighting for your return and will never stop. We didn't help bring you into this world to have you stolen and raised by stranger's. No matter what they tell you, your Mommy and Daddy and Grampie and I and ALL the rest of your REAL family always wanted you and always will. We did not let you go willingly. We've been fighting for you this whole time.
Some day you will know the truth. The truth about the stranger's raising you and your two adopted sister's. The stranger's chosen by a deceitful government agency. The stranger's who weren't blessed with their own children, so they worked with the state to take you from us. If you're as smart as your Mommy, you'll be reading all about yourself sooner than the stranger's expect. You'll be asking why you and your two sister's look nothing like the stranger's. You'll have many question's. Question's that the stranger's won't know how to answer, or you'll be told lies about your REAL family. I can't wait for the day to come when you realize you're nothing like them. If you have your Mommy's attitude, as we were told you did when you were just a baby, you'll be asking question's sooner than they think. The stranger's will have their hands full, but then again, maybe they already do. Your Mommy got her attitude early and I'm sure you're just like her.
So Happy Birthday little Princess. We will always be here for you and don't plan on going anywhere until you and your cousin Austin come home. I've posted a few pictures of you so when you find my blog, you'll know YOU are our little Isabella. We love and miss you and will never give up this fight for your return!
Love always, Grammy, Grampie, Mommy, Daddy and ALL of your REAL family xxxxxxxooooooooo
Houston mom charged in Adopted pre-teen's abortion
Houston mom charged in pre-teen's abortion - Houston Chronicle:
A Houston adoptive mother has been charged after arranging an abortion for her 12-year-old special needs daughter during a criminal investigation about whether the woman's biological son impregnated the girl.
A Houston adoptive mother has been charged after arranging an abortion for her 12-year-old special needs daughter during a criminal investigation about whether the woman's biological son impregnated the girl.
Simon and Pippa Lansdell threatened with £5k fine because son 'plays too loudly
Simon and Pippa Lansdell threatened with £5k fine because son 'plays too loudly' | Mail Online:
"Like most boys his age, Alfie Lansdell can spend hours playing happily in his garden.
But playtime could soon be over for the boisterous four-year-old after a neighbour complained to council officials that he was too noisy.
"Like most boys his age, Alfie Lansdell can spend hours playing happily in his garden.
But playtime could soon be over for the boisterous four-year-old after a neighbour complained to council officials that he was too noisy.
Child welfare critic disagrees with Twin Cities' Safe Families approach
Child welfare critic disagrees with Twin Cities' Safe Families approach | StarTribune.com:
Sunday's story about the new Safe Families program, which shelters children whose parents are temporarily unable to care for them, drew criticism from Richard Wexler and his National Coalition for Child Protection Reform.
Wexler opposes the frequency with which Minnesota and other states place children in foster care due to allegations of parental abuse or neglect. While Safe Families is voluntary -- parents in crisis willingly place their kids with the program's families -- Wexler called it "sugar-coated foster care." The parents who give their children to Safe Families often are impoverished and have no other choice, he said.
Sunday's story about the new Safe Families program, which shelters children whose parents are temporarily unable to care for them, drew criticism from Richard Wexler and his National Coalition for Child Protection Reform.
Wexler opposes the frequency with which Minnesota and other states place children in foster care due to allegations of parental abuse or neglect. While Safe Families is voluntary -- parents in crisis willingly place their kids with the program's families -- Wexler called it "sugar-coated foster care." The parents who give their children to Safe Families often are impoverished and have no other choice, he said.
Lewisville, Texas foster care provider failed to track more than $300,000 in state funding for foster care
Lewisville, Texas foster care provider failed to track more than $300,000 in state funding for foster care, contract not renewed | Texas Watchdog:
The state has decided not to renew the contract of a Lewisville foster care provider for failing to keep track of $313,208 in state funding.
The decision by the Department of Family and Protective Services follows a state audit of Connecting Lifes, a nonprofit group serving 64 children. The State Auditor concluded Connecting Lifes’ bookkeeping made it impossible to determine if state funds were properly spent.
The state has decided not to renew the contract of a Lewisville foster care provider for failing to keep track of $313,208 in state funding.
The decision by the Department of Family and Protective Services follows a state audit of Connecting Lifes, a nonprofit group serving 64 children. The State Auditor concluded Connecting Lifes’ bookkeeping made it impossible to determine if state funds were properly spent.
Drowning of Foster child, David Allen Fisher, 3, called tragic accident
Drowning of David Allen Fisher, 3, called tragic accident | GoUpstate.com:
Authorities say the drowning of a 3-year-old child in foster care was a tragic accident.
Spartanburg County Coroner Rusty Clevenger released the child's name — David Allen Fisher III — on Monday. A cause of death will not be released until after an autopsy is performed, Clevenger said. One of Fisher's biological parents has been notified of his death.
Authorities say the drowning of a 3-year-old child in foster care was a tragic accident.
Spartanburg County Coroner Rusty Clevenger released the child's name — David Allen Fisher III — on Monday. A cause of death will not be released until after an autopsy is performed, Clevenger said. One of Fisher's biological parents has been notified of his death.
Burdened CPS is drawing scrutiny
Burdened CPS is drawing scrutiny:
Child advocates, care providers and case managers say the death this month of a 6-year-old boy who had been the subject of five Child Protective Services reports is shedding light on a child-welfare system in crisis.
The CPS is struggling to care for a record caseload of more than 11,000 children amid state budget cuts, growing caseloads and high staff turnover.
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Child advocates, care providers and case managers say the death this month of a 6-year-old boy who had been the subject of five Child Protective Services reports is shedding light on a child-welfare system in crisis.
The CPS is struggling to care for a record caseload of more than 11,000 children amid state budget cuts, growing caseloads and high staff turnover.
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Allegations cast severe doubt on DSHS foster care licensing
Allegations cast severe doubt on DSHS foster care licensing - Editorials - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington news, weather and sports:
Four former foster children who allegedly were forced to live in a “house of horrors,” where they were subjected to sexual, physical and psychological abuse, have filed suit against the state Department of Social and Health Services.
If even a fraction of the allegations in the lawsuit are true, it’s a horrendous indictment of the state’s foster care licensing and oversight program at DSHS. The lawsuit names 21 current or former state employees as defendants.
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Four former foster children who allegedly were forced to live in a “house of horrors,” where they were subjected to sexual, physical and psychological abuse, have filed suit against the state Department of Social and Health Services.
If even a fraction of the allegations in the lawsuit are true, it’s a horrendous indictment of the state’s foster care licensing and oversight program at DSHS. The lawsuit names 21 current or former state employees as defendants.
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Isaac Greenwood impregnates 12-year-old adopted sister
Isaac Greenwood impregnates 12-year-old sister | ksdk.com:
Houston, TX (KTRK/CNN) - A Houston woman is accused of going to extreme measures to protect her son from sexual assault charges.
We should warn you, the details of this case may be disturbing to some.
Cynthia Greenwood was in court Monday to answer to charges that she took her 12-year-old special needs adoptive daughter to get an abortion because the father was her song.
Houston, TX (KTRK/CNN) - A Houston woman is accused of going to extreme measures to protect her son from sexual assault charges.
We should warn you, the details of this case may be disturbing to some.
Cynthia Greenwood was in court Monday to answer to charges that she took her 12-year-old special needs adoptive daughter to get an abortion because the father was her song.
'Angry mom' from Dr Phil given suspended sentence | Reuters
'Angry mom' from Dr Phil given suspended sentence | Reuters:
(Reuters) - An Alaska mom convicted of child abuse after she was seen on the "Dr. Phil" show pouring hot sauce into her adopted Russian-born son's mouth was given a suspended sentence of 180 days on Monday.
(Reuters) - An Alaska mom convicted of child abuse after she was seen on the "Dr. Phil" show pouring hot sauce into her adopted Russian-born son's mouth was given a suspended sentence of 180 days on Monday.
Drug Company Caught Lying About Drugs Killing Children
Drug Company Caught Lying About Drugs Killing Children | Jason Christoff's Blog:
When you grow up inside a society that preaches survival of the fittest, some odd things happen. One thing that happens is that people start losing respect for themselves because they’re taught to focus on the brutality of their journey through life. (as opposed to seeing life for what it really is, which is a massive spiritual, cellular and quantum cooperative…………not competition……….cooperation)
Paxil Study 329
When you grow up inside a society that preaches survival of the fittest, some odd things happen. One thing that happens is that people start losing respect for themselves because they’re taught to focus on the brutality of their journey through life. (as opposed to seeing life for what it really is, which is a massive spiritual, cellular and quantum cooperative…………not competition……….cooperation)
Paxil Study 329
Human Trafficking Petition: The President of the United States: Recognize Failure of Child Protective Service; Grant Grandparents Rights
Human Trafficking Petition: The President of the United States: Recognize Failure of Child Protective Service; Grant Grandparents Rights | Change.org:
The Department of Children's Services ensures and grows their budget (your tax dollars) by receiving financial incentives for every child taken from their original families and even more by placing them for adoption. While this is sometimes necessary, it has become procedure for social workers to remove happy, healthy, and well cared for children (especally infants as they are easily adopted out) from grandparents and other relative caregivers who have stepped up of their own volition to care for, and protect their grandchildren, nieces, nephews, sisters and brothers, when the biological parents are unable to do so. This is purely for budget increases, bonuses, and simply because they can. Families are being destroyed by the thousands. Vulnerable young siblings are being traumatized and truly abused by this system when no intervention was asked for or needed. Please help me stop the abuse of power and the egregious violations of our most fundamental human rights. The right to our families. We cannot allow our public servants to exploit, steal and traffic our beloved children for the sake of job security, and financial gain - to the tune of $85,000 per child. Senator Nancy Shaefer (GA) had called for total national reform of Child Protective Services. She was the voice of the children, the families, and our constitutional rights, until she was murdered, soon after she began this campaign for justice. Please help make her dream a reality. Starting with Los Angeles County and then everywhere! Please sign and then start a petition in your state!
Please click on the above link and sign this very important petition.
The Department of Children's Services ensures and grows their budget (your tax dollars) by receiving financial incentives for every child taken from their original families and even more by placing them for adoption. While this is sometimes necessary, it has become procedure for social workers to remove happy, healthy, and well cared for children (especally infants as they are easily adopted out) from grandparents and other relative caregivers who have stepped up of their own volition to care for, and protect their grandchildren, nieces, nephews, sisters and brothers, when the biological parents are unable to do so. This is purely for budget increases, bonuses, and simply because they can. Families are being destroyed by the thousands. Vulnerable young siblings are being traumatized and truly abused by this system when no intervention was asked for or needed. Please help me stop the abuse of power and the egregious violations of our most fundamental human rights. The right to our families. We cannot allow our public servants to exploit, steal and traffic our beloved children for the sake of job security, and financial gain - to the tune of $85,000 per child. Senator Nancy Shaefer (GA) had called for total national reform of Child Protective Services. She was the voice of the children, the families, and our constitutional rights, until she was murdered, soon after she began this campaign for justice. Please help make her dream a reality. Starting with Los Angeles County and then everywhere! Please sign and then start a petition in your state!
Please click on the above link and sign this very important petition.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Baby Found Dead In North Carolina Grocery Bathroom
Baby Found Dead In North Carolina Grocery Bathroom | FoxNews.com:
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. -- Authorities say a newborn girl was found dead in a bathroom stall at a North Carolina grocery store.
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HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. -- Authorities say a newborn girl was found dead in a bathroom stall at a North Carolina grocery store.
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Investigation Underway After 11-Year-Old Gives Birth
Investigation Underway After 11-Year-Old Gives Birth « CBS Detroit:
MOUNT CLEMENS (WWJ) – The Macomb County Sheriff’s office is investigating allegations that a janitor who worked at a Mount Clemens school impregnated an 11-year-old girl.
MOUNT CLEMENS (WWJ) – The Macomb County Sheriff’s office is investigating allegations that a janitor who worked at a Mount Clemens school impregnated an 11-year-old girl.
Adoption Dilemma: Giving Up Troubled Kids
Legally Kidnapped: Adoption Dilemma: Giving Up Troubled Kids:
As states push to find homes for older foster care children, a lack of state funding is forcing adoptive parents to give up their troubled children. One Florida couple is hoping to avoid that outcome and keep the family together.
As states push to find homes for older foster care children, a lack of state funding is forcing adoptive parents to give up their troubled children. One Florida couple is hoping to avoid that outcome and keep the family together.
Father fighting adoption laws to get son
Legally Kidnapped: Father fighting adoption laws to get son:
A dad is fighting to get his son back. He claims his girlfriend secretly delivered the baby and gave him up for adoption
A dad is fighting to get his son back. He claims his girlfriend secretly delivered the baby and gave him up for adoption
Psychiatrists Label And Drug Children For Profit
Psychiatrists Label And Drug Children For Profit:
There are no genetic tests, no brain scans, blood tests, chemical imbalance tests or X-rays that can scientifically/medically prove that any childhood psychiatric label is a real “disorder”.
There are no genetic tests, no brain scans, blood tests, chemical imbalance tests or X-rays that can scientifically/medically prove that any childhood psychiatric label is a real “disorder”.
The New York State Wide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment Class Action Website
The New York State Wide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment Class Action Website:
This website has been established to explain the status of two separate class action lawsuits against the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (“OCFS”) which operates the New York Statewide Abuse and Maltreatment Register (“SCR” or the “Register”). The court has certified two classes. One class is referred to as the Finch Class and the other is referred to as Sub Class B. This website will advise you of a settlement for Finch Class A and for Sub Class B and the rights that members of the class have.
Read More at the Above link:
This website has been established to explain the status of two separate class action lawsuits against the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (“OCFS”) which operates the New York Statewide Abuse and Maltreatment Register (“SCR” or the “Register”). The court has certified two classes. One class is referred to as the Finch Class and the other is referred to as Sub Class B. This website will advise you of a settlement for Finch Class A and for Sub Class B and the rights that members of the class have.
Read More at the Above link:
Charges dismissed against Maryanne Godboldo, mom involved in police standoff over care of daughter
Charges dismissed against Maryanne Godboldo, mom involved in police standoff over care of daughter:
DETROIT (WXYZ) - All charges have been dismissed against the Detroit mother who was involved in a standoff with Detroit Police over the care of her daughter.
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DETROIT (WXYZ) - All charges have been dismissed against the Detroit mother who was involved in a standoff with Detroit Police over the care of her daughter.
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Producer of DHHS sting videos to appear in Maine
Producer of DHHS sting videos to appear in Maine — Maine Politics — Bangor Daily News:
PORTLAND, Maine — A conservative activist who caused a recent stir by releasing two secretly taped videos he claims highlight Maine’s vulnerability to welfare fraud will make a public appearance in Maine next month.
James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, will be the guest lecturer at an event hosted by Americans For Prosperity-Maine on Friday, Sept. 16, at the University of Southern Maine.
PORTLAND, Maine — A conservative activist who caused a recent stir by releasing two secretly taped videos he claims highlight Maine’s vulnerability to welfare fraud will make a public appearance in Maine next month.
James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, will be the guest lecturer at an event hosted by Americans For Prosperity-Maine on Friday, Sept. 16, at the University of Southern Maine.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
State paid sex offenders as baby sitters
State paid sex offenders as baby sitters - chicagotribune.com:
TRIBUNE WATCHDOG State program subsidizing child care for poor families allows violent felons access to children
Cornelius Osborne may not seem like baby-sitting material.
He was convicted of raping two women. A succession of felonies, from robbery to failing to register as a sex offender, repeatedly sent him to prison, state records show.
But over more than two years, the state paid Osborne nearly $5,000 to baby-sit two children, before his latest conviction — for dealing drugs — put him back behind bars.
TRIBUNE WATCHDOG State program subsidizing child care for poor families allows violent felons access to children
Cornelius Osborne may not seem like baby-sitting material.
He was convicted of raping two women. A succession of felonies, from robbery to failing to register as a sex offender, repeatedly sent him to prison, state records show.
But over more than two years, the state paid Osborne nearly $5,000 to baby-sit two children, before his latest conviction — for dealing drugs — put him back behind bars.
Former DCF Employee Shares Experience
Former DCF Employee Shares Experience. | Sarasota Crooked Lawyers:
Previosly worked with them (DCF). I see why they have the reputation that they have. The agency is so sloppily ran, it got to a point where I was embarrassed to let anyone know that I worked for them. If you are lazy, sloppy and like to falsify documents and computer records and make it look like you’re working, and an overall LIER, CHEATER, AND THIEF, DCF IS THE PLACE TO WORK. If you’re professional, have integrity and a decent character, STAY AWAY FROM DCF. I worked for several state agencys throughout my careeer in the State of Florida. To me, DCF was the worst. Dept. of Corrections was the best.
Miami, FL
Previosly worked with them (DCF). I see why they have the reputation that they have. The agency is so sloppily ran, it got to a point where I was embarrassed to let anyone know that I worked for them. If you are lazy, sloppy and like to falsify documents and computer records and make it look like you’re working, and an overall LIER, CHEATER, AND THIEF, DCF IS THE PLACE TO WORK. If you’re professional, have integrity and a decent character, STAY AWAY FROM DCF. I worked for several state agencys throughout my careeer in the State of Florida. To me, DCF was the worst. Dept. of Corrections was the best.
Miami, FL
Easthampton's Northeast Center for Youth and Families cited for $1.2 million in misspent funds
MassLive : Easthampton's Northeast Center for Youth and Families cited for $1.2 million in misspent funds:
An Easthampton social service agency that provides programs for about 600 troubled youth is being cited for overbilling, paying excessive employee bonuses and using state money to pay operating losses it incurred in Connecticut.
State Auditor Suzane M. Bump announced Thursday at her Western Massachusetts office in Chicopee that she is calling for Northeast Center for Youth and Families Inc. to repay about $1.2 million in misspent funds.
An audit of the agency, which serves children in Western Massachusetts and Connecticut, showed several violations of state spending practices during a five-year period from 2005 to 2009, she said.
An Easthampton social service agency that provides programs for about 600 troubled youth is being cited for overbilling, paying excessive employee bonuses and using state money to pay operating losses it incurred in Connecticut.
State Auditor Suzane M. Bump announced Thursday at her Western Massachusetts office in Chicopee that she is calling for Northeast Center for Youth and Families Inc. to repay about $1.2 million in misspent funds.
An audit of the agency, which serves children in Western Massachusetts and Connecticut, showed several violations of state spending practices during a five-year period from 2005 to 2009, she said.
Corporate Interests Threaten Children’s Welfare-The Kids Are Not All Right
Corporate Interests Threaten Children’s Welfare - NYTimes.com:
The Kids Are Not All Right
WHEN I sit with my two teenagers, and they are a million miles away, absorbed by the titillating roil of online social life, the addictive pull of video games and virtual worlds, as they stare endlessly at video clips and digital pictures of themselves and their friends, it feels like something is wrong.
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The Kids Are Not All Right
WHEN I sit with my two teenagers, and they are a million miles away, absorbed by the titillating roil of online social life, the addictive pull of video games and virtual worlds, as they stare endlessly at video clips and digital pictures of themselves and their friends, it feels like something is wrong.
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Government should stay away from our children
First in Print: Government should stay away from our children - Hillsdale, MI - Hillsdale.net:
Hillsdale, Mich. —
To the editor,
Thumbs up to Miss Sparks' recent editorial on the Parental Rights Amendment! While I agree that all of us have a responsibility to ensure the safety and growth of every child we can help, I am also opposed to our God-given rights as parents being shifted to governmental authorities...especially those of the United Nations!
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Hillsdale, Mich. —
To the editor,
Thumbs up to Miss Sparks' recent editorial on the Parental Rights Amendment! While I agree that all of us have a responsibility to ensure the safety and growth of every child we can help, I am also opposed to our God-given rights as parents being shifted to governmental authorities...especially those of the United Nations!
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School Ceases 'Intrusive' Sex Surveys Without Parental Consent
School Ceases 'Intrusive' Sex Surveys Without Parental Consent, Christian News:
Surveys that ask young students about their sex life, among other personal issues, will no longer be administered without parental consent at a Massachusetts school.
Fitchburg School Committee passed this week a new policy that says surveys will only be given to students who have permission from their parents to take it.
Surveys that ask young students about their sex life, among other personal issues, will no longer be administered without parental consent at a Massachusetts school.
Fitchburg School Committee passed this week a new policy that says surveys will only be given to students who have permission from their parents to take it.
Child Protective Services On Your Back! Moms, dads 10 pointers!
Child Protective Services On Your Back! Moms, dads 10 pointers! « Success Is The Best Revenge!:
1. Your child is not the only one in the system. All children are supposed to be special. All children need help. Every child is a priority.
2. You are not the only dad being investigated. Fathers everywhere have subjected children to physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. The children have to be protected. You may need help. You may not need to be removed from the child’s life.
3. You are not the only mom being investigated. There are moms who do not make their children a priority. There are moms everywhere who subject their children to abuse and neglect. There are moms who abandon their children. The child has a right to a healthy, wholesome life.
4. Your home is not the only household that is substandard. Dirty dishes, mold, fleas, trash, and infestations run rampant in some households. Some parents; including guardians are lackadaisical. Someone has to step up for the sake of the children.
5. You are not the only parent working two jobs. You can work 2 plus jobs; but, you have to ensure the well-being of your child. You are the parent, guardian, or caregiver. It is your responsibility to ensure your children are safe and secure; to include shelter and meals. Children cannot be left home alone unsupervised unless their age meets requirements. Until that child is emancipated or reaches adult age; the responsibility lies with a parent, guardian, or caregiver.
6. You are not the only one on TANF. TANF is not the reason you are being investigated. Your receiving benefits did not make you a target.
7. You are not the only one who needs to complete a program successfully to regain custody of your children. Personality disorders, substance abuse, family violence, abuse, neglect, and abandonment are issues that need to be addressed to determine if your home is a suitable environment for these children.,
8. Your being a parent does not mean that you are an effective parent. Parenting classes are for your benefit if you are sincere are regaining or retaining custody and care of your children.
9. You are not the only one whose children are in foster homes. Some children are in shelters. These children need a safe haven.
10. You are not the only one who want who wants their children returned to them. You are not the only one following necessary steps to regain or retain custody of your children. You are not the only one procrastinating. Your case is a priority just like everyone else. You have to express interest and involvement.
Moms, dads, guardians, caregivers wakeup! Do the right thing. Our children are being hurt. Our children are being killed. Innocent lives are being destroyed. The best revenge is education, prevention, and intervention to save our children. There are too many sources and resources to make a difference. Success is saving our children. http://www.awesomepapersawesomeresearch.info
1. Your child is not the only one in the system. All children are supposed to be special. All children need help. Every child is a priority.
2. You are not the only dad being investigated. Fathers everywhere have subjected children to physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. The children have to be protected. You may need help. You may not need to be removed from the child’s life.
3. You are not the only mom being investigated. There are moms who do not make their children a priority. There are moms everywhere who subject their children to abuse and neglect. There are moms who abandon their children. The child has a right to a healthy, wholesome life.
4. Your home is not the only household that is substandard. Dirty dishes, mold, fleas, trash, and infestations run rampant in some households. Some parents; including guardians are lackadaisical. Someone has to step up for the sake of the children.
5. You are not the only parent working two jobs. You can work 2 plus jobs; but, you have to ensure the well-being of your child. You are the parent, guardian, or caregiver. It is your responsibility to ensure your children are safe and secure; to include shelter and meals. Children cannot be left home alone unsupervised unless their age meets requirements. Until that child is emancipated or reaches adult age; the responsibility lies with a parent, guardian, or caregiver.
6. You are not the only one on TANF. TANF is not the reason you are being investigated. Your receiving benefits did not make you a target.
7. You are not the only one who needs to complete a program successfully to regain custody of your children. Personality disorders, substance abuse, family violence, abuse, neglect, and abandonment are issues that need to be addressed to determine if your home is a suitable environment for these children.,
8. Your being a parent does not mean that you are an effective parent. Parenting classes are for your benefit if you are sincere are regaining or retaining custody and care of your children.
9. You are not the only one whose children are in foster homes. Some children are in shelters. These children need a safe haven.
10. You are not the only one who want who wants their children returned to them. You are not the only one following necessary steps to regain or retain custody of your children. You are not the only one procrastinating. Your case is a priority just like everyone else. You have to express interest and involvement.
Moms, dads, guardians, caregivers wakeup! Do the right thing. Our children are being hurt. Our children are being killed. Innocent lives are being destroyed. The best revenge is education, prevention, and intervention to save our children. There are too many sources and resources to make a difference. Success is saving our children. http://www.awesomepapersawesomeresearch.info
Murdered boys remembered at Dallas funeral
Murdered boys remembered at Dallas funeral | Dallas News:
DALLAS — Family and friends couldn’t hold back the tears Saturday when they stepped inside Inspiring Body of Christ Church in Dallas.
One by one, they walked up to two pale blue coffins for Elijah, 3, and his five-year-old brother Naim Muhammad.
DALLAS — Family and friends couldn’t hold back the tears Saturday when they stepped inside Inspiring Body of Christ Church in Dallas.
One by one, they walked up to two pale blue coffins for Elijah, 3, and his five-year-old brother Naim Muhammad.
Experts' reports pending in child death
Experts' reports pending in child death | WOOD TV8:
BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (WOOD) - It's been nearly a month since 3-year-old Baylee Stenman died, but investigators say they need more information on the girl's medical condition before deciding whether this is a criminal case.
Experts' reports pending in child death: woodtv.com
BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (WOOD) - It's been nearly a month since 3-year-old Baylee Stenman died, but investigators say they need more information on the girl's medical condition before deciding whether this is a criminal case.
Merrimack, N.H. Police Say Infant Drowned In Bathtub
Merrimack, N.H. Police Say Infant Drowned In Bathtub « CBS Boston:
MERRIMACK, N.H. (AP) – Merrimack police say an investigation into the death of an 8-month-old infant inside a home has confirmed that the boy drowned in a bathtub.
MERRIMACK, N.H. (AP) – Merrimack police say an investigation into the death of an 8-month-old infant inside a home has confirmed that the boy drowned in a bathtub.
Man may be father of baby born to girl, 11
Man may be father of baby born to girl, 11 - UPI.com:
MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich., Aug. 26 (UPI) -- Sheriff's officials in Michigan said Friday a 28-year-old man may be the father of a baby born to an 11-year-old girl.
Read more:
MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich., Aug. 26 (UPI) -- Sheriff's officials in Michigan said Friday a 28-year-old man may be the father of a baby born to an 11-year-old girl.
Read more:
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Report cites flaws in raid at polygamist site
Report cites flaws in raid at polygamist site - San Antonio Express-News:
When child welfare officials raided the West Texas polygamist compound led by Warren Jeffs, they seriously underestimated the number of children they would find — a miscalculation that limited the success of the investigation into child abuse, according to a new paper by local experts.
Read more:
When child welfare officials raided the West Texas polygamist compound led by Warren Jeffs, they seriously underestimated the number of children they would find — a miscalculation that limited the success of the investigation into child abuse, according to a new paper by local experts.
Read more:
Child's Legal Father, a Sex Offender, and Grandmother Fight for Custody
Child's Legal Father, a Sex Offender, and Grandmother Fight for Custody - U.S. Politics Today - News Media Monitoring:
August 27, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Case is Complicated by Biological Father, Who Also Now Wants Custody of Young Girl
Child custody issues are possibly some of the most contentious cases in family law. As couples dissolve relationships, conflict over influence and contact with their adopted, step and biological children can become a new battleground. A prime example is the case of little Miranda Wilkerson, where the battle is between Miranda's grandmother and her legal father, who is a registered sex offender, and her biological father, who was not married to Miranda's mother at the time of birth.
August 27, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Case is Complicated by Biological Father, Who Also Now Wants Custody of Young Girl
Child custody issues are possibly some of the most contentious cases in family law. As couples dissolve relationships, conflict over influence and contact with their adopted, step and biological children can become a new battleground. A prime example is the case of little Miranda Wilkerson, where the battle is between Miranda's grandmother and her legal father, who is a registered sex offender, and her biological father, who was not married to Miranda's mother at the time of birth.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children
AFRA Front Page News: Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children:
Subject: Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 11:19:31 -0400
From: veracare
To: Infomail1@ahrp. org
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
An Op Ed in The New York Times by Joel Bakan, a law professor at the University of British Columbia, is the author of "Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children", provides insight into the conflict between laws enacted to protect children's best interest and the newly emerging laws that protect corporate best interests.
This conflict of interest has resulted in devastating consequences: children's best interest, their health and welfare have been sacrificed by for corporate profits.
Bakan cites childhood obesity resulting from irresponsible advertising by the purveyors of junk food. And the proliferation of toxic chemicals in children's environment that have undermined their health. And he cites under-regulated pharmaceutical industry practices, noting that corporate deception led to widespread prescribing of psychotropic drugs for children:
"we medicate increasing numbers of children with potentially harmful psychotropic drugs, a trend fueled in part by questionable and under-regulated pharmaceutical industry practices.
In the early 2000s, for example, drug companies withheld data suggesting that such drugs were more dangerous and less effective for children and teenagers than parents had been led to believe.
The law now requires "black box" warnings on those drugs' labels, but regulators have done little more to protect children from sometimes unneeded and dangerous drug treatments."
While the statement is true, readers are not informed about the actual scope and magnitude of the deceptive practices by pharmaceutical companies and their professional healthcare "partners" in government and academia that are undermining children's health and welfare.
Read Corrupt Practices section on the AHRP website. For example, Confidential Expert Witness Report Documents Psychiatrists' Corrupt
Practices at: http://www.ahrp.org/cms/content/view/822/70/
Read more... http://www.ahrp.org/cms/content/view/832/9/
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
Subject: Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 11:19:31 -0400
From: veracare
To: Infomail1@ahrp. org
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
An Op Ed in The New York Times by Joel Bakan, a law professor at the University of British Columbia, is the author of "Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children", provides insight into the conflict between laws enacted to protect children's best interest and the newly emerging laws that protect corporate best interests.
This conflict of interest has resulted in devastating consequences: children's best interest, their health and welfare have been sacrificed by for corporate profits.
Bakan cites childhood obesity resulting from irresponsible advertising by the purveyors of junk food. And the proliferation of toxic chemicals in children's environment that have undermined their health. And he cites under-regulated pharmaceutical industry practices, noting that corporate deception led to widespread prescribing of psychotropic drugs for children:
"we medicate increasing numbers of children with potentially harmful psychotropic drugs, a trend fueled in part by questionable and under-regulated pharmaceutical industry practices.
In the early 2000s, for example, drug companies withheld data suggesting that such drugs were more dangerous and less effective for children and teenagers than parents had been led to believe.
The law now requires "black box" warnings on those drugs' labels, but regulators have done little more to protect children from sometimes unneeded and dangerous drug treatments."
While the statement is true, readers are not informed about the actual scope and magnitude of the deceptive practices by pharmaceutical companies and their professional healthcare "partners" in government and academia that are undermining children's health and welfare.
Read Corrupt Practices section on the AHRP website. For example, Confidential Expert Witness Report Documents Psychiatrists' Corrupt
Practices at: http://www.ahrp.org/cms/content/view/822/70/
Read more... http://www.ahrp.org/cms/content/view/832/9/
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
Grandparents play a bigger role in child-rearing-NH DCYF AND CASA don't allow it!
Grandparents play a bigger role in child-rearing - USATODAY.com:
Except in New Hampshire. Grandparent's aren't allowed to help their children and grandchildren. So say's DCYF/CPS AND CASA!
WASHINGTON – America is swiftly becoming a granny state.
Less frail and more involved, today's grandparents are shunning retirement homes and stepping in more than ever to raise grandchildren while young adults struggle in the poor economy.
Except in New Hampshire. Grandparent's aren't allowed to help their children and grandchildren. So say's DCYF/CPS AND CASA!
WASHINGTON – America is swiftly becoming a granny state.
Less frail and more involved, today's grandparents are shunning retirement homes and stepping in more than ever to raise grandchildren while young adults struggle in the poor economy.
Look Who Target Support's-Not Our Vet's!
by Terrestia Moore
My aunt sent me the following article: Please repost and we should not buy from Target. I know for me, as a person that had a son that died fighting for this country, I will never step foot in another Target. Look who Target Supports. Can't believe they don't support the people that fight for this country.
Target Stores - What a surprise
Wasn't it last Christmas that Target refused to let the Salvation Army ring their bells in front of their stores?
Dick Forrey of the Vietnam Veterans Association wrote.
'Recently we asked the local TARGET store to be a proud
Sponsor of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall during our
Spring recognition event.
We received the following reply
From the local TARGET management:
' Veterans do not meet our
Area of giving. We only donate to the arts, social action
Groups, gay & lesbian causes, and education.'
So I'm thinking, if the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall and
Veterans in general, do not meet their donation criteria,
Then something is really wrong at this TARGET store.
We were
Not asking for thousands of dollars, not even hundreds, just
A small sponsorship for a memorial remembrance.
As a follow-up, I, E-mailed the TARGET U.S.. Corporate
Headquarters and their response was the same...
That's their
National policy!!!
Then I looked into the company further..
They will not allow
The Marines to collect for 'Toys for Tots'at any of their
Stores. And during the recent Iraq deployment,they would
Not allow families of employees who were called up for
Active duty to continue their insurance coverage while
They were on military service..
Then as I dig further,
Is a French-owned corporation.
Now, I'm thinking again...
If TARGET cannot support American (or Canadian) Veterans, then why should my family and I support their
Stores by spending our hard earned American (or Canadian) dollars in their stores???
Have their profits sent to France .
Without the American (and Canadian)
Vets, where would France be today?
'They, most likely would be speaking German and trading in Deutsch Marks'
Dick Forrey
Veterans Helping Veterans
Please send this on to everyone you know
To let Target know
We don't need them either !
we’re all in a position to reduce sales to these stores as soon as this get around! ! ! !
My aunt sent me the following article: Please repost and we should not buy from Target. I know for me, as a person that had a son that died fighting for this country, I will never step foot in another Target. Look who Target Supports. Can't believe they don't support the people that fight for this country.
Target Stores - What a surprise
Wasn't it last Christmas that Target refused to let the Salvation Army ring their bells in front of their stores?
Dick Forrey of the Vietnam Veterans Association wrote.
'Recently we asked the local TARGET store to be a proud
Sponsor of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall during our
Spring recognition event.
We received the following reply
From the local TARGET management:
' Veterans do not meet our
Area of giving. We only donate to the arts, social action
Groups, gay & lesbian causes, and education.'
So I'm thinking, if the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall and
Veterans in general, do not meet their donation criteria,
Then something is really wrong at this TARGET store.
We were
Not asking for thousands of dollars, not even hundreds, just
A small sponsorship for a memorial remembrance.
As a follow-up, I, E-mailed the TARGET U.S.. Corporate
Headquarters and their response was the same...
That's their
National policy!!!
Then I looked into the company further..
They will not allow
The Marines to collect for 'Toys for Tots'at any of their
Stores. And during the recent Iraq deployment,they would
Not allow families of employees who were called up for
Active duty to continue their insurance coverage while
They were on military service..
Then as I dig further,
Is a French-owned corporation.
Now, I'm thinking again...
If TARGET cannot support American (or Canadian) Veterans, then why should my family and I support their
Stores by spending our hard earned American (or Canadian) dollars in their stores???
Have their profits sent to France .
Without the American (and Canadian)
Vets, where would France be today?
'They, most likely would be speaking German and trading in Deutsch Marks'
Dick Forrey
Veterans Helping Veterans
Please send this on to everyone you know
To let Target know
We don't need them either !
we’re all in a position to reduce sales to these stores as soon as this get around! ! ! !
Child Abuse Commited By CYF Caregivers
Child Abuse Commited By CYF Caregivers | Stuff.co.nz:
Foster parents abused 30 children placed in their care by Child, Youth and Family in the past year – and children are still being looked after by caregivers under police investigation for abuse.
The figures have been released to The Dominion Post after seven months following an investigation by the Ombudsman after the Social Development Ministry said there were no central records of caregiver abuse.
Foster parents abused 30 children placed in their care by Child, Youth and Family in the past year – and children are still being looked after by caregivers under police investigation for abuse.
The figures have been released to The Dominion Post after seven months following an investigation by the Ombudsman after the Social Development Ministry said there were no central records of caregiver abuse.
Child protection groups furious after man who killed his son permitted to coach children
Child protection groups furious after man who killed his son permitted to coach children | News.com.au:
"A MAN who killed his child with a blow to the stomach has been given the green light to work with kids - despite state government opposition.
The elbow assault of the five-year-old boy left him with massive fatal internal injuries, the Herald Sun reported."
"A MAN who killed his child with a blow to the stomach has been given the green light to work with kids - despite state government opposition.
The elbow assault of the five-year-old boy left him with massive fatal internal injuries, the Herald Sun reported."
HHS Website Advocates Early Sexualization of Children
HHS Website Advocates Early Sexualization of Children:
The United States Department of Human Health Services seems to be pushing for the sexualization of young children. According to the HHS website, children are in fact “sexual beings.” This revelation comes around the same time as a group of psychologists are pushing to decriminalize pedophilia. The combination could prove to be a recipe for trouble and for the loss of childhood innocence.
SICK! Leave it to DHHS! Protector's of No-one but themselves! Idiots!!!
The United States Department of Human Health Services seems to be pushing for the sexualization of young children. According to the HHS website, children are in fact “sexual beings.” This revelation comes around the same time as a group of psychologists are pushing to decriminalize pedophilia. The combination could prove to be a recipe for trouble and for the loss of childhood innocence.
SICK! Leave it to DHHS! Protector's of No-one but themselves! Idiots!!!
Massachusetts Title IV-E adoption assistance costs
Massachusetts Title IV-E adoption assistance costs
I can't wait until they assess New Hampshire!
Attached, for your information, is an advance copy of our final report on Massachusetts
Title IV-E adoption assistance costs. We will issue this report to the Department of Children
& Families within 5 business days. This report is part of a nationwide review of Title IV-E
adoption assistance costs.
I can't wait until they assess New Hampshire!
Attached, for your information, is an advance copy of our final report on Massachusetts
Title IV-E adoption assistance costs. We will issue this report to the Department of Children
& Families within 5 business days. This report is part of a nationwide review of Title IV-E
adoption assistance costs.
Florida Department of Children and Families-TWO ARRESTED FOR FALSELY REPORTING CHILD ABUSE
Press Release - Florida Department of Children and Families:
~ DCF, Sarasota Police Department join forces to combat false reporting~
SARASOTA – The Sarasota Police Department arrested two local parents recently for falsely reporting child abuse to the state's abuse hotline. The Florida Department of Children and Families submitted this information to law enforcement after being concerned in both cases that the state hotline was being used inappropriately.
~ DCF, Sarasota Police Department join forces to combat false reporting~
SARASOTA – The Sarasota Police Department arrested two local parents recently for falsely reporting child abuse to the state's abuse hotline. The Florida Department of Children and Families submitted this information to law enforcement after being concerned in both cases that the state hotline was being used inappropriately.
Kinship Care preferable to foster care
Guest essay: Kinship Care preferable to foster care - Penfield, NY - Penfield Post:
Rochester, N.Y. —
Amelia mourns the death of her daughter while facing the challenge of caring for four grandchildren with very limited means. She is lost within the system and confused. Catholic Family Center’s Kinship Care Resource Network could have provided the support she so desperately needs to keep her grandchildren out of foster care. Sadly, funding for the program was cut from the New York State budget.
Rochester, N.Y. —
Amelia mourns the death of her daughter while facing the challenge of caring for four grandchildren with very limited means. She is lost within the system and confused. Catholic Family Center’s Kinship Care Resource Network could have provided the support she so desperately needs to keep her grandchildren out of foster care. Sadly, funding for the program was cut from the New York State budget.
Idaho Man Faces Jail for Killing Grizzly Threatening Kids
Idaho Man Faces Jail for Killing Grizzly Threatening Kids:
Neighbors, friends, and politicians are coming to the aid of Jeremy Hill, an Idaho father who faces jail time for shooting a grizzly bear that wandered into his yard and threatened his children.
Sick! What did they want him to do, let the bear eat his kids?
Neighbors, friends, and politicians are coming to the aid of Jeremy Hill, an Idaho father who faces jail time for shooting a grizzly bear that wandered into his yard and threatened his children.
Sick! What did they want him to do, let the bear eat his kids?
Former pediatrician sentenced to 14-life sentences for sexual abuse
BREAKING: Former pediatrician sentenced to 14-life sentences for sexual abuse - Wilmington New Moms | Examiner.com:
Amidst threats of evacuations and an impending hurricane, former Delaware pediatrician Earl Bradley has been given 14 life sentences without parole, totalling 165 years in prison, according to WMDT on Fri. Aug. 26, 2011.
He was given a guilty verdict on Thurs. June 23, 2011 at 3 p.m. for 24 counts of sexual assault against 86 of his young patients and the exploitation of a child.
Amidst threats of evacuations and an impending hurricane, former Delaware pediatrician Earl Bradley has been given 14 life sentences without parole, totalling 165 years in prison, according to WMDT on Fri. Aug. 26, 2011.
He was given a guilty verdict on Thurs. June 23, 2011 at 3 p.m. for 24 counts of sexual assault against 86 of his young patients and the exploitation of a child.
Former Children's Protective Services worker convicted of identity theft sentenced to 30 years in prison
Former Children's Protective Services worker convicted of identity theft sentenced to 30 years in prison | abc13.com:
HOUSTON (KTRK) -- A former employee with Children's Protective Services has been sentenced to prison for her part in an identity theft scheme.
HOUSTON (KTRK) -- A former employee with Children's Protective Services has been sentenced to prison for her part in an identity theft scheme.
Your Child's Brain On Mercury
Your Child's Brain On Mercury | Care2 Causes:
'via Blog this'
These days, as the EPA is denounced as a job-killer, I often think about a story from the deep, dark, long-ago era of the twentieth century.
Once upon a time, a gleaming, modern chemicals factory fueled Japan’s burgeoning plastics industry, providing jobs and wealth for the Minamata community. The busy factory deposited its untreated, polluted industrial wastewater directly into Minamata Bay, and although fish populations in the bay dwindled, the factory kept expanding, and the wastewater kept flowing. The factory was successful.
Read more:
'via Blog this'
These days, as the EPA is denounced as a job-killer, I often think about a story from the deep, dark, long-ago era of the twentieth century.
Once upon a time, a gleaming, modern chemicals factory fueled Japan’s burgeoning plastics industry, providing jobs and wealth for the Minamata community. The busy factory deposited its untreated, polluted industrial wastewater directly into Minamata Bay, and although fish populations in the bay dwindled, the factory kept expanding, and the wastewater kept flowing. The factory was successful.
Read more:
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The ADHD Scam and the Mass Drugging of Schoolchildren (Transcript)
The ADHD Scam and the Mass Drugging of Schoolchildren (Transcript):
(NaturalNews) Today I am bringing you news from the world of ADHD, because scientists claim they have found a difference in the brains of children with ADHD versus "normal" children. The brains of these children who have been diagnosed with ADHD were scanned with an MRI machine. They compared 40,000 different points in their brains looking for signs of thickness in the brain tissue.
They discovered that the brains of children diagnosed with ADHD were a little behind schedule in growing. Yes, you heard that right. They said they are about three years behind the brains of other children. Everything else was normal. They said if they wait three years those children will catch up and turn out just fine.
Note: As to the above paragraph, I believe this to be true. My grandson Austin was IEP tested in school for ADHD before he was stolen by Nashua, NH DCYF. We were told he did NOT have ADHD. We were told he was slower than the other kids his age, but he would be fine. Isn't it rather odd that DCYF can steal a child and get the diagnosis of their choice, even though the child has already been tested by his neighborhood school, ALL for Federal BLOOD Money? Why are the school's wasting money on testing children, when DCYF can turn around and diaganose children to their advantage?
Learn more:
(NaturalNews) Today I am bringing you news from the world of ADHD, because scientists claim they have found a difference in the brains of children with ADHD versus "normal" children. The brains of these children who have been diagnosed with ADHD were scanned with an MRI machine. They compared 40,000 different points in their brains looking for signs of thickness in the brain tissue.
They discovered that the brains of children diagnosed with ADHD were a little behind schedule in growing. Yes, you heard that right. They said they are about three years behind the brains of other children. Everything else was normal. They said if they wait three years those children will catch up and turn out just fine.
Note: As to the above paragraph, I believe this to be true. My grandson Austin was IEP tested in school for ADHD before he was stolen by Nashua, NH DCYF. We were told he did NOT have ADHD. We were told he was slower than the other kids his age, but he would be fine. Isn't it rather odd that DCYF can steal a child and get the diagnosis of their choice, even though the child has already been tested by his neighborhood school, ALL for Federal BLOOD Money? Why are the school's wasting money on testing children, when DCYF can turn around and diaganose children to their advantage?
Learn more:
Greed, Corruption and Abuse by Child Protective Services
Greed, Corruption and Abuse by Child Protective Services:
Stolen for Profit
There is a crime that is being committed every day under the guise of "best interest of the child." This crime is being committed by Child Protective Services using Adoption and Safe Families Act and Title IV Funding as their yardstick.
Child Protective Services R Pedophiles,Killers & Abusers?
Foster mom hopes Foster abuse case won't cause more red tape
Foster mom hopes abuse case won't cause more red tape | 13abc.com:
There is new information linked to a high profile abuse case involving two foster parents charged with child endangering.
There is new information linked to a high profile abuse case involving two foster parents charged with child endangering.
Lawsuit charges DSHS failed to protect foster kids
Lawsuit charges
DSHS failed to protect foster kids - KCPQ: "TACOMA —
For years, four Tacoma children were tortured and terrorized sexually, physically and emotionally.
Their foster father confessed and was convicted of the crimes, but now a lawsuit points the finger at the state."
DSHS failed to protect foster kids - KCPQ: "TACOMA —
For years, four Tacoma children were tortured and terrorized sexually, physically and emotionally.
Their foster father confessed and was convicted of the crimes, but now a lawsuit points the finger at the state."
Foster Child who died in hot car may have been beaten
Child who died in hot car may have been beaten:
A 3-year-old child who died while locked in a car in Hardin on a 93-degree day may have been beaten earlier that morning on the Crow Reservation.
Read more:
What to Do When You Are Falsely Accused of Child Abuse
What to Do When You Are Falsely Accused of Child Abuse:
'via Blog this'
Child abuse is one of the greatest crimes and getting accused of it is definitely grave. If you are falsely accused of child abuse, you need to consider it seriously and deal with it in a careful way. Follow the do's and don'ts in the following article to get out of the allegation safely.
Child abuse is a very sensitive issue and it can amount to a serious legal punishment to the person found guilty. Though it is illegal to file a false child abuse case, it happens very often in every part of the world. Let me point out some common reasons as to why one can be falsely accused of child accuse. In the first place, if it is a divorce case, the allegation is made by the mother in order to get the child's custody. She either accuses the father of physical abuse or sexual ill treatment. The child also gives false statements about it. Whether the child's accusation is deliberate, coached, or a mistake, it is enough to ruin the lives of all the three; the father, the child and the mother. There are various types of child abuse namely, physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse.
Read More at the above link:
'via Blog this'
Child abuse is one of the greatest crimes and getting accused of it is definitely grave. If you are falsely accused of child abuse, you need to consider it seriously and deal with it in a careful way. Follow the do's and don'ts in the following article to get out of the allegation safely.
Child abuse is a very sensitive issue and it can amount to a serious legal punishment to the person found guilty. Though it is illegal to file a false child abuse case, it happens very often in every part of the world. Let me point out some common reasons as to why one can be falsely accused of child accuse. In the first place, if it is a divorce case, the allegation is made by the mother in order to get the child's custody. She either accuses the father of physical abuse or sexual ill treatment. The child also gives false statements about it. Whether the child's accusation is deliberate, coached, or a mistake, it is enough to ruin the lives of all the three; the father, the child and the mother. There are various types of child abuse namely, physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse.
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SC Sees Sharp Growth in Non-Traditional Families
SC Sees Sharp Growth in Non-Traditional Families | WSPA:
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Columbia, SC --
The traditional family of a husband, wife and their kids isn't as common in South Carolina as it used to be.
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Columbia, SC --
The traditional family of a husband, wife and their kids isn't as common in South Carolina as it used to be.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Franklin County's New Group Home a Mistake, Expert Says
Franklin County's New Group Home a Mistake, Expert Says - St. Louis News - Daily RFT:
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In Washington, Missouri, officials have signed off on a deal to lease a building owned jointly by the city and Franklin County to a new nonprofit called the Sisters of Grace of Franklin County. The Sisters will pay just $1 -- and they'll use the building as a group home for foster kids, the Missourian reports. The project has earned plenty of good ink; the paper quotes a Franklin County official calling it a "win-win."
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In Washington, Missouri, officials have signed off on a deal to lease a building owned jointly by the city and Franklin County to a new nonprofit called the Sisters of Grace of Franklin County. The Sisters will pay just $1 -- and they'll use the building as a group home for foster kids, the Missourian reports. The project has earned plenty of good ink; the paper quotes a Franklin County official calling it a "win-win."
Coroner: Central Illinois Four-Year-Old's Death Homicide
Coroner: Central Illinois Four-Year-Old's Death Homicide - MyStateLine.com:
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Peoria) -- A Peoria County coroner's jury has ruled that a four-year-old girl in foster care did not die of a seizure or other natural causes.
The Bloomington Pantagraph reports that Kianna Rudesill's death has been ruled a homicide.
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Peoria) -- A Peoria County coroner's jury has ruled that a four-year-old girl in foster care did not die of a seizure or other natural causes.
The Bloomington Pantagraph reports that Kianna Rudesill's death has been ruled a homicide.
Child protection agency loses contracts
Child protection agency loses contracts:
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A Uniting Church child protection agency investigated over a series of alleged incidents at one of its homes has lost its contracts to another agency run by the same church.
Orana UnitingCare came under the spotlight when carers left a nine-year-old boy who was under the agency's protection in a suburban park overnight.
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A Uniting Church child protection agency investigated over a series of alleged incidents at one of its homes has lost its contracts to another agency run by the same church.
Orana UnitingCare came under the spotlight when carers left a nine-year-old boy who was under the agency's protection in a suburban park overnight.
CPS safety monitor, boyfriend linked to baby's broken bones, cigarette burn
CPS safety monitor, boyfriend linked to baby's broken bones, cigarette burn - East Valley Tribune: East Valley Local News:
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A safety monitor approved by Child Protective Services to be a caregiver for a 4-month-old girl and the woman’s boyfriend were arrested by Chandler police on Tuesday after an investigation revealed that the baby had 14 broken bones and a cigarette burn.
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A safety monitor approved by Child Protective Services to be a caregiver for a 4-month-old girl and the woman’s boyfriend were arrested by Chandler police on Tuesday after an investigation revealed that the baby had 14 broken bones and a cigarette burn.
Baby dropped from parking structure dies
Baby dropped from parking structure dies [UPDATED] - latimes.com:
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[Updated at 3:36 p.m., Aug. 24: Prosecutors are charging a La Habra woman with murder after she allegedly dropped her 7-month-old son from the roof of a parking structure. She is now scheduled to be arraigned Thursday on the new charges of murder and child abuse resulting in death, with a maximum sentence of 25 years to life in prison.]
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[Updated at 3:36 p.m., Aug. 24: Prosecutors are charging a La Habra woman with murder after she allegedly dropped her 7-month-old son from the roof of a parking structure. She is now scheduled to be arraigned Thursday on the new charges of murder and child abuse resulting in death, with a maximum sentence of 25 years to life in prison.]
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Miranda Wilkerson Was Given to a Sex Offender in July
Miranda Wilkerson Was Given to a Sex Offender in July | firstcoastnews.com
FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. -- A group of local officials met at State Rep. Janet Adkins' office Tuesday morning to try and change the law that sent a child to live with a registered sex offender.
FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. -- A group of local officials met at State Rep. Janet Adkins' office Tuesday morning to try and change the law that sent a child to live with a registered sex offender.
What a Terrible Parent a State Makes
Cherie Miller On What a Terrible Parent a State Makes | Juvenile Justice Information Exchange
I went into foster parenting with a touch of optimism, a dash of parenting skills and a whole heap of naiveté, none of which prepared me for the role of foster parent. One of my first lessons was the tenuous role I actually was allowed to play in two little girl’s lives.
I went into foster parenting with a touch of optimism, a dash of parenting skills and a whole heap of naiveté, none of which prepared me for the role of foster parent. One of my first lessons was the tenuous role I actually was allowed to play in two little girl’s lives.
Adopted Foster Kids
Adopted Foster Kids : I Hate Child Abuse Story & Experience
This story is SICK!!!
Hey, I guess I just need to vent a little and this looks like the place to do it... Forgive me if I ramble on forever.
My aunt and her wife adopted eight children from the foster care system in California over the last nine years. We've always supported them in their journey to adopting these kids but now I regret it immensely. Recently I went to help build an addition on the house, while there one of the boys broke my foot with his bike and so my aunt let me stay there while I healed as I could not place that burden upon my mother. To my horror, I found out she'd beaten the boy with a broom over his knees and feet until she couldn't catch her breath for what was an accident a few weeks later from the eldest child.
Read More at the above link:
This story is SICK!!!
Hey, I guess I just need to vent a little and this looks like the place to do it... Forgive me if I ramble on forever.
My aunt and her wife adopted eight children from the foster care system in California over the last nine years. We've always supported them in their journey to adopting these kids but now I regret it immensely. Recently I went to help build an addition on the house, while there one of the boys broke my foot with his bike and so my aunt let me stay there while I healed as I could not place that burden upon my mother. To my horror, I found out she'd beaten the boy with a broom over his knees and feet until she couldn't catch her breath for what was an accident a few weeks later from the eldest child.
Read More at the above link:
4 sue state over abusive Tacoma foster "House of Horror"
Local News | 4 sue state over abusive Tacoma foster home | Seattle Times Newspaper
Four former foster children sue the state Department of Social and Health Services, saying their abusive foster parents should never have been licensed.
Four former foster children who say they were terrorized and abused in a Tacoma foster home that never should have been licensed have filed a lawsuit against the state Department of Social and Health Services.
Four former foster children sue the state Department of Social and Health Services, saying their abusive foster parents should never have been licensed.
Four former foster children who say they were terrorized and abused in a Tacoma foster home that never should have been licensed have filed a lawsuit against the state Department of Social and Health Services.
Emerson physician accused of jabbing 13-year-old Adopted Daughter with screwdriver 100 times
Emerson physician accused of jabbing 13-year-old with screwdriver 100 times - NorthJersey.com
An Emerson physician is accused of stabbing her 13-year-old adopted daughter with a screwdriver at least 100 times because the girl failed to wash her dog’s clothes properly, police and health officials said.
Sylvia S. Lee
Dr. Sylvia S. Lee, an allergist with offices in Wayne and Old Bridge, faces felony charges of aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child.
An Emerson physician is accused of stabbing her 13-year-old adopted daughter with a screwdriver at least 100 times because the girl failed to wash her dog’s clothes properly, police and health officials said.
Sylvia S. Lee
Dr. Sylvia S. Lee, an allergist with offices in Wayne and Old Bridge, faces felony charges of aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child.
Las Vegas Foster Child Focus Of International Custody Battle
Las Vegas Foster Child Focus Of International Custody Battle | FoxNews.com: NORTH LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – P
NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Police in Nevada say an international custody battle has stalled over a 3-year-old girl who disappeared from a North Las Vegas foster home and ended up in Mexico.
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NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Police in Nevada say an international custody battle has stalled over a 3-year-old girl who disappeared from a North Las Vegas foster home and ended up in Mexico.
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Police: DCF Employee Had Cocaine In Home 3-10-2010
Police: DCF Employee Had Cocaine In Home 3-10-2010 - WFSB Channel 3 - Hartford News, Weather and Sports
Farmington police seized almost 100 vials of powdered cocaine in the home of an employee with the Department of Children and Families.
Police said she and her boyfriend were arrested after weeks of investigation. The employee of DCF has two children living in her home, one 4 years old, according to police.
Farmington police seized almost 100 vials of powdered cocaine in the home of an employee with the Department of Children and Families.
Police said she and her boyfriend were arrested after weeks of investigation. The employee of DCF has two children living in her home, one 4 years old, according to police.
Legally Kidnapped: By Anonymous
Legally Kidnapped: By Anonymous
I am your community social worker, I am a lying Mother Fucker!
I will smile for you, when you open the door,
but once inside, I'll be slick as a whore!
I will tell you exactly what you want to hear,
I'll tell you i want to help you, i'll tell you i care.
But back to my office, i'll run like a rat,but not to fast, for i am ugly and fat!
I will make up some lies, and untruths too,
no one will question me, no one but you.
And who are u to question me?.i am not accountable to anybody!
I have to much power for my own good,
I took your children, cause i knew i could!
I will abuse my authority, to laugh in ur face,
but when around others,i will act real nice!
society thinks ,i'm here to help you and ur kids,
when in fact, i'm so jealous, i need to take meds!
I take my meds,cause my life is so pathetic,
and to watch you in misery,makes me ecstatic!
And i feel so much better, when watching ur pain
why................because your loss is my gain!
It gives me a tingle, deep in my crotch, I then tighten my belt, another notch!
I am not even sorry, for hurting you and others,
you'd think i'd be ashamed,steeling babies from their mothers!
But it is now that i start, to feel a Lil scared,
because if parents unite,they'll be a force to be feared
If parents unite,they will have their day,
then no more tricks, i shall play!
I never thought, that the poor and proud,
would fight back, with voices so loud!
Oh forgive me dear parents, for all my lies and shit!
I really thought, that i would get away with it!
so back to my gutter, like a rat ,i shall scurry,
for when im found out, i know i'll be sorry!!
I am your community social worker, I am a lying Mother Fucker!
I will smile for you, when you open the door,
but once inside, I'll be slick as a whore!
I will tell you exactly what you want to hear,
I'll tell you i want to help you, i'll tell you i care.
But back to my office, i'll run like a rat,but not to fast, for i am ugly and fat!
I will make up some lies, and untruths too,
no one will question me, no one but you.
And who are u to question me?.i am not accountable to anybody!
I have to much power for my own good,
I took your children, cause i knew i could!
I will abuse my authority, to laugh in ur face,
but when around others,i will act real nice!
society thinks ,i'm here to help you and ur kids,
when in fact, i'm so jealous, i need to take meds!
I take my meds,cause my life is so pathetic,
and to watch you in misery,makes me ecstatic!
And i feel so much better, when watching ur pain
why................because your loss is my gain!
It gives me a tingle, deep in my crotch, I then tighten my belt, another notch!
I am not even sorry, for hurting you and others,
you'd think i'd be ashamed,steeling babies from their mothers!
But it is now that i start, to feel a Lil scared,
because if parents unite,they'll be a force to be feared
If parents unite,they will have their day,
then no more tricks, i shall play!
I never thought, that the poor and proud,
would fight back, with voices so loud!
Oh forgive me dear parents, for all my lies and shit!
I really thought, that i would get away with it!
so back to my gutter, like a rat ,i shall scurry,
for when im found out, i know i'll be sorry!!
Accused serial adoption-seeker gets suspended sentence for police report fraud
Accused serial adoption-seeker gets suspended sentence for police report fraud | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs
A woman accused of repeatedly offering a nonexistent baby for adoptions that never took place has been granted a suspended sentence and probation after she agreed to plead guilty to charges involving a false sexual abuse report.
A woman accused of repeatedly offering a nonexistent baby for adoptions that never took place has been granted a suspended sentence and probation after she agreed to plead guilty to charges involving a false sexual abuse report.
Child Protective Services worker jailed
Fredericksburg.com - Child Protective Services worker jailed
Woman faces drug distribution and weapons charges, police say.
A Spotsylvania County Child Protective Services worker and two family members face drug charges in Westmoreland County.
According to Westmoreland Sheriff C.O. Balderson, a search warrant was executed July 25 at a home in the 100 block of Stratford Circle in Colonial Beach.
Woman faces drug distribution and weapons charges, police say.
A Spotsylvania County Child Protective Services worker and two family members face drug charges in Westmoreland County.
According to Westmoreland Sheriff C.O. Balderson, a search warrant was executed July 25 at a home in the 100 block of Stratford Circle in Colonial Beach.
Investigation into death of toddler Christian Jackson continues-New Hampshire
Investigation into death of toddler Christian Jackson continues | New Hampshire NEWS15
NASHUA — It has been six months since 3-year-old Christian Jackson was murdered, and prosecutors investigating the homicide say they are optimistic that justice will be served.
NASHUA — It has been six months since 3-year-old Christian Jackson was murdered, and prosecutors investigating the homicide say they are optimistic that justice will be served.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Adoption & Child Welfare LawSite - Revocation, Disruption, and Dissolution
Adoption & Child Welfare LawSite - Revocation, Disruption, and Dissolution
Sometimes the unfortunate circumstance arises in which an adoption cannot proceed and thus revocation or disruption of the adoption occurs. These terms are commonly mistaken for the process in which a finalized adoption is dissolved. This FAQ will define each of these terms and give you some basic requirements for when these terms are applied.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Revocation?
A: Revocation is when a birth parent nullifies their consent to the adoption of the child prior to the finalization of the adoption.
Q: What is Disruption?
A: Disruption is an adoption that does not become final even though the adoptive parents have been identified. This may also be known as a failed adoption attempt.
Q: What is Dissolution?
A: Dissolution is the voiding of a legal adoption after there has been a final decree. Mutual consent of the adoptive and birth parents is generally a reason for dissolution.
Q: What is the common standard for courts when considering the revocation, dissolution or disruption of adoptions?
A: Most courts in all 50 states follow the “best interest of the child” standard. The courts look at the circumstances surrounding the adoption and the parties involved and determine whether it is in the child’s best interest to dissolve the adoption or return the child to the birth parents or legal custodian.
Q: What factors do the courts look at when determining the best interest of the child?
A: The courts look at a variety of factors including, but not limited to: the relationships developed between the adopting parents and the child, the child’s adjustment, the mental and physical health of all involved, the age of the child, the interrelationship with the child’s biological relatives including siblings, and the ability of the birth parents to provide for the child.
Q: What are some of the requirements for consent to be irrevocable?
A: Requirements vary from state to state, but all states require consent be given freely and voluntarily without undue influence, duress or fraud. Most states require the consent to be written and witnessed. Many times the consent of the guardian/parent of a minor birth parent is also required. Please refer to the FAQ document on consent for more detailed information.
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Sometimes the unfortunate circumstance arises in which an adoption cannot proceed and thus revocation or disruption of the adoption occurs. These terms are commonly mistaken for the process in which a finalized adoption is dissolved. This FAQ will define each of these terms and give you some basic requirements for when these terms are applied.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Revocation?
A: Revocation is when a birth parent nullifies their consent to the adoption of the child prior to the finalization of the adoption.
Q: What is Disruption?
A: Disruption is an adoption that does not become final even though the adoptive parents have been identified. This may also be known as a failed adoption attempt.
Q: What is Dissolution?
A: Dissolution is the voiding of a legal adoption after there has been a final decree. Mutual consent of the adoptive and birth parents is generally a reason for dissolution.
Q: What is the common standard for courts when considering the revocation, dissolution or disruption of adoptions?
A: Most courts in all 50 states follow the “best interest of the child” standard. The courts look at the circumstances surrounding the adoption and the parties involved and determine whether it is in the child’s best interest to dissolve the adoption or return the child to the birth parents or legal custodian.
Q: What factors do the courts look at when determining the best interest of the child?
A: The courts look at a variety of factors including, but not limited to: the relationships developed between the adopting parents and the child, the child’s adjustment, the mental and physical health of all involved, the age of the child, the interrelationship with the child’s biological relatives including siblings, and the ability of the birth parents to provide for the child.
Q: What are some of the requirements for consent to be irrevocable?
A: Requirements vary from state to state, but all states require consent be given freely and voluntarily without undue influence, duress or fraud. Most states require the consent to be written and witnessed. Many times the consent of the guardian/parent of a minor birth parent is also required. Please refer to the FAQ document on consent for more detailed information.
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Experts push disclosure of failed foster adoptions
The Associated Press: Experts push disclosure of failed foster adoptions
MIAMI (AP) — Deb and Doug Carlsons' adopted sons have trashed bedrooms, stolen credit cards and threatened to kill them. One drew a disturbing picture of beheading the southwest Florida couple and throwing a party.
When the Carlsons adopted the now teenage boys from foster care in 2007, they were handed a slim file with few details except that the two suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. No one told the empty nesters the boys had severe mental health issues and had bounced between foster homes. Now teenagers, the boys are living in separate therapeutic group homes.
MIAMI (AP) — Deb and Doug Carlsons' adopted sons have trashed bedrooms, stolen credit cards and threatened to kill them. One drew a disturbing picture of beheading the southwest Florida couple and throwing a party.
When the Carlsons adopted the now teenage boys from foster care in 2007, they were handed a slim file with few details except that the two suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. No one told the empty nesters the boys had severe mental health issues and had bounced between foster homes. Now teenagers, the boys are living in separate therapeutic group homes.
Govabuse Protest-Small group demonstrates to keep families together
Small group demonstrates to keep families together | Our Weekly - Black News | African American News | Black Entertainment | Black America
Protesters seek reform of child protection laws
LANCASTER, Calif.—A handful of protesters gathered just outside Lancaster’s Juvenile Court as part of a nationwide protest against “government abuse.” The purpose of the local demonstration, organized by the Community Action League’s Pharaoh Mitchell, was to make the community and government officials aware of what the protesters called a violation of the constitution.
Protesters seek reform of child protection laws
LANCASTER, Calif.—A handful of protesters gathered just outside Lancaster’s Juvenile Court as part of a nationwide protest against “government abuse.” The purpose of the local demonstration, organized by the Community Action League’s Pharaoh Mitchell, was to make the community and government officials aware of what the protesters called a violation of the constitution.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
FBI squad to investigate corruption among judges, legislators
FBI squad to investigate corruption among judges, legislators - News Story - WSB Atlanta
Good, are New Hampshire Judges and DCYF next?
he FBI has assembled a new squad to investigate corruption among judges and legislators in Georgia, though the top federal agent in the state is being tightlipped about what cases are developing.
Brian Lamkin, who heads the FBI office in Georgia, told The Associated Press he decided to form the team after months of reviews and a look at the bureau's long-term priorities.
Good, are New Hampshire Judges and DCYF next?
he FBI has assembled a new squad to investigate corruption among judges and legislators in Georgia, though the top federal agent in the state is being tightlipped about what cases are developing.
Brian Lamkin, who heads the FBI office in Georgia, told The Associated Press he decided to form the team after months of reviews and a look at the bureau's long-term priorities.
Private eye rescues kids in night-time missions-Returns children taken by social services to parents
Private eye rescues kids in night-time missions
It's not quite real-life "Spy Kids" even though the adventure certainly is there.
It seems a Polish private investigator, dubbed "Rambo" by fans, has found a solution to the problems created when social services workers in the Nordic countries take custody of children against the wishes of family members: Simply "kidnap" the kids and give them back to the parents.
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It's not quite real-life "Spy Kids" even though the adventure certainly is there.
It seems a Polish private investigator, dubbed "Rambo" by fans, has found a solution to the problems created when social services workers in the Nordic countries take custody of children against the wishes of family members: Simply "kidnap" the kids and give them back to the parents.
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How Dangerous is Foster Care?
How Dangerous is Foster Care?
How Dangerous is Foster Care?
Foster care is promoted by the child protection industry as a safe refuge for children from the dangers of abusive parents. Graduates of foster care however, suggest that it is even more abusive than natural parents. So how abusive is foster care? Examination of most official statistics on the matter is futile, because it includes vague and subjective categories such as verbal abuse. Statistics in these areas measure the prejudices of the reporters more than the behavior of parents. An exception is deaths. There is no room for interpretation in defining whether a child is dead or alive.
The Children's Bureau of the Administration for Children and Families is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services. It published an annual report available online giving summary statistics of child protection throughout the United States. The reports for 1999 and 2000 contained a table giving the number of child maltreatment fatalities and the number of foster care fatalities by state. The two tables follow below.
STATE Child Population Fatalities Fatalities per 100,000 Children Fatalities in Foster Care Percentage of Fatalities that Occurred in Foster Care
Alaska 196,825 4 2.03 1 25.0%
Arizona 1,334,564 8 0.60 0 0.0%
Arkansas 660,224 9 1.36
California 8,923,423 33 0.37
Colorado 1,065,510 32 3.00 1 3.1%
Connecticut 828,260 3 0.36
Delaware 182,450 3 1.64 0 0.0%
District of Columbia 95,290 5 5.25 0 0.0%
Florida 3,569,878 57 1.60 2 3.5%
Georgia 2,056,885 42 2.04 2 4.8%
Hawaii 289,340 5 1.73 5 100.0%
Idaho 350,464 4 1.14 0 0.0%
Illinois 3,181,338 80 2.51 1 1.3%
Indiana 1,528,991 41 2.68 0 0.0%
Iowa 719,685 11 1.53 0 0.0%
Kansas 698,637 6 0.86 0 0.0%
Kentucky 965,528 5 0.52
Louisiana 1,190,001 21 1.76 0 0.0%
Maine 290,439 3 1.03 0 0.0%
Michigan 2,561,139 48 1.87 0 0.0%
Minnesota 1,271,850 28 2.20 0 0.0%
Mississippi 752,866 7 0.93 0 0.0%
Missouri 1,399,492 36 2.57 0 0.0%
Montana 223,819 4 1.79 0 0.0%
Nevada 491,476 7 1.42 0 0.0%
New Hampshire 304,436 3 0.99 0 0.0%
New Jersey 2,003,204 29 1.45 1 3.4%
New Mexico 495,612 7 1.41
New York 4,440,924 79 1.78 2 2.5%
North Carolina 1,940,947 21 1.08 2 9.5%
North Dakota 160,092 0 0.00 0 0.0%
Ohio 2,844,071 54 1.90 1 1.9%
Oklahoma 882,062 47 5.33 1 2.1%
Oregon 827,501 18 2.18 0 0.0%
Pennsylvania 2,852,520 50 1.75 1 2.0%
Rhode Island 241,180 4 1.66 0 0.0%
South Carolina 955,930 13 1.36 0 0.0%
South Dakota 198,037 3 1.51
Tennessee 1,340,930 16 1.19 0 0.0%
Texas 5,719,234 143 2.50 2 1.4%
Utah 707,366 7 0.99 0 0.0%
Vermont 139,346 4 2.87 0 0.0%
Virginia 1,664,810 36 2.16 0 0.0%
Washington 1,486,340 6 0.40 0 0.0%
West Virginia 403,481 1 0.25 0 0.0%
Wisconsin 1,348,268 9 0.67 0 0.0%
Wyoming 126,807 1 0.79
Total/Average 66,977,649 1082 1.6 22 2.1%
Number Reporting 48 48 48 41 41
Note. The rate of fatalities per 100,000 children, 1.6, is based on the child population of only those States that provided fatality data. This rate was applied to the total U.S. population to get the national estimate of 1,133 (this estimate corrects a misprint in the printed version of the document). These deaths are those that were reported to CPS agencies and, in some instances, might have included deaths identified by other agencies such as coroners' offices or fatality review boards.
Child Maltreatment 2000
Table 5-3 Child Fatalities in Foster Care, 2000
State Total Fatalities CPS Reported Child Fatalities in Foster Care Child Fatalities in Foster Care (Agency File) Total Child Fatalities in Foster Care Percent of Child Fatalities that Occurred in Foster Care
Alabama 27 0 0 0.0
Alaska 8 0 0 0.0
Arizona 7 0 0 0.0
Arkansas 12 0 0 0.0
California 30 12 12 40.0
Colorado 31 2 2 6.5
Connecticut 8 1 1 12.5
District of Columbia 5 0 0 0.0
Florida 65 0 0 0.0
Georgia 45 0 0 0.0
Hawaii 3 0 0 0.0
Idaho 1 0 0 0.0
Illinois 76 2 2 2.6
Indiana 44 0 0 0.0
Iowa 13 0 0 0.0
Kansas 7 0 0 0.0
Kentucky 21 0 0 0.0
Louisiana 36 1 1 2.8
Maine 3 0 0 0.0
Massachusetts 4 0 0 0.0
Michigan 49 1 1 2.0
Minnesota 21 0 0 0.0
Mississippi 12 0 0 0.0
Missouri 48 2 2 4.2
Montana 2 0 0 0.0
Nevada 3 0 0 0.0
New Hampshire 9 0 0 0.0
New Jersey 37 0 0 0.0
New Mexico 6 0 0 0.0
New York 79 2 2 2.5
North Carolina 47 1 1 2.1
North Dakota 0 0 0 0.0
Ohio 58 1 1 1.7
Oklahoma 45 0 0 0.0
Oregon 21 0 0 0.0
Pennsylvania 38 2 2 5.3
Rhode Island 3 0 0 0.0
South Carolina 20 1 1 5.0
South Dakota
Texas 177 1 1 0.6
Utah 12 0 0 0.0
Vermont 1 0 0 0.0
Virginia 29 0 0 0.0
Washington 14 2 0 2 14.3
West Virginia 4 1 1 25.0
Wyoming 1 0 0 0.0
Total/Percentage 1182 15 17 32 2.7
Number Reporting 45 23 23 45 45
Percentage of fatalities that occurred in foster care is based on total fatalities in States that reported on fatalities in foster care.
This table compares the number of fatalities associated with foster care to all child fatalities. The first column lists all of the States by name and the second lists the total number of fatalities. The third column reports the number of child fatalities from foster care according to CPS and the fourth reports child fatalities from other agencies for a grand total of foster care deaths in the fifth column. The last column gives a percentage of fatalities that occurred in foster care as compared to the total number of fatalities. Among the 45 States reporting, the percentage of fatalities in foster care was calculated to be 2.7 percent.
These tables reveal an embarrassing fact for child protectors. While the foster care population of the United States is about 0.7% of the child population, the proportion of fatalities in foster care was 2.1% in 1999 and 2.7% in 2000. Restated, foster care is three or four times as hazardous as parental care. The bureau dealt with this problem in later years by lumping foster care deaths and other deaths into a single category, preventing the comparison of the two.
There is an even greater problem with the tables — falsification.
The tables report no deaths in foster care for Oregon in the year 2000, but the press reported two. On July 13, 2000 four-year-old Andres E Sargos was baked to death in his foster parent's car in Warm Springs Oregon. On August 7, 2000 Travis C Adams of Salem Oregon wandered away from his foster parents into a creek, where he was found dead the next day.
Massachusetts reported no deaths in the ACS report, but the press reported one. Kelly M Hancock ran away from her foster home in Massachusetts and was found stabbed to death on July 18, 2000. Also, Russian baby Zachary Higier was killed by his adoptive mother in Braintree Massachusetts on August 15, 2000.
Florida reported no deaths in 2000, but the press reported three cases. On February 4, 2000 twelve-year-old Michael Wiltsie, who had been in and out of state care for the preceding five years, was held in a restraint at Camp E-Kel-Etu near Silver Springs Florida and died the next day. Thirteen-year-old Cynteria Phillips ran away from a foster home in Miami Florida and was raped and murdered on August 14, 2000. On September 25, 2000 James Curtis, who intended to adopt three-year-old Alex Boucher, instead smothered him to death with a pillow in New Port Richey Florida.
Georgia reported no deaths for 2000, but on January 26, 2000 nineteen-month-old Ariel Shaw died while in custody of child protectors in Bibb County Georgia.
Experience from other areas shows that only a small portion of foster care deaths are reported in the press. We have demonstrated here with the meager press reports available that four of the fifty states filed false reports. How many reports could be shown to be false with complete data?
Starting from a different perspective, a report on Michigan foster care, Richard Wexler shows that official statistics are incorrect because some foster children are not counted at all, and the official reports have numbers with errors in addition. His two blog entries are copied as phantom children.
How Dangerous is Foster Care?
Foster care is promoted by the child protection industry as a safe refuge for children from the dangers of abusive parents. Graduates of foster care however, suggest that it is even more abusive than natural parents. So how abusive is foster care? Examination of most official statistics on the matter is futile, because it includes vague and subjective categories such as verbal abuse. Statistics in these areas measure the prejudices of the reporters more than the behavior of parents. An exception is deaths. There is no room for interpretation in defining whether a child is dead or alive.
The Children's Bureau of the Administration for Children and Families is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services. It published an annual report available online giving summary statistics of child protection throughout the United States. The reports for 1999 and 2000 contained a table giving the number of child maltreatment fatalities and the number of foster care fatalities by state. The two tables follow below.
STATE Child Population Fatalities Fatalities per 100,000 Children Fatalities in Foster Care Percentage of Fatalities that Occurred in Foster Care
Alaska 196,825 4 2.03 1 25.0%
Arizona 1,334,564 8 0.60 0 0.0%
Arkansas 660,224 9 1.36
California 8,923,423 33 0.37
Colorado 1,065,510 32 3.00 1 3.1%
Connecticut 828,260 3 0.36
Delaware 182,450 3 1.64 0 0.0%
District of Columbia 95,290 5 5.25 0 0.0%
Florida 3,569,878 57 1.60 2 3.5%
Georgia 2,056,885 42 2.04 2 4.8%
Hawaii 289,340 5 1.73 5 100.0%
Idaho 350,464 4 1.14 0 0.0%
Illinois 3,181,338 80 2.51 1 1.3%
Indiana 1,528,991 41 2.68 0 0.0%
Iowa 719,685 11 1.53 0 0.0%
Kansas 698,637 6 0.86 0 0.0%
Kentucky 965,528 5 0.52
Louisiana 1,190,001 21 1.76 0 0.0%
Maine 290,439 3 1.03 0 0.0%
Michigan 2,561,139 48 1.87 0 0.0%
Minnesota 1,271,850 28 2.20 0 0.0%
Mississippi 752,866 7 0.93 0 0.0%
Missouri 1,399,492 36 2.57 0 0.0%
Montana 223,819 4 1.79 0 0.0%
Nevada 491,476 7 1.42 0 0.0%
New Hampshire 304,436 3 0.99 0 0.0%
New Jersey 2,003,204 29 1.45 1 3.4%
New Mexico 495,612 7 1.41
New York 4,440,924 79 1.78 2 2.5%
North Carolina 1,940,947 21 1.08 2 9.5%
North Dakota 160,092 0 0.00 0 0.0%
Ohio 2,844,071 54 1.90 1 1.9%
Oklahoma 882,062 47 5.33 1 2.1%
Oregon 827,501 18 2.18 0 0.0%
Pennsylvania 2,852,520 50 1.75 1 2.0%
Rhode Island 241,180 4 1.66 0 0.0%
South Carolina 955,930 13 1.36 0 0.0%
South Dakota 198,037 3 1.51
Tennessee 1,340,930 16 1.19 0 0.0%
Texas 5,719,234 143 2.50 2 1.4%
Utah 707,366 7 0.99 0 0.0%
Vermont 139,346 4 2.87 0 0.0%
Virginia 1,664,810 36 2.16 0 0.0%
Washington 1,486,340 6 0.40 0 0.0%
West Virginia 403,481 1 0.25 0 0.0%
Wisconsin 1,348,268 9 0.67 0 0.0%
Wyoming 126,807 1 0.79
Total/Average 66,977,649 1082 1.6 22 2.1%
Number Reporting 48 48 48 41 41
Note. The rate of fatalities per 100,000 children, 1.6, is based on the child population of only those States that provided fatality data. This rate was applied to the total U.S. population to get the national estimate of 1,133 (this estimate corrects a misprint in the printed version of the document). These deaths are those that were reported to CPS agencies and, in some instances, might have included deaths identified by other agencies such as coroners' offices or fatality review boards.
Child Maltreatment 2000
Table 5-3 Child Fatalities in Foster Care, 2000
State Total Fatalities CPS Reported Child Fatalities in Foster Care Child Fatalities in Foster Care (Agency File) Total Child Fatalities in Foster Care Percent of Child Fatalities that Occurred in Foster Care
Alabama 27 0 0 0.0
Alaska 8 0 0 0.0
Arizona 7 0 0 0.0
Arkansas 12 0 0 0.0
California 30 12 12 40.0
Colorado 31 2 2 6.5
Connecticut 8 1 1 12.5
District of Columbia 5 0 0 0.0
Florida 65 0 0 0.0
Georgia 45 0 0 0.0
Hawaii 3 0 0 0.0
Idaho 1 0 0 0.0
Illinois 76 2 2 2.6
Indiana 44 0 0 0.0
Iowa 13 0 0 0.0
Kansas 7 0 0 0.0
Kentucky 21 0 0 0.0
Louisiana 36 1 1 2.8
Maine 3 0 0 0.0
Massachusetts 4 0 0 0.0
Michigan 49 1 1 2.0
Minnesota 21 0 0 0.0
Mississippi 12 0 0 0.0
Missouri 48 2 2 4.2
Montana 2 0 0 0.0
Nevada 3 0 0 0.0
New Hampshire 9 0 0 0.0
New Jersey 37 0 0 0.0
New Mexico 6 0 0 0.0
New York 79 2 2 2.5
North Carolina 47 1 1 2.1
North Dakota 0 0 0 0.0
Ohio 58 1 1 1.7
Oklahoma 45 0 0 0.0
Oregon 21 0 0 0.0
Pennsylvania 38 2 2 5.3
Rhode Island 3 0 0 0.0
South Carolina 20 1 1 5.0
South Dakota
Texas 177 1 1 0.6
Utah 12 0 0 0.0
Vermont 1 0 0 0.0
Virginia 29 0 0 0.0
Washington 14 2 0 2 14.3
West Virginia 4 1 1 25.0
Wyoming 1 0 0 0.0
Total/Percentage 1182 15 17 32 2.7
Number Reporting 45 23 23 45 45
Percentage of fatalities that occurred in foster care is based on total fatalities in States that reported on fatalities in foster care.
This table compares the number of fatalities associated with foster care to all child fatalities. The first column lists all of the States by name and the second lists the total number of fatalities. The third column reports the number of child fatalities from foster care according to CPS and the fourth reports child fatalities from other agencies for a grand total of foster care deaths in the fifth column. The last column gives a percentage of fatalities that occurred in foster care as compared to the total number of fatalities. Among the 45 States reporting, the percentage of fatalities in foster care was calculated to be 2.7 percent.
These tables reveal an embarrassing fact for child protectors. While the foster care population of the United States is about 0.7% of the child population, the proportion of fatalities in foster care was 2.1% in 1999 and 2.7% in 2000. Restated, foster care is three or four times as hazardous as parental care. The bureau dealt with this problem in later years by lumping foster care deaths and other deaths into a single category, preventing the comparison of the two.
There is an even greater problem with the tables — falsification.
The tables report no deaths in foster care for Oregon in the year 2000, but the press reported two. On July 13, 2000 four-year-old Andres E Sargos was baked to death in his foster parent's car in Warm Springs Oregon. On August 7, 2000 Travis C Adams of Salem Oregon wandered away from his foster parents into a creek, where he was found dead the next day.
Massachusetts reported no deaths in the ACS report, but the press reported one. Kelly M Hancock ran away from her foster home in Massachusetts and was found stabbed to death on July 18, 2000. Also, Russian baby Zachary Higier was killed by his adoptive mother in Braintree Massachusetts on August 15, 2000.
Florida reported no deaths in 2000, but the press reported three cases. On February 4, 2000 twelve-year-old Michael Wiltsie, who had been in and out of state care for the preceding five years, was held in a restraint at Camp E-Kel-Etu near Silver Springs Florida and died the next day. Thirteen-year-old Cynteria Phillips ran away from a foster home in Miami Florida and was raped and murdered on August 14, 2000. On September 25, 2000 James Curtis, who intended to adopt three-year-old Alex Boucher, instead smothered him to death with a pillow in New Port Richey Florida.
Georgia reported no deaths for 2000, but on January 26, 2000 nineteen-month-old Ariel Shaw died while in custody of child protectors in Bibb County Georgia.
Experience from other areas shows that only a small portion of foster care deaths are reported in the press. We have demonstrated here with the meager press reports available that four of the fifty states filed false reports. How many reports could be shown to be false with complete data?
Starting from a different perspective, a report on Michigan foster care, Richard Wexler shows that official statistics are incorrect because some foster children are not counted at all, and the official reports have numbers with errors in addition. His two blog entries are copied as phantom children.
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