Happy Birthday Austin, or whatever your name is now. We hope you're being treated well, where-ever you are. For all we know, you're still at St. Charles. But then again, you could even be in another children's home, unless you've really been adopted. There's no way of knowing with all the lies that come out of DCYF's mouth's.
I'll bet you didn't even know we were finally allowed a Home Study so you could come live with us. I guess DCYF figured they had no other choice. But wouldn't you know, they supposedly found you a home, right around the time the incomplete Home Study was being done. They told us you would be coming to live with us. We bought you your own bed and put your favorite toy's in your room and hung up all your favorite pictures. Your room is STILL waiting for you.We even set up a Christmas tree that year. All for you, but you never came. We were lied to again. We won't stop fighting for your return. We love and miss you AND we WILL see you again soon. That's a promise.
Oh and by the way. One of your new cousin's birthday is today also, so we'll be celebrating your birthday today as well as her's.
I pray you're with good people. I'd hate to see you being starved again like you were in the first foster home and DCYF didn't nothing about it. I hope whoever you're with is treating you like the special little boy you are. Don't give up hope. You WILL be home soon! Love ALWAY's Grammie and Grampie!
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