Death of foster child ruled as homicide
Death of foster child ruled as homicide
Inquest sparks calls for changes to Social Services
-The grandmother of a three-year-old boy who died in foster care is making a tearful plea that his death result in changes so other families are spared from such a tragedy.
"One dies so many will live," said the woman, who cannot be identified under a publication ban.
"This was a preventable death. We pray for all the children in care. This inquest took place to prevent this from happening to other children."
A coroner's jury late Friday night deemed the death of the little boy a homicide.
Read more:
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Monday, January 31, 2011
My 14 year foster care hell
My 14 year foster care hell - Community -
Published on Mon Jan 31 08:42:34 GMT 2011
A desperate teenage mother is calling for an overhaul of social services after speaking out about her 14 year foster care hell.
Preston-born Lyndsey Keenan, 18, says she has been “shipped” from home to home and town to town, often into abusive households, since she was taken into care when she was four years old.
She has lived with 22 families in towns and cities around the country, including London, Bournemouth, Worthing, Seaford, the Isle of Wight and various towns in the south, despite national guidelines urging authorities to keep cared-for children close to home.
She was even split from her two younger brothers who were adopted by a family in Bristol because she claims social workers said it would be “unlikely” a family would adopt all three of them.
She hasn’t seen her siblings for more than 10 years.
Now 18 and able to speak legally about her plight, she says she has been “abandoned” by social services to care for her son Lex, one, who is blind and suffers severe disabilities.
The teenager, who lives in West Sussex, more than 200 miles from her birth home, says more needs to be done to protect vulnerable children.
She said: “Thousands of people like me are slipping through the cracks of the system and we are left with nothing and no proper homes.
“It is no wonder people think that people in care are all mess ups.
“We’re being left to fend for ourselves and being dumped anywhere they can find.
“My whole life has been horrible to be honest and nobody cares and now I’m left totally alone with a sick child. It shouldn’t be like this.”
Lyndsey and her two brothers were taken from their natural mother, who had drinking problems, in 1996 and were placed with Lancashire County Council’s social services.
The siblings were initially placed with a foster family in Preston before her brothers were adopted.
Lyndsey remembers: “I didn’t really know what was happening, I was too young, but I remember being held back at the door as they took my brothers off in a taxi. I knew I would probably never see them again. I felt so alone.”
Lyndsey was moved to other foster homes and respite centres in the area before going to live with a family in the Isle of Wight.
Growing up she struggled to settle or make permanent relationships as social workers moved her to various short and long-term placements. Her foster carers included Jewish families, American couples, devout Catholics and Italian immigrants – none from mixed-race backgrounds like her.
During one placement, Lyndsey and two other children were quickly removed from a home after the father was investigated for allegedly sexually abusing children. Lyndsey was not involved.
She was removed from another placement when a family member of her foster carer spat in her face because of her race. She was taken from another home because her carer was an alcoholic, she says.
When she was five-years-old, she claims she was locked in her room at another home, hit and forced to sleep in her own urine if she wet the bed.
“I used to have nightmares every night,” she said. “I was terrified.”
Lyndsey claims one family tried to adopt her but social services denied their application because they planned to move to America.
“I became really shy,” Lyndsey said. “I didn’t want to come out of my shell and make friends again because I knew that come a few weeks or months I’d have to do it all again. It has a real effect on how you see yourself and it got to the point that I couldn’t take any more. I couldn’t take the moving any more. I couldn’t be let down again.”
She now lives in her own flat in West Sussex, with her 10-month-old son Lex. The tot was born with 90% sight loss and pituitary gland problems, which has left him with missing fingers and complex learning problems.
She said: “He has a lot of problems. I’m all alone hundreds of miles from where I’m from – I feel totally isolated.
“The system shouldn’t be allowed to do this to people.
A spokesperson for Lancashire County Council’s social services said they were aware of Lyndsey’s case and confirmed she had been placed with numerous families.
Faith Mann, Lancashire County Council’s director for targeted and early intervention services for children and young people, said: “It saddens me to hear of a young person who has experienced problems during their time in care.
“We try to achieve stability for children, but there are sometimes factors beyond our control such as placement breakdown and the young person’s own wishes which make this difficult. Procedures have been updated in the past 20 years. The county council’s performance in placement stability was recently rated as good.”
Published on Mon Jan 31 08:42:34 GMT 2011
A desperate teenage mother is calling for an overhaul of social services after speaking out about her 14 year foster care hell.
Preston-born Lyndsey Keenan, 18, says she has been “shipped” from home to home and town to town, often into abusive households, since she was taken into care when she was four years old.
She has lived with 22 families in towns and cities around the country, including London, Bournemouth, Worthing, Seaford, the Isle of Wight and various towns in the south, despite national guidelines urging authorities to keep cared-for children close to home.
She was even split from her two younger brothers who were adopted by a family in Bristol because she claims social workers said it would be “unlikely” a family would adopt all three of them.
She hasn’t seen her siblings for more than 10 years.
Now 18 and able to speak legally about her plight, she says she has been “abandoned” by social services to care for her son Lex, one, who is blind and suffers severe disabilities.
The teenager, who lives in West Sussex, more than 200 miles from her birth home, says more needs to be done to protect vulnerable children.
She said: “Thousands of people like me are slipping through the cracks of the system and we are left with nothing and no proper homes.
“It is no wonder people think that people in care are all mess ups.
“We’re being left to fend for ourselves and being dumped anywhere they can find.
“My whole life has been horrible to be honest and nobody cares and now I’m left totally alone with a sick child. It shouldn’t be like this.”
Lyndsey and her two brothers were taken from their natural mother, who had drinking problems, in 1996 and were placed with Lancashire County Council’s social services.
The siblings were initially placed with a foster family in Preston before her brothers were adopted.
Lyndsey remembers: “I didn’t really know what was happening, I was too young, but I remember being held back at the door as they took my brothers off in a taxi. I knew I would probably never see them again. I felt so alone.”
Lyndsey was moved to other foster homes and respite centres in the area before going to live with a family in the Isle of Wight.
Growing up she struggled to settle or make permanent relationships as social workers moved her to various short and long-term placements. Her foster carers included Jewish families, American couples, devout Catholics and Italian immigrants – none from mixed-race backgrounds like her.
During one placement, Lyndsey and two other children were quickly removed from a home after the father was investigated for allegedly sexually abusing children. Lyndsey was not involved.
She was removed from another placement when a family member of her foster carer spat in her face because of her race. She was taken from another home because her carer was an alcoholic, she says.
When she was five-years-old, she claims she was locked in her room at another home, hit and forced to sleep in her own urine if she wet the bed.
“I used to have nightmares every night,” she said. “I was terrified.”
Lyndsey claims one family tried to adopt her but social services denied their application because they planned to move to America.
“I became really shy,” Lyndsey said. “I didn’t want to come out of my shell and make friends again because I knew that come a few weeks or months I’d have to do it all again. It has a real effect on how you see yourself and it got to the point that I couldn’t take any more. I couldn’t take the moving any more. I couldn’t be let down again.”
She now lives in her own flat in West Sussex, with her 10-month-old son Lex. The tot was born with 90% sight loss and pituitary gland problems, which has left him with missing fingers and complex learning problems.
She said: “He has a lot of problems. I’m all alone hundreds of miles from where I’m from – I feel totally isolated.
“The system shouldn’t be allowed to do this to people.
A spokesperson for Lancashire County Council’s social services said they were aware of Lyndsey’s case and confirmed she had been placed with numerous families.
Faith Mann, Lancashire County Council’s director for targeted and early intervention services for children and young people, said: “It saddens me to hear of a young person who has experienced problems during their time in care.
“We try to achieve stability for children, but there are sometimes factors beyond our control such as placement breakdown and the young person’s own wishes which make this difficult. Procedures have been updated in the past 20 years. The county council’s performance in placement stability was recently rated as good.”
Courthouse News Service-Court OKs Overhaul of City's Foster Care System
Courthouse News Service
Court OKs Overhaul of City's Foster Care System
(CN) - The Baltimore Social Services Department cannot overturn a 23-year-old ruling that laid out reforms for the city's foster care system, and a 2009 settlement it reached after reports of neglect and mistreatment cropped up again, the 4th Circuit ruled.
A class of foster children had sued the department, as well as several other city and state foster care officials, 26 years ago, claiming civil rights abuses in the system had stemmed from bureaucratic mismanagement. The latest ruling in the case, released Jan. 26, notes that the class children in foster care were allegedly "suffering physical abuse, sexual abuse, medical neglect and otherwise being subjected to dangerous living conditions."
Shortly after the case was filed, the court issued an injunction setting out substantial improvements to be implemented in the Baltimore foster care system. In 2002, the class found that social services officials had been fudging the data to suggest compliance with the court's decree. When the department began using its offices as emergency shelters for needy children, the class discovered "disturbing conditions, with children sleeping on the floor, unable to shower or change clothes, and subsisting on a diet of fast food."
A federal judge was set to approve a new settlement in June 2009, but the city officials claimed that a new Supreme Court ruling "changed the law in a way that deprived the district court of subject matter jurisdiction to enforce the 1988 decree," according to the 4th Circuit.
The judge disagreed, ruling to enter the 2009 settlement, and the federal appeals panel in Richmond, Va., affirmed the decision on appeal.
Judge Allyson Duncan, on behalf of the court's three-judge panel, wrote that the city officials did not prove that a footnote of the Supreme Court ruling created "a significant change in the law."
"Given that Footnote 6 did not address either the actual statute upon which the judgment in the case was based or the court's continuing authority to enforce it, such a holding would require a significant logical leap unsupported by the footnote's sparse language," Duncan wrote.
Court OKs Overhaul of City's Foster Care System
(CN) - The Baltimore Social Services Department cannot overturn a 23-year-old ruling that laid out reforms for the city's foster care system, and a 2009 settlement it reached after reports of neglect and mistreatment cropped up again, the 4th Circuit ruled.
A class of foster children had sued the department, as well as several other city and state foster care officials, 26 years ago, claiming civil rights abuses in the system had stemmed from bureaucratic mismanagement. The latest ruling in the case, released Jan. 26, notes that the class children in foster care were allegedly "suffering physical abuse, sexual abuse, medical neglect and otherwise being subjected to dangerous living conditions."
Shortly after the case was filed, the court issued an injunction setting out substantial improvements to be implemented in the Baltimore foster care system. In 2002, the class found that social services officials had been fudging the data to suggest compliance with the court's decree. When the department began using its offices as emergency shelters for needy children, the class discovered "disturbing conditions, with children sleeping on the floor, unable to shower or change clothes, and subsisting on a diet of fast food."
A federal judge was set to approve a new settlement in June 2009, but the city officials claimed that a new Supreme Court ruling "changed the law in a way that deprived the district court of subject matter jurisdiction to enforce the 1988 decree," according to the 4th Circuit.
The judge disagreed, ruling to enter the 2009 settlement, and the federal appeals panel in Richmond, Va., affirmed the decision on appeal.
Judge Allyson Duncan, on behalf of the court's three-judge panel, wrote that the city officials did not prove that a footnote of the Supreme Court ruling created "a significant change in the law."
"Given that Footnote 6 did not address either the actual statute upon which the judgment in the case was based or the court's continuing authority to enforce it, such a holding would require a significant logical leap unsupported by the footnote's sparse language," Duncan wrote.
N.H. HOUSE BILL 395 AN ACT establishing a child protection study committee.
NH General Court Bill Status Search Roll Call Votes Statutes Contact Us
AN ACT establishing a child protection study committee.
SPONSORS: Rep. Itse, Rock 9; Rep. Ingbretson, Graf 5; Rep. Sorg, Graf 3; Rep. Baldasaro, Rock�3; Rep. Comerford, Rock 9
COMMITTEE: Children and Family Law
This bill establishes a child protection study committee to audit the performance and finances of the judicial branch family division, the division of children youth and families, the division of child support services, the guardian ad litem board, child advocacy centers, and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Eleven
AN ACT establishing a child protection study committee.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 New Subdivision; Child Protection Study Committee. Amend RSA 169-C by inserting after section 39-i the following new subdivision.
Child Protection Study Committee
169-C:39-j Child Protection Study Committee Established.
I. There is established a child protection study committee to audit the performance and finances of the judicial branch family division, the division of children youth and families, the division of child support services, the guardian ad litem board, and child advocacy centers.
II.(a) The voting members of the committee shall be as follows:
(1) Six members of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, none of whom shall be an officer of the court.
(2) Three members of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, none of whom shall be an officer of the court.
(b) The non-voting members of the committee shall be as follows:
(1) Two members who are family law attorneys, appointed by the governor to advise the committee.
(2) Two members who are medical professionals, appointed by the governor to advise the committee.
(3) Two members who are child psychologists or psychiatrists, appointed by the governor to advise the committee.
(c) Legislative members of the committee shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the committee.
III. The duties of the committee shall be as follows:
(a) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the judicial branch family division:
(1) The acquisition and disposition of Title IV funds.
(2) The acquisition and disposition of state funds.
(3) The acquisition and disposition of fines and fees.
(4) The appeal of judicial decisions to superior courts to determine if there are any anomalies in frequency attributed to any court or judge.
(5) The disposition of complaints to the judicial conduct committee.
(6) Adherence to the rules of the court, particularly rules of evidence.
(7) Adherence to the laws of the state, particularly in the calculation of child support.
(8) The frequency with which guardians ad litem exceed the scope of their appointment without action by the court and without opportunity for objection by the parties.
(9) The frequency with which unlicensed guardians ad litem are assigned by the court and any patterns thereto.
(10) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(b) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the department of health and human services, division of children youth and families:
(1) The acquisition and disposition of Title IV funds.
(2) The acquisition and disposition of state funds.
(3) Adherence to the rules of the department of health and human services.
(4) Adherence to the laws of the state.
(5) The frequency with which reports are investigated.
(6) The frequency with which investigations are determined founded.
(7) The frequency with which children removed from the home are placed with family members.
(8) The frequency with which children removed from the home are reunited with their families.
(9) The frequency with which children removed from the home are adopted.
10) The frequency with which investigations utilize child advocacy centers.
(11) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(c) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the department of health and human services, division of child support services:
(1) The receipt and disposition of monies held on account for children.
(2) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(d) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the guardian ad litem board:
(1) The frequency with which complaints are made to the guardian ad litem board.
(2) The disposition of complaints made to the guardian ad litem board.
(3) The qualifications and licensing of guardians ad litem.
(4) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(e) To audit the following activities and characteristics of child advocacy centers:
(1) The frequency with which child advocacy centers find exculpatory evidence.
(2) The frequency with which child advocacy centers record interviews.
(3) The frequency with which child advocacy centers provide interview results to defendants.
(4) The frequency with which child advocacy centers deny interview results to defendants.
(5) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(f) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation:
(1) All funds received by the foundation.
(2) All funds expended by the foundation.
(g) To receive any petitions, including petitions of redress, referred to the committee by the speaker of the house of representatives.
IV.(a) For the purpose of undertaking such study and investigation, the committee is authorized to compel by subpoena the attendance and giving of testimony by any person, and the committee is further authorized to compel the production of such things as it deems necessary. Such testimony may be taken under oath, either in the form of interrogatory, deposition, or by oral testimony at a hearing. For purposes of this section, “things” includes, without limitation, books, records, correspondence, electronic mail, logs, journals, memoranda, papers, documents, writings, reproductions, recordings, tapes, transcripts, printouts, data compilations from which information can be obtained, tangible objects, and other things of any kind.
(b) The authority of the committee may be exercised by the committee chairperson or by the committee acting as a whole or by subcommittee. Subpoenas or interrogatories so authorized may be issued over the signature of the chairperson or any member so designated by the chairperson, and may be served by any person designated by the chairperson.
V. The members of the committee shall elect a chairperson from among the voting members. The first meeting of the committee shall be called by the first-named house member. The first meeting of the committee shall be held within 45 days of the effective date of this section. Seven members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
VI.(a) Beginning November 1, 2011 and each November 1 thereafter, the committee shall make an annual report of its activities and findings to the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate president, the governor, and the state library.
(b) The report shall include any recommendations for proposed legislation including legislation relative to the duties and organization of the judicial branch family division, the division of children youth and families, the child support division, the guardian ad litem board, and child advocacy centers.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
© 2006 New Hampshire House of Representatives,
107 North Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire, 03301, (603) 271-3661
NH General Court Bill Status Search Roll Call Votes Statutes Contact Us
AN ACT establishing a child protection study committee.
SPONSORS: Rep. Itse, Rock 9; Rep. Ingbretson, Graf 5; Rep. Sorg, Graf 3; Rep. Baldasaro, Rock�3; Rep. Comerford, Rock 9
COMMITTEE: Children and Family Law
This bill establishes a child protection study committee to audit the performance and finances of the judicial branch family division, the division of children youth and families, the division of child support services, the guardian ad litem board, child advocacy centers, and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Eleven
AN ACT establishing a child protection study committee.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 New Subdivision; Child Protection Study Committee. Amend RSA 169-C by inserting after section 39-i the following new subdivision.
Child Protection Study Committee
169-C:39-j Child Protection Study Committee Established.
I. There is established a child protection study committee to audit the performance and finances of the judicial branch family division, the division of children youth and families, the division of child support services, the guardian ad litem board, and child advocacy centers.
II.(a) The voting members of the committee shall be as follows:
(1) Six members of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, none of whom shall be an officer of the court.
(2) Three members of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, none of whom shall be an officer of the court.
(b) The non-voting members of the committee shall be as follows:
(1) Two members who are family law attorneys, appointed by the governor to advise the committee.
(2) Two members who are medical professionals, appointed by the governor to advise the committee.
(3) Two members who are child psychologists or psychiatrists, appointed by the governor to advise the committee.
(c) Legislative members of the committee shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the committee.
III. The duties of the committee shall be as follows:
(a) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the judicial branch family division:
(1) The acquisition and disposition of Title IV funds.
(2) The acquisition and disposition of state funds.
(3) The acquisition and disposition of fines and fees.
(4) The appeal of judicial decisions to superior courts to determine if there are any anomalies in frequency attributed to any court or judge.
(5) The disposition of complaints to the judicial conduct committee.
(6) Adherence to the rules of the court, particularly rules of evidence.
(7) Adherence to the laws of the state, particularly in the calculation of child support.
(8) The frequency with which guardians ad litem exceed the scope of their appointment without action by the court and without opportunity for objection by the parties.
(9) The frequency with which unlicensed guardians ad litem are assigned by the court and any patterns thereto.
(10) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(b) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the department of health and human services, division of children youth and families:
(1) The acquisition and disposition of Title IV funds.
(2) The acquisition and disposition of state funds.
(3) Adherence to the rules of the department of health and human services.
(4) Adherence to the laws of the state.
(5) The frequency with which reports are investigated.
(6) The frequency with which investigations are determined founded.
(7) The frequency with which children removed from the home are placed with family members.
(8) The frequency with which children removed from the home are reunited with their families.
(9) The frequency with which children removed from the home are adopted.
10) The frequency with which investigations utilize child advocacy centers.
(11) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(c) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the department of health and human services, division of child support services:
(1) The receipt and disposition of monies held on account for children.
(2) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(d) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the guardian ad litem board:
(1) The frequency with which complaints are made to the guardian ad litem board.
(2) The disposition of complaints made to the guardian ad litem board.
(3) The qualifications and licensing of guardians ad litem.
(4) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(e) To audit the following activities and characteristics of child advocacy centers:
(1) The frequency with which child advocacy centers find exculpatory evidence.
(2) The frequency with which child advocacy centers record interviews.
(3) The frequency with which child advocacy centers provide interview results to defendants.
(4) The frequency with which child advocacy centers deny interview results to defendants.
(5) Any related matter identified by the committee.
(f) To audit the following activities and characteristics of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation:
(1) All funds received by the foundation.
(2) All funds expended by the foundation.
(g) To receive any petitions, including petitions of redress, referred to the committee by the speaker of the house of representatives.
IV.(a) For the purpose of undertaking such study and investigation, the committee is authorized to compel by subpoena the attendance and giving of testimony by any person, and the committee is further authorized to compel the production of such things as it deems necessary. Such testimony may be taken under oath, either in the form of interrogatory, deposition, or by oral testimony at a hearing. For purposes of this section, “things” includes, without limitation, books, records, correspondence, electronic mail, logs, journals, memoranda, papers, documents, writings, reproductions, recordings, tapes, transcripts, printouts, data compilations from which information can be obtained, tangible objects, and other things of any kind.
(b) The authority of the committee may be exercised by the committee chairperson or by the committee acting as a whole or by subcommittee. Subpoenas or interrogatories so authorized may be issued over the signature of the chairperson or any member so designated by the chairperson, and may be served by any person designated by the chairperson.
V. The members of the committee shall elect a chairperson from among the voting members. The first meeting of the committee shall be called by the first-named house member. The first meeting of the committee shall be held within 45 days of the effective date of this section. Seven members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
VI.(a) Beginning November 1, 2011 and each November 1 thereafter, the committee shall make an annual report of its activities and findings to the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate president, the governor, and the state library.
(b) The report shall include any recommendations for proposed legislation including legislation relative to the duties and organization of the judicial branch family division, the division of children youth and families, the child support division, the guardian ad litem board, and child advocacy centers.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
© 2006 New Hampshire House of Representatives,
107 North Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire, 03301, (603) 271-3661
Child welfare firm sued again |
Child welfare firm sued again | "CORNWALL — A second federal lawsuit in the past month has been filed claiming that Astor Services for Children & Families fired an employee in retaliation for speaking out against practices that violate child welfare laws.
Astor is a nonprofit that provides children's mental health, child welfare and early child development services in the mid-Hudson and the Bronx. It provides services for preschoolers, children with behavioral or emotional problems and kids at risk for foster home placement, as well as assistance to families to develop skills to raise children."
Astor is a nonprofit that provides children's mental health, child welfare and early child development services in the mid-Hudson and the Bronx. It provides services for preschoolers, children with behavioral or emotional problems and kids at risk for foster home placement, as well as assistance to families to develop skills to raise children."
NH Parents First: HSLDA's Analysis of HB 301 with Commentary
NH Parents First: HSLDA's Analysis of HB 301 with Commentary
*N.B. Editorial Commentary is highlighted in yellow
HB 301
An analysis of the New Hampshire Homeschool Freedom Act
In George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four “Newspeak” means the opposite of what it says. The Ministry for Peace concerns itself with perpetual war; the Ministry of Plenty is responsible for rationing and controlling food and goods; the Ministry of Love is the agency responsible for the identification, monitoring, arrest, and torture of dissidents, real or imagined; and the Ministry of Truth is the propaganda arm of Oceania’s regime.
HB 301 is not what it appears to be. It is designed to leave in place the same regulatory framework as the HSLDA-designed home education law of 1990, so that HSLDA may benefit from mediating, for a fee, the relationship between homeschooling families and the state. This proposal is designed to ensure efficient state regulation of homeschoolers.
It is reasonable for the state to require attendance upon instruction in the hope of maintaining an educated citizenry. It is unreasonable to create a legal framework by which to prosecute parents who fail to properly educate their children based upon any state standard. It is censorship of the parental duty. If this is allowed, then parents no longer have any personal responsibility. They must simply implement the standards established by an elite, or be criminalized for their failure to do so.
Home School Legal Defense Association Attorney Michael Donnelly appears to be the author of HB 301. He sent drafts to various legislators for their review.
Michael P. Donnelly, Esq.
Staff Attorney for Member Affairs in:
CO, MA, MN, NE, NH, OH, UT, VT, WY, WV, D.C.
Director of International Relations
1 Patrick Henry Circle
Purcellville, VA 20132
*N.B. Editorial Commentary is highlighted in yellow
HB 301
An analysis of the New Hampshire Homeschool Freedom Act
In George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four “Newspeak” means the opposite of what it says. The Ministry for Peace concerns itself with perpetual war; the Ministry of Plenty is responsible for rationing and controlling food and goods; the Ministry of Love is the agency responsible for the identification, monitoring, arrest, and torture of dissidents, real or imagined; and the Ministry of Truth is the propaganda arm of Oceania’s regime.
HB 301 is not what it appears to be. It is designed to leave in place the same regulatory framework as the HSLDA-designed home education law of 1990, so that HSLDA may benefit from mediating, for a fee, the relationship between homeschooling families and the state. This proposal is designed to ensure efficient state regulation of homeschoolers.
It is reasonable for the state to require attendance upon instruction in the hope of maintaining an educated citizenry. It is unreasonable to create a legal framework by which to prosecute parents who fail to properly educate their children based upon any state standard. It is censorship of the parental duty. If this is allowed, then parents no longer have any personal responsibility. They must simply implement the standards established by an elite, or be criminalized for their failure to do so.
Home School Legal Defense Association Attorney Michael Donnelly appears to be the author of HB 301. He sent drafts to various legislators for their review.
Michael P. Donnelly, Esq.
Staff Attorney for Member Affairs in:
CO, MA, MN, NE, NH, OH, UT, VT, WY, WV, D.C.
Director of International Relations
1 Patrick Henry Circle
Purcellville, VA 20132 | Bangor, ME | Logan Marr's death leads to major changes in Maine | Bangor, ME | Logan Marr's death leads to major changes in Maine: "AUGUSTA, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- Monday marks the 10th anniversary of the death of Logan Marr, the 5-year old girl who died in the care of her foster mother, Sally Schofield. Schofield was convicted of manslaughter, but this tragedy also led to major changes in Maine's child welfare system
Critics of of Maine's child welfare system both inside out outside the state say Maine has gone from being among the worst in the nation to one of the best. Logan Marr died of asphyxiation after Schofield duct taped her to a high chair for hours. Schofield had been a supervisor for child welfare caseworkers in the Department of Health and Human Services, and that made Marr's death even more shocking.
Critics demanded reform, and by 2004, Governor Baldacci appointed a whole new team to make that happen.
DHHS now makes an effort to place children in danger with relatives whenever possible, a practice that's been shown to be safer for the kids."
Critics of of Maine's child welfare system both inside out outside the state say Maine has gone from being among the worst in the nation to one of the best. Logan Marr died of asphyxiation after Schofield duct taped her to a high chair for hours. Schofield had been a supervisor for child welfare caseworkers in the Department of Health and Human Services, and that made Marr's death even more shocking.
Critics demanded reform, and by 2004, Governor Baldacci appointed a whole new team to make that happen.
DHHS now makes an effort to place children in danger with relatives whenever possible, a practice that's been shown to be safer for the kids."
Planned Parenthood seeks FBI investigation of possible pro-life sting operation |
Planned Parenthood seeks FBI investigation of possible pro-life sting operation |
News Print Article | Email Friend | Reprint Permissions
Planned Parenthood seeks FBI investigation of possible pro-life sting operation
Tue Jan 25, 2011 18:36 ESTComments (8)Tags: Lila Rose, Live Action Films, Planned Parenthood
Lila Rose is the president of Live Action Films, the pro-life organization that Planned Parenthood said their male visitor is associated with.
January 25, 2011 ( - Planned Parenthood is seeking an FBI investigation of a man who is alleged to have visited several their facilities, claiming that the man is connected with the pro-life group Live Action.
The man reportedly told clinic staff that he was seeking treatment for a sexually transmitted disease, and then revealed himself as a sex trafficker once he had obtained a private conversation with a staff member, according to the Associated Press. He then sought information about health services for prostitutes who were in his employ, some of whom he identified as minors and illegals.
The visits were made to Planned Parenthood centers in Virginia, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Washington, D.C., and Arizona between January 11th and January 15th.
In a statement released today, Planned Parenthood said that “men, sometimes accompanied by a woman, have visited at least 11 Planned Parenthood health centers in six states within a one-week time frame.” PP said that it has identified one of the men, and they believe he is associated with Live Action.
Live Action had issued a press release in December announcing plans for a major investigation of Planned Parenthood in 2011, for which they had received a $125,000 donation.
Lila Rose, President of Live Action, confirmed these plans in an interview with the AP, but would not comment on whether the organization has any connection to the recent visits. “The story that speaks loudest will be in the evidence,” she said. “I can’t comment until we release the visual evidence.”
Rose did not return phone calls from seeking comment.
Rose made headlines in 2009 when her organization released the videos from an undercover sting operation in which Planned Parenthood employees counseled Rose, who was posing as a 13-year-old girl, to lie about the age of her boyfriend, whom she told clinic workers was 31.
Other investigations conducted by Live Action have caught Planned Parenthood employees giving false or misleading medical information and agreeing to accept donations earmarked for the purpose of killing black babies.
In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder requesting the investigation, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards characterized previous videos released by Live Action as having been “selectively and maliciously edited.”
However, according to a Washington Times report, Planned Parenthood suspended an employee at their clinic in Bloomington, Indiana subsequent to the release of a Live Action video. The video recorded a conversation in which the employee first told Rose that she did not want to know the age of her boyfriend, and then counseled her to say that he was 14.
The FBI and the Justice Department have declined to comment on whether an investigation has actually been launched. According to Stuart Schear, Planned Parenthood’s vice president for communications, the FBI has made preliminary contact, requesting information from the clinics that had been visited.
Indiana Planned Parenthood Caught On Tape Giving Fabricated Medical Information
Caught: Wisc. Planned Parenthood’s Excuse on Failure to Report Sex Abuse Proven False
Planned Parenthood Caught on Tape Lying about Pre-Natal Development
Alabama Attorney General Calls Undercover Video of Planned Parenthood ‘Extremely Troubling’, Seeks I
Undercover Videos Prompt Tennessee Lawmakers to End Preferential Treatment for Planned Parenthood
News Print Article | Email Friend | Reprint Permissions
Planned Parenthood seeks FBI investigation of possible pro-life sting operation
Tue Jan 25, 2011 18:36 ESTComments (8)Tags: Lila Rose, Live Action Films, Planned Parenthood
Lila Rose is the president of Live Action Films, the pro-life organization that Planned Parenthood said their male visitor is associated with.
January 25, 2011 ( - Planned Parenthood is seeking an FBI investigation of a man who is alleged to have visited several their facilities, claiming that the man is connected with the pro-life group Live Action.
The man reportedly told clinic staff that he was seeking treatment for a sexually transmitted disease, and then revealed himself as a sex trafficker once he had obtained a private conversation with a staff member, according to the Associated Press. He then sought information about health services for prostitutes who were in his employ, some of whom he identified as minors and illegals.
The visits were made to Planned Parenthood centers in Virginia, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Washington, D.C., and Arizona between January 11th and January 15th.
In a statement released today, Planned Parenthood said that “men, sometimes accompanied by a woman, have visited at least 11 Planned Parenthood health centers in six states within a one-week time frame.” PP said that it has identified one of the men, and they believe he is associated with Live Action.
Live Action had issued a press release in December announcing plans for a major investigation of Planned Parenthood in 2011, for which they had received a $125,000 donation.
Lila Rose, President of Live Action, confirmed these plans in an interview with the AP, but would not comment on whether the organization has any connection to the recent visits. “The story that speaks loudest will be in the evidence,” she said. “I can’t comment until we release the visual evidence.”
Rose did not return phone calls from seeking comment.
Rose made headlines in 2009 when her organization released the videos from an undercover sting operation in which Planned Parenthood employees counseled Rose, who was posing as a 13-year-old girl, to lie about the age of her boyfriend, whom she told clinic workers was 31.
Other investigations conducted by Live Action have caught Planned Parenthood employees giving false or misleading medical information and agreeing to accept donations earmarked for the purpose of killing black babies.
In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder requesting the investigation, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards characterized previous videos released by Live Action as having been “selectively and maliciously edited.”
However, according to a Washington Times report, Planned Parenthood suspended an employee at their clinic in Bloomington, Indiana subsequent to the release of a Live Action video. The video recorded a conversation in which the employee first told Rose that she did not want to know the age of her boyfriend, and then counseled her to say that he was 14.
The FBI and the Justice Department have declined to comment on whether an investigation has actually been launched. According to Stuart Schear, Planned Parenthood’s vice president for communications, the FBI has made preliminary contact, requesting information from the clinics that had been visited.
Indiana Planned Parenthood Caught On Tape Giving Fabricated Medical Information
Caught: Wisc. Planned Parenthood’s Excuse on Failure to Report Sex Abuse Proven False
Planned Parenthood Caught on Tape Lying about Pre-Natal Development
Alabama Attorney General Calls Undercover Video of Planned Parenthood ‘Extremely Troubling’, Seeks I
Undercover Videos Prompt Tennessee Lawmakers to End Preferential Treatment for Planned Parenthood
Auto Insurance-Urgent Off topic but extremely Important
I know this post is extremely off topic as to my every day post's, but I think it is extremely important that I warn everyone who purchases Automobile insurance before you get sucked in and purchase Liability along with "Uninsured Motorist" Insurance, thinking that your car is covered if an uninsured motorist damages your car. I found out the hard way. "Uninsured Motorist" only cover's bodily injury, NOT your car.Make sure you read your policy thoroughly. In one paragraph it say's your car is covered. Further in, it states exclusion's. Your car is one of the exclusion's.
I've spoken to many people who believe their car is covered. Surprise! It's NOT. The only way your car is covered in New Hampshire is if you purchase collision and comprehensive. Please beware! In NH car insurance is NOT mandatory, which I used to believe should be a car owner's choice. I NO longer believe that way. Every driver should be insured. Don't get sucked in by these Insurance companies who just want to sell a policy and don't bother to tell you your car isn't covered with "Uninsured Motorist." You WILL be sorry!
I've spoken to many people who believe their car is covered. Surprise! It's NOT. The only way your car is covered in New Hampshire is if you purchase collision and comprehensive. Please beware! In NH car insurance is NOT mandatory, which I used to believe should be a car owner's choice. I NO longer believe that way. Every driver should be insured. Don't get sucked in by these Insurance companies who just want to sell a policy and don't bother to tell you your car isn't covered with "Uninsured Motorist." You WILL be sorry!
Thousands could sue Government over unlawful 'child protection' sackings - Telegraph
Thousands could sue Government over unlawful 'child protection' sackings - Telegraph: "Nurses who were banned from working under a controversial vetting scheme are to launch a major test case against the Government in the European Court.
Under the rules of the vetting scheme ? introduced in 2009 with the intention of protecting children from paedophiles ? police cautions mean the nurses were automatically barred for 10 years from working with under-18s or vulnerable adults Photo: ALAMY
David Harrison 7:00AM GMT 30 Jan 2011
The move will embarrass ministers and could lead to hundreds more workers taking legal action, at a cost of millions of pounds to the public purse.
The three nurses bringing the case all lost their jobs following minor offences which were not deemed serious enough to go to court, but which resulted in them being handed police cautions.
One of the nurses broke the law by leaving her 11-year-old son at home alone while she went shopping. Another was cautioned because while he was at work, his wife left the couple's children alone for a short period. The third kissed a colleague without permission."
Under the rules of the vetting scheme ? introduced in 2009 with the intention of protecting children from paedophiles ? police cautions mean the nurses were automatically barred for 10 years from working with under-18s or vulnerable adults Photo: ALAMY
David Harrison 7:00AM GMT 30 Jan 2011
The move will embarrass ministers and could lead to hundreds more workers taking legal action, at a cost of millions of pounds to the public purse.
The three nurses bringing the case all lost their jobs following minor offences which were not deemed serious enough to go to court, but which resulted in them being handed police cautions.
One of the nurses broke the law by leaving her 11-year-old son at home alone while she went shopping. Another was cautioned because while he was at work, his wife left the couple's children alone for a short period. The third kissed a colleague without permission."
Opinion: Let's end the secrecy in juvenile court
Opinion: Let's end the secrecy in juvenile court - San Jose Mercury News: "A foster child dies while in care. The media contact the children's services agency and ask what happened. The agency responds that it cannot reveal any of the facts because the law requires that the matter remain confidential. The media next contact the juvenile court judge who responds that there will have to be a hearing before the release (if any) of information relating to the death. The media is outraged. The public wonders about the secrecy surrounding the child's death and whether the agency and the court are trying to hide something.
California's juvenile courts are closed to the public. For a number of reasons, this policy has not served juvenile courts or the public well. It is time to open the juvenile court to public scrutiny. Here is my proposal."
California's juvenile courts are closed to the public. For a number of reasons, this policy has not served juvenile courts or the public well. It is time to open the juvenile court to public scrutiny. Here is my proposal."
When adoptions go wrong - Telegraph
When adoptions go wrong - Telegraph: "One leading charity estimates that a third of adoptions break down these days. Is it any wonder when so many adoptive parents take their new children home only to find they have a secret history of appalling abuse? Bridget Freer reports
It is not known exactly how many families have to end an adoption Photo: MICHAEL KIRKHAM
7:00AM GMT 31 Jan 2011
Rachel Humphreys punches in the numbers on her phone. She is calling work, yet again, to tell them she has to take her son, Tom, to an emergency appointment and is going to be in late. She is a management consultant and over the past two years has frequently taken time off at short notice, and occasionally turned up with a black eye or other visible injuries."
It is not known exactly how many families have to end an adoption Photo: MICHAEL KIRKHAM
7:00AM GMT 31 Jan 2011
Rachel Humphreys punches in the numbers on her phone. She is calling work, yet again, to tell them she has to take her son, Tom, to an emergency appointment and is going to be in late. She is a management consultant and over the past two years has frequently taken time off at short notice, and occasionally turned up with a black eye or other visible injuries."
Sinead O'Connor's plea to child services to help her be a better mother |
Sinead O'Connor's plea to child services to help her be a better mother |
She doesn't realize she's barking up the wrong tree! When will parent's ever learn CPS/DCYF can NOT be trusted. It's like throwing your family to a pack of wolves!!! "TROUBLED singer Sinead O'Connor is having so much difficulty coping with one of her children that if social services called to help, she said she would welcome them.
O'Connor made the admission in a frank and emotional interview following a series of comments she made on Twitter claiming she wanted to die - comments which caused unsurprising concern for the welfare of her children."
She doesn't realize she's barking up the wrong tree! When will parent's ever learn CPS/DCYF can NOT be trusted. It's like throwing your family to a pack of wolves!!! "TROUBLED singer Sinead O'Connor is having so much difficulty coping with one of her children that if social services called to help, she said she would welcome them.
O'Connor made the admission in a frank and emotional interview following a series of comments she made on Twitter claiming she wanted to die - comments which caused unsurprising concern for the welfare of her children."
State has a history of 'forgotten' child reports
State has a history of 'forgotten' child reports: "A FORMER Family Court judge who has conducted multiple inquiries into Victoria's child protection system says the state has a history of conducting reviews that are later forgotten, as the new government fulfils an election promise to hold another inquiry.
Premier Ted Baillieu yesterday announced a three-member panel would conduct a wide-ranging inquiry into the crisis-driven child protection system, declaring it had ''fallen apart'' under Labor."
Premier Ted Baillieu yesterday announced a three-member panel would conduct a wide-ranging inquiry into the crisis-driven child protection system, declaring it had ''fallen apart'' under Labor."
Kids in foster care subject to abuse -
Kids in foster care subject to abuse - "STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 31 (UPI) -- An investigation in Sweden says children at state institutions suffer from sexual abuse and violence at significant rates."
Sunday, January 30, 2011
freethefldschildren: WHAT CAN CPS AND CASA DO FOR YOU?
freethefldschildren: WHAT CAN CPS AND CASA DO FOR YOU?
Logan Marr was killed by her foster "Mother" exactly10 years ago. She was bound in a basement and suffocated to death strapped to a high chair. Today, Maine CPS is proud to say that as a result of Logan's death, Maine CPS is "Better". For 10 years, and even today, they deny any responsibility for her death whatsoever.
Logan Marr was killed by her foster "Mother" exactly10 years ago. She was bound in a basement and suffocated to death strapped to a high chair. Today, Maine CPS is proud to say that as a result of Logan's death, Maine CPS is "Better". For 10 years, and even today, they deny any responsibility for her death whatsoever.
American Chronicle | Grandparent is set to change the laws governing the legal rights for grandparents within adoption
American Chronicle | Grandparent is set to change the laws governing the legal rights for grandparents within adoption
January 30,2011 Christina England
In the USA today grandparents have no legal rights to have any contact with a child once parental rights have been terminated. In fact, the law specifically states that if the parental rights are removed, the rights of the grandparents are removed along with them. This leaves many children raised by their grandparents from infancy, with no legal grandparents or any other relative with any rights to bring them up. One brave and determined grandparent from South Carolina, John Schafer, has decided that this is one law that must be changed. Outraged by the way loving grandparents are treated, he has single-handedly taken on the South Carolina State Representatives and Senators. Taking remarkable steps, he has began to make changes that could effectively change the way we view adoption forever.
Mr Schafer's grandchildren were removed from him and his wife and put into care when the children's parents parental rights to care for them were removed. Mr Schafer and his wife were deemed too old and too sick to care for them adequately. The children had been happy and settled with their grandparents who are in their mid sixties. There had been problems in the past with the placement but Mr Schafer felt that these had been dealt with adequately. The CPS decided however, that it was in was in the children's best interest to be adopted. The children aged 10 and 8 were to have no further contact with any member of their birth family.
In South Carolina a massive $722 million a year is spent on child protection. On the document South Carolina Spending Transparency in the section 'Case Services', this figure is shown very clearly. As this figure is for one State in the USA it is frightening to comprehend the amounts of money being spent on child protection throughout the country as a whole. There is no doubt that child abuse exists. However, we have to ask ourselves when children could be cared for by loving family members, is the child care system the right place for them to grow up? Mr Schafer is adamant that every effort should be made to keep families together. He says:
"Grandparents are a soft place to fall when there are problems at home, they have a special kind of love and compassion that no other family member can possibly own, and to deprive a child of that should be criminal. I think it is a very sad commentary of our society when it is necessary to seek legislation to affirm that fact."
Mr Schafer says that the state can simply snatch children from often the only home they have ever known, and put them in a broken and overloaded foster care system, then up for adoption. In many cases, these children end up spending their early lives under the thumb of the DSS until they are 18, then they are told to just go and be an adult. He feels that this a deplorable situation that must be changed.
I spoke to one adopted child who had the most incredible bond with his grandfather before he was adopted. The severing of this bond has since caused him much pain and distress. I asked him to explain to me hows he feels. He told me that he would have liked to have had the opportunity to have been adopted by his grandfather because he feels that they had a lot in common. He made it quite clear to me that age is not important when there is a loving bond. He now feels that older children should have more rights to speak out and make choices in adoption. Fortunately now that he is an adult he has full contact with his grandfather and they are making up for all the years that they lost together.
Mr Schafer feels that these type of situations should not be allowed to continue. He feels so strongly about these important issues that he has set up the website Grandparents Rights Association of South Carolina He has issued a letter to ALL senators, representatives and candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor in the state of South Carolina. This letter addresses the issues surrounding the rights of the grandparent when their grandchild enters the child care system. In his letter he has pointed out that:
"Every voter in South Carolina either is, had, or has grandparents. In thousands of families throughout the state, those grandparents are deeply involved, and in many cases, have had to totally take over, the raising of grandchildren."
He continues to point out the fact that research shows that there are NO laws specifically protecting the rights of grandparents. This means that there are in fact no laws to protect a massive section of our society. In fact it seems that everybody has rights except the grandparents.
Mr Schafer has spoken out on the behalf of the members of his site and has continued his letter making the following points:
"We are not in favour of usurping the authority of good parents, rather, give the children the right to stay with their own loving family in cases where the parents either can´t or won´t take the responsibility themselves. With all this in mind, we want to know how you stand.
1.Do you support legislation which would protect grandparents and their grandchildren from being separated when parental rights of the children´s parents are being terminated, and allowing the grandparents the right to adopt said children? This would be conditional on the grandparents being deemed appropriate caregivers.
2. Would you consider introducing such legislation?
3.Do you consider grandparents appropriate caregivers for children whose parents either can´t or won´t take responsibility for them?
4.Do you consider age and/or minor disability a disqualifying factor when considering grandparents as caregivers or adoptive parents?"
The letter went out to the legislators prior to the election which was November 2010. At that time he had received responses from one of 46 State Senators, and 11 of 124 current members of the State House of Representatives. To read their responses please see his website GRASC. He tells me that much of the response he has had has been very positive.
The great news is that Schafer has now had a total of 17 Representatives respond to the letter, several of whom did not originally respond. They have signed on as co-sponsors of the new bill, and a second Senator has also given Mr Schafer and his team a positive response. Amazingly he has not received one single negative response.
Mr Schafer has given the full laws governing grandparents rights from every state in the USA. These can be found in full on the page entitled General State By State Description.
I have spoken to several parents whose children are in the care system. One parent whose children were removed after false allegations of child abuse spoke out very strongly and said:
"I agree!! My parents have been trying to get my children and the state keeps resisting them. They had to hire an attorney to file a motion to intervene to try to get custody of my daughter. It has been 3 months and they are still awaiting an answer. My father also hasn't been allowed to see my older two children because their father simply doesn't like him, so its been a year and a half since he's seen them. And, it's true that if my children are adopted, they will not get to see them anymore. They were not given a final visit with ******** either. I'm organizing a family rights protest for August that will include grandparents' rights."
Mr Schafer said that he was also working on a rally:
"I am helping a friend organize a synchronized Nationwide protest (rally). She is doing most of the work, but I am maintaining and updating the website. We have a majority of the states being organized. It is being organized well in advance due to the logistics involved in coordinating protests to all happen at the same time in front of courthouses in all 50 states, and in several counties in each state.
The rally will be on the 12th August 2011. To read what is happening go to: Government Abuse is Child Abuse"
So far the progress that Mr Schafer has made has been outstanding. He is currently working on getting a bill passed to amend the code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding section 63-15-35. This will determine the best interests of the child in cases where a grandparent/s could offer a loving and stable home. To find out what is happening with this and full updates, his page is the tracking for the bill, simply return from time to time and you will see updates on its progress through the legislature Tracking of the bill If Schafer succeeds then we could start to see changes throughout the USA and perhaps the world.
He said:
"The new legislation going through the system at this time, will be the first to even mention grandparents in custody/foster/adoption cases in this state. The game plan is to take it a step at a time. This first amendment will establish the direction. It will be the mandate for priority consideration. The next step will be to establish the child's right to keep his natural grandparents, even if adopted. The "system" needs to do a better job of looking at the situation from the child's point of view."
Now that the election is over Mr Schafer's website has been updated and many of the original responses have been deleted. This is because the movement is moving on to the bill passage. This means that much of original data is now irrelevant. He has assured me these will be reposted in the future on an archive page. However, with the speed that this is now moving this has had to be shelved until a later date.
It often takes the little people of this world to make the biggest changes. I would like to thank Mr Schafer for allowing me to write this article.
January 30,2011 Christina England
In the USA today grandparents have no legal rights to have any contact with a child once parental rights have been terminated. In fact, the law specifically states that if the parental rights are removed, the rights of the grandparents are removed along with them. This leaves many children raised by their grandparents from infancy, with no legal grandparents or any other relative with any rights to bring them up. One brave and determined grandparent from South Carolina, John Schafer, has decided that this is one law that must be changed. Outraged by the way loving grandparents are treated, he has single-handedly taken on the South Carolina State Representatives and Senators. Taking remarkable steps, he has began to make changes that could effectively change the way we view adoption forever.
Mr Schafer's grandchildren were removed from him and his wife and put into care when the children's parents parental rights to care for them were removed. Mr Schafer and his wife were deemed too old and too sick to care for them adequately. The children had been happy and settled with their grandparents who are in their mid sixties. There had been problems in the past with the placement but Mr Schafer felt that these had been dealt with adequately. The CPS decided however, that it was in was in the children's best interest to be adopted. The children aged 10 and 8 were to have no further contact with any member of their birth family.
In South Carolina a massive $722 million a year is spent on child protection. On the document South Carolina Spending Transparency in the section 'Case Services', this figure is shown very clearly. As this figure is for one State in the USA it is frightening to comprehend the amounts of money being spent on child protection throughout the country as a whole. There is no doubt that child abuse exists. However, we have to ask ourselves when children could be cared for by loving family members, is the child care system the right place for them to grow up? Mr Schafer is adamant that every effort should be made to keep families together. He says:
"Grandparents are a soft place to fall when there are problems at home, they have a special kind of love and compassion that no other family member can possibly own, and to deprive a child of that should be criminal. I think it is a very sad commentary of our society when it is necessary to seek legislation to affirm that fact."
Mr Schafer says that the state can simply snatch children from often the only home they have ever known, and put them in a broken and overloaded foster care system, then up for adoption. In many cases, these children end up spending their early lives under the thumb of the DSS until they are 18, then they are told to just go and be an adult. He feels that this a deplorable situation that must be changed.
I spoke to one adopted child who had the most incredible bond with his grandfather before he was adopted. The severing of this bond has since caused him much pain and distress. I asked him to explain to me hows he feels. He told me that he would have liked to have had the opportunity to have been adopted by his grandfather because he feels that they had a lot in common. He made it quite clear to me that age is not important when there is a loving bond. He now feels that older children should have more rights to speak out and make choices in adoption. Fortunately now that he is an adult he has full contact with his grandfather and they are making up for all the years that they lost together.
Mr Schafer feels that these type of situations should not be allowed to continue. He feels so strongly about these important issues that he has set up the website Grandparents Rights Association of South Carolina He has issued a letter to ALL senators, representatives and candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor in the state of South Carolina. This letter addresses the issues surrounding the rights of the grandparent when their grandchild enters the child care system. In his letter he has pointed out that:
"Every voter in South Carolina either is, had, or has grandparents. In thousands of families throughout the state, those grandparents are deeply involved, and in many cases, have had to totally take over, the raising of grandchildren."
He continues to point out the fact that research shows that there are NO laws specifically protecting the rights of grandparents. This means that there are in fact no laws to protect a massive section of our society. In fact it seems that everybody has rights except the grandparents.
Mr Schafer has spoken out on the behalf of the members of his site and has continued his letter making the following points:
"We are not in favour of usurping the authority of good parents, rather, give the children the right to stay with their own loving family in cases where the parents either can´t or won´t take the responsibility themselves. With all this in mind, we want to know how you stand.
1.Do you support legislation which would protect grandparents and their grandchildren from being separated when parental rights of the children´s parents are being terminated, and allowing the grandparents the right to adopt said children? This would be conditional on the grandparents being deemed appropriate caregivers.
2. Would you consider introducing such legislation?
3.Do you consider grandparents appropriate caregivers for children whose parents either can´t or won´t take responsibility for them?
4.Do you consider age and/or minor disability a disqualifying factor when considering grandparents as caregivers or adoptive parents?"
The letter went out to the legislators prior to the election which was November 2010. At that time he had received responses from one of 46 State Senators, and 11 of 124 current members of the State House of Representatives. To read their responses please see his website GRASC. He tells me that much of the response he has had has been very positive.
The great news is that Schafer has now had a total of 17 Representatives respond to the letter, several of whom did not originally respond. They have signed on as co-sponsors of the new bill, and a second Senator has also given Mr Schafer and his team a positive response. Amazingly he has not received one single negative response.
Mr Schafer has given the full laws governing grandparents rights from every state in the USA. These can be found in full on the page entitled General State By State Description.
I have spoken to several parents whose children are in the care system. One parent whose children were removed after false allegations of child abuse spoke out very strongly and said:
"I agree!! My parents have been trying to get my children and the state keeps resisting them. They had to hire an attorney to file a motion to intervene to try to get custody of my daughter. It has been 3 months and they are still awaiting an answer. My father also hasn't been allowed to see my older two children because their father simply doesn't like him, so its been a year and a half since he's seen them. And, it's true that if my children are adopted, they will not get to see them anymore. They were not given a final visit with ******** either. I'm organizing a family rights protest for August that will include grandparents' rights."
Mr Schafer said that he was also working on a rally:
"I am helping a friend organize a synchronized Nationwide protest (rally). She is doing most of the work, but I am maintaining and updating the website. We have a majority of the states being organized. It is being organized well in advance due to the logistics involved in coordinating protests to all happen at the same time in front of courthouses in all 50 states, and in several counties in each state.
The rally will be on the 12th August 2011. To read what is happening go to: Government Abuse is Child Abuse"
So far the progress that Mr Schafer has made has been outstanding. He is currently working on getting a bill passed to amend the code of laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding section 63-15-35. This will determine the best interests of the child in cases where a grandparent/s could offer a loving and stable home. To find out what is happening with this and full updates, his page is the tracking for the bill, simply return from time to time and you will see updates on its progress through the legislature Tracking of the bill If Schafer succeeds then we could start to see changes throughout the USA and perhaps the world.
He said:
"The new legislation going through the system at this time, will be the first to even mention grandparents in custody/foster/adoption cases in this state. The game plan is to take it a step at a time. This first amendment will establish the direction. It will be the mandate for priority consideration. The next step will be to establish the child's right to keep his natural grandparents, even if adopted. The "system" needs to do a better job of looking at the situation from the child's point of view."
Now that the election is over Mr Schafer's website has been updated and many of the original responses have been deleted. This is because the movement is moving on to the bill passage. This means that much of original data is now irrelevant. He has assured me these will be reposted in the future on an archive page. However, with the speed that this is now moving this has had to be shelved until a later date.
It often takes the little people of this world to make the biggest changes. I would like to thank Mr Schafer for allowing me to write this article.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Let us work together
Let us work together
“Criticism is something you can easily avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” ~Aristotle
“Let us work together”
This is where paths are crossed, from the individual, to the largest groups, and everyone in between. If we lend support to each other's ideas, efforts, petitions, rallies, any and all efforts- we can make a difference in the lives of our children.
We are louder, stronger, more informed, better equipped, more effective and harder to ignore when we stand together. We need to agree to disagree on some issues and agree to work together on the main issues- Family Rights.
Regardless of the causes we support, or the efforts we pursue, the desire to protect and nurture our children and families is the same for all of us.
We do not see it as someone else's problem, it is our problem!
Too many times, people and groups lose themselves in the fight, feeling they are not big enough or loud enough to make a change or a real difference by themselves. The same is true of the individual, both wanting and trying to make a difference, yet realizing they cannot go it alone and give up over time! Feeling frustrated, defeated, and hopeless, as well as helpless.
American Family Rights Association works like this:
One group or effort that is active in pedophile awareness, another group that is active in missing children and another that is active in fighting Child Protection Services abuse against families.
Would it be so difficult for those three groups to lend support to one another? After all, we all want to protect our children and families, right?
How about all the groups working together to help each other as needed and whenever beneficial to each other’s goals and of course our children and families?
Multiply that x 5, x 20, x 50, x 100, x 500, x 10,000 groups joining together! Imagine an elected official getting e-mails and handwritten letters from 50 groups at once, on one issue!
Instead of one group trying to tackle it alone.
How hard would it be for us to be ignored then?
How many more children and families would be affected and helped if we all stood together?
That is American Family Rights Association. WHY BE ONE VOICE WHEN YOU CAN BE THOUSANDS?
Join AFRA TODAY. We have made joining AFRA as easy as possible for you through Facebook.
Please join us and PARTICIPATE in the fight on behalf of Family and children’s rights.
“Criticism is something you can easily avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” ~Aristotle
“Let us work together”
This is where paths are crossed, from the individual, to the largest groups, and everyone in between. If we lend support to each other's ideas, efforts, petitions, rallies, any and all efforts- we can make a difference in the lives of our children.
We are louder, stronger, more informed, better equipped, more effective and harder to ignore when we stand together. We need to agree to disagree on some issues and agree to work together on the main issues- Family Rights.
Regardless of the causes we support, or the efforts we pursue, the desire to protect and nurture our children and families is the same for all of us.
We do not see it as someone else's problem, it is our problem!
Too many times, people and groups lose themselves in the fight, feeling they are not big enough or loud enough to make a change or a real difference by themselves. The same is true of the individual, both wanting and trying to make a difference, yet realizing they cannot go it alone and give up over time! Feeling frustrated, defeated, and hopeless, as well as helpless.
American Family Rights Association works like this:
One group or effort that is active in pedophile awareness, another group that is active in missing children and another that is active in fighting Child Protection Services abuse against families.
Would it be so difficult for those three groups to lend support to one another? After all, we all want to protect our children and families, right?
How about all the groups working together to help each other as needed and whenever beneficial to each other’s goals and of course our children and families?
Multiply that x 5, x 20, x 50, x 100, x 500, x 10,000 groups joining together! Imagine an elected official getting e-mails and handwritten letters from 50 groups at once, on one issue!
Instead of one group trying to tackle it alone.
How hard would it be for us to be ignored then?
How many more children and families would be affected and helped if we all stood together?
That is American Family Rights Association. WHY BE ONE VOICE WHEN YOU CAN BE THOUSANDS?
Join AFRA TODAY. We have made joining AFRA as easy as possible for you through Facebook.
Please join us and PARTICIPATE in the fight on behalf of Family and children’s rights.
Connecticut-Thursday, February 3, 2011 2:00 PM Select Committee on Children Public Hearing
Dear 'US Concerned Parents' and supporters,
I will keep you informed about any PUBLIC hearing that I know about
that we can speak about, you can also submit written testimony by
calling the committee about how many copies you need to send in,
or you can send the written testimony to me and I will make copies for you
and personally hand delver it for you, but we need you to be there also to
testify, you can do both. If you hear of any that I may have missed, please
send me any information that you hear of as well.
I'm open for response at all times and please send me your opinions,
views, testimony, experiences, etc. always with
lots of Love CJ Marton
PEACE be with you.
I was a Webelos cub scout Leader and the motto is
"Be prepared". "
my motto: "We should have our voice heard, then who is to blame,
or there will never be any peace. We have to handle it with due diligence."
If you support or oppose these BIlls( proposed laws)
Here is an opportunity to speak and/or submit written testimony
on the following Bills coming up
at Legislation:
Thursday, February 3, 2011
2:00 PM Select Committee on Children Public Hearing
Select Committee on Children
Thursday, February 3, 2011
2:00 PM in Room 2C of the LOB
I will keep you informed about any PUBLIC hearing that I know about
that we can speak about, you can also submit written testimony by
calling the committee about how many copies you need to send in,
or you can send the written testimony to me and I will make copies for you
and personally hand delver it for you, but we need you to be there also to
testify, you can do both. If you hear of any that I may have missed, please
send me any information that you hear of as well.
I'm open for response at all times and please send me your opinions,
views, testimony, experiences, etc. always with
lots of Love CJ Marton
PEACE be with you.
I was a Webelos cub scout Leader and the motto is
"Be prepared". "
my motto: "We should have our voice heard, then who is to blame,
or there will never be any peace. We have to handle it with due diligence."
If you support or oppose these BIlls( proposed laws)
Here is an opportunity to speak and/or submit written testimony
on the following Bills coming up
at Legislation:
Thursday, February 3, 2011
2:00 PM Select Committee on Children Public Hearing
Select Committee on Children
Thursday, February 3, 2011
2:00 PM in Room 2C of the LOB
1 (888) 289-8442
If you have any information about possible fraud, waste or the misuse of federal funds, please help us eliminate it by calling ACF's Fraud Alert hotline.
1 (888) 289-8442
If you have any information about possible fraud, waste or the misuse of federal funds, please help us eliminate it by calling ACF's Fraud Alert hotline.
BEVERLY TRAN: New York Child Welfare Found To Be Poorly Managed
BEVERLY TRAN: New York Child Welfare Found To Be Poorly Managed
This is rather an interesting angle taken by the Independent Democratic Conference. Now let's see them do a report of the various types of fraud schemes in the New York Office of Children and Family Services.
Independent Democratic Conference: OT, Workers Comp Woes At Children And Family Services
The Office of Children and Family Services has increased overtime costs and experienced a drastic spike in worker's comp claims, the Senate's breakawayIndependent Democratic Conference says in a new report.
The numbers come as the overall number of youths under OCFS supervision has decreased from 983 during this beginning of the 2009-2010 fiscal year to roughly 700 currently.
Said state Sen. Jeff Klein, “There is no good reason why costs and workplace violence are rising, while the numbers of youths under OCFS supervision are falling. Gov. Cuomo has made revamping our juvenile justice system a priority. Based on our findings, this reform cannot come soon enough.”
Read the report.
Mayor Bloomberg is pushing for the city to regain more control over its juvenile justice system from the state.
This is rather an interesting angle taken by the Independent Democratic Conference. Now let's see them do a report of the various types of fraud schemes in the New York Office of Children and Family Services.
Independent Democratic Conference: OT, Workers Comp Woes At Children And Family Services
The Office of Children and Family Services has increased overtime costs and experienced a drastic spike in worker's comp claims, the Senate's breakawayIndependent Democratic Conference says in a new report.
The numbers come as the overall number of youths under OCFS supervision has decreased from 983 during this beginning of the 2009-2010 fiscal year to roughly 700 currently.
Said state Sen. Jeff Klein, “There is no good reason why costs and workplace violence are rising, while the numbers of youths under OCFS supervision are falling. Gov. Cuomo has made revamping our juvenile justice system a priority. Based on our findings, this reform cannot come soon enough.”
Read the report.
Mayor Bloomberg is pushing for the city to regain more control over its juvenile justice system from the state.
Increased number of foster care placements 'troubling,' child welfare expert says | Deseret News
Increased number of foster care placements 'troubling,' child welfare expert says | Deseret News
SALT LAKE CITY — The lead attorney in a class-action lawsuit that challenged Utah's child welfare practices rejects the suggestion in a recent state audit that the lawsuit has made caseworkers and court staff "risk averse," and therefore more likely to place abused and neglected children in foster care.
SALT LAKE CITY — The lead attorney in a class-action lawsuit that challenged Utah's child welfare practices rejects the suggestion in a recent state audit that the lawsuit has made caseworkers and court staff "risk averse," and therefore more likely to place abused and neglected children in foster care. | Keep Me Posted on MomsRising | Keep Me Posted on MomsRising
MomsRising gives mothers, and all who have mothers, a voice in shaping the laws & policies that affect our lives. You can sign online petitions on timely issues like healthcare, flexible work options, paid family leave, childcare, living wages, and more, or you can just sign up to receive email alerts, all for free.
Sign on today!
MomsRising gives mothers, and all who have mothers, a voice in shaping the laws & policies that affect our lives. You can sign online petitions on timely issues like healthcare, flexible work options, paid family leave, childcare, living wages, and more, or you can just sign up to receive email alerts, all for free.
Sign on today!
CPS Problems? Here Are 7 Ways to Fight CPS…
CPS Problems? Here Are 7 Ways to Fight CPS…
If you’re appalled by the actions of CPS, here are some ideas for correcting the injustices:
1. Write a letter to each and every member of your county board of supervisors detailing actions that show illegal activities or injustice on the part of local caseworkers. Suggest that they cut the CPS budget if caseworkers are taking children who shouldn’t be separated from their parents. Suggest that these illegal and unjust activities could cause the county to have to deal with expensive lawsuits. Follow this up by regularly attending meetings of the county board of supervisors and by getting up to share during community participation time; use your three minutes to tell people what’s going on.
2. Write a letter to your state legislators (don’t bother with the federal legislators – they’re usually worthless and corrupt unless they’re Ron Paul or someone exactly like him.) Go for the state level legislators. Tell them that child welfare is mismanaged in your county. Then follow up by going to the capitol to try to have a face to face encounter with these legislators. Take with you a gift-offering of a folder you’ve prepared with lots of information about how corrupt and evil CPS is. Tell them you support the State Sovereignty Movement and that federal child welfare laws are a violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Tenth Amendment.
3. Study your state’s social services regulations. You should be able to find a copy at your local county law library. Ask the librarian there for help finding them. If you have an open CPS case take notes on every regulation that’s being violated by your caseworker. Get photocopies of the regulations that are violated. Next, review your court order to see what orders may be violated by the caseworker. If you find discrepancies you can file for a state administrative hearing.
4. Does your county have a Grand Jury? If so, write them a letter, not about your personal case so much as about the problems of CPS injustice in general. Ask them to investigate CPS in your county.
5. If you haven’t already, write a Legal Declaration to clarify each point of malfeasance by caseworkers and others involved in your case. As when writing any letter or legal document, NEVER include any self-incriminating type of statement. Give this to your attorney. If he won’t see you in person, mail it to him and request (1) a response, and (2) that it be presented to the judge for the next hearing.
6. If your caseworker’s report to the court contains inaccurate statements, misrepresentations, or lies, create a legal document called “Objections and Corrections to the Report of the Social Worker” and as with the Legal Declaration, send it to your lawyer to be presented to the court.
Links to legal documents samples are here: Legal Document and Information Library.
7. If your caseworker is violating your court order or state social service regulations, treating you disrespectfully, or in any other way doing something you believe is wrong, write a letter to the county personnel department with a detailed complaint about the person. This will probably keep the caseworker from ever getting a promotion in that county. He or she might also get demoted, or fired.
I hope you find some solutions that will work for you.
If you’re appalled by the actions of CPS, here are some ideas for correcting the injustices:
1. Write a letter to each and every member of your county board of supervisors detailing actions that show illegal activities or injustice on the part of local caseworkers. Suggest that they cut the CPS budget if caseworkers are taking children who shouldn’t be separated from their parents. Suggest that these illegal and unjust activities could cause the county to have to deal with expensive lawsuits. Follow this up by regularly attending meetings of the county board of supervisors and by getting up to share during community participation time; use your three minutes to tell people what’s going on.
2. Write a letter to your state legislators (don’t bother with the federal legislators – they’re usually worthless and corrupt unless they’re Ron Paul or someone exactly like him.) Go for the state level legislators. Tell them that child welfare is mismanaged in your county. Then follow up by going to the capitol to try to have a face to face encounter with these legislators. Take with you a gift-offering of a folder you’ve prepared with lots of information about how corrupt and evil CPS is. Tell them you support the State Sovereignty Movement and that federal child welfare laws are a violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Tenth Amendment.
3. Study your state’s social services regulations. You should be able to find a copy at your local county law library. Ask the librarian there for help finding them. If you have an open CPS case take notes on every regulation that’s being violated by your caseworker. Get photocopies of the regulations that are violated. Next, review your court order to see what orders may be violated by the caseworker. If you find discrepancies you can file for a state administrative hearing.
4. Does your county have a Grand Jury? If so, write them a letter, not about your personal case so much as about the problems of CPS injustice in general. Ask them to investigate CPS in your county.
5. If you haven’t already, write a Legal Declaration to clarify each point of malfeasance by caseworkers and others involved in your case. As when writing any letter or legal document, NEVER include any self-incriminating type of statement. Give this to your attorney. If he won’t see you in person, mail it to him and request (1) a response, and (2) that it be presented to the judge for the next hearing.
6. If your caseworker’s report to the court contains inaccurate statements, misrepresentations, or lies, create a legal document called “Objections and Corrections to the Report of the Social Worker” and as with the Legal Declaration, send it to your lawyer to be presented to the court.
Links to legal documents samples are here: Legal Document and Information Library.
7. If your caseworker is violating your court order or state social service regulations, treating you disrespectfully, or in any other way doing something you believe is wrong, write a letter to the county personnel department with a detailed complaint about the person. This will probably keep the caseworker from ever getting a promotion in that county. He or she might also get demoted, or fired.
I hope you find some solutions that will work for you.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Drugs not approved for children still being used to treat them
Science|Business - The media network for research, industry and policy: "Drugs not approved for children still being used to treat them"
Science|Business reporting
Off-label and unauthorised drugs are still being prescribed, according to a European survey on use of medicines for children.
A survey of all uses of medicines for children shows that the prescription of off-label and unauthorised drugs is still widespread in Europe, more than three years after the European Union legislation that aimed to end this practice came into force.
The survey was commissioned as part of the European Paediatric regulation, which is intended to improve children’s healthcare by encouraging the development and availability of medicines for children aged 0 to 17 years, ensuring they are ethically researched and properly authorised.
The regulation, passed after long deliberation in 2007, is meant to achieve this without subjecting children to unnecessary trials, or delaying the authorisation of medicines for use in adults.
A wide range of drugs are being used off-label or without an appropriate marketing authorisation, with higher rates in very young children and children with very severe conditions, according to the survey. One of the main reasons is the lack of age-appropriate formulations.
The Paediatic regulation was intended to give drug companies an incentive to carry out safety testing in children, offering a six-month patent extension in the case of standard treatments, and a two-year extension to the patent life of orphan drugs – if safety and dosage trials are carried out on children.
In addition, there was a new designation, the Paediatric Use Marketing Authorisation, which provides 10 years’ patent protection for companies that carry out paediatric clinical trials of off-patent drugs.
The survey will inform the work of the European Medicines Agency’s Paediatric Committee, which maintains an inventory of the potential commercial opportunities for companies to develop paediatric medicines.
Science|Business reporting
Off-label and unauthorised drugs are still being prescribed, according to a European survey on use of medicines for children.
A survey of all uses of medicines for children shows that the prescription of off-label and unauthorised drugs is still widespread in Europe, more than three years after the European Union legislation that aimed to end this practice came into force.
The survey was commissioned as part of the European Paediatric regulation, which is intended to improve children’s healthcare by encouraging the development and availability of medicines for children aged 0 to 17 years, ensuring they are ethically researched and properly authorised.
The regulation, passed after long deliberation in 2007, is meant to achieve this without subjecting children to unnecessary trials, or delaying the authorisation of medicines for use in adults.
A wide range of drugs are being used off-label or without an appropriate marketing authorisation, with higher rates in very young children and children with very severe conditions, according to the survey. One of the main reasons is the lack of age-appropriate formulations.
The Paediatic regulation was intended to give drug companies an incentive to carry out safety testing in children, offering a six-month patent extension in the case of standard treatments, and a two-year extension to the patent life of orphan drugs – if safety and dosage trials are carried out on children.
In addition, there was a new designation, the Paediatric Use Marketing Authorisation, which provides 10 years’ patent protection for companies that carry out paediatric clinical trials of off-patent drugs.
The survey will inform the work of the European Medicines Agency’s Paediatric Committee, which maintains an inventory of the potential commercial opportunities for companies to develop paediatric medicines.
Black Mother Jailed For Sending Kids to White School DistrictEducation : Black Economic Development
Education : Black Economic Development: "Black Mother Jailed For Sending Kids to White School District"
An Ohio mother of two was sentenced to 10 days in jail and placed on three years probation after sending her kids to a school district in which they did not live. Kelly Williams-Bolar was sentenced by Judge Patricia Cosgrove on Tuesday and will begin serving her sentence immediately.
The jury deliberated for seven hours and the courtroom was packed as the sentence was handed down. She was convicted on two counts of tampering with court records after registering her two girls as living with Williams Bolar’s father when they actually lived with her. The family lived in the housing projects in Akron, Ohio, and the father’s address was in nearby Copley Township.
Additionally, Williams-Bolar’s father, Edward L. Williams, was charged with a fourth-degree felony of grand theft, in which he and his daughter are charged with defrauding the school system for two years of educational services for their girls. The court determined that sending their children to the wrong school was worth $30,500 in tuition. Read more:
An Ohio mother of two was sentenced to 10 days in jail and placed on three years probation after sending her kids to a school district in which they did not live. Kelly Williams-Bolar was sentenced by Judge Patricia Cosgrove on Tuesday and will begin serving her sentence immediately.
The jury deliberated for seven hours and the courtroom was packed as the sentence was handed down. She was convicted on two counts of tampering with court records after registering her two girls as living with Williams Bolar’s father when they actually lived with her. The family lived in the housing projects in Akron, Ohio, and the father’s address was in nearby Copley Township.
Additionally, Williams-Bolar’s father, Edward L. Williams, was charged with a fourth-degree felony of grand theft, in which he and his daughter are charged with defrauding the school system for two years of educational services for their girls. The court determined that sending their children to the wrong school was worth $30,500 in tuition. Read more:
Please sign the Amicus Brief ASAP » THE PUBLIC COURT
Please sign the Amicus Brief ASAP » THE PUBLIC COURT
Sign > Amicus Brief NOW
Read Entire > Amicus Brief
Please friends if you would, please sign the Amicus Brief for the Public good in the case of Tadros vs. Doyne. This case has potential to cause ripples throughout the legal and psychological communities across the Nation in a positive way, protecting Families and Children from Fraudulent, Corrupt, Lying, Con-artist, Unqualified, Custody Evaluators who conduct Custody Evaluations. The Amicus Brief or Amici is a unique legal tool whereby the Public at large can enjoin and show support for one side in a lawsuit — in this case, the lawsuit that Emad Tadros MD filed against Stephen Doyne PhD (see Custody Evaluators tab above). By signing this you will not be called in to court to testify, the Judge will see (hopefully) thousands of signatures and that will send the right message; again, Amici is a unique legal tool that allows the Public to have a voice in a legal matter. The link is to the Amicus Brief and your signature page to show support, with instructions on where to send it. It is all very thorough. It’s a good thing to support. Please show your support for Families and Children in crisis, to protect them from corruption and abuse in the Family Courts. Here is the link: Click the link at the top
Sign > Amicus Brief NOW
Read Entire > Amicus Brief
Please friends if you would, please sign the Amicus Brief for the Public good in the case of Tadros vs. Doyne. This case has potential to cause ripples throughout the legal and psychological communities across the Nation in a positive way, protecting Families and Children from Fraudulent, Corrupt, Lying, Con-artist, Unqualified, Custody Evaluators who conduct Custody Evaluations. The Amicus Brief or Amici is a unique legal tool whereby the Public at large can enjoin and show support for one side in a lawsuit — in this case, the lawsuit that Emad Tadros MD filed against Stephen Doyne PhD (see Custody Evaluators tab above). By signing this you will not be called in to court to testify, the Judge will see (hopefully) thousands of signatures and that will send the right message; again, Amici is a unique legal tool that allows the Public to have a voice in a legal matter. The link is to the Amicus Brief and your signature page to show support, with instructions on where to send it. It is all very thorough. It’s a good thing to support. Please show your support for Families and Children in crisis, to protect them from corruption and abuse in the Family Courts. Here is the link: Click the link at the top
The Truth Bites "NH" Women Justices on a role?
The Truth Bites "NH"
Did you know that?
• In New Hampshire one party is pro se in 85% of all civil cases in the district court and 48% of all civil cases in the superior court in 2004. -
• In probate court, both sides are unrepresented by lawyers in 38% of cases. In superior court domestic relations cases, almost 70% of cases have one pro se party, while in district court domestic violence cases, 97% of the cases have one pro se party. See.
The below gives an idea why NH has not been reporting since 04:
Quote from attached article:
"Taken as a whole, the record reflects an individual with a long history of evading his financial obligations, as well as failing to take responsibility for the consequences of his poor judgment and criminal behavior," Justice Carol Ann Conboy wrote in the court's unanimous ruling. "We see no evidence that, as an attorney, the applicant would conduct himself any differently.
So when will James L. DeHart, Thomas V. Trevethick, Janet DeVito, Jennifer B. Sargent and James L. Kruse get with the program? Do you known out of 9000 lawyers the discipline office, has not recognized the traits of the Judicial Branch is the above area, poor billing , overbilling, knowingly mis- representing fact, drunk driving, claiming bankruptcy to get of school bills, yet unless the papers publish it first. NO sanctions fines and rarely will they publish something in the bar news about an attorney after all who do you think funds the NH they fund them with yearly dues and:
Dismissals with warnings are not considered attorney discipline under Supreme Court Rules 37 and 37A. And under -
The New Hampshire Lawyers Assistance Program (NHLAP) provides confidential, meaningful assistance to lawyers, judges, law students and their families in coping with alcoholism and other addictions, depression, and other personal or professional crises.
Under Supreme Court Rule 58, NHLAP treats all contact, whether with lawyers, judges, law students, or concerned third parties, with confidentiality. We are exempt from reporting professional misconduct under Rule 8.3. Information between NHLAP employees and volunteers, and a lawyer, judge or law student, who seeks assistance, is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed
The Judicial conduct committee is another a joke here in NH as well a lofty position without the benefit of invoking any sanctions even when the players break the law there is blatant acceptance for poor behavior of attorneys and judges throughout New Hampshire. And if one considers the amount of divorces among them and the acts of their own children against them it’s a wicked soap as the Granite crumbles...
Delanis we're hoping you can continue in a more positive manner than that ...B what was his name? When people are taking their chances pro se' as much as they are, several factors come to mine lawyers are expensive - good ones are worth it --- conduct committees are suppose to monitored conduct yet they do not., they fail to inform the public of some huge idiots in the system - how many people use the bar news? And another factor to consider is - you have to belong to the Bar in NH to be an attorney - hard to regulate what funds you. Conflict of interest??
More so it is the Fact that the courts are mismanaged a lawyer runs each court and they are not necessarily business majors they can't get their orders out on time or appropriately. The fact is JUDGES IN NH increase litigation by incomplete, in accurate orders, not enforcing the orders they already issued and they fail to supervise the marital masters under them creating more visits to the court.
Did you know that?
• In New Hampshire one party is pro se in 85% of all civil cases in the district court and 48% of all civil cases in the superior court in 2004. -
• In probate court, both sides are unrepresented by lawyers in 38% of cases. In superior court domestic relations cases, almost 70% of cases have one pro se party, while in district court domestic violence cases, 97% of the cases have one pro se party. See.
The below gives an idea why NH has not been reporting since 04:
Quote from attached article:
"Taken as a whole, the record reflects an individual with a long history of evading his financial obligations, as well as failing to take responsibility for the consequences of his poor judgment and criminal behavior," Justice Carol Ann Conboy wrote in the court's unanimous ruling. "We see no evidence that, as an attorney, the applicant would conduct himself any differently.
So when will James L. DeHart, Thomas V. Trevethick, Janet DeVito, Jennifer B. Sargent and James L. Kruse get with the program? Do you known out of 9000 lawyers the discipline office, has not recognized the traits of the Judicial Branch is the above area, poor billing , overbilling, knowingly mis- representing fact, drunk driving, claiming bankruptcy to get of school bills, yet unless the papers publish it first. NO sanctions fines and rarely will they publish something in the bar news about an attorney after all who do you think funds the NH they fund them with yearly dues and:
Dismissals with warnings are not considered attorney discipline under Supreme Court Rules 37 and 37A. And under -
The New Hampshire Lawyers Assistance Program (NHLAP) provides confidential, meaningful assistance to lawyers, judges, law students and their families in coping with alcoholism and other addictions, depression, and other personal or professional crises.
Under Supreme Court Rule 58, NHLAP treats all contact, whether with lawyers, judges, law students, or concerned third parties, with confidentiality. We are exempt from reporting professional misconduct under Rule 8.3. Information between NHLAP employees and volunteers, and a lawyer, judge or law student, who seeks assistance, is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed
The Judicial conduct committee is another a joke here in NH as well a lofty position without the benefit of invoking any sanctions even when the players break the law there is blatant acceptance for poor behavior of attorneys and judges throughout New Hampshire. And if one considers the amount of divorces among them and the acts of their own children against them it’s a wicked soap as the Granite crumbles...
Delanis we're hoping you can continue in a more positive manner than that ...B what was his name? When people are taking their chances pro se' as much as they are, several factors come to mine lawyers are expensive - good ones are worth it --- conduct committees are suppose to monitored conduct yet they do not., they fail to inform the public of some huge idiots in the system - how many people use the bar news? And another factor to consider is - you have to belong to the Bar in NH to be an attorney - hard to regulate what funds you. Conflict of interest??
More so it is the Fact that the courts are mismanaged a lawyer runs each court and they are not necessarily business majors they can't get their orders out on time or appropriately. The fact is JUDGES IN NH increase litigation by incomplete, in accurate orders, not enforcing the orders they already issued and they fail to supervise the marital masters under them creating more visits to the court.
HSLDA | Appellate Briefs Filed in Arizona Illegal-Search Case
HSLDA | Appellate Briefs Filed in Arizona Illegal-Search Case
Appellate Briefs Filed in Arizona Illegal-Search Case
In March of 2005, two social workers and six deputy sheriffs descended on the home of John and Tiffany Loudermilk to “investigate” a two-month-old anonymous tip that their house was unsafe for children. After almost an hour of threats, the social workers finally threatened to take all of their children into custody if not allowed inside. The Loudermilks reluctantly agreed. The assembled officials took less than five minutes to determine that the allegations in the anonymous report were false.
HSLDA reviewed the case and sued the social workers, their attorney, and four of the deputies for violating the Loudermilks’ Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches. We also sued the social workers for threatening to remove their children without justification.
The judge denied the defendants’ motions to dismiss in September 2007, and then denied their motions for summary judgment in March 2010. The deputies appealed, claiming that they should be immune from liability because, they said, the right to be free from unreasonable searches was not clear enough for them to realize that threatening to remove a child if not allowed inside the home violated the Fourth Amendment.
Click here to read their brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).
In HSLDA’s answering brief, we argued that the law has been clearly established for at least 10 years, ever since we successfully sued social workers on behalf of the Calabretta family in a similar case. We also demonstrated that any reasonable officer should know that threatening to remove a child to gain the “cooperation” of the parents is inherently coercive and that the officers should have known so at the time.
Within the next few weeks the appellate court will either decide the case or will schedule oral argument. In the meantime, proceedings in the trial court are on hold.
Other Resources
“Judge Upholds Family’s Right to Day in Court”
July/August 2010 Court Report: “Family Wins Round Two”
September/October 2009 Court Report: “Arguments Proceed in Federal Lawsuit”
January/February 2008 Court Report: “Judge Slams Coercive Tactics”
“Judge Rules Social Worker Fear Tactics Unconstitutional”
“Social Workers and Sheriff’s Deputies Violate Family’s 4th and 14th Amendment Rights”
Appellate Briefs Filed in Arizona Illegal-Search Case
In March of 2005, two social workers and six deputy sheriffs descended on the home of John and Tiffany Loudermilk to “investigate” a two-month-old anonymous tip that their house was unsafe for children. After almost an hour of threats, the social workers finally threatened to take all of their children into custody if not allowed inside. The Loudermilks reluctantly agreed. The assembled officials took less than five minutes to determine that the allegations in the anonymous report were false.
HSLDA reviewed the case and sued the social workers, their attorney, and four of the deputies for violating the Loudermilks’ Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches. We also sued the social workers for threatening to remove their children without justification.
The judge denied the defendants’ motions to dismiss in September 2007, and then denied their motions for summary judgment in March 2010. The deputies appealed, claiming that they should be immune from liability because, they said, the right to be free from unreasonable searches was not clear enough for them to realize that threatening to remove a child if not allowed inside the home violated the Fourth Amendment.
Click here to read their brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).
In HSLDA’s answering brief, we argued that the law has been clearly established for at least 10 years, ever since we successfully sued social workers on behalf of the Calabretta family in a similar case. We also demonstrated that any reasonable officer should know that threatening to remove a child to gain the “cooperation” of the parents is inherently coercive and that the officers should have known so at the time.
Within the next few weeks the appellate court will either decide the case or will schedule oral argument. In the meantime, proceedings in the trial court are on hold.
Other Resources
“Judge Upholds Family’s Right to Day in Court”
July/August 2010 Court Report: “Family Wins Round Two”
September/October 2009 Court Report: “Arguments Proceed in Federal Lawsuit”
January/February 2008 Court Report: “Judge Slams Coercive Tactics”
“Judge Rules Social Worker Fear Tactics Unconstitutional”
“Social Workers and Sheriff’s Deputies Violate Family’s 4th and 14th Amendment Rights”
Natl. Family Rights Protest
Natl. Family Rights Protest
National Family Rights Protest
“Government Abuse IS Child Abuse for Profit”
When: Friday, August 12, 2011
Where: See State/PLC tab for your area
Who: United States- Child/Family Rights Groups
Why:“We the People”
are no longer tolerating;
· Unjust Laws
· TAXPAYER dollars (billions) used to separate, and financially demolish families.
We the People” demand reformation of:
· Assigned Judges- (must be abolished)
· Court Appointed Guardian-ad-litem
(must be abolished-severely limited at a minimum)
· Family courts / records must be made public
· Court Gag orders are a violation of 1st amendment
· Adoption incentive payments (must be abolished)
Re; Adoption / Safe Families Act 1997
Every effort must be made for children to stay with Grandparents / family members instead of foster care.
· Grandparents / family must have visitation rights without current criminal treatment
· Families must be given assistance instead of removing their
Children example; removal due to gas shut-off
· Parents must be restored freedoms to raise their children
· Immediate access in all cases for children’s records
· Option to have a Jury, when requested in family courts
We the People” demand reformation of:
Assigned Judges- must be abolished
· We are stripped of our right to elect public servants (judges)
· Assigned judges cannot be voted out of office as they are ‘assigned’ to hear cases after pretending to retire.
· They have zero incentive to administer justice or follow law or legal procedures because they cannot be voted out of office after they ‘retire’ THEREFORE, we have been stripped of our legal right to elect (vote) for our judges
· Assigned judges are ‘DOUBLE-DIPPING’. Pretend to ‘retire’
but are assigned to family court cases, collecting approx; $485.00 per ‘day’ while collecting their retirement pay- all paid by taxpayers
· Court appointed guardian-ad-litem / advocate for child / lawyer for child
· Child Protective Services aka; CPS/ DHS / DFS/DSS/Foster Care and Adoption Services
Protest Organization & Coordiation
National Family Rights Protest
“Government Abuse IS Child Abuse for Profit”
When: Friday, August 12, 2011
Where: See State/PLC tab for your area
Who: United States- Child/Family Rights Groups
Why:“We the People”
are no longer tolerating;
· Unjust Laws
· TAXPAYER dollars (billions) used to separate, and financially demolish families.
We the People” demand reformation of:
· Assigned Judges- (must be abolished)
· Court Appointed Guardian-ad-litem
(must be abolished-severely limited at a minimum)
· Family courts / records must be made public
· Court Gag orders are a violation of 1st amendment
· Adoption incentive payments (must be abolished)
Re; Adoption / Safe Families Act 1997
Every effort must be made for children to stay with Grandparents / family members instead of foster care.
· Grandparents / family must have visitation rights without current criminal treatment
· Families must be given assistance instead of removing their
Children example; removal due to gas shut-off
· Parents must be restored freedoms to raise their children
· Immediate access in all cases for children’s records
· Option to have a Jury, when requested in family courts
We the People” demand reformation of:
Assigned Judges- must be abolished
· We are stripped of our right to elect public servants (judges)
· Assigned judges cannot be voted out of office as they are ‘assigned’ to hear cases after pretending to retire.
· They have zero incentive to administer justice or follow law or legal procedures because they cannot be voted out of office after they ‘retire’ THEREFORE, we have been stripped of our legal right to elect (vote) for our judges
· Assigned judges are ‘DOUBLE-DIPPING’. Pretend to ‘retire’
but are assigned to family court cases, collecting approx; $485.00 per ‘day’ while collecting their retirement pay- all paid by taxpayers
· Court appointed guardian-ad-litem / advocate for child / lawyer for child
· Child Protective Services aka; CPS/ DHS / DFS/DSS/Foster Care and Adoption Services
Protest Organization & Coordiation
Child Protective Services: CPS & Police Abuse Constitution, Invading Homes, Kidnapping Children, Ignoring Courts, and Criminalizing Americans. Polygamist FLDS Raid Sheds Light on More Cases.
Child Protective Services: CPS & Police Abuse Constitution, Invading Homes, Kidnapping Children, Ignoring Courts, and Criminalizing Americans. Polygamist FLDS Raid Sheds Light on More Cases. | Free Classified Ads Belfast.Com
Child Protective Services can take your children too. CPS has come to believe they are above the law and the Constitution, that they do not need a search warrant to come into your home, label you as a child abuser for any reason and make you a criminal based upon their opinion alone, take your children away in a paddy wagon, and put your kids into foster homes pending a court hearing where CPS will try their best to win and permanently take custody of your kids. If CPS loses, they will continue to fight you, slandering your family and listing you as a child abuser in government databases. CPS is an abusive government agency spiraling completely out of control. It’s time to shut them down. The unlawful removal of 468 children from the FLDS ranch in west Texas, has put CPS under the microscope. That case has led others to wonder if they can do that to FLDS children, can CPS do that to my children? CBS 42 investigative reporter, Nancy Wilson, shows us one family who says the same thing happened to them, and eight years later they are still trying to clear their names. This is the Gates family, Gary and Melissa have 13 children, 11 of them adopted. They saw a need for kids from a variety of backgrounds who need love in a stable home. Imagine their surprise when 11 government employees, 6 police officers and 5 CPS workers, showed up on their doorstep. The school called CPS when they discovered that the Gates pinned a baggy with food wrappers inside the shirt of one of the kids …
Child Protective Services can take your children too. CPS has come to believe they are above the law and the Constitution, that they do not need a search warrant to come into your home, label you as a child abuser for any reason and make you a criminal based upon their opinion alone, take your children away in a paddy wagon, and put your kids into foster homes pending a court hearing where CPS will try their best to win and permanently take custody of your kids. If CPS loses, they will continue to fight you, slandering your family and listing you as a child abuser in government databases. CPS is an abusive government agency spiraling completely out of control. It’s time to shut them down. The unlawful removal of 468 children from the FLDS ranch in west Texas, has put CPS under the microscope. That case has led others to wonder if they can do that to FLDS children, can CPS do that to my children? CBS 42 investigative reporter, Nancy Wilson, shows us one family who says the same thing happened to them, and eight years later they are still trying to clear their names. This is the Gates family, Gary and Melissa have 13 children, 11 of them adopted. They saw a need for kids from a variety of backgrounds who need love in a stable home. Imagine their surprise when 11 government employees, 6 police officers and 5 CPS workers, showed up on their doorstep. The school called CPS when they discovered that the Gates pinned a baggy with food wrappers inside the shirt of one of the kids …
CPS Pisses off Serbia!!! S.J. couple fighting CPS for return of their children
S.J. couple fighting CPS for return of their children |
San Francisco- When a Serbian man in California gave his work computer to an office technician in July, it prompted a chain of events that have stripped him and his wife of their kids and sparked fury in his home country at the state's child protective services system.
The affair has triggered outrage in Serbia, with officials there saying they would try to get the children back to the parents as soon as possible - even if it takes intervention through the highest diplomatic channels.
"There are indications of major human rights violations by the Child Protective Service, which is acting on its own," Serbian justice ministry official Slobodan Homen told the AP.
San Francisco- When a Serbian man in California gave his work computer to an office technician in July, it prompted a chain of events that have stripped him and his wife of their kids and sparked fury in his home country at the state's child protective services system.
The affair has triggered outrage in Serbia, with officials there saying they would try to get the children back to the parents as soon as possible - even if it takes intervention through the highest diplomatic channels.
"There are indications of major human rights violations by the Child Protective Service, which is acting on its own," Serbian justice ministry official Slobodan Homen told the AP.
Child Advocates Seek Reforms-Texas
Child Advocates Seek Reforms - News - The Austin Chronicle
On an average day in 2009, there were 187 reported cases of child abuse and neglect in Texas. If lawmakers make planned cuts to the Department of Family and Protective Services budget, charities statewide fear those numbers will get worse.
At a Jan. 19 press conference in the Lieutenant Governor's Office, the Child Protection Roundtable – a coalition of about 30 child advocate organizations – laid out its legislative agenda, which seeks to avoid the casualties that come from dramatic budget cuts. Surrounded by 187 children's handprints and 187 stuffed toys – one for each endangered child – Madeline McClure, executive director of TexProtects (shorthand for the Texas Association for the Protection of Children), called for legislators to protect "our state's most precious resource, and it's not water."
On an average day in 2009, there were 187 reported cases of child abuse and neglect in Texas. If lawmakers make planned cuts to the Department of Family and Protective Services budget, charities statewide fear those numbers will get worse.
At a Jan. 19 press conference in the Lieutenant Governor's Office, the Child Protection Roundtable – a coalition of about 30 child advocate organizations – laid out its legislative agenda, which seeks to avoid the casualties that come from dramatic budget cuts. Surrounded by 187 children's handprints and 187 stuffed toys – one for each endangered child – Madeline McClure, executive director of TexProtects (shorthand for the Texas Association for the Protection of Children), called for legislators to protect "our state's most precious resource, and it's not water."
TONIGHT!! American Mothers Political Party Show- 5 PM CST, 6 PM EST — CALL IN (347) 205-9977 « Battered Mothers-A Human Rights Issue
TONIGHT!! American Mothers Political Party Show- 5 PM CST, 6 PM EST — CALL IN (347) 205-9977 « Battered Mothers-A Human Rights Issue
AMPP is a social movement seeking justice and accountability within the family court system which includes DHHS/CPS, psychologists and other so called experts.
We as mothers demand CITIZENSHIP and our Rights to our Children.
We demand that our children not be used as pawns by our abuser in a custody dispute.
We demand that Mothers and Children be equally protected against court ordered visitation with an abuser.
We demand that Mothers and Children be given the same rights, privileges and voice that the abuser gets in family courts!
We demand that our President take action now as can no longer afford to be silent and we won’t.
We demand the same "rights and freedoms" to which all humans are entitled.
Behind the closed doors of the dirty little secret of the family court system, thousands of women each year lose child custody to violent men who beat and abuse Mothers and Children.
Family courts are not family-friendly and betray the best interests of the child.
Until Mothers and Children’s voices are heard we will never shut up, give up or go away!
AMPP is a social movement seeking justice and accountability within the family court system which includes DHHS/CPS, psychologists and other so called experts.
We as mothers demand CITIZENSHIP and our Rights to our Children.
We demand that our children not be used as pawns by our abuser in a custody dispute.
We demand that Mothers and Children be equally protected against court ordered visitation with an abuser.
We demand that Mothers and Children be given the same rights, privileges and voice that the abuser gets in family courts!
We demand that our President take action now as can no longer afford to be silent and we won’t.
We demand the same "rights and freedoms" to which all humans are entitled.
Behind the closed doors of the dirty little secret of the family court system, thousands of women each year lose child custody to violent men who beat and abuse Mothers and Children.
Family courts are not family-friendly and betray the best interests of the child.
Until Mothers and Children’s voices are heard we will never shut up, give up or go away!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Legally Kidnapped: Adoption lawyer says people are shocked-It's ALL about the Money!!
Legally Kidnapped: Adoption lawyer says people are shocked
It's ALL about the MONEY!! Not the best interest's of the Children!!!!
It's ALL about the MONEY!! Not the best interest's of the Children!!!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The Truth Bites "NH": Petition to Kill NH Bill 39 - Rep Boehm wants only English, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education...(???)
The Truth Bites "NH": Petition to Kill NH Bill 39 - Rep Boehm wants only English, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education...(???)
Ralph is it? An adequate education is not 4 subjects, I see you left in physical education are you a jock or wanna be.
Children need a variety of programs to be successful not everyone wants to go to college. You claim through this bill that with minimal subjects that children will be prepared for college. However, you neglect to realize that college is something not yet affordable for every student in America or even every student’s desire.
guest sign in Denise-Marie McIntosh
You also claim they will be ready for the world, not so, here you are very wrong. Children in every other country in the world except American can speak at least 2 languages if not more. Health education at an earlier age teaches young people how to take care of their bodies and as such lays down a foundation for a healthier future and decreased medical and insurance issues.
A technology education cut (?) Seriously, Mr. Computer Software Engineer from New York this means these children would not be ready for college in the least, if they can’t use a computer or understand how to create they won’t be able to take the test.
Arts education creates inspiration and imagination that sparks creativity in all areas. Something apparently lacking with the individual who sponsor this bill. If you need something to be grateful for with state legislators such as this one “check your pulse”.
Ralph is it? An adequate education is not 4 subjects, I see you left in physical education are you a jock or wanna be.
Children need a variety of programs to be successful not everyone wants to go to college. You claim through this bill that with minimal subjects that children will be prepared for college. However, you neglect to realize that college is something not yet affordable for every student in America or even every student’s desire.
guest sign in Denise-Marie McIntosh
You also claim they will be ready for the world, not so, here you are very wrong. Children in every other country in the world except American can speak at least 2 languages if not more. Health education at an earlier age teaches young people how to take care of their bodies and as such lays down a foundation for a healthier future and decreased medical and insurance issues.
A technology education cut (?) Seriously, Mr. Computer Software Engineer from New York this means these children would not be ready for college in the least, if they can’t use a computer or understand how to create they won’t be able to take the test.
Arts education creates inspiration and imagination that sparks creativity in all areas. Something apparently lacking with the individual who sponsor this bill. If you need something to be grateful for with state legislators such as this one “check your pulse”.
Woman Accused of Burning Nephew in Bath |
Woman Accused of Burning Nephew in Bath | "PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) - A woman in Providence has been accused of of abusing her nephew while he was in the bathtub.
Tiecha Moore of Providence was charged with child abuse charges after she admitted to police she put her two-year old nephew into a scalding bath.
The Providence Journal reported that Moore didn't know the water was too hot and claimed it was all an accident.
Her nephew was taken to Hasbro Children's Hospital where he was treated.
However, after the charges were filed, police were told that Moore has been investigated by The Department of Children, Youth & Families (DCYF) before for child abuse and child neglect."
Tiecha Moore of Providence was charged with child abuse charges after she admitted to police she put her two-year old nephew into a scalding bath.
The Providence Journal reported that Moore didn't know the water was too hot and claimed it was all an accident.
Her nephew was taken to Hasbro Children's Hospital where he was treated.
However, after the charges were filed, police were told that Moore has been investigated by The Department of Children, Youth & Families (DCYF) before for child abuse and child neglect."
Divorce Papers: John Irish & Stephanie Taylor Speak Out: Concord Hospital Baby Abduction Protest
Divorce Papers: John Irish & Stephanie Taylor Speak Out: Concord Hospital Baby Abduction Protest
To Donate to the Johnathon Irish Family, mail a check or money order to: 41 Campground Road Northwood NH 03261 If you can’t donate, consider a letter of support. Our prayers are with you. An emergency peaceful protest at Concord Hospital was held Friday due to the state of New Hampshire forcibly removing, with the aid of the hospital, 15-hour old newborn, Cheyenne Irish, from her parents. The baby’s father, John Irish, alleges all the charges for the removal are trumped and he does not know why according to his statement at the protest. (See Oppression by Oath Youtube video below, posted by Adventures In the Free State) Adventures in the Free State writes: “A day-old infant was abducted by NH DCYF on 10/7/2010, from and allegedly with the complicity of Concord Hospital, apparently at least partially because her father had affirmed, by association with Oath Keepers, an oath he’d taken to support and defend the US Constitution. An oath government employees take every day. Do they respect their own promises as much? Do you care…? Mother of the baby, Stephanie Janvrin’s former partner and legal husband, David Taylor refuses to sign divorce papers and claims that he is the father of the baby according to statements made at the protest. “He will not accept or sign the papers” for a divorce. “He just will not do it,” she said. Many women become Targeted Individuals after separating from their partners according to self-support group communications.
The video was taken off.
To Donate to the Johnathon Irish Family, mail a check or money order to: 41 Campground Road Northwood NH 03261 If you can’t donate, consider a letter of support. Our prayers are with you. An emergency peaceful protest at Concord Hospital was held Friday due to the state of New Hampshire forcibly removing, with the aid of the hospital, 15-hour old newborn, Cheyenne Irish, from her parents. The baby’s father, John Irish, alleges all the charges for the removal are trumped and he does not know why according to his statement at the protest. (See Oppression by Oath Youtube video below, posted by Adventures In the Free State) Adventures in the Free State writes: “A day-old infant was abducted by NH DCYF on 10/7/2010, from and allegedly with the complicity of Concord Hospital, apparently at least partially because her father had affirmed, by association with Oath Keepers, an oath he’d taken to support and defend the US Constitution. An oath government employees take every day. Do they respect their own promises as much? Do you care…? Mother of the baby, Stephanie Janvrin’s former partner and legal husband, David Taylor refuses to sign divorce papers and claims that he is the father of the baby according to statements made at the protest. “He will not accept or sign the papers” for a divorce. “He just will not do it,” she said. Many women become Targeted Individuals after separating from their partners according to self-support group communications.
The video was taken off.
Happy 11th Birthday Austin Knightly or whatever your name is now!

Happy Birthday Austin, or whatever your name is now. We hope you're being treated well, where-ever you are. For all we know, you're still at St. Charles. But then again, you could even be in another children's home, unless you've really been adopted. There's no way of knowing with all the lies that come out of DCYF's mouth's.
I'll bet you didn't even know we were finally allowed a Home Study so you could come live with us. I guess DCYF figured they had no other choice. But wouldn't you know, they supposedly found you a home, right around the time the incomplete Home Study was being done. They told us you would be coming to live with us. We bought you your own bed and put your favorite toy's in your room and hung up all your favorite pictures. Your room is STILL waiting for you.We even set up a Christmas tree that year. All for you, but you never came. We were lied to again. We won't stop fighting for your return. We love and miss you AND we WILL see you again soon. That's a promise.
Oh and by the way. One of your new cousin's birthday is today also, so we'll be celebrating your birthday today as well as her's.
I pray you're with good people. I'd hate to see you being starved again like you were in the first foster home and DCYF didn't nothing about it. I hope whoever you're with is treating you like the special little boy you are. Don't give up hope. You WILL be home soon! Love ALWAY's Grammie and Grampie!
The Truth Bites "NH": BIG TROUBLE - questions to ask yourself - READ BETWEEN THE LINES
The Truth Bites "NH": BIG TROUBLE - questions to ask yourself - READ BETWEEN THE LINES
Attorney General Michael Delaney told the Executive Council that he is deciding whether to appeal a case regarding state hiring practices.
In November, a Merrimack County Superior Court judge ruled that the state must give laid-off state employees preference in being rehired into a more senior position, as long as the employee meets the minimum qualifications. The case centered on an employee of the Sununu Youth Services Center, but the ruling could have a significant impact on all the state's rehiring practices. Delaney argued that the ruling would allow a laid-off employee to "leapfrog" over everyone else for a promotion, whether or not the employee has appropriate management skills. Perhaps wording is a factor here to the writer of the piece must give "laid-off state employees preference in being rehired" as opposed to someone off the street or someone already employed - if someone else within has more experience than they could choose them and then put the laid-off candidate with less expereince there. hmm the word preference means =
a. The selecting of someone or something over another or others.
b. The right or chance to so choose.
c. Someone or something so chosen. See Synonyms at choice.
2. The state of being preferred.
3. Law
a. A priority of payment given to one or more creditors by an insolvent debtor.
b. The right of a creditor to priority of payment.
4. The granting of precedence or advantage to one country or group of countries in levying duties or in other matters of international trade.
Perhaps the court was merely pointing out the obvious - give preference to someone you laid off to interview and oophs you inadvertently save money with unemployment.
The discussion gave Councilor Ray Wieczorek, a Manchester Republican and frequent critic of the Sununu Center management, an excuse to ask Health and Human Services Commissioner Nick Toumpas what is being done about the problems there. Employees have complained about short-staffing, dangerous conditions and discrimination against union activists, while the Disability Rights Center criticized the center for using unnecessary force against children.
PLEASE NOTE: That Toumpas never has a response for what is being done at the Sununu Center - his DCYF division will go after parents who spank their children or on a call where the caller refuses to identify themselves more often than not because they lack credibility (due process right to face accusser and all that good stuff right) anyway they make these families life hell and jump through hoops mostly getting tests done changes to house - where are the services they are suppose to provide? The POINT if it’s a state department abusing children Toumpas's indifference and lack of accountability shows they can do whatever they want.
"You've already fired 32 players on the team, but the manager's still there," Wieczorek said. "Someone's going to be in big trouble (if an incident occurs), and you're at the top of my list."
Toumpas acknowledged, "I am ultimately responsible" and pledged to look into absenteeism and other problems. (next page »)
Really - ultimately responsible in what way? Is Governor Lynch going to step up and have it investigated? No he'll have his office call someone under Toumpas to do the investigation - seriously you have to wonder if Lynch is an idiot or lazy.
In order to get a proper and realistic view you need an outside source untouchable by the tactics employed by DHHS.
Meanwhile, Gov. John Lynch recently met with a dozen Sununu Center employees. According to the State Employees' Association, employees told Lynch that they were previously able to create a "stable, consistent and safe environment" for residents, but are facing challenges with fewer resources and new management.
DID LYNCH CATCH THIS CLUE: "Employees not yet fired told Lynch that they were previously able to create a "stable consistent and safe environment"??? REALLY - this tells you these lofty employees approve of UNNECESSARY FORCE AGAINST CHILDREN. Study after study shows that young criminals put behind bars come out more harden against the system. Give them a chance and get the REAL help they need and they can become people who do extraordinary things."
Did you catch that LYNCH? The Truth bites quite literally here...
Attorney General Michael Delaney told the Executive Council that he is deciding whether to appeal a case regarding state hiring practices.
In November, a Merrimack County Superior Court judge ruled that the state must give laid-off state employees preference in being rehired into a more senior position, as long as the employee meets the minimum qualifications. The case centered on an employee of the Sununu Youth Services Center, but the ruling could have a significant impact on all the state's rehiring practices. Delaney argued that the ruling would allow a laid-off employee to "leapfrog" over everyone else for a promotion, whether or not the employee has appropriate management skills. Perhaps wording is a factor here to the writer of the piece must give "laid-off state employees preference in being rehired" as opposed to someone off the street or someone already employed - if someone else within has more experience than they could choose them and then put the laid-off candidate with less expereince there. hmm the word preference means =
a. The selecting of someone or something over another or others.
b. The right or chance to so choose.
c. Someone or something so chosen. See Synonyms at choice.
2. The state of being preferred.
3. Law
a. A priority of payment given to one or more creditors by an insolvent debtor.
b. The right of a creditor to priority of payment.
4. The granting of precedence or advantage to one country or group of countries in levying duties or in other matters of international trade.
Perhaps the court was merely pointing out the obvious - give preference to someone you laid off to interview and oophs you inadvertently save money with unemployment.
The discussion gave Councilor Ray Wieczorek, a Manchester Republican and frequent critic of the Sununu Center management, an excuse to ask Health and Human Services Commissioner Nick Toumpas what is being done about the problems there. Employees have complained about short-staffing, dangerous conditions and discrimination against union activists, while the Disability Rights Center criticized the center for using unnecessary force against children.
PLEASE NOTE: That Toumpas never has a response for what is being done at the Sununu Center - his DCYF division will go after parents who spank their children or on a call where the caller refuses to identify themselves more often than not because they lack credibility (due process right to face accusser and all that good stuff right) anyway they make these families life hell and jump through hoops mostly getting tests done changes to house - where are the services they are suppose to provide? The POINT if it’s a state department abusing children Toumpas's indifference and lack of accountability shows they can do whatever they want.
"You've already fired 32 players on the team, but the manager's still there," Wieczorek said. "Someone's going to be in big trouble (if an incident occurs), and you're at the top of my list."
Toumpas acknowledged, "I am ultimately responsible" and pledged to look into absenteeism and other problems. (next page »)
Really - ultimately responsible in what way? Is Governor Lynch going to step up and have it investigated? No he'll have his office call someone under Toumpas to do the investigation - seriously you have to wonder if Lynch is an idiot or lazy.
In order to get a proper and realistic view you need an outside source untouchable by the tactics employed by DHHS.
Meanwhile, Gov. John Lynch recently met with a dozen Sununu Center employees. According to the State Employees' Association, employees told Lynch that they were previously able to create a "stable, consistent and safe environment" for residents, but are facing challenges with fewer resources and new management.
DID LYNCH CATCH THIS CLUE: "Employees not yet fired told Lynch that they were previously able to create a "stable consistent and safe environment"??? REALLY - this tells you these lofty employees approve of UNNECESSARY FORCE AGAINST CHILDREN. Study after study shows that young criminals put behind bars come out more harden against the system. Give them a chance and get the REAL help they need and they can become people who do extraordinary things."
Did you catch that LYNCH? The Truth bites quite literally here...
NCCPR Child Welfare Blog: Foster care in DC: As a matter of fact, most foster parents ARE middle class…
NCCPR Child Welfare Blog: Foster care in DC: As a matter of fact, most foster parents ARE middle class…
The previous post to this Blog dealt with a response to an op ed column I wrote for The Washington Post. The response came from Marcia Lowry, executive director of the group that so arrogantly calls itself “Children’s Rights.”
Of all the things I wrote, the item that seemed to upset Marcia the most was a line at the very end in which I referred to the highest-in-the-nation pay rates for foster parents in D.C. (From $10,000 to more than $11,000 per child per year, tax free) as giving “middle-class foster parents … more than they need.”
The previous post to this Blog dealt with a response to an op ed column I wrote for The Washington Post. The response came from Marcia Lowry, executive director of the group that so arrogantly calls itself “Children’s Rights.”
Of all the things I wrote, the item that seemed to upset Marcia the most was a line at the very end in which I referred to the highest-in-the-nation pay rates for foster parents in D.C. (From $10,000 to more than $11,000 per child per year, tax free) as giving “middle-class foster parents … more than they need.”
Child Abuse Reporting Biased And Sensationalized
Child Abuse Reporting Biased And Sensationalised | Scoop News
Researcher Finds Child Abuse Reporting Biased And Sensationalised
Newspaper reporting of physical abuse of children in New Zealand is unbalanced, with disproportionate coverage given to incidents where Māori are the victims or perpetrators, according to research undertaken by Eastern Institute of Technology lecturer Raema Merchant.
Working on a thesis for her Master of Social Work, Raema examined news reports, feature articles, opinion columns and editorials about physical child abuse from 2000-2007. She also interviewed journalists writing such articles to identify and explore factors which might influence the way in which the print media portray the issue.
Researcher Finds Child Abuse Reporting Biased And Sensationalised
Newspaper reporting of physical abuse of children in New Zealand is unbalanced, with disproportionate coverage given to incidents where Māori are the victims or perpetrators, according to research undertaken by Eastern Institute of Technology lecturer Raema Merchant.
Working on a thesis for her Master of Social Work, Raema examined news reports, feature articles, opinion columns and editorials about physical child abuse from 2000-2007. She also interviewed journalists writing such articles to identify and explore factors which might influence the way in which the print media portray the issue.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Afghan infants fed pure opium -
Afghan infants fed pure opium -
Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan (CNN) -- In a far flung corner of northern Afghanistan, Aziza reaches into the dark wooden cupboard, rummages around, and pulls out a small lump of something wrapped in plastic.
She unwraps it, breaking off a small chunk as if it were chocolate, and feeds it to four-year-old son, Omaidullah. It's his breakfast -- a lump of pure opium.
"If I don't give him opium he doesn't sleep," she says. "And he doesn't let me work."
Aziza comes from a poor family of carpet weavers in Balkh province. She has no education, no idea of the health risks involved or that opium is addictive.
"We give the children opium whenever they get sick as well," she says, crouching over her loom.
With no real medical care in these parts and the high cost of medicine, all the families out here know is opium.
It's a cycle of addiction passed on through generations.
Opium and Opiates
Drug Addiction
The adults take opium to work longer hours and ease their pain.
Aziza's elderly mother-in-law, Rozigul, rolls a small ball in her fingers and pops it into her mouth with a small smile before passing a piece over to her sister.
"I had to work and raise the children, so I started using drugs," she says. "We are very poor people, so I used opium. We don't have anything to eat. That is why we have to work and use drugs to keep our kids quiet."
The entire extended family is addicted.
This part of Afghanistan is famous for its carpets. It's so remote there are no real roads. The dirt ones that exist are often blocked by landslides.
The closest government-run drug rehabilitation center is a four-hour drive away. But it has just 20 beds and a handful of staff to deal with the epidemic.
The health dangers from opium
"Opium is nothing new to our villages or districts. It's an old tradition, something of a religion in some areas," said Dr. Mohamed Daoud Rated, coordinator of the center.
"People use opium as drugs or medicine. If a child cries, they give him opium, if they can't sleep, they use opium, if an infant coughs, they give them opium."
The center is running an outreach program to the areas that are most afflicted.
Most Afghans aren't aware of the health risks of opium and only a few are beginning to understand the hazards of addiction.
"I was a child when I started using drugs" 35-year-old Nagibe says.
She says her sister-in-law first gave her some when she was a young teenage bride, just 14 years old. Her children grew up addicts as well.
When her husband died, she remarried.
She said: "My new husband doesn't use drugs, nor does his family. Because of that I was able to come here and get treatment. Now as an adult I understand and I want to leave this all behind."
She has been clean for four months, but every day is a struggle.
Carpet weaver Rozigul, 30, is in the detox program with her three-year-old son Babagildi, his pudgy face covered in blemishes. She started using six years ago.
"When I was pregnant with this baby I was using drugs. So he was born addicted and was always crying. I would try to keep him quiet and make him sleep, so I just kept feeding him opium," she says.
Her addicted mother-in-law shares the bed next to her, curled up in a ball and mumbling to herself.
Three generations from one family, all struggling with a curse that afflicts well over one million Afghans.
Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan (CNN) -- In a far flung corner of northern Afghanistan, Aziza reaches into the dark wooden cupboard, rummages around, and pulls out a small lump of something wrapped in plastic.
She unwraps it, breaking off a small chunk as if it were chocolate, and feeds it to four-year-old son, Omaidullah. It's his breakfast -- a lump of pure opium.
"If I don't give him opium he doesn't sleep," she says. "And he doesn't let me work."
Aziza comes from a poor family of carpet weavers in Balkh province. She has no education, no idea of the health risks involved or that opium is addictive.
"We give the children opium whenever they get sick as well," she says, crouching over her loom.
With no real medical care in these parts and the high cost of medicine, all the families out here know is opium.
It's a cycle of addiction passed on through generations.
Opium and Opiates
Drug Addiction
The adults take opium to work longer hours and ease their pain.
Aziza's elderly mother-in-law, Rozigul, rolls a small ball in her fingers and pops it into her mouth with a small smile before passing a piece over to her sister.
"I had to work and raise the children, so I started using drugs," she says. "We are very poor people, so I used opium. We don't have anything to eat. That is why we have to work and use drugs to keep our kids quiet."
The entire extended family is addicted.
This part of Afghanistan is famous for its carpets. It's so remote there are no real roads. The dirt ones that exist are often blocked by landslides.
The closest government-run drug rehabilitation center is a four-hour drive away. But it has just 20 beds and a handful of staff to deal with the epidemic.
The health dangers from opium
"Opium is nothing new to our villages or districts. It's an old tradition, something of a religion in some areas," said Dr. Mohamed Daoud Rated, coordinator of the center.
"People use opium as drugs or medicine. If a child cries, they give him opium, if they can't sleep, they use opium, if an infant coughs, they give them opium."
The center is running an outreach program to the areas that are most afflicted.
Most Afghans aren't aware of the health risks of opium and only a few are beginning to understand the hazards of addiction.
"I was a child when I started using drugs" 35-year-old Nagibe says.
She says her sister-in-law first gave her some when she was a young teenage bride, just 14 years old. Her children grew up addicts as well.
When her husband died, she remarried.
She said: "My new husband doesn't use drugs, nor does his family. Because of that I was able to come here and get treatment. Now as an adult I understand and I want to leave this all behind."
She has been clean for four months, but every day is a struggle.
Carpet weaver Rozigul, 30, is in the detox program with her three-year-old son Babagildi, his pudgy face covered in blemishes. She started using six years ago.
"When I was pregnant with this baby I was using drugs. So he was born addicted and was always crying. I would try to keep him quiet and make him sleep, so I just kept feeding him opium," she says.
Her addicted mother-in-law shares the bed next to her, curled up in a ball and mumbling to herself.
Three generations from one family, all struggling with a curse that afflicts well over one million Afghans.
A Berkshire Horror Story-Ma. Atty. Louis Piccone
A Berkshire Horror Story
A Shattered Existence
Louis and Elena Piccone were one day living an idyllic life when the retaliation of a legal opponent put in motion the machinery of the Massachusetts Department of Social Services, an incompetent, corrupt and vindictive local Police force and a court system not quite up to the the task, resulting in the arrest, and incarceration in solitary confinement of Louis and the scattering of his family across the globe. The story includes professional misconduct, lies, procedural errors, incompetence, denial of civil and constitutional rights and just plain bureaucratic inertia that resulted in damage to this family and young children.
Idyllic Life
Louis Piccone: ivy league graduate, attorney, young father, happy husband, proud homeowner settled with his young wife and three young children in Dalton, Massachusetts because his career with General Electric brought him to the community with the promise of Norman Rockwell’s ideal of small town America. His devoted wife Elena, graduate of a prestigious Moscow University, daughter of the Russian diplomatic corps, successful business woman, loving mother settled into a happy life in her adopted community of the Berkshires by conducting her numerous errands in her beloved Jeep Liberty as any mother of three young children aged 3,5 and 7. Three happy, healthy, well adjusted, remarkable, well cared for children in the full enjoyment of the innocence of an early small town childhood who will hopefully make significant positive contributions to our world. Little did this happy family know that their happiness would soon be shattered by a cabal of vengeful, sadistic social workers, bullying, overzealous police and vindictive judicial system – the underbelly of small town politics and corruption in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.
Please click on the link above to read the whole article.
A Shattered Existence
Louis and Elena Piccone were one day living an idyllic life when the retaliation of a legal opponent put in motion the machinery of the Massachusetts Department of Social Services, an incompetent, corrupt and vindictive local Police force and a court system not quite up to the the task, resulting in the arrest, and incarceration in solitary confinement of Louis and the scattering of his family across the globe. The story includes professional misconduct, lies, procedural errors, incompetence, denial of civil and constitutional rights and just plain bureaucratic inertia that resulted in damage to this family and young children.
Idyllic Life
Louis Piccone: ivy league graduate, attorney, young father, happy husband, proud homeowner settled with his young wife and three young children in Dalton, Massachusetts because his career with General Electric brought him to the community with the promise of Norman Rockwell’s ideal of small town America. His devoted wife Elena, graduate of a prestigious Moscow University, daughter of the Russian diplomatic corps, successful business woman, loving mother settled into a happy life in her adopted community of the Berkshires by conducting her numerous errands in her beloved Jeep Liberty as any mother of three young children aged 3,5 and 7. Three happy, healthy, well adjusted, remarkable, well cared for children in the full enjoyment of the innocence of an early small town childhood who will hopefully make significant positive contributions to our world. Little did this happy family know that their happiness would soon be shattered by a cabal of vengeful, sadistic social workers, bullying, overzealous police and vindictive judicial system – the underbelly of small town politics and corruption in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.
Please click on the link above to read the whole article.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Obama says: “Government should not intrude on private family matters.”
Obama says: “Government should not intrude on private family matters.”
Yes, it is true, President Obama said “Government should not intrude on private family matters.” Unfortunately he said this in reference to the right of women, doctors and nurses to kill unborn children – in other words, abortion.
Does his statement apply to the child welfare system? No. The government’s role, apparently, is to encourage the killing of babies (because they want population reduction) but once those babies are born they’ll do whatever they can to break up families and take babies and children who will later be so scarred, hopeless and homeless they’ll decide to go fight in the government’s wars. Of course, they can’t take all children, so they focus on the sub-set of families that are having a hard time in life. When these families aren’t strong and well-moneyed, it is easy to kick them while they’re down. Bully-government-agent-mentality.
So, President Obama, I thank you for that nice thought – that government should not intrude on private family matters, but so long as CPS is attacking families, you sound like a hypocrite to me.
Parents have been writing to you about the horrors of CPS intrusion into their families ever since you became president. And what have you done for them? Have you interceded in the county child welfare agency destructions of families? Have you asked to know the facts? Have you contacted any of these families for more information? Have you helped even one traumatized child return to his parents who love him? Have you done anything to stop the drug-crazed doctors from forcing drug cocktails on foster children? Have you refused to renew CAPTA to save this country’s children and their families?
Just what have you done about child welfare? Anything? Anything at all? I ask because from my point of view you haven’t done a thing and when I see in the news that you say government should not intrude on private family matters I can only laugh. Since when do you really care about what government is doing to harm families?
Oh, I know you care about abortion. Killing babies is fine with you. Allowing government agents to traumatize children by pulling them away from their loving parents is apparently fine with you. Forcing husbands and wives to separate seems to be fine with you.
I’ll be praying for you, President Obama. I think you’re the one who needs to change.
Source: Obama recalls Roe v. Wade, backs abortion rights by David Jackson, published January 22, 2011 in The Oval.
Yes, it is true, President Obama said “Government should not intrude on private family matters.” Unfortunately he said this in reference to the right of women, doctors and nurses to kill unborn children – in other words, abortion.
Does his statement apply to the child welfare system? No. The government’s role, apparently, is to encourage the killing of babies (because they want population reduction) but once those babies are born they’ll do whatever they can to break up families and take babies and children who will later be so scarred, hopeless and homeless they’ll decide to go fight in the government’s wars. Of course, they can’t take all children, so they focus on the sub-set of families that are having a hard time in life. When these families aren’t strong and well-moneyed, it is easy to kick them while they’re down. Bully-government-agent-mentality.
So, President Obama, I thank you for that nice thought – that government should not intrude on private family matters, but so long as CPS is attacking families, you sound like a hypocrite to me.
Parents have been writing to you about the horrors of CPS intrusion into their families ever since you became president. And what have you done for them? Have you interceded in the county child welfare agency destructions of families? Have you asked to know the facts? Have you contacted any of these families for more information? Have you helped even one traumatized child return to his parents who love him? Have you done anything to stop the drug-crazed doctors from forcing drug cocktails on foster children? Have you refused to renew CAPTA to save this country’s children and their families?
Just what have you done about child welfare? Anything? Anything at all? I ask because from my point of view you haven’t done a thing and when I see in the news that you say government should not intrude on private family matters I can only laugh. Since when do you really care about what government is doing to harm families?
Oh, I know you care about abortion. Killing babies is fine with you. Allowing government agents to traumatize children by pulling them away from their loving parents is apparently fine with you. Forcing husbands and wives to separate seems to be fine with you.
I’ll be praying for you, President Obama. I think you’re the one who needs to change.
Source: Obama recalls Roe v. Wade, backs abortion rights by David Jackson, published January 22, 2011 in The Oval.
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