MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.
Fri 23rd July 2010
CYFS destroys fathers and children
Filed under: General,Sex Abuse / CYF — julie @ 6:34 pm
How far will a father go to protect his little girl?
Two months ago I wrote about a father who has been protesting outside Prime Minister John Key’s home, Social Minister Paula Bennett’s office and CYFS offices around the country.
He has been trying tirelessly to save his 3 year old daughter from her mother’s abuse and gang affiliation.
New Zealand like other western countries follows feminist ideology when it comes to heterosexual relationships and uses the presumption men=bad and women=good. If a man does something wrong it’s ‘men’s power’, ‘ the myth of men’s superiority’ and ‘Patriarchy’. When women do something wrong it’s ‘men made her do it’ because of ‘men’s power’, ‘the myth of men’s superiority’ and ‘Patriarchy’.
Men have received the blame from the very beginning of ‘girl power’ where girls were encouraged to compete with boys and cheered when they could do something better than a boy while boys were encouraged to build the girl’s self-esteem, go easy on them and protect them from hurting themselves. If the boys failed to do this, society came down on them like a ton of bricks. “Good girl, bad boy” was something this generation of children were raised with and in turn as adults, they have placed it into law and policy. The writing of our laws don’t look to be discriminative but the policies on how the laws are practised are.
This not only puts men at a disadvantage but children who have abusive mothers. Statistics show mothers to be the greatest abusers of children, then step fathers, then biological fathers. Regardless of why this is or what sort of abuse it is, the children that suffer aren’t capable of raising the alarm to their abuse. They rely on another adult to protect them. Knowing this, New Zealand has poured millions of tax paid dollars into advertising the need for adults to speak up for children and not ignore the problem. Politicians have vowed for society’s vote, to tackle the problem with a zero tolerance on child abuse.
Primary schools have social workers who look for child abuse, childcare centres and community groups are trained to know what to look for, nurses won’t let parents leave the maternity ward with their baby if there’s an inclination something isn’t right, police arrest parents under policy that won’t allow exceptions and judges prosecute. There’s so much put in place to protect children until it clashes with feminism.
CYFS feminist policies for fathers is evil. Not only is a child never to trust a father but a father cannot protect his child. In this case the mother has a ‘P’ addiction and spends her time using and dealing drugs with the gangs. Ordinarily CYFS would care and take the child from the mother but because of it’s policy against fathers and that the father in this case (as in quite a number) can take care of the child, the child’s welfare comes second to feminism.
The child is being physically abused and the father wants it stopped. He told CYFS their decision to place the child in the mother’s care was the worst decision they could make but CYFS didn’t care to listen. He proved her ‘P’ addiction and CYFS turned around and said the mother could smoke ‘P’ but only outside the house. The father took the child to the doctor to have her wounds cared for and CYFS put a protection and supervision order on the father so he could not see his daughter nor ask if she was OK. The police have arrested him while the mother is under their radar for drug dealing. The child has been present in drug busts of gang members homes. The mother has 3 children in her care and they have spoken out on video and CYFS refuses to acknowledge their cries for help. All this has been in the name of destroying a father.
Every single National politician has been contacted with the Prime Minister saying, get rid of this father and those that follow him because he is going to bring bad publicity on us. MP Paula Bennett has just ignored this father’s pleas to care for an abused child while she publicly tells society she cares deeply for children.
Yesterday the 22nd July 2010 CYFS finally uplifted the father’s little girl and 2 other children in this mothers care. As you can imagine, our father didn’t sleep well last night and yet he’s been having sleepless nights for the past 10 months.
Today being the 23rd of July, our father is at yet another CYFS meeting where they will try to negotiate everything but allowing him to raise his child in a loving family.
CYFS and the police are worried for the father’s safety as he has uncovered not just his child’s mother drug dealing but that of the gang association. It’s a huge drug ring that will protect many parent’s children. As well as this lots of CYFS social workers (I mean lots and lots more to come) have been either fired or left CYFS for drug use and other corrupt behaviour. You wouldn’t think one father could take on a whole system but it has happened. He has CYFS safe houses under surveillance where children are being abused and CYFS are begging for addresses.
Alongside our father are MRAs and others that care very much for the welfare of children and their parents who are being abused by the system.
Who’s to know what is yet to come and what else this father has hidden away. I guess there is no limit to how far a father will go for his little girl. May all little girls be so lucky and may society start seeing that men are important.
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
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Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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