Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Open Message to Austin Knightly Nashua, NH

I know at some time you will finally see the messages I've been posting to you. The strangers DCYF have placed you with can't keep you off the computer forever. Your smarter than they think you are and the drugs they've put you on, hopefully won't stop you from learning the truth. And if they've told you they are vitamin's, they aren't. That's what they tell all the kids that they kidnap. I know they've brainwashed you. They told you your mother wasn't your mother anymore. I'm sure they told you we don't love you and don't want you, just so they could turn you into their little robot. Once you've gone on the computer and read everything I've been doing to fight for your return, you'll know yourself they are nothing but liar's. That the stranger's who are holding you hostage are being paid off. DCYF was paid off to take you from us also. Because I would not lie about your mother or your Aunt, we were not allowed custody of you. Because I have become a fighter against the corruption within DCYF and the illegal kidnapping of you and Isabella, Grampie and I were not allowed to let you live with us, even though DCYF, CASA, your therapist and all the Judges knew you wanted to be with us. They would have lost all their bonus money if you had come to live with us. Money means more to them than the life of a child.
We will never give up this fight for your return. DCYF and the stranger's you are living with have been telling you nothing but lies.
I hope you have a nice Easter. It's not the same without you, but we will be together again. We alway's had a lot of fun on the Holidays with you, Ally and your mother. Please don't forget us and don't believe anything the stranger's or DCYF tell's you. The only thing they care about is the money their getting for you. They don't care about you or any other child they steal. Money is the only thing that matter's to them. They don't care about the pain they've caused you. They put all the blame on your mother, even though the charges were dropped. They did everything illegal they could to keep you from all of us. You are still Austin KNIGHTLY! Don't ever forget that. We are still in the same house and will not leave until you and Isabella come home! I plan to fight for you both for as long as it takes. Your room is still waiting for you. DCYF led us to believe you were coming to live with us, so we set everything up for you. We still have your motorcycle also, although I'm sure your too big for it now. Belle is still waiting for you also.
I hope you have a nice Easter, with more to eat than pretzels and water! Remember how we always had Easter egg hunts for you and Ally? And you alway's found the most egg's? Don't forget we are here for you and always will be. We love you and alway's will!
Love Alway's, Grammie and Grampie

1 comment:

  1. My prayers are with you.

    Nationwide Mother's Day Protest

    Help bring national attention to CPS abuse, legal kidnapping, child trafficking, and corruption of epic proportions. Participate in a national event to put CPS on the media hotseat.

    When: May 9, 2010 -- Mothers Day
    Where: Your City Court House sidewalk

    If you live in the capital city of your state, go to the State Capital Building, or better still, join us at the White House.

    What: Take a baby doll, stuffed animal or teddy bear to your local courthouse or state building and drop it on the sidewalk, as a memorial to our lost generation of children. Attach a note with a summary of your own story (or a friend's story).

    It is our goal to make a public statement and attract publicity on Mother's Day nationwide. Therefore, we need dolls piled high in order to attract the press city to city and coast to coast.

    Please spread the word.

    •Alert your local television and radio stations.
    •Send bulletins on all your social networks, forums and blogs.
    We have 8-weeks to put this together, so please, move on this right away.

    Thanks to all for your support. If all across the country on the same day – Mother's Day -- dolls show up on every courthouse sidewalk, representing our stolen children the reporters will come.

    Mother's Day at the White House
    Please join us on Sunday May 9th, 2010 at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington DC to ask Obama to meet with our delegates and investigate the family courts.

    If you fear judicial retribution, please make a scarf and wear it over your face. You can embroider the names of your children/grandchildren in the scarf.

    On your own, you can make a sign to explain why your face is covered. "I fear judicial retaliation for trying to protect my child (grandchild)."

    For additional details and to get involved contact:

    Survivors Helping Victims
    P.O. Box 1365
    Clifton Park, NY 12065
    (518) 605-1637
