Unbiased Reporting

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Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Monday, February 1, 2010


People Who Dilberately Make False Reports of Child Abuse – Written By Dan Weaver
January 30, 2010 yvonnemason

Yesterday, Corey Seiler wrote in the Albany Times Union about a woman named Rera from Gloversville, New York who has had three false hotline reports of child abuse made about her to Child Protective Services. It’s not surprising that Rera’s trouble started soon after she and her husband separated. This is a problem that many estranged and divorced spouses face. The problem of deliberately made, vindictive false child abuse reports affects many other individuals and groups as well, not just separated spouses..

The removal of more than 400 children from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (FLDS) compound in Texas made front page news for several days in April 2008. However, a follow-up Associated Press story revealing that the phone call that initiated the raid was a hoax got short shrift. Rozita Swinton, who has been arrested and charged with misdemeanors more than once for making false phone calls about child abuse, has been questioned by Texas Rangers and may be the person who made the phone call.

Few people are ever arrested for filing false child abuse reports even though it is a crime. In New York State it is a class A misdemeanor (Penal Code Subdivision 3, subsection 240.50). I am a news junkie, perusing several newspapers and blogs each day as well as monitoring many talk shows, and I have only heard of one person ever getting arrested for making a false report of child abuse. That was a Glens Falls resident, already on probation for another crime.

For more info: Child Protective Services needs reform
Litigation not legislation is the fastest way to CPS reform
What should you do if Child Protective Services knocks on your door
NY State Central Register on Child Abuse is seriously flawed

Please read the rest of this article at:

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