Fame VS Poor and Uneducated- Dealing with DFCS
January 13, 2010 yvonnemason
I know this is a strange title but there is a purpose for it. In this morning’s paper The Palm Beach Post there was a headline that screamed out at me. The headline read “Lawmaker call for probe of bogus Woods claim”
The article was about a State Senator here in South Florida who was outraged that someone had called in to the Florida Abuse Hotline to report the children of Tigner Woods and his wife Elin were being abused. It seems this story was picked up by TMZ and reported all over the world. Her statement was “perhaps needlessly traumatizing the Woods children and wasting time and tax dollars. Do so is a felony.”
The artcle goes on to say that Senator Storm on Dec 16,2009 sent a letter to DCF Secretary George Sheldon to “fully investigate” the matter and to provide the Orange County State Attorney’s Office with evidence that would aid in prosecution.
Secretary Sheldon in a response assured Senator Storm that his office was currently reviewing the available information which surrounded the investigation.
Now while this article in itself may not seem important – it really is. The reason. Tiger Woods is rich and famous. There was a call to the hotline. Senators are screaming foul. I have sent senators, governors, tv stations and newspapers and a judge letter after letter about my daughter Alice Samantha Thomason and the abuse she and her children are suffering at the hands of Jackson County Ga DFCS and Judge Guidry. I not only don’t have them screaming foul and having the local paper doing a quarter page write up about the injustice, they don’t even respond to my letters. The difference, my daughter is poor and not as educated as Woods is. She doesn’t have millions of dollars at her finger tips and her face and name is not splashed all over the paper day after day after day. She doesn’t generate dollars back into the community or other cities by showing up to hit a little white ball with a club. She doesn’t have hundreds of sponsers beating a path to her door to put her name and face on their products. She is spending millions of dollars in Jupiter Florida in a gated community for the rich to build a home that is so large one must have a road map to find their way from room to room.
Fame VS Poor and Uneducated- Dealing with DFCS
January 13, 2010 yvonnemason Leave a comment Go to comments
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I know this is a strange title but there is a purpose for it. In this morning’s paper The Palm Beach Post there was a headline that screamed out at me. The headline read “Lawmaker call for probe of bogus Woods claim”
The article was about a State Senator here in South Florida who was outraged that someone had called in to the Florida Abuse Hotline to report the children of Tigner Woods and his wife Elin were being abused. It seems this story was picked up by TMZ and reported all over the world. Her statement was “perhaps needlessly traumatizing the Woods children and wasting time and tax dollars. Do so is a felony.”
The artcle goes on to say that Senator Storm on Dec 16,2009 sent a letter to DCF Secretary George Sheldon to “fully investigate” the matter and to provide the Orange County State Attorney’s Office with evidence that would aid in prosecution.
Secretary Sheldon in a response assured Senator Storm that his office was currently reviewing the available information which surrounded the investigation.
Now while this article in itself may not seem important – it really it. The reason. Tiger Woods is rich and famous. There was a call to the hotline. Senators are screaming foul. I have sent senators, governors, tv stations and newspapers and a judge letter after letter about my daughter Alice Samantha Thomason and the abuse she and her children are suffering at the hands of Jackson County Ga DFCS and Judge Guidry. I not only don’t have them screaming foul and having the local paper doing a quarter page write up about the injustice, they don’t even respond to my letters. The difference, my daughter is poor and not as educated as Woods is. She doesn’t have millions of dollars at her finger tips and her face and name is not splashed all over the paper day after day after day. She doesn’t generate dollars back into the community or other cities by showing up to hit a little white ball with a club. She doesn’t have hundreds of sponsers beating a path to her door to put her name and face on their products. She is spending millions of dollars in Jupiter Florida in a gated community for the rich to build a home that is so large one must have a road map to find their way from room to room.
No my daughter is just an average 26 year old who was in an abusive relationship with a man who is a drug addict, a convicted felon and a liar and pshchopath. A relationship where she was beat down mentally, physically and emotionally for over seven years. She had no self esteem and felt she had no way out.
At every turn she has been abused by Jackson County DFCS. From the day her children were taken two years ago when the youngest was only two years old she was told they would be adopted out. She went through seven caseworkers in two years, over seven case plans a hearing without council, false evidence which she was not allowed to refute. A hearing without being able to have wintesses to speak on her behalf and continued threats- and harrassments from Diedrea Sands, the children’s advocate, and others.
The latest in this abuse happened on Monday Jan 11,2009 when she went to see her children. The baby who is now four years old told her told her she wanted to come home. She was also told that she could no longer take her children to the bathroom during visitation because the foster mother Donna Vaughen was upset because Samantha had told her children about someone she had reconnected with. Someone who she had known all of her life. This was not the only thing the foster mother has done. She had Shawnna the oldest one bring back one of her christmas presents her grandfather had given her because it was makeup. She told Shawnna that “She was not having that stuff in her house.” This is not the first time she has made Shawnna bring back a gift. Samantha had given Shawnna a hairbrush and Donna made her bring it back.
It gets worse. At this same visitation on one of the coldest nights of the year in Jackson County Ga, Samantha asked where her middle daughter Sara was. Diedrea told her she was sick. Samantha again said, “Where is Sara?” Diedrea in her snide and hateful voice said, “She is outside in the van” – Samantha said, “I want to see her now.” Diedrea didn’t want to take Sam to the Van where Sara was sitting with Donna Vaughn the foster mother. She had thrown up all over the parking lot in the cold, and was dry heaving. She was to sick to bring in to see her mother but not to sick to sit outside in the van whith the night time tempature in the 20’s.
Diedrea the children’s advocate listens in on the conversations between Samantha and her children and Samantha has been told she is not supposed to tell her children she loves them. She is not supposed to tell them she wants them home with her.
The question I have is where are the voices screaming in rage for my daughter? Where are the politicans, the Newspaper writeups. The investigation by the head of the Department of DFCS for the state of Ga. Where is the outrage like there is for Tiger Woods?
I tell you where it is. There is none because, the foster parents have been told they will be able to adopt my grandchildren. They are blond and blue eyes. Shawnna is extremly smart, Sara is funny and Carly is cute. They are the perfect product to be bought and sold. They will bring in lots of money for Jackson County DFCS as well as the foster parents who are currently the foster parents of seven kids. Hmmm what a windfall each month and let’s not forget that this year they can claim my grandchildren on their taxes plus they will get a tax credit.
When Samantha was told that she had to have a house with a bedroom for each girl, I asked her then caseworker Stephanie if the girls had their own room at the foster home. She told me no they shared rooms. Are you kidding me – this family has seven foster kids and they don’t have their own room but yet Samantha has to make sure they have their own room before she gets them back. This is just another tactic DFCS uses to keep Samantha discouraged and trying to force her to sell her children.
When Diedrea was told that Samantha had not one but two jobs she was not pleased. She doesn’t really want Samantha to do anything that will be in her favor to get her kids back. She has already told the foster parents they will be able to adopt the children.
Where is the outrage? Where are the people who can make this thing right? Where is Samantha’s Public Defender Crandell Heard? He told her he was done and that he couldn’t and wouldn’t help her anymore. He is also in bed with those who do her and her children harm.
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
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Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

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