Examiner Bio "Calling for the heads of CPS"? Really 2 leaves a comment on my Examiner.com page
December 20, 3:23 PM Surry County CPS ExaminerLisa Nixon
Wilkes Journal Patriot Scanned Article about Wilkes County CPS Supervisor
Edith Bullis’ arrest, for interfering in her sons arrest and hiding his drugs
under her feet.I received the comment below, from a person who obviously, doesn't personally like me and clearly hates my outspoken manner of pointing out CPS corruption.
I am not sure who this person is, (although I have an idea) but whoever they are, they must be feeling a little insecure in their job. I thought I would take this comment and point out why I "call for the heads of CPS."
(Note: the pictures on this page are about social workers in Wilkes County North Carolina)
Here is the comment:
Entry: D.A and Police Department ask the SBI to investigate Cumberland County DSS
Posted/Updated: 12/19/2009 02:31 PM
Really 2 - Maybe instead of calling for the heads of the CPS you could blame and do a research article on the mothers that allow this. Taking drugs and not taking kids out of abusive homes is a crime against children. And please do not say this was done to you and I don't know how hard life is. Grow up and take charge of your own life. Quit trying to mess up peoples jobs without finding a constructive way to help. Being a two bit paralegal does not qualify you to tell CPS workers how easy their job is.
First let me start by pointing out that this comment was left on my article, D.A and Police Department ask the SBI to investigate Cumberland County DSS. In this article I report how Cumberland County District Attorney, Ed Grannis and the Fayetteville Police Chief, Tom Bergamine have asked the SBI to step in and investigate Cumberland County DSS because they both feel that DSS is failing to disclosed a “complete and accurate record” regarding the case of murdered 5-year-old, Shaniya Davis.
Shaniya was "allegedly" sold into prostitution by her mother Antoinette Davis and then raped and murdered November 10, 2009 by Mario McNeill, the person who her mother "allegedly" sold her to.
The above is my husband’s actual signature on a safety assessment we allowed Wilkes County DSS to
perform. This was the only time Allison Baker came to our home 4 months after our report.
The bottom is where they forged his signature on a safety assessment, which never occurred, to make it
appear that they had been to our home and had not broken the law. We were the reporters of abuse in this
case, but they came after us and forged this document when I complained to Raleigh about their failure to investigate our report of abuse for over 2 months. They back dated the falsified document to the day
after our report of abuse was made. (c) Lisa Nixon You can see this full page and more at http://stopcorruptdss.wordpress.com
The person who wrote this comment shows absolutely no concern over the fact that both the D.A. and Police Chief in Cumberland County feel that valuable information, which could help them prosecute and charge the suspects in this case, is being withheld by DSS. Nor do they show any concern about the fact that this mother had been investigated by DSS before.
What does come through loud and clear in this comment, is that this person is worried that my fight against CPS corruption is endangering social workers jobs...possibly even their own!
...and that they don't like me very much.
I am now going to address this comment piece by piece.
"Maybe instead of calling for the heads of the CPS you could blame and do a research article on the mothers that allow this."
For the record, I do not call for the heads of CPS. What I call for is CPS reform. I advocate for laws that hold CPS accountable when they break the law and transparency so they cannot hide their corruption and wrong doing behind confidentiality laws meant to protect children and families.
Maybe you see what I do as calling for the heads of CPS because you are afraid that with the changes I seek, you will be held accountable for wrong doing and your wrong doings will be made publically visible.
Whatever your issue may be, know this, I will continue to speak out about the corruption in CPS.
Why don't I do a research article on why mothers allow this? (not exactly how you worded it, but it has to make sense in order for me to be able to answer it.)
There are plenty of studies out there about why mothers and fathers hurt their own children. The research that is lacking is why CPS, whose sole purpose is to protect these children, is failing to do so.
Child abuse is why CPS workers have a job! CPS shares the blame in these children's deaths. Child Protective Services was created to protect children from parents like this, when they fail to do their job, follow the law and policies, children die.
It is CPS's job to protect these children; it is my job as a concerned citizen to call for change when the system put into place to protect children is failing in their job.
The charges Social Worker Allison Baker faced, before Wilkes County DSS even hired her. Fraud/Forgery to obtain a controlled Substance....DRUGS
"Taking drugs and not taking kids out of abusive homes is a crime against children."
I couldn't agree more; in fact, this is exactly one of my complaints. The Social Worker in the documents above is a prime example.
This is the "social worker" who was supposed to investigate our report of abuse.
Before she started working for Wilkes County Department of Social Services, she was charged with 8 counts of Forgery/Fraud for forging prescriptions to obtain a controlled substance, which was knocked down to Misdemeanor Possession of a Controlled Substance (Principal) and Possession of a Controlled Substance (aid and abet).
Allison Baker no longer works at Wilkes County DSS, she was fired. She was also arrested for Felony Obstruction of Justice for falsifying the safety plan and forging my husband's signature.
Edith Bullis, The Wilkes County CPS supervisor in the picture of the article at the beginning of this page, was arrested for interfering with an arrest and possession. According to news reports, Ms. Bullis hid her son’s drugs under her feet to prevent the police from finding them.
Tell me how you are supposed to protect children from "drug using parents" if you behave like this?
Both of these CPS workers have been arrested because of drugs, do they fit your criteria of criminal behavior?
Failure to follow the law in Child Abuse Investigations is also criminal behavior. These laws are in place for a reason. Social Workers and CPS workers who break these laws are committing crimes against children.
"And please do not say this was done to you and I don't know how hard life is."
It is clear to me from your comment that you don't know a lot of things, the least of which is how hard life is for the people that CPS abuses their power on. Furthermore, you don't have a clue what these CPS workers are really doing to children and the harm that they are causing with their "criminal" behavior.
Grow up and take charge of your own life.
I am in charge of my own life, but apparently from your comment, you don't like the way I have chosen to live it, especially since my life's goal involves pointing out the corruption in CPS and changing the law to hold them accountable.
"Quit trying to mess up peoples jobs without finding a constructive way to help."
Want to talk about growing up and taking charge of your own life.
If a CPS workers job is in jeopardy because I am writing articles about CPS corruption, then I think they are the ones that have "messed up their own job." If said "CPS worker" is doing their job as required by law, then my articles should have no affect on their job security.
On the other hand, if said "CPS worker" is breaking the law and my articles shine a light on their illegal and unethical behavior, and they loose their job and/or are criminally prosecuted, well then, they need to accept responsibility for their own actions. They are, after all, the ones who made the choice not to do their job and/or have chosen to break the law. I merely draw attention to the problem.
"Being a two bit paralegal does not qualify you to tell CPS workers how easy their job is."
Immature name calling again?
Yea, but being a paralegal does qualify me to know the law and recognize exactly which ones CPS is breaking.
Anyone interested can view the documents on this page, in their entirety on my blog:
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
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