Wishing my MIA Grandson Austin a Happy Birthday. 22 years ago today, we, your birth Family was blessed with the birth of a very loving son/grandson. We've always loved you and always will. We miss the happy little boy you once were, that is until Nashua DCYF stepped in and stole you from your family. You then became a zombie, just the shell of a little boy, drugged to keep you in line. I surmise you are STILL being drugged and brainwashed which is why you still haven't come home.
Those Social Security checks must really come in handy, along with all the incentive money and the rest of the freebies provided to the fake chosen parent's holding you hostage. If they had even a shred of decency, they would have let you see your Grandfather before he died. Oddly enough, they were visiting someone in the same hospital right across the hall when your Grandfather lay there dying. I bet they never told you, but then again, you probably don't even remember us after being fed all those drugs all these years. Do you even remember we were supposed to adopt you and then Rita brought up your Mother's name even though we were told not to? Then all visit's stopped. And then the stranger's who adopted you were the same stranger's where you tried to hang yourself in their home. The home you were taken out of and put back into illegally.
If you can ever get off all those drugs long enough, which I'm sure they tell you are Vitamins like they tell ALL the Foster children, maybe then you'll finally come home.
We love and miss you Austin and always will. We're still here waiting for you to come home.
Love always, Unhappy Grammy and the rest of your REAL Family.