WASHINGTON: Court lifts ban against government detaining mothers and children | National Politics | Columbus Ledger Enquirer:
WASHINGTON — In an apparent setback for advocates fighting to end family detention, a federal court has lifted a ban that blocked the government from detaining mothers and children as a means to discourage future migration.
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
'Broken' adoption systems leaves children stranded despite couple ready to adopt
'Broken' adoption systems leaves children stranded despite couple ready to adopt - Canada - CBC News:
And despite the fact MOST of the children were stolen from families who want them back!
A childless couple are giving up on adoption after battling what they say is a broken system that leaves thousands of Canadian children stuck in provincial care instead of placing them with willing families.
And despite the fact MOST of the children were stolen from families who want them back!
A childless couple are giving up on adoption after battling what they say is a broken system that leaves thousands of Canadian children stuck in provincial care instead of placing them with willing families.
Maine kinship families forming bonds, seeking support
Maine kinship families forming bonds, seeking support - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram:
The child was not even technically Amy Cooper’s granddaughter. The baby had just been delivered by a woman who was already four months pregnant when she struck up a relationship with Cooper’s son, and the couple had moved into Cooper’s home.
The child was not even technically Amy Cooper’s granddaughter. The baby had just been delivered by a woman who was already four months pregnant when she struck up a relationship with Cooper’s son, and the couple had moved into Cooper’s home.
Maine Parents can now be charged with the crime of letting their kids play outside
The Maine Parents Blog: Maine Parents can now be charged with the crime of letting their kids play outside:
Keep your kids and pets on a leash or else!
Maine Parents can now be charged with the crime of letting their kids play outside.
Apparently Westbrook Police has taken issue with the whole Free-Range kids thing. This, in my humble opinion, is a pathetic violation of parental rights.
Maine Parents can now be charged with the crime of letting their kids play outside.
Taking Advantage of Grandparents
The Maine Parents Blog: Maine's DHHS: Taking Advantage of Grandparents:
Maine's child welfare system is a total scam that will take advantage of anybody. Guardians, often grandparents, say they could use more support from the state as they try to raise children.
Maine's child welfare system is a total scam that will take advantage of anybody. Guardians, often grandparents, say they could use more support from the state as they try to raise children.
Bill to search bags of children in residential care becomes law
The Maine Parents Blog: Bill to search bags of children in residential care becomes law:
A bill sponsored by an Aroostook County legislator seeking to allow administrators of children’s homes or residential care facilities to search the backpacks or travel bags of the residents was passed into law this week.
A bill sponsored by an Aroostook County legislator seeking to allow administrators of children’s homes or residential care facilities to search the backpacks or travel bags of the residents was passed into law this week.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Jeb Bush Blamed for Poor Child Welfare Services in Florida
Jeb Bush Blamed for Poor Child Welfare Services in Florida - Breitbart:
Just when you thought Democrats couldn’t get any more desperate, Florida’s Democrat Party is pushing a Daily Beast “story” all but blaming Jeb Bush for losing 500 children assigned to the state’s foster care system while he was governor.
CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES: Fails To Protect And Sometimes Endangers Children Nationwide
CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES: Fails To Protect And Sometimes Endangers Children Nationwide | SOTN: Alternative News:
In Some Cases Abused Children Are Actually Kept Or Put In Harm’s Way
Concerned Citizen Advocates For Abused Children
If you knew a young child was being physically abused — routinely — in their home, what would you do about it?
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Call My Mommy
Call My Mommy by Baby LK and the Caseworkers http://www.LegallyKidnapped.blogspot.com.
A parody of Carly Rae Jepsen's song Call Me Maybe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWNaR-... .
Music is a Karaoke by ScotTexUK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3iq_6...
Nurses share how babies born alive after abortions are killed or left to die
Nurses share how babies born alive after abortions are killed or left to die | Live Action News:
In the United States, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act requires abortionists and staff to give medical care to a child accidentally born alive during an abortion. However, Live Action has discovered through undercover investigations that many abortionists ignore this law.
In the United States, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act requires abortionists and staff to give medical care to a child accidentally born alive during an abortion. However, Live Action has discovered through undercover investigations that many abortionists ignore this law.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Invasion of The Child Snatchers
Government agents are snatching children from American families without legitimate cause.
Get Your Children Back From Child Protective Service and Family Court
Get Your Children Back From Child Protective Service and Family Court | The Rapidian:
There is new hope of children being returned to the loving families they were removed from.
Are you one of the many thousands of parents/relatives that lost a child/ren to the evil Child Protective Service (CPS) and Family Court system? One of the many parents/relatives who do not understand what happened or how you lost your child/ren in a nation such as America?
There is new hope of children being returned to the loving families they were removed from.
Are you one of the many thousands of parents/relatives that lost a child/ren to the evil Child Protective Service (CPS) and Family Court system? One of the many parents/relatives who do not understand what happened or how you lost your child/ren in a nation such as America?
Parents victimized by DCFS-CPS create Political Party
Parents victimized by DCFS-CPS create Political Party:
June 24, 2015. Miami, FL (ONN). If the American people want proof that their TV sets and newspapers are run by propaganda-spewing oligarchs from the Washington-Wall Street establishment, they need only look at the brand new Family Party. It was just launched by a group of Florida parents who’ve had their kids or grand kids unjustly stolen by the Dept of Human Services. The army of innocent victims has grown so large, it’s led to the creation of an entire political party dedicated to the cause of parents’ rights.
June 24, 2015. Miami, FL (ONN). If the American people want proof that their TV sets and newspapers are run by propaganda-spewing oligarchs from the Washington-Wall Street establishment, they need only look at the brand new Family Party. It was just launched by a group of Florida parents who’ve had their kids or grand kids unjustly stolen by the Dept of Human Services. The army of innocent victims has grown so large, it’s led to the creation of an entire political party dedicated to the cause of parents’ rights.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Cannabis Is Safer Than CPS
Cannabis Is Safer Than CPS | The NACC Child Law Blog:
Social workers think a child “might die” from it. They call poison control hotlines to get information about it. An infant is removed from good parents because their home “smells like marijuana.” A graduate student has four children removed because cannabis plants are found in the home. A Drug Endangered Child Expert testifies as an expert for the County that “CBD” refers to a “new strain of butter or wax” that is being made in that particular county. Judges think a parent “can get a prescription from any Dr. Feelgood.” County Counsel worry parents “might get high and drop an infant on the floor.” In chambers, a Judge asks about my cannabis expert, “Is he going to show up in Birkenstocks and a ponytail?” and immediately breaks out in uncontrollable laughter.
Social workers think a child “might die” from it. They call poison control hotlines to get information about it. An infant is removed from good parents because their home “smells like marijuana.” A graduate student has four children removed because cannabis plants are found in the home. A Drug Endangered Child Expert testifies as an expert for the County that “CBD” refers to a “new strain of butter or wax” that is being made in that particular county. Judges think a parent “can get a prescription from any Dr. Feelgood.” County Counsel worry parents “might get high and drop an infant on the floor.” In chambers, a Judge asks about my cannabis expert, “Is he going to show up in Birkenstocks and a ponytail?” and immediately breaks out in uncontrollable laughter.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Happy Father's Day to ALL the REAL Father's And Grandfather's
Austin and Grampie 2007 visiting at the Children's Home AKA. orphanage
Happy Father's day to all those very special REAL Father's and Grandfather's out there. Some who are blessed with spending the day with their children and grandchildren. Many who aren't as lucky to be able to spend this special day with the children they love and cherish. The children they long to be with. Many forced out of their children's and grandchildren's lives. Many children brought up never knowing their REAL Father's and Grandfather's. The never ending agony the Father's and Grandfather's feel day after day not being allowed to see the children. Never a phone call. Nothing!
To the children and grandchildren of these Father's and Grandfather's, please know that a day doesn't go by when you are not thought of and loved by these very special men. There would be no greater happiness just hearing your voices on this special day.
Hoping every one of you hear from your children and grandchildren today! Happy Father's Day!
Unhappy Grammy
North Florida woman jailed after fleeing from child protective services
North Florida woman jailed after fleeing from child protective services | News - Home:
Bunnell, Fla.-A 23-year-old woman faces charges of interfering with custody after fleeing from child protective services investigators who were trying to take the child.
Bunnell, Fla.-A 23-year-old woman faces charges of interfering with custody after fleeing from child protective services investigators who were trying to take the child.
Are Vaccines Altering Our Genes Causing Brittle Bones in Infants?
Are Vaccines Altering Our Genes Causing Brittle Bones in Infants?:
Since Health Impact News started the MedicalKidnap.com website in late 2014, we have reported on numerous stories where children are taken away from loving families simply because evidence was found of broken bones or other skeletal trauma. More and more research is coming out showing that other medical conditions can cause this trauma besides “shaken baby syndrome,” and it is not necessarily a sign of child abuse.
Since Health Impact News started the MedicalKidnap.com website in late 2014, we have reported on numerous stories where children are taken away from loving families simply because evidence was found of broken bones or other skeletal trauma. More and more research is coming out showing that other medical conditions can cause this trauma besides “shaken baby syndrome,” and it is not necessarily a sign of child abuse.
Rare Quintuplets Were Born In 1934, But What Happened Next SHOCKED Millions Of People...
These Rare Quintuplets Were Born In 1934, But What Happened Next SHOCKED Millions Of People...:
On May 28, 1934, five identical girls were born prematurely on a Canadian farm. No one expected they would survive, but survive they did.
On May 28, 1934, five identical girls were born prematurely on a Canadian farm. No one expected they would survive, but survive they did.
Soon the world dubbed the Dionne quintuplets “miracle babies.” The quints became a symbol of joy and hope during the Great Depression. Yvonne, Annette, Cécil, Émilie, and Marie were the first set of quintuplets to survive infancy, and the first set of identical quintuplets documented.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
The Kidnapping Of Babies And Children Goes Mainstream
Kidnapping Of Babies And Children:
Did you know that our babies and children are being kidnapped all over America?
By using our government, a sinister force has been assaulting the most vulnerable of us our children and babies.
You see, there is an entire federal agency with the misleading title of Child Protective Services (CPS) that is dedicated to kidnapping and then heavily drugging our children and even our babies.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Novi parents reunited with 'brittle bone' kids after court battle
Novi parents reunited with 'brittle bone' kids after court battle | News - Home:
Parents say twin boys have brittle bone disease, low vitamin D levels
NOVI, Mich. -
About two and 1/2 months after 4-month-old twin boys were taken from their parents they returned home Thursday to cake, balloons and a celebration. From the start, family and friends never doubted the parenting of Melissa and Anthony Geers. However, Child Protective Services cited suspicious broken ribs on the twins and removed them from their parents' home.
Editorial: Maryland fixes error in its child 'neglect' policy
Editorial: Maryland fixes error in its child 'neglect' policy - Fredericksburg.com: Editorials:
It may have taken a public relations battering and threats of a lawsuit, but Maryland officials have decided that they shouldn’t be badgering parents who let their children walk and play outside without adult supervision.
It may have taken a public relations battering and threats of a lawsuit, but Maryland officials have decided that they shouldn’t be badgering parents who let their children walk and play outside without adult supervision.
Abuse Was the Only Explanation When Their Son Was Found with 33 Fractures. But One Medical Expert…
Abuse Was the Only Explanation When Their Son Was Found with 33 Fractures. But One Medical Expert…:
When 22-year-old Keshia Turner found out she was pregnant, she and husband, Chris, were thrilled. According to MedicalKidnap.com, the Turners’ son, Brayden was born just 3 lbs 3 oz at 31 weeks. He spent over a month in the NICU with a leg splint to correct his crooked left leg:
Parents hold rally in Atlanta to ask Georgia Judicial Council to investigate family court practices
Parents hold rally in Atlanta to ask Georgia Judicial Council to investigate family court practices | The Augusta Chronicle:
ATLANTA — A small group of parents, including some from Columbia County, braved record heat and uncooperative security guards Wednesday to bring their call for an investigation of family courts to the Judicial Council of Georgia.
ATLANTA — A small group of parents, including some from Columbia County, braved record heat and uncooperative security guards Wednesday to bring their call for an investigation of family courts to the Judicial Council of Georgia.
California Mother Fights Corrupt System in LA to Get Daughter Back
California Mother Fights Corrupt System in LA to Get Daughter Back:
Not being informed of court hearings. Falsified drug tests. Threats and accusations to intimidate and coerce. Social workers, her state representative and even the attorney assigned to her case ignoring emails, not returning calls. Her daughter ripped from a happy home and placed in a non-English speaking foster home without critical, life-saving medications. A system that seems to have already decided her family’s fate, without even the most cursory attempt at justice.
Mayan Hewes describes these events and wonders what happened to her rights, and the rights of her six-year-old daughter Layla, in L.A. County, California.
Child Protection cases closed on 'questionable grounds'
Child Protection cases closed on 'questionable grounds':
A new report calls Hennepin County's Child Protection system overworked, underfunded, and handicapped by "siege mentality" and a "culture of fear."The report from a national child welfare foundation, Casey Family Programs, was commissioned by the County itself as part of an effort to improve protective services for children.
CLICK HERE to view entire report
A new report calls Hennepin County's Child Protection system overworked, underfunded, and handicapped by "siege mentality" and a "culture of fear."The report from a national child welfare foundation, Casey Family Programs, was commissioned by the County itself as part of an effort to improve protective services for children.
CLICK HERE to view entire report
Differences between Child abuse and discipline
Differences between Child abuse and discipline:
SHERMAN, Texas -- A Sherman man was sentenced to ten years in prison yesterday after pleading guilty to injury to a child. Chris Murphy admitted to hitting and kicking an 8-year-old boy left in his care in 2012. Prosecutors say abusers often claim they're just disciplining children.
SHERMAN, Texas -- A Sherman man was sentenced to ten years in prison yesterday after pleading guilty to injury to a child. Chris Murphy admitted to hitting and kicking an 8-year-old boy left in his care in 2012. Prosecutors say abusers often claim they're just disciplining children.
Maryland Officials: CPS Shouldn't Interfere with 'Free Range' Kids
Maryland Officials: CPS Shouldn't Interfere with 'Free Range' Kids | Parenting:
The state's new policy directive states CPS should not get involved unless kids are harmed or in risk of harm.
The state's new policy directive states CPS should not get involved unless kids are harmed or in risk of harm.
Grandparent Custody Rights in Pennsylvania
Grandparent Custody Rights in Pennsylvania | Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP - JDSupra:
In Pennsylvania, grandparents and great-grandparents have physical custody rights surrounding their grandchildren.
In Pennsylvania, grandparents and great-grandparents have physical custody rights surrounding their grandchildren.
Vermont's New Law Makes Child Safety Priority
Vermont's New Law Makes Child Safety Priority - The New York Times:
MONTPELIER, Vt. — Vermont's new child safety law shifts the state's priority in protecting children to their well-being from an imperative to reunite them with their families, officials said Monday during the governor's bill-signing ceremony at his Statehouse office.
the new law changed the rules that required officials to consider as the first option reuniting a child with his or her family.
MONTPELIER, Vt. — Vermont's new child safety law shifts the state's priority in protecting children to their well-being from an imperative to reunite them with their families, officials said Monday during the governor's bill-signing ceremony at his Statehouse office.
the new law changed the rules that required officials to consider as the first option reuniting a child with his or her family.
Foster parent accused of killing an 11-month-old baby in her care is back in court
Foster parent accused of killing an 11-month-old baby in her care is back in court:
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. A Grand Junction foster parent accused of killing an 11-month-old baby in her care, was back in court on Tuesday.
Sydney White is charged with first degree murder and child abuse resulting in death. White was in court on Tuesday with the expectation of getting a decision regarding a plea, or sentencing arraignment of her charges, but that has since been put off.
Kids in Foster Care 3 Times As Likely To Get Psych Drugs
Pa. Study: Kids in Foster Care 3 Times As Likely To Get Psych Drugs « CBS Philly:
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Children in foster care in Pennsylvania are at least three times as likely as other children to receive drugs used to treat mental illness.
That’s the conclusion of research released today at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the results have public health officials concerned.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Legal Abuse Syndrome
Legal Abuse Syndrome -- Karin Huffer:
“Warning: Protracted Litigation Can be Hazardous to Your Health”
So says Karin Huffer, whose experience as a marriage and family counselor in private practice and the wife of abusinessman who was brutally defrauded in the courts uniquely qualifies her as an expert on the subject.
Huffer discovered that many of the legal system's victims suffer from a variant of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which she has termed "Legal Abuse Syndrome." The condition derives from the abusive and protracted litigation that many plaintiffs commonly encounter in the courts.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Police in Michigan Seize 6 Children Because Family Was Camping in Tents
Police in Michigan Seize 6 Children Because Family Was Camping in Tents:
A Michigan family which had dreams of camping during the summer in the great outdoors was horrified when state officials seized their six children simply because they were temporarily living in tents, Off The Grid News has learned.
A Michigan family which had dreams of camping during the summer in the great outdoors was horrified when state officials seized their six children simply because they were temporarily living in tents, Off The Grid News has learned.
Another Medical Kidnapping at Boston Children’s Hospital: Baby Seized Over Formula Disagreement
Another Medical Kidnapping at Boston Children’s Hospital: Baby Seized Over Formula Disagreement:
BABY BELLA SET TO GO UP FOR ADOPTION!!! Sound the alarm! Continue calling until justice is served and Baby Bella is back home where she belongs!
- See more at: http://medicalkidnap.com/2015/04/24/another-medical-kidnapping-at-boston-childrens-hospital-baby-seized-over-formula-disagreement/#sthash.KI9rKRAr.dpuf
BABY BELLA SET TO GO UP FOR ADOPTION!!! Sound the alarm! Continue calling until justice is served and Baby Bella is back home where she belongs!
Call the Governor and request Baby Bella go home NOW. DCF is LYING to the Governor’s office and this is happening to more families than just Baby Bella’s!
Governor Baker – 617.725.4005 if you can’t wait, and want to leave message,
OR call Springfield office: 413.784.1200
Fax: 617.727.9725
TTY: 617.727.3666also: 888.870.7770 (in state)Washington, D.C. office phone goes right to voicemail, so leave a message there too! 202.624.7713
SEND a Fax: 202.624.7714
Tell Congress to End Federal Funding for Child Welfare
Tell Congress to End Federal Funding for Child Welfare – Let Local Communities Take Over:
Our nation’s Child Welfare system is corrupt, and there are few now who do not recognize the problems. American children in foster care are being abused. And that abuse is far greater than if the children had been left with their families in troubled homes. (See: Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes.)
Our nation’s Child Welfare system is corrupt, and there are few now who do not recognize the problems. American children in foster care are being abused. And that abuse is far greater than if the children had been left with their families in troubled homes. (See: Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes.)
Why We Are Stalled in the Reform of CPS
Why We Are Stalled in the Reform of CPS:
It seem that the stall in reform within Children Services is all my fault. Why is beyond me since all I have done is attempt to explain, the “been there, done that” and it just doesn't work. In fact, it backfires, time and time again!
It seem that the stall in reform within Children Services is all my fault. Why is beyond me since all I have done is attempt to explain, the “been there, done that” and it just doesn't work. In fact, it backfires, time and time again!
16 Year old arrested after allegedly throwing bleach at Foster home counselor's face in NY
Liana Brown arrested after allegedly throwing bleach at counselor's face in NY | Daily Mail Online:
Liana Brown had gotten into trouble with the woman, 53, for taking another student's food, police said
She then allegedly went into cafeteria kitchen and grabbed a cup of bleach
Pervert abused children in foster care
Pervert abused children in foster care - Edinburgh Evening News:
A pervert has been convicted of abusing two under-age girls while they were in foster care.
A pervert has been convicted of abusing two under-age girls while they were in foster care.
Overmedicating children in foster care
Overmedicating children in foster care:
On any given day nearly one in four children in foster care is taking at least one psychotropic medication—more than four times the rate for all children. Nearly half of children living in residential treatment centers or group homes take psychotropic medications. Children in foster care are more likely to be prescribed multiple psychotropic medications at very high doses, although research shows higher doses can result in serious side effects.
On any given day nearly one in four children in foster care is taking at least one psychotropic medication—more than four times the rate for all children. Nearly half of children living in residential treatment centers or group homes take psychotropic medications. Children in foster care are more likely to be prescribed multiple psychotropic medications at very high doses, although research shows higher doses can result in serious side effects.
'Kinship Care' program needed to fix broken child welfare system
'Kinship Care' program needed to fix broken child welfare system - Manitoba - CBC News:
There's too much bad press about Child and Family Services, First Nations welfare worker says
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Are Parents Going to Jail for Vaccine Injuries?
Are Parents Going to Jail for Vaccine Injuries?:
One of the true travesties of justice in modern society is the medical profession’s refusal to acknowledge vaccine injuries. While U.S. law forces the government to pay out damages to vaccine injuries and deaths in a special federal vaccine court that was setup to protect the manufacturers of vaccines from any legal liabilities, medical professionals continue to deny the existence of vaccine injuries, and therefore research to learn how to help vaccine damaged children is never funded nor conducted.
The fact that the child autism rate has skyrocketed from a rate of 1 out of every 10,000 children to 1 out of every 50 in the past few years, and is still climbing, is a national tragedy as the science linking vaccines to autism is covered up or ignored.
11-Year-Old Boy Played in His Yard. CPS Took Him, Felony Charge for Parents
11-Year-Old Boy Played in His Yard. CPS Took Him, Felony Charge for Parents. - Hit:
One afternoon this past April, a Florida mom and dad I'll call Cindy and Fred could not get home in time to let their 11-year-old son into the house. The boy didn't have a key, so he played basketball in the yard. He was alone for 90 minutes. A neighbor called the cops, and when the parents arrived—having been delayed by traffic and rain—they were arrested for negligence.They were put in handcuffs, strip searched, fingerprinted, and held overnight in jail.
Montana Grandparents Rally Against Child and Family Services
Montana Grandparents Rally Against Child and Family Services - ABC FOX Montana Local News, Weather, Sports KTMF | KWYB:
Missoula-Grandparents around the state are rallying against Child and Family services.
They stopped in Missoula on Wednesday, carrying signs claiming CFS is putting their children in the wrong hands. Protestors say CFS needs to make changes to their policies, with stricter requirements for their case workers, and a handful of other changes. They shared stories of their grandchildren being put in dangerous living conditions.
Missoula-Grandparents around the state are rallying against Child and Family services.
They stopped in Missoula on Wednesday, carrying signs claiming CFS is putting their children in the wrong hands. Protestors say CFS needs to make changes to their policies, with stricter requirements for their case workers, and a handful of other changes. They shared stories of their grandchildren being put in dangerous living conditions.
Vienna foster mom found guilty in child abuse case
Vienna foster mom found guilty in child abuse case | WKBN.com:
VIENNA, Ohio (WKBN) – A jury on Thursday found a foster mother from Vienna Township guilty of child endangerment for breaking a 2-month old child’s leg.
VIENNA, Ohio (WKBN) – A jury on Thursday found a foster mother from Vienna Township guilty of child endangerment for breaking a 2-month old child’s leg.
Social worker 'lied about woman's threat to kill family'
Social worker 'lied about woman's threat to kill family' - BBC News:
A social worker falsely claimed a woman made threats to kill her children, a disciplinary panel has ruled.
A social worker falsely claimed a woman made threats to kill her children, a disciplinary panel has ruled.
The Government is Trying to Criminalize Your Basic Parenting Decisions
The Government is Trying to Criminalize Your Basic Parenting Decisions | PJ Lifestyle:
It’s no secret that cigarette smoke, even second hand, is dangerous for everyone around it. MyFoxDC reports on the latest legislation aimed at smokers,
It’s no secret that cigarette smoke, even second hand, is dangerous for everyone around it. MyFoxDC reports on the latest legislation aimed at smokers,
Former Foster Parent Blasts CPS's Abuse Of Power, Exposes What They Are Doing To Children
Former Foster Parent Blasts CPS's Abuse Of Power, Exposes What They Are Doing To Children:
The very name ‘Child Protective Services‘ denotes that they are supposed to protect the child. According to Nehemiah Flynt, author of Legal Discrimination, it is all a huge lie we have been told. Flynt describes a seedy underbelly of the legal system where children are overmedicated, placed in homes worse than their own, or, in the worst case scenario, removed from loving homes with no justifiable cause.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Foster care system shifts to relatives, but doesn't offer support
Foster care system shifts to relatives, but doesn't offer support | 89.3 KPCC:
With more than half of the foster children in Los Angeles County living with relatives, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl said the system isn't doing enough to support them.
With more than half of the foster children in Los Angeles County living with relatives, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl said the system isn't doing enough to support them.
First Nation children in child welfare system a 'systemic problem'
First Nation children in child welfare system a 'systemic problem' - Nova Scotia - CBC News:
A Mi'kmaq health official in Nova Scotia says there's still a troubling pattern of placing First Nations children in government-supervised care, years after the last residential school shut down.
A Mi'kmaq health official in Nova Scotia says there's still a troubling pattern of placing First Nations children in government-supervised care, years after the last residential school shut down.
Former Foster Parent Speaks Out on Corruption: Falsified Information & Failure To Protect Children from Abuse
Former Foster Parent Speaks Out on Corruption: Falsified Information & Failure To Protect Children from Abuse:
The foster care system is much more complex than what many people realize. If operated in accordance with its design, “the system” would be for children who had no other options available to them. Potential foster families would be heavily screened, then approved for only certain age groups or for certain types of children, and foster care placements would be supervised both by individual foster care agencies and by the state’s Department of Health and Human Resources office.
If “the system” actually operated the way the government wants its citizens to believe it operates, I would not have a problem with foster care at all.
However, it doesn’t really work that way.
2 Children Awarded $1.1M From Medical Kidnap Case
2 Children Awarded $1.1M From Medical Kidnap Case:
SAN DIEGO – Two children removed from their home by county social workers will receive more than a million dollars as part of a settlement deal.
SAN DIEGO – Two children removed from their home by county social workers will receive more than a million dollars as part of a settlement deal.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Parents Protest Child Protective Services
Parents Protest Child Protective Services | FOX40:
SACRAMENTO —Parents protested Child Protective Services Friday outside of the Sacramento Family Courthouse.“We want to see change” parent Scott Walker told FOX40.
Group protests Child Protective Services
Group protests Child Protective Services - WALB.com, South Georgia News, Weather, Sports:
WALB.com, South Georgia News, Weather, Sports
ALBANY, GA (WALB) -A national protest brought out a small group of activists to the Dougherty County Courthouse Friday.
The group 'anonymous' is calling June 5th international day of protest.
WALB.com, South Georgia News, Weather, Sports
ALBANY, GA (WALB) -A national protest brought out a small group of activists to the Dougherty County Courthouse Friday.
The group 'anonymous' is calling June 5th international day of protest.
Anonymous rallies local advocates to challenge DHHS
Anonymous rallies local advocates to challenge DHHS - www.kmtv.com:
OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) -- Local advocates team up with the national hacktivist group Anonymous.
Parent Unafraid wants to tackle what they call “threatening tactics” within Child Protective Services. There were a handful when Action 3 showed up Friday morning, but with bold signs they have an even bolder message, #OPExposeCPS.
OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) -- Local advocates team up with the national hacktivist group Anonymous.
Parent Unafraid wants to tackle what they call “threatening tactics” within Child Protective Services. There were a handful when Action 3 showed up Friday morning, but with bold signs they have an even bolder message, #OPExposeCPS.
Embattled grandparents, parents, picket in front of CPS
Embattled grandparents, parents, picket in front of CPS - KTVQ.com | Q2 | Continuous News Coverage | Billings, MT:
Bearing signs that read "kid for sale," along with allegations of kidnap, torture, and abuse, a group of people gathered in front of the Child Protective Services Center Friday morning in downtown Billings.
Bearing signs that read "kid for sale," along with allegations of kidnap, torture, and abuse, a group of people gathered in front of the Child Protective Services Center Friday morning in downtown Billings.
Protesters march on Department of Human Services office in Hancock County
Protesters march on Department of Human Services office in Hancock County | Hancock County | The Sun Herald:
BAY ST. LOUIS -- Crowds of protester gathered in front of the Hancock County office of the Mississippi Department of Human Services on Friday. The demonstration began at 3 p.m. and lasted about two hours.
Read more here: http://www.sunherald.com/2015/06/05/6263005_protesters-march-on-department.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy
BAY ST. LOUIS -- Crowds of protester gathered in front of the Hancock County office of the Mississippi Department of Human Services on Friday. The demonstration began at 3 p.m. and lasted about two hours.
Read more here: http://www.sunherald.com/2015/06/05/6263005_protesters-march-on-department.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy
Group Protests Family Court System in Augusta
Group Protests Family Court System in Augusta - WJBF-TV ABC 6 Augusta-Aiken:
Columbia County, GA -About a dozen parents showed up at the Columbia County Courthouse on Friday to protest the family court system.
Columbia County, GA -About a dozen parents showed up at the Columbia County Courthouse on Friday to protest the family court system.
Edmonton woman uses Facebook to find birth son after 18 years apart
Edmonton woman uses Facebook to find birth son after 18 years apart | Calgary Herald:
When Michelle Hood knew her three daughters were old enough to understand, she showed them photos of a smiling blond-haired boy named Austin and told her girls about their older brother.
When Michelle Hood knew her three daughters were old enough to understand, she showed them photos of a smiling blond-haired boy named Austin and told her girls about their older brother.
California Senate passes sweeping reforms to curb psych medications in foster care
California Senate passes sweeping reforms to curb psych medications in foster care - ContraCostaTimes.com:
SACRAMENTO -- In a major step toward curtailing the excessive use of psychiatric drugs on foster children, the California Senate on Thursday approved a package of bills that is already being eyed as a model in Washington, D.C., and across the country.
SACRAMENTO -- In a major step toward curtailing the excessive use of psychiatric drugs on foster children, the California Senate on Thursday approved a package of bills that is already being eyed as a model in Washington, D.C., and across the country.
Girl missing from foster care shot to death in Kansas City
Girl missing from foster care shot to death in Kansas City - SFGate:
KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) — A girl who was reported missing from the Kansas foster care system in 2012 has died after a shooting.
KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) — A girl who was reported missing from the Kansas foster care system in 2012 has died after a shooting.
Bills to Curb Drugging of Foster Kids Clears CA Senate
WitnessLA.com » Blog Archive » Bills to Curb Drugging of Foster Kids Clears CA Senate…Veteran’s Court Makes Vets Feel at Home…LA FBI Agent Indicted…and More:
On Wednesday, the California Senate approved a package of four California reform bills addressing over-drugging in California foster care system. The bills have bipartisan support, and have a good chance of making it through the Assembly and onto Governor Jerry Brown’s desk. But a price tag of between $8-$22 million may be a tough sell for the governor.
Group pickets in front of Child Protective Services in downtown Billings
Group pickets in front of Child Protective Services in downtown Billings:
Carrying signs that read “Criminal Protection Service” and a “KIDS” for-sale sign, a group of about two dozen people picketed outside the Billings offices of Child Protection Services on Friday.
Carrying signs that read “Criminal Protection Service” and a “KIDS” for-sale sign, a group of about two dozen people picketed outside the Billings offices of Child Protection Services on Friday.
Abuse, Family Separation And Foster Care Link To Mental Illness In Black Children
Abuse, Family Separation And Foster Care Link To Mental Illness In Black Children | Pride News Magazine:
When Black children are removed from their parents’ homes, even though the parents might be neglectful and abusive, it is still traumatic for them. This type of trauma, like other forms, can have long-lasting mental health effects.
When Black children are removed from their parents’ homes, even though the parents might be neglectful and abusive, it is still traumatic for them. This type of trauma, like other forms, can have long-lasting mental health effects.
St. Charles County foster care mom gets suspended sentence for injuries to infant
St. Charles County foster care mom gets suspended sentence for injuries to infant : News:
ST. CHARLES COUNTY • A former St. Charles County foster mother got a suspended 14-year prison sentence Wednesday in a case in which an infant in her care nearly died.
ST. CHARLES COUNTY • A former St. Charles County foster mother got a suspended 14-year prison sentence Wednesday in a case in which an infant in her care nearly died.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
What Life is Like After Being Targeted By Child Protective Services
After being targeted by CPS/DCYF, life is never the same. The entire family is slandered and thrown to the wolves. The children/grandchildren are taken, never to be seen again. The loss is unbearable.
You go to bed at night, thinking about the children, praying for their safe return, praying no harm comes to them. You wake up in the morning and your first thoughts are about the stolen children. Every day is the same. The despair never ends. A nightmare that just won't quit. You somehow, can now identify CPS/DCYF worker's and Foster strangers everywhere you go. It's like you have a new sense. You always know who they are.
Your life is changed forever. The happiness is gone. Days of depression and anxiety. Tears and despair. Loving memories of the stolen children. Horrifying memories of the children stolen right in front of your eyes. Lost work, after never missing work before the nightmare began. You've become a shell, no longer able to live the happy life you once had.You can't even look at another child without crying. Everywhere you go, you see children. You see Mother's and grandparents pushing their children and grandchildren in carriages and you cry. The pain is never ending. How do you go on living a normal life after your children/grandchildren are stolen by the State? You don't!
You worked all your life, loved and protected your children and grandchildren and always followed the law. You never hurt anyone. You made friends everywhere you went, but for some ungodly reason, CPS/DCYF has targeted your family and you of all people!
False report's are extremely dangerous. They tear apart good families and wreak havoc on a family's well being.You are disrespected and treated like dirt and your family values are in question, even though you've done nothing wrong. You get blamed for the path's your children have taken, even when they're falsely accused. You've worked all your life. Were you supposed to hold your children's hands their entire childhood? Once they become a teen, it's very hard to watch them every minute of every day.
New children are born. Children who will never take the place of the children stolen from your family, but of course you love them more than life itself and you vow to protect them with everything in your being. A new nightmare begins. You constantly watch over your shoulder. You watch all the car's that pull up near your house. The children are forbidden from leaving your sight. Even in your fenced in yard. You're afraid to send them to school. Afraid to let the children out of your sight, for fear they will also be stolen. There is no normalcy. Life is never the same, no matter how hard you try. It just doesn't happen. You never stop thinking about your stolen children/grandchildren and now you have to worry about the new little ones. A never ending nightmare that just won't quit. Will life ever get any easier? I always heard life get's easier as you get older, but don't count on it when your family has been targeted by CPS/DCYF!
Unhappy Grammy
You go to bed at night, thinking about the children, praying for their safe return, praying no harm comes to them. You wake up in the morning and your first thoughts are about the stolen children. Every day is the same. The despair never ends. A nightmare that just won't quit. You somehow, can now identify CPS/DCYF worker's and Foster strangers everywhere you go. It's like you have a new sense. You always know who they are.
Your life is changed forever. The happiness is gone. Days of depression and anxiety. Tears and despair. Loving memories of the stolen children. Horrifying memories of the children stolen right in front of your eyes. Lost work, after never missing work before the nightmare began. You've become a shell, no longer able to live the happy life you once had.You can't even look at another child without crying. Everywhere you go, you see children. You see Mother's and grandparents pushing their children and grandchildren in carriages and you cry. The pain is never ending. How do you go on living a normal life after your children/grandchildren are stolen by the State? You don't!
You worked all your life, loved and protected your children and grandchildren and always followed the law. You never hurt anyone. You made friends everywhere you went, but for some ungodly reason, CPS/DCYF has targeted your family and you of all people!
False report's are extremely dangerous. They tear apart good families and wreak havoc on a family's well being.You are disrespected and treated like dirt and your family values are in question, even though you've done nothing wrong. You get blamed for the path's your children have taken, even when they're falsely accused. You've worked all your life. Were you supposed to hold your children's hands their entire childhood? Once they become a teen, it's very hard to watch them every minute of every day.
New children are born. Children who will never take the place of the children stolen from your family, but of course you love them more than life itself and you vow to protect them with everything in your being. A new nightmare begins. You constantly watch over your shoulder. You watch all the car's that pull up near your house. The children are forbidden from leaving your sight. Even in your fenced in yard. You're afraid to send them to school. Afraid to let the children out of your sight, for fear they will also be stolen. There is no normalcy. Life is never the same, no matter how hard you try. It just doesn't happen. You never stop thinking about your stolen children/grandchildren and now you have to worry about the new little ones. A never ending nightmare that just won't quit. Will life ever get any easier? I always heard life get's easier as you get older, but don't count on it when your family has been targeted by CPS/DCYF!
Unhappy Grammy
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from Medical Kidnapping
How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from Medical Kidnapping:
It is common for people to spend more time deliberating over what type of cable TV package they will purchase than over who will provide their family with primary health care services. Making the right choice of health care provider may be one of the most important decisions that you make for your family. It may determine whether your family stays together or is broken up and destroyed by Child Protective Services.
It is common for people to spend more time deliberating over what type of cable TV package they will purchase than over who will provide their family with primary health care services. Making the right choice of health care provider may be one of the most important decisions that you make for your family. It may determine whether your family stays together or is broken up and destroyed by Child Protective Services.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Doctor Involved in Arizona Medical Kidnapping Case to Face Charges Before Arizona Medical Board
Doctor Involved in Arizona Medical Kidnapping Case to Face Charges Before Arizona Medical Board:
On Wednesday June 3, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. the Arizona Medical Board will review the complaint against the State of Arizona’s expert witness on child abuse cases, Kathryn Coffman, M.D. The meeting will take place at 9535 E. Doubletree Ranch Road, in Scottsdale, Arizona. (See meeting agenda.)
Dr. Coffman is named a defendant in a federal lawsuit currently pending in the U.S. 9th Circuit Court by Leanna Smith, who has sued the State of Arizona, CPS, and doctors in the medical kidnapping of her two daughters.
Hundreds protest ‘kidnapping’ in Norway’s Child Welfare System
Hundreds protest ‘kidnapping’ in Norway’s Child Welfare System — RT News:
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the Norwegian capital Oslo, to protest against the country’s foster care system. They are angry at children being ‘kidnapped’ from their families, which the protesters say is a breach of family rights.
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the Norwegian capital Oslo, to protest against the country’s foster care system. They are angry at children being ‘kidnapped’ from their families, which the protesters say is a breach of family rights.
Child Dies While in Foster Care, Parents Want Justice
Child Dies While in Foster Care, Parents Want Justice | WSILTV | Local News:
CAIRO -- The birth family of 10-month-old Kalisha Hill laid her to rest Saturday.It's been a rough three years for this large family. In 2012, after the father, Isaac Hill, admitted abuse, he and Katrina Hill lost custody of each of their ten children.
The science behind shaken baby syndrome
The science behind shaken baby syndrome | News - Home:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says one in four babies die after being violently shaken.But some legal experts are raising some doubts about that diagnosis especially in criminal cases.
Newly released court records raise doubts about birth at Homer G. Phillips Hospital
Newly released court records raise doubts about birth at Homer G. Phillips Hospital : News:
ST. LOUIS • The city’s family court has formally released the original birth certificate and adoption records of Melanie Gilmore, the woman at the center of controversy involving the former maternity ward of Homer G. Phillips Hospital.
ST. LOUIS • The city’s family court has formally released the original birth certificate and adoption records of Melanie Gilmore, the woman at the center of controversy involving the former maternity ward of Homer G. Phillips Hospital.
A Digital Solution to the Overprescription of Medications for Foster Children
A Digital Solution to the Overprescription of Medications for Foster Children | Wendy Lazarus:
For children and youth in foster care, instability and disorder can be one of few constants. First, a troubled home life leads to a sudden break from families and kin. Once in foster care, such kids will likely change homes, schools and care providers several times each year. This instability disrupts crucial relationships and causes essential information to be lost in the shuffle between placements and homes. Gaps in critical information become especially problematic when it comes to health. One particular example is when children and youth in foster care require ongoing medication management and careful handoffs between medical providers -- or when past treatments were ineffective or inappropriate. This isn't just hypothetical: we now know that children and youth in foster care are prescribed powerful mood-changing drugs--including those used to treat ADHD, anxiety, depression, and psychosis -- at rates 2.7 to 4.5 times higher than other children in Medicaid. While sometimes appropriate, these high rates suggest widespread overprescribing. Fortunately, a number of technology-enabled information-sharing initiatives may soon address the gaps in information and lapses in oversight that contribute to this problem.
For children and youth in foster care, instability and disorder can be one of few constants. First, a troubled home life leads to a sudden break from families and kin. Once in foster care, such kids will likely change homes, schools and care providers several times each year. This instability disrupts crucial relationships and causes essential information to be lost in the shuffle between placements and homes. Gaps in critical information become especially problematic when it comes to health. One particular example is when children and youth in foster care require ongoing medication management and careful handoffs between medical providers -- or when past treatments were ineffective or inappropriate. This isn't just hypothetical: we now know that children and youth in foster care are prescribed powerful mood-changing drugs--including those used to treat ADHD, anxiety, depression, and psychosis -- at rates 2.7 to 4.5 times higher than other children in Medicaid. While sometimes appropriate, these high rates suggest widespread overprescribing. Fortunately, a number of technology-enabled information-sharing initiatives may soon address the gaps in information and lapses in oversight that contribute to this problem.
Georgia demotes Walker County child welfare director after complaints
Georgia demotes Walker County child welfare director after complaints | Local News | Times Free Press:
State officials confirmed that the Walker County Division of Family and Children Services director was removed from her position after multiple complaints from the community.
State officials confirmed that the Walker County Division of Family and Children Services director was removed from her position after multiple complaints from the community.
Norway social workers lied in court to keep child
Norway social workers lied in court to keep child - The Local:
Norway's controversial Child Welfare Service submitted false evidence in order to keep a child in foster care against the wishes of the mother, a court in Norway has ruled.
Norway's controversial Child Welfare Service submitted false evidence in order to keep a child in foster care against the wishes of the mother, a court in Norway has ruled.
Foster mother charged with beating, critically injuring 2-year-old boy
Foster mother charged with beating, critically injuring 2-year-old boy | Fox 59:
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (May 27, 2015) – An Indianapolis foster mother is facing felony charges in the severe beating of a 2-year-old boy that has left the child in critical condition for several days.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (May 27, 2015) – An Indianapolis foster mother is facing felony charges in the severe beating of a 2-year-old boy that has left the child in critical condition for several days.
Foster mother rebooked on murder charge in death of 22-month-old girl
Foster mother rebooked on murder charge in death of 22-month-old girl | New Orleans - WDSU Home:
LACOMBE, La. —The foster mother of a 22-month-old child that was allegedly beaten to death was rebooked on a charge of first-degree murder.
LACOMBE, La. —The foster mother of a 22-month-old child that was allegedly beaten to death was rebooked on a charge of first-degree murder.
Award-winning foster parent found guilty of string of child sex crimes after 24-year career
Award-winning foster parent found guilty of string of child sex crimes after 24-year career - Mirror Online:
Bill Rathbone began fostering after his baby son died in 1976 from a congenital heart condition and went on to care for more than 70 youngsters
Bill Rathbone began fostering after his baby son died in 1976 from a congenital heart condition and went on to care for more than 70 youngsters
Denver caseworker pleads guilty to falsifying records in fatality case, gets probation
Denver caseworker pleads guilty to falsifying records in fatality case, gets probation - The Denver Post:
A former Denver child protection worker accused of falsifying records in the case of a 2-month-old girl who was fatally beaten pleaded guilty in the case and has been sentenced.
A former Denver child protection worker accused of falsifying records in the case of a 2-month-old girl who was fatally beaten pleaded guilty in the case and has been sentenced.
5 Children Kidnapped from Family in Missouri When Baby with Low Vitamin D Found with Broken Bones
5 Children Kidnapped from Family in Missouri When Baby with Low Vitamin D Found with Broken Bones:
December 21st, 2014 Rebecca Wanosik was blessed with her 5th child. A beautiful baby girl was born in her home in Lebanon, Missouri. It was an uncomplicated home birth, and she was assisted by her midwife. This was Rebecca’s 2nd home birth, and with Rebecca being an experienced mother of 4, she knew what to expect. Rebecca and her husband were overjoyed with another beautiful addition to their family. Rebecca had her 4 children prior to meeting Anthony. This was their first child they had together. Rebecca felt so complete with an amazing husband, and now their baby girl.
But soon their family was completely torn apart when CPS came in and took all 5 of their children away, after the baby was found with fractured bones. Being now listed as “child abusers,” Rebecca would later learn that she had Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, with low vitamin D levels for both her and her baby.
Oklahoma Takes 3 Children Away from Parents When One is Found with Possible Brittle Bone Disease
Oklahoma Takes 3 Children Away from Parents When One is Found with Possible Brittle Bone Disease:
April and Joshua Whinery report that they won’t ever give up fighting for their children whom they say were medically kidnapped by DHS in Oklahoma. According to Joshua, it started “all because I took my child to the hospital.”
Degenerative bone disease runs in his family, yet the couple was accused of abuse. Though the family has repeatedly asked for him to be tested, DHS has allegedly refused to allow the test, attempting instead to terminate all of the couple’s parental rights.
Western Wash. parents respond to CPS abuse allegations
Western Wash. parents respond to CPS abuse allegations:PIERCE COUNTY, Wash. - Outside the state Department of Social and Health Services in Tacoma Tuesday, the Everson family and their supporters spent the day holding signs and pleading their case in front of TV cameras. Child Protective Services removed their special needs son, Bubby, from their home four days ago.
Detroit Homeschool Mom who Faced SWAT Team in Medical Kidnapping Case Sues CPS
Detroit Homeschool Mom who Faced SWAT Team in Medical Kidnapping Case Sues CPS:
Maryanne Godboldo is back in the news again. Detroit prosecutor Kym Worthy, after losing in court four times, has filed a fifth case against her. This time, Maryanne is striking back with her own lawsuit, as she sues CPS
Maryanne Godboldo is back in the news again. Detroit prosecutor Kym Worthy, after losing in court four times, has filed a fifth case against her. This time, Maryanne is striking back with her own lawsuit, as she sues CPS
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