Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Caregivers find new ways to ease infant withdrawal
Caregivers find new ways to ease infant withdrawal | New Hampshire:
As the opioid epidemic deepens its deadly grip on New Hampshire, hospitals are seeing an increase in the number of babies suffering because of it.Born in withdrawal, these infants suffer nausea, headaches, tremors, diarrhea and rashes. They often can't eat, sleep or relax.
Comment: Some infant withdrawals are caused by prescribed medication, given to the Mother and for some UNGODLY reason, these Mother's are reported to DCYF. Makes no sense to open a case against someone for taking prescribed medication or medication given to a Mother in labor. What has our Nation become?
As the opioid epidemic deepens its deadly grip on New Hampshire, hospitals are seeing an increase in the number of babies suffering because of it.Born in withdrawal, these infants suffer nausea, headaches, tremors, diarrhea and rashes. They often can't eat, sleep or relax.
Comment: Some infant withdrawals are caused by prescribed medication, given to the Mother and for some UNGODLY reason, these Mother's are reported to DCYF. Makes no sense to open a case against someone for taking prescribed medication or medication given to a Mother in labor. What has our Nation become?
Teen Who Was Forced to Undergo Chemotherapy is Released from the Hospital
Teen Who Was Forced to Undergo Chemotherapy is Released from the Hospital : People.com:
After spending nearly five months in the hospital, Cassandra C. is finally going home.
After spending nearly five months in the hospital, Cassandra C. is finally going home.
Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder?
Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder? - Freedom's Floodgates:
Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer may have known more about State-sponsored kidnappings than any other politician in the United States before she was murdered in March of 2010. Her published report, The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services, is reproduced below. It was the basis for many lectures and interviews she gave on the topic. She claims the report caused her to lose her Senate seat in the Georgia State Senate, but she stated:
However, there are causes worth losing over.
This cause was so big however, that there are some who believe she lost more than just her job. They believe she lost her very life.
Foster parents accused of sexually abusing children; foster father wanted by police
Foster parents accused of sexually abusing children; foster father wanted by police - KDBC - News, Sports, Weather, Traffic:
EL PASO, Texas – Two foster parents are accused of sexually assaulting two children that were placed in their care over a decade ago.
EL PASO, Texas – Two foster parents are accused of sexually assaulting two children that were placed in their care over a decade ago.
Rock County considers body cameras for child protective service
Rock County considers body cameras for child protective service - WREX.com – Rockford’s News Leader:
ROCK COUNTY (WREX) -You've heard of police body cameras, but what about social worker body cameras? That's what one county in Wisconsin wants to have.
ROCK COUNTY (WREX) -You've heard of police body cameras, but what about social worker body cameras? That's what one county in Wisconsin wants to have.
Child Protective Services endangers children(Nationwide)
Child Protective Services endangers children:
There are great injustices happening right now in this state to our children, parents and grandparents that need to be addressed by the citizens of our beautiful state of Montana.
There are great injustices happening right now in this state to our children, parents and grandparents that need to be addressed by the citizens of our beautiful state of Montana.
N.J. Family Sues CPS for $60 Million for Invading Their Homeschool without Cause
N.J. Family Sues CPS for $60 Million for Invading Their Homeschool without Cause:
A Warren County (New Jersey) family is suing the state’s Division of Child Protection and Permanency for alleged unconstitutional home intrusion and civil rights violations.
A Warren County (New Jersey) family is suing the state’s Division of Child Protection and Permanency for alleged unconstitutional home intrusion and civil rights violations.
Feds order baby returned after DCF takes custody due to mother's Disability
Feds order baby returned after DCF takes custody due to mother's - Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston:
BOSTON (MyFoxBoston.com) -- In an unprecedented move, the federal government has ordered the Department of Children and Families to return a child to her mother. And on Tuesday, we are hearing for the first time directly from the child's family about their 2-year battle with the department.
BOSTON (MyFoxBoston.com) -- In an unprecedented move, the federal government has ordered the Department of Children and Families to return a child to her mother. And on Tuesday, we are hearing for the first time directly from the child's family about their 2-year battle with the department.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
California Orange County CPS Sued for Kidnapping More than 5,000 Children
California Orange County CPS Sued for Kidnapping More than 5,000 Children:
Attorney Shawn McMillan is continuing his fight against the corrupt Child and Protective Services in California, and has now filed a class action lawsuit against Orange County California for allegedly seizing more 5000 children in State-sponsored kidnappings. This follows his December 2014 class action lawsuit against CPS in Riverside County in California, which is also accused of kidnapping “thousands” of children without cause.
Attorney Shawn McMillan is continuing his fight against the corrupt Child and Protective Services in California, and has now filed a class action lawsuit against Orange County California for allegedly seizing more 5000 children in State-sponsored kidnappings. This follows his December 2014 class action lawsuit against CPS in Riverside County in California, which is also accused of kidnapping “thousands” of children without cause.
Another Medical Kidnapping at Boston Children’s Hospital: Baby Seized Over Formula Disagreement
Another Medical Kidnapping at Boston Children’s Hospital: Baby Seized Over Formula Disagreement:
It is an all-too-familiar cascade of events that happens all across the world, but for baby Bella’s family, their fairly typical scenario has resulted in their baby being taken from her loving parents. Now Massachusetts DCF allegedly wants to adopt this beautiful baby out, permanently severing Christina and Jonathon Hinote’s parental rights to their daughter, who wasn’t even born in Massachusetts. As reported by A Miracle for US, the family is devastated.
It is an all-too-familiar cascade of events that happens all across the world, but for baby Bella’s family, their fairly typical scenario has resulted in their baby being taken from her loving parents. Now Massachusetts DCF allegedly wants to adopt this beautiful baby out, permanently severing Christina and Jonathon Hinote’s parental rights to their daughter, who wasn’t even born in Massachusetts. As reported by A Miracle for US, the family is devastated.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Texas Deputies Punch Pregnant War Veteran Woman While CPS Takes Her Child
Texas Deputies Punch Pregnant War Veteran Woman While CPS Takes Her Child:
Deanna Robinson-Katsuki is a decorated Air Force Veteran, who once received the Airman’s Medal for helping drag soldiers from a burning plane in Iraq. Yet Deanna recently came under an investigation by Texas Child Protection Services, who arrived at Deanna’s parents’ home with Sheriff deputies from Hunt County. Deanna is also 9 months pregnant.
Deanna Robinson-Katsuki is a decorated Air Force Veteran, who once received the Airman’s Medal for helping drag soldiers from a burning plane in Iraq. Yet Deanna recently came under an investigation by Texas Child Protection Services, who arrived at Deanna’s parents’ home with Sheriff deputies from Hunt County. Deanna is also 9 months pregnant.
Hunt County Sheriffs Officers beat pregnant woman
Thursday, April 16, 2015
What is the Difference between Re-homing Adopted Children and Child Trafficking
Social Work Helper | As Arkansas Outlaws Re-homing, Other States Might Follow Suit - Social Work Helper:
Re-homing, a practice which consists in transferring a child’s custody to non-family members without the oversight of child welfare or judicial authorities, became a nationwide issue after Reuters published an investigation in September 2013. The 18-month investigation revealed that parents used Internet discussion groups to give away their adopted children and sparked heightened debate across the country. In May 2014 the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) sent a Memorandum to state child welfare authorities encouraging an overhaul of legislations to “adequately address the implication of re-homing” and putting an emphasis on post-adoption services.
Re-homing, a practice which consists in transferring a child’s custody to non-family members without the oversight of child welfare or judicial authorities, became a nationwide issue after Reuters published an investigation in September 2013. The 18-month investigation revealed that parents used Internet discussion groups to give away their adopted children and sparked heightened debate across the country. In May 2014 the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) sent a Memorandum to state child welfare authorities encouraging an overhaul of legislations to “adequately address the implication of re-homing” and putting an emphasis on post-adoption services.
When 'Stranger Danger' is actually the police and CPS
When 'Stranger Danger' is actually the police and CPS : TreeHugger:
Outrage is inevitable when "protecting our nation's children" turns into state-sponsored kidnapping and perversely unnecessary trauma to families who don't follow the rules.
Outrage is inevitable when "protecting our nation's children" turns into state-sponsored kidnapping and perversely unnecessary trauma to families who don't follow the rules.
Can Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Be Misdiagnosed?
My stolen granddaughter was diagnosed with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, by Nashua DCYF's cohort Hospital two day's after her birth. Two day's after discharge paperwork was signed off by three Nurses and the Hospital Social Worker that stated my granddaughter met ALL criteria for discharge.
My daughter's pregnancy was considered High Risk, due to a myriad of complications. The cohort Clinic attempted to test her for gestational Diabetes, but the slime they made her drink wouldn't stay down. It came right up, just as everything else had. The Clinic went no further with testing, although a simple blood test would have given them the answer they were looking for.
Through my research of the last 9 1/2 years since my granddaughter's kidnapping by the State, I have come to the conclusion my daughter indeed suffered from Gestational Diabetes throughout her pregnancy. She had ALL the symptom's. Her daughter was born at 35 1/2 weeks at the weight of a full term baby.
Untreated or Poorly treated Gestational Diabetes can cause a baby to be born early. It can also cause a baby to be born bigger than normal size at full term.
Also:http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001597.htm Infant of Diabetic Mother
My daughter's pregnancy was considered High Risk, due to a myriad of complications. The cohort Clinic attempted to test her for gestational Diabetes, but the slime they made her drink wouldn't stay down. It came right up, just as everything else had. The Clinic went no further with testing, although a simple blood test would have given them the answer they were looking for.
Through my research of the last 9 1/2 years since my granddaughter's kidnapping by the State, I have come to the conclusion my daughter indeed suffered from Gestational Diabetes throughout her pregnancy. She had ALL the symptom's. Her daughter was born at 35 1/2 weeks at the weight of a full term baby.
Untreated or Poorly treated Gestational Diabetes can cause a baby to be born early. It can also cause a baby to be born bigger than normal size at full term.
Also:http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001597.htm Infant of Diabetic Mother
The infant is often large for gestational age. Other symptoms may include:
- Blue or patchy (mottled) skin color, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing (signs of immature lungs or heart failure)
- Newborn jaundice (yellow skin)
- Poor feeding, lethargy, weak cry (signs of severe low blood sugar)
- Puffy face
- Reddish appearance
- Tremors or shaking shortly after birth
All infants who are born to mothers with diabetes should be tested for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), even if they have no symptoms.
If an infant had one episode of low blood sugar, tests to check blood sugar level will be done over several days. Testing will be continued until the infant's blood sugar remains stable with normal feedings.
Specific systems most often affected
a) Central Nervous system
The infants tend to have an increased startle reflex and are tremulous during the 1st 3 days of life, although hypotonia, lethargy, and poor sucking may also occur. Seizures, if they occur are due to hypoglycemia or hypocalcemia. Mechanism for low calcium is as follows: The mother with Type 2 Diabetes is likely to have decreased blood Mg levels (due to (1) excretion in kidney and (2) increased insulin-mediated uptake into cells). Low Mg levels in the infant inhibit the parathyroid gland to respond to hypocalcemia through the release of PTH.
My granddaughter was never tested for low blood sugar even though she had some of these symptom's
Neonatal abstinence syndrome Symptoms
- Blotchy skin coloring (mottling)
- Diarrhea
- Excessive crying or high-pitched crying
- Excessive sucking
- Fever
- Hyperactive reflexes
- Increased muscle tone
- Irritability
- Poor feeding
- Rapid breathing
- Seizures
- Sleep problems
- Slow weight gain
- Stuffy nose, sneezing
- Sweating
- Trembling (tremors)
- Vomiting
Many of the symptom's are the same in both cases. Misdiagnosis? I'm sure it was!
My granddaughter was never tested for low blood sugar even though she had some of these symptom's.
My research tells me, my daughter DID have Gestational Diabetes, left untreated just like everything else she suffered from during her pregnancy. And yes, I believe she was misdiagnosed as I've stated all along. And how can a baby be diagnosed with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome when the cohort Hospital fed the Mother Morphine by IV for 19 1/2 hours in labor because the baby was Placenta Previa, who should have been born by C-Section, but was instead forced to deliver vaginally?
And yes, I believe my granddaughter's kidnapping by the State was planned from Day One. And they knew from the start who they were placing my granddaughter with. Foster stranger's who moved to NH from Massachusetts, who did not meet Residence requirement's, along with a few more tidbit's I've found throughout my research that lead me to believe the Stranger's were "Chosen" by DCYF before my granddaughter was even born.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Arizona Families Hold Umbrella Rally on Anniversary of Diegel Sisters Medical Kidnapping
Arizona Families Hold Umbrella Rally on Anniversary of Diegel Sisters Medical Kidnapping:
It has been a year now since Melissa Diegel’s daughters, Kayla and Hannah, were seized by Arizona CPS and Phoenix Children’s Hospital, one year since that horrible week last April when the Diegel sisters joined the ranks of not hundreds, but thousands of children in foster care in Arizona, many of whom are believed to be there unjustly. The Diegel story helped to thrust the issue of medical kidnapping into the national spotlight.
It has been a year now since Melissa Diegel’s daughters, Kayla and Hannah, were seized by Arizona CPS and Phoenix Children’s Hospital, one year since that horrible week last April when the Diegel sisters joined the ranks of not hundreds, but thousands of children in foster care in Arizona, many of whom are believed to be there unjustly. The Diegel story helped to thrust the issue of medical kidnapping into the national spotlight.
Maryland 'free range kids' taken into custody again by child protective services
Maryland 'free range kids' taken into custody again by child protective services | Fox News:
Two Maryland children who received national attention as so-called "free range kids" earlier this year because of their parents' decision to let them roam alone were taken into custody again Sunday by Child Protective Services.
Thanks to a nosey neighbor!
Two Maryland children who received national attention as so-called "free range kids" earlier this year because of their parents' decision to let them roam alone were taken into custody again Sunday by Child Protective Services.
Thanks to a nosey neighbor!
Mom accused of having sex with adopted son
Mom accused of having sex with adopted son - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News:
COEUR d'ALENE - The case of a Rathdrum woman accused of having sex with her 14-year-old adopted son will be tried by a jury in Kootenai County. Kimberly Durlin, 32, was charged with five counts of lewd conduct with a child under the age of 16 in November of 2014. A jury trial is scheduled to begin April 20.
Is a Sick Child an Asset to a Bankrupt State?
Is a Sick Child an Asset to a Bankrupt State? | PJ Lifestyle:
When I try to grasp what Michelle and Isaiah Rider’s life has become over the past year I think of nightmares so horrible you make a conscious effort to wake yourself up. Tragically, there is no waking up from this. On March 11, an Illinois judge plunged this small family of two deeper into the dark world of Illinois’ Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
When I try to grasp what Michelle and Isaiah Rider’s life has become over the past year I think of nightmares so horrible you make a conscious effort to wake yourself up. Tragically, there is no waking up from this. On March 11, an Illinois judge plunged this small family of two deeper into the dark world of Illinois’ Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Audit: DHHS skipped child abuse registry check on adoptive parents, overpaid for many Medicaid services
Audit: DHHS skipped child abuse registry check on adoptive parents, overpaid for many Medicaid services | The Progressive Pulse:
An annual audit of North Carolina’s compliance with federal human services programs uncovered significant issues at the state’s health agency, including overpaying for Medicaid services and skipping a background check for adoptive parents.
An annual audit of North Carolina’s compliance with federal human services programs uncovered significant issues at the state’s health agency, including overpaying for Medicaid services and skipping a background check for adoptive parents.
Video depicting Quinlan woman's violent arrest attracts regional, national attention
Video depicting Quinlan woman's violent arrest attracts regional, national attention | 88.9 KETR:
A Quinlan woman whose violent encounter with Hunt County sheriff’s deputies was recorded by home surveillance video has told various media organizations that she wants the man charged with assault.The video has been shared widely on social media, resulting in regional and national attention to the story.Deanna Robinson, 38, has said she was 38 weeks pregnant on March 4, the date of the incident. Child Protective Services officials as well as county sheriff’s department officers went to Robinson’s parents’ home to take custody of Robinson’s 18-month-old son, Landry.
Court Approves $2.075 Million Settlement for Ex-foster Children Who Were Abused
Court Approves $2.075 Million Settlement for Ex-foster Children Who Were Abused:
The federal court in Nevada has approved a $2.075 million settlement for seven former foster children who claimed they were injured while in Clark County’s child welfare system, the National Center for Youth Law announced.The advocacy group’s attention has now shifted to whether recommendations for county child welfare reform and related court systems will be implemented.
Governor signs bill tightening reins on child welfare workers
Governor signs bill tightening reins on child welfare workers - The Verde Independent - Cottonwood, Arizona:
PHOENIX -- Gov. Doug Ducey signed legislation Monday to put some new constraints on child welfare workers before they can remove a youngster from a home.
PHOENIX -- Gov. Doug Ducey signed legislation Monday to put some new constraints on child welfare workers before they can remove a youngster from a home.
B.C. woman set on fire in supposed pagan ritual was social worker on Schoenborn file
B.C. woman set on fire in supposed pagan ritual was social worker on Schoenborn file:
KAMLOOPS, B.C. — A B.C. woman who died this week after being found ablaze in Riverside Park was a former social worker in Merritt who went on long-term disability after three children in her case-management file were murdered by their father.
KAMLOOPS, B.C. — A B.C. woman who died this week after being found ablaze in Riverside Park was a former social worker in Merritt who went on long-term disability after three children in her case-management file were murdered by their father.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Medical Kidnapping Business: Judges Skirting the Law for Federal Funds
Medical Kidnapping Business: Judges Skirting the Law for Federal Funds:
One of the tragic themes we hear in almost all of these medical kidnapping stories is that the judge in family court is so quick to approve CPS in their removal of the child from the parents. CPS can enter a home without a warrant or court order, simply because there is a complaint that a child is in “imminent danger.” Often that complaint is from a doctor. Law enforcement is trained to cooperate with CPS, and the child is removed, by force if necessary.
Vermont Teen Drugged Against Her Will, Held in Custody in Massachusetts Mental Health Facility
Vermont Teen Drugged Against Her Will, Held in Custody in Massachusetts Mental Health Facility:
“I’m just literally here as a hostage. I didn’t do anything. I haven’t harmed anyone. I haven’t harmed myself, and they won’t let me go home. I just want to go home to my mom, so I can have my life back. They took it from me. They are drugging me up every single day against my will.”
This isn’t a quote from a dystopian novel, or a sci-fi thriller. It is the heartfelt plea recorded by an American teenager being held in a facility in Massachusetts against her will and that of her family in Vermont. Karen Maple is very concerned about the well-being of her daughter, 17 year old Elissa, since DCF seized custody of the teen over a year ago, in December 2013.
Bill aims to keep American Indian children with families
Bill aims to keep American Indian children with families - Omaha.com: Legislature:
LINCOLN (AP) — While applying for her driver's license at age 16, Karen Hardenbrook saw her birth certificate and learned what her adoptive parents from Broken Bow never told her: she was born in Winnebago and her mother was a member of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska. As a baby, the state removed her from her biological grandmother's crowded home on the reservation.
LINCOLN (AP) — While applying for her driver's license at age 16, Karen Hardenbrook saw her birth certificate and learned what her adoptive parents from Broken Bow never told her: she was born in Winnebago and her mother was a member of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska. As a baby, the state removed her from her biological grandmother's crowded home on the reservation.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Happy Easter Austin, Ally and Bella
Happy Easter to my three MIA, precious grandchildren
Happy Easter to my three MIA, precious grandchildren.
Not a day goes by that you are not thought of and remembered. Easter's were always fun filled and happy with you Austin and Ally. The fun times we shared before your cousin Bella was stolen, who never even got to spend Easter with her REAL family, stolen at birth from all of us.
Hopefully soon, the three of you will come home where you belong. Where you're so loved and so greatly missed. Easter and our traditional Easter egg hunt's just aren't the same without you.
Hoping all three of you have a Happy Easter and remember our Easter's as a REAL family.
Maybe next year will bring all of you home. We hope so.
Love forever and always, Grammy, Grampy and your entire REAL Family!
Federal Court Rules Against South Dakota for Taking Children Away from Native Americans
Federal Court Rules Against South Dakota for Taking Children Away from Native Americans:
We have previously reported how the Department of Social Services makes up 53% of the entire budget for the state of South Dakota every year, mainly by removing children from Native American homes, and usually placing them in white people’s homes. (See: South Dakota Commits Shocking Genocide Against Native Americans by Abducting Their Children.)
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced this week that a federal court has ordered South Dakota officials to stop violating the rights of Indian parents and tribes in state child custody proceedings.
Cleared of Criminal Charges, Yet Infant Taken Away from Family for Failure to Thrive
Cleared of Criminal Charges, Yet Infant Taken Away from Family for Failure to Thrive:
They kicked her out of the hospital and took her baby away from her over a month ago. She hasn’t seen her since. They won’t even tell her where her daughter is. Jamie Martin took her baby Hope to the hospital because she and the doctors were concerned about Hope not gaining weight, no matter what they tried. Instead of finding answers, she lost her baby and she is devastated. Now DHS of Oklahoma is trying to terminate Jamie’s parental rights to her baby girl.
They kicked her out of the hospital and took her baby away from her over a month ago. She hasn’t seen her since. They won’t even tell her where her daughter is. Jamie Martin took her baby Hope to the hospital because she and the doctors were concerned about Hope not gaining weight, no matter what they tried. Instead of finding answers, she lost her baby and she is devastated. Now DHS of Oklahoma is trying to terminate Jamie’s parental rights to her baby girl.
CPS Caseworker in Arizona Turns Whistleblower – Reports on Abuse of Power
CPS Caseworker in Arizona Turns Whistleblower – Reports on Abuse of Power:
ABC 15 Arizona interviewed a former CPS caseworker turned whistleblower regarding some of the alleged abuses in the Arizona foster care system. The caseworker reportedly quit her job after seeing the abuse of power within CPS last year. Keeping her identity hidden, the former caseworker claims that many of her colleagues forged reports and were not truly investigating the welfare of children taken into state custody. She claims there was one instance in which a child died while in state custody, and the caseworker knew nothing about it.
Medical Kidnapping of Twins Reported in Michigan
Medical Kidnapping of Twins Reported in Michigan:

HSLDA Takes Prosecution of Arizona CPS Workers to Supreme Court
HSLDA Takes Prosecution of Arizona CPS Workers to Supreme Court:
The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit excused two Arizona social workers from liability for threatening to take John and Tiffany Loudermilk’s children into state custody if they didn’t immediately consent to a search of their home.
The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit excused two Arizona social workers from liability for threatening to take John and Tiffany Loudermilk’s children into state custody if they didn’t immediately consent to a search of their home.
Boy suspected of being abused by foster parents
Boy suspected of being abused by foster parents:
Pictures of a nine-year-old boy suspected of being abused by his foster parents have gone viral online in China after they were uploaded by an Internet user on Sina Weibo on Friday.
The images, posted by "chaotingbanrixian" showed the young boy covered in scars and bloodstains.
Children in care – the scandal that this election will ignore
Children in care – the scandal that this election will ignore - Telegraph:
Over the coming weeks, I hope to explore some of the huge political issues that will scarcely be mentioned in this claustrophobically unreal election campaign. This week it is what I have often described here as one of the most disturbing scandals in Britain today, the catastrophic state of our highly secretive “child protection” system.
Over the coming weeks, I hope to explore some of the huge political issues that will scarcely be mentioned in this claustrophobically unreal election campaign. This week it is what I have often described here as one of the most disturbing scandals in Britain today, the catastrophic state of our highly secretive “child protection” system.
Letters: Beware false accusations of child abuse
Letters: Beware false accusations of child abuse:
At the start of National Child Abuse Prevention month let us remember that:
• Child abuse can destroy individuals.
• False accusations, charges and prosecutions of child abuse can destroy not only individuals but also families, neighborhoods and entire communities. Such charges, whether made by private individuals, health care workers, police or prosecutors make people lose faith in the entire justice system.
Protesters decry Wanda Sue Larson’s plea deal in Union abuse case
Protesters decry Wanda Sue Larson’s plea deal in Union abuse case | The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer:
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article17399978.html#storylink=cpy
They gathered Saturday to protest what they believe is too light a sentence for a woman once hired to protect children – but in the end admitted to shocking abuse of a boy under her care.
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article17399978.html#storylink=cpy
Appeals court gives counties more power to remove Incorrigible kids from homes
Appeals court gives counties more power to remove kids from homes - LA Times:
Wading into a sensitive area of child welfare, a California appeals court panel has ruled that county officials can remove a dangerously incorrigible child from the home even if the parent has responded appropriately to the behavior problems.
Wading into a sensitive area of child welfare, a California appeals court panel has ruled that county officials can remove a dangerously incorrigible child from the home even if the parent has responded appropriately to the behavior problems.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Judge Rules Cassandra C to Remain in DCF Custody
Judge Rules Cassandra C to Remain in DCF Custody | WNPR News:
More Medical Kidnapping!
A judge has ruled a 17-year-old Connecticut girl who was forced to undergo chemotherapy by the state must remain in the temporary custody of the Department of Children and Families until her treatments are finished.
More Medical Kidnapping!
A judge has ruled a 17-year-old Connecticut girl who was forced to undergo chemotherapy by the state must remain in the temporary custody of the Department of Children and Families until her treatments are finished.
Former DSS Worker sentenced for chaining boy to porch to get out April 8
Woman sentenced for chaining boy to porch to get out April 8 | www.wsoctv.com:
Wanda Larson agreed to plead guilty Tuesday in exchange for six to 17 months in prison.
On Wednesday, Larson's release date set for April 8. She was credited for time served.
LK's Plan For Dealing With This - Happy National Child Abuse Propaganda Month - BS Once And For All!!!
Legally Kidnapped: LK's Plan For Dealing With This - Happy National Child Abuse Propaganda Month - BS Once And For All!!!:
Happy Child Abuse Propaganda and Fundraiser Month!
What does this mean? It means that for the next two months, (May is National Foster Care Awareness Month) the news feeds will be flooded with Pro-CPS Bullshit! You'll see ceremonies, blue pinwheels and ribbons, you'll see fundraisers, you'll see system sucks holding candles and telling child abuse stories! It will be a grand old time and the stupid people will give them their money and feel like a hero who helps fight child abuse.
Click the above link and see LK's great idea for dealing with Child Abuse Propaganda and Fundraiser Month!
Happy Child Abuse Propaganda and Fundraiser Month!
What does this mean? It means that for the next two months, (May is National Foster Care Awareness Month) the news feeds will be flooded with Pro-CPS Bullshit! You'll see ceremonies, blue pinwheels and ribbons, you'll see fundraisers, you'll see system sucks holding candles and telling child abuse stories! It will be a grand old time and the stupid people will give them their money and feel like a hero who helps fight child abuse.
Click the above link and see LK's great idea for dealing with Child Abuse Propaganda and Fundraiser Month!
Medical Kidnap in Georgia: Newborn Nursing Baby Seized at Hospital
Medical Kidnap in Georgia: Newborn Nursing Baby Seized at Hospital:
Hospital records describe what happened that day at Erlanger hospital like this: The baby tested positive for amphetamine. A nurse was concerned about domestic issues. The mother complained of depression and said she was afraid for herself and her baby and that she was having suicidal thoughts. The mother said she didn’t know if she could care for her baby. A staff member stayed with the mother overnight to monitor her. The next morning a member of the hospital’s crisis team evaluated the mother and determined that she did not need treatment. She was not a threat to herself or her baby.
Hospital records describe what happened that day at Erlanger hospital like this: The baby tested positive for amphetamine. A nurse was concerned about domestic issues. The mother complained of depression and said she was afraid for herself and her baby and that she was having suicidal thoughts. The mother said she didn’t know if she could care for her baby. A staff member stayed with the mother overnight to monitor her. The next morning a member of the hospital’s crisis team evaluated the mother and determined that she did not need treatment. She was not a threat to herself or her baby.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Dads hope again for shared parenting rights
North Platte Nebraska's favorite newspaper - The North Platte Bulletin:
Hopefully, the seventh try will be a charm.For the seventh consecutive year, Nebraska state senators are taking a run at requiring divorce courts to provide uniform, research-based parenting time guidelines.At least, dads who cannot get enough time with their children hope so.
Study finds foster kids given wrong drug prescriptions
Study finds foster kids given wrong drug prescriptions:
When federal inspectors set out to examine how powerful antipsychotic drugs were being used on children in the nation’s public health systems, they found a 4-year-old on four psychiatric drugs; a 10-year-old prescribed without medical records; and a 16-year-old on six psych meds, including a prescription at double the maximum recommended dosage.
When federal inspectors set out to examine how powerful antipsychotic drugs were being used on children in the nation’s public health systems, they found a 4-year-old on four psychiatric drugs; a 10-year-old prescribed without medical records; and a 16-year-old on six psych meds, including a prescription at double the maximum recommended dosage.
Notice for Public Comment on the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)
Federal Register | Notice for Public Comment on the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA):
Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5106a, the Children's Bureau (CB) announces the opportunity for public comment on the policy interpretation of section 106(b)(2)(B)(x) articulated in question 2.1A.4 #8 of the Child Welfare Policy Manual (CWPM), which concerns the public disclosure of findings or information about a case of child abuse or neglect which results in a child fatality or near fatality.
More children have died receiving protective services care than ever before
More children have died receiving protective services care than ever before :: News Releases :: Alberta's New Democrats:
EDMONTON – Rachel Notley revealed Monday that 31 children in provincial care or receiving protective services have died this year—more than ever before—following the deaths of two more children in recent weeks.
EDMONTON – Rachel Notley revealed Monday that 31 children in provincial care or receiving protective services have died this year—more than ever before—following the deaths of two more children in recent weeks.
Lawmaker proposes legislation to protect parental rights in medical decision-making
Lawmaker proposes legislation to protect parental rights in medical decision-making | fox4kc.com:
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — A Missouri lawmaker is pushing to reinforce parental rights when it comes to the health of their children, and it comes in the wake of a recent Missouri case.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — A Missouri lawmaker is pushing to reinforce parental rights when it comes to the health of their children, and it comes in the wake of a recent Missouri case.
DA: Guilty plea in Larson child abuse case expected Tuesday
DA: Guilty plea in Larson child abuse case expected Tuesday - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC:
CHARLOTTE, NC (Adam Bell/The Charlotte Observer) -
Union County prosecutors say they anticipate Wanda Sue Larson, a former social services supervisor, will plead guilty Tuesday in a child abuse case in which a boy in her care was found shackled to her porch with a dead chicken tied around his neck.
CHARLOTTE, NC (Adam Bell/The Charlotte Observer) -
Union County prosecutors say they anticipate Wanda Sue Larson, a former social services supervisor, will plead guilty Tuesday in a child abuse case in which a boy in her care was found shackled to her porch with a dead chicken tied around his neck.
Medical Tyranny in Tennessee: Forced Antibiotics on Newborns
Medical Tyranny in Tennessee: Forced Antibiotics on Newborns:
The Times Free Press in Chattanooga, Tennessee reported last week that the Erlanger Health System was going to start forcing all newborn babies in their health facilities to receive an antibiotic ointment applied to their eyes at birth, whether their parents want it or not. Even if nurses and midwives attending the birth do not approve of the antibiotic ointment, the hospital allegedly stated that they will apply it anyway, using security guards at the patient’s bedside if need be.
The Times Free Press in Chattanooga, Tennessee reported last week that the Erlanger Health System was going to start forcing all newborn babies in their health facilities to receive an antibiotic ointment applied to their eyes at birth, whether their parents want it or not. Even if nurses and midwives attending the birth do not approve of the antibiotic ointment, the hospital allegedly stated that they will apply it anyway, using security guards at the patient’s bedside if need be.
Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Child in America Today
Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Child in America Today:
If you live in the United States of American today, and you have children in your home under the age of 18, every day you are in danger of losing your children to the State through medical kidnapping.All across the United States today, parents are losing custody of their biological children due to medical kidnapping. Medical kidnapping is defined as the State taking away children from their biological parents and putting them into State custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family. In some cases it is as simple as telling a doctor you are going to seek a second opinion on a suggested medical procedure, and then ending up being charged with “medical abuse” and losing your children.
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