House Ways and Means Committee Discusses Obama Plan on Psychotropics | The Chronicle of Social Change:
The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources heard testimony yesterday on the disproportionate use of psychotropic medications on foster youths, and the president’s $750 million proposal to address the issue.
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Friday, May 30, 2014
U.S. Foster Care: A Flawed Solution That Leads To More Long-Term Problems?
U.S. Foster Care: A Flawed Solution That Leads To More Long-Term Problems? | STIR Journal:
Studies show that abused or neglected children placed in foster care face lifelong challenges greater than children who remain with their families.
Pictures of Our Stolen Bella
Isabella and Mommy. Does my Mommy look like she's on drug's? Nashua, NH DCYF said she was, but I know she wasn't!
Isabella, Happy visiting with Mommy-Dec.14,2005
Isabella visiting Mommy, with the "special" bottle DCYF forced Mommy to buy or Isabella went without eating at their visit, because the parent aide, Sue wouldn't let Mommy use the Strangers bottle in her diaper bag. Dec. 14,2005
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Vaccine registry being formed for NH
Vaccine registry being formed for NH
Please be aware that NH DHHS is working to put in place a State Vaccine Registry of all residents of NH, children and adults. NH law allows this to happen and on April 23 the Executive Council approved a 5-year contract with Scientific Technologies Corp from Arizona.
Check out their blog. This is a very militant company when it comes to vaccine policy.
Here is the link to the rules for the “Immunization Registry”.
There was a public hearing on May 22 but you still have time to send in your written objections and suggestions to these rules.
The deadline for written comments is this Thursday, May 29.
The deadline for written comments is this Thursday, May 29.
Please send your comments to Michael Holt, Rules Coordinator by fax (271-5590) or email
One of the most offensive provisions of the proposed rules is that this is an “opt-out” registry where if you don’t want to be on the registry you must get a government form, fill it out, and file it with the NH DHHS where you will be put on a different list. Either way, you are on a government list! Declining should be as easy as saying no. A better alternative would for this registry to be an opt-in for those who want to be on the state’s list.
It is also very troubling that simply declining a vaccine will get you on the list as a refusal. A refusal is a “vaccination event” as shown in the definitions.
Please consider your most important objections to these proposed rules and write to Michael Holt today. It doesn’t have to be long. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. Simply write from the heart about what troubles you the most and your suggestions for changes.
Thanks so much.
Laura Condon, NH Director of Advocacy for NVIC
Let’s Blow Up American Child Welfare and Start Over
Let’s Blow Up American Child Welfare and Start Over:
You know the look. You’ve finally managed to get out of the office like your family and friends said you should. You’ve dressed up a bit and made it to a social event where you’ll meet some engaging and smart people who do things other than represent stigmatized, deeply challenged children and parents. You’re swapping stories and chuckles, and actually starting to believe that there’s life out there beyond the confines of your caseload. And then someone asks what you do, and you tell them, and you get that look. Not rolling their eyes exactly, as these are sensitive folks who know they should consider what you do important. Instead, it’s a slump of the shoulders, a tilt of the head, and a weak, wan smile in the eyes and on the lips that says, “Oh, you poor thing.” An esteemed public policy professor once gave me that look after I told her what I wanted to do with my life, as she said, “Oh, God. Talk about your intractable social problems…”
You know the look. You’ve finally managed to get out of the office like your family and friends said you should. You’ve dressed up a bit and made it to a social event where you’ll meet some engaging and smart people who do things other than represent stigmatized, deeply challenged children and parents. You’re swapping stories and chuckles, and actually starting to believe that there’s life out there beyond the confines of your caseload. And then someone asks what you do, and you tell them, and you get that look. Not rolling their eyes exactly, as these are sensitive folks who know they should consider what you do important. Instead, it’s a slump of the shoulders, a tilt of the head, and a weak, wan smile in the eyes and on the lips that says, “Oh, you poor thing.” An esteemed public policy professor once gave me that look after I told her what I wanted to do with my life, as she said, “Oh, God. Talk about your intractable social problems…”
Social worker suspended from register after undermining child protection order application
Social worker suspended from register after undermining child protection order application | Community Care:
Social worker's actions put child at "unnecessary but foreseeable risk of harm", says HCPC conduct panel
Report: Mass. not attentive to core issues behind child welfare cases
Report: Mass. not attentive to core issues behind child welfare cases - Lowell Sun Online:
STATE HOUSE -- While the Department of Children and Families mishandled the case of 5-year-old Jeremiah Oliver, a new independent review of the child welfare agency absolved the department of direct responsibility for the boy's death in a report outlining systemic staffing, policy and technology shortcomings.
Justina Pelletier's Friends Surprise Her With a 16th Birthday Party
Justina Pelletier's Friends Surprise Her With a 16th Birthday Party |
Justina Pelletier, the teen at the center of a legal battle between the Pelletier family and Boston Children’s Hospital over custody and proper medical treatment, received a surprise 16th birthday party from her friends over the weekend.
Justina Pelletier, the teen at the center of a legal battle between the Pelletier family and Boston Children’s Hospital over custody and proper medical treatment, received a surprise 16th birthday party from her friends over the weekend.
Group Working to Keep Families Together
Group Working to Keep Families Together:
STAUNTON, Va. (WHSV) -- Good neighbors in the Valley are finding homes for kids with no where to go. Now a new mission is working to keep families together and stop the problem in its tracks.
But we do know that children belong with their biological families. If it's a safe environment and if we can help it remain safe and stable, then they definitely belong with their biological families.
STAUNTON, Va. (WHSV) -- Good neighbors in the Valley are finding homes for kids with no where to go. Now a new mission is working to keep families together and stop the problem in its tracks.
But we do know that children belong with their biological families. If it's a safe environment and if we can help it remain safe and stable, then they definitely belong with their biological families.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
State Overturns 1 Out Of 3 CPS Child Abuse, Neglect Claims
State Overturns 1 Out Of 3 CPS Child Abuse, Neglect Claims:
The state is overturning far more cases in which Child Protective Services initially ruled that a child was abused or neglected.Each year the state overturns more than 1 out of 3 decisions challenged by people who CPS claims have mistreated children.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Parents in UK town of Watford who failed to give baby son a name after five months lose him to adoption
Parents in UK town of Watford who failed to give baby son a name after five months lose him to adoption |
A COUPLE has had their five-month-old baby taken off them in part because they failed to give the boy a name.
SICK!!!!! Just Another Totally STUPID Reason To KIDNAP A Child!!!
A COUPLE has had their five-month-old baby taken off them in part because they failed to give the boy a name.
SICK!!!!! Just Another Totally STUPID Reason To KIDNAP A Child!!!
Pope declares 'zero tolerance' on child abuse
Pope declares 'zero tolerance' on child abuse | Austin:
JERUSALEM — Pope Francis said Monday he will meet with a group of sex abuse victims next month at the Vatican and declared "zero tolerance" for any member of the clergy who would violate a child.
JERUSALEM — Pope Francis said Monday he will meet with a group of sex abuse victims next month at the Vatican and declared "zero tolerance" for any member of the clergy who would violate a child.
Sorry Day rallies call for changes to state child-protection regimes
Sorry Day rallies call for changes to state child-protection regimes | World news |
Number of Indigenous children removed from their families has increased fivefold since Bringing Them Home report of 1997
Number of Indigenous children removed from their families has increased fivefold since Bringing Them Home report of 1997
Children in care 'a new stolen generation'
Children in care 'a new stolen generation':
Aboriginal people who live a traditional lifestyle are being punished with the removal of their children by child protective services in what's being called a new stolen generation, a researcher says.
Aboriginal people who live a traditional lifestyle are being punished with the removal of their children by child protective services in what's being called a new stolen generation, a researcher says.
Social worker fined for death of addict's son
Social worker fined for death of addict's son - The Local:
A social worker in Leipzig has been fined by a court after a mother died of a drug overdose and her two-year-old son died of thirst next to the body.
A social worker in Leipzig has been fined by a court after a mother died of a drug overdose and her two-year-old son died of thirst next to the body.
Doctor concerned burned foster child at risk
Doctor concerned burned foster child at risk:
A veteran Strathmore emergency room doctor fears a vulnerable foster child may be in peril after she was returned to a foster home where she suffered serious burns to her face five months ago.
A veteran Strathmore emergency room doctor fears a vulnerable foster child may be in peril after she was returned to a foster home where she suffered serious burns to her face five months ago.
Five-month-old baby to be put up for adoption because father gets angry with social workers
Five-month-old baby to be put up for adoption because father gets angry with social workers - Home News - UK - The Independent:
A five-month-old baby who has still not been given a name will be put up for adoption because of his father’s hostility to social workers, a High Court judge has ruled.
The case will raise concerns about the impact of poor parental relationships with social workers on a child’s care arrangements.
Forced adoptees are not alone
Forced adoptees are not alone | Latrobe Valley Express:
Latrobe Valley residents meeting to talk about the often painful impacts of forced adoption have been given an opportunity to see things from another perspective.
Latrobe Valley residents meeting to talk about the often painful impacts of forced adoption have been given an opportunity to see things from another perspective.
Foster mom charged in Catoosa County tot's death
Foster mom charged in Catoosa County tot's death | Times Free Press:
A foster parent has been charged with murder in the death of a 2-year-old girl who died on New Year's Day from injuries suffered while in foster care in Catoosa County, Ga.
A foster parent has been charged with murder in the death of a 2-year-old girl who died on New Year's Day from injuries suffered while in foster care in Catoosa County, Ga.
Crimes spark foster home review
Crimes spark foster home review - Brandon Sun:
Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services says it has initiated a review of Specialized Foster Homes after confirming a second high-profile crime has been linked to youths who live at the group homes.
Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services says it has initiated a review of Specialized Foster Homes after confirming a second high-profile crime has been linked to youths who live at the group homes.
Mother killed son amid probe by CPS
Mother killed son amid probe by CPS - City & Region - The Buffalo News:
Erie County Child Protective Services had been investigating a complaint concerning the welfare of 8-year-old Jacob T. Noe but failed to remove the boy from his home before his mother allegedly killed him last week.
Erie County Child Protective Services had been investigating a complaint concerning the welfare of 8-year-old Jacob T. Noe but failed to remove the boy from his home before his mother allegedly killed him last week.
Misdemeanor charge dropped against mom who kept DCF out of house
Misdemeanor charge dropped against mom who kept DCF out of house - Norwalk:
NORWALK -- A misdemeanor charge against a 35-year-old mother, accused of not allowing state Department of Children and Families workers into her house, was dropped, but her attempt to get the most serious charges against her dismissed failed Wednesday at Norwalk Superior Court.
NORWALK -- A misdemeanor charge against a 35-year-old mother, accused of not allowing state Department of Children and Families workers into her house, was dropped, but her attempt to get the most serious charges against her dismissed failed Wednesday at Norwalk Superior Court.
Monday, May 26, 2014
More Texas child abuse claims by CPS being overturned
More Texas child abuse claims by Child Protective Services being overturned upon appeal:
AUSTIN, Texas — The state is overturning an increasing number of cases in which Child Protective Services initially ruled that a child had been abused or neglected, according to a newspaper report Sunday.
AUSTIN, Texas — The state is overturning an increasing number of cases in which Child Protective Services initially ruled that a child had been abused or neglected, according to a newspaper report Sunday.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Human Trafficking Children - Child Protective Services (CPS) Quota - Remove Your Children - CPS Cashing In On "Child Abuse" - Going Rate: $3300.00 Per Month
Abel Danger: Human Trafficking Children - Child Protective Services (CPS) Quota - Remove Your Children - CPS Cashing In On "Child Abuse" - Going Rate: $3300.00 Per Month:
Special Report on CPS Sponsored Child Abductions: CPS Insiders Blow the Whistle
Special Report on CPS Sponsored Child Abductions: CPS Insiders Blow the Whistle
Read More at the Above Link:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Relatives Get Paid Less To Foster Children Than Strangers Under California Policy
Relatives Get Paid Less To Foster Children Than Strangers Under California Policy « CBS Sacramento:
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Research has shown foster children do better in a home with relatives than strangers. But relative foster parents are often given a fraction of the funding
to raise those kids, than a stranger foster care parent would receive.
Note: Of course Foster strangers get more money than relatives. That's no surprise. And so does CPS/DCYF, Nationwide. That's the reason more often than not that children are placed with Foster strangers. CPS/DCYF lose money if the children are placed with relatives.
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Research has shown foster children do better in a home with relatives than strangers. But relative foster parents are often given a fraction of the funding

Note: Of course Foster strangers get more money than relatives. That's no surprise. And so does CPS/DCYF, Nationwide. That's the reason more often than not that children are placed with Foster strangers. CPS/DCYF lose money if the children are placed with relatives.
Birth mother speaks out in NAACP foster fight
Birth mother speaks out in NAACP foster fight - WFTX-TV Fort Myers/Naples, FL:
CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. - The biological mother of a child involved a racially charged foster care battle is speaking out.
CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. - The biological mother of a child involved a racially charged foster care battle is speaking out.
Will And Jada Pinkett-Smith Investigated By Child Protective Services
Will And Jada Pinkett-Smith Investigated By Child Protective Services « | Bossip:
Will Smith and his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith have seen their parenting skills come under fire after a picture of their daughter, Willow, 13, in bed with actor Moises Arias, 20, was posted on social media. Now, has exclusively learned that the Los Angeles Department of Children & Family Services has officially opened an investigation into the incident.
Will Smith and his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith have seen their parenting skills come under fire after a picture of their daughter, Willow, 13, in bed with actor Moises Arias, 20, was posted on social media. Now, has exclusively learned that the Los Angeles Department of Children & Family Services has officially opened an investigation into the incident.
US Supreme Court Rules Government Officers Liable | private person
US Supreme Court Rules Government Officers Liable | private person:
One of the legal fantasies promoted by governments and officials is the idea of ‘sovereign immunity’… where they are not liable for their corrupt and illegal actions.
Unfortunately this lie of ‘sovereign immunity’ is also repeated unknowingly by people who have a real case against government officials and therefore do not pursue very valid claims.
A recent US Supreme Court decision clarified and confirmed that the government and their agents can be held liable and accountable for wrongdoing carried out by officials in its employment while on the job.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Why NH Lost Face
DMVC Productions = Results : Why NH Lost Face( つ﹏╰):
Unraveling from days gone by to today. Daniel Webster, once a New Hampshire native, wrote: "Men hang out their signs indicative of their respective trades; shoe makers hang out a gigantic shoe; jewelers a monster watch, and the dentist hangs out a gold tooth; but up in the Mountains of New Hampshire, God Almighty has hung out a sign to show that there He makes men."
A statement that Mother Nature promised to 'cure' if more men from NH turned out to be like Webster.
A statement that Mother Nature promised to 'cure' if more men from NH turned out to be like Webster.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Ten dirty tricks used by child protection to steal your children
Ten dirty tricks used by child protection to steal your children | The Toxic Environment of Child Protection:
Be Aware! These dirty tricks are definitely used against you to steal your children!
Be Aware! These dirty tricks are definitely used against you to steal your children!
Adoption battle in court
Adoption battle in court – Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs:
It was a rough day in court today in Dickson, Tennessee for Dave and Kim Hodgin. They are the adoptive parents of a 9-year-old girl named Sonya, who desperately want her back. She was removed from their home and returned to her biological father after living with them for nearly 8 years.
Note: Be aware of the bottom video. The REAL Father has received a death threat, allegedly from the Foster male stranger.
It was a rough day in court today in Dickson, Tennessee for Dave and Kim Hodgin. They are the adoptive parents of a 9-year-old girl named Sonya, who desperately want her back. She was removed from their home and returned to her biological father after living with them for nearly 8 years.
Note: Be aware of the bottom video. The REAL Father has received a death threat, allegedly from the Foster male stranger.
Former DCFS L.A. Social Worker Retires and Comes Out
Listen to Retired Los Angeles County Social Worker, Julian 'Jerry' Dominguez who recently co-authored 'A Culture Of FEAR' referring to the current system called CPS-Child Protective Services, DCFS in Los Angeles County. The system is severely damaged, families and children are being victimized and Jerry is explaining what he has seen during his 18+ years in this 'broken system' and offering suggestions to begin repair.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Woman Accused of Starving Her Adopted Children
A woman in Estill County has been charged with starving her adopted 6-year-old son until he had to be hospitalized for more than two weeks.
Stockton foster girl's cause of death ruled as homicde
Stockton foster girl's cause of death ruled as homicde | Stockton News - KCRA Home:
STOCKTON, Calif. (KCRA) —Investigators determined that homicide was the cause of death for a 10-month-old girl who died from alleged abuse while in the care of a Stockton foster father, officials said Wednesday.
STOCKTON, Calif. (KCRA) —Investigators determined that homicide was the cause of death for a 10-month-old girl who died from alleged abuse while in the care of a Stockton foster father, officials said Wednesday.
Judge blocks foster parents' push to regain custody of 9-year-old; she'll stay with dad in Omaha
Judge blocks foster parents' push to regain custody of 9-year-old; she'll stay with dad in Omaha -
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- A judge has blocked an attempt by Middle Tennessee foster parents to get back physical custody of the child they raised for eight years.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- A judge has blocked an attempt by Middle Tennessee foster parents to get back physical custody of the child they raised for eight years.
Adoptive parents fight for custody of 9-year-old Sonya
Adoptive parents fight for custody of 9-year-old Sonya -
Dickson, Tennessee (CNN) -- The last time Sonya's adoptive parents heard her voice, the girl was begging to return to the only home she'd ever known.
Dickson, Tennessee (CNN) -- The last time Sonya's adoptive parents heard her voice, the girl was begging to return to the only home she'd ever known.
Foster care facility worker arrested in Detroit after video surfaces of resident's beating
Foster care facility worker arrested in Detroit after video surfaces of resident's beating | The Detroit News:
Detroit — Police have arrested a 49-year-old foster care worker who was captured on video beating a special needs resident with an extension cord and mop handle.
Detroit — Police have arrested a 49-year-old foster care worker who was captured on video beating a special needs resident with an extension cord and mop handle.
Foster Care Agency Reacts to Child Death
WTVC NewsChannel 9 :: News - Top Stories - Foster Care Agency Reacts to Child Death:
"Influenced by the private agency case manager"-- This line found in Saharah Weatherspoon's case summary is one of the only clues as to why the state would leave her in home where abuse had been reported.
"Influenced by the private agency case manager"-- This line found in Saharah Weatherspoon's case summary is one of the only clues as to why the state would leave her in home where abuse had been reported.
Should CPS seize children because their mother is ill?
Should CPS seize children because their mother is ill?:
It's now been 421 days since Jessyca and Bradon Peterson lost their three children. Fourteen months since Child Protective Services decided the kids were better off with strangers than with their parents or grandparents.
"They made a bad call and this is CPS's m.o.," said Strub, who has frequently tangled with the agency. "They cannot say 'whoops'. Why? Because they hold all the power and the culture of CPS is 'We are right. We are always right'."
It's now been 421 days since Jessyca and Bradon Peterson lost their three children. Fourteen months since Child Protective Services decided the kids were better off with strangers than with their parents or grandparents.
"They made a bad call and this is CPS's m.o.," said Strub, who has frequently tangled with the agency. "They cannot say 'whoops'. Why? Because they hold all the power and the culture of CPS is 'We are right. We are always right'."
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Missouri bill lengthens child abuse investigations
Missouri bill lengthens child abuse investigations - SFGate:
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri lawmakers have given final approval to legislation that would give social workers more time to complete investigations into child abuse and neglect.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri lawmakers have given final approval to legislation that would give social workers more time to complete investigations into child abuse and neglect.
Gov. Shumlin Concerned About Slow Investigation into DCF
Gov. Shumlin Concerned About Slow Investigation into DCF -
MONTPELIER - Governor Peter Shumlin says he's concerned about how the state handles child abuse cases. Two toddlers have died in the span of a few months.
MONTPELIER - Governor Peter Shumlin says he's concerned about how the state handles child abuse cases. Two toddlers have died in the span of a few months.
NewsChannel 9 Investigates Foster Child Death
WTVC NewsChannel 9 :: News - Top Stories - NewsChannel 9 Investigates Foster Child Death:
Jennifer Jones is the first to admit the nightmare began with her own mistakes.
"It's the hardest thing I ever went through," said Jones.
Jennifer Jones is the first to admit the nightmare began with her own mistakes.
"It's the hardest thing I ever went through," said Jones.
Biological parents never told what killed their son in foster care
Biological parents never told what killed their son in foster care | New Orleans:
NEW ORLEANS -- When a 5-year-old Gretna boy died in foster care, his biological parents wanted answers about what happened to their son.
More than a year later, they're still struggling to find out how he died. They haven't even been able to have a funeral because they say his body was cremated without their permission.
Hayre: No quick solutions exist for DCF problems
Hayre: No quick solutions exist for DCF problems - Opinion - Wicked Local Sherborn - Sherborn, MA:
Looking ahead, what can be done? I would urge anyone interested to read the report released in March by the Children’s Welfare League of America.
Looking ahead, what can be done? I would urge anyone interested to read the report released in March by the Children’s Welfare League of America.
Audit finds state overpaid some foster families
Audit finds state overpaid some foster families | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News:
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- A new audit found serious lapses in how reimbursements were paid out to foster families, though state social workers say the problems have since been corrected.
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- A new audit found serious lapses in how reimbursements were paid out to foster families, though state social workers say the problems have since been corrected.
Justina Pelletier Transferred To Her Home State – But Still A Long Way From Home
Justina Pelletier Transferred To Her Home State – But Still A Long Way From Home:
Nearly a year and a half after she was stripped from her family by state officials in Massachusetts, 15-year-old Justina Pelletier has been relocated to a facility in her home state of Connecticut.
Nearly a year and a half after she was stripped from her family by state officials in Massachusetts, 15-year-old Justina Pelletier has been relocated to a facility in her home state of Connecticut.
School Board backs teacher accused of mishandling autistic child
School Board backs teacher accused of mishandling autistic child |
The School Board on Tuesday overturned Superintendent of Schools George Tomyn's recommendation to fire a teacher accused of tussling with, dragging and grabbing a 10-year-old autistic child to get him to follow class rules.
The School Board on Tuesday overturned Superintendent of Schools George Tomyn's recommendation to fire a teacher accused of tussling with, dragging and grabbing a 10-year-old autistic child to get him to follow class rules.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Pasco parents still fighting to get their kids back
Pasco parents still fighting to get their kids back | Local News | The Seattle Times:
Despite being cleared of abuse allegations, a Pasco couple haven’t seen their kids in almost eight years.
Despite being cleared of abuse allegations, a Pasco couple haven’t seen their kids in almost eight years.
Child died under watch of DCF
Child died under watch of DCF | Boston Herald:
A 2-month-old girl, who died after she stopped breathing in her family’s Weymouth motel room, was under the watch of the state Department of Children and Families, a spokeswoman for the embattled agency confirmed yesterday.
A 2-month-old girl, who died after she stopped breathing in her family’s Weymouth motel room, was under the watch of the state Department of Children and Families, a spokeswoman for the embattled agency confirmed yesterday.
Phantom Caseworkers On DSS County Roster
Phantom Caseworkers On DSS County Roster:
Columbia, SC (WLTX) - Fifty days before 5 month old baby Bryson Webb died in Richland County, a medical professional called The South Carolina Department of Social Services to warn them the baby was in trouble.
Columbia, SC (WLTX) - Fifty days before 5 month old baby Bryson Webb died in Richland County, a medical professional called The South Carolina Department of Social Services to warn them the baby was in trouble.
DCFS employee fired over foster children's claims of sexual behavior
DCFS employee fired over foster children's claims of sexual behavior - Los Angeles Times:
A longtime employee of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services has been fired after an internal affairs investigation concluded that he sexually propositioned foster children under his care.
A longtime employee of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services has been fired after an internal affairs investigation concluded that he sexually propositioned foster children under his care.
Justina Pelletier moved to Conn. facility
Justina Pelletier moved to Conn. facility - Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston:
FRAMINGHAM, Mass. ( -- A teen at the center of a custody battle that has made national headlines was moved to a facility in her home state Monday.
FRAMINGHAM, Mass. ( -- A teen at the center of a custody battle that has made national headlines was moved to a facility in her home state Monday.
Report: Another Child Under DCF Watch Dies
Report: Another Child Under DCF Watch Dies - Massachusetts news -
Another child under the state Department of Children and Families watch has died, according to media reports.
Another child under the state Department of Children and Families watch has died, according to media reports.
Pelletier family: DCF denied us Mother's Day visit
Pelletier family: DCF denied us Mother's Day visit - Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston:
BOSTON ( -- Protesters gathered outside the Framingham facility where 15-year-old Justina Pelletier is living Sunday after the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families reportedly denied her family a visit.
BOSTON ( -- Protesters gathered outside the Framingham facility where 15-year-old Justina Pelletier is living Sunday after the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families reportedly denied her family a visit.
Free Justina: Support My "Parental Protection Act"
In this video, Congressman Stockman discusses the Justina Pelletier case and his bill H.R. 4518, the "Parental Protection Act."
This bill will cut off funds to medical institutions that conduct greater than minimal risk research on wards of the state, deny First Amendment rights to parents and wards of the state, and take children away from their parents over disagreements on subjective medical diagnoses.
Read more about the bill here:
Stay in touch with Congressman Stockman!
Saturday, May 10, 2014
A Tribute To ALL The Mother's Of ILLEGALLY Stolen Children
Happy Mother's Day!
I want to wish all Mother's a Happy Mother's Day, but this is a special tribute to ALL the Mother's of ILLEGALLY stolen children. Stolen by the State and stolen by the father's guilty of alienating the children from their Mother's.
This is a day of sadness for many Mother's. The Mother's of the Stolen children, who won't spend this very special day with their children. The Mother's who carried their stolen children in their wombs, up until their long, awaited birth.The Mother's who heard their child's first heart beat. Felt their first kick. Felt their first hiccup. Watched the child grow inside them. The Mother's who sang to their unborn child. Talked to their unborn child. The Mother who made plans for their future together, never even fathoming the idea they would have no future as Mother and child. A Mother and child bonded. A bond which can never be broken, the child will always know that a Foster stranger, an adoptive stranger, or a step parent is Not their birth Mother.
The pain and suffering a Mother never overcomes after her child is stolen is like no other. The grief is lifelong. A loss no-one should endure. There is no closure, only worry and anxiety. A world turned upside down. A life spent in Limbo, hoping for the day their children are returned. Hoping for the day the corruption within CPS and the Family Court's will be exposed for the money hungry villains that they are. Hoping one day they will be held accountable for all the families they needlessly destroyed. Hoping one day the father's/mother's guilty of parental alienation will finally be held in contempt and lose custody of the children they've brainwashed and kept from their loving parent for so long.
The State can steal a child from their Mother and place the child with stranger's, but the child will NEVER be their's. Children aren't stupid. They know whether they belong or not.
Happy Mother's Day and please unite together to bring ALL of our Stolen children home!
Unhappy Grammy
These are my two "stolen by the State" Grandchildren, Austin and Isabella and my parentally alienated Granddaughter Ally![]() |
Austin and Ally |
![]() |
Isabella |
This is a day of sadness for many Mother's. The Mother's of the Stolen children, who won't spend this very special day with their children. The Mother's who carried their stolen children in their wombs, up until their long, awaited birth.The Mother's who heard their child's first heart beat. Felt their first kick. Felt their first hiccup. Watched the child grow inside them. The Mother's who sang to their unborn child. Talked to their unborn child. The Mother who made plans for their future together, never even fathoming the idea they would have no future as Mother and child. A Mother and child bonded. A bond which can never be broken, the child will always know that a Foster stranger, an adoptive stranger, or a step parent is Not their birth Mother.
The pain and suffering a Mother never overcomes after her child is stolen is like no other. The grief is lifelong. A loss no-one should endure. There is no closure, only worry and anxiety. A world turned upside down. A life spent in Limbo, hoping for the day their children are returned. Hoping for the day the corruption within CPS and the Family Court's will be exposed for the money hungry villains that they are. Hoping one day they will be held accountable for all the families they needlessly destroyed. Hoping one day the father's/mother's guilty of parental alienation will finally be held in contempt and lose custody of the children they've brainwashed and kept from their loving parent for so long.
The State can steal a child from their Mother and place the child with stranger's, but the child will NEVER be their's. Children aren't stupid. They know whether they belong or not.
Happy Mother's Day and please unite together to bring ALL of our Stolen children home!
Unhappy Grammy
Friday, May 9, 2014
Young boy sees siblings adopted, dreams of his own family
Young boy sees siblings adopted, dreams of his own family - KPLC 7 News, Lake Charles, Louisiana:
An eight-year-old boy in foster care has watched his younger brother and sister get placed into adoptive homes. He shares the dream of a permanent family to call his own.
An eight-year-old boy in foster care has watched his younger brother and sister get placed into adoptive homes. He shares the dream of a permanent family to call his own.
Maine Legislators Spar Over Judicial Appointee, Corruption in Family Courts
Maine Legislators Spar Over Judicial Appointee, Corruption in Family Courts | Communities Digital News:
CONNECTICUT, May 9, 2014 – Maine legislators have called for a review of the State’s family courts following the complaints of parents dismayed by the news of the recent promotion of family court Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz to the position of Deputy Chief Judge of the Maine Districts Courts. Legislators say the appointment comes as a shock to many members of the public, who consider Judge Moskowitz “the least likely candidate” for appointment to this very important, pivotal office within the Judicial Branch operations.
CONNECTICUT, May 9, 2014 – Maine legislators have called for a review of the State’s family courts following the complaints of parents dismayed by the news of the recent promotion of family court Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz to the position of Deputy Chief Judge of the Maine Districts Courts. Legislators say the appointment comes as a shock to many members of the public, who consider Judge Moskowitz “the least likely candidate” for appointment to this very important, pivotal office within the Judicial Branch operations.
Account by child welfare worker in death of 2-year-old differs from his written report
Rachel Fryer case worker walked out of police interview - Orlando Sentinel:
SANFORD – The child welfare worker who checked on a 2-year-old Sanford child the morning that authorities say she was killed by her abusive mother halted a police interview two weeks later on the advice of his attorney.
SANFORD – The child welfare worker who checked on a 2-year-old Sanford child the morning that authorities say she was killed by her abusive mother halted a police interview two weeks later on the advice of his attorney.
Lompoc foster mother arrested for child abuse
Lompoc foster mother arrested for child abuse:
Lompoc police arrested a 37-year-old woman last week for physically abusing a boy she was raising as a foster child. [KEYT]
Lompoc police arrested a 37-year-old woman last week for physically abusing a boy she was raising as a foster child. [KEYT]
Foster Kids Can Be Torn Between Worlds On Mother's Day
Foster Kids Can Be Torn Between Worlds On Mother's Day : NPR:
Children across the country will be rolling out the breakfast trays and handmade cards for Mother's Day. But the holiday brings up mixed feelings for many foster mothers and their children.
Children across the country will be rolling out the breakfast trays and handmade cards for Mother's Day. But the holiday brings up mixed feelings for many foster mothers and their children.
Lawyers for Justina Pelletier family blast Massachusetts officials in letter
Lawyers for Justina Pelletier family blast Massachusetts officials in letter | Fox News:
Lawyers for the family of a 15-year-old girl at the center of a custody battle triggered by differing diagnoses by two Massachusetts hospitals roundly criticized state officials in a letter Thursday for releasing their "reunification" plan to the media prior to consulting the family on the matter.
Lawyers for the family of a 15-year-old girl at the center of a custody battle triggered by differing diagnoses by two Massachusetts hospitals roundly criticized state officials in a letter Thursday for releasing their "reunification" plan to the media prior to consulting the family on the matter.
Child Protective Services worker arrested for sexual assault in Kanawha County, WV
Child Protective Services worker arrested for sexual assault in - WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports:
According to a criminal complaint issued by the Kanawha County Magistrate Court, police spoke with the 16-year-old male on Wednesday, May 7, about a possible sexual relationship between him and Brumley, who was the 16-year-old's assigned case worker. He told police that sexual acts had occurred between him and Brumley over at least the last month.
According to a criminal complaint issued by the Kanawha County Magistrate Court, police spoke with the 16-year-old male on Wednesday, May 7, about a possible sexual relationship between him and Brumley, who was the 16-year-old's assigned case worker. He told police that sexual acts had occurred between him and Brumley over at least the last month.
Fired CPS share their side of uninvestigated cases
Fired CPS share their side of uninvestigated cases - CBS 5 - KPHO:
PHOENIX (CBS5) - Five social workers with Child Protective Services who were fired in the wake of a massive cover-up involving thousands of uninvestigated cases of abuse and neglect held a news conference Wednesday to explain their sides of the story.
PHOENIX (CBS5) - Five social workers with Child Protective Services who were fired in the wake of a massive cover-up involving thousands of uninvestigated cases of abuse and neglect held a news conference Wednesday to explain their sides of the story.
Man arrested for sexually harassing foster daughter
Man arrested for sexually harassing foster daughter - The Times of India:
BHOPAL: A 12-year-old girl was sexually harassed by her foster father in Ashoka Garden locality here. A case was registered at Ashoka Garden police station on Tuesday.
BHOPAL: A 12-year-old girl was sexually harassed by her foster father in Ashoka Garden locality here. A case was registered at Ashoka Garden police station on Tuesday.
Foster dad ordered to stand trial for murder
Foster dad ordered to stand trial for murder |
URBANA — A judge Tuesday found probable cause to hold a Rantoul man for trial on charges that he murdered his foster son last month.
URBANA — A judge Tuesday found probable cause to hold a Rantoul man for trial on charges that he murdered his foster son last month.
Head of NSA's Korea division Brian O'Callaghan charged with beating adopted son to death
Head of NSA's Korea division Brian O'Callaghan charged with beating adopted son to death | Mail Online:
The National Security Agency's Korea division chief has been charged with murder in the alleged beating death of his 3-year-old son who he and his wife adopted from Korea just months before his tragic death.
The National Security Agency's Korea division chief has been charged with murder in the alleged beating death of his 3-year-old son who he and his wife adopted from Korea just months before his tragic death.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
‘TRAGIC NIGHTMARE’ Pelletier family objects to hospital transfer for teen
‘TRAGIC NIGHTMARE’ Pelletier family objects to hospital transfer for teen | Irascible Musings:
The teen at the center of a custody battle triggered by differing diagnoses by two Massachusetts hospitals will be transferred from the Bay State to a facility in her home state of Connecticut, according to Massachusetts officials, but her parents are not welcoming the decision.
The teen at the center of a custody battle triggered by differing diagnoses by two Massachusetts hospitals will be transferred from the Bay State to a facility in her home state of Connecticut, according to Massachusetts officials, but her parents are not welcoming the decision.
Lawyer: Fired child welfare employees were 'scapegoats'
Lawyer: Fired child welfare employees were 'scapegoats' - Yuma Sun: News:
PHOENIX – The attorney for five workers fired from Child Protective Services said Wednesday that the report which led to their termination was essentially a pre-determined fix.
PHOENIX – The attorney for five workers fired from Child Protective Services said Wednesday that the report which led to their termination was essentially a pre-determined fix.
Brandon police arrest 2 girls in assault against foster parent
Brandon police arrest 2 girls in assault against foster parent - Manitoba - CBC News:
Brandon police were called to a foster home Monday night after a report of two girls assaulting their foster parent.
Brandon police were called to a foster home Monday night after a report of two girls assaulting their foster parent.
Justina's family: Just let her come home
Justina's family: Just let her come home:
Family members have rejected a Massachusetts deal to free their teenage daughter and return her to her home state.
Family members have rejected a Massachusetts deal to free their teenage daughter and return her to her home state.
What Foster Stranger's Will Do To Keep Your Stolen Child
Idaho mom fights to bring foster daughter home | KTVB.COM Boise:
Beware of the "Chosen" Foster stranger. Upset about the removal of a Foster child, but what about the Bio Family? Nobody thinks twice about them!
Beware of the "Chosen" Foster stranger. Upset about the removal of a Foster child, but what about the Bio Family? Nobody thinks twice about them!
Hands Tied Child protection workers talk about working in, and leaving, B.C.’s child welfare system
Hands Tied
Child protection workers talk about working in, and leaving, B.C.’s child welfare system
B.C.’s child protection workers1 are leaving their jobs at an alarming rate.2 For the children
and families most impacted by the system, these front line workers are the face of the
Ministry of Children and Family Development (“MCFD”). Their jobs involve the critical tasks of
assessing immediate child safety concerns, connecting families with support services, and
deciding when a child needs to be removed from a home.
Child protection workers talk about working in, and leaving, B.C.’s child welfare system
B.C.’s child protection workers1 are leaving their jobs at an alarming rate.2 For the children
and families most impacted by the system, these front line workers are the face of the
Ministry of Children and Family Development (“MCFD”). Their jobs involve the critical tasks of
assessing immediate child safety concerns, connecting families with support services, and
deciding when a child needs to be removed from a home.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Graham: Justina ‘reunion’ a political ploy
Graham: Justina ‘reunion’ a political ploy | Boston Herald:
Press told well before state tells parents
Press told well before state tells parents
Former foster parent gets prison
Former foster parent gets prison - News - The Daily Reporter - Coldwater, MI - Coldwater, MI:
Coldwater, Mich.
Coldwater, Mich.
COLDWATER — Circuit Judge Bill O’Grady told former foster parent Mark Rohrer "this is absolutely horrific" as he sentenced him to 7 years, 11 months to 15 years prison on two counts of criminal sexual conduct (CSC) third-degree.
DCF announces plan to return Justina Pelletier to Connecticut, parents unhappy with plan
DCF announces plan to return Justina Pelletier to Connecticut, parents unhappy with plan |
BOSTON — A teenager caught in a custody dispute across state lines will be returned to her home state of Connecticut next week according to a Massachusetts official.
BOSTON — A teenager caught in a custody dispute across state lines will be returned to her home state of Connecticut next week according to a Massachusetts official.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Rapes in prisons, foster care and residential facilities go unreported
BEVERLY TRAN: Rapes in prisons, foster care and residential facilities go unreported:
The same thing happens in foster care, residential institutions and juvenile delinquent facilities. The only difference between the youth and adults who are under the authority of the state is the States do not keep numbers of the sexual abuses of youth
The same thing happens in foster care, residential institutions and juvenile delinquent facilities. The only difference between the youth and adults who are under the authority of the state is the States do not keep numbers of the sexual abuses of youth
Oregon DHS taking steps to reduce foster home placements
Oregon DHS taking steps to reduce foster home placements | KOBI-TV NBC5 / KOTI-TV NBC2 | Local news for Southern Oregon & Northern California:
Klamath Falls, Ore. -- There are currently about 250 kids in Klamath County living in foster homes. A new approach is being taken to reduce that number.
Justina Pelletier harassed by staffer while taking shower
Family: Justina Pelletier harassed by staffer while taking shower | Local News - WCVB Home:
BOSTON —The parents of a Connecticut teenager caught in a high profile custody battle in Massachusetts called police during a meeting with their daughter Friday.
BOSTON —The parents of a Connecticut teenager caught in a high profile custody battle in Massachusetts called police during a meeting with their daughter Friday.
Child welfare agency failed to protect Lynn infant, report finds
Child welfare agency failed to protect Lynn infant, report finds - Metro - The Boston Globe:
The state’s embattled child welfare agency failed a Lynn infant by leaving him in a chaotic home where he was fatally beaten last year, allegedly by his mother’s drug-addled boyfriend, according to a scathing report released Friday by the Massachusetts child advocate office.
The state’s embattled child welfare agency failed a Lynn infant by leaving him in a chaotic home where he was fatally beaten last year, allegedly by his mother’s drug-addled boyfriend, according to a scathing report released Friday by the Massachusetts child advocate office.
Happy National Foster Care Month: Foster mom arrested for child abuse
Police: Foster mom arrested for child abuse:
A Lompoc woman has been arrested for child abuse after police say she abused a 9-year-old boy. Sgt. Chuck Strange with the Lompoc Police Department tells KSBY News the woman was the child's foster mom.
A Lompoc woman has been arrested for child abuse after police say she abused a 9-year-old boy. Sgt. Chuck Strange with the Lompoc Police Department tells KSBY News the woman was the child's foster mom.
What the Ignorant are Taught About CPS
Littlest victims: One simple phone call could save child abuse victims |
Beware of the BS spread by CPS!
Local experts question why more people don't call child protective services when they suspect a child is being abused.
Beware of the BS spread by CPS!
Local experts question why more people don't call child protective services when they suspect a child is being abused.
Government is missing the point, again.
DMVC Productions = Results : Government is missing the point, again.:
"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
Friday, May 2, 2014
“If You Want to Be a Parent, Don’t Adopt from Foster Care” !?!
“If You Want to Be a Parent, Don’t Adopt from Foster Care” !?!:
If you want to be a parent, don’t try to adopt from foster care. Foster care is about reunification, and if that’s not what you want, you need to flat out adopt, either privately or internationally.
It's supposed to be about Reunification, but is it?
If you want to be a parent, don’t try to adopt from foster care. Foster care is about reunification, and if that’s not what you want, you need to flat out adopt, either privately or internationally.
It's supposed to be about Reunification, but is it?
John and Carolyn Jackson: Army major and his wife 'broke foster children's bones and starved them'
John and Carolyn Jackson: Army major and his wife 'broke foster children's bones and starved them' | Mail Online:
Army major and his wife 'broke foster children's bones and starved them, force fed them hot sauce and denied them water in order to train them how to behave'
A New Jersey-based Army major and his wife have been accused of torturing their three foster children, breaking bones, force-feeding them hot sauce, denying them water and using one of their biological kids to guard toilet bowls and sinks to ensure the foster kids couldn't get access to water.
Army major and his wife 'broke foster children's bones and starved them, force fed them hot sauce and denied them water in order to train them how to behave'
A New Jersey-based Army major and his wife have been accused of torturing their three foster children, breaking bones, force-feeding them hot sauce, denying them water and using one of their biological kids to guard toilet bowls and sinks to ensure the foster kids couldn't get access to water.
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