Research Shows Foster Youth Get Psych Meds, But Not Much Else | The Chronicle of Social Change:
Recent reports by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) urge better, more cautious practices with respect to psychotropic medication of foster children. In 2005, nearly half of all foster children who were treated with psychotropic medications were prescribed anti-psychotic drugs, multiple medications, and/or medications without any other form of behavioral health service, according to CHCS.
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Foster dad given 30 years for abuse charges
Foster dad given 30 years for abuse charges - The Eagle: Texas:
A disabled man accused of molesting some of the 25 children he and his wife were foster parents to has been sentenced to 30 years in prison as part of an agreement with prosecutors.
A disabled man accused of molesting some of the 25 children he and his wife were foster parents to has been sentenced to 30 years in prison as part of an agreement with prosecutors.
Patrick to speak on DCF crisis
Patrick to speak on DCF crisis | Boston Herald:
Gov. Deval Patrick told a gathering yesterday that he spent all day dealing with the crisis at the embattled Department of Children and Families, and plans to address the press on the issue today.
Gov. Deval Patrick told a gathering yesterday that he spent all day dealing with the crisis at the embattled Department of Children and Families, and plans to address the press on the issue today.
Editorial: Learn from child welfare failures
Editorial: Learn from child welfare failures:
Government must act to eliminate deaths of children in care
Government must act to eliminate deaths of children in care
Social services reopening cases after child was handcuffed to porch
Social services reopening cases after child was handcuffed to porch | North Carolina News - WYFF Home:
Foster mother was a welfare supervisor
Foster mother was a welfare supervisor
MONROE, N.C. (AP) —North Carolina officials say Union County's social services department will have to reopen or review a handful of cases of possible child abuse and neglect to make sure workers didn't mishandle them.
Trial starts Tuesday in mother’s lawsuit against DHS
Trial starts Tuesday in mother’s lawsuit against DHS | TheGazette:
Woman claims agency violated her constitutional rights when her daughter was placed in foster care
Woman claims agency violated her constitutional rights when her daughter was placed in foster care
Kids For Sale to Make Room For New Ones
New PSAs Raise Awareness of the 31,000 Older Youth Awaiting Adoption in the U.S. Foster Care System | Reuters:
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, nearly 102,000 children (under 18 years of age) are available for adoption from the foster care system in the United States; more than 30 percent (31,000) are between the ages of 11 and 17, according to the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis Report System (AFCARS 2012). To encourage prospective parents to consider adopting an older youth from foster care, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, AdoptUSKids and the Ad Council are unveiling new public service advertisements (PSAs) today.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, nearly 102,000 children (under 18 years of age) are available for adoption from the foster care system in the United States; more than 30 percent (31,000) are between the ages of 11 and 17, according to the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis Report System (AFCARS 2012). To encourage prospective parents to consider adopting an older youth from foster care, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, AdoptUSKids and the Ad Council are unveiling new public service advertisements (PSAs) today.
Sask. foster mom dies nearly a year after child death acquittal
Sask. foster mom dies nearly a year after child death acquittal | News Talk 980 CJME:
Stress of trial may have contributed to her death: husband
Stress of trial may have contributed to her death: husband
No charges filed in North Georgia foster care child death investigation
No charges filed in North Georgia foster care child death investigation | Times Free Press:
Nearly a month after a 2-year-old dies while in foster care in north Georgia no charges have been filed.
Nearly a month after a 2-year-old dies while in foster care in north Georgia no charges have been filed.
Patrick still confident in DCF commissioner
Patrick still confident in DCF commissioner | WWLP:
BOSTON (AP) – Gov. Deval Patrick says the failure of the Department of Families and Children to keep track of a 5-year-old Fitchburg boy was inexcusable, but has provided the state with anopportunity to re-examine the agency.
BOSTON (AP) – Gov. Deval Patrick says the failure of the Department of Families and Children to keep track of a 5-year-old Fitchburg boy was inexcusable, but has provided the state with an
Vermont child caseworker gets 18 months behind bars for unlawful sexual contact with Maine girl
Vermont child caseworker gets 18 months behind bars for unlawful sexual contact with Maine girl — Bangor — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine:
BANGOR, Maine — A child caseworker from Vermont will spend 18 months behind bars for inappropriately touching a girl in Maine.
BANGOR, Maine — A child caseworker from Vermont will spend 18 months behind bars for inappropriately touching a girl in Maine.
Audit of Tenn. child welfare agency finds problems
Audit of Tenn. child welfare agency finds problems - SFGate:
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — An audit of theTennessee Department of Children's Services finds that the state child-welfare agency has had numerous problems, including sloppy child-abuse investigations.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — An audit of theTennessee Department of Children's Services finds that the state child-welfare agency has had numerous problems, including sloppy child-abuse investigations.
Senators Not Satisfied with DSS’ Answers on Child Welfare
Senators Not Satisfied with DSS’ Answers on Child Welfare -
State senators remain unsatisfied with the S.C. Department of Social Services' responses to allegations that recently instituted policies in Child Protective Services have led to preventable child neglect and abuse, as well as fatalities — and the tone of their voices suggests patience is beginning to fray.
State senators remain unsatisfied with the S.C. Department of Social Services' responses to allegations that recently instituted policies in Child Protective Services have led to preventable child neglect and abuse, as well as fatalities — and the tone of their voices suggests patience is beginning to fray.
Foster mom charged in near drowning of unsupervised child in a hot tub in Breckenridge
7NEWS - Foster mom charged in near drowning of unsupervised child in a hot tub in Breckenridge - Local Story:
BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. - A Colorado Springs woman has been charged with child abuse negligence in connection with the near drowning of an unsupervised child at a hot tub at the Grand Lodge in Breckenridge.
BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. - A Colorado Springs woman has been charged with child abuse negligence in connection with the near drowning of an unsupervised child at a hot tub at the Grand Lodge in Breckenridge.
BERNAMA - Indian Children 'Forced Into Illegal Adoption' In Australia Claim
BERNAMA - Indian Children 'Forced Into Illegal Adoption' In Australia Claim:
MELBOURNE, Jan 27 (Bernama) -- Three Indian children have been forced into illegal adoption and brought to Australia in the past year, an organisation representing families of trafficking victims has alleged.
MELBOURNE, Jan 27 (Bernama) -- Three Indian children have been forced into illegal adoption and brought to Australia in the past year, an organisation representing families of trafficking victims has alleged.
America's Missing Children: Link Between Foster Care And Trafficking
America's Missing Children: Link Between Foster Care And Trafficking | Acton PowerBlog:
On iHeart Radio’s Janine Turner Show, Conna Craig of the Hoover Institution’s Institute for Children, discusses the state of fostercare in the U.S. and its link with human trafficking. Craig is concerned with the fact that so many children are “missing” from the foster care system and no one has reported them missing. Many, she believes, are lured into sexual trafficking situations.
On iHeart Radio’s Janine Turner Show, Conna Craig of the Hoover Institution’s Institute for Children, discusses the state of foster
Prior Reports Of CPS Involvement With Mayouna Smith "Not Wrong"
Source: Prior Reports Of CPS Involvement With Mayouna Smith "Not Wrong":
BUFFALO, NY - A well placed source says a 3-year-old-girl, killed in Amherst the week before last, had been the subject of a prior report to Child Protective Services (CPS).
BUFFALO, NY - A well placed source says a 3-year-old-girl, killed in Amherst the week before last, had been the subject of a prior report to Child Protective Services (CPS).
Monday, January 27, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
State Supreme Court: N.H. places great emphasis on preserving parent-child relationships
State Supreme Court: N.H. places great emphasis on preserving parent-child relationships | Concord Monitor:
A pair of rulings from the state Supreme Court this month illustrates just how powerful New Hampshire considers a parent’s connection to their child-to-be, even if the parent is absent or pays little for their child’s upkeep.
My Comment: Maggie, who are you trying to kid? DCYF supporting families? Is that something new? Are your workers finally doing their jobs thanks to the work of the NH Legislature? I see you no longer steal children from parent's in Methadone treatment. Funny how times have changed since stealing my newborn granddaughter, due to the fact the morphine IV given to her mother in labor for 19 hr's wound up in her. Anyone with half a brain knows what's given to a mother in labor winds up in the baby. And do your new assessment workers investigate now before filing a petition to steal a child, unlike your former assessment worker Melissa Deane who testified in Court she didn't investigate and had no clue the Mother was given morphine in labor. Duh! I also see you no longer force parents out of Methadone treatment as you did with my daughter. Was it because I was so vocal as to the illegality and discrimination? Or did it have to do with her case in general? All the perjury, the slander and all the deceitful practices used against my once happy family?
Maggie, you could tell me the sky is blue and I wouldn't believe you. I learned who to trust and who not to trust and you definitely can NOT be trusted.
A pair of rulings from the state Supreme Court this month illustrates just how powerful New Hampshire considers a parent’s connection to their child-to-be, even if the parent is absent or pays little for their child’s upkeep.
My Comment: Maggie, who are you trying to kid? DCYF supporting families? Is that something new? Are your workers finally doing their jobs thanks to the work of the NH Legislature? I see you no longer steal children from parent's in Methadone treatment. Funny how times have changed since stealing my newborn granddaughter, due to the fact the morphine IV given to her mother in labor for 19 hr's wound up in her. Anyone with half a brain knows what's given to a mother in labor winds up in the baby. And do your new assessment workers investigate now before filing a petition to steal a child, unlike your former assessment worker Melissa Deane who testified in Court she didn't investigate and had no clue the Mother was given morphine in labor. Duh! I also see you no longer force parents out of Methadone treatment as you did with my daughter. Was it because I was so vocal as to the illegality and discrimination? Or did it have to do with her case in general? All the perjury, the slander and all the deceitful practices used against my once happy family?
Maggie, you could tell me the sky is blue and I wouldn't believe you. I learned who to trust and who not to trust and you definitely can NOT be trusted.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Happy 14th Birthday Austin Where-ever You Are
Happy Birthday to our special Grandson Austin where-ever you are.
I know you can't be with us today thank's to the corrupt State of NH and their corrupt Family Court's, but we hope you have a great day.
It's been seven years since you were stolen from your REAL family and life will never be the same without you. I hope that you will read this if you're able and know that we have never stopped fighting for your return. I hope you're not drugged up so much that you've been totally brainwashed into believing your REAL family did anything to deserve the hell we've been put through by this corrupt State. You were NEVER abused and NEVER neglected. Your Mother was falsely accused and it was proven in Criminal Court. The DCYF Caseworker you liked so much (Anna the Homewrecker), was just that, a Homewrecker, who forced the break up of your entire family. I hoped you've learned who you can trust and who can never be trusted. We learned the hard way.
Your Mother is now divorced, thank's to Nashua DCYF, though your step father never was the Father he should have been to you and your sister. You know yourself, your Mom and the rest of your REAL family are the ones who did everything for you and your sister, while your stepfather was off doing God only knows what.
Your Mom is now married to the man you used to see working around town. The man you called Mommy's friend, even though you didn't even know him. The man you used to tell Mommy she should be with instead of your step father. You were a smart boy. Even you knew who was better of the two men at such a young age.
Remember the Birthday parties your Mother used to throw for you? Every year they were the best parties in town. Birthday's worth remembering. I hope you do and all of the other special day's spent with your Mom and Real family.We will never forget what a happy little boy you always were and how excited you were on your Birthday.
Picture's of the last Birthday party spent with you when you turned five.

We've missed so much time with you, needlessly. You were supposed to come and live with me and Grampie, but the DCYF Supervisor falsified the Home Study paperwork. They were afraid I would take you off the drug's they put you on. The drug's that make you forget. The drug's you never needed until they stole you. The drug's they tell Foster kids are just vitamins.
Also, one last thing. You have a cousin who was born on your birthday four years ago. A cousin who can't wait to meet you. Who talks about you all the time. She even asked for you and Isabella to come home for Christmas.
Some day you will be home where you belong. All of us love and miss you and can't wait to see you again.
Love always, Grammy, Grampie, Mommy and your entire REAL Family!
I know you can't be with us today thank's to the corrupt State of NH and their corrupt Family Court's, but we hope you have a great day.
It's been seven years since you were stolen from your REAL family and life will never be the same without you. I hope that you will read this if you're able and know that we have never stopped fighting for your return. I hope you're not drugged up so much that you've been totally brainwashed into believing your REAL family did anything to deserve the hell we've been put through by this corrupt State. You were NEVER abused and NEVER neglected. Your Mother was falsely accused and it was proven in Criminal Court. The DCYF Caseworker you liked so much (Anna the Homewrecker), was just that, a Homewrecker, who forced the break up of your entire family. I hoped you've learned who you can trust and who can never be trusted. We learned the hard way.
Your Mother is now divorced, thank's to Nashua DCYF, though your step father never was the Father he should have been to you and your sister. You know yourself, your Mom and the rest of your REAL family are the ones who did everything for you and your sister, while your stepfather was off doing God only knows what.
Your Mom is now married to the man you used to see working around town. The man you called Mommy's friend, even though you didn't even know him. The man you used to tell Mommy she should be with instead of your step father. You were a smart boy. Even you knew who was better of the two men at such a young age.
Remember the Birthday parties your Mother used to throw for you? Every year they were the best parties in town. Birthday's worth remembering. I hope you do and all of the other special day's spent with your Mom and Real family.We will never forget what a happy little boy you always were and how excited you were on your Birthday.

We've missed so much time with you, needlessly. You were supposed to come and live with me and Grampie, but the DCYF Supervisor falsified the Home Study paperwork. They were afraid I would take you off the drug's they put you on. The drug's that make you forget. The drug's you never needed until they stole you. The drug's they tell Foster kids are just vitamins.
Also, one last thing. You have a cousin who was born on your birthday four years ago. A cousin who can't wait to meet you. Who talks about you all the time. She even asked for you and Isabella to come home for Christmas.
Some day you will be home where you belong. All of us love and miss you and can't wait to see you again.
Love always, Grammy, Grampie, Mommy and your entire REAL Family!
Friday, January 24, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Shock for the married couple who discovered they are twins separated at birth
Shock for the married couple who discovered they are twins separated at birth | Mail Online:
The harrowing story of twins who were separated at birth and married each other without realizing they were brother and sister was revealed today.
The harrowing story of twins who were separated at birth and married each other without realizing they were brother and sister was revealed today.
One-third of Mass. child welfare agency social workers are unlicensed in their field
One-third of Mass. child welfare agency social workers are unlicensed in their field (1/23/14 8:07 am):
BOSTON — More than one-third of social workers with the state Department of Children and Families are not licensed to practice in their field, according to the agency's own records.
BOSTON — More than one-third of social workers with the state Department of Children and Families are not licensed to practice in their field, according to the agency's own records.
Planned Parenthood Covers Up Child Rape in Philadelphia
Planned Parenthood Covers Up Child Rape in Philadelphia |
In a review of inspection reports posted recently by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Pro-Life Action League has uncovered some very disturbing findings concerning two Planned Parenthood facilities in Philadelphia.
In a review of inspection reports posted recently by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Pro-Life Action League has uncovered some very disturbing findings concerning two Planned Parenthood facilities in Philadelphia.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
How social services are paid bonuses to snatch babies for adoption
How social services are paid bonuses to snatch babies for adoption | Mail Online:
Read more:
For a mother, there can be no greater horror than having a baby snatched away by the State at birth.
The women to whom it has happened say their lives are ruined for ever - and goodness knows what longterm effect it has on the child.
Most never recover from this trauma.
Read more:
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
More Moms Losing Kids in Family Court Drug Wars
More Moms Losing Kids in Family Court Drug Wars | Womens eNews:
Women across the country are often tested for drugs without consent and punished with government interventions when results are positive. Advocates say "test and report" is the "stop and frisk" of the curtained world of juvenile protection agencies.
Women across the country are often tested for drugs without consent and punished with government interventions when results are positive. Advocates say "test and report" is the "stop and frisk" of the curtained world of juvenile protection agencies.
Federal Court in Ciavarella “Kids For Cash” Case Issues Groundbreaking Ruling: State Court Judge’s Acts Not Immune from Conspiracy and RICO
Federal Court in Ciavarella “Kids For Cash” Case Issues Groundbreaking Ruling: State Court Judge’s Acts Not Immune from Conspiracy and RICO « California Coalition for Families and Children, PBC:
What It Means for Parents and Children
“This decision will profoundly impact parents’ ability to pursue Family Court judges for civil rights violations based on judicial conduct occurring outside of the courtroom, which causes injury inside the courtroom.” says Colbern Stuart, President of California Coalition for Families and Children. ”Every parent should take a close look at the judge, psychologist, and attorneys in their cases to see if they were involved in any out-of-court activity such as court policy-making committees, legal or judicial professional organizations, “CLE” for judges or attorneys, “think tanks” and “technical assistance” organizations that influence judicial behavior and the administration of justice. Those activities are now clearly suspect if they result in constitutional injury.” Says Stuart. ”Illegal policies or guidance, and unethical conduct and business dealings that lead to a decision inside of court that deprives a litigant or their family of civil rights can be the basis for civil liability that is not immunized by the in-court act.” “If a parent or child has been deprived of civil rights or otherwise damaged by such policies or illegal dealings, they may have recourse against the Family Court judge, psychologist, or attorney acting illegally outside of court.” Says Stuart.
Read More:
Monday, January 20, 2014
In the News CPS Workers Corrupt or Lazy Epidemic & World Wide
Legally Accessible - Not so much: In the News CPS Workers Corrupt or Lazy Epidemic & World Wide:
Just a few ways the World and United States is Failing it's children:
Carver County CPS Workers details on how CPS workers are abridging the public's rights and what those rights are...
Read More:
Just a few ways the World and United States is Failing it's children:
Carver County CPS Workers details on how CPS workers are abridging the public's rights and what those rights are...
Read More:
Illusions vs. Reality
Fairy Tale Access ... : Illusions vs. Reality:
Bad things happen in the world; but greater good things are waiting to be discovered and released...
The most recent decade has shown that "divorce" & "marriage" in general are being mismanaged by the judicial system and some parents.
Read More:
Bad things happen in the world; but greater good things are waiting to be discovered and released...
The most recent decade has shown that "divorce" & "marriage" in general are being mismanaged by the judicial system and some parents.
Read More:
Ma. DCF retaliates by removing kids at an unprecedented rate
DCF removing kids at an unprecedented rate - Worcester Telegram & Gazette -
Note: DCYF Psychic's are at it again stealing children who they believe are at risk of abuse in the future.
The Department of Children and Families is removing children at risk of abuse from their families at an unprecedented rate, according to court data as the governor cracks down on the agency following the disappearance of a 5-year-old Fitchburg boy in DCF care whose social worker failed to carry out required home visits.
Note: DCYF Psychic's are at it again stealing children who they believe are at risk of abuse in the future.
The Department of Children and Families is removing children at risk of abuse from their families at an unprecedented rate, according to court data as the governor cracks down on the agency following the disappearance of a 5-year-old Fitchburg boy in DCF care whose social worker failed to carry out required home visits.
Removing Children From Parents – The Social Workers Bible
Removing Children From Parents – The Social Workers Bible
Removing Children From Parents – The Social Workers Bible: Persecution Strategies used by Social Workers
Below is the Abstract of a study made by academics in Sweden where family courts are not secret and where there is no gagging. But parents whose children were taken will recognise what they are doing:
The purpose of this study is to make a critical examination of six official reports in an LVU (Care of Young Persons Act) investigation, to detect the possible occurrence of persecution strategies in the social welfare service reports and, in that case, to define the strategies used and examine whether the investigation complies with the legitimate claims of objectivity and impartiality.
Read More:
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Arizona Governor Names Charles Flanagan, Former Director of Juvenile Prison to Head the new Division of Child Safety and Family Services
Arizona Governor Names Charles Flanagan, Former Director of Juvenile Prison to Head the new Division of Child Safety and Family Services
Governor abolishes CPS, creates new division
The governor on Monday signed an executive order that effectively abolishes CPS. Instead it sets up a separate Division of Child Safety and Family Services. More to the point, that agency will have its own director who reports directly to her.
She also named Charles Flanagan, who is currently heading up a special team reviewing CPS operations, to head that agency.
Governor abolishes CPS, creates new division
The governor on Monday signed an executive order that effectively abolishes CPS. Instead it sets up a separate Division of Child Safety and Family Services. More to the point, that agency will have its own director who reports directly to her.
She also named Charles Flanagan, who is currently heading up a special team reviewing CPS operations, to head that agency.
Tucson's Catalina Mountain School for troubled youths to close
Flanagan spent his Career as the State's Chief Warden of AZ children
I'm sure Governor Brewer means well, but shouldn't she have abolished CPS period and not renamed it?
Shouldn't the Police be in charge of REAL cases of abuse, like in yesteryear? Where a bounty isn't put on each and every child's head stolen by the State?
Charleston contempt action that sought fees in Veronica case was dropped at Capobiancos’ request
Charleston contempt action that sought fees in Veronica case was dropped at Capobiancos’ request – The Post and Courier:
An effort in Charleston to impose financial sanctions on the birth father of 4-year-old Veronica was dropped at the request of the girl’s adoptive parents, Matt and Melanie Capobianco, attorneys said Friday.
An effort in Charleston to impose financial sanctions on the birth father of 4-year-old Veronica was dropped at the request of the girl’s adoptive parents, Matt and Melanie Capobianco, attorneys said Friday.
Child Services Left Deceased 4-Year-Old In Father’s Custody While He Was Serving Jail Time
Child Services Left Deceased 4-Year-Old In Father’s Custody While He Was Serving Jail Time:
Another death on CPS's watch!
New York City's Administation for Children’s Services left 4-year-old Myls Dobson in the custody of his father, Okee Wade, even though he was serving five months in jail.
Another death on CPS's watch!
New York City's Administation for Children’s Services left 4-year-old Myls Dobson in the custody of his father, Okee Wade, even though he was serving five months in jail.
Child Custody Priority For Legislature And Judiciary
Child Custody Priority For Legislature And Judiciary:
The legislature has heard from the Attorney General and the Governor about their priorities for this legislative session.
The legislature has heard from the Attorney General and the Governor about their priorities for this legislative session.
Teen caught in medical and custody dispute leaves Boston Children’s Hospital after 11 months
Teen caught in medical and custody dispute leaves Boston Children’s Hospital after 11 months - Metro - The Boston Globe:
Justina Pelletier, the 15-year-old Connecticut girl at the center of a searing medical and custody dispute, has been discharged from Boston Children’s Hospital, where she had been treated for nearly a year. She was moved Friday from the hospital’s locked psychiatric unit to a residential program at Wayside Youth and Family Support Network in Framingham.
Justina Pelletier, the 15-year-old Connecticut girl at the center of a searing medical and custody dispute, has been discharged from Boston Children’s Hospital, where she had been treated for nearly a year. She was moved Friday from the hospital’s locked psychiatric unit to a residential program at Wayside Youth and Family Support Network in Framingham.
Bill Nemitz: Child welfare is sad victim of Maine’s neglect
Bill Nemitz: Child welfare is sad victim of Maine’s neglect | The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME:
It takes upset parents, not DHHS, to shut down facilities that mistreat kids.
Child welfare system is in state of disrepair
Child welfare system is in state of disrepair - Editorials - The Boston Globe:
JOAN VENNOCHI’S Jan. 5 op-ed column “DCF needs accountability, oversight,”on the recent failure of the Department of Children and Families to protect a child at risk, is an unfortunate reminder of how the Massachusetts child welfare system has deteriorated.
JOAN VENNOCHI’S Jan. 5 op-ed column “DCF needs accountability, oversight,”on the recent failure of the Department of Children and Families to protect a child at risk, is an unfortunate reminder of how the Massachusetts child welfare system has deteriorated.
Child protection services: A mother’s diary records the awful death of a child 'in care’
Child protection services: A mother’s diary records the awful death of a child 'in care’ - Telegraph:
Jonas, a child with Down's syndrome, 'visibly regressed’ and eventually died after he was handed over to foster carers
Arizona session preview: Rethinking child protection
Arizona session preview: Rethinking child protection:
When they return to session this coming week, Arizona legislators will set aside divisive fights over Medicaid expansion that dominated the last year to focus on something a little more immediate: The safety and security of kids in the state’s foster care system.
When they return to session this coming week, Arizona legislators will set aside divisive fights over Medicaid expansion that dominated the last year to focus on something a little more immediate: The safety and security of kids in the state’s foster care system.
Probe into NC Ex CPS Supervisor and Husband accused of handcuffing boy to porch with dead chicken around his neck widens
Probe into NC couple accused of handcuffing boy to porch with dead chicken around his neck widens | Fox News:
MONROE, N.C. – Officials investigating a Union County couple accused of handcuffing a boy to the porch with a dead chicken around his neck are now trying to determine if nearly three dozen children the couple cared for were abused.
MONROE, N.C. – Officials investigating a Union County couple accused of handcuffing a boy to the porch with a dead chicken around his neck are now trying to determine if nearly three dozen children the couple cared for were abused.
Friday, January 17, 2014
New Practice Guidance to increase transparency in Family Courts
New Practice Guidance to increase transparency in Family Courts:
Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division of the High Court and the Court of Protection, has issued Practice Guidance in order to bring about ‘an immediate and significant change in practice in relation to the publication of judgments in the Family Courts and the Court of Protection.'
Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division of the High Court and the Court of Protection, has issued Practice Guidance in order to bring about ‘an immediate and significant change in practice in relation to the publication of judgments in the Family Courts and the Court of Protection.'
New Ariz. child welfare agency seeks transparency
New Ariz. child welfare agency seeks transparency - SFGate:
PHOENIX (AP) — The head of a new agency handling child welfare cases in Arizona says it will be more transparent and thorough than the now defunct Child Protective Services.
PHOENIX (AP) — The head of a new agency handling child welfare cases in Arizona says it will be more transparent and thorough than the now defunct Child Protective Services.
Flashing Billboard Blasts NH Judicial System, Governor
Flashing Billboard Blasts NH Judicial System, Governor - Business - Nashua, NH Patch:
Mike Gill is mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore
Mike Gill has been trying to get the word out that he believes he's been the victim of "judicial corruption."
Note: He's just one in a long line of many victim's of judicial corruption!
Mike Gill is mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore
Mike Gill has been trying to get the word out that he believes he's been the victim of "judicial corruption."
Note: He's just one in a long line of many victim's of judicial corruption!
Family courts told to publish more judgments
Family courts told to publish more judgments | News | Law Society Gazette:
More judgments from the Family Court and Court of Protection will be made available to the public and media to increase transparency and public confidence, the head of the Family Division has announced.
More judgments from the Family Court and Court of Protection will be made available to the public and media to increase transparency and public confidence, the head of the Family Division has announced.
Augusta, Waterville attorneys offer ideas for family court changes
Augusta, Waterville attorneys offer ideas for family court changes | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME:
Better forms, single-justice system, more training suggested to task force appointed by state Supreme Court.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Foster care kids too vulnerable to sex traffickers
Foster care kids too vulnerable to sex traffickers | Northwest Opinion Columns | The Bellingham Herald:
In July of last year, members of three child-exploitation task forces in Washington went undercover to rescue kids who were being sold for sex. After canvassing areas across the state and contacting young women involved in prostitution, they arrested nine people suspected of forcing children to sell themselves.
Read more here:
In July of last year, members of three child-exploitation task forces in Washington went undercover to rescue kids who were being sold for sex. After canvassing areas across the state and contacting young women involved in prostitution, they arrested nine people suspected of forcing children to sell themselves.
Read more here:
DCF hides list of accused foster parents
DCF hides list of accused foster parents | Boston Herald:
State child welfare officials — under fire for mishandling cases, losing a child under state watch and placing children in abusive foster homes — refuse to tell the public how many foster parents they added to their secret list of more than 40,000 alleged child abusers.
State child welfare officials — under fire for mishandling cases, losing a child under state watch and placing children in abusive foster homes — refuse to tell the public how many foster parents they added to their secret list of more than 40,000 alleged child abusers.
Cherokee Nation passes child-placement law
Cherokee Nation passes child-placement law - WCIV-TV | ABC News 4 - Charleston News, Sports, Weather:
TAHLEQUAH, Okla. (AP) -- The Cherokee Nation has passed a new law giving added protection to biological parents in adoptive and foster care cases.
TAHLEQUAH, Okla. (AP) -- The Cherokee Nation has passed a new law giving added protection to biological parents in adoptive and foster care cases.
A Message to Austin
A Message to Austin, hopefully you see this post.
Today is Grampie's 63rd Birthday. He would like nothing more than to hear from you today. To know you're alright. To know you're safe and well taken care of. To know that your special bond hasn't been broken. If you read this, please leave a message. Life just isn't the same without you and Grampie and the rest of us miss you so much. Love Grammy
385 kids removed from Ariz. homes in ignored cases
385 kids removed from Ariz. homes in ignored cases - Houston Chronicle:
CPS is retaliating against Governor Jan Brewer!
PHOENIX (AP) — Nearly 400 children have been removed from Arizona homes identified through thousands of child abuse and neglect reports that were ignored in recent years, according to new figures released by a special team created by Gov. Jan Brewer after the reports came to light in November.
CPS is retaliating against Governor Jan Brewer!
PHOENIX (AP) — Nearly 400 children have been removed from Arizona homes identified through thousands of child abuse and neglect reports that were ignored in recent years, according to new figures released by a special team created by Gov. Jan Brewer after the reports came to light in November.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
New Hampshire's Prescription Drug Abuse Problem
Isn't it a sad state of affairs when our own Doctor's over prescribe medication to their patients? Our loved ones suffer, along with their families. Where does one turn? It seems to be a lose, lose situation. Complaints are made, still no-one listens. Our loved ones become, addicted while the Doctors and Pharmaceutical companies make money off of our pain, turning our loved ones into useless zombies.
I recently met a woman who was prescribed Klonopins (Clonazepam) used to treat seizures and panic disorder. I swear these are the worse pill's known to man and should be banned. They are highly addictive and often times abused. They cause drowsiness, confusion and so many more unwanted effects. They even make a person seem intoxicated. In fact, I know of one woman who was arrested for intoxication while on Klonopin's, but that's a whole different story in itself. And yes, her life and her entire family's life was ruined because of it.
This woman I spoke of went to a Nashua Pharmacy to get her prescription filled. They were all out and she got sent to another Pharmacy. The second Pharmacy was also out. She was told they don't get enough Klonopin's delivered for all the people who take them and they had no idea when they would get more. She was sent to another Pharmacy, who by some strange chance was able to fill her prescription. Another woman had the same problem when trying to fill her prescription of Klonopin's. What is wrong with NH Doctor's? Why is this highly addictive drug prescribed more often than not?
When more than one Pharmacy run's out of a Klonopin's, what does that tell you? And when a Doctor is told that a patient is abusing this medication, many times so confused that they forget when they take them, but do nothing to stop the abuse, what does that tell you?
It's no wonder so many of N.H.'s population are walking around like zombies. That is, when they can even get out of bed. What does a person have to do to stop this abuse? Where do they turn?
I recently met a woman who was prescribed Klonopins (Clonazepam) used to treat seizures and panic disorder. I swear these are the worse pill's known to man and should be banned. They are highly addictive and often times abused. They cause drowsiness, confusion and so many more unwanted effects. They even make a person seem intoxicated. In fact, I know of one woman who was arrested for intoxication while on Klonopin's, but that's a whole different story in itself. And yes, her life and her entire family's life was ruined because of it.
This woman I spoke of went to a Nashua Pharmacy to get her prescription filled. They were all out and she got sent to another Pharmacy. The second Pharmacy was also out. She was told they don't get enough Klonopin's delivered for all the people who take them and they had no idea when they would get more. She was sent to another Pharmacy, who by some strange chance was able to fill her prescription. Another woman had the same problem when trying to fill her prescription of Klonopin's. What is wrong with NH Doctor's? Why is this highly addictive drug prescribed more often than not?
When more than one Pharmacy run's out of a Klonopin's, what does that tell you? And when a Doctor is told that a patient is abusing this medication, many times so confused that they forget when they take them, but do nothing to stop the abuse, what does that tell you?
It's no wonder so many of N.H.'s population are walking around like zombies. That is, when they can even get out of bed. What does a person have to do to stop this abuse? Where do they turn?
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Governor abolishes CPS, creates new division
Governor abolishes CPS, creates new division - Camp Verde Bugle - Camp Verde, Arizona:
PHOENIX -- Saying she's had enough excuses, Gov. Jan Brewer moved Monday to strip the trouble-plagued Child Protective Services away from the Department of Economic Security.
PHOENIX -- Saying she's had enough excuses, Gov. Jan Brewer moved Monday to strip the trouble-plagued Child Protective Services away from the Department of Economic Security.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Mother Arrested After 6-Year-Old Amber Alert Girl Found
Mother Arrested After 6-Year-Old Amber Alert Girl Found - ABC News:
The mother of a 6-year-old Massachusetts girl has been charged with kidnapping after she allegedly abducted her daughter to avoid losing her to state child protective services.
This is just plain idiotic. The Mother is arrested for kidnapping her own child before the State even takes custody. Underhanded practice ya think?
The mother of a 6-year-old Massachusetts girl has been charged with kidnapping after she allegedly abducted her daughter to avoid losing her to state child protective services.
This is just plain idiotic. The Mother is arrested for kidnapping her own child before the State even takes custody. Underhanded practice ya think?
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Speak up Guest Joseph Sorge "Divorce Corp"
Speak up Guest Joseph Sorge "Divorce Corp" - Rep Kevin Avard's Blog - Nashua, NH Patch:
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Editorial: Another DCF ‘anecdote’
Editorial: Another DCF ‘anecdote’ | Boston Herald:
The disaster that is the Department of Children and Families has now become the focus of attention among Beacon Hill lawmakers — and not a moment too soon.
It's too bad DCYF Nationwide wouldn't become the focus of attention any time soon. But their day is coming!
The disaster that is the Department of Children and Families has now become the focus of attention among Beacon Hill lawmakers — and not a moment too soon.
It's too bad DCYF Nationwide wouldn't become the focus of attention any time soon. But their day is coming!
Sioux Mother Rescues Abused Children, Faces Arrest
Sioux Mother Rescues Abused Children, Faces Arrest | Stephanie Woodard:
The emergency-room doctor was furious at what he had seen, recalled Audre'y Eby, who is Rosebud Sioux and the mother of disabled 16-year-old twins. One of her sons, who is blind and autistic, squirmed on the examination-room table, screaming, "Ow, ow, it hurts!" The doctor had found livid red and purple bruises covering his penis and scrotum, according to the Nebraska hospital's records. Those injuries would soon lead to an arrest warrant for the mother -- not because she had caused the harm, but because she did not return her son, along with his wheelchair-bound twin, to their abusers.
The emergency-room doctor was furious at what he had seen, recalled Audre'y Eby, who is Rosebud Sioux and the mother of disabled 16-year-old twins. One of her sons, who is blind and autistic, squirmed on the examination-room table, screaming, "Ow, ow, it hurts!" The doctor had found livid red and purple bruises covering his penis and scrotum, according to the Nebraska hospital's records. Those injuries would soon lead to an arrest warrant for the mother -- not because she had caused the harm, but because she did not return her son, along with his wheelchair-bound twin, to their abusers.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
People No Longer Matter. It's all About the Money!
What has happened to today's society when the only thing that matter's is Money? No-one cares about people anymore, only the almighty dollar. Only the money to be made off of the backs of other's.
A former orphan, who was in DCYF custody as a teen, was hit with a lien for almost $207,000 in medical expenses by the State of Rhode Island. See:
A former orphan, who was in DCYF custody as a teen, was hit with a lien for almost $207,000 in medical expenses by the State of Rhode Island. See:
Former DCYF ward billed 207K by state Hit with lien for medical care from years ago
This former orphan didn't ask to be removed from his family. No child does. Why should he be responsible to pay the State for kidnapping him? For making his life a living hell? The State should be paying him. For that matter, why should any parent be held responsible to pay for their children being kidnapped by the State? Again, the State should be paying them. Parent's and families don't ask for DCYF involvement. They don't ask for the hell they're put through, but they're supposed to pay for it.
A NH Lawyer, hired by the Family Court, to fight for an accused Mother states he has more important client's than her and the State doesn't pay him enough to fight for her. Like I said, it's all about the money.
We all know drug companies pay Doctor's to push their medications, many times prescribing these medications to people who don't even need them. Many times causing these people to become addicted to the drugs they shouldn't be on in the first place. Many times causing the ruination of families when the Doctor's won't listen to relatives who complain of the unnecessary drugging of their loved ones. Of the addiction their loved ones now have making them unbearable to be around. Again, it's all about the money.
An article in a NH paper:
Medicaid expansion gets new life in House, heads back to dubious Senate
State Rep. Cindy Rosenwald, D-Nashua, said New Hampshire already lost $4 million in enhanced federal grants by not expanding Medicaid on Jan. 1.
In my opinion, expanding Medicaid will only bring more problems, especially for low income home owner's. But again, nobody cares. Many of the people forced on Medicaid will lose their homes, just as the former orphan is now responsible for a lien on his asset's, the homeowner will also be responsible. Again, it's all about the money.
Children removed by the State, after their parents and families are accused of abuse and neglect are taken because of the Adoption Promotion Act. For every child removed, the States anti goes up. For every adoption, the States anti goes up. For every child the State drug's, their anti goes up. Again, it's all about the money.
When will people get a clue there is so much more to life than money? I've heard since I was a young child, Money is the root of all evil. And it is. It's been proven time and time again. Where there's money to be made, there's corruption. People these day's are just a dollar sign and families are expendable!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Worcester psychologist advocates drug-free approach for ADHD - A product of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette:
WORCESTER — Like any psychologist, Dr. Craig Wiener of Worcester was trained to observe. But what he observed 35 years ago while doing postdoctoral work at the Worcester Youth Guidance Center was a little different from what his peers were noticing.
WORCESTER — Like any psychologist, Dr. Craig Wiener of Worcester was trained to observe. But what he observed 35 years ago while doing postdoctoral work at the Worcester Youth Guidance Center was a little different from what his peers were noticing.
Anti-vaccination mother tells Family Court immunisation akin to sterilizing, changing gender of children
Anti-vaccination mother tells Family Court immunisation akin to sterilising, changing gender of children | Herald Sun:
A MUM who has gone to court to fight her ex-husband's bid to have their children vaccinated says the procedure is akin to sterilization or gender reassignment.
A MUM who has gone to court to fight her ex-husband's bid to have their children vaccinated says the procedure is akin to sterilization or gender reassignment.
Mismanagement is unrelenting at DHHS
Mismanagement is unrelenting at DHHS |
North Carolina’s Health and Human Services department made a serious error last week, then compounded the mistake by giving the public misleading information about it.
Read more here:
North Carolina’s Health and Human Services department made a serious error last week, then compounded the mistake by giving the public misleading information about it.
Read more here:
Man punches caseworker during courthouse hearing
Man punches caseworker during courthouse hearing | News - Home:
A man who is accused of aggravated assault is facing new charges after he allegedly punched a caseworker at the Bexar County Courthouse.
A man who is accused of aggravated assault is facing new charges after he allegedly punched a caseworker at the Bexar County Courthouse.
Foster Child Death Update
Foster Child Death Update - WDEF News 12:
We have an update in the investigation into the death of a two-year-old foster child last week. According to an incident report from the Catoosa County Sheriff's Office, the foster mother Clara Edwards said two-year-old Sahara Palmer fell down a staircase last Monday.
We have an update in the investigation into the death of a two-year-old foster child last week. According to an incident report from the Catoosa County Sheriff's Office, the foster mother Clara Edwards said two-year-old Sahara Palmer fell down a staircase last Monday.
CPS admits mistakes in foster child’s death
CPS admits mistakes in foster child’s death |
State officials admitted this week that Child Protective Services made mistakes in the case of an 11-month-old girl who died in her Cedar Park foster home, but the agency declined to detail what those errors were or how it plans to address them.
State officials admitted this week that Child Protective Services made mistakes in the case of an 11-month-old girl who died in her Cedar Park foster home, but the agency declined to detail what those errors were or how it plans to address them.
Monday, January 6, 2014
The song Calling you, calling me, will soon be available on Maggie's website ..
http://www.childrenscreamingtobeheard... and can be downloaded from Itunes, all
proceeds will go to helping the children screaming to be heard.
October 13, 2013 at 11:58pm
By R. Fairhurst © 2013
Read More:
Jeremiah Oliver case: Public still wondering how this could have happened
Jeremiah Oliver case: Public still wondering how this could have happened - Worcester Telegram & Gazette -
It happens when the Public doesn't pay attention to what really goes on between CPS/DCYF and Families. Nobody listens, until they themselves are thrust into the rogue CPS/DCYF nightmare!
This is definitely NOT a unique case and most certainly DOES indicate systematic problems in the agency, in not just Fitchburg, but Nationwide. In fact, Worldwide!
Gov. Deval L. Patrick and officials at the state Department of Children and Families were quick to claim last week that the agency's failures to protect 5-year-old Jeremiah Oliver of Fitchburg — who has been missing since September and may have been killed — was a "unique" case and does not indicate a systematic problem in the agency.
It happens when the Public doesn't pay attention to what really goes on between CPS/DCYF and Families. Nobody listens, until they themselves are thrust into the rogue CPS/DCYF nightmare!
This is definitely NOT a unique case and most certainly DOES indicate systematic problems in the agency, in not just Fitchburg, but Nationwide. In fact, Worldwide!
Gov. Deval L. Patrick and officials at the state Department of Children and Families were quick to claim last week that the agency's failures to protect 5-year-old Jeremiah Oliver of Fitchburg — who has been missing since September and may have been killed — was a "unique" case and does not indicate a systematic problem in the agency.
Fleming Co. foster mother pleads not guilty on child abuse charges
Fleming Co. foster mother pleads not guilty on child abuse charges:
FLEMING COUNTY, Ky. (WKYT) - A foster mother pleaded not guilty to child abuse charges against her, after police say a child in her care suffered a brain injury.
FLEMING COUNTY, Ky. (WKYT) - A foster mother pleaded not guilty to child abuse charges against her, after police say a child in her care suffered a brain injury.
Tribal court orders children returned to father from Black Hawk
Tribal court orders children returned to father from Black Hawk:
Holding onto hope his daughters would be returned soon, Nathan McNutt of Black Hawk held off decorating his Christmas tree by himself in mid-December.
Holding onto hope his daughters would be returned soon, Nathan McNutt of Black Hawk held off decorating his Christmas tree by himself in mid-December.
L.A. County social services facing lawsuit in Palmdale child abuse case
L.A. County social services facing lawsuit in Palmdale child abuse case -
The grandparents of alleged child abuse victim Gabriel Fernandez are suing several L.A. County agencies, accusing them of mishandling the boy's case.
The grandparents of alleged child abuse victim Gabriel Fernandez are suing several L.A. County agencies, accusing them of mishandling the boy's case.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Lawmaker blasts gov on Oliver case
Lawmaker blasts gov on Oliver case | Boston Herald:
Gov. Deval Patrick’s insistence that it was individual failures — “not systemic” ones — that allowed a now-missing 5-year-boy to fall through the cracks of the state child welfare system was panned as a hasty assessment that smacks of the administration’s quick-to-downplay reputation, according to one top lawmaker.
Gov. Deval Patrick’s insistence that it was individual failures — “not systemic” ones — that allowed a now-missing 5-year-boy to fall through the cracks of the state child welfare system was panned as a hasty assessment that smacks of the administration’s quick-to-downplay reputation, according to one top lawmaker.
Rep. David Linsky: 'There's a problem of accountability' at DCF
Rep. David Linsky: 'There's a problem of accountability' at DCF - Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston:
BOSTON ( -- It could be another rocky month for the Department of Children and Families. The department is already plagued by its failure to handle the case of a now missing 5-year-old Fitchburg boy.
BOSTON ( -- It could be another rocky month for the Department of Children and Families. The department is already plagued by its failure to handle the case of a now missing 5-year-old Fitchburg boy.
Time to scrutinize DCF
Time to scrutinize DCF - Worcester Telegram & Gazette -
A final report from the state issued Monday concluded that failures and misconduct within the state Department of Children and Families contributed to the disappearance this fall of 5-year-old Jeremiah Oliver of Fitchburg.
A final report from the state issued Monday concluded that failures and misconduct within the state Department of Children and Families contributed to the disappearance this fall of 5-year-old Jeremiah Oliver of Fitchburg.
Oregon social worker fired for alleged on-call DUII on New Year's Eve
Oregon social worker fired for alleged on-call DUII on New Year's Eve | KTVB.COM Boise:
Another one Bites the Dust!
HILLSBORO, Ore. -- An on-call social worker from the Oregon Department of Human Services was fired after allegedly driving drunk while responding to an abuse case in Hillsboro on New Year’s Eve.
Another one Bites the Dust!
HILLSBORO, Ore. -- An on-call social worker from the Oregon Department of Human Services was fired after allegedly driving drunk while responding to an abuse case in Hillsboro on New Year’s Eve.
The principle of open justice must be applied to all, even the highly sensitive work of the Court of Protection
The principle of open justice must be applied to all, even the highly sensitive work of the Court of Protection - Editorials - Voices - The Independent:
That these hearings takes place behind closed doors sits uneasily with a commitment to openness and transparency
That these hearings takes place behind closed doors sits uneasily with a commitment to openness and transparency
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Unwed father alleges racketeering in adoption lawsuit
Unwed father alleges racketeering in adoption lawsuit | Deseret News:
SALT LAKE CITY — A West Jordan attorney and his Arizona-based client are suing for $130 million over an adoption that they say was unlawful, citing a federal act typically used to prosecute gang members and others involved in organized crime.
SALT LAKE CITY — A West Jordan attorney and his Arizona-based client are suing for $130 million over an adoption that they say was unlawful, citing a federal act typically used to prosecute gang members and others involved in organized crime.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Fixing child protection
Fixing child protection -
An interim report offers a way to coordinate work done by multiple county agencies.
An interim report offers a way to coordinate work done by multiple county agencies.
Foster Child in Hospital Taken Off Life Support
Foster Child in Hospital Taken Off Life Support - WDEF News 12:
Two year old Sahara Palmer was rushed to T.C. Thompson Children's Hospital late Monday night with a traumatic head injury.
According to Sahara's uncle Johnathan Smith the foster family that brought her there left right after she was admitted.
Two year old Sahara Palmer was rushed to T.C. Thompson Children's Hospital late Monday night with a traumatic head injury.
According to Sahara's uncle Johnathan Smith the foster family that brought her there left right after she was admitted.
Happy New Year-2014! Could this be Our Year?
Happy New Year Everyone! Could this be our Year? The year of Child Protective Services demise?
I sure hope so. With all the stories this past year, shared around the world of CPS worker's finally getting their just desert's, this just could be the year their reign of terror comes to an end.
Maybe the Family Court's will even stop treating families worse than convicted criminal's. Maybe families will finally be given "due process" AND "Open" Court hearings, no longer hiding behind closed door's. Maybe the Federal Govt. will finally investigate the deceitful practices used against families and put an end to Title IV funding, used to destroy families. Maybe this year they will finally get it right and only reward CPS for families kept together. How about Services to at-risk families and Relative placement to truly abused children instead of Foster care. Better yet, abolishment of CPS and let the Police handle REAL cases of abuse, like it used to be. Put an end to the Adoption Promotion Act, responsible for the endless removal of children.
Responsible for the States trying to outdo each other in child removals in order to obtain more Federal funding. Jury trials would be nice also.
Here are just a few of Child Protective Services screw ups and firings for 2013. Let's hope 2014 see's many more firings, Worldwide. These stories also include innocent children, who died while in Foster care, where CPS was responsible for placing them:
I sure hope so. With all the stories this past year, shared around the world of CPS worker's finally getting their just desert's, this just could be the year their reign of terror comes to an end.
Maybe the Family Court's will even stop treating families worse than convicted criminal's. Maybe families will finally be given "due process" AND "Open" Court hearings, no longer hiding behind closed door's. Maybe the Federal Govt. will finally investigate the deceitful practices used against families and put an end to Title IV funding, used to destroy families. Maybe this year they will finally get it right and only reward CPS for families kept together. How about Services to at-risk families and Relative placement to truly abused children instead of Foster care. Better yet, abolishment of CPS and let the Police handle REAL cases of abuse, like it used to be. Put an end to the Adoption Promotion Act, responsible for the endless removal of children.
Responsible for the States trying to outdo each other in child removals in order to obtain more Federal funding. Jury trials would be nice also.
Here are just a few of Child Protective Services screw ups and firings for 2013. Let's hope 2014 see's many more firings, Worldwide. These stories also include innocent children, who died while in Foster care, where CPS was responsible for placing them:
Mother Says She Has Proof Her Son Was Abused By Foster Parents For Years
Mother Outraged After Baby Dies While In DCS Custody
The video judges tried to block: Father secretly records harrowing moment six-hour-old baby is taken away by social services
For many more stories on Child (UN) Protective Services, check out my blog (links at the right) AND Legally Kidnapped for plenty of dirt on the Child Protection industry!
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