It’s hard not to juxtapose the adoption stories of Nashua’s Carol Boudreau and New Hampshire Health and Human Services Commissioner Nicholas Toumpas.
Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Saturday, November 30, 2013
'Operate on this mother so that we can take her baby’
'Operate on this mother so that we can take her baby’ - Telegraph:
CPS social worker Admits she likes stealing kids
CPS social worker: "You have to like what you're doing" | Video |
Christina Juarez, a social worker with Sacramento County Child Protective Services, discusses what it takes to do her job. See more at 5 p.m. Dec. 2, when News10 goes inside CPS.
Christina Juarez, a social worker with Sacramento County Child Protective Services, discusses what it takes to do her job. See more at 5 p.m. Dec. 2, when News10 goes inside CPS.
How CPS determines if a child is safe at home
How CPS determines if a child is safe at home | Video |
Christina Juarez, a social worker with Sacramento County Child Protective Services, discusses how CPS determines if a child is safe at home. See more at 5 p.m. Dec. 2, when News10 goes inside CPS.
Christina Juarez, a social worker with Sacramento County Child Protective Services, discusses how CPS determines if a child is safe at home. See more at 5 p.m. Dec. 2, when News10 goes inside CPS.
What happens when CPS is used as a tool for harassment
What happens when CPS is used as a tool for harassment | Video |
Christina Juarez, a social worker with Sacramento County Child Protective Services, discusses what happens when someone harasses a family by making multiple calls to CPS
All it takes is one phone call to rip your world apart!
All it takes is one phone call to rip your world apart!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Child abuse, neglect records found dumped in alley
Child abuse, neglect records found dumped in alley | Phoenix:
PHOENIX (AP) -- Thousands of pages of confidential state documents on children and parents involved in abuse and neglect cases have been found dumped in a Phoenix alley, and state officials say they're investigating how that happened.
PHOENIX (AP) -- Thousands of pages of confidential state documents on children and parents involved in abuse and neglect cases have been found dumped in a Phoenix alley, and state officials say they're investigating how that happened.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
You may Sign at the Bottom of this Page
This Petition is Sponsored by New Hampshire Legislators
Rep _______, Rep John Hikel and Rep ______
~ ~ ~
We, the undersigned People of New Hampshire, come forth Seeking Redress; We seek to Address and Instruct Our New Hampshire Legislature regarding the use of FDA Classified Hazardous Waste like Fluoride and other neurotoxins being added to Our food, beverages and drinking water.
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013
NH Article 31/32 Petition To Mandate Jury Nullification Classes
NH Article 31/32 Petition To Mandate Jury Nullification Classes -
NH Article 31/32 Petition To Mandate Jury Nullification Classes
You may Sign at the Bottom of this Page
This Petition is Sponsored by New Hampshire Legislators
Rep _______, Rep John Hikel and Rep ______
~ ~ ~
We, the undersigned People of New Hampshire, come forth to Address and Instruct Our New Hampshire Legislature regarding the Unlawful Use of Unqualified Jurors in Trial by Jury proceedings.
Read More at the above link:
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Bail for Foster Father who pulled childs teeth
Bail for Steven Walker, 34, of Gallopville has been hiked up to $15,000 while he awaits trail on two felony assault charges for allegedly using pliers to yank out three teeth from his foster daughter's mouth.
Judge who nixed DCF suit rips agency
Judge who nixed DCF suit rips agency | Boston Herald:
A judge yesterday finally explained why he threw out a suit that accused the state’s child welfare agency of mishandling abused and abandoned children — but not before he blasted officials for letting the kids down by overburdening caseworkers.
A judge yesterday finally explained why he threw out a suit that accused the state’s child welfare agency of mishandling abused and abandoned children — but not before he blasted officials for letting the kids down by overburdening caseworkers.
DCFS’s real crime? Breaking up families
DCFS’s real crime? Breaking up families - Chicago Sun-Times:
News that DCFS investigations are missing the mark isn’t news to me. I have sued DCFS more than a dozen times and have established, through federal court findings, that the state’s child-welfare system has a staggering rate of error in its investigations. But the mistakes my cases have demonstrated are much different from the ones highlighted by recent news stories about child deaths. In fact, they are just the opposite: They show a DCFS too quick on the trigger to pull children from the care of suitable parents.
Read More:
News that DCFS investigations are missing the mark isn’t news to me. I have sued DCFS more than a dozen times and have established, through federal court findings, that the state’s child-welfare system has a staggering rate of error in its investigations. But the mistakes my cases have demonstrated are much different from the ones highlighted by recent news stories about child deaths. In fact, they are just the opposite: They show a DCFS too quick on the trigger to pull children from the care of suitable parents.
Read More:
100 quotes from social workers that the government shouldn't ignore
100 quotes from social workers that the government shouldn't ignore - Community Care:
The alarming comments that follow were all submitted by children's social workers responding to our UK-wide child protection survey.
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Secrecy in child welfare system fails the powerless
Editorial: Secrecy in child welfare system fails the powerless:
In the middle of a blinding snowstorm, an Edmonton Journal team drove west recently to visit the parents of a First Nations baby who died in care in 2011.

In the middle of a blinding snowstorm, an Edmonton Journal team drove west recently to visit the parents of a First Nations baby who died in care in 2011.
Former CPS Investigator Exposes CPS's Tactics, Kidnapping, and Corruption
Former Child Protective Services Investigator, Carlos Morales, explains the incentives that the State gives to destroy families, and what to do if CPS comes after you, your friends, and your community. Carlos is currently running Child Protective Services Victim Support:
Sunday, November 24, 2013
The Mystery of the Disappearing Article that would have pissed off CPS
Legally Kidnapped: The Mystery of the Disappearing Article that would have pissed off CPS:
The following screenshot was posted to my news feed.
The link to the article is here...
Which of course brings you to this...
Apparently this article was pulled rather quickly as it only posted a short time ago.
Touch a nerve with someone?
The following screenshot was posted to my news feed.
The link to the article is here...
Which of course brings you to this...
Apparently this article was pulled rather quickly as it only posted a short time ago.
Touch a nerve with someone?
Have You Seen Austin?
This is our Grandson Austin. He was born on 1/25/00. He's now thirteen. He was stolen by Nashua, NH DCYF on 2/3/06. After being promised he would be raised by us, a stranger stepped up(supposedly) in December of 2009 to adopt him. We were then denied placement by the corrupt DCYF and Family Court, even though ALL the State actors testified as to the bond we shared with our Grandson. How our Grandson cried to be with us. Someone out there has to have seen him. That is unless he is no longer on this Earth. No-one will tell us anything. He could be out of State. Maybe in Maine or Ma. as he's being kept hidden from us. Please, if anybody has seen him, please contact me. Austin, we Love you!
Some Disturbing Facts About Baby Veronica's Birth Mother
Some Disturbing Facts About Baby Veronica's Birth Mother -
It was the end of a long, bizarre week in which the ongoing battle between Dusten Brown and Matt and Melanie Capobianco became even more contentious with accusations of bad faith, court orders and competing media interviews, capped off by the dramatic issuance of a felony arrest warrant. Late Friday night, as word of the warrant began gaining traction, Lori Alvino McGill, attorney for Veronica's birth mother, went on the Facebook pageStanding Our Ground for Veronica Brownto argue with supporters for the Brown family.
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It was the end of a long, bizarre week in which the ongoing battle between Dusten Brown and Matt and Melanie Capobianco became even more contentious with accusations of bad faith, court orders and competing media interviews, capped off by the dramatic issuance of a felony arrest warrant. Late Friday night, as word of the warrant began gaining traction, Lori Alvino McGill, attorney for Veronica's birth mother, went on the Facebook pageStanding Our Ground for Veronica Brownto argue with supporters for the Brown family.
Read more:
Cherokee Nation Files Forceful Response to Capobiancos' $1 Million Attorneys' Fees Suit
Cherokee Nation Files Forceful Response to Capobiancos' $1 Million Attorneys' Fees Suit -
On Friday the Cherokee Nation came out swinging in their response to the motion filed weeks ago in Nowata, Oklahoma county court inAdoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, in which Matt and Melanie Capobianco are seeking approximately copy million in attorneys' fees and costs. Their recent filing in Oklahoma is the second jurisdiction in which they have sought compensation in the four-year custody battle that ended in September when Dusten Brown relinquished his biological daughter to the Capobiancos after losing at the United States Supreme Court in June. Immediately following the child's transfer in September, the couple filed similar litigation in South Carolina seeking roughly $500,000 in that state.
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On Friday the Cherokee Nation came out swinging in their response to the motion filed weeks ago in Nowata, Oklahoma county court inAdoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, in which Matt and Melanie Capobianco are seeking approximately copy million in attorneys' fees and costs. Their recent filing in Oklahoma is the second jurisdiction in which they have sought compensation in the four-year custody battle that ended in September when Dusten Brown relinquished his biological daughter to the Capobiancos after losing at the United States Supreme Court in June. Immediately following the child's transfer in September, the couple filed similar litigation in South Carolina seeking roughly $500,000 in that state.
Read more:
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Child Soldiers
DMVC Productions = Results : Child Soldiers:
“Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” ― John F. Kennedy
Read More:
“Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” ― John F. Kennedy
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Police: Man arrested for pulling teeth from foster child
Police: Man arrested for pulling teeth from foster child - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories:
GALLUPVILLE - Police have arrested a Gallupville man after allegedly pulling three permanent teeth from the mouth of a mentally disabled eight year old girl.
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GALLUPVILLE - Police have arrested a Gallupville man after allegedly pulling three permanent teeth from the mouth of a mentally disabled eight year old girl.
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Friday, November 22, 2013
Former Child Protective Services case worker speaks out
Former Child Protective Services case worker speaks out:
PHOENIX - A former Child Protective Services caseworker is speaking out claiming the lack of accountability is the reason why Arizona’s CPS system is broken.
CPS System NATIONWIDE is Broken, not just Arizona!
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PHOENIX - A former Child Protective Services caseworker is speaking out claiming the lack of accountability is the reason why Arizona’s CPS system is broken.
CPS System NATIONWIDE is Broken, not just Arizona!
Read more:
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Father and son in need
Robert Knightly | Father and son in need:
A very good man and his son are about to be homeless. He has lost his job and fallen on hard times. Please help hes a good man and father.
The Knightly Family is uniting to help out a father and son about to become homeless. He who wishes to not be named had lost his job and fallen behind on his bills. He recently got another job but has fallen very far behind..Anything including food would be very much appreciated. Please help this father and son have a good xmas and donate..anything helps....You can contact if you would like to donate food..Thank you very much
Be the first to give!
A very good man and his son are about to be homeless. He has lost his job and fallen on hard times. Please help hes a good man and father.
The Knightly Family is uniting to help out a father and son about to become homeless. He who wishes to not be named had lost his job and fallen behind on his bills. He recently got another job but has fallen very far behind..Anything including food would be very much appreciated. Please help this father and son have a good xmas and donate..anything helps....You can contact if you would like to donate food..Thank you very much
Be the first to give!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Hospital Holds West Hartford Girl For 9 Months After Parents Argue Diagnosis
Hospital Holds West Hartford Girl For 9 Months After Parents Argue Diagnosis | WTIC FOX CT:
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It’s a medical “mystery” that has left a Connecticut family baffled and heartbroken.
After a long history of medical problems, a West Hartford teenager is now “trapped” inside a hospital with seemingly no way out.
Fox CT spent the past few months investigating the emotional case.
Read more:
Using Social Media in Child Welfare
Using Social Media in Child Welfare:
Using social media techniques and innovations in child welfare practice is a relatively new approach for the field. While using social media as a practice tool offers opportunities to enhance, improve, and make work with children and families more effective, it also presents new challenges for the field.
Using social media techniques and innovations in child welfare practice is a relatively new approach for the field. While using social media as a practice tool offers opportunities to enhance, improve, and make work with children and families more effective, it also presents new challenges for the field.
America's Daughters Are Not For Sale
What Congress Can Do to Save Foster Children From Being On the Street - US News and World Report:
Congress can take several steps to keep foster children safe
Feds Investigate St. Louis County Family Court
Feds Investigate St. Louis County Family Court « CBS St. Louis:
ST. LOUIS (AP) - The U.S. Justice Department is investigating St. Louis County Family Court’s compliance with federal civil rights laws and whether its juvenile court system engages in a “systemic pattern or practice that causes harm.”
ST. LOUIS (AP) - The U.S. Justice Department is investigating St. Louis County Family Court’s compliance with federal civil rights laws and whether its juvenile court system engages in a “systemic pattern or practice that causes harm.”
Researchers find high rate of teenage pregnancy among foster youth
Researchers find high rate of teenage pregnancy among foster youth - The Daily Californian:
A study conducted by a team of UC Berkeley and USC researchers found a very high rate of teen pregnancy within California’s child welfare system.
A study conducted by a team of UC Berkeley and USC researchers found a very high rate of teen pregnancy within California’s child welfare system.
DSS supervisor charged with child abuse disciplined in past
DSS supervisor charged with child abuse disciplined in past |
UPDATE (Tuesday, Nov. 19): Union County Sheriff’s deputies originally told Channel 9 on Friday the boy was a foster child, but on Tuesday officials with the Department of Social Services told Channel 9 the couple had legal guardianship over the boy and he was not part of the foster system.
Home of woman accused of child neglect registered as a home school
Home of woman accused of child neglect registered as a home... |
Eyewitness News is digging deeper into a suspected child abuse case after a boy was found handcuffed to a porch in Union County.
DHHS: Union Co. couple in child abuse case had expired foster care license
DHHS: Union Co. couple in child abuse case had expired foster care license - News 14:
UNION COUNTY -- The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services says the Monroe couple charged with chaining an 11-year-old boy to the front porch with a dead chicken around his neck were not licensed foster parents.
UNION COUNTY -- The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services says the Monroe couple charged with chaining an 11-year-old boy to the front porch with a dead chicken around his neck were not licensed foster parents.
Biological mother of handcuffed boy suspected abuse
Biological mother of handcuffed boy suspected abuse | Charlotte:
UNION COUNTY, N.C. -- The mother of an 11-year-old boy found handcuffed to a porch with a dead chicken tied to his neck says she feared her son was being mistreated by a DSS employee, who doubles as the boy's legal guardian. She says she reported her concerns, but the complaints fell on deaf ears.
UNION COUNTY, N.C. -- The mother of an 11-year-old boy found handcuffed to a porch with a dead chicken tied to his neck says she feared her son was being mistreated by a DSS employee, who doubles as the boy's legal guardian. She says she reported her concerns, but the complaints fell on deaf ears.
Union Co. DHHS responds to child abuse allegations
Union Co. DHHS responds to child abuse allegations | Charlotte:
After police said they found a boy cuffed to a porch with a dead chicken hanging from his neck, the Union County Department of Health and Human Services issued a statement regarding the case.
The director Wayne Black says the department will examine its procedures to ensure the child welfare program adheres to protocol. Officials also plan to review all case records in any county that placed a child in the home of Wanda Larson and Dorian Harper.
After police said they found a boy cuffed to a porch with a dead chicken hanging from his neck, the Union County Department of Health and Human Services issued a statement regarding the case.
The director Wayne Black says the department will examine its procedures to ensure the child welfare program adheres to protocol. Officials also plan to review all case records in any county that placed a child in the home of Wanda Larson and Dorian Harper.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Adoption agency to close down, 25 kids to be shifted
Adoption agency to close down, 25 kids to be shifted - Indian Express:
Pune-based adoption agency Preet Mandir has decided to close its child care and adoption activities and has written to the Women and Child Welfare Department to transfer the children from its Kalyani Nagar home — the only office functional after its Pune Camp office was closed down — to other adoption homes. The agency has 25 children, including 15 special kids. A letter in this regard was sent to the department on November 7.
Pune-based adoption agency Preet Mandir has decided to close its child care and adoption activities and has written to the Women and Child Welfare Department to transfer the children from its Kalyani Nagar home — the only office functional after its Pune Camp office was closed down — to other adoption homes. The agency has 25 children, including 15 special kids. A letter in this regard was sent to the department on November 7.
Failing Texas' foster children
Failing Texas' foster children | Austin:
AUSTIN -- A KVUE Defenders investigation has uncovered a dramatic increase in background check failures by private agencies that Texas hires to place children in foster homes. This includes numerous background checks not performed or updated in foster homes where two children died this year in the Austin area.
AUSTIN -- A KVUE Defenders investigation has uncovered a dramatic increase in background check failures by private agencies that Texas hires to place children in foster homes. This includes numerous background checks not performed or updated in foster homes where two children died this year in the Austin area.
Boy chained to porch with chicken on neck was no 'sweet innocent kid'
Boy chained to porch with chicken on neck was no 'sweet innocent kid' | Mail Online:
And I have a Bridge to sell you!
Wanda Sue Larson and Dorian Lee Harper have been charged with multiple counts of intentional child abuse inflicting serious injury, false imprisonment and animal cruelty
And I have a Bridge to sell you!
Wanda Sue Larson and Dorian Lee Harper have been charged with multiple counts of intentional child abuse inflicting serious injury, false imprisonment and animal cruelty
WA foster children 'suffer' from lack of family contact
WA foster children 'suffer' from lack of family contact:
Claims have emerged that foster children have had visitation with their biological families cut from fortnightly to just four times a year, due to a lack of Government funding.
Claims have emerged that foster children have had visitation with their biological families cut from fortnightly to just four times a year, due to a lack of Government funding.
Teenager allegedly abused by foster parents dies
Teenager allegedly abused by foster parents dies - Latest - New Straits Times:
ALOR STAR: Police have reclassified an abuse case involving a couple from Kampung Belanga Pecah in Langkawi after their 18-year-old foster child, succumbed to her injuries at the Langkawi Hospital yesterday.
ALOR STAR: Police have reclassified an abuse case involving a couple from Kampung Belanga Pecah in Langkawi after their 18-year-old foster child, succumbed to her injuries at the Langkawi Hospital yesterday.
Teen says child welfare experience left him with nightmares
Teen says child welfare experience left him with nightmares:
Families at Risk Series: This is the first installment in a three-part series looking at local children’s aid services.
Families at Risk Series: This is the first installment in a three-part series looking at local children’s aid services.
Union Co. couple in jail, accused of handcuffing child, tying dead chicken around son’s neck
Union Co. couple in jail, accused of handcuffing child, tying... |
Two foster parents accused of handcuffing their 11-year-old foster son to the front porch and putting a dead chicken around his neck remain in jail after appearing in court Monday.
Sheriff describes squalid conditions at handcuffed foster child’s home
Sheriff describes squalid conditions at handcuffed foster child’s home |
(CNN) — Living conditions at the home where a 11-year-old was handcuffed by the ankle to a post on the front porch, with a dead chicken around his neck, were so bad that a North Carolina sheriff said it was “an environment you wouldn’t want to walk through, much less live in.”
(CNN) — Living conditions at the home where a 11-year-old was handcuffed by the ankle to a post on the front porch, with a dead chicken around his neck, were so bad that a North Carolina sheriff said it was “an environment you wouldn’t want to walk through, much less live in.”
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Helping families-Parents with substance abuse problems find support in Family Treatment Court
Helping families - | News, Sports, Jobs, Community Info. - The Messenger:
When people who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction go through the court system, one major consequence of their actions may be losing custody of their children.
When people who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction go through the court system, one major consequence of their actions may be losing custody of their children.
Powerful Valrico family court psychologist has a troubled past
Powerful Valrico family court psychologist has a troubled past | Tampa Bay Times:
TAMPA — Over a 24-year career, Valrico psychologist James Flens has become one of the most prominent experts-for-hire in Florida's family courts. He wrote the book — literally — on psychological testing of children in bitter divorce cases, and sits on a powerful committee that reviews misconduct allegations against lawyers.
TAMPA — Over a 24-year career, Valrico psychologist James Flens has become one of the most prominent experts-for-hire in Florida's family courts. He wrote the book — literally — on psychological testing of children in bitter divorce cases, and sits on a powerful committee that reviews misconduct allegations against lawyers.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
N.H.Family Court Judges Rubber Stamp Fraudulent Court Orders
First off, isn't it illegal for a Family Court Judge to rule on "Hearsay" without proof in Family Court and Domestic Violence case? It sure is, so why are N.H. Judges getting away with it to steal our children?
When a Family Court Judge court orders a parent out of Methadone Treatment, isn't that illegal?
You're dam right it is according to SAMSHA, Parent's can NOT be ordered out of treatment in order to regain custody of their children.
When a Family Court Judge court orders a parent into a program that doesn't exist in the State, shouldn't that be considered illegal? It very well should be considering there is no way for the parent to comply with the court order, making it a lose, lose situation.
When Court orders are drawn up and stamped before a hearing even takes place, hasn't the Judge falsified a Court document?
When a Court order states the parent didn't make his/her deadline to be admitted into a program, only the fraudulent order is dated a week before the parent is to be admitted, isn't that Judge again guilty of falsifying a court document? And the parent isn't even supposed to be admitted until the day after Court, but all of a sudden is denied entrance and denied ALL visitation with his/her child, because the parent is reportedly still on Methadone. Reported by the caseworker who call's the Methadone Clinic daily, checking on the parents doses, but neglects to give the Judge the drug test results showing the doses and levels going down. She report's the parent isn't being drug tested and the doses and levels are NOT going down. If the parent weren't being tested, how would the caseworker know they weren't going down? But the Judge can't see that picture and rules against the parent of course.
Family Court cases are predetermined. The parent is set up to lose from the start.
When a Lawyer tells you it doesn't matter how much you prove that DCYF screwed you over and you still won't win, what does that tell you?
When the caseworker meets with the Foster strangers outside of the courtroom, after you've just been screwed some more and tells them, "Don't worry, there's no guarantee ***** is going anywhere," what does that tell you? It tell's me there's a pay off and no matter what you do, you lose!
Why are NH Judges getting away with all this fraud? They need to be stopped!
N.H. parents are in dire need of Legal Representation. Are there ANY Aggressive Lawyer's out there that aren't afraid to go up against the almighty DCYF and Family Court Judges?
If there are, please contact:
Kevin Avard
When a Family Court Judge court orders a parent out of Methadone Treatment, isn't that illegal?
You're dam right it is according to SAMSHA, Parent's can NOT be ordered out of treatment in order to regain custody of their children.
When a Family Court Judge court orders a parent into a program that doesn't exist in the State, shouldn't that be considered illegal? It very well should be considering there is no way for the parent to comply with the court order, making it a lose, lose situation.
When Court orders are drawn up and stamped before a hearing even takes place, hasn't the Judge falsified a Court document?
When a Court order states the parent didn't make his/her deadline to be admitted into a program, only the fraudulent order is dated a week before the parent is to be admitted, isn't that Judge again guilty of falsifying a court document? And the parent isn't even supposed to be admitted until the day after Court, but all of a sudden is denied entrance and denied ALL visitation with his/her child, because the parent is reportedly still on Methadone. Reported by the caseworker who call's the Methadone Clinic daily, checking on the parents doses, but neglects to give the Judge the drug test results showing the doses and levels going down. She report's the parent isn't being drug tested and the doses and levels are NOT going down. If the parent weren't being tested, how would the caseworker know they weren't going down? But the Judge can't see that picture and rules against the parent of course.
Family Court cases are predetermined. The parent is set up to lose from the start.
When a Lawyer tells you it doesn't matter how much you prove that DCYF screwed you over and you still won't win, what does that tell you?
When the caseworker meets with the Foster strangers outside of the courtroom, after you've just been screwed some more and tells them, "Don't worry, there's no guarantee ***** is going anywhere," what does that tell you? It tell's me there's a pay off and no matter what you do, you lose!
Why are NH Judges getting away with all this fraud? They need to be stopped!
N.H. parents are in dire need of Legal Representation. Are there ANY Aggressive Lawyer's out there that aren't afraid to go up against the almighty DCYF and Family Court Judges?
If there are, please contact:
Kevin Avard
Lawmaker, inspector call for DCFS fixes
Lawmaker, inspector call for DCFS fixes - Chicago Sun-Times:
Lawmakers need to address the rising number of children who are dying from abuse and neglect in Illinois and also what more can be done to prevent deaths of children who have come onto the radar of state child-welfare workers, a key legislator said Friday in response to a Chicago Sun-Times and WBEZ investigation.
Lawmakers need to address the rising number of children who are dying from abuse and neglect in Illinois and also what more can be done to prevent deaths of children who have come onto the radar of state child-welfare workers, a key legislator said Friday in response to a Chicago Sun-Times and WBEZ investigation.
Recovering addict mother shares story of baby born addicted
Recovering addict mother shares story of baby born addicted | Health - WCVB Home:
SOUTH DENNIS, Mass. —Ashley Whittemore, 23, was just three days detoxing off methadone, a drug doctors use to ease heroin addiction, when she found out she was pregnant with her now-1-year-old son, Cameron.
Read more:
A young Massachusetts woman, desperate to get clean when she found out she was pregnant, talks about what it took to treat her child. Ashley Whittemore was just three days detoxing off methadone - a drug doctors use to ease heroin addiction, when she found out she was pregnant.
SOUTH DENNIS, Mass. —Ashley Whittemore, 23, was just three days detoxing off methadone, a drug doctors use to ease heroin addiction, when she found out she was pregnant with her now-1-year-old son, Cameron.
Read more:
Foster child of CPS Supervisor found handcuffed to porch with dead chicken around his neck
Foster child found handcuffed to porch with dead chicken... |
A Child Protective Services supervisor is being investigated after deputies found an 11-year-old boy handcuffed to a porch with a dead chicken around his neck, according to a press release from the Union County Sheriff's Office.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Road to adoption should be easier
Road to adoption should be easier -
Yes, For Relatives it Should be Easier!
Yes, For Relatives it Should be Easier!
Telegraph Editorial
Rising disparity seen in rate of Native American kids in foster care
Rising disparity seen in rate of Native American kids in foster care -
LINCOLN — Native American children now account for nearly 1 of every 10 foster children in Nebraska, according to figures released Thursday by the Foster Care Review Office.
LINCOLN — Native American children now account for nearly 1 of every 10 foster children in Nebraska, according to figures released Thursday by the Foster Care Review Office.
DHS caseworker was rightfully fired for complaining about client spending habits on Facebook, federal judge rules
DHS caseworker was rightfully fired for complaining about client spending habits on Facebook, federal judge rules |
An Oregon Department of Human Services caseworker fired in October 2012 after complaining on Facebook about her clients' fancy cars, TVs and food stamp purchases was rightfully terminated, a federal judge has ruled.
An Oregon Department of Human Services caseworker fired in October 2012 after complaining on Facebook about her clients' fancy cars, TVs and food stamp purchases was rightfully terminated, a federal judge has ruled.
Justice for foster kids depends on geography
Justice for foster kids depends on geography | Seattle:
Whether abused and neglected children in Washington state are appointed an attorney to help them navigate the court system depend on where a child lives.
Whether abused and neglected children in Washington state are appointed an attorney to help them navigate the court system depend on where a child lives.
Facebook Pictures Costing Parents Custody of Their Kids
Facebook Pictures Costing Parents Custody of Their Kids -
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. -- Social media in the courtroom is becoming the backbone of high profile criminal cases. Just look at cases like the Casey Anthony trial or the George Zimmerman trial.
Ohio Prosecutor: I'll File More Abandonment Cases
Ohio Prosecutor: I'll File More Abandonment Cases - ABC News:
An Ohio prosecutor says he will pursue criminal abandonment charges in cases similar to the one in which authorities say a couple gave their 9-year-old adopted son to child welfare officials after raising him from infancy.
An Ohio prosecutor says he will pursue criminal abandonment charges in cases similar to the one in which authorities say a couple gave their 9-year-old adopted son to child welfare officials after raising him from infancy.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
3 Children in Texas Sex Ring Allege Abuse in Foster Care
3 Children in Texas Sex Ring Allege Abuse in Foster Care | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth:
Three children who were victims of a swinger's club in a small East Texas town have been removed from the custody of their foster parents after accusing their caretakers of physical and emotional abuse, a child welfare official said Wednesday.
Three children who were victims of a swinger's club in a small East Texas town have been removed from the custody of their foster parents after accusing their caretakers of physical and emotional abuse, a child welfare official said Wednesday.
Ariz. man pleads not guilty to foster child abuse
Ariz. man pleads not guilty to foster child abuse - FOX 10 News |
PHOENIX (AP) - A Goodyear man accused of injuring his 1-year-old foster daughter for throwing her sippy cup and spilling its contents has pleaded not guilty.
PHOENIX (AP) - A Goodyear man accused of injuring his 1-year-old foster daughter for throwing her sippy cup and spilling its contents has pleaded not guilty.
Campaign to improve Indigenous child protection
Campaign to improve Indigenous child protection - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation):
Australia's peak body for Indigenous families is launching a year-long project to address the rising rates of Indigenous children being placed in out-of-home care.
Australia's peak body for Indigenous families is launching a year-long project to address the rising rates of Indigenous children being placed in out-of-home care.
Group Highlights Child Custody Battles For Medical Marijuana Patients
Group Highlights Child Custody Battles For Medical Marijuana Patients:
Moms for Marijuana International is holding rallies in North America and Europe in an effort to change the notion that marijuana users are unfit parents.
Hundreds of medical marijuana patients throughout the U.S. who use the drug for help with various medical conditions are losing custody of their children — even in states where medical marijuana is legal.
Moms for Marijuana International is holding rallies in North America and Europe in an effort to change the notion that marijuana users are unfit parents.
Hundreds of medical marijuana patients throughout the U.S. who use the drug for help with various medical conditions are losing custody of their children — even in states where medical marijuana is legal.
Vigilance plea over care children
Vigilance plea over care children -
Allegations of sexual and physical abuse made by children in care were not fully investigated by health chiefs, scathing reports have found.
Deal: State to hire hundreds of child welfare workers
Deal: State to hire hundreds of child welfare workers |
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Gov. Nathan Deal wants to spend $27 million to hire 425 new caseworkers over the next three years for the state Division of Family and Children’s Services, a spokesman said Wednesday.
Hearing to try and uncover CPS problems
Hearing to try and uncover CPS problems:
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - Erie County is looking to make changes at Child Protective Services, Thursday. Erie County CPS has been under the microscope following the deaths of Eain Brooks and Abdi Mohamud.
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - Erie County is looking to make changes at Child Protective Services, Thursday. Erie County CPS has been under the microscope following the deaths of Eain Brooks and Abdi Mohamud.
'Children of the market' face US adoption nightmare
'Children of the market' face US adoption nightmare — RT Op-Edge:
A lack of legal oversight allows American parents to get rid of kids adopted overseas with impunity. Roelie Post of the organization Against Child Trafficking told RT about how “the children of the market” remain invisible in the surveillance-obsessed US.
A lack of legal oversight allows American parents to get rid of kids adopted overseas with impunity. Roelie Post of the organization Against Child Trafficking told RT about how “the children of the market” remain invisible in the surveillance-obsessed US.
Ore. child welfare worker fired for Facebook rant
Ore. child welfare worker fired for Facebook rant | Portland:
Portland, Ore.-- A Facebook rant cost an Oregon child welfare worker her job. Recently, a court agreed she could be fired for her online posts.
Portland, Ore.-- A Facebook rant cost an Oregon child welfare worker her job. Recently, a court agreed she could be fired for her online posts.
The Official Launch of "The Maine Parents Blog"
Legally Kidnapped: Announcement: The Official Launch of "The Maine Parents Blog":
This is the official launch of "The Maine Parents Blog" an LK style spin-off in honor of the state that inspired Legally Kidnapped. This will not be your typical lovey dovey lame ass Mommy Blog, but rather a no holds barred, in your face look at the issues that parents in Maine face, don't know about, and don't want to admit.
Please like the official Facebook Page for The Maine Parents Blog, especially if you live in Maine.
I would also encourage parents from every other state, who are fed up with the system to start their own blog for the parents of their state so that we can all link together, network with each other and become something big. It's easy to run a blog as long as you're willing to put a little bit of time into it, and if you contact me on Facebook or through my email, I will be more than willing to help you get started.
I will also other established bloggers to link to this page, and let me know so I can link back.
This is the official launch of "The Maine Parents Blog" an LK style spin-off in honor of the state that inspired Legally Kidnapped. This will not be your typical lovey dovey lame ass Mommy Blog, but rather a no holds barred, in your face look at the issues that parents in Maine face, don't know about, and don't want to admit.
Please like the official Facebook Page for The Maine Parents Blog, especially if you live in Maine.
I would also encourage parents from every other state, who are fed up with the system to start their own blog for the parents of their state so that we can all link together, network with each other and become something big. It's easy to run a blog as long as you're willing to put a little bit of time into it, and if you contact me on Facebook or through my email, I will be more than willing to help you get started.
I will also other established bloggers to link to this page, and let me know so I can link back.
2 fired from DFACS after child deaths
2 fired from DFACS after child deaths -
ATLANTA (AP) - Georgia Department of Family and Children's Services officials say two employees have been fired after the deaths of two children the agency was involved with.
ATLANTA (AP) - Georgia Department of Family and Children's Services officials say two employees have been fired after the deaths of two children the agency was involved with.
Ceremony for adoptive parents, their children was family affair
Ceremony for adoptive parents, their children was family affair | New Hampshire NH People:
Note: Not so long ago children weren't being placed with relatives even though relatives opted to take them. I guess after all the bad publicity NH DCYF has been receiving, Maggie Bishop is finally beginning to follow Govt. mandates, though 32 children adopted by relatives in a year is nothing to write home about, it's a start. Now if only services were given to at risk families before the child is removed. That would be a blessing in itself!
CONCORD — Adoptive parents and their children were at the State House Wednesday afternoon to join Gov. Maggie Hassan and other state officials in a ceremony marking Adoption Awareness month.
Note: Not so long ago children weren't being placed with relatives even though relatives opted to take them. I guess after all the bad publicity NH DCYF has been receiving, Maggie Bishop is finally beginning to follow Govt. mandates, though 32 children adopted by relatives in a year is nothing to write home about, it's a start. Now if only services were given to at risk families before the child is removed. That would be a blessing in itself!
CONCORD — Adoptive parents and their children were at the State House Wednesday afternoon to join Gov. Maggie Hassan and other state officials in a ceremony marking Adoption Awareness month.
NH Adoption Month celebration features Nashua woman, adopted Granddaughter
NH Adoption Month celebration features Nashua woman, adopted daughter -
Note: I'm extremely happy to hear this Grandmother was allowed to adopt her Granddaughter. What better place for a child than with relatives. I'm also happy Maggie Bishop allowed it, knowing how many other children were never allowed placement with their Grandparents or other relatives. I guess all of the bad publicity NH DCYF has gotten in the last eight years has paid off for some, but of course not all. It's about time Government mandates were followed in the placement of children, but DCYF still has a long way to go. Congratulations Carol and Camryn!
Carol Boudreau of Nashua perservered to adopt her 14-year-old granddaughter Camryn, right. Boudreau was the featured speaker at Wednesday's Celebration of New Hampshire's Adoptive Families event at the Statehouse in Concord.
Note: I'm extremely happy to hear this Grandmother was allowed to adopt her Granddaughter. What better place for a child than with relatives. I'm also happy Maggie Bishop allowed it, knowing how many other children were never allowed placement with their Grandparents or other relatives. I guess all of the bad publicity NH DCYF has gotten in the last eight years has paid off for some, but of course not all. It's about time Government mandates were followed in the placement of children, but DCYF still has a long way to go. Congratulations Carol and Camryn!
Carol Boudreau of Nashua perservered to adopt her 14-year-old granddaughter Camryn, right. Boudreau was the featured speaker at Wednesday's Celebration of New Hampshire's Adoptive Families event at the Statehouse in Concord.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Foster Mother Whose Children Testified in the “Mineola Swingers Club” Case Now Accused of Abuse
Foster Mother Whose Children Testified in the “Mineola Swingers Club” Case Now Accused of Abuse | Texas Monthly:
SD Tribal Leaders Seek Federal Foster Care Help South Dakota News - SD Tribal Leaders Seek Federal Foster Care Help:
Leaders of South Dakota's nine Sioux tribes will be in Washington, D.C., this week to seek federal help to resolve allegations that the state removes too many Native American children from their homes and places them in foster care in non-Indian homes.
Leaders of South Dakota's nine Sioux tribes will be in Washington, D.C., this week to seek federal help to resolve allegations that the state removes too many Native American children from their homes and places them in foster care in non-Indian homes.
Michael Gove: many social workers 'not up to the job'
Michael Gove: many social workers 'not up to the job' - Telegraph:
Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, outlines plan for a shake-up of social care amid claims the profession is failing to make people take responsibility for their actions
Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, outlines plan for a shake-up of social care amid claims the profession is failing to make people take responsibility for their actions
Sexual abuse of foster daughter
Sexual abuse of foster daughter | Newcastle Herald:
A NEWCASTLE man who used his foster daughter as a virtual sex slave had ‘‘a total disregard for her as a human being’’ at a time when she was ‘‘utterly alone and had nowhere to turn’’, a prosecutor told the district court yesterday.
A NEWCASTLE man who used his foster daughter as a virtual sex slave had ‘‘a total disregard for her as a human being’’ at a time when she was ‘‘utterly alone and had nowhere to turn’’, a prosecutor told the district court yesterday.
Native American leaders press complaints in D.C. about foster children
Native American leaders press complaints in D.C. about foster children | The Argus Leader |
PIERRE — Leaders of South Dakota’s nine Sioux tribes are in Washington, D.C., this week seeking federal help in a long-running dispute about state government’s handling of foster care for Native American children.
PIERRE — Leaders of South Dakota’s nine Sioux tribes are in Washington, D.C., this week seeking federal help in a long-running dispute about state government’s handling of foster care for Native American children.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Faulty test almost led to mother losing child
Faulty test almost led to mother losing child - Telegraph:
A mistaken medical report nearly led to a child being removed from a mother's care permanently because it wrongly showed she had been drinking, a judge has said.
A mistaken medical report nearly led to a child being removed from a mother's care permanently because it wrongly showed she had been drinking, a judge has said.
21 Shameful Ways We Are Forcing Children To Be Sissies
21 Shameful Ways We Are Forcing Children To Be Sissies | Distractify:
The home of the brave. The land of the free. Protecting our children from the “dangers” of every day.
The home of the brave. The land of the free. Protecting our children from the “dangers” of every day.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Foster care system repeating old mistakes
Maine Voices: Foster care system repeating old mistakes | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram:
Honesty at last!
Honesty at last!
Continuing to offer financial incentives to take kids into care undercuts efforts to keep children with their birth families.
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CPS case worker accused of making up records
CPS case worker accused of making up records |
HOUSTON (KTRK) -- She's supposed to protect children and families, but CPS case worker Michelle Robinson has now been arrested, accused of making up records. Nobody answered her door when we knocked.
HOUSTON (KTRK) -- She's supposed to protect children and families, but CPS case worker Michelle Robinson has now been arrested, accused of making up records. Nobody answered her door when we knocked.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Broomfield man accused of using foster child as prostitute
Broomfield man accused of using foster child as prostitute |
DENVER — A Broomfield man has been charged with multiple crimes for allegedly using a foster child as a prostitute in exchange for cash and meth.
DENVER — A Broomfield man has been charged with multiple crimes for allegedly using a foster child as a prostitute in exchange for cash and meth.
Kanawha family judge arrested, accused of battery
Kanawha family judge arrested, accused of battery | West Virginia Record:
CHARLESTON – A Kanawha family law judge faces criminal charges for mistreating a nurse while visiting a friend in the hospital.
CHARLESTON – A Kanawha family law judge faces criminal charges for mistreating a nurse while visiting a friend in the hospital.
Jury order probation in Adopted daughter death case
Jury order probation in child death case - San Antonio Express-News:
SAN ANTONIO — It took jurors just three hours Friday to find Norberto Velasquezguilty for his role in the 2009 death of his 3-year-old adopted daughter, and six more hours to decide that he should receive probation.
SAN ANTONIO — It took jurors just three hours Friday to find Norberto Velasquezguilty for his role in the 2009 death of his 3-year-old adopted daughter, and six more hours to decide that he should receive probation.
Opelika man arrested for sexually abusing 2 foster children in c are of his Mother
Opelika man arrested for sexually abusing 2 foster children in c -, GA News Weather & Sports:
Investigators say 49-year-old Kenneth Robinson of Opelika has committed horrific offenses against two young girls while they were living with his mother under foster care. Robinson now faces charges on first degree rape, sodomy and sexual abuse.
State launches investigation against Lexington foster parents over abuse charges
State launches investigation against Lexington foster parents over abuse charges | Public Safety |
A state Office of Inspector General is investigating a case in which two foster parents have been arrested on criminal abuse charges.
Read more here:
A state Office of Inspector General is investigating a case in which two foster parents have been arrested on criminal abuse charges.
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Vermont Caseworker Pleads Guilty to Unlawful Sexual Contact
Vermont Caseworker Pleads Guilty to Unlawful Sexual Contact | Bangor, Maine News, Sports, and Weather - WABI TV5:
A Vermont caseworker has pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact.
A Vermont caseworker has pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact.
Mom gets children; DCF gets skewered
Mom gets children; DCF gets skewered - Miami-Dade -
Sounds familiar, except the children were never returned to the Mother!
A young Miami mom was stripped of the right to raise her four children. The father of the youngest child was allowed to keep the girl.
Read more here:
Sounds familiar, except the children were never returned to the Mother!
A young Miami mom was stripped of the right to raise her four children. The father of the youngest child was allowed to keep the girl.
Read more here:
Friday, November 8, 2013
Manchester man convicted of threatening to kill Derry judge over child custody ruling
Manchester man convicted of threatening to kill Derry judge over child custody ruling | New Hampshire Crime:
BRENTWOOD — A jury convicted a Manchester man Tuesday of threatening to kill a Derry family court judge in retaliation for ruling against him in a child custody case.
BRENTWOOD — A jury convicted a Manchester man Tuesday of threatening to kill a Derry family court judge in retaliation for ruling against him in a child custody case.
NH-Parents accused of threats against social worker's children
Parents accused of threats against social worker's children - Local Crime Reports:
WINCHESTER — The parents of a Winchester boy taken into protective custody by N.H. Child Protection Services threatened to kill members of a social worker’s family in August and are scheduled for trial this month, according to court documents.
Note: Parents all over the world are threatening CPS/DCYF worker's. If reform doesn't come soon, there will be many more. Some have already acted on their threats and so will many more, pushed over the edge by caseworkers deceitful practices.
WINCHESTER — The parents of a Winchester boy taken into protective custody by N.H. Child Protection Services threatened to kill members of a social worker’s family in August and are scheduled for trial this month, according to court documents.
Note: Parents all over the world are threatening CPS/DCYF worker's. If reform doesn't come soon, there will be many more. Some have already acted on their threats and so will many more, pushed over the edge by caseworkers deceitful practices.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Former Foster Children Speak Out in New Book
Former Foster Children Speak Out in New Book - BWWBooksWorld:
More than 80 percent of all children in foster care have serious emotional problems,
More than 80 percent of all children in foster care have serious emotional problems,
DCF consultant rips agency for fatally bungled child safety efforts
DCF consultant rips agency for fatally bungled child safety efforts - Florida -
Two years ago, Destene Simmons grabbed a pillow and held it over the face of her son in an apparent attempt to smother him. Antwan Hope screamed. Simmons’ mother barged in the room. Tragedy was averted.
Read more here:
Two years ago, Destene Simmons grabbed a pillow and held it over the face of her son in an apparent attempt to smother him. Antwan Hope screamed. Simmons’ mother barged in the room. Tragedy was averted.
Read more here:
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