Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor
Unbiased Reporting
What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!
Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital
Friday, November 30, 2012
Threatened Attorney Files Police Complaint Against CPS
Threatened Attorney Files Police Complaint - WKBN - 27 First News - Local News - Youngstown, Warren, Columbiana, Ohio - Sharon, Pennsylvania:
An attorney who said he was sent a threatening message on his blog has filed a complaint with Canfield police.
Attorney David Engler said he filed a menacing complaint Wednesday morning. An employee at Trumbull County Children Services has admitted to sending the post.
Read More:
An attorney who said he was sent a threatening message on his blog has filed a complaint with Canfield police.
Attorney David Engler said he filed a menacing complaint Wednesday morning. An employee at Trumbull County Children Services has admitted to sending the post.
Read More:
Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor's haunting testimony reveals how children are put on end-of-life plan
Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor's haunting testimony reveals how children are put on end-of-life plan | Mail Online:
Practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube being used on young patients
Doctor admits starving and dehydrating ten babies to death in neonatal unit
Liverpool Care Pathway subject of independent inquiry ordered by ministers
Investigation, including child patients, will look at whether cash payments to hospitals to hit death pathway targets have influenced doctors' decisions
Read more:
Sick children are being discharged from NHS hospitals to die at home or in hospices on controversial ‘death pathways’.
Until now, end of life regime the Liverpool Care Pathway was thought to have involved only elderly and terminally-ill adults.
Read more:
Speak Up! - Guest Michael Volpe about the Trials of Gerard Beloin
Host Kevin Avard sits and talks with author, investigative reporter, Michael Volpe from Chicago about the the trials of Gerard Beloin here in NH. Find out how this whistle blower is treated by the powers to be here in NH, such as the local prosecutor, and the State Attorney General's office run at the time by Kelly Ayotte. Michael Volpe is the author of "Prosecutors Gone Wild: The Inside Story of the Trial of Chuck Panici, John Gliottoni, and Louise Marshall.
A soon to be victim of forced adoption
The Kidnapping of newborn babies by CPS/DCYF from the Hospital after birth ISN'T just happening in the UK. It's happening right here in America also. Pure fact, especially in New Hampshire. My granddaughter Isabella is just one of the stolen newborns. There are plenty more!
Report: South Dakota breaks child-protection laws
Report: South Dakota breaks child-protection laws - SFGate:
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota willfully has violated federal law by removing too many American Indian children from their homes and placing them in foster care with non-Indian families, the state's Indian Child Welfare Act directors said in a report they plan send to Congress.
Read more:
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota willfully has violated federal law by removing too many American Indian children from their homes and placing them in foster care with non-Indian families, the state's Indian Child Welfare Act directors said in a report they plan send to Congress.
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Parents—Know Your Rights « CCHR International
Parents—Know Your Rights « CCHR International:
Parents are quite simply not being given accurate information about psychiatric labels (mental disorders) or the drugs being prescribed to ‘treat’ children. This page is to give parents facts about mental disorders, drug risks, and non-harmful medical alternatives to psychiatric labels and drugs.
Read More:
Parents are quite simply not being given accurate information about psychiatric labels (mental disorders) or the drugs being prescribed to ‘treat’ children. This page is to give parents facts about mental disorders, drug risks, and non-harmful medical alternatives to psychiatric labels and drugs.
Read More:
Juvenile Court Needs More than Drug Use to Take Child from Mom
Juvenile Court Needs More than Drug Use to Take Child from Mom - Family Law - California Case Law:
Eleven-year-old Destiny and her mother came to the attention of the Department of Children and Family Services in September 2011 when someone called the Department and alleged that Destiny was being sexually abused by an unknown perpetrator. The local police and the DCFS concluded after an investigation that the allegation was "unfounded."
Eleven-year-old Destiny and her mother came to the attention of the Department of Children and Family Services in September 2011 when someone called the Department and alleged that Destiny was being sexually abused by an unknown perpetrator. The local police and the DCFS concluded after an investigation that the allegation was "unfounded."
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Ariz. couple arrested in child custody fraud case
Ariz. couple arrested in child custody fraud case - SFGate:
MESA, Ariz. (AP) — A Maricopa County couple is facing criminal charges for allegedly defrauding the court system and dozens of families.
Read more:
MESA, Ariz. (AP) — A Maricopa County couple is facing criminal charges for allegedly defrauding the court system and dozens of families.
Read more:
An Honest Atty. Who Takes on the System
Congressional Testimony: Dale Nathan to
Bill Windsor of Lawless America
Wow, there's REALLY one out there?
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Social worker admits sub-par work on Sinclair case
Social worker admits sub-par work on Sinclair case - Crime - Canoe.ca:
WINNIPEG - WINNIPEG -- A public inquiry into the death of Phoenix Sinclair has heard testimony drawing out just how Child and Family Services workers used competing assessments of “risk” and “safety” in child-protection cases.
WINNIPEG - WINNIPEG -- A public inquiry into the death of Phoenix Sinclair has heard testimony drawing out just how Child and Family Services workers used competing assessments of “risk” and “safety” in child-protection cases.
30 Tenn. courthouses receive bomb threats
30 Tenn. courthouses receive bomb threats - Yahoo! News:
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Bomb threats to 30 courthouses and other government buildings acrossTennessee forced many to be evacuated Tuesday, including the federal building in Memphis, but authorities said no explosives were found.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Bomb threats to 30 courthouses and other government buildings acrossTennessee forced many to be evacuated Tuesday, including the federal building in Memphis, but authorities said no explosives were found.
Double homicide at Tucumcari foster home
Double homicide at Tucumcari foster home - KFDA - NewsChannel 10 / Amarillo News, Weather, Sports:
Tucumcari, NM - New Mexico State Police are investigating the murders of two women at their home. Around 11:30 Monday night (11/26), police responded to a domestic dispute at a foster home on Quay Road 63.
Is NH Guilty of Taking Children From Disabled Parents?
Recently there have been articles popping up all over the Internet regarding bias by CPS/DCYF and the Court's removing children from disabled parent's. Is NH one of these states? Your dam right it is!
According to the ADA: http://www.jaapl.org/content/30/3/355.full.pdf
On July 26, 1990, the U.S. Congress enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was intended as
a broad, national, civil rights–oriented mandate “for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with
disabilities,” both physical and mental. ADA protection is extended, in limited form, to those with addiction
disorders. However, many addicted individuals are denied ADA protection because of exclusionary criteria in the
ADA itself and because of increasingly restrictive interpretations of the ADA in recent cases. The benefit to the
addicted persons, and to the larger society, is lost when unfair discriminatory practices preclude employment of
otherwise qualified, though stigmatized, individuals. The ADA currently falls short, in many respects, of preventing
such discrimination against those with addictions.
Persons with a diagnosis of alcohol dependence are protected,
but those with drug dependence are protected only if they are
in treatment or have completed a treatment program, and are
not “currently” using illegal drugs
Note: So according to ADA guidelines, doesn't that make it ILLEGAL to steal a child from a recovering addict? An addict forced out of treatment by the Court?
According to SAMSHA guidelines, this is illegal also:
NH is not only guilty of taking children from recovering addicts and alcohol dependent parents, but they are also guilty of taking children from parents with physical and mental disabilities.
So why does NH DCYF and the Family Courts continue to Steal children from disabled parents?
Why do they continue to receive Title IV funding for these illegally stolen children?
Do the ADA guidelines mean nothing? Evidently Not! Not in NH any way!
According to the ADA: http://www.jaapl.org/content/30/3/355.full.pdf
On July 26, 1990, the U.S. Congress enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was intended as
a broad, national, civil rights–oriented mandate “for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with
disabilities,” both physical and mental. ADA protection is extended, in limited form, to those with addiction
disorders. However, many addicted individuals are denied ADA protection because of exclusionary criteria in the
ADA itself and because of increasingly restrictive interpretations of the ADA in recent cases. The benefit to the
addicted persons, and to the larger society, is lost when unfair discriminatory practices preclude employment of
otherwise qualified, though stigmatized, individuals. The ADA currently falls short, in many respects, of preventing
such discrimination against those with addictions.
Persons with a diagnosis of alcohol dependence are protected,
but those with drug dependence are protected only if they are
in treatment or have completed a treatment program, and are
not “currently” using illegal drugs
Note: So according to ADA guidelines, doesn't that make it ILLEGAL to steal a child from a recovering addict? An addict forced out of treatment by the Court?
According to SAMSHA guidelines, this is illegal also:
Child Welfare System. May judges, prosecuting attorneys, and others in the child
welfare system require parents to end their participation in MAT in order to get their
children back or to keep their children?
No. Courts and other government agencies may not single out people in MAT
and require them to stop taking legally prescribed medications. Such a
requirement would be no different than telling an insulin-dependent, diabetic
parent that she may not have her children back unless she stops taking insulin
and addresses her diabetes through nutrition and exercise alone. Courts may,
however, require people in MAT to comply with treatment requirements.
NH is not only guilty of taking children from recovering addicts and alcohol dependent parents, but they are also guilty of taking children from parents with physical and mental disabilities.
So why does NH DCYF and the Family Courts continue to Steal children from disabled parents?
Why do they continue to receive Title IV funding for these illegally stolen children?
Do the ADA guidelines mean nothing? Evidently Not! Not in NH any way!
Rights of Parents with Disabilities and Their Children
DMVC Productions = Results: Rights of Parents with Disabilities and Their Children:
This is America right? The land of equal rights, however what you believe to be equal rights must be questioned when things like the following occur and when reviewing these points keep in mind what Galileo once said "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
First you have to wonder what the hell is going on when the President of the United States assigns a committee to look into how parents with disabilities and their children are being treated. See their full report here it isn't pretty Rocking-the-Cradle-Ensuring-the-Rights-of-Parents-with-Disabilities-and-Their-Children Parents with even minimal disabilities are having their children stripped from their care without valid reasoning.
On top of it in NH every single parent is at a disadvantage because the Supreme Ct. has decided it will no longer even give them the lack lustrous lawyers it once did; these parent's disability stems from not understanding the legal system and while behind closed doors they are deprived by overzealous social workers and dysfunctional Judges who togehter are destroying the American Family.
Read More:
This is America right? The land of equal rights, however what you believe to be equal rights must be questioned when things like the following occur and when reviewing these points keep in mind what Galileo once said "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
First you have to wonder what the hell is going on when the President of the United States assigns a committee to look into how parents with disabilities and their children are being treated. See their full report here it isn't pretty Rocking-the-Cradle-Ensuring-the-Rights-of-Parents-with-Disabilities-and-Their-Children Parents with even minimal disabilities are having their children stripped from their care without valid reasoning.
On top of it in NH every single parent is at a disadvantage because the Supreme Ct. has decided it will no longer even give them the lack lustrous lawyers it once did; these parent's disability stems from not understanding the legal system and while behind closed doors they are deprived by overzealous social workers and dysfunctional Judges who togehter are destroying the American Family.
Read More:
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Custody hearing for 6 children today
Custody hearing for 6 children today | www.daytondailynews.com:
The custody of the six children removed from a Middletown home after accusations their parents abused one of them (a Foster child) is set for trial next month.
Change in tribal child custody laws proposed
Change in tribal child custody laws proposed | Tulsa World:
Read stories and view documents related to child abuse and the state’s foster care system.
Read the Pinnacle Plan being implemented by DHS to improve the state’s foster care system.
Dawn Ferrill, a former Oklahoma foster parent, is no stranger to falling in love with a child in her care and then having to let that child go.
Read more:
Read stories and view documents related to child abuse and the state’s foster care system.
Read the Pinnacle Plan being implemented by DHS to improve the state’s foster care system.
Dawn Ferrill, a former Oklahoma foster parent, is no stranger to falling in love with a child in her care and then having to let that child go.
Read more:
Lackawanna Family Court officials work to improve program that has come under fire
Lackawanna Family Court officials work to improve program that has come under fire - News - The Times-Tribune:
After a report criticizing the inner workings of Lackawanna County Family Court, officials have begun the long process of implementing recommendations the state said would make the system better.
After a report criticizing the inner workings of Lackawanna County Family Court, officials have begun the long process of implementing recommendations the state said would make the system better.
Top British official held over child abuse images
Top British official held over child abuse images | NDTV.com:
London: A senior British government official, responsible for security at the Buckingham Palace and who was also part of an anti-terrorism unit, has been charged with making indecent images of children.
London: A senior British government official, responsible for security at the Buckingham Palace and who was also part of an anti-terrorism unit, has been charged with making indecent images of children.
Ukip byelection candidate calls gay adoption 'child abuse'
Ukip byelection candidate calls gay adoption 'child abuse' | Politics | The Guardian:
Ukip's candidate for this week's byelection in Croydon North has attracted criticism after suggesting that it would not be "healthy" for children to be adopted by gay couples.
Ukip's candidate for this week's byelection in Croydon North has attracted criticism after suggesting that it would not be "healthy" for children to be adopted by gay couples.
Rocking the Cradle: Ensuring the Rights of Parents with Disabilities and Their Children
Rocking the Cradle: Ensuring the Rights of Parents with Disabilities and Their Children:
"Rocking the Cradle: Ensuring the Rights of Parents with Disabilities and Their Children
The goal of this report is to advance understanding and promote the rights of parents with disabilities and their children. The report provides a comprehensive review of the barriers and facilitators people with diverse disabilities—including intellectual and developmental, psychiatric, sensory, and physical disabilities—experience when exercising their f... (More)"
Click on the above link for the Full Report:
"Rocking the Cradle: Ensuring the Rights of Parents with Disabilities and Their Children
The goal of this report is to advance understanding and promote the rights of parents with disabilities and their children. The report provides a comprehensive review of the barriers and facilitators people with diverse disabilities—including intellectual and developmental, psychiatric, sensory, and physical disabilities—experience when exercising their f... (More)"
Click on the above link for the Full Report:
Armenia: Is Corruption Responsible for Packed Orphanages?
Armenia: Is Corruption Responsible for Packed Orphanages? | EurasiaNet.org:
Six years ago, Armenia pledged that thousands of children institutionalized in state-run orphanages for reasons of poverty would be returned to their biological families, or placed with foster families. But, today, little has changed for most of these children.
Six years ago, Armenia pledged that thousands of children institutionalized in state-run orphanages for reasons of poverty would be returned to their biological families, or placed with foster families. But, today, little has changed for most of these children.
Remsen man accused of falsely reporting child abuse to gain custody of 10-year-old
Remsen man accused of falsely reporting child abuse to gain custody of 10-year-old : News : CNYcentral.com:
REMSEN -- A Remsen man was charged Saturday for allegedly removing a 10-year-old girl from her mother’s funeral and taking her to the Child Advocacy Center where he falsely reported that the girl’s father had sexually abused her.
REMSEN -- A Remsen man was charged Saturday for allegedly removing a 10-year-old girl from her mother’s funeral and taking her to the Child Advocacy Center where he falsely reported that the girl’s father had sexually abused her.
Putnam family law judge admits to unprofessional conduct
Putnam family law judge admits to unprofessional conduct | West Virginia Record:
CHARLESTON – On the eve of a disciplinary hearing against him, a Putnam County family law judge has admitted he behaved inappropriately and unprofessionally in several litigants’ cases.
CHARLESTON – On the eve of a disciplinary hearing against him, a Putnam County family law judge has admitted he behaved inappropriately and unprofessionally in several litigants’ cases.
The issue of 'evidence' bedevils child welfare
The issue of 'evidence' bedevils child welfare - Winnipeg Free Press:
There are some evident themes developing at the Phoenix Sinclair inquiry as lawyers spar with witnesses about who did (or, mostly, didn't do) what, when and why. Workloads were high, then as now, and triggered judgment calls and compromises for social workers.
There are some evident themes developing at the Phoenix Sinclair inquiry as lawyers spar with witnesses about who did (or, mostly, didn't do) what, when and why. Workloads were high, then as now, and triggered judgment calls and compromises for social workers.
Youth suicide tries show troubled RI group homes
Youth suicide tries show troubled RI group homes - SFGate:
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Rhode Island's child advocate says several suicide attempts by youths at state group homes show that budget cuts, high turnover among staffers, lack of training and other problems are taking their toll.
Read more:
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Rhode Island's child advocate says several suicide attempts by youths at state group homes show that budget cuts, high turnover among staffers, lack of training and other problems are taking their toll.
Read more:
Social work training is where the seeds of scandal are sown
Social work training is where the seeds of scandal are sown | Local Government:
Give me a student undertaking a three year social work degree, consisting of the most unadulterated Marxist rubbish, and I will give you a social worker who puts their warped ideology ahead of the interests of those they are paid to serve.
Give me a student undertaking a three year social work degree, consisting of the most unadulterated Marxist rubbish, and I will give you a social worker who puts their warped ideology ahead of the interests of those they are paid to serve.
Terre Haute Foster Parents Arrested for Neglect
Terre Haute Foster Parents Arrested for Neglect:
Five Terre Haute children spent the holiday weekend in the custody of the Department of Child Services, after their parents were arrested.
Five Terre Haute children spent the holiday weekend in the custody of the Department of Child Services, after their parents were arrested.
MIAMI: Prosecutor: Fla. woman smothered foster child
MIAMI: Prosecutor: Fla. woman smothered foster child - Florida Wires - MiamiHerald.com:
MIAMI -- A South Florida prosecutor says a woman smothered foster child Rilya Wilson a decade ago after months of abuse and elaborately covered up her disappearance until confessing to fellow jail inmates.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/11/26/3113847/openings-set-in-fla-missing-girl.html#storylink=cpy
MIAMI -- A South Florida prosecutor says a woman smothered foster child Rilya Wilson a decade ago after months of abuse and elaborately covered up her disappearance until confessing to fellow jail inmates.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/11/26/3113847/openings-set-in-fla-missing-girl.html#storylink=cpy
DSS, child protective services will be audited in light of safety concerns
DSS, child protective services will be audited in light of safety concerns – The Post and Courier:
Reports of children starved to death, sexually abused for months and dying of treatable illness prompted a local legislator Monday to call for an audit of the state Department of Social Services.
Reports of children starved to death, sexually abused for months and dying of treatable illness prompted a local legislator Monday to call for an audit of the state Department of Social Services.
Murder trial starts in Fla. foster child case
Murder trial starts in Fla. foster child case | Nation & World | The Seattle Times:
The foster parent of 4-year-old Rilya Wilson abused the girl for months before finally smothering her, and then lied to child welfare workers who failed to discover the girl had been missing for more than a year, a prosecutor said Monday.
The foster parent of 4-year-old Rilya Wilson abused the girl for months before finally smothering her, and then lied to child welfare workers who failed to discover the girl had been missing for more than a year, a prosecutor said Monday.
Monday, November 26, 2012
CPS Targets Disabled Parents - Baby LK Report For November 25th
You're right LK! They definitely DO Target Disabled Parent's! Pure Fact!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Addiction and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Addiction and the Americans with Disabilities Act
On July 26, 1990, the U.S. Congress enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was intended as
a broad, national, civil rights–oriented mandate “for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with
disabilities,” both physical and mental. ADA protection is extended, in limited form, to those with addiction
disorders. However, many addicted individuals are denied ADA protection because of exclusionary criteria in the
ADA itself and because of increasingly restrictive interpretations of the ADA in recent cases. The benefit to the
addicted persons, and to the larger society, is lost when unfair discriminatory practices preclude employment of
otherwise qualified, though stigmatized, individuals. The ADA currently falls short, in many respects, of preventing
such discrimination against those with addictions.
Persons with a diagnosis of alcohol dependence are protected,
but those with drug dependence are protected only if they are
in treatment or have completed a treatment program, and are
not “currently” using illegal drugs
Note: So according to ADA guidelines, doesn't that make it ILLEGAL to steal a child from a recovering addict? An addict forced out of treatment by the Court?
Read More:
Disabled parents face bias, loss of kids
Report: Disabled parents face bias, loss of kids | masslive.com:
Millions of Americans with disabilities have gained innumerable rights and opportunities since Congress passed landmark legislation on their behalf in 1990. And yet advocates say barriers and bias still abound when it comes to one basic human right: To be a parent.
Such cases are found nationwide, according to a new report by the National Council on Disability, an independent federal agency. The 445-page document is viewed by the disability-rights community as by far the most comprehensive ever on the topic — simultaneously an encyclopedic accounting of the status quo and an emotional plea for change.
Click on Link for Full report:
Read More:
Millions of Americans with disabilities have gained innumerable rights and opportunities since Congress passed landmark legislation on their behalf in 1990. And yet advocates say barriers and bias still abound when it comes to one basic human right: To be a parent.
Such cases are found nationwide, according to a new report by the National Council on Disability, an independent federal agency. The 445-page document is viewed by the disability-rights community as by far the most comprehensive ever on the topic — simultaneously an encyclopedic accounting of the status quo and an emotional plea for change.
Click on Link for Full report:
Rocking the Cradle: Ensuring the Rights of Parents with Disabilities and Their Children
Read More:
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Adoption Bonus Time Again
Department of Children & Family Services | State of Louisiana:
BATON ROUGE - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has received more than $1.4 million as part of an Adoption Incentive Award funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This marks the fourth consecutive year DCFS has received an award.
BATON ROUGE - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has received more than $1.4 million as part of an Adoption Incentive Award funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This marks the fourth consecutive year DCFS has received an award.
Adoption Incentives Earning History by State: FY 1998−FY 2011
Adoption Incentives Earning History by State: FY 1998−FY 2011
Blood Money Paid to States For Our Stolen Children
Child welfare deaths marked by baby's grandmother
Child welfare deaths marked by baby's grandmother - Yahoo! News Canada:
The grandmother of a baby who died in foster care last year released 350 balloons Friday on what would have been the child's second birthday.
Marilyn Koren's granddaughter Delonna Sullivan was four months old when she died on April 11, 2011, six days after she was removed from her home in central Alberta and placed in foster care.
Social services called 11 times before boy's death
Social services called 11 times before boy's death | Video | wtsp.com:
Social services called 11 times before boy's death
A child was killed riding his bike in the street after Colorado social services and police received 18 combined complaints that the boy was not being properly watched.
The Manufacturing of Public Support For CPS
Legally Kidnapped: The Manufacturing of Public Support For CPS:
Thank you LK for this extremely eye opening view of the REAL CPS/DCYF!
LK: http://legallykidnapped.blogspot.com/2012/11/if-you-scroll-down-you-will-see-that-i.html#ixzz2D9AHDsmN
Thank you LK for this extremely eye opening view of the REAL CPS/DCYF!
If you scroll down, you will see that I just posted these two videos. However, it
would be wise to read this entire post before watching them. For those of you
who have already watched them, oh well.
Now before some System Suck gets their panties in a bunch over all of these
kids,which of course would be the natural reaction for the normal people who sit
watching such videos instead of, oh for example, letting these kids rest in peace.
I gotta warn you...
This is nothing but propaganda aimed at manufacturing public support for CPS to
get more money, more power, more workers, more training, more foster parent
recruitment efforts going to make room for all the new kids they're going to snatch
at a much quicker pace andbla bla bla. It's called social conditioning.
Notice how they're is no mention of the fraud. Notice how there is no mention of the
corrupt workers, judges or service providers who are already making a healthy living
off of the kids who werestolen protected. Then there's no mention whatsoever of what
ultimately happens to the kids who aresnatched away rescued, except on National
Adoption Day when all of the new happy families are created and the system is
glorified thanks to all the success stories.
Instead CPS is being portrayed as incompetent or irresponsible, because they
failed to protect a few kids. Then, as the investigation continues they'll find that the
workers are overwhelmed, overworked, have heavy caseloads, can't keep up with all of
the families that they're juggling, etc. Workers will take a verbal beating for a little while.
A few will get shuffled around and a couple might even get fired, just to make the agency
look like it's doing something about it.
You also gotta remember that the normal people who watch this crap, and who have
yet to experience the pleasures of a social worker crawling up their ass generally
don't understand what really goes on in the system or how these people operate.
They're sold on these gut wrenching news reports about dead kids and taught to
believe that CPS needs to move faster in all cases in order to protect kids. If they
can pull on a heart string, they got you hooked in. A few of them will even be moved
to action. They'll call their state legislators or even attend a small local protest
demanding that CPS do more to protect these kids. The'll hire more CPS Agents.
They'll recruit more foster parents. You'll hear things like "when in doubt take them out"
and "err or the side of protecting children."
In other words, they use your emotion to lock you into the story, then fill your heads
with bullshit.
And thus we have the manufacturing of public support for CPS.
would be wise to read this entire post before watching them. For those of you
who have already watched them, oh well.
Now before some System Suck gets their panties in a bunch over all of these
kids,which of course would be the natural reaction for the normal people who sit
watching such videos instead of, oh for example, letting these kids rest in peace.
I gotta warn you...
This is nothing but propaganda aimed at manufacturing public support for CPS to
get more money, more power, more workers, more training, more foster parent
recruitment efforts going to make room for all the new kids they're going to snatch
at a much quicker pace andbla bla bla. It's called social conditioning.
Notice how they're is no mention of the fraud. Notice how there is no mention of the
corrupt workers, judges or service providers who are already making a healthy living
off of the kids who were
ultimately happens to the kids who are
Adoption Day when all of the new happy families are created and the system is
glorified thanks to all the success stories.
Instead CPS is being portrayed as incompetent or irresponsible, because they
failed to protect a few kids. Then, as the investigation continues they'll find that the
workers are overwhelmed, overworked, have heavy caseloads, can't keep up with all of
the families that they're juggling, etc. Workers will take a verbal beating for a little while.
A few will get shuffled around and a couple might even get fired, just to make the agency
look like it's doing something about it.
yet to experience the pleasures of a social worker crawling up their ass generally
don't understand what really goes on in the system or how these people operate.
They're sold on these gut wrenching news reports about dead kids and taught to
believe that CPS needs to move faster in all cases in order to protect kids. If they
can pull on a heart string, they got you hooked in. A few of them will even be moved
to action. They'll call their state legislators or even attend a small local protest
demanding that CPS do more to protect these kids. The'll hire more CPS Agents.
They'll recruit more foster parents. You'll hear things like "when in doubt take them out"
and "err or the side of protecting children."
In other words, they use your emotion to lock you into the story, then fill your heads
with bullshit.
And thus we have the manufacturing of public support for CPS.
Posted by LK
LK: http://legallykidnapped.blogspot.com/2012/11/if-you-scroll-down-you-will-see-that-i.html#ixzz2D9AHDsmN
Foster dad is jailed for 783 paedo pics
Foster dad is jailed for 783 paedo pics | The Sun |News:
A DISGUSTED dad hit out last night after his daughters’ foster carer was jailed for downloading indecent images of children.
Read more:
A DISGUSTED dad hit out last night after his daughters’ foster carer was jailed for downloading indecent images of children.
Read more:
Child welfare system corrupt
Child welfare system corrupt Daily Republic:
Solano County child welfare services needs to be investigated.
(And so do all the rest, Nationwide!)
Read More:
Solano County child welfare services needs to be investigated.
(And so do all the rest, Nationwide!)
Read More:
Friday, November 23, 2012
Mother sues over alleged foster child rape
Mother sues over alleged foster child rape:
A woman is suing the Queensland government for 'lying' to her about the sexual history of a foster child who allegedly raped her eight-year-old son.
A woman is suing the Queensland government for 'lying' to her about the sexual history of a foster child who allegedly raped her eight-year-old son.
Foster carer raped 11-year-old and tried to rape three-year-old girl
Foster carer raped 11-year-old and tried to rape three-year-old girl | News | Edinburgh | STV:
A foster carer who raped an 11-year-old girl and attempted to rape a three-year-old girl said he was "corrupted by the internet".
A foster carer who raped an 11-year-old girl and attempted to rape a three-year-old girl said he was "corrupted by the internet".
‘Protector’ charged with rape of foster child
‘Protector’ charged with rape of foster child | Newcastle Herald:
A DEPARTMENT of Family and Community Services employee whose job was to protect abused children is accused of repeatedly raping a foster child over a two-year period, Newcastle Local Court heard yesterday.
A DEPARTMENT of Family and Community Services employee whose job was to protect abused children is accused of repeatedly raping a foster child over a two-year period, Newcastle Local Court heard yesterday.
Raped while in the care of the State
Raped while in the care of the State - Crime & Courts | IOL News | IOL.co.za:
Cape Town - The 13-year-old girl who was used as a sex slave - allegedly by her own mother - has been placed back into the care of the same social worker who failed her the first time.
Cape Town - The 13-year-old girl who was used as a sex slave - allegedly by her own mother - has been placed back into the care of the same social worker who failed her the first time.
50-state mission: Documentary on 'corrupt' judiciary, government
50-state mission: Documentary on 'corrupt' judiciary, government | News-JournalOnline.com:
DAYTONA BEACH — William M. Windsor is traveling all over the United States producing a documentary he hopes will give a voice to people victimized by judges and the government.
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DAYTONA BEACH — William M. Windsor is traveling all over the United States producing a documentary he hopes will give a voice to people victimized by judges and the government.
Read More:
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Foster Care Rates by State
Foster Care Rates by State — Children’s Rights:
How close does your state come to Hitting the MARC?
Hitting the MARC: Establishing Foster Care Minimum Adequate Rates for Children revealed that 49 states were falling short of adequate reimbursement rates for foster families at the time of the study — and that states across the nation would need to raise the rates by which they reimburse foster parents by an average of 36 percent to cover the actual costs of supporting a child in foster care.
How close does your state come to Hitting the MARC?
Hitting the MARC: Establishing Foster Care Minimum Adequate Rates for Children revealed that 49 states were falling short of adequate reimbursement rates for foster families at the time of the study — and that states across the nation would need to raise the rates by which they reimburse foster parents by an average of 36 percent to cover the actual costs of supporting a child in foster care.
Read More and find out what your stolen children are worth to the Foster stranger's
State social worker, Prichard employee investigated for child abuse
State social worker, Prichard employee investigated for child abuse » Local News » Journal-Times (Grayson, KY):
Nov. 21, 2012 — The Grayson Police Department is investigating abuse allegations made against a state social worker and an employee at Prichard Elementary School.
Nov. 21, 2012 — The Grayson Police Department is investigating abuse allegations made against a state social worker and an employee at Prichard Elementary School.
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone today except CPS/DCYF unethical child snatcher's, former unethical child snatcher's and unethical Family Court Judges and former unethical Judges and the puppet foster and adoptive stranger's who thrive on the blood money for holding our children hostage.. You know who you are and so does everyone else. I hope you have the worse Thanksgiving ever.
To Austin and Isabella, I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. I know it won't be happy longing for your REAL Family, but be thankful that your REAL family loves you and is fighting for your return. Just know that we love you and pray for you every day. I hope the strangers are treating you well and you are healthy and safe. Maybe next Thanksgiving you'll be home where you belong. Just keep praying.
Love, unhappygrammy
To Austin and Isabella, I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. I know it won't be happy longing for your REAL Family, but be thankful that your REAL family loves you and is fighting for your return. Just know that we love you and pray for you every day. I hope the strangers are treating you well and you are healthy and safe. Maybe next Thanksgiving you'll be home where you belong. Just keep praying.
Love, unhappygrammy
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Native Americans recall era of forced adoptions
BBC News - Native Americans recall era of forced adoptions:
In the decades after World War II hundreds of Native American children in the US were taken from their communities and given to white families through adoption or foster care.
In the decades after World War II hundreds of Native American children in the US were taken from their communities and given to white families through adoption or foster care.
Dive off fiscal cliff could be 'disastrous' for orphans, foster children, say advocates
Dive off fiscal cliff could be 'disastrous' for orphans, foster children, say advocates | Fox News:
As talk of tax increases and deep cuts to government programs dominate Washington, adoption advocates are warning of another crisis should the adoption tax credit be allowed to expire at the end of the year — a potentially “disastrous” outcome for more than 400,000 children in the U.S. foster care system.
Note:If they really wanted these kids, the money wouldn't matter. Dream on!
As talk of tax increases and deep cuts to government programs dominate Washington, adoption advocates are warning of another crisis should the adoption tax credit be allowed to expire at the end of the year — a potentially “disastrous” outcome for more than 400,000 children in the U.S. foster care system.
Note:If they really wanted these kids, the money wouldn't matter. Dream on!
Colorado still failing our kids
Guest Commentary: Colorado still failing our kids - The Denver Post:
The Denver Post and 9News recently ran an eight-day series on Colorado's abused and neglected children who died and were known to the Colorado child welfare system.
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The Denver Post and 9News recently ran an eight-day series on Colorado's abused and neglected children who died and were known to the Colorado child welfare system.
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Willoughby Hills teen charged with murder in foster mother's stabbing (with video)
Willoughby Hills teen charged with murder in foster mother's stabbing (with video) - news-herald.com:
A teenager accused of stabbing her foster mother to death last week was arraigned Monday in Willoughby Municipal Court.
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A teenager accused of stabbing her foster mother to death last week was arraigned Monday in Willoughby Municipal Court.
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CPS worker gets probation for false report
CPS worker gets probation for false report - Houston Chronicle:
GALVESTON – A Galveston judge sentenced a Child Protective Services worker to four years probation for falsely reporting that he had visited endangered children and interviewed their mother and a police officer, the Galveston County District Attorney's office said Tuesday.
GALVESTON – A Galveston judge sentenced a Child Protective Services worker to four years probation for falsely reporting that he had visited endangered children and interviewed their mother and a police officer, the Galveston County District Attorney's office said Tuesday.
Former social worker gets 3 years in prison for drunken-driving fatality
Former social worker gets 3 years in prison for drunken-driving fatality | cleveland.com:
CLEVELAND, Ohio — A former social worker was sentenced Tuesday to three years in prison for striking and killing a motorcyclist while driving under the influence of alcohol and heading the wrong way on Interstate 90 last year.
CLEVELAND, Ohio — A former social worker was sentenced Tuesday to three years in prison for striking and killing a motorcyclist while driving under the influence of alcohol and heading the wrong way on Interstate 90 last year.
Former DHS workers accused of suppression of evidence
Former DHS workers accused of suppression of evidence - Oklahoma City - OKC - KOCO.com:
SHAWNEE, Okla. —
Read more:
SHAWNEE, Okla. —
Two former Department of Human Services workers have been charged in the case of a girl beaten to death by her father.
Read more:
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Lawless America Channel
The Lawless America Channel is composed of videos about CPS/DCYF corruption, government corruption and judicial corruption. The Lawless America Channel is displaying videos shot during Mr. Bill Windsor's road trip across the United States, filming Lawless America…The Movie. The people in these videos are not actors. They are hundred's of nobody's, from every State, screwed over by our own government agencies and corrupt Court's. Nobody's who have been denied their due process right's and Constitutional rights. Denied their illegally stolen children and grandchildren. People with nowhere to turn. With no Justice in sight, finally given a chance to tell their horrific stories of government abuse thanks to Mr. Bill Windsor. The Peoples Hero.
Click Here for Videos:
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Lawyer facing child pornography charges taken into FBI custody at Manchester courthouse
Lawyer facing child pornography charges taken into FBI custody at Manchester courthouse | Concord Monitor:
A Manchester lawyer was taken into custody by FBI agents this morning as she awaited a court hearing on charges of possessing child pornography.
A Manchester lawyer was taken into custody by FBI agents this morning as she awaited a court hearing on charges of possessing child pornography.
Ill. Boy, 9, Charged in Toddler's Beating Death
Ill. Boy, 9, Charged in Toddler's Beating Death - ABC News:
A 9-year-old boy has been charged with first-degree murder in the beating death of a toddler in a St. Louis suburb.
A 9-year-old boy has been charged with first-degree murder in the beating death of a toddler in a St. Louis suburb.
Following Up On The 7 Year Old Foster Boy That Hung Himself & Left An Anti-Prozac Note
Following Up On The 7 Year Old Foster Boy That Hung Himself & Left An Anti-Prozac Note | INVISIBLE CHILDREN:
The excellent short video of news programs coverage about the commonality of proscribing psychotropic medications to very young children (in Florida, over 1000 children 6 or under) clearly articulates the greed & criminality (3 billion dollar fine for Glaxo Smith Kline, Criminal and civil settlements for lying and hiding information) driving the over-medication of children in child protection systems and an overall horrifically negligent approach to children’s mental health in America.
Read More:
The excellent short video of news programs coverage about the commonality of proscribing psychotropic medications to very young children (in Florida, over 1000 children 6 or under) clearly articulates the greed & criminality (3 billion dollar fine for Glaxo Smith Kline, Criminal and civil settlements for lying and hiding information) driving the over-medication of children in child protection systems and an overall horrifically negligent approach to children’s mental health in America.
Read More:
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Celebration honors adoptive families and their advocates NH
Celebration honors adoptive families and their advocates | New Hampshire NEWHAMPSHIRE09:
CONCORD - Adoptive families, state officials and child protection advocates met at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Thursday to mark the state's success in finding a permanent and caring family for 100 children in the past year.
Note: Mary Ann Cooney of NH DHHS states: "It is love that creates a family," but it's DCYF and the Family Court's who tear them apart.
CONCORD - Adoptive families, state officials and child protection advocates met at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Thursday to mark the state's success in finding a permanent and caring family for 100 children in the past year.
Note: Mary Ann Cooney of NH DHHS states: "It is love that creates a family," but it's DCYF and the Family Court's who tear them apart.
Friday, November 16, 2012
18 Year Old Foster Child held in slaying of Cuyahoga County social worker
Woman held in slaying of Cuyahoga County social worker | cleveland.com:
WILLOUGHBY HILLS, Ohio -- An 18-year-old foster child is a suspect in the stabbing death early this morning of a Cuyahoga County social worker who lives in this Lake County community.
WILLOUGHBY HILLS, Ohio -- An 18-year-old foster child is a suspect in the stabbing death early this morning of a Cuyahoga County social worker who lives in this Lake County community.
Adoptive Parents: Don't return your kids like defective TV sets
Adoptive Parents: Don't return your kids like defective TV sets | Good and Bad Parents:
Adoptive parents are returning their children to the adoption agencies. These parents have decided that they don't want their kids anymore. My child didn't come from an agency, so where should I return my child if I decide that I don't want her anymore? Three adoptive families returned or attempted to return their children when they decided that they couldn't or didn't want to care for them anymore.
Adoptive parents are returning their children to the adoption agencies. These parents have decided that they don't want their kids anymore. My child didn't come from an agency, so where should I return my child if I decide that I don't want her anymore? Three adoptive families returned or attempted to return their children when they decided that they couldn't or didn't want to care for them anymore.
Homelife for Adopted kids in Ankeny neglect case filled with turmoil
Homelife for kids in Ankeny neglect case filled with turmoil | The Des Moines Register | desmoinesregister.com:
The house at 3016 S.W. Westwood St. in Ankeny was rife with turmoil in the months leading up to last week’s arrest of two parents for allegedly locking two of their children in the basement, sometimes for days at a time, police reports and calls for service show.
The house at 3016 S.W. Westwood St. in Ankeny was rife with turmoil in the months leading up to last week’s arrest of two parents for allegedly locking two of their children in the basement, sometimes for days at a time, police reports and calls for service show.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Mother of abused Tulsa children wants custody, files for divorce a day after incident
Mother of abused Tulsa children wants custody, files for divorce a day after incident:
TULSA - The mother of three children, who were allegedly neglected by their father in what Tulsa police call one of the worse cases of child abuse they have ever seen, is fighting to get them back.
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TULSA - The mother of three children, who were allegedly neglected by their father in what Tulsa police call one of the worse cases of child abuse they have ever seen, is fighting to get them back.
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Pictures from Gaza that you'll never see in the American News Media which wants to protect you from the truth
Legally Kidnapped: Pictures from Gaza that you'll never see in the American News Media which wants to protect you from the truth:
The truth is not always pleasant.
Click on the Above link:
The truth is not always pleasant.
Click on the Above link:
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Foster care failure?
Foster care failure?:
As a social worker for the Mass. Department of Children and Families, this woman has seen everything. But, still -- there are cases that haunt her. Like the 5-year-old girl she removed from her family and brought to a new foster home.
As a social worker for the Mass. Department of Children and Families, this woman has seen everything. But, still -- there are cases that haunt her. Like the 5-year-old girl she removed from her family and brought to a new foster home.
State, counties differ on when probes of child abuse are needed
State, counties differ on when probes of child abuse are needed - Canon City Daily Record:
State law dictates when child welfare departments are supposed to probe allegations of abuse and neglect, but counties have wide discretion in determining whether a call has enough information to proceed further.
State law dictates when child welfare departments are supposed to probe allegations of abuse and neglect, but counties have wide discretion in determining whether a call has enough information to proceed further.
Study Ties DCYF Care, Anti-Depressants
Study Ties DCYF Care, Anti-Depressants | WPRI.com:
Medication 30% more likely for kids in foster care
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- A health plan says children and adolescents in Rhode Island's child welfare system are three times more likely than those in the general population to use prescription anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and other psychotropic medications.
Medication 30% more likely for kids in foster care
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- A health plan says children and adolescents in Rhode Island's child welfare system are three times more likely than those in the general population to use prescription anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and other psychotropic medications.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Juvenile Court Needs More than Drug Use to Take Child from Mom - Family Law - California Case Law
Juvenile Court Needs More than Drug Use to Take Child from Mom - Family Law - California Case Law:
Eleven-year-old Destiny and her mother came to the attention of the Department of Children and Family Services in September 2011 when someone called the Department and alleged that Destiny was being sexually abused by an unknown perpetrator. The local police and the DCFS concluded after an investigation that the allegation was "unfounded."
Eleven-year-old Destiny and her mother came to the attention of the Department of Children and Family Services in September 2011 when someone called the Department and alleged that Destiny was being sexually abused by an unknown perpetrator. The local police and the DCFS concluded after an investigation that the allegation was "unfounded."
Monday, November 12, 2012
Police investigating foster home abuse case
Police investigating foster home abuse case | kgw.com Portland:
PORTLAND – Police were investigating a possible adult abuse case at a foster care home in Portland Friday afternoon, authorities said.
PORTLAND – Police were investigating a possible adult abuse case at a foster care home in Portland Friday afternoon, authorities said.
Failed to Death: "System was set up to fail"
Failed to Death: "System was set up to fail" - The Denver Post:
Caseworkers broke at least one rule while investigating alleged abuse or neglect in half the cases reviewed. Their jobs are tough, overwhelming and, at times, a matter of life and death.
Read More:
Caseworkers broke at least one rule while investigating alleged abuse or neglect in half the cases reviewed. Their jobs are tough, overwhelming and, at times, a matter of life and death.
Read More:
DCS chief under fire
DCS chief under fire | The Tennessean | tennessean.com:
Saying the Department of Children’s Servicesis failing to meet its responsibilities to Tennessee’s children, state Rep. Sherry Jones is calling on the governor to remove its chief executive, Kate O’Day.
Saying the Department of Children’s Servicesis failing to meet its responsibilities to Tennessee’s children, state Rep. Sherry Jones is calling on the governor to remove its chief executive, Kate O’Day.
10 Things To Remember If A Social Worker Comes To Your Home
10 Things To Remember If A Social Worker Comes To Your Home | It's Almost Tuesday:
1. Ask for the social workers business card. Have your attorney contact the worker on your behalf if the situation is hostile.
2. Find out the allegations before allowing the social worker access to your home or child.
3. Do not waive your rights to be protected from illegal search and seizures by allowing anyone in your home without a court order or warrant.
These rights are guaranteed under the 4th amendment of the US CONSTITUTION.
4. Insist on being present when your child is interviewed by the social worker.
These rights are guaranteed under the 4th amendment of the US CONSTITUTION.
4. Insist on being present when your child is interviewed by the social worker.
5. Tell the social worker you will call them after consulting an attorney. Then call an attorney.
6. Ignore intimidations. Social workers are trained bluffers.
7. Offer supportive evidence-
~A dr.’s statement after exam of child.
~References from individuals vouching for your good parenting.~Photos or home videos exhibiting happy healthy children.
~A dr.’s statement after exam of child.
~References from individuals vouching for your good parenting.~Photos or home videos exhibiting happy healthy children.
8. Bring a tape recorder or credible witnesses to all meetings. Limit discussions to allegations and try not to tell past family events beyond what they already know.
What you say can and will be used against you.
9. Avoid potential situations likely to lead to cps investigations-
do not
~spank in public
~do not leave children home alone
~do not spank other people’s children.
do not
~spank in public
~do not leave children home alone
~do not spank other people’s children.
10. Pray and elicit prayers and support of local church members.
“The Government’s interest in the welfare of children embraces not only protecting children from physical abuse but protecting childrens’ interest in the privacy and dignity of their homes and in the lawfully exercised authority of their parents.” Calabretta v. Floyd 189 F.3d (9th cir 1999)
“The Government’s interest in the welfare of children embraces not only protecting children from physical abuse but protecting childrens’ interest in the privacy and dignity of their homes and in the lawfully exercised authority of their parents.” Calabretta v. Floyd 189 F.3d (9th cir 1999)
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Chicago mother first to adopt her own children under new law
Chicago mother first to adopt her own children under new law – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs:
A Chicago woman has become the first person to adopt her own children under a recent Illinois law that she inspired.
A Chicago woman has become the first person to adopt her own children under a recent Illinois law that she inspired.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Family Values vs. Valuing Families
Jennifer Chrisler: Family Values vs. Valuing Families:
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Now, with the election behind us, it is time for us to stop focusing on the political rhetoric of family values and work towards laws and policies that truly value families -- especially those created through adoption.
"Now, with the election behind us, it is time for us to stop focusing on the political rhetoric of family values and work towards laws and policies that truly value families -- especially those created through adoption."
This is the problem. Politicians should be working toward laws and policies that truly value BIOLOGICAL families. Family preservation, Not those created through adoption. More emphasis needs to be on keeping families together. Not tearing them apart!
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Now, with the election behind us, it is time for us to stop focusing on the political rhetoric of family values and work towards laws and policies that truly value families -- especially those created through adoption.
"Now, with the election behind us, it is time for us to stop focusing on the political rhetoric of family values and work towards laws and policies that truly value families -- especially those created through adoption."
This is the problem. Politicians should be working toward laws and policies that truly value BIOLOGICAL families. Family preservation, Not those created through adoption. More emphasis needs to be on keeping families together. Not tearing them apart!
Family court helps families get on their feet
SoMdNews.com: Family court helps families get on their feet:
Recovery, not incarceration, is desired outcome
Although problems like drug addiction and having a child taken away by the state might seem insurmountable, Charles County families now have a solution that allows them to better themselves and rebuild a solid family unit.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Texas official over CPS quits after Abilene investigation
Texas official over CPS quits after Abilene investigation - Houston Chronicle:
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services commissioner Howard Baldwin resigned Thursday just weeks after Abilene detectives seized files from local Child Protective Services workers as part of a criminal investigation into possible evidence tampering and cover-ups in the death of a 22-month-old toddler.
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services commissioner Howard Baldwin resigned Thursday just weeks after Abilene detectives seized files from local Child Protective Services workers as part of a criminal investigation into possible evidence tampering and cover-ups in the death of a 22-month-old toddler.
Exclusive: 17-Year-Old Foster Care Girl Speaks About Affair With DCF Worker
Exclusive: 17-Year-Old Foster Care Girl Speaks About Affair With DCF Worker « CBS Miami:
MIAMI (CBS4) – An audio taped police interview with the 17 year old foster girl at the center of sex scandal involving a fired DCF investigator reveals he offered to pay her $1000 dollars to keep her mouth shut about their affair.
MIAMI (CBS4) – An audio taped police interview with the 17 year old foster girl at the center of sex scandal involving a fired DCF investigator reveals he offered to pay her $1000 dollars to keep her mouth shut about their affair.
Life After TPR New laws give some families a second chance.
Rise Magazine - By and For Parents in the Child Welfare System:
Under federal law, parents typically have only 15 months to prove that they can safely reunify with their children. For parents struggling with addiction, that’s a short time to break the cycle of relapse and recovery. Yet research shows that children in foster care do better when they have parents or other biological family members in their lives. Here, LaShanda Taylor, associate professor of law at the University of the District of Columbia’s David A. Clarke School of Law, describes how some states are making it easier for parents and children to stay connected despite termination of parental rights (TPR).
Read More:
Under federal law, parents typically have only 15 months to prove that they can safely reunify with their children. For parents struggling with addiction, that’s a short time to break the cycle of relapse and recovery. Yet research shows that children in foster care do better when they have parents or other biological family members in their lives. Here, LaShanda Taylor, associate professor of law at the University of the District of Columbia’s David A. Clarke School of Law, describes how some states are making it easier for parents and children to stay connected despite termination of parental rights (TPR).
Read More:
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Man indicted in child's death on Indian reservation
Man indicted in child's death on Indian reservation | Michigan news | Detroit Free Press | freep.com:
MT. PLEASANT — A grand jury indicted a central Michigan man Wednesday in the death of a 4-year-old boy, more than four months after the child's badly burned remains were discovered outside the victim's house.
MT. PLEASANT — A grand jury indicted a central Michigan man Wednesday in the death of a 4-year-old boy, more than four months after the child's badly burned remains were discovered outside the victim's house.
Ask the GAL: Law strictly governs psychotropic medications for foster children
Ask the GAL: Law strictly governs psychotropic medications for foster children | Ask the GAL | Bradenton Herald:
Q: How many abused, abandoned, or neglected children in dependency are taking psychotropic medications?
Since when?
Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2012/11/08/4270109/ask-the-gal-law-strictly-governs.html#storylink=cpy
Q: How many abused, abandoned, or neglected children in dependency are taking psychotropic medications?
Since when?
Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2012/11/08/4270109/ask-the-gal-law-strictly-governs.html#storylink=cpy
Texas Supreme Court Reinstates Family Law Judge Who Was Caught on Camera Beating His Disabled Daughter
Texas Supreme Court Reinstates Family Law Judge Who Was Caught on Camera Beating His Disabled Daughter:
The South Texas family law judge who garnered Internet infamy last year after a YouTube video emerged showing him severely beating his then-teenage daughter has been reinstated by the state's Supreme Court effective immediately.
How's that for Justice? Or should I say Injustice?
The South Texas family law judge who garnered Internet infamy last year after a YouTube video emerged showing him severely beating his then-teenage daughter has been reinstated by the state's Supreme Court effective immediately.
How's that for Justice? Or should I say Injustice?
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