Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Comments by Adopters on the"Abolish Adoption" Petition

Comments by Adopters on the"Abolish Adoption" Petition
• "We adopted a three year old girl, who turned out to have severe Reactive Attachment Disorder. The system was unprepared to support her or us, only to move one more child from place A to place B and justify their existence." --Jo Cunningham, Lower Lake, California

• "My husband and I have recently adopted an infant through open adoption.... I feel that the government should not interfere with the birth parents unless it is a proven case of abuse/neglect" --Gina Mason, Raleigh, North Carolina

• "I am the adoptive mom and have a first hand view of the damage adoption can do to a person I love so dearly. My daughter has a right to know her birth family and her birth mother refuses and denies this is all true. How could she do this to my lovely adopted daughter. Also the law sucks concerning sealed records. Both of should be able to look at these records. After all I am the one who so foolishly gave up my rights before the adoption. and should have a right to change my mind. --Jeanne Johnson


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