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Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Today is the Eight Year Anniversary of the ILLEGAL Kidnapping of My Granddaughter Isabella by The State of NH

This is a  picture of me holding Isabella on October 3rd, 2005 at Southern NH Medical Center right before she was ILLEGALLY stolen by NH DCYF Assessment worker Melissa Deane. What a great Birthday present, NOT! A Birthday I'll never forget. And a day NH DCYF will never forget either! I'll make sure of it!

It's been eight years today that my precious granddaughter Isabella was forcefully STOLEN by NH DCYF Assessment worker Melissa Deane, without ANY investigation. My daughter, FALSELY reported by Southern NH Medical Center Social Worker Kathy Lizotte for Morphine in Isabella. Morphine given to her Mother by IV for 19 hr's, due to Isabella being Placenta-Previa. Anyone with half a brain knows Morphine in labor spill's into the unborn baby. That is anyone but NH DCYF, Kathy Lizotte, or the NH Family Court Judges!
Even though my daughter's Petition for Redress through the NH Legislature was FOUNDED, which proved Isabella was stolen ILLEGALLY and adopted out to stranger's, ILLEGALLY, she still hasn't been returned to her REAL Family!
Eight long, hard, painful year's, fighting for her return. Everything missed. Her first word. Her first step. Her first birthday and every birthday thereafter. Her first Christmas and every Christmas since and on and on.
We love you Isabella and will never forget you. We will also never forget the day you were stolen from your REAL Family. Yes, eight years ago today when Melissa Deane stole you and transported you to the greedy Foster stranger's the State of NH let adopt you. Yes, the stranger's whose first question was,"When will we be financially supplemented?" What does that tell you? Does money mean more than your precious life? Not to your REAL Family it doesn't!

Isabella, we Love and Miss You and Always Will. You Will Come Home and You Will Know the Truth about your ILLEGAL Kidnapping!

1 comment:

  1. I was reading about your story...wondering if it had been resolved...I guess not....so sorry....
