Another Christmas Eve is here,
Austin and Bella still aren't home,
Both illegally adopted,
Their Father's never told,
By the State who only cared about,
Making sure that they were sold,
Incentive money means more to them,
Unlike in day's of old,
Where families were kept together,
And the State wasn't so cold,
To rip a child away from,
The family that they love,
All for the mighty dollar,
God help us from above.
Ally is still kept from us,
From a Father who just doesn't care,
Anything about Court orders,
He knows he has nothing to fear,
From a State that doesn't enforce,
Court orders they hold so dear.
It's been 10 long years of pain,
Worrying about all three,
Knowing how much we love them,
And hope they still feel the same.
We hope they haven't forgotten us,
Or the special times we shared,
Christmas just isn't the same without them,
If only the State really cared.
We still hang their Christmas stocking's,
Though it's been ten long painful years,
Hoping one day they'll be home,
To their REAL family they held so dear.
So here's to another Christmas Eve,
Just waiting for their return,
Austin, Bella and Ally,
In time the truth you'll learn,
Of the family who never abandoned you,
And fought with all our might,
And prayed to have you home with us,
On this very special night.
God Bless you Austin, Bella and Ally.
We will never stop loving you and praying for your return.
Love always, your REAL Family.
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