Sunday, December 6, 2009

What's a Mother to Do?

Dear Mrs. Knightly,

I am sending you this heart wrenching letter from a mom I met, while doing research on cases like yours for the Redress of Grievance Caucus with the New Hampshire Legislators. I believe you and other readers will understand the turmoil involved as almost every item listed mirrors only some of the concerns in my own case, your case and numerous others that I have come in contact with.

Thank you inadvance for possibly posting this on your blog and other sites that you are in contact with, I believe this mother wrote out what we all are trying to express.

Denise M.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Julie Baxter"
To:, "AQ FBI" ,,,,,,,,, "michael delaney" ,,,, "spalmer peanuts" , "Stan kelly" ,
Sent: Saturday, December 5, 2009 4:34:33 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: What's a mother to do?

To whom it may concern, December 5, 09
Some of you may know me, may have known me in the past, just met me recently or just now meeting me for the first time. I have tried to keep my friends and family out of the terminus amounts of stress that I have been under for the past year and 1/2. Normally, I would not go around publishing or airing my dirty laundry. At this point I have to look beyond what other people think or feel about me and focus on my children. Just because everyone wants to paint the perfect picture of their family does not always mean that’s what’s going on behind the scenes. I have always been a very optimistic person and saw the glass half full when possible. I have learned over the years that sometimes the only person that you can trust is GOD. Perhaps if you had to go through what I have been through you would feel the same way. I am sending this out as a last ditch effort of desperation in the hopes of justice, but truly in the end GOD will judge us all. Perhaps after you have read what has been happening to me you may not have any advice, help or know what to do. In any case just keep me and my children in your prayers and try to focus on the positive. Life gave me lemon’s and I am making lemon aid.
Your friend,
Enclosed is a list of e-mails of people in NH government as well as federal if anyone wants to send them an e-mail. Also feel free to send this on to as many people as you want, perhaps they may have an answer or a solution.
Just cut and paste in the send box to the following addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The State of New Hampshire
Docket No 09-E-0264

NOW COMES the respondent Julie Independence T. Baxter, pro se and respectfully questions justice in the state of New Hampshire.
1. In an attempt to seek justice I am sending this correspondence out nationwide for a complete investigation into court proceeding.
2. I am also sending this out to friends and family so they can understand what I have been going through, in hope that they would not be afraid of the petitioner and come to court on my behalf.
WHEREFOR, The respondent sincerely hopes this Honorable Court reviews each question throughally and takes immediate action.

December 3, 09 Respectfully submitted,
Julie Independence T. Baxter

I hereby certify that a copy of the above objection has been mailed this day, to David C. Baxter Jr. through Ms. Martin at her legal firm.
December 3, 09 _______________________
Julie Independence T. Baxter
I am a person who really tries not to focus on the bad things going on around and tries to be positive and up lifting. I wanted you to be aware of the concerns/issues I have had to deal with in the past year and 1/2. I have written these questions in the 3rd person in an attempt to allow you to place yourself in my shoes. December 2, 09 --- ------------------------------------------------- ->What is a mother to do? What is a mother to do when she is not allowed to send a letter, a fax, or e-mail the judge in regards to her inability to appear in court?
What a mother to do when she tries to call in for the day of court and is then informed that she needed to fill out appropriate forms, in which the clerk neglected to tell her the day before and now it is too late?
What is a mother to do when corruption infiltrates the justice system?
What is a mother to do when persons involved with the justice system are being bought off?
What is a mother to do when the state is out of resources?
What is a mother to when there are no pro bono attorney available due to economic conditions?
What is a mother to do when no reduced rate lawyer will take your case because it is a legal lawsuit, too contentious or they will take your money and lose your case?
What is a mother to do when she is told an estimate from a couple of different attorneys that her case would cost over $100,000?
What is a mother to do when she does not have the resources or the knowledge to fight for her children, her reputation and position?
What is a mother to do when neighbors do not want to get involved because they may have to live in the same neighborhood, the other party has done favors for them in the past and they don’t want to be in the middle and choose sides, even if it is in the children’s best interest?
What is a mother to do when everywhere you turn for help state officials are busy passing the buck?
What is a mother to do when there's a three-month wait list to see her children?
What is a mother to do when she's not allowed to talk to her children?
What is a mother to do when she does not know of her kids are happy or sad?
What is a mother to do when she cannot even send a birthday present to her child for their birthday?
What is a mother to do when your children are afraid to talk to on the phone because of intimidation and reprisal from the other party involved?
What is a mother to do when your children run to the phone and says hi mom, bye mom and hangs up on you before you get a word in edge wise, just about every time you call?
What is a mother to do when she learns that her mother in law was giving the children cookies as soon as they got off the phone with their mother, it is no wonder the children did not want to talk on the phone very long or even at all?
What is the mother to do when her mother-in-law is required to be a third party supervisor over her own children?
What is a mother to do when her mother-in-law talks disparagingly towards her in front of the children?
What is a mother to do when she is ordered by the GAL to be intentionally critiqued regarding her parenting skills by her mother in law who is a bias party?
What is a mother to do when she sees her children in harm’s way but is not allowed to protect them?
What is a mother to do when she sees her children riding in the front seat of a car with an airbag?
What is a mother to do when she sees her child in the care of her mother-in-law almost get hit by a car?
What is a mother to do when you cannot go on public property to watch your child play a sport, do function or activity?
What is a mother to do when she knows her husband took a three-year-old to an adult Halloween party?
What is a mother to do when she sees her children being unsupervised while her husband has massive drinking parties around a bonfire after the children were put in his custody?
What is a mother to do when friends and neighbors report that her mother-in-law and is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol to Wal-Mart to purchase a shopping cart full of beer?
What is a mother to do when in trying to protect her children and their welfare when there are step made to look as if she's mentally unstable because she does not have a lawyer to defend herself?
What is a mother to do when the court feels it is appropriate and in the best interest of the children that they should be a separated from their mother for a year and a half?
What is a mother to do when she has no vehicle and no place to live?
What is a mother to do if her only means of transportation are her feet and she goes for a walk is said to be stalking, intimidating and unstable?
What is the mother to do when her husband goes out and buys an unknown, unreliable vehicle and tries to pass off this unknown car as a vehicle that we owned and purchased together?
What is a mother to do when her husband has two business vehicles, two reliable vehicles, an unknown vehicle, a fix up hobby truck and two motorcycles, yet I had nothing and he did not want to share?
What is a mother to do when her husband's lawyer lies the judge saying there are no liquid assets when in fact my husband could have sold his motorcycle or fix up hobby truck?
What is a mother to do when her husband only wanted to temporarily give her gift cards to Shaw's as being means of financial support?
What is a mother to do when her husband offers to pay for her landlord rent directly for one month plus deposit as long as she removes her divorce from Idaho?
What is a mother to do when she finally reluctantly removes the divorce from Idaho and still receives no monetary support until the court orders it?
What is a mother to do when she is continually depicted as Ms. Baxter when she has always been known as Mrs. Baxter?
What is a mother to do when she is continually depicted to the court as a young, uneducated, and unstable lunatic?
What is a mother to do when she was previously nominated as mom of the month and now is not allowed to interact with her children?
What is a mother to do when she's been married for 16 years to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? to Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
What is a mother to do when society puts more faith in money than they do God?
What is a mother to do when her faith in God is twisted around to make her look as if she's unstable?
What is a mother to do when she gets a job only to have the other party underhandedly get it placed on hold until a court/doctor can determine what is going on with her and she can fight the charges?
What is a mother to do when the GAL tries to gain access to her department of motor vehicle records in attempts to get her license revoked so the mother will be trapped in the state of New Hampshire?
What is a mother to do when she contacts HIPPA to get an investigation the regarding the medical records violation they begin an investigation but respond with an exact quote from the GAL?
What is a mother to do when she knows the Guardian is biased yet she cannot report it to the court because everyone knows how much the court love their guardians and if she did report the Guardian she would again look as if she was unstable or unreasonable?
What is a mother to do when she is met countless men and women who have had nightmare experiences with this particular GAL and characterized him as a man who cares more about money, status, prestige and power?
What is a mother to do when the GAL has written books on child alienation, yet he seems to promote this kind of behavior, is this so he can yet again write another book?
What is a mother to do when the GAL makes her sign papers saying that he is not a doctor, lawyer, mediator or child advocate that his only job is to report things to the court, yet on various occasions she has found him asking questions like a doctor and going beyond his role? May be the GAL wanted to give the perception like he was helping the situation, when in reality he was making the situation worse. When she calls the GAL on the situation to see if he can rectify the situation that he created in some cases, so that the court would not need to be needlessly burdened, he twist everything around like she don’t know what she is talking about and continues to reiterate himself redundantly to intimidate and make her feel inferior to him and his position. Perhaps because she has been in a hospital on 2 occasions he feels that he has the right to be discriminating towards her.
What is a mother to do when she has a Christian lawyer friend review all of the GAL's correspondence between them and is appalled with his use of harsh words and false characterization of her?
What is a mother to do when the GAL makes faults characterizations of her when she has had help writing some of her correspondence out of desperation?
What is a mother to do when her personal e-mail account is being hacked into and important documents deleted by the other party?
What is a mother to do when she is forced to see a doctor that is obviously set up by the other party involved?
What is a mother to do when they GAL's associate has access to medical documents that she did not sign a release for him to view?
What is a mother to do when the GAL’s associate receives hand selected documentation from the GAL in order for him to perform his evaluation?
What is a mother to do when the GAL's associate conferences with the GAL before making his recommendation?
What a mother to do when the GAL's associate opens up professional medical manuals and plagiarizes to suit his needs?
What is a mother to do when the GAL's associate deliberately convoluted the evaluation to suit his needs?
What is a mother to do when her only resources are to tape record her conversations for personal use just the cover her butt?
What is a mother to do when the GAL says it is out of his “capacity” to call and interview all of her witnesses?
What is a mother to do when friends as well as family have spoken to someone in the GAL's office and have concluded that the GAL has are ready determined that the children should solely be with their father by the GAL's lack of interest and concern?
What is a mother to do when suddenly she is forced to take an evaluation but now the Guardian or court does not think it's is necessary for her husband to take the same evaluation?
What is a mother to do when her personal business is taken out of her name & placed into her husband’s name without her knowledge or consent?
What is a mother to do when by federal law she was entitled to half of the tax return but instead ends up paying out money for taxes for a business that her husband took over due to a court order and he receives the entire tax return for himself?
What is a mother to do when the tax return her husband filed and filled out is not accurate and she had no other choice but to file and pay taxes on a business that she knows that some of the numbers written were not correct, but cannot prove it without access to the business records?
What is a mother to do when she tries for three weeks to make arrangements for the children to get their possessions and is then made to appear as if she is doing something illegal, when she is trying to do what is in the children’s best interest?
What is a mother to do when her spouses has family that had loaned him substantial amounts of money to fight his case that she has no resources?
What is a mother to do when her husband refuses to return her jewelry and makes every attempt to the court to say that it was lost, stolen, or perhaps because she has been in the hospital 2 times she misplaced it because she is crazy?
What is a mother to do when she only obtains her personal clothing, toiletries, towels, sheets, bedding, some dishes, canning jars, a TV, VCR, her craft items, a few items off her dresser, and some of the less valuable things from the hutch, mean while there is 4 times that amount still in the house that her husband does not feel like he needs to share equally?
What is a mother to do when she has requested her personal documents when she first started to look for employment a year & ½ ago and has still yet to receive them? Documents like her college transcripts, degrees, diploma’s, birth certificate, pass port, (medical records that my husband exploited to the DMV as well as to the neighbors) just to name a few.
What is a mother to do when persons involved with legal system lie and twist things to their advantage?
What is a mother to do when the court appointed GAL verbally misrepresents her in court and in legal documentation?
What is a mother to do when she has a doctor reporting to the GAL that there is no reason why she cannot parent yet the GAL disregards a medical doctor?
What is a mother to do when she is finally diagnosed with Lyme disease?
What is a mother to do when doctors can't agree and the topic of Lyme disease is so controversial that doctors could lose their medical license if they stand up in court on her behalf?
What is a mother to do when doctors don't believe in miracles and medically cannot even acknowledge that miracles exist?
What is a mother to do it she has been completely healed and completely off all medication since May?
What is a mother to do when doctors do not understand the peace of God?
What is a mother to do when she notifies her counselor of errors in her initial report yet the counselor does not correct the errors only notes that her client found discrepancies? Then the GAL’s associate somehow gained access to the erroneous report to use as justification in his report. The GAL’s associate not having known that the mother informed the counselor of those mistakes that the GAL’s associate is now basing his report upon?
What is a mother to do when her initial hospital records of admittance state she did not admit herself in the hospital, when in fact she did and after great lengths she receives a letter from her doctor who was one of the initial doctors at the hospital clarifying that she did in fact admit herself in the hospital? Even though she has this letter in her possession and informed the GAL’s associate of this letter and the confusion behind the hospital admittance, the GAL’s associate chooses to view only the hospital records that she did not sign a release to him to look upon. Then in his report he did not even acknowledge the letter and twisted everything around to seem as if she was confused about her admittance.
What is a mother to do when she sees multiple mothers sustaining the same abuse from the justice system?
What is a mother to do when her husband's attorney lies and wastes the mother’s limited resources?
What is a mother to do when her children's counselor is not looking out for the children's best interest and welfare?
What is a mother to do when the children's counselor does not return her phone calls?
What is a mother to do when she provides a letter of concerns to the children's counselor and the counselor does not even respond or give any appropriate action or advice to help the children?
What is a mother to do when she's forced to continue to interact with this children’s counselor?
What is a mother to do when the counselor is also counseling not only her children and her husband?
What is a mother to do when her children are not getting one-on-one counseling and perhaps the children are afraid since her husband is in the family counseling session that she is not allowed to attend or gain a copy of the records to make sure the children are getting proper care and treatment?
What is a mother to do when the children's counselor had connections as well as relatives in the children’s neighborhood?
What is a mother to do when the children's counselors husband has gone to prison for some kind of money and property scheme?
What is a mother to do when the children's counselor has been known in newspapers as well as in other towns for various monetary schemes?
What is a mother to do when her children's counselor has been known to be immoral with other adults, leaving her to wonder what kind of example is the counselor setting for minor children?
What is a mother to do when she is forced to go to a court ordered supervised visitation center and the children have been prompted to act inappropriately using poker chips?
What is a mother to do when she's committed no crime and never abused any substance in her life, but is forced to see her children in a “supervised” visitation center?
What is a mother to do when her child tells her there is a special ring when she calls on the phone?
What is a mother to do when her child says he cannot pick up the phone when she calls?
What is a mother to do if she is allowed to talk to her children and the other party intentionally twists around and interprets everything inappropriately?
What is a mother to do when she is continually verbally abused on the phone by her spouse and the court supports this action?
What is a mother to do when corruption runs so deep you can't even trust local Police Department?
What a mother to do when she gives the police her phone number so if they need her they can contact her and she can meet them at the Police Department, yet two days later no one bothers to call her regarding serving the restraining order?
What's a mother to do when her husband files a restraining order as a set up and she is never properly served by the police yet she is ordered by the court to adhere to her restraining order that she could not defend herself against in court because she did not have her husband’s proof or evidence?
What is a mother to do when she knows her apartment is being watched by her husbands sources and tries to escape only to be staked out by the local Police Department at the post office/Dunkin' Donuts the only location she needed to go before leaving town, this officer who had not seen her in well over a year just happens to recognize her as she crossed the street?
What is a mother to do when she is politely interrogated by the police, then escorted out of town by two unmarked cars and five police cars?
What is a mother to do when the police can change their investigation from an APB to a child well check?
What is a mother to do when her children are kidnapped; taken, stolen by her husband after an agreement had been made that the children would stay with their mother during a marital counseling session in Idaho?
What is a mother to do when after a husband executes the abduction, he is then rewarded with temporary custody of the children from the state of NH?
What is a mother to do when women from domestic violence situations are losing custody of their children to the abuser because they do not have the money to fight?
What is a mother to do when complete strangers can take pictures of her children and she is not allowed to have one or take a photo?
What is a mother to do when complete strangers can interact, see and watch her children but she is not allowed to have a relationship with her children?
What is a mother to do when it is always required for her to make the attempt and effort to see the children and maintain a relationship, yet when she does she is portrayed by the other party as obsessive and crazy? Why is it that the other party has not made an attempt to make sure the children maintain a relationship with their mother, is that not in the children’s best interest?
What is a mother to do when she is alone fighting for her children against her husband, his attorney, and the court appointed GAL, his professional, the children's counselor, persons in the police department and who knows whom else? To the average person it would seem as if something was wrong with her to have all these issues and this many people to contend against. At first she wondered why it seemed like she was fighting all the odds, but after months of struggle she finally learned that her husband was working with the mob to pay off court officials most likely everyone involved perhaps even you? It has been all over the Florida news how the mob has been getting involved in local divorce cases all over the US, perhaps NH does not want anyone to know its dirty little secret. So now that the cat is out of the bag, what’s a woman to do???????
Sincerely, Julie Independence T. Baxter
Your most esteemed and honorable Judge, November 5, 09
I most graciously wanted to inform you that I will be unable to attend the November 24, 09 pretrial. Due to circumstances beyond my control I was forced to leave. I pray that the Lord will touch your heart and guide you in performing Gods perfect will. (Proverbs 21:1) The injustice that I have had to endure is beyond measure. As Christians we should know that the further the government separates church from state the more corrupt the legal system becomes, but I have peace knowing that I do not need to seek vengeance. For vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19) Through an intercesorary prayer warrior I learned that the Lord would not allow anyone who judged poorly in my case to ever sleep peacefully again. That there would be no drug ever made to bring peaceful sleep. Peace would only come when justice is served in my case. I take peace in knowing that God is my advocate and I apologize now for any restless night that you have had to endure.
I want you to know that I love my children and it pains me to see them used as careless ponds in an evil game of cat and mouse. I rest assured that God will dwell in my children’s hearts and that they will be grounded in love. (Ephesians 3:17) In the mean time I leave you list of my cherished memories with just me and my children.
1. Reading the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian to the children before bed.
2. Blowing bubbles and singing pop, pop those bubbles while the children took their bath.
3. Volunteering at the YMCA so we could, participate in arts and craft, jamboree, sports mania, swim and music classes together.
4. Taking the boys to Cub Scouts and volunteering so that they could go to summer camp.
5. Taking the children camping to Story Land every year and the memories that we made. Like the year that it rained and we had to smell wet dog.
6. The years driving down to La Salette in Attleboro Massachusetts to see the Christmas lights and of course making a trip to Mallard Point to see the house that is always decked out for the holidays.
7. Years of chauffeuring my precious children to Soccer, Basket Ball and Wresting practice, games and tournaments.
8. Taking the children to a Halloween caravel and seeing the joy on their faces when they won a prize.
9. Every year taking the children to the Pheasant Lane Mall for trick or treating.
10. Going to the Pheasant Lane Mall for Kidgits events, like the bounce house, Easter Egg scavenger hunt and the year that Matthew won a prize in the hunt.
11. Going to Friday night movies at Greeley Park in Nashua and eating pop corn on a blanket.
12. Easter Egg hunts at Wasserman Park as well at the Milford rotary.
13. Going to the drive-in-theater with the kids and one of their friends.
14. Going strawberry, blue berry, raspberry, apple and pumpkin picking at Lull Farms, Brook Dale Farms, Currier Apple Orchard and McQuesten Farm. Each year was a new adventure.
15. A few years of going camping to Santa’s Village. How nervous the Matthew was to go on the humbug the first time.
16. The years of coloring and designing the Easter Eggs together. The years that Nathan and Kayden came and joined the fun.
17. The years of baking the holiday cookies together to give out to the neighbors. Oh how the children loved to sneak in and get a cookie when you were not looking. J
18. Taking the children to the MET, the butterfly place, children museum in Boston, the Aquarium and huge Lego museum in Manchester. And the many other countless fun places we would go on adventures.
19. Taking Melanie to tot drop in at the Milford’s mom’s club while the boys were in school.
20. The summer reading camp/programs at the library.
21. Working on Math Super Star’s with the boys at home. Teaching and watching them learn and grow.
22. Setting the timer for the 5 minute clean up game.
23. Building Lego’s and Connects together.
24. Playing Connect Four and Battleship.
25. Playing baby doll with Melanie.
26. The countless walks around the neighborhood for fund raisers. How the boys loved to race to see who would get to ring the door bell first, eventually they learned to take turns.
27. The boys building forts in the woods. The hours they would spend and the imagination they would use.
28. Matthew learning to ride his bike when he was 3 years old and taking it to preschool to show the kids that he could ride.
29. Joey learning to ride his bike out of determination that he was not going to have his brotherriding a bike before him. He started to ride on the same day as his brother.
30. Matthew skateboarding down to Nathan’s house. He is determined to get as good as Nathan.
31. Joey’s sprit
32. Putting Matthew to bed and giving him as well as black bear a hug and a kissy night night. Not to mention leaving the door open with the light on in the hallway.
33. Laying next to Melanie until she fell asleep then slowly crawling onto the floor to sneak out of the room.
I know this list could go on and on, but I stopped at the number 33 to represent how old I was when my children were taken away. Perhaps his list has no meaning to you, but I just wanted to share a bit of the love I have for my children. For love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. If you read 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 it will go on to say that love is the greatest gift. By me sharing with you my memories, I am giving you the gift of love.
Now all of this may seem like foolishness to you if you are not a Christian or are spiritually deprived. (1Corithians 2:14) I am a Christian; I love the Lord and want a relationship with God. Now for those reasons my husband is convinced something is wrong with me. Because of all the emotional abuse that I sustained for all those years I have learned to trust in the Lord and that God will be my covering. After months of time to consider the ramification of divorce, I have decided that even though God hates divorce, I know in my case he would grant a divorce. But as a Christian, how can I tell my children that I allowed their father to parish. For this reason I would rather stay married, but be legally separated.
In (2 Timothy 1:7) it says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” The only thing that has been medically proven beyond a shadow of doubt was that I had a thyroid condition. A thyroid condition that was complicated by Lyme disease. I have since been treated and healed completely of the Lyme. In treating the Lyme I no longer need to take thyroid medication. I have had my thyroid tested over the past few months to insure that everything is in balance. How much longer does a Christian have to suffer for their belief that Jesus Christ is their personal Lord and Savior? Please seek the wisdom from God before making your ruling. (1 Corinthians 2:7)
Sincerely, Julie Independence T. Baxter

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